Influence of Information Technology On Organizatio

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Foundations of Management, Vol.

9 (2017), ISSN 2080-7279

DOI: 10.1515/fman-2017-0015 191


Mabutho SIBANDA*, Durrel RAMRATHAN**
School of Accounting, Economics & Finance University of KwaZulu-Natal
Westville Campus, Durban South Africa

Abstract: The exponential development of information technology has presented many opportunities
to organizations; however, it has also presented several challenges. A key challenge is how
do organizations effectively use information technology and incorporate it into their strategies to make
full use of its capabilities as an enabler. The fast-changing nature of information technology has result-
ed in little empirical evidence on how it influences organization strategy. The Strategic Alignment
Model was a popular model created to assist organizations to align their information technology
and their business strategy; however, the growth of technology may have made this model irrelevant
in this age. Therefore, organizations need to determine what factors drive this alignment. Using herme-
neutic phenomenology, 12 in-depth interviews were conducted within IBM South Africa to determine
real-life drivers that help create this alignment. The themes derived from the interview texts reveal
that consumers are becoming more empowered; therefore, organizations need to be more flexible
in their business models and strategies. Furthermore, the integration of cross-functional roles in the or-
ganization at the management level allow for improved alignment between information technology
and strategy as better integrated roles bring a combination of these two elements.
Keywords: information technology, strategy, strategic alignment model, business models, digital, mar-
ket disruption, phenomenology.

1 Introduction However, with the ongoing development in infor-

mation technology, these models may soon become
Over the past few decades, information technology irrelevant. This presents an issue for management,
has seen accelerated growth, which has had a signifi- because ensuring that business and information tech-
cant impact on how organizations operate and has nology work in unison is a priority. The key reason
forced them to rethink how they conceptualize their why this is a concern is because information tech-
strategies. Progress for organizations in this “infor- nology has a direct impact on the business model
mation age” is pivoted on the inclusion of infor- of the organization. Some obvious examples of the
mation technology in their overall strategy, a trend impact of information technology on business in-
that has persisted for the past two decades. This trend clude Google, whose dynamic search engine used the
was already evident in the early 1990s, when, growing Internet and need for access to information
for example, in General Electric’s (GE) 1995 annual for the company to create a platform to service its
report, its CEO named information systems as a top customers (Mangematin and Baden-Fuller, 2015).
priority in the company’s strategic focus. Infor-  
mation technology is seen as a critical enabler 2 Strategic alignment
to achieve long-term business goals, and it cannot
simply be bolted onto existing strategies; rather it There are very few studies addressing information
needs to be a driver (Dennis and Walsh, 2015). technology and its strategic implementation within
To address this need, the Strategic Alignment Model the organization (Sahal, 1981; Adner and Levinthal,
was developed to enable organizations to make bet- 2002; Ramrathan and Sibanda, 2015). This lack is
ter use of their information technology assets (Luft- largely due to the accelerated growth of information
man, 2015). technology, which has shifted away from its tradi-
tional orientation of purely providing support to

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192 Mabutho Sibanda, Durrel Ramrathan

a strategic driver. This advancing role that infor- gic Alignment Model assumes this fit as being rele-
mation technology plays within the organization vant for information technology strategy (Cuenca,
needs to be conceptualized and constructed so that et al., 2014). Hence, in terms of the external do-
an organization can align itself to take full advantage mains, the model proposes that the position of the
thereof (Cuenca et al., 2014). The Strategic Align- organization in terms of the information technology
ment Model was developed to conceptualize this marketplace is dictated by three choices. First, tech-
alignment. Strategic alignment is built on two foun- nology scope relates to specific technologies that
dational blocks, strategic fit and functional integra- support or shape strategic initiatives, which is com-
tion (Goepp and Avila, 2015). Strategic fit realizes parable to business scope in the business strategy
the need for any strategy to target both the internal domain (De Haes and Van Grembergen, 2015). Sec-
and external domains (Goepp and Avila, 2015). ond, systematic competencies are those attributes
As seen in Fig. 1, external domains relate to the of information technology strategy that support
business environment in which the organization the creation of improvement of business strategies.
competes, with a focus on decisions, such as make- This attribute is comparable to business competen-
versus-buy decisions, and the strategic attributes that cies, which are the attributes that set an organization
sets the organization apart from its competitors apart from its competitors (Coltman, et al., 2015;
(Chou, et al., 2015), whereas the internal domains De Haes and Van Grember-gen, 2015). Lastly, in-
are focused on the logic of administrative structures, formation technology governance are the drivers
the rationale behind the design or redesign of busi- used to obtain the required competencies. This at-
ness processes, and the development of human re- tribute is comparable with business governance,
sources to attain set competencies (Chou, et al., which involves making decisions in a Web of organ-
2015). Regarding the business strategy domain, the izational relationships (Coltman, et al., 2015; De
fit between external positioning and internal ar- Haes and Van Grembergen, 2015).
rangement is critical for maximum gains. The Strate-

