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Jacques Arsene d’Arsonval: His Life

and Contributions to Electrical

Instrumentation in Physics and
Medicine. Part III: High-Frequency
Experiences and the Beginnings of
By S I M O

I.  “L I V ING T HINGS A R E T RU E EL EC T R IC that people could survive intense

M ACHIN ES”: D’A R SON VA L WOR K S ON HIGH shocks to the head in which electric-
FR EQU ENCIES ity clearly spread to the brain, without
serious ill effects, other than amnesia.
d’Arsonval’s main contribu- In this article, the author This encouraged leading French and
tions were in the electrical
stimulation of muscles and focuses on Jacques Arsene English electricians to try it on melan-
cholic and other mentally challenged
nerves and the application of d’Arsonval’s experiences in patients in their respective cities [4].
high-frequency currents to
medicine, which was the the field of electrical In the 1780s, the Italian physician,
physicist, biologist, and philosopher
most important part of his instrumentation in physics Luigi Aloisio Galvani (1737–1798)
medical work. The interplay
between technical develop- and medicine. discovered the contractions of a mus-
ments and their applications cle when that muscle and the nerve
in medicine was not at all new as clearly evidenced by relevant literature on the of a frog were simultaneously touched
subject [1]. It was by the middle of the 18th century that the therapeutic effects with a bimetallic arch of copper and
of electricity became an intriguing and controversial topic of investigation, and, zinc. His nephew and student, also
as a consequence of a logical effort to understand the nature and properties of the Italian, Giovanni (Joannis) Aldini
the still “mysterious” physical phenomenon, the idea that it might have a wel- (1762–1834), proceeded in 1801 to
come place in medicine was beginning to be given serious consideration. By apply, with limited success, stimu-
recognizing its market potential, a heterogeneous group of people, including lating current from voltaic piles to
natural philosophers, physicians, apothecaries, and instrument makers, began try to cure melancholia with cranial
to work, jointly or separately, on various technological innovations that made ­electricity [5].
administering electrical therapy easier [2]. A few years after his invention of the
A few isolated examples can be mentioned. Soon after the presentation in lead-acid battery in 1859, the French
1746 by the Dutch scientist Petrus van Musschenbroek (1692–1761) of what physicist Gaston Planté (1834–1889)
would become known as the Leyden jar [3], it was applied by different people, suggested galvanocautery, which means
among them the Italian professor of physics and mathematics in Geneva, Jean cauterization by a galvanic current, as
Jallabert (1712–1768), to muscular stimulation and treatment of various condi- its first application [6]. Then, in 1872,
tions associated with loss of movement. Some separate electrical accidents in the the British surgeon Thomas Green
1780s, involving the American polymath Benjamin Franklin (1706–1790) and the applied 300 V, generated by a battery
Dutch physiologist, biologist, and chemist, Jan Ingenhousz (1730–1799), showed of up to 200 cells, to stimulate the
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394  Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 105, No. 2, February 2017
Scanning Our Past

