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Module 4 (2 short type Q of 5 M each.

2x5= 10) (2 long type Q with one choice to

answer.1x15 = 15)Total 25 marks

1. The late Pandya or Nayak style: Complexity in Temple plan of Srirangam

temple, Meenakshi temple at Madurai, Rameshwaram temple.
2. Indo Aryan Style: Salient features of lndo Aryan Temples
3. Orissan: Parasurameswara, Lingaraja temples at Bhubaneswar. Sun
temple at Konark.
4. Khajuraho: Kandariya Mahadeva Temple at Khajuraho.
5. Gujarat: Sun temple at Modhera.
Sun temple at Modhera.
1.What is the style and features of sun temple, Modhera? 5 Mark

2.Explain the typical features of Gujrat style of temple architecture. 15Marks

The Modhera Sun
Temple was made
by King Bhima I of
GUDHA the Chalukya
MANDAPA dynasty in the
early 11th century.
It is a temple made
to honour the Sun
God in Modhera
village of Mehsana
district on the bank
of River



1.The temple complex has three
axially aligned components
A.Guda Mandapa:The shrine
(garbhagriha) and antarala or
(vestibule) together is known as
Guda Mandapa
B.The outer assembly hall
(sabhamandapa or rangamandapa)
C. A sacred tank. (surya kunda)
2.The Sabhamandapa is not in
continuation with Gudhamandapa
but is placed little away as a
separate structure. The
Gudhamandapa and Sabhamandapa
are built on a paved platform.
3.The platform or plinth is of
inverted lotus-shaped.
4.The Gudhamandapa measures 51 feet 9
inches by 25 feet 8 inches. It is almost
equally divided into the Garbhagriha, and
5.Both are rectangular in plan with
projections on each of the sides. The
projections of the outer walls of
Gudhamandapa had windows on each side
and the east projection had the doorway.
These windows had perforated stone
1.The water tank or Surya Kund at
Modhera’s Sun temple is a stepwell
on the eastern edge of Sun temple
complex facing the Sabha

2.It has pyramid shaped steps

forming some intresting geometric
patterns on the steps. However,
what makes this tank distinct from
other similar temple tanks, is the
Surya Kund
presence of big and small temples
on its steps.
3.It is said that originally
there were 108 shrines on
these steps. It is difficult to
count how many of them
remain, but they are just
simply beautiful. The
geometry of the formations
is breathtaking.This tank is
also called Ramakund

Big & small temples on steps of

Surya Kund
1.The Sabhamandapa is an
octagonal hall that welcomes
you with its exquisite toran.
2.Its best feature is it’s
magnificently carved pillars
carrying Torana arches .
3.There are 52 pillars
denoting the 52 weeks of a
solar year. The heavily
carved pillars have scenes
from Ramayana,
Mahabharata & Krishna
4.This hall was used for
public functions – religious
purposes, performances or
public meetings.

Torans inside Sabhamandapa at Carved Ceiling

Sun Temple, Modhera
1.The Sun temple is so
designed that on the days of
equinoxes i.e. 21st March
and 21st September, the
first rays of sun fall on the
idol of Sun in Garbhagriha.
2.The main sun temple is on
a plinth that is designed like
an inverted lotus..

Main Temple
3.On top of lotus petals is a panel
carved with Elephants called
Gaj-Petika. Above these the entire
life cycle of a human being is carved

4.There are sculptures of people

playing various musical instruments.
There are 12 idols of Parvati in her
various forms.There are 12 idols of

Carvings on main temple walls

5.It is said that the main idol was
made of pure gold and depicted sun
sitting on his chariot with 7 horses
with his Sarathi Arun driving the
chariot. The idol sat on a deep plinth
that was again filled with gold coins
6.Garbhagriha has a circumambulation
path and is attached to an octagonal Guda

7.Guda mandapa is embellished with niche

images of twelve Aditya’s – showing
different aspects of the Sun – probably
representing each Solar month.

8.The Shikhara or the superstructure is

missing so the temple now looks flatter
than it should be.

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