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A properly maintained and adjusted coffee machine dispenses 8 ounces of coffee per cup with
standard deviation of 0.30 ounce. The randomly select sample of 30 cups has mean content of
7.95 ounces. At a .05 alpha, is the coffee machine dispensing less than 8 ounces of coffee per

xbar −ɥ

ɥ = population mean

xbar = sample mean

δ = population standard deviation

Step 1:

Ho = The coffee machine dispensing greater than or equal 8 ounces of coffee per cup.

Ha = The coffee machine dispensing less than 8 ounces of coffee per cup.

Step 2:

Level of significance (a) = 0.05

Critical Value = +1.645

Step 3:

Decision Rule: Reject the null hyphothesis if Z<1.645: otherwise do not reject the null

Step 4:

Z= =0.9129
Step 5:

Conclusion: reject the null hypothesis, 0.9129<1.645, which means coffee machine dispensing
less than 8 ounces of coffee per cup.

Recommendation: Based on the result, there must be more supplies acquired by the operator
of the machine to assure and avoid any shortage of supplies

2. A group of female management students pooled their resources together and put up a coffee
shop last year; and its average daily sales was P15,650 with standard deviation of P1,995. For
the current year, the partners would want to know if their daily sales have improved. They
studied their sales for the past 30 days and noted a mean daily sales of P16,250. At a .01 level of
significance, is the average daily sales of the coffee shop is higher than P15,650?

xbar −ɥ
ɥ = population mean

xbar = sample mean

δ = population standard deviation

Step 1:

Ho = The average daily sales of the coffee shop is less than or equal P15,650.

Ha = The average daily sales of the coffee shop is higher than P15,650.

Step 2:

Level of significance (a) = 0.01

Critical Value = - 2.33

Step 3:

Decision Rule: Reject the null hyphothesis if Z>-2.33: otherwise do not reject the null hypothesis

Step 4:

15 650−16 250
Z= =−1.6473
√ 30
Step 5:

Conclusion: reject the null hypothesis, -1.6473>-2.33, which means average daily sales of the
coffee shop is higher than P15,650.

Recommendation: The findings distort the study undertaken by the Social Media Firm, which
indicates that college students spend different than 30 hours a week. They should then make a
new survey/study on the subject that would be more precise.

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