Glossary: He Prioritize Building Big Infrastr

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BPA 1105

ACCOUNTABILITY mandates that all the stakeholders in the governance framework should be
answerable to one another and to the general public as well. It requires the public to be more
sensitive and avoid actuation that may affect the trust that is normally accorded to the government
When a project employee admits to making a mistake, when an employee is tasked with ensuring
that a project runs smoothly and is aware that she will be held accountable if it does not, she is said
to have accountability for the project. Just like when presidential aspirant Leni Robredo accept the
initiatives of her supporters to initiate a Crowd Funding Program for her online. All can donate 20,
000 to 50,000 pesos to the said program to raise Leni Robredo campaign funds. Leni robredo said
that she will make sure that it does not violating laws. According to the comelec comissioner
Rowena Guanson that Leni robredo can possibly violate the Batas Pambansa Blg. 881 which is the
Omnibus Election Code of the Phillipines. And for this Leni Robredo holds accountability through
this project once it violate the law.
ACQUISITION pertains to the recruitment and selection of employees to the organization.
Example: President Rodrigo Duterte are finding new PNP chief and the Interior Secretary Eduardo
Año has already submitted his recommendation to President Rodrigo Duterte on who would possibly be
the next Philippine National Police (PNP) chief once Gen. Guillermo Eleazar retires. Año gives fives names
listed five names in the National Police Commission (Napolcom) resolution. And the president
will going to decide who is the best for the position.

ADMINISTRATION is the most obvious part of the government; it is government in action; it is

the executive, the operative, the most visible side of the government, and is of course as old as the
government itself.

Refers to a group of people in charge of making and enforcing rules and regulations or those in
positions of leadership who fulfill critical responsibilities. The Duterte Administration is the
example of it where one of the most notable changes in policy under the Duterte administration
involves the cultivation of stronger ties with China, which has been met with some political and
grassroots opposition. However, President Duterte’s most visible campaign has focused on the
eradication of crime and illegal substance use. While these efforts have resulted in mass surrenders
to the police, the campaign has faced criticism from both local and global organisations due to
concerns over human rights violations. The government nevertheless maintains a high approval
rating and popularity. Also, the Duterte administration prioritize building big infrastrastructure
projects to create more jobs and improvement.
BARANGAY is considered as the smallest political unit in the local government of the
Philippines. Its role as provided for in the local government code is to plan and implement
government policies, programs, projects and activities in the community.
Example :
BARANGAY is one of the local government units in the Philippines and is considered as the
smallest political unit among the local instrumentalities of the government. It was the foundation
of implementing program towards local government , ‘ barangay ‘ justice and peace , health
services, youth leadership and development finance. The government decentralize its power and
responsibilities from the upper to the lowest part of administration, where the barangay is part of
it and they have the power to implement the law, the rules and regulations from the government.
BRIBERY is the payment of a fixed sum of money or any other favor, paid to the state officials
making contracts on behalf of the state or otherwise distribute benefits to companies or individuals,
businessmen or clients.
When one person gives something of worth to another in exchange for something of equal value.
For example, when Leila De Lima accused of accepting large amount of money for his campaign
funds in return of tolerating the widespread of drug trade in community compound.
BUDGET ACCOUNTABILITY involves the process of submitting accountability reports to
fiscal agencies and to Congress. It is characterized with the examination of the book of accounts
of all government agencies by the auditors in order to ensure that the disbursement of government
funds is in accordance with law.
President Rodrigo Duterte signed into a law the Php 4.506 trillion fiscal year (FY) 2021 General
Appropriations Act (GAA) which is the third full cash budget of the duterte administration and
serves as the governments financial blueprint to recovery in response to the covid 19 pandemic.
Also, the budget was allocated to the different sectors. For the economic sectors includes the build
build build program receive the second highest allocation of PhP 1,323.1 billion, the General
Public Services Sector with 747.8 billion and Debt BurdenWITH 560.2 billion and Defense with
206.8 billion. The Department of Finance holds accountability for this.