phrenic nerve and resuscitate surgical

patients who were anesthetized with
chloroform, an anesthetic with the
side effect of depressing respiration
and the cardiac pulse [7].
By the time d’Arsonval became
interested in the subject, more than
200 patients had been treated daily
in many hospitals, both in Paris and
the provinces, using static electric-
ity with collective electric baths and
induced currents applied individually. Fig. 1. d'Arsonval's apparatus for recording waveform of alternating currents.
The French community of electro-
therapists (only some of whom were
medical doctors) was well aware of the the principle of his moving-coil gal- during the rotation of the magnet
special nature of this situation com- vanometer. Deflections produced changed their direction with each
pared to other countries such as the by the continuous variation of the half-revolution.
United States, where medical electric- currents sent through the coil sus- The machine was later replaced
ity was rarely taught at universities and pended in a magnetic field were by a modified version of one of the
was still not recognized as a medical automatically transmitted by dia- dynamos designed by the Belgian
specialty. phragm and recorded on a revolving technician Zénobe Théophile
d’Arsonval’s research on electro- cylinder (Fig. 1). As very rapid oscil- Gramme (1826–1901) in order to
physiological activity of muscles and lations impaired the curve’s accuracy obtain currents whose frequency and
nerves led him to explore the effects because of the inertia of the appara- voltage could be changed by varying
of low- and high-frequency currents. tus, d’Arsonval ingeniously replaced the speed of the rotation or by bring-
Since the completion of his experi- it with an optical diagram. A ray of ing the fixed coil more or less close to
ments on this subject with condenser light fell on a small concave mir- the magnet (Fig. 3) [11]. In this way,
discharges in 1878, by which he was ror, attached to a membrane midway d’Arsonval introduced what he called
able to obtain two currents of equal between the center and the circum- “sinusoidal voltaization” into prac-
value but with reverse sense, he was ference. The oscillating spot of light tice, and later, more specifically, in
worried about the lack of uniformity was received on a screen, and if the medicine [12].
in the results of experiments arising whole system was rotated about an By 1888, d’Arsonval began to use
from the irregular action of induction axis to cause a displacement of the sinusoidal currents and other forms
coils and the need for standard meas- spot perpendicular to the oscillation, of electricity being used in electro-
urements. If it was true that, by using the current curve was then depicted therapy to determine the comparative
his devices, muscular contractions on the screen [9]. effects on metabolism, as well as on
could be obtained without the sensory Once d’Arsonval learned that the sensibility and neuromuscular excit-
nerves being affected, and replicable physiological effect of any current was ability. While the metabolic rate
excitations could be obtained for given the same whatever electrical source showed no effect at all on galvanic
charges on the condensers and given was used as long as the waveform currents, only a slight increase for
positions of the secondary coil, it was was the same, and that the contrac- static electricity, and a more marked
also true that the results of one worker tions produced by sinusoidal currents (though insufficient to cause obvi-
could hardly be compared with those were less painful and more voluntary ous muscular contractions) effect for
of another. than those from interrupted faradic or
The first important contribu- galvanic currents, he focused immedi-
tion was a study of the physiological ately on finding the best way to obtain
effects of varying currents. d’Arsonval such currents and avoid factors such
learned that a recording apparatus as variations in the magnetic field,
was required to know how the cur- which prevented the alternating cur-
rent varied from moment to moment, rents from being truly sinusoidal. The
and what the waveform, or the “exci- first device he used to obtain smooth
tation characteristic” as he called sinusoidal currents consisted of a mov-
it, of the current was [8]. To get the able circular magnet revolving in front
duration and intensity of any elec- of and very near a fixed electromag- Fig. 2. Apparatus used by d'Arsonval to
tric wave of low periodicity he used net (Fig. 2). The currents produced obtain sinusoidal currents [10].

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The apparatus employed by Hertz