Business Strategy  Information Technology Strategy 
E xt e rna l  

Business  Technology 
Scope  Scope 

Distinctive  Systematic Information 

Competencies  Competencies  Technology 

I n t e rna l  

Processes  Skills  Processes  Skills 

Organizational Infrastructure & Processes  Information Technology Infrastructure & Processes 

Business    I n f o r ma ti on  Technolo gy   

Figure 1. Strategic Alignment Model

(source: Coltman, et al., 2015, p.96) 

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Influence of Information Technology on Organization Strategy 193

Similarly, the internal domains must address the The second is operational integration, which repre-
following elements. First, information systems archi- sents the linkage between organizational infrastruc-
tecture defines the hardware, software, communica- ture and processes and information systems infra-
tion, data architecture, and applications that form the infrastructure and processes (Coltman, et al., 2015;
technical infrastructure (Cuenca, et al., 2014; Colt- Goepp and Avila, 2015). These two types are critical
man, et al., 2015; De Haes and Van Grember-gen, as they portray internal coherence and take ad-
2015). This attribute is comparable to administrative vantage of the increasing benefits of information
structure within business strategy. technology on the organization.
Second, information systems processes define the While the Strategic Alignment Model has been
processes that are vital to the operations of the in- popular, as it was one of very few models developed
formation systems infrastructure (Cuenca, et al., early on to drive the convergence of business and
2014; Coltman, et al., 2015; De Haes and Van information technology, it is not without criticism.
Grembergen, 2015). This attribute is comparable Preston (2014) suggested that there may be a more
to designing business processes to carry out business robust way to define the level of information tech-
strategies. Lastly, information systems skills refer nology alignment required. He recommended that
to hiring, developing, and training to bolster the ca- the focus should be placed on measurable drivers,
pabilities of employees’ and their ability to be pro- such as customer satisfaction or business value, ra-
ductive within the information technology domain ther than on internal performance indicators as they
(Cuenca, et al., 2014; Coltman, et al., 2015; De Haes often lack practicality (Preston, 2014).
and Van Grembergen, 2015). This attribute is com- In addition, there is concern about how well the
parable to the skills required to fulfill the desired model holds up in the face of exponential technology
strategy in the business strategy domain. growth. Top management, who are key in terms
Historically, information technology was seen as just of the different perspectives of the model, may find
the cost of doing business; however, it has emerged it difficult to keep abreast of technological changes,
as a critical enabler of business transformation that which is true for many organizations as they contin-
delivers organization-wide advantages (Ramrathan ue to rely on legacy applications that may be ineffi-
and Sibanda, 2015). Hence, it is of paramount im- cient.
portance that organizations pay close attention Another flaw highlighted by Luftman (2015) was
to both the external and internal components of in- that the framework of the Strategic Alignment Model
formation technology strategy and elevate it from its did not have much empirical backing. In addition,
traditional focus to align with business strategy. while the Strategic Alignment Model dealt with the
Functional integration is the second dimension of the aligning of business and information technology,
Strategic Alignment Model. This dimension models it did not address the “level” of alignment between
how business and information technology integrate the two (Luftman, 2015).
(Coltman, et al., 2015; Goepp and Avila, 2015). The importance of this alignment is highlighted
Fig. 1 illustrates the Strategic Alignment Model with by a Chief Information Officer (CIO) study conduct-
its various interactions. It identifies two types ed by Kappelman, et al. (2014), which placed the
of integration between business and information alignment of information technology as one of their
technology strategies. The first is strategic integra- top three challenges. Therefore, understanding how
tion, which is the linkage between information tech- information technology influences strategy is vital
nology strategy and business strategy, highlighting as it can allow organizations to better align and use
information technology functionality to support technology to drive their strategies.
business strategy (Coltman, et al., 2015; Goepp and
Avila, 2015).