BUDGET EXECUTION is considered as the operational aspects of budgeting where the different
agencies of the government are required to submit their work and Financial Plan to the Department
of Budget and Management before the allotments could be released to them.
The DPWH file a financial statement to the Department of Budget and Management for the
BUILD BUILD BUILD program of Duterte Administration. The BUILD BUILD BUILD
infrastructure program is the centerpiece of the duterte administration to spur economic growth
especially in the countryside. The program aims to build more roads, bridges,
airports,seasports,highways, irrigation and water projects across the country. So the Finance
Secretary Carlos Dominguez III said the implementation of infrastructure projects under the
BUILD BUILD BUILD program will not be affected despite the governments reallocation of
BUDGET PREPARATION covers the stages from determination of budgetary priorities to
submission by the President of the Budget of Expenditures and Sources of Funds (BESF) to
Just like when deped pass a provision for additional funding for the implementation of Deped order
no. 011 and 014 s. 2020 or revised guidelines on alternative work arrangements in the department
of education during the period of national emergency due to covid 19 pandemic and the guidelines
on the required health standards in basic education offices and schools.
BUDGET is a detailed financial program in which anticipated expenditures and anticipated
revenues, including receipts from borrowings, are itemized and exactly balanced.
Just like when president duterte gives the annual budget of 1.5 billion USD for the redcross but
senator gordon use it for his own good and not for the activities and programs. President duterte
questioned the corruption happen in the agency and give order to senator gordon to return the
money and if not, president duterte will take actions and will file a case against him.
BUREAUCRACY is a specific form of social organization, administrative in nature, which deals
with the activities of a large number of people like the family, social club, or church.
Example :
Everywhere you look there are examples of bereaucracy. A bureaucracy is an administrative,
government, or social system with a hierarchical structure and complex rules and regulations. just
like an organizational chart of government officials. It was a group of people in a same
organization dealing with their responsibilities in serving the people
CAPITAL REVENUE includes the sales of fixed capital assets and public domain as well as
gains on the sales of government buildings, equipment, and other properties.
It was about the profit of the government in every property . It was the flow of money of the
government from the different sources.
CITY takes the same role with that of the municipality being a general-purpose government, for
the coordination and delivery of basic, regular and direct services within its jurisdiction. It differs,
however, from the municipality on the basis of income, population size, and level of urbanization.
City is a large and densely populated urban are may include several independent administrative district. It
differes from the municipality on the basis of income, population size and a level of urbanization. The
example of a city here in the province of batangas is the lipa city,batangas city, tanauan city,santo tomas
city and calaca city which considered as highly urbanized city in the province of batangas.

CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION is considered as the central personnel agency of the

government which is directly in charge of the entire civil service in the country. It embraces every
branch, agency, subdivision, and instrumentality of the government including all of the
government owned and controlled corporations.

It is a government institutions created by the law to regulate civil servant employment and working
conditions, oversee hiring and promotions and promote public service principles. Its function is
roughly comparable to that of a company. It Holds all the sectors of government like Land
transportation office, Department of Health and Public Welfare, Department of Instruction
CIVIL SERVICE embraces all the branches, subdivisions, instrumentalities, and agencies of the
Philippine government, including government owned and controlled corporations with original
charters and the local government units - provinces, cities, municipalities, and barangays.
Civil service has to include all phases of personnel administration . just like when we are needing of
something in a govermnet agencies like bussiness permits and etc. It was an act of civil service wherein it
was there job to give what we needs in them.