produced stationary electric waves
with oscillations, each one lasting
about 1/100 000 000 of a second, the
period being determined by the capac-
ity and self-induction of the apparatus.
Such a circuit formed by the combi-
nation of a condenser and a coil had
been known for some time. Several
investigators had already suspected
that the discharge of a Leyden jar
could be oscillatory [17]. Discharges
of a Leyden jar had been studied by
Helmholtz in 1847, its frequency cal-
culated by Thomson six years later, and
its oscillatory character demonstrated
Fig. 3. Gramme dynamo modified by d'Arsonval to produce sinusoidal currents [13]. experimentally by German physicist
Behrend Wilhelm Feddersen (1832–
1918) in 1858 [18]. The increase in the
induced electrical currents, aston- the use of sinusoidal currents in elec- spark length due to an appropriate set
ishing results were obtained for trotherapy was disseminated, first in of circuit dimensions was responsible
sinusoidal currents. At the lowest fre- France, and later elsewhere. for the high-frequency oscillations.
quencies there were no contractions The study of sinusoidal currents d’Arsonval became aware of the
or pain, but increases of about 20% was, however, only the beginning of Hertz’s experiments and, in December
in the oxygen absorption, as well as what would be d’Arsonval’s lead role 1890, he used a modified oscillator
in the production of carbon dioxide in in the field. His suspicions about the of about 1-MHz frequency. However,
the tissues resulting from the increase extension of the effects studied at still the oscillator did not provide enough
in metabolic rates. d’Arsonval also higher frequencies appeared to be well intense currents, forcing him to look
learned that when the entire body founded, but the work that required to for other possibilities. At about the
was submitted to the action of these confirm this was not yet technologi- same time, two men, the English-born
currents, the circulation accelerated cally feasible. American engineer Elihu Thomson
and the urine’s analysis evidenced (1853–1937) and the Serbian-born
increases in the organic exchanges of inventor Nikola Tesla (1856–1943),
the body. With respect to the effect II.  T HE BEGIN N INGS OF were making similar experiments in
of frequency, he determined that at MODER N EL EC T ROT HER- North America. With a primary pur-
about ten cycles, there were indi- A P Y A N D DI AT HER M Y pose of making fundamental studies
vidual muscular contractions, two In 1887 and 1888, the German physi- of high-frequency discharges in order
for every cycle, and then at around cist Heinrich Rudolf Her tz to identify the new characteristics of
25 cycles, the contractions fused and (1857–1894) used an oscillator to those alternating currents, and with-
the muscle contracted all the time, or, carry out the famous experiments out entering directly into the field of
as it was then called, tetanized. The demonstrating the existence of elec- Hertz’s experiments, Thomson was
intensity of this excitation increased tromagnetic waves, first theoretically able to develop some alternating cur-
with the frequency up to a maximum proposed by the Scottish mathemati- rent machinery and patent, in about
of about 5000 Hz, and then decreased cal physicist James Clerk Maxwell 1890, a high-frequency transformer
until it was hardly noticeable at the (1831–1879) almost a quarter of a cen- without an iron core, which provided
highest frequency his machine could tury before [16]. Although his findings frequencies 30 to 40 times greater than
achieve, about 10 kHz [14], [15]. The stimulated a lot of research that led any previous similar machine [19],
Rühmkorff’s coil d’Arsonval was using several years later to the realization of [20].
at that time did not allow him to wireless telegraphy, Hertz’s main After studying in Graz and Prague,
obtain a sufficient frequency of oscil- interest was to broaden the base of and working in Budapest and Paris,
lation to entirely suppress muscular general knowledge by showing how Tesla immigrated to the United States
contraction, because of the time lost the mysterious “ether” transmitted in 1884, where he devised the first
in magnetizing and demagnetizing Maxwell’s waves, and, in this way, alternating current motor and pat-
the core. In December 1890, after the furnished the background of a funda- ented many developments related to
public announcement of his results, mental theory to modern physics. commercial production, distribution,

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did not experience heating after being

