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Cosmetic Shop Discussion Guide

First of all, I would like to thank you all for coming here and spending some time with us… Let
me introduce myself and our company first…
• We are conducting Interviews like this regarding various topics to understand people’s
opinions and different views
• There are no right or wrong answers, we are interested in your opinion
• Be spontaneous and don’t hesitate to say anything that crosses your mind
• For research purposes we will be recording this group in audio and video
• Would like to ensure that it is completely confidential and the information to be
used completely anonymous for research purposes only

Introduction and Lifestyle:

➢ Let’s start with introducing yourself, can you tell me your name, age and what do you do?
➢ Typically how does your day start? What routine do you follow every day?
➢ What do you do in your free time? Weekdays vs weekend activities?
➢ What are the activities that you really like to do?
➢ What are the places that you like to go to?

Category deep dive:

Now we’re going to talk about Cosmetics :
➢ What comes to mind when I say Cosmetics …tell me the thoughts, feelings, moods that you
experience… (write the cosmetic types in the FLIP CHART)
➢ Tell me what Cosmetic type used most? (choose 3 from the FLIP CHART)
➢ Tell me what basic Cosmetic type used most? (Choose 1)

Brief understanding of brands:

➢ What are the various brands of Cosmetics (type 1) that you are aware of? LIST DOWN
From here onwards we will talk about only 3 brands… Let’s take the most commonly used
o What are its strengths that it would like to talk about?
o What are its weaknesses that it would like to hide?
o What makes it unique from other brands?

Repeat this for the 2 brands

Repeat this for the 2 cosmetics type chosen

Purchase process
➢ Are you the main decision maker when it comes to choosing the brand of Cosmetic type 1
to buy or is it someone else?
➢ While purchasing Cosmetic type 1, tell me what are all the things that you keep in mind
o Brand name – How does this influence?
o Quality – How does this influence?
o Past usage – how do this influence?
o Packaging: Have you ever purchased any Cosmetic type brand because of the pack? If yes,
what brand was it? What did you like about the pack?
o Family or friend role: How does this influence? Please give me examples of such occasions?
o Sizes, formats: Is there a particular size or form of Cosmetic type that you prefer to buy?
How does this influence you?
o Advertisements: Do you remember seeing any Cosmetic type advertisements? What
advertisements do you recall the most and why?
o Promotions: Does this matter for Cosmetic type ? Why? What kind of promotions attract
you the most? Why?
o Price: What role does price play? Why? Why not?
o Availability: How does this influence? What brands are most available and which ones are
o Smell– How does this influence?
➢ How often do you purchase the Cosmetic type ?
➢ Where do you normally buy it from? Online , Cosmetic shop , beauty corner in supermarket
or pharmacy ? What makes you do so?

Repeat this for the 2 cosmetics type chosen

Media Habits
➢ That was very interesting. Moving on, we will now speak about how we interact with
media… What are the different media that you use or interact with throughout the day?
o When it comes to TV, what are your favorite channels? What are your favorite programs?
Why so?
o Do you read magazines? Which are your favorite magazines?
o Do you listen to the radio? Which channels do you prefer?
➢ Now let’s talk more about digital media and internet (on mobiles/ tablets/ computers) …
o What do people do on this platform? What are they looking for?
o What are the popular websites / blogs / forums among us? Do you visit any? Which ones?
o What are the popular apps? Which ones do you use?
o Are there any social media icons/ celebrities/ personalities/influencers that you know of or
follow? Who are they? What makes you follow them? What do you like about them?

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