CIVIL SOCIETY is a set of institutions, which is strong enough to counterbalance the state, and,
whilst not preventing the state from fulfilling its role of keeper of peace and arbitrator between
major interests, can nevertheless, prevent the state from dominating and atomizing the rest of the
It was the place of different institutions which is responsible serving the state fulfilling their duties
and responsibilites. The example of it was the government and non governmental organizations.
CLASSICAL PERIOD covers the traditional theories of the discipline of public administration
during its formative stage and includes the theorists like Max Weber, Woodrow Wilson, and
Frederick Taylor.
The concept of government has been accompanied by the concept of public administration. For
the majority of the twentieth century, the classical approach to public administration, as derived
from Weber, Wilson, and Taylor, dominated. When traditional public management was discredited
in the mid-1980s, this model began to shift.
COMMISSION ON AUDIT is an independent body created by the Constitution to see to it that
the revenues and expenditures of the government are accounted directly and disposed in
accordance with the mandated purpose of these resources.
Holds all the sectors of the government like landtransportation office, department of health andd
public welfare of departmetn of instructions.
COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA participates in the policymaking process as providers of
information and transmits all information in a fast, efficient, and reliable manner to the public.
A group’s collective view or position consensus denotes commonly recognize opinion.
CONSENSUS ORIENTED requires the blending of the stakeholders in the good governance
framework. It involves the meeting of several points of view on how the government function
specifically with regards to the delivery of the basic to the public.
A collective opinion position reached by a group. The term CONSENSUS refers to a group of
people who share a common viewpoint. It is about conducting a survey or research to the people
to know if the government are really doing their job and if the people are satisfied for it.
Example of it is the consensus which involves a series of asking questions to the people about
government activities. It was conducted to identify if the government are rerally functioning in
delivering service to the public. In doing it also, the government will know if their are no
corruptions happening.
CONSTITUENT POLICY is explicitly concerned with the the structure of the government. It
is a type of policy that nonetheless concerned with state building.
We are surrounded with so many constituent policy as a constitutional country. It is concerned
with the establishment of government, its structure, establishment of rules or procedures for the
conduct of the government , rules that distribute or divide power and jurisdiction within the
present and future government policies might be made. The example of it was how the
government are establish where we considered as a democratic country because the people
choose this type of government in serving the state .It was once a dictatorian way after it change
into a democracy.
CORRESPONDENCE is a principle in local governance which that the jurisdiction that
determines the level of provision of public good should include precisely the set of individuals
consume the good
The example of it was the letters of the government to announce, notify,advising or otherwise
informing the public with respect to a matter related to the regulatory and jurisdiction.
CUSTOMS DUTIES are levied on the exportation and importation of goods. Customs duties are
considered as major contributor of revenues to the government because of the volumes of goods
that come in and out of the country.
Example of it was the import, export of the products. When a product was being import in our
country, the government staff in the custom must inspect it, it was their job to make sure that there
are no illegal things into that. It is also the major contributor of revenues as the government put
profit into it and because of the volume of goods comes in and out of the country.
DECENTRALIZATION is the dispersal of authority and responsibility and the allocation of
powers and functions from the centre or top level of government to the lower levels, from the
central government to regional bodies or special purpose authorities, or from the national to the
sub-national levels of government.
Giving the functions, power, duties and responsibilites from the upper to the lower part of the
government. just like the duties and responsibilites of the government in accordance of covid 19
restrictions and jurisdictions. The functions and responsibilities was once into the upper till it
dessiminate to the lower part.
DECONCENTRATION refers to the delegation of powers from the national government to the
different local government units. It occurs within the administrative structure of national
department like the Department of Health and the Department of Education.
The transfer of responsibility for certain government functions from the central government and
its agencies to field units of government agencies, sub-levels, or semi-autonomous public
authorities is known as dismissal. Under the new system, area-wide, regional, or functional
authorities may be established
DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION is an area of study in the field of public administration
which focused on the issues of development among the third world countries in the 1950s.
Promoting good governance
DEVELOPMENT involves the orientation, training, motivating, and evaluating employees in
order to make them more effective and efficient.
It was the stage of evolution of public administration before up until now. It was once start into a
traditional way of administration up until now that the idea of e- governance change the way it is.
DEVOLUTION is the transfer of powers and responsibilities to the local government units,
transforming them into self-reliant and autonomous units. It entails the idea of the transfer of
powers which makes the local government units more responsive to its constituents.
Just like when theres an illegal production of drugs in a community and the government ask for
the cooperation of the local units who covered the area. The government give the order,
responsibilities and power to the local unit to be more responsive arresting the suspects who
violates the law.
DIGITAL DEMOCRACY focuses on the internal efficiency of the government as it relates with
the citizens in the exercise of democratic practices.
As the technology continues to grow, it also imfluence the people and the community. It was
related to the citizens who exercise democratic practices using the technology in a way in does not
violates the law.
DIRECT TAXES are directly paid by the individuals themselves and the basis is usually the
ability to pay or the value of the property itself. Examples of direct taxes are income, transfer, real
property, and community tax.
The example of it was the tax declaration of every government employees, bussinessman and etc.
It was a tax statement about their paying taxes into thie real properties, the income and etc.
DISTRIBUTIVE POLICY involves the allocation of services or benefits to particular segments
of the population. The recipients of government benefits involve normally the individuals, groups,
corporations, and communities who have the interests over a particular policy.
An example of it was the so-called pork barrel policies that send money to a particular districts
for local programs.
ELECTRONIC GOVERNANCE comprises the use of information and communication
technologies to support public services, government administration, democratic processes and
relationships among citizens, civil society, private sector and the state.
The use of technology in reinventing the administration and the governance. It is an innovative
way of governing the people by the use of technology. An example of it was when we are getting
important things or transactions to the government we can now access into it through the use of
EMBEZZLEMENT is theft of public resources by public officials and as such it is understood as
another form of misappropriation of public funds.
When senator gordon accused gordon of theft becuase of using the funds of redcross for his own
good. He violates the law by misappropriation of public funds.
EQUITY AND INCLUSIVENESS requires the impartial treatment of the different actors in the
society. It presupposes the idea that the most vulnerable sector should at the very least be given
the opportunity to realize their objectives as they contribute to the performance of the government.
Government are giving equity and inclusiveness to the people by allowing them to do rallying if
they have something to prove. They allow the people to express their opinions also because in
accordance to the law every citizens must have a freedom of speech.
ETHICS is one that is linked with the history of mankind. It deals with the character and conduct
of morals of human beings. It deals with good or bad, right or wrong behavior; it evaluates conduct
against some absolute criteria and puts negative or positive values on it.
It is the moral value that we must have if we are dreaming to work in an institutions or agencies in
the government. also it was the basis of the government if someone or an intitutions will accept
promotions and a certification.
EXTERNAL INFORMAL POLITIZATION involves the interest groups and the public at large
in influencing the process of managing the personnel administration of an administrative agency.
Politicization of multinational corporations, transnational social spaces