connected to a source of high-frequency
currents. Regarding high frequencies,
however, he stated that it should not
be surprising “that progressive physi-
cians expected to find in it a powerful
tool and help in new curative processes”
[22]. Tesla did not venture further into
the field of electrotherapy and he just
improved and patented oscillators and
high-frequency transformers that were
used by manufacturers of electromedi-
cal devices.
d’Arsonval had doubtless heard
Tesla’s lecture in Paris. The provisional
news about some tingling as the only
apparent effect caused by electrical
sparks and tens of thousands of volts
hitting the body in Tesla’s demonstra-
tion, as he previously had suspected,
encouraged him to continue working
on the subject. While Tesla devoted
himself more particularly to the prob-
lems of electric lighting, d’Arsonval’s
Fig. 4. Circuits used for high-frequency currents. (a) and (b) Tesla's circuits for main interest was focused on the phys-
illumination of electric lamps by high-frequency current and for raising its potential [24]. iological effects of the currents. After
(c) Thomson's modification of Tesla's circuit [25]. (d) and (e) d'Arsonval's modification of adopting in 1891, for a short time,
Thomson's circuit and fine wire coil enclosed in an oil-filled glass cylinder for increasing
Thomson’s modification of Tesla’s cir-
the spark's length [26].
cuit [Fig. 4(c)], he realized that it could
become dangerous if the condenser was
and use of electrical energy. To increase Tesla’s amazing experiences on the disrupted and a large low-frequency
the frequency of alternating current, a application of alternating currents of current would be short circuited, seri-
subject in which he became pioneer of high-frequency and high potential to ously damaging both the experimenter
the technology, around 1890, he built methods of artificial lighting were pre- and the transformer. d’Arsonval subse-
high-speed generators capable of cre- sented in New York in May 1891, then quently in 1893 devised an instrument
ating currents of about 15 000 Hz. To nine months later in Europe, first at based on the design of an apparatus
reach even higher frequencies, he then the Institution of Electrical Engineers used by the British physicist Oliver
designed an oscillator transformer that and the Royal Institution in London, Joseph Lodge (1851–1940) for his
bears his name [Fig. 4(a)]. The device and then in Paris at a joint session of experiments on lightning conductors,
consists of a capacitor connected to a the French Physical Society and the which added a further condenser in
spark gap and a coil (the primary). This Society of Electrical Engineers, and the series [23].
primary coil was surrounded by a coax- finally, in February 1893, before the The apparatus was comparatively
ial coil of a very large number of turns Franklin Institute of Philadelphia. All simple [Fig. 4(d)], but achieved a lower
(the secondary). When the capacitor audiences were very impressed with range of frequencies than that of Tesla.
discharged into the primary coil, a the performances shown, and the fol- The internal armatures of two Leyden
damped alternating current of high- lowing day each one was described in jars were connected with the terminals
frequency passed through the primary newspapers and journals with abun- of the secondary circuit of an induc-
and created in the secondary coil an dant detail. tion coil. The external armatures, in
induced current of the same frequency Although not a doctor, Tesla carried turn, were connected to one another
but of very high voltage [Fig. 4(b)] [21]. out experiments in order to observe by means of a solenoid composed of
The spectacular, although still poorly the effects of high-frequency currents about 15–20 turns of a thick copper
understood, effects of these induced on the human body. In an article pub- wire. A metal rod terminating in a ball
currents included the absence of the lished in December 1891, although was attached to each internal arma-
classic physiological effects of low-fre- unable to conclude whether it was ture placed to form a spark gap. Each
quency currents. beneficial, he discussed a person who time a spark crossed the spark gap, a

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Fig. 5. d'Arsonval's apparatus used in the experiments on high frequencies. (a) Dispositive view [27]. (b) Application for demonstrative
uses [28].