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194 Mabutho Sibanda, Durrel Ramrathan

3 Methodology Kafle, 2013). The use of interviews has been flagged

as the primary means for collecting information un-
Owing to the limited amount of empirical evidence der this methodology for various reasons (Kakkonen,
surrounding information technology and its influ- 2006; Langdridge, 2007; Khan, 2014). First, inter-
ences on organization strategy, an exploratory ap- views are used for exploring and collecting stories
proach would need to be adopted. For this approach, (narratives) of lived experiences, which allows par-
the most powerful method would be to get insight ticipants to share their experiences and stories in
into how the influence of information technology their own words. Second, it allows for the researcher
works in the real world and how it has been experi- to establish a conversational relationship with the
enced by individuals who make the decisions in this participant to better understand the experience,
regard. Therefore, hermeneutic phenomenology was which is achieved through reflection on the topic
selected as the methodology of choice. Hermeneutic with the participant (Ajjawi and Higgs, 2007).
phenomenology incorporates the philosophies un- Furthermore, because this is an exploratory study,
derpinning both phenomenology and hermeneutics semistructured interviews were used as they enable
(Kafle, 2013). Hermeneutics brings the interpretive the understanding of variables and relationships that
element to clarify the meanings in the respondent may not have been explicitly defined because of the
data (Spence, 2016). Similar to phenomenology, lack of empirical backing.
hermeneutic phenomenology is focused on the hu-
man experience within the world as it is lived
4 Interview analysis
in (Spence, 2016). It is tuned to explicate aspects
within experience that an individual may overlook,
In keeping with best practice within hermeneutic
with the aim of cultivating meaning and establishing
phenomenology, the thematic data analysis method
a sense of understanding. This methodology provides
was used within the understanding and guidance
justice to the human experience through anecdotal
of the hermeneutic circle. The hermeneutic circle is
narrative, which results in hybrid texts that can even
the iterative process of understanding and interpreta-
illuminate silences (Laverty, 2003).
tion, which is seen as the movement between the
Hermeneutic phenomenology is largely based on the parts (data) and the whole (developing the conceptu-
interpretation of text, and the approach advocates alization of the phenomenon), each giving meaning
the creation of a rich, deep account of the phenome- to the other (Boell and Cecez-Kecmanovic, 2010).
non through textual descriptions (Cohen, et al., 2000; This process is highlighted in Fig. 2.

Figure 2. The Hermeneutic Circle

(source: Bontekoe, 1996, p.4)

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Influence of Information Technology on Organization Strategy 195

This process enables the researcher to remain cogni- vant within qualitative research (Kvale, 1994;
zant of questions that may arise from studying the Englander, 2012, Palinkas, et al., 2015). Questions
phenomenon and enables the text to “speak.” relating to sample size stem from the misconception
The process of dialogue engaged with the text fosters that a large sample size is required to be able to gen-
a sense of understanding. The process of interpreta- eralize the results to the population. However, gener-
tion allows for the act of convergence of insight with alizability need not solely rely on statistics.
regards to the researcher and text (Bontekoe, 1996). If a qualitative study can achieve generalizability
and representativeness from a small sample, then it
5 Data can adhere to scientific criteria as well as a quantita-
tive approach (Kvale, 1994; Englander, 2012;
IBM South Africa was used as the source for partici- Palinkas, et al., 2015). The phenomenological meth-
pants. A better response rate and access was ensured od recommends a minimum sample of three re-
because the researcher (Durrel Ramrathan) is an spondents, with a maximum of 30 participants to be
employee of IBM, an advantage in the light of the used for this type of study (Trigwell, 2000;
usually poor response rates to surveys from senior Englander, 2012; Stenfors‐Hayes, et al., 2013).
management. In addition, that the researcher is a An additional influence on the sample size for this
colleague also ensures that participants feel more research is related to the fact that upper levels
comfortable and so likely to be more forthcoming of management were targeted. Historically, when
with information, which is key to this type of re- targeting senior members of an organization, the
search. expected response rate is approximately 40% (Khatri
While questions around sample size are persistent and Ng, 2000). Therefore, a sample of 12 was target-
within quantitative research, it is somewhat irrele- ed and distributed as per Table 1.