EXTERNAL-FORMAL POLITIZATION highlights the prominence of the formal institutions

like the legislature in the process of influencing the aspect of personnel administration of a
particular government agency.
Command-and-control regulation requires or forbids certain behaviors with the goal of addressing
an externality. Regulation is difficult to implement and enforce correctly
EXTORTION is the money or other resources extracted by the use of coercion, violence, or the
threats to use force. Its practice is often translated in the form of harassment or intimidation of
government officials in order to benefit from its resources.
Threats of violence to a person or his property, threats of accusing him of a crime, or threats of
revealing humiliating information are all examples of extortion. Some threats are periodically
singled out for special legislative classification as "blackmail," which is criminal only if it is used
to extort money or property for the actor's personal gain. The example of it was accpeting large
amount of money just to kill someone connected to the politics.
EXTRA-ORDINARY INCOME includes the payment of loans, advances made by the
government, and the income generated by the Bangko Sentral ng Piliinas (BSP).
Investors and creditors can see how the core business is going while also seeing the consequences
of extraordinary events on the bottom line because the net operational activities are pure. For
example, if a corporation reported a large loss in income from operations due to a natural disaster,
the net operating income would be artificially low.
FISCAL ADMINISTRATION refers generally to the formulation, implementation, and
evaluation of policies and decisions on taxation and revenue administration; resource allocation,
budgeting and public expenditure; public borrowing and debt management; and accounting and
The major challenge of funding government operations is fiscal responsibility. Each division or
department is in charge of distinct issues such as budgeting and revenue collection. Receiving,
budgeting, and disbursing funds to support local infrastructure is an example of local fiscal
FISCAL EQUIVALENCY is a principle in local governance which argues that a political
jurisdiction and benefit area must be exact with the concerns of a local government unit.
In order to achieve fiscal parity in the administration of justice, local police and courts must be
funded entirely by the people who use their services. Internal incentives for state agents to engage
in predatory, revenue-generating activity are created by the same features that make fiscal equality
FRAUD is a crime that involves trickery, swindle, or deceit, and it is a broader legal and popular
term that covers bribery and embezzlement. Its practice is extractive in the sense as it tries to
mislead the public sector by zipping government resources to benefit some of its officials.
This is what the government traditionally does or there are some in the government who use their
power to cheat. The example of it is the driver license fraud which is it is really happening right
now. They are giving kodigos in replaced with money to the person who need to take exams just
to get their driver license.
GOOD GOVERNANCE is the latest among the developmental reforms in public administration
that replaced the New Public Management movement. It was popularized by the United Nations,
World Bank, Asian Development Bank, and other international firiancial institutions.
Accountability, transparency, efficiency, effectiveness, responsiveness, and the rule of law are the
main characteristics of good governance.
GRAFT AND CORRUPTION the word graft is the "act of taking advantage of one's position
to gain money, property, or other valuable things dishonestly while the word corruption is
associated with dishonesty, lack of integrity, and bribery.
Less developed countries struggle with a lack of institutional capacity as well as a scarcity of
human and financial resources. If left unaddressed, the public administration culture will
deteriorate, and fewer resources will be directed to critical services like health and education.
Corruption is a significant problem in many developing countries, but it must be addressed. The
example of it was the Pork barrel scam and corruption in Philhealth.
GRANTS are also considered as part of the income of the government which cover the voluntary
contributions and aids from foreign governments and institutions to address specific purposes like
government programs and even rehabilitation projects.
The example of it was the donations from the foreign countries interms of the yolanda typhoon.
They use the money for the government programs to help the yolanda survivors.
GROUP THEORY explains public policy as a result of the competition between several groups
that try to sway the actions of the government on their favour.
The example of it was the death penalty it was a public policy that was debatable according to
their different opinions and perspectives.
INCOME TAX is the amount that is directly paid by an individual or a corporation on all their
incomes earned for the whole year.
On your income or salary there will be a split tax for the government
INDIRECT TAXES refer to those charges made by a person other than the one on whom they
are legally imposed. Examples of these taxes include license, business and occupation taxes,
import and export duties, sales, energy, and stamp taxes.
It was legally imposed charges to a different government transactions such as licence, certification
or any important papers that we are getting into the government agencies, our occupation taxes
and etc. It was directly becomes the source of funds of the government
INDIVIDUAL CITIZENS perform some functions relative to the policymaking process. The
initiative, recall, referendum, plebiscite, and election are all processes which at the same me are
considered as the primary functions of the individual citizens.

This is refers the society or to the people having the rights to everything in accordance to the