current of a very high potential and a Medicine in 1892 was regarded so At d’Arsonval’s suggestion, the
very high frequency of oscillations was skeptically that it was nearly rejected, French instrument maker Georges
set up in the solenoid, and could be col- and he decided to never send the Gaifee (1857–1943) improved the
lected from its two ends. The distance academy another paper. He explained original arrangement by incorporating
between the knobs where the inner the absence of muscle reaction and a transformer with a closed magnetic
coatings of the jars terminated could be sensation, either to the disharmony circuit, which allowed increasing
adjusted to suit the sparking distance of between this vibratory frequency and the potential from 0 to 15  000 V.
the charging electromotive force. the nerve terminals, or because of the This high tension alternating current
Figs. 4(d), 5(a), and 5(b) show fact that such currents could only flow could be used directly to charge the
a typical arrangement he utilized on the surface of a conductor, and not high-frequency condensers. A main dis-
to demonstrate the high-frequency through it. d’Arsonval believed that advantage of the arrangement was the
effects in courses at the College de motor and sensory nerves did not backward flow of the high-frequency
France, societies of electricians, and respond to frequencies of the order waves, which injured the transformer,
to different scientific commissions. In of 30 million per second, while oth- limiting the subsequent possibilities of
one particular case, a set of six lamps ers did it at higher frequencies of heat higher potentials and more satisfactory
(each one 150 V and 0.8 A) were and light. The observed skin flushing results. By solving this inconvenience,
made luminous when a current flew with increased sweating which was the potential of the current supplied by
through a circuit formed by the arms present for up to a half an hour was the alternating current main reached
of two people identified as D and D’, attributed to vasodilation rather than 60 000 V. The improved apparatus was
the circuit being derived from the ends the heating reaction. He further noted suitable not only for high frequencies,
of a solenoid induced by oscillating not only an analgesic effect due to but also for X-ray work, in this way
discharges. The significant 720 W, or currents, but also a drop in blood pres- becoming a real advancement in the
about 1 horsepower, which crossed the sure and an increase in the organic construction of the apparatus for medi-
two bodies, were clearly manifested combustion, with “loss of heat to the cal purposes (Fig. 6). Some years later,
either by the luminosity of the lamps periphery.” By experimenting with as an outstanding development in
or by the lively and numerous sparks currents of 1 A traversing living bod- medicine, it was implemented as part
produced once the circuit was broken. ies, d’Arsonval was able to point out of the full portable equipment required
While such an amount of energy could that while frequencies from 100 to by campaign hospitals (Fig. 7).
have been enough to hurt both men as 150 oscillations per second could kill, In 1893, d’Arsonval described
if they were struck by lightning, under the same current at frequencies from his method of “autoconduction” in
the above stated conditions it pro- 400 000 to more than 10 million oscil- applying high-frequency currents to
duced no appreciable sensation. lations per second, giving sparks of up living bodies [32]. After having used
d’Arsonval reported his first results to 10-cm length, passed through bod- the technique of connecting the per-
on February 24, 1891 [29]. The paper ies with almost no perceptible physical son directly with the equipment, he
he sent to the French Academy of sensation. moved to induction. The animals

398  Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 105, No. 2, February 2017

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Also in 1893, d’Arsonval collabo-

rated with the French doctor Paul
Marie Oudin (1851–1923) in both
the required increasing of the voltage
and the clinical applications of high-
frequency currents [35]. A secondary
coil, with a large number of turns of
thin wire enclosed in an oil-filled glass
cylinder [Fig. 4(e)], was used to solve
the problem of the only voltage pro-
vided to him, a stream of sparks, each
15–20 cm long. An improved assem-
bly in which the thick copper wire
of the primary coil was mounted so
that its position around the secondary
Fig. 6. d'ArsonvalÐGaiffe's apparatus assembly for the production of high-frequency one wound on a large hollow cylin-
oscillations and their employment in X-rays [30]. der of ebonite, allowed adjustment to
provide the required tension. It was,
however, still insufficient. Oudin had
used in the first experiments were etc. [Fig.8(b)]. Owing to the high- found in 1892 that by connecting
quickly replaced by humans. The frequency oscillating magnetic field one end of the large d’Arsonval’s sole-
person, standing or sitting, was com- within the solenoid, strong currents noid with one end of a similar, small
pletely enclosed in a large, man-sized were induced within the subject’s solenoid, and having the lengths of
solenoid coil such as a cage, with big body. The person felt neither pain nor the two wires carefully adjusted in
gaps between the turns, and separated any other sensation, but if a 20-V lamp such a way that both circuits were
from all contact with it [Fig. 8(a)]. bulb was used to close the circuit, it in resonance, he was able to obtain
Smaller cages were used for arms, legs, was illuminated. a powerful brush discharge across
the secondary by self-inductance. By
adding his second large “resonator”
coil, very high voltages from several
hundred thousand to a million volts
at lower currents and frequencies
between 200 kHz and 2 MHz could
be generated. The only significant dif-
ference between the Tesla and Oudin
apparatuses was that while the former
was bipolar, the latter was unipolar,
with one end grounded. While in the
early version of Oudin’s resonator the
two coils were separated and not mag-
netically coupled, in the version he
introduced in 1897 both coils became
one single length of wire wound on an
insulating cylinder [36] (Fig. 9). With
an apparatus which proved to be par-
ticularly suitable for the production
of long sparks (for fulguration) and
egrets (for effluviation), Oudin used
it extensively in the treatment of skin
diseases, as well as gynecology, or for
the extraction of teeth through the
numbing power of sparks [37].
During 1894 and 1895, d’Arsonval,
Fig. 7. Campaign hospital vehicle incorporating d'AronvalÐGaiffe's apparatus and several his staff, and his disciples researched
instruments [31]. the therapeutic effects of high

