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Assalamu'alaikum wr. Wb.

Introduce my name is Fivi Nur Azizah from grade 84. First of all, thank you to the teachers who have given
me the opportunity to give a speech here about “the importance of the environment”.

Does anyone here know what the meaning of environment is?

The environment is a combination that includes natural resources such as land, water, solar energy,
minerals, and flora and fauna that grow on land and oceans. However, according to the Indonesian
encyclopedia, the environment is everything that exists outside an organism, what does it include?

1. Dead environment (abiotic), namely the environment outside an organism consisting of non-living natural
objects or factors, such as chemicals, temperature, light, gravity, atmosphere and others.

2. The living environment (biotic) is the environment consisting of living organisms, such as plants, animals
and humans.

Now that was the understanding of the environment, here I will explain the positive impact of a clean
environment and the negative impact of a dirty environment.

There are many positive impacts of a clean environment, but I will give a few examples, namely:

1. The first benefit of a clean environment is to make the environment more pleasant and pleasing to the
eye. If the environment becomes pleasant and also pleasing to the eye, it will have an impact on:

-Good environmental health

-The residents who live become more comfortable.

-Layout of the neighborhood

-Become easier and also less complicated

-The environment becomes more beautiful.

2. The second benefit of a clean environment is to promote good air quality.

The following are some indicators that can be categorized as a clean environment:

-Low and low pollution and smoke

-Heaps of garbage are well-organized, so it doesn't bother you

-Rivers and sewers are clean.

Now imagine if it is not clean This will cause the environment to smell and can cause shortness of
breath, because of air pollution.

3. The benefit of a clean environment is that it can prevent or at least reduce the risk of spreading
various diseases. Once, imagine if the garbage piles up without being cleaned, it will definitely be very
dirty and cause lots of flies. Flies are one of the animal carriers of disease. When you live in an
environment that is not and is also less clean, this will cause an increase in the spread of diseases,
such as fever, diarrhea, dysentery, respiratory diseases, and other diseases.
So that was the positive impact of a clean environment. Now I will mention what are the negative impacts of
a dirty environment?

1. Environmental Balance Disturbed.

If an environment is dirty and polluted, it will cause the environmental balance to be disturbed or

2. The emergence of various kinds of diseases.

In general, bacteria and viruses will emerge from a dirty environment or because humans do not
maintain personal hygiene. Examples here are diarrhea, dengue fever and so on.

3. Unhealthy Air.

An unclean environment such as a lot of garbage heaps will certainly cause unpleasant odors.

4. The occurrence of Soil Pollution.

Dirty environmental conditions will certainly affect soil conditions. Gradually, the level of soil fertility
will decrease.

Now that you know it's not a negative impact from a dirty environment, from that now I will tell you how to
deal with and prevent a dirty environment. What's the way to solve it?

1. Start By Keeping The House Clean.

2. Separate Garbage According to Type.

3. Do Waste Recycling.

4. Don't Throw Garbage Carefully.

5. Do Regular Service.

Let's start now to realize the importance of the environment for our lives, because the environment is a
place to live for us. We will not be able to live without a place to live. So let's be aware to pay more attention
to the environment around us.

That's all I can say, more or less I apologize if there are any wrong words, and for your attention I thank you

Finally, I say Wassalamu'alaikum Warohmatullaahi Wabarokaatuh

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