Table 1. Sample Distribution

Management Level Criteria Sample Size

Minimum 10 years of experience

Executive Level 4
and within executive level role set

Minimum 10 years of experience

Senior Level 6
and within senior management level role set

Minimum 10 years of experience

Middle Level 2
and within middle management level role set

6 Results years as seen in Table 2. The split assisted in cover-

ing the viewpoint of the entire organization.
Interviews were conducted with 12 participants with- The face-to-face interviews were in-depth and lasted
in the guidelines dictated by the research methodolo- between 40 and 70 min. All interviews were audio
gy. These 12 participants were split over various recorded (with permission) and later transcribed
management levels. In addition to the management word for word. The total number of pages of tran-
levels, years of experience was also a factor in selec- scribed interviews came to 94 pages. These tran-
tion, with only employees who had experience levels scribed interviews were used to create the themes
of 10 years and upwards are considered. The years using the hermeneutic phenomenology method via
of experience for the sample ranged from 10 to 25 thematic data analysis within the hermeneutic circle.

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196 Mabutho Sibanda, Durrel Ramrathan

Table 2. Interview Participants

Number Respondent Management Level Years of Experience

1 F Executive 16
2 G Executive 22
3 M Executive 22
4 I Executive 19
5 P Senior 19
6 W Senior 20
7 O Senior 16
8 K Senior 25
9 N Senior 17
10 Q Senior 17
11 H Middle 14
12 L Middle 10

The following themes were developed by analyzing vides organizations with a platform to offer a holistic
the rich transcribed interview texts using the themat- service to consumers, allowing organizations to con-
ic data analysis within the hermeneutic circle. verge across industries. For example, Vodafone
launched a product called “M-Pesa,” which enables
 Theme 1
users to transfer money to others using their phone
Increasingly empowered consumers are encouraging without the need to have a bank account (Vogt,
organizations to move toward more digital and fluid 2015). First National Bank (FNB) in South Africa is
business models. the largest retailer of Apple devices in the country
Consumers are now better informed and have more and has begun offering telecommunications offerings
access to information than ever before. Information to its customers (Vandermerwe, 2014). These exam-
technology has enabled multiple digital platforms, ples highlight how organizations are able to con-
which has given organizations unparalleled reach verge across industries and better service their
to consumers. This access is driven by the surge customers.
in smartphone usage and, in turn, mobile applica- The second opportunity is that organizations are fast
tions and the increasing use of the Internet to com- adopting such digital approaches because of the cost
plete tasks. For example, consumers do not have reduction they bring. If an organization had to ser-
to enter a bank to open an account or make transac- vice its customer base using traditional methods,
tions, as this can all be done from the comfort meaning high physical interaction, it would be very
of their homes or while on the go using their mobile costly. Therefore, by going digital, organizations can
phones. This mobility is in direct contrast to the tra- pass on the work to their customers, so instead
ditional methods in which consumers had to physi- of a banking consultant filling and scanning docu-
cally go into a bank. ments to open a new account, the customer does all
Participants in this study believed that digital plat- this work online and just submits the application.
forms have created an ecosystem that opens up a Such an approach allows an organization to reduce
number of opportunities and challenges for organiza- its costs and become more efficient. Participants
tions. There are two main opportunities created agreed that the major challenge this approach pre-
for organizations. First, information technology pro- sents to established organizations is that it lowers

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Influence of Information Technology on Organization Strategy 197

barriers to entry, which in turn increases competi- with consumers has been conceptualized in Fig. 3,
tion. based on this discussion.
This increased competition is largely due to the ease Fig. 3 illustrates that strategy informs the business
of access to information technology and the digitiza- model, which in turn informs the business process.
tion of supply chains. For example, a company need However, unlike traditional flows, the business pro-
not necessarily hold any inventory, such as eBay, cess is enabled by information technology that cre-
an online store that links customers looking for ates an ecosystem that encompasses the customer.
goods with customers willing to sell. While the flow may look simple, executives noted
Therefore, eBay competes with traditional retailers that these flows need to be harmonized and continu-
that need to store and manage inventory, which re- ally reviewed, because information technology
sults in higher costs. Thus, the movement is toward evolves so rapidly that an organization cannot afford
digital business models in reinventing how organiza- to be rigid and needs to actively update its business
tions interact with their customers and how they model to reflect the technologies that consumers are
transfer value. This interaction of the organization engaging in.