INFORMATION PHASE refers to the improvement of the internal functional efficiency of the
organization through the application of information and communication technology.
Presenting an issue to society and removing it, such as lowering the age limit for young people
who can be prosecuted. It has been debated since the government shredded rape cases because
they discovered that the majority of the instances were perpetrated by juveniles, so it was better to
decrease the age limit of the accused and teach the youngsters who committed it.
INSTITUTIONAL AGENDA is something that is urgent which requires the active and serious
attention of the government. Its nature is more sensitive than the other which makes it a priority
of the government.
The Philippines must create a conducive environment for economic development and growth. How
does one move the creation of such an environment forward? The importance of "supporting"
institutions, such as independent review institutions or commissions, in moving the policy
development process forward is discussed in this paper.
INSTITUTIONAL MODEL looks at government institutions as the source of public policies
which are considered as the rational response of the government to the demands of the people
related to some perceived public problems.
Since the 1980s, governments have used new public management as a management philosophy to
modernize the public sector. The hypothesis is that a more market-oriented public sector will result
in greater cost-efficiency for governments without compromising other goals and considerations
INTEGRAL VIEW perceives public administration as a field which is comprehensive and
encompasses several activities necessary to accomplish the objectives of the government.
According to the integral view, every manual, clerical, and managerial activity performed in an
organization to achieve its goal is considered an administrative activity.
INTEGRATED E-GOVERNANCE is the transformational stage where the government appears
in virtual mode and all transactions of the citizens are done on-line.
Identify and explain the various interpretations and implications of e-government as a public
policy-making process and an act of information systems project management. To improve
sustainable e-government, theoretical conceptualization by bridging policy project management
and policy-making in public sector organizations at the crossroads of e-government
INTERACTION PHASE is typified by a shift from automation technologies to emphasis in
information which can be distributed with ease through the help of sophisticated information and
communication technologies.
Phases are used by Service Manager to describe the steps required to complete an interaction. The
phase also determines which forms users will see and which actions they will be able to perform
INTEREST GROUPS perform an interest articulation function which demands from the
government the resolution of a particular policy problem. They supply the policymakers with the
necessary information that is not available in the government.
Groups with a common interest or a common problem to solve, such as those involved in public
INTERNAL-FORMAL POLITIZATION features the executive officials of a government
agency trying to influence the aspect of personnel management within their respective sphere of
formal politicization of the government management. Like giving one of the position to the their
family and relatives without going into a process but because of the influence of someone into the
INTERNAL-INFORMAL POLITIZATION features the influence that is exerted by the
different competing groups within a government agency.
Accepting recommendations from a certain groups or institutions in the government to be in the
JURISDICTIONAL DESIGN is a principle in local governance which focuses on the idea that
the closer a representative government to the people the better it works.
International law, conflict of laws, constitutional law, and the powers of the executive and
legislative branches of government to allocate resources to best serve the needs of society provide
the foundation for jurisdiction.
LINE-ITEM BUDGETING features an itemized list of expenditures that often include supplies,
personnel, and equipment of the organization. This technique is often described as incremental,
fragmented, non- programmatic, and sequential.
Individual financial statement items are grouped by category in a line-item budget. It depicts a
comparison of financial data from previous accounting or budgeting periods with projected figures
for the current or future period
LOCAL AUTONOMY is a state of self-determination and a measure of self-government
achieved by sub-national units when the powers to control local affairs and make decisions are
exercised by with a considerable degree of independence from the national government.
LOCAL GOVERNANCE refers to the corresponding processes and structures at sub-national
levels. It is affected by the scheme of distributing power and resources among the hierarchy of
areas in a given territory which may range from centralization to decentralization.
The ability of local governments to have a self-sustaining impact on their citizens' well-being
LOCAL GOVERNMENT is a political subdivision of a nation or state constituted by law, which
has substantial control over local affairs, including the power to impose taxes, the governing body
of which is elected or appointed.
Every country has some form of local government, even if in varying degrees. Local self-
government is important because it emphasizes the locality's ability to decide and act.
Deconcentration refers to the transfer of some functions from a central government to local
MANAGERIAL VIEW perceives public administration as a field which limits itself to
managerial activities disregarding the technical or clerical functions that in the author's opinion
form part of the discipline.
Public administration is defined by the managerial operations of those involved in planning,
organizing, commanding, coordinating, and controlling. Instead of doing things, the viewpoint
believes in getting things done
MATERIAL POLICY provides tangible resources or substantive power to their beneficiaries, or
imposes real disadvantages on those who are adversely affected.
It is classified as material when it offers actual resources or substantive authority to its beneficiaries
while imposing a cost on others. Symbolic policies have no practical impact on individuals and
offer no actual tangible benefits or drawbacks
MODERN PERIOD focuses primarily on the admirable practices of the business sector and the
influenced of the civil society in general. It center’s largely on the clients and outputs of the
organization, application of the market-type mechanisms, decentralization, and competition to
spur growth and development in the public sector.
The planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, and supervising of government operations is
known as public administration. The civil service is the term used to describe the body of
governmental administrators. The aristocratic class implications were consciously abandoned or
from the early twentieth century in the United States.
MUNICIPALITY is composed of several barangays which serves as a general-purpose
government for the coordination and delivery of basic regular, and direct services and the effective
governance of the inhabitants within its territorial jurisdiction.
A political subdivision of a state in which a municipal corporation was formed to offer
comprehensive local government for a designated population concentration.
NEW PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION is an area of study in the field of public administration
which was a result of the Minnow brook Conference held at Syracuse University in the United
States in 1968.
It was the evolution of public administration which is A reaction to traditional public
administration that is anti-positivist, anti-technical, and anti-hierarchical... Its focus is on the
function of government and how, through but not limited to, public policy, it may deliver these
services to citizens who are part of the public interest
NEW PUBLIC MANAGEMENT lays emphasis on the following principles: economy,
efficiency, effectiveness of government organizations, and higher quality service delivery.
At both the subnational and national levels, this approach to governing public service organizations
is applied in government and public service institutions and agencies.
NGOs are not part of the government but which are often referred to as institutions which may
take the form of research organizations, environmental organizations, religious institutions, labor
organizations, professional associations, women's organization, and the different student
A voluntary collection of individuals or organizations founded to offer services or advocate for
public policy, usually not associated with any government. Although some NGOs are for-profit
businesses, the great majority of them are not.
PARTICIPATION refers to the engagement of the different stakeholders with the government.
It is premised on the fact that the responsibility of the government is too much and that it needs
the participation of both the formal and informal sectors.
Voting, volunteering, participating in group activities, and community gardening are all examples
of civic engagement. Some are individual actions that help society, while others are group
activities that benefit one or more members of the group.