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Fig. 8. Solenoid used by d'Arsonval for autoconduction. (a) Full body person sitting [33]. (b) d'Arsonval experimenting with the technique
on a part of his own body [34].

frequencies and reported their 2500 treatments. Most types of currents in the treatment of some
results during one year of practice. hysteria and certain forms of local classes of chronic afflictions. While
Georges Apostoli (1847–1900) and neuralgia received absolutely no ben- static currents became the treat-
Augustin Joseph Berlioz (1853–1922) efit, but arthritic, rheumatic, and ment par excellence of acute diseases
studied 75 patients suffering from gouty conditions showed very marked and nervous afflictions, in which the
various ailments who submitted to amelioration. In another report pre- high frequencies seemed not to be
autoconduction [40]. Each one was sented the following year, the same well supported, they concluded that
placed in the solenoid for 15–20 min doctors highlighted the valuable ther- d’Arsonval’s recently discovered cur-
daily, completing in total around apeutic properties of high-frequency rents seemed to be most helpful to
patients suffering from debility and
became the greatest modifier in prob-
lems associated with nutrition [41].
In 1896, d’Arsonval gave an
account of his first series of hospital
trials of high-frequency treatment.
The trials had been carried out at the
Hotel-Dieu in Paris, originally a hos-
pital for the poor and needy. There
he had collaborated with the French
doctor and associate professor of the
Faculty of Medicine of Paris, Albert
Charrin (1857–1907). It was so early
in the development of electrical
engineering that the hospital did not
yet have a connection to an electric
power supply, and d’Arsonval was
forced to transport batteries to the
Fig. 9. (a) Early Oudin coil apparatus [38]. (b) Early 20th century assembly of an apparatus hospital as a prime source of energy.
for producing high frequencies incorporating d'Arsonval's dispositive and Oudin's In addition to the already discussed
resonator [39]. methods of direct application and

400  Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 105, No. 2, February 2017