Figure 3. Digital Business Model

“The world is moving towards digital and the world  Theme 2
is moving toward giving people a better customer Market disruption is becoming a fad and organiza-
experience. So, people don’t need to go and sit for an tions need to focus on optimizing their value chain
hour in traffic just to go and experience something... rather than disrupting the market.
What that means is that you get the benefit as a con-
Throughout the interviews, participants continually
sumer of being able to in your space, doing what you
brought up the concept of market disruption.
want to do in terms of researching an item, what
The increased digitization of interactions with con-
it benefits the supplier with, is that you don’t have
sumers has opened markets to innovations that
a 100 people that are wasting that salesman’s time,
would transform and disrupt how that market oper-
so you get the benefits of both sides, there is no
ates. A prime example of this is the launch of Uber,
doubt.” (Respondent F, Paragraph F1.1.20)
which is a paperless mobile taxi hauling application.

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198 Mabutho Sibanda, Durrel Ramrathan

Uber allows consumers to seamlessly order a taxi tions need to better enable the market itself and not
to their exact location within minutes and they do not just its customer base.
need cash on hand to pay, as the service is linked “Disrupt has been used way too much as a word.
to their credit card (Wallsten, 2015). This application I think we have to redefine what disruptive technolo-
completely disrupted the legacy taxi operations in all gy means, because you do not want to disrupt, you
regions in which this application was launched. want to support, you want to enable. Disrupting
Market disruption was viewed by Heikkilä et al. markets and things, the whole of the model that eve-
(2015) as serving the needs of consumers who were ryone has talked about, it only works in very legis-
not previously, or not effectively, served by an in- lated environments. Environments with lots of bar-
cumbent in the market. It is this kind of innovation riers that you can quickly break down using digital…
that participants refer to as market disruption It’s going to be more enabling technologies that take
(Heikkila et al., 2015). However, participants urge whole pieces out of the value chain or pieces out
that this model has become a focus for many organi- of the process” (Respondent W, Paragraph 1.1.26).
zations where they are striving to innovate with
 Theme 3
the goal of disrupting the market. The thought is that
you do not want to disrupt the market, but you want Business and information technology strategy are
to enable the market so that you can benefit from it. two sides of the same coin; this intertwining sees
Google is a prime example of this, because Google information technology become an integral part
created a free community with its search engine, e- of overall strategy, which is signified by the creation
mail, online storage, and various other products. of multiple cross-functional roles.
Therefore, by enabling this community to perform The relationship between strategy and information
a multitude of tasks via a single platform, they were technology was largely discussed with the senior
able to profit from the advertising. While the sugges- management and executive participants. Executives
tion is not that organizations follow this model exact- and senior managers believe that both business strat-
ly, but that this example illuminates how enabling egy and information technology are no longer sepa-
can lead to success. rated and are closely intertwined. This relationship
In addition, market disruption is primarily driven is because the increasing outreach of information
by start-ups who go through destructive phases technology has made business an impossible pro-
of growth and are able to take the risks to innovate. spect without the incorporation of information tech-
Large organizations are not in such an agile position nology.
as they have more to lose and shareholders to report Historically, business strategy and information tech-
to. Furthermore, disruption can only be fueled nology strategy have been separated and siloed
by a user need and not just set as a goal to drive to- in their operations. There have been frameworks
wards. In the Uber example, it was driven by the such as the Strategic Alignment Model that attempt
proliferation of smartphones and the need for con- to lay out how business strategy and information
venience in an industry that was notoriously bad technology strategy communicate and adapt (Goepp
at customer service. and Avila, 2015). However, there is the belief that
Lastly, market disruption is only disruptive in mo- these models may fast be becoming outdated, as the
nopolistic or oligopolistic markets and cannot be organization has already begun the shift to a consoli-
effective in competitive markets. Heikkilä et al. dated strategy focus, which does not view infor-
(2015) caution that organizations that simply strive mation technology as separate.
to maintain their competitive position and technolog- Taking banking institutions as an example, with the
ical standing will end up in a fallacy where they only majority of clients making use of and interacting
serve their current customer base and leave space through online banking and mobile banking applica-
for other competitors to address the rest of the mar- tions, the widespread availability of the technology
ket. This argument supports the notion that organiza- that forms the foundation for these platforms are
paramount to the banks’ strategy. Furthermore, this