PERFORMANCE BUDGETING is comparable to that of a work plan in the government that

specifies all the activities that are to be accomplished in a given fiscal year.
It is about any government agencies that are fully accomplished their tasks of executing an
activities and programs within a given fiscal year. It is consider as their performance and it involves
budgetting to every activities aiming to fulfill many activities within a year.
PERSONNEL ADMINISTRATION personnel administration is concerned with the totality of
human resources in an organization. It aims to qualify the right man for the right job in order to
achieve the desired objectives and goals. Personnel administration is also concerned primarily with
policy making for people and managing people manning the positions in the government
It involves choosing the right one for the position. It is about choose manpower that was fit to the
position in order to achieve desired objectives and goals. Personnel administration is creating an
organization that will serve and do their duties as part of the bereaucracy
PLANNING includes budget preparation and human resource planning in order to attract the best
prospects to the available positions in the government.
It involves a series of planning, evaluating and studying the project in order to know the exact and
enough budget, the manpower that it needs to successfully start the activities and meet the desired
POLICYADOPTION involves the making of a policy decision in accepting or rejecting a
preferred course of action that is developed by the different policymakers in the government.
It is reinventing and studying again the policy knowing the strength of it as a policy and how it
will help the community. Different policy makers studying again a policy because they see the
abilities and strength of the policy once it developed. Policy adoption also include making a law
to replace the old law.
POLICY EVALUATION involves the estimation, appraisal, or assessment of a policy, its
content, implementation, goal attainment or other effects.
It involves a series of estimation, appraisal or asssessment of the policy, its content,
impementation, goal attainment and etc to know how it will help the community. All of the law
that we are following right now come froms it before being approvedPOLICY FORMULATION
involves developing pertinent and acceptable proposed courses of action for dealing with public
Consists of policymakers debating and proposing solutions to problems that have been brought up
as part of the agenda. It's sometimes necessary to pick a path forward from a number of options.
Various policies have been implemented to address the issue of traffic safety over time.
POLICY IMPLEMENTATION is that part of the policymaking process that comes after the
ascent is given by the policymakers and is put into a test to determine whether or not it is worth
taking much of their time in deliberating the desired policy.
It is knowing the possible result of a policy once it was approved. It is about executing the policy
to test if it worth fighting for.
POLICY PROBLEM is a condition or situation that produces needs or dissatisfaction among
people and for which relief or redress by governmental action is sought.
It is the problem that being encounter after it was being execute that brings people dissatisfaction.
POLICYMAKING involves five different stages which start from the usual demands that
emanate from the general public. Specifically, the five stages involve the problem identification
and agenda setting, policy formulation, policy adoption, policy implementation, and policy
Policy makers are responsible in policy making where it involves proposing a law that comes from
five different stages and it was being started because a policy makers sees problem in the
community and by making a law the policy makers aim to solve it and meet the desired goals
POLITICAL CULTURE is the widely held values, beliefs, and attitudes on what the government
should try to do, how they should operate, and relationships between the citizens and government.
Politicking is the example of political culture wherein it was about activity undertaken for political
reasons or ends as campaigning for votes before an election, promoting onself and etc. It was
widely acceptable to the political system of the phillipines right now.
POLITICAL PARTIES perform the function of being unofficial policymakers during election
when they attempt to aggregate the interests of several groups as part of its campaign platforms.
It was the different group and institutions aiming for the position in the government which they
are fighting for their objectives and campaign platforms during the election. The example of it
was the gabriela wherein they are fighting for the rights of the women. They are aiming for the
position in the government to have the right to make a law and or proposed a law that will help
every women.
POSDCORB VIEW takes on a very technical matter which espouses the idea that public
administration is a function of the said acronym. The POSDCORB acronym stands for planning,
organizing, staffing, directing, coordinating, reporting, and budgeting.
Example: :
An abbreviation that reflects the conventional approach of organizational theory and is extensively
used in the field of management and public administration.
PRIVATIZATION is probably the easiest to understand among the three forms of
decentralization in the sense that it entails the transfer of ownership from the public to the private.
As a mode of "decentralization” it relieves the national government of all the headaches in running
a losing government corporation in the process.
The example it was the meralco corporation it said to be a public government property before, in
times of the presidency of ferdinand marcos the meralco corporation is part of the government
property but once he replaced by cory aquino it becomes a private property of a bussinessman
lopez. Many are sayong that president cory sell it to lopez because she thinks it was the best way
to do in her times.
PROCESS MODEL presents public policy as a product of a series of steps or processes that
explain how it is being done in the government.
That contribute to achieving a specified aim, usually in a graphic manner. Process models are
commonly used to depict and analyze a series of activities that occur on a regular basis and
PROVINCE is a political subdivision in the country that is composed of municipalities and
component cities. Its role is to serve as an effective mechanism in the development process and
assume basically area- wide functions, roles, and activities.