Scanning Our Past

autoconduction, he also used there

the so-called electrification by con-
densation. In the latter, the patient
was attached to one end of a sole-
noid, while the other was joined to a
plate or a sheet of metal brought near,
although not attached to, the patient.
In this way, the metal plate and the
body formed an arrangement similar
to the two coats of a condenser, which
was alternately charged and dis-
charged as voltage at the ends of the
solenoid rose and fell. The apparatus
was arranged in the form of a couch,
and the patient lay down on insulating
cushions which separated him from
the metal sheet underneath (Fig. 10).
The therapeutic results of these
studies seemed so very promising that Fig. 10. Treatment by the condensation method.
they led d’Arsonval, who, as has already
been mentioned did not practice
medicine himself, to say: “By commu-
proven method, the technique was the French instrument-maker Eugène
nicating these facts to physicians, by
widely practiced until the 1930s. Ducretet (1844–1915) participated in
providing equipment that allows them
The actual heating mechanism of the first wireless telegraphy experi-
to get them, my role as physiologist is
the high-frequency currents was first ments carried out in Paris in 1898 by
over. It is now they who correspond to
elucidated by Von Zeynech in 1899, the French radio pioneer and Captain
take part in therapy” [42]. Similar stud-
who believed that the heat phenomenon Gustave-Auguste Ferrié (1868–1932),
ies were subsequently separately carried
reported by d’Arsonval was “ohmic” in between the Eiffel Tower and the
out by Oudin, the military doctor Jean-
nature, and that the passing of current Pantheon [45]. In the early 20th cen-
Alban Bergonié (1857–1925), and the
through tissues had a similar behavior tury in Europe and the United States,
also French electro-radiologist, director
as current flowing through resistors. electrifying vegetable gardens or
of the medical physics laboratory of the
The most direct legacy of orchards with cables, cages, or sole-
Lyon’s university, and later by the devel-
d’arsonvalisation was diathermy, which noids were driven by high-frequency
oper of the technique of thermolysis,
Henri Bordier (1863–1942). aimed specifically at the tissue heating currents. Although some results were
d’Arsonval’s work was gener- by using unamortized sine waves, with encouraging, they were not enough
ally acknowledged and, in 1899, the higher intensities and frequencies [43]. to introduce electroculture in agricul-
Austrian neurologist Moritz Benedikt This technique, developed by German tural practice [46].
(1835–1920) suggested the term physician Franz Karl Nagelschmidt
“d’Arsonvalization” in his honor to (1875–1952), who coined the term
denote application of high-frequency diathermy and designed the first unit III.  T HE M A N BEHIN D
currents, in a similar way as terms in 1906, effectively allowed new appli- T HE SCIEN T IST
“galvanization” and “faradization” had cations of electricity in medicine and Recognized by some of his contempo-
become standard. The new therapy surgery still in use today [44]. By 1910, raries as a physicist, by others as a
was rapidly gaining interest in other diathermy machines were beginning physiologist, by some communities as a
countries, prompting an increasing to make their appearance in supply physician, and by a few as an engineer,
number of articles and specialized houses, and only a decade later came d’Arsonval was actually a brilliant sci-
treaties, and gaining more and more to be recognized as convenient instru- entist. His contributions to science and
followers in the medical profession ments in electrosurgery. technology are far from being reduced
in Europe and the United States. Although d’Arsonval’s high- to those few briefly presented in these
Although d’Arsonvalisation was also frequency current generators were series of papers. His joint work with
used outside the medical community originally devised for use in physiology one of his favorite students, the French
by so-called therapists and “quacks,” laboratories and clinics, they had been engineer and inventor George Claude
and some doctors considered its effects also used in areas other than medi- (1870–1960) on the liquefaction of
as only the result of suggestion, not a cine. The generator model built by gases, ultimately led them to start the

