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Section One : Customer Demographic

Section Two: Customer interaction
with Elbarbary Group and the extent
of their satisfaction with the product
Section Three :Customer Experience
Agenda with After Sales Department:
Section Four : The way the company’s
What this report will cover product advertisements reach the
customers and the company’s
offerings and their evaluation:
Section Five : Sales Representative
and Showroom Assessment
Voice Of Customer ( VOC)

General objectives;
•Voice of customer is the process of To use our customers VOC as a tool
gathering and understanding customer to enhance business performance
feedback regarding our products and and increase profitability.
services and availing the opinions,

comments, expectations, sentiments, and Specific objectives;

critiques of our customers to enhance Increase customer retention
their experience on the long run. Improve our services and products

Building a loyal customers base
Offering an excellent customer
Section One : Customer Demographic
The data collected from 238 customers , 93% (222 customers ) agree to participate in the
study with 88% male and 12% female

52% of customers in Khartoum , with different work sector : 58% private sector , 25% free business
and 8% puplic sector
Section Two:Customer interaction with
Elbarbary Group and the extent of their
satisfaction with the product
•We find that 31% of customers putted in their mind that Elbarbary have
excellent reputation and large group of companies and 9% say that
Elbarbary for electronics .

Group– Brand •17% of the customers comes to their mind when they hear Elbarbary group
that company have Toshiba and Tornado brands and 11% Toshiba only , 8%

Awareness •followed by that Elbarbary Group for Hyundai cars with 15% of them,
while we find that 8% of customers have the name associated with Hyundai
(Cars) ,Toshiba and Tornado
Deal With it is clear that 75% of the customers
participating in the study are permanent

Elbarbary customers with El-Barbary Electronics

,while 24% of them have stopped dealing
with the company .

Reasons for clients (24%) to stop

dealing with the company:
39% say that the product not
always available and 22% due to
the mistreatment
Number of times
The figure shows the frequency of customers'
that they dealt dealings with El-Barbari Electronics.

with El Barbary

•It is clear that 35% of customers dealt more than 10

times with the company, 33% customers dealt only
once , times, and 26% customers dealt between 2 to 5
transactions, while 7% dealt between 6 to 9
•From the figure shows
that products purchased
more by customers is a
refrigerator Toshiba and
followed in the rankings
refrigerator Tornados
and less products are
(Iron - Air Stand Voltas -
and Fraser Voltas).
The product preferred:
(Top of Mind)

•We notice that when asking which product wanting to evaluate , 34%
of them choosing Toshiba refrigerator & 19% tornado refrigerator
Purchase method

•From the above results, it is clear that 44% purchasing through

exhibitions and 40% buying through sales Rep. ,while 16% of
customers purchase from the company.
The below graphs explain the direction of customers
’opinions and the degree of their satisfaction in terms of:
( quality - price - availability - warranty policy - ease of
the purchase process - external appearance and interior
Reasons for low quality rating :
I encountered a problem with the washing machine, which is
subjected to frequent temporary malfunctions
fire regulator problem
The inner shelves of refrigerators are weak and breakable
A problem with the image quality on the screen and the difficulty
of dealing with it

Reasons for the low price rating:

Non-competitive price compared to the
prices of the same type of product from other
The high price of the products affects the
sales of the store
high price
Reasons for low product availability rating:
Unavailability of products on a continuous basis
Not all options are available (multiple colors for example)

Reasons for Low Rating of Warranty Policy:

Length and difficulty of warranty procedures
Failure to respond promptly to maintenance
Short warranty period
Broken screens The replacement request was rejected
and the merchant bore the loss
Reasons for low rating for interior design
A problem from the delegate
The design is old and has no aesthetics
Rapid cooling problem
Electricity regulator problem

Reasons for the low evaluation of the external appearance:

old design
The design has no aesthetics and the customers do not
like it
It has scratches
Based on your low rating for the ease of purchase, select
the reasons:
Delay in receiving and delivering the product
The purchasing process is difficult and lengthy
Difficulty dealing with sales department
Selling with cash only (stop selling in installments)
Unavailability of a representative regularly

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