It is also part of an area where there are also diverse government sector.

PUBLIC ADMINISTRATION is the management of men and materials in the accomplishment

of the purposes of the state. It relates to the conduct of government business to the conduct of the
affairs of any other social organization, commercial, philanthropic, religious, or educational, in all
of which good management is recognized as an element essential to success.

An organization of manpower in the government
PUBLIC BORROWING is also considered as part of the income of the government. It covers
the proceeds of the repayable obligations incurred by a particular government.
Transfer of purchasing power from individuals to governments and subsequent retransfer of
purchasing power to individuals from government obligations, particularly those demonstrated
by security, to pay specific sums to the holders at a later date. The total amount borrowed by the
government to achieve its development budget, including total liabilities.
PUBLIC CHOICE MODEL treats of public policy as the result of several competing interests
among the various stakeholders in the policymaking process of the government.
The study of political conduct is one of its topics. ... Because voter behavior impacts public
officials' conduct, public-choice theory frequently incorporates findings from social-choice
PUBLIC POLICY is a relatively stable, purposive course of action or inaction followed by an
actor or set of actors in dealing with a problem or matter of concern. It also refers to the actions
of the government and the intentions that determine those actions.
This is the law that is enforced and followed by the person and it goes through a process.
PUBLIC REVENUES funds used not only to keep the government machinery going but also to
enable the government to carry out its various fiscal functions of allocations, distribution, and
When we illegally violate a law of the government and we need to pay exact amount of money
for us not to be jailed. The money will become the public revenues or funds of the governments.
RATIONAL MODEL thinks of public policy as something that is the result of the best
alternative chosen by the government in responding to the problem of the general public.
It was picking and deciding the best policy in responding to the problem of the general public.
just like also the build build build project of the duterte administration it was first the idea of the
late president ferdinand marcos and being used by president duterte as he thinks that the general
public needs it and thinks that it was the best for the country.
REAL PROPERTY TAX is considered as another major contributor of revenues on the
government. Real property tax is levied upon the lands and buildings of an individual based on
their proportionate value.
It was putting taxes to a real property and it was become one of the sources of funds of the
government. People who owns a land or a property must pay a levied tax and it was one of the
major copntributor of revenues on the government.
REDISTRIBUTIVE POLICY pertains to the deliberate effort by the government to shift the
allocation of wealth, income, property, or rights among broad classes or groups of the population,
such as haves and have-nots, proletariat and bourgeoisie.
The example of it was the hacienda luicita. This land was once promise to distribute to the filipino
farmers but it neverr done. The late president cory aquino promised to give it to the filipino people
but later on takes it as their own. Knowing that it is a government property.
REGION is a unique political subdivision which is composed of several provinces or highly
urbanized cities that are created by an organic law such as the Autonomous Region of Muslim
Mindanao (ARMM).
It is a political sudivision which highly composed of several provinces and highly urbanized cities.
Example of it was the Calabarzon region where it includes cavite, laguna, batangas, rizal and
REGULATORY POLICY pertains to the impositions of restrictions or limitations on the
behavior of individuals and groups. They reduce the freedom or discretion to act of those regulated,
whether bankers, utility companies, meat-packers, or saloon-keepers.
It was a policy to inform, to announce to notify and etc about the restrictions and jurisdictions of
the government. just like closing an establishments where there is an illegal happen. The
government imposed a regulatory policy to announce that the establishments are being closed or
what so ever.

RESPONSIVENESS mandates the government to deliver the services within a reasonable