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Influence of Information Technology on Organization Strategy 199

shift is also reflected in the shifting and creating new as organizations are now competing on technology
roles within the organization. (Wu and Chiu, 2015).
Executive roles such as the Chief Financial Officer The scope of information technology has broadened
(CFO) and Chief Marketing Officer (CMO) were and is a fundamental conduit through which an or-
historically business focused, but nowadays these ganization executes its strategy and business models.
executives are cross-skilled with a large percentage As a result, it has brought on a digital revolution
having information technology backgrounds. In addi- in how a consumer is interfaced with, because organ-
tion, large buyers of information technology solu- izations are striving toward electronic records
tions are CFOs and CMOs, who are striving for and storage, which results in greater efficiency
efficiency and effectiveness. A recent study conduct- and a cost saving for them. Participants in the sample
ed found that there has been a significant change have argued that the term “information technology”
in the initiation of information technology projects. is going to be rephrased as “digital” as we progress
Traditionally, it was the CIO who handled all the with this movement.
information-technology-related matters and drove This change is proven by how many organizations
projects; however, now CIOs initiate around 32% are beginning to incorporate this term in their strate-
of information technology projects, while other busi- gies more and more and within the organization it-
ness leaders initiate 31% of information technology self. For example, IBM has changed the name of its
projects (Kart and Heudecker, 2015). analytics and strategy department to simply “digital,”
This shift highlights how roles within the organiza- this is in order to reflect the shifting concepts in the
tion need to be built around a sound understanding marketplace.
of how technology works and how it needs to work “I think in the new era those barriers are going to be
in its business. Furthermore, new roles have been broken down or going to have to be broken down.
created within the organization that are a cross be- You need CFO’s who are conversant in technology
tween business and technical. These include roles and you need CIO’s who are conversant in financial
such as the Chief Digital Information Officer matters. Today if a CIO cannot quantify a business
(CDIO), Chief Analytics Officer (CAO), and Chief case or a benefits case or an IT solution, they don’t
Technology Officer (CTO), all of which are a unique qualify to be a CIO. In today’s terms if Chief Mar-
blend of business and information technology to keting Officer doesn’t understand analytics and the
better steer strategic initiatives of the organization. power of data, they should not be in that job. In to-
Horlacher and Hess (2016) found that the creation day’s terms if the CFO cannot understand the impact
of these new roles within the organization are a di- of technology in an organisation – in fact in many
rect result of organizations realizing the value organisations, people who buy enterprise applica-
of information technology as an enterprise asset that tions, are CFO’s. So, what you find is there is an
is crucial to defining strategic initiatives for organi- understanding and the application of technology
zations. In addition, these changes at the executive in organisations has cut across different roles now.”
level act as a signal of convergence to filter down (Respondent G, Paragraph G1.1.16)
through all levels of the organization (Horlacher
and Hess, 2016). 7 Discussion
While information technology has become a critical
driver of strategy, it brings its own challenges. One As consumers become more empowered with infor-
pertinent one is keeping an agile strategy that keeps mation, organizations need to ensure that they are
up with the constant change in the information tech- adequately positioned to service the needs of these
nology space. For example, technology in a competi- consumers. Key to enabling this is to make sure that
tive market results in frequent innovation by they are agile enough to respond to the constantly
competitors, and organizations need to respond changing needs of consumers, as well as how they
and anticipate these moves or they will be left behind are engaged.

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200 Mabutho Sibanda, Durrel Ramrathan

For example, older generations may prefer a more study reveal that organizations need to move to more
personal touch while millennials prefer more social digital processes and business models, primarily
interaction via some online platform. To do this, because these allow the organization to be flexible
organizations need to ensure that information tech- in its strategies and response to market dynamics.
nology is included in their overall strategy and this In addition, it is better to enable markets rather than
needs to be driven from the top. It may require search for ways to disrupt them, as “market disrup-
the introduction of new roles such as the CDIO tion” is just a fad. Last, a key measure that organiza-
and CAO to ensure that the business and information tions can implement to ensure that business and
technology speak the same language. technology align and form two parts of the same coin
Furthermore, this convergence of roles will drive is to create cross-functional roles.
digital business models that are fluid and cost effec- These roles are a mix of business and technology
tive to work with and change. These digital models and require that the people who fill these roles un-
must be able to enhance business processes, such as derstand both and are, therefore, able to link effec-
the banking example discussed earlier, which pushed tively the two strategies created.
the workload to customers by digitally enabling
them. While implementing only digital models may
9 References
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