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Scanning Our Past

liquid air industry in France and the

development of a technique to store
liquids in a bottle surrounded by a vac-
uum jacket, a n invention later
improved by the Scottish chemist and
physicist James Dewar (1842–1923),
who used a vacuum jacket with reflect-
ing walls to keep a liquid hot or cold.
His association with the French physi-
cian and hygienist Frederic Bordas
(1860–1936), about the dehydration
technique involving cold and vacuum
today known as lyophilization; the
design of the first electrically con-
trolled constant temperature incubator
for embr yological and bacterial
research, well used into the 20th cen-
Fig. 11. Commemorative Medal on the occasion of the Professor d'Arsonval's retirement on
tury; the studies on the possibility of May 27, 1933 [47].
resuscitation by artificial respiration
after high-voltage electric shocks; the
invention of a chronoscope for measur-
ing the speed of the sensations of the society for cryogenic studies in According to his biographers,
nerves; and the development of the 1908, and the Compagnie Générale d’Arsonval was an acutely inventive
idea of converting the thermal differ- d’Électro-Céramique in 1923, to name mind, skillful experimenter, hard
ence between the warm surface water only a few. worker, kind and fair in dealing with
and the cold subsurface water into He was happily married twice, peers and subordinates, had a warm
electrical energy, are other, still very although he did not have children. sense of humor and held sparkling
important, contributions of d’Arsonval. At the age of 20, he married a young conversations enameled of witty anec-
d’Arsonval was indifferent to pri- widow with a three-year-old girl. dotes [48]. A prestigious award bearing
ority claims and received honors he Thirty years later, after his first wife’s his name, consisting of a silver medal-
never solicited (Fig. 11). In 1884, he death, d’Arsonval married his step- lion, a silver lapel pin, an illuminated
was named Knight of the Legion of daughter. Because such a union was testimonial, and a $2000 honorarium,
Honour in recognition of his work in not legal under the French law, the is granted from time to time by the
the field of telephony, and he received wedding took place in Spain in 1902, International Bioelectromagnetics
the Grand Cross in 1931. In 1893, and d’Arsonval and his new wife were Society (BEMS) to recognize out-
he was awarded the Lacaze Prize forced to break all contact with their standing achievements in research on
for his research in physiology, and families. His wife was a talented musi- the subject.
seven years later received the Great cian who shared her husband’s love of “The advancement of science,”
Gold Medal granted by the Industrial music, often accompanying him as he d’Arsonval said, “has always been
Company of Northern France for ser- played the flute. consequence of the intuitive and the
vices to science and industry. In 1888, From 1892 until the turn of the imaginative. To be a great scientist,
he was elected Member of the French century, d’Arsonval mixed physics and one must, first, be a very sensitive
Academy of Medicine, and six years medicine with politics, being elected man and, at bottom, an artist, if not
later Member of the French Academy as mayor of his native town. After striv- a poet.” Regarding the role of the
of Sciences. For many years, he was ing for and realizing the construction physical sciences in biology, and spe-
also one of the editors of La Lumière of a school, a town hall, and a railway cifically electricity, he stated in the
électrique, one of the earliest journals station, as well as securing the con- first years of his career: “Electricity
devoted to electricity. struction of roads, water canals, and must become, in my opinion, one of
d’Arsonval was instrumental in the electrification of the town, he our most powerful means of action
founding national and international resigned from politics in 1900 to join to change the living beings. I am con-
societies for electrical science in 1881 Alfred Picard in planning the great vinced that the therapy of the future
and 1897, respectively, a government- Exposition Universelle held that year will employ such means as physi-
supported laboratory for electrical in Paris from April 14 to November 12. cal healing modifiers (heat, light,
research in 1888, the École Supérieure He died at the age of 89 in La Boire on electricity, cold, hot, etc.) ​…​The bar-
d’Électricité in 1894, an international December 31, 1940. barian means that, under the pretext

402  Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 105, No. 2, February 2017

Scanning Our Past

of curing us, are contaminated us with it through long distances means to yesterday’s impossibilities will become
the most poisonous drugs of chemis- be able to switch from coal whose the tomorrow’s trivialities.” 
try, will give way to physical agents reserves are running out and the
whose employment have at least the use the natural forces so far lost. In Acknowledgment
advantage of any foreign object in the the near future [​…​] we will see the The author would like to thank
body” [49]. waters of our rivers, winds and tides
P. Brenni and S. Nicolas for their great
The way in which he imagined the putting in movement powerful
help in preparing this paper. He would
role of electricity in future is clearly electric machines from where will
presented in the following speech he leave a network of wires crossing also like to express his gratitude to the
gave at the International Congress of the country and distributing on its anonymous reviewer of the draft of
Electricians of 1881: journey energy for the industry and this paper and to the Editorial Staff of
“Channeling electricity is democ- the agriculture. Remember [​…​] it the Proceedings of the IEEE for their
ratizing the energy ​…​transporting will be thanks to the science that the helpful comments and suggestions.

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Simo  n Reif-Acherman was born in Palmira,
Colombia, in 1958. He received the Chemical
Engineer degree from the Universidad del
Valle, Cali, Colombia, in 1980.
Since then, he has been with the School
of Chemical Engineering, Universidad del
Valle, where he currently holds the position of
Titular Professor. He is the author of more than
20 articles. His research interests include history
of physics, chemistry and technology, and
development of learning tools in engineering education.

404  Proceedings of the IEEE | Vol. 105, No. 2, February 2017

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