timeframe. As far as practicality is concerned, it is often desired that the government should be
able to deliver at once.
It is the needed fast response of the government to the certain problem or situation of the public.
the example of it was the yolanda happen a year of 2010. The aquino are being questioned because
of their lack of their responses in the time of the yolanda that causes so many deaths. People believe
that the aquino administration have so many shortcomings at that time.
RULE OF LAW refers to the impartial application of laws regardless of the parties involved.
Such characteristic exemplifies the seriousness of the government in dealing with all the negative
bureaucratic behavior in the public sector.
The COVID-19 pandemic has seriously hampered the administration of justice and access to legal
remedies. The purpose of the notes series is to provide an in-country picture from IDLO's country
offices around the world, with a special focus on the Philippines.
SANCTION connotes the application of penalties to erring officials and employees in the
government. Sanction is important because it gives a sense of control and a reminder among erring
employees in the organization.
Example of it was the international government giving a sanction to the president of the phillipines
president rodrigo duterte because of its way of suppressing the illegal drugs but the president said
he is ready to be jailed but it is because of the filipino and not by international government.
SELF-REGULATORY POLICY is very similar to regulatory policy in that they both restrict or
limit the behavior of some segments of the society. Some sectors or groups in the society resort to
self-regulation primarily for the purpose of containing the behavior of its members.
Instead of being governed by outside organizations or laws, systems, organizations, or activities
are governed by the individuals who participate in them. The permission of all individuals
concerned is essential for a self-regulatory system to operate.
STATE ACCOUNTING is that branch of accounting which encompasses the process of
analyzing, recording, classifying, summarizing, and communicating all transactions involving
government funds and property, and interpreting the results thereof.
The process of documenting and managing all financial transactions incurred by the government,
including its revenue and expenditures, is referred to as government accounting. Various public
sector institutions employ a variety of governmental accounting systems
STATE AUDITING refers to the analytical and systematic examination and verification of
financial transactions, operations, accounts, and reports of any government agency for the purpose
of determining their accuracy, integrity, and authenticity, and satisfying the requirements of law,
rules, and regulations.
An audit is a review of a company's, individual's, or government's records. This usually entails a
thorough examination of financial records or other relevant data. A financial audit is frequently
performed to determine if funds were handled correctly and that required records and filings are
accurate. State auditing involved a files of government records in making sure that everything is
under control and to make sure that the government is not biased and there is no corruption happen.
SUBJECT MATTER VIEW looks at the specific function of public administration which
concentrates on the purpose or basic activity of a certain government agency.
It includes the substantive matters of administration such as defence, law and order, education,
public health, agriculture, public works, social security, justice, welfare and etc.
SUBSIDIARITY is a principle in local governance which argues that taxing, spending, and
regulatory functions should be exercised by lower levels of government unless a convincing case
can be made for assigning them to higher levels of government.
It includes the power of the local government to implement and execute laws from the government
to practice taxing, spending and regulatory functions. It is a principle of social organization that
holds that sociall and political issues should be dealt with at the most immediate or local level that
is consistent with the resolution. The example of it was a case happen in the barangay, just like a
rape case, the barangay hold accountable for it and if their power is not enough and it needs to be
on a higher court it will be assigning to the higher level of the government.
SYMBOLIC POLICY provides little material impact on the general public and does not deliver
what it appears to deliver, and allocate no tangible advantages and disadvantages.
Symbolic policy have a little real material impact on people. The example of it was the flag
burning which violates a law and also the improper folding of flags still violates symbolic policy.

SYSTEMIC AGENDA is a discussion agenda which may or may not compel the government to
immediately consider it.
Just like the hot discussion between senator franklin drilon and senator manny pacquiao according
to the proposed law of many in giving the filipino boxers a right to have an allowance, a practice
area and other benefits as they are representing the phillipines in a national stage but senator drilon
asks if this law is really realiable and helpful even at this time of pandemic. It becomes a hot
discussion to the senate and resulted to studying if the proposed law will really need to immediately
consider it.
TAXES are the primary and traditional sources of income for the government. Taxes include
compulsory contributions from the citizens that finance the activities of the government.
VAT, taxes on any aspect of manufacturing or production, taxes on legal transactions, and customs
or import duties are all examples of taxes.
TRANSACTIONAL PHASE presupposes the existence of all forms of information and
communication technologies as they serve the purpose of transactions.
Just like how we are doing transactions to the government agencies right now. Before we really
need to go to their offices just to get what we need but right now we can easily have transactions
through the use of the technologies. We can easily get what we need through online and it is time
consuming and less hassle. It was the example of transactional phase.
TRANSFER TAX is the transfer tax which is usually imposed when private properties are
conveyed from one individual to another
It include a paper of legal documents that transfers ownership of real property from the seller to a
buyer and in that it also contained transferring its taxes to the buyer that it once paid by the owner
of the property. Becuase it is now legally owned, the tax that it have will be his/her responsibilities
to paid.
TRANSPARENCY refers to the availability and accessibility of information about the
transactions in the government. It allows the government to be screened by the public so that a
regime of trust can be achieved in the process
The transparency of the comelec and the smart matic was onced questioned because of the win of
leni robredo in the presidential race. Bong bong marcos accused leni of fraud in the elections.
Bongbong marcos asked fro another counting of votesd and asked the comelec to show evidences
showing that leni really win the race but the comelec choose not to show it for confidentiality and
by that the transparency were once questioned not only bongbong marcos but all of the supporters
of him.
VALUE ADDED TAX is another major source of taxes which is levied on the privilege of selling
merchandise in and out of the country.
Consumption taxes are levied on consumers. Both are regressive taxes, which means that they are
levied at the same rate on everyone regardless of income.

VALUES refer to enduring beliefs that influence the choices we make among available means or
ends or a set of principles and standards that guide judgement about what is good and proper.
Because of the public limelight, being a public administrator carries a certain amount of status. As
a result, public officials must constantly conduct themselves in a professional manner. Anything
they do has the potential to harm their reputation. This is the first basic principle, and it entails
wearing decently and treating others equally. Character attributes including accountability,
reliability, efficiency, competence, objectivity, and confidence are included in professional values.

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