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MELC: Compare and contrast patterns of written texts across disciplines


5 Comparison and Contrast

What’s New
Directions: Using a Venn diagram, jot down words and phrases showing similarities and differences
between Junior High School and Senior High School.

What Is It?
Comparison in writing discusses elements that are similar while contrast in writing discusses
elements or ideas that are different. A compare-and-contrast essay, then analyzes two subjects

comparing them, contrasting them, or both. However, its purpose is not to simply state the obvious but
rather to illustrate subtle differences or unexpected similarities between two subjects.

As a writer, you should help the readers see how these two ideas are similar or different by
showing them its advantages and disadvantages so they are able to weigh the pros and cons before they
make judgment or decision. Take a look at this example.

Source: Jenn, Kepka, Oregon Writes Open Writing Text. 2015, accessed May 21, 2020,

My sisters are as different as Yin and Yang in terms of personality, appearance and

intelligence. Tina, the middle child in the family, prefers staying at home than going out with her
friends. She is slim, petite and has dark skin. As she is not sociable, she finds friends with the characters
from the books she reads most of the time. In addition, she is

very clever in subjects like Math and Science which made her graduate with Highest Honors from
Senior High School. In contrast, my youngestsister, Joni, is the opposite. She has an outgoing and
friendly personality. There is never a dull moment as she is

always ready with stories to tell. She is tall with a round plump face and fair skin. Being the youngest
in the family, she is often askedto perform during family gatherings since she sings and dances well. My
sisters may be different from each other but they adore

one another.

There are two common ways to organize comparison/contrast paragraph or essay. The Block
Method is used to compare and contrast two subjects one at a time. You may begin by saying
everything you have to say about the first subject you are discussing then move on and write everything
about your second subject. If you are writing a short paragraph or essay, you might be able to fit all of
your points about each item. However, if you would want to address one subject at a time, you may
usePoint -by-point comparison.
Some cohesive devices you can use in showing similarities are likewise, similar to, same with,
like, in the same manner. To show contrast, cue words such as: on the other hand, however, while,
different with, in contrast and the like.

Source: Williams, Madalyn. February 21, 2017, accessed May 20, 2020

What I Can Do
Directions: Write a five (5) to seven (7) sentence paragraph based on the outline you created regarding
the similarity/difference of Junior High School and Senior High School.

Description Highest point Your Score

Has appropriate quality of well-organized points 5 points

to support the topic
Uses specified format/style 3 points
Grammar, spelling and punctuation marks are correct 2 points
Total 10 points


6 Cause and Effect

What’s New

Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then, complete the diagram below.

Discoveries and invention of devices are always welcome until we, humans, find a way to abuse its
benefits and be adversely affected by it. This was the case when Wilhelm
Roentgen discovered x-ray and within five years, the British Army was usinga mobile x-ray unit to
locate bullets and shrapnel in wounded soldiers in the Sudan.TV was also invented with positive
thoughts in mind – there would be no national borders, education and

communication would be worldwide, etc. However, we are now trying to overcome its
physiological and psychological adverse effects on human beings.

(Excerpt: Emmanuel Tatah Mentan, English Essay Writing Handbook Bloomington, IN: AuthorHouse,


Answer the following questions on a separate sheet.

1. What is the main idea of the text?
2. What states the cause of the idea?
3. What states the results of the idea?

What Is It?
Cause and Effect is a text development pattern which explains why something happens. It also
states what results a particular event produces. It usually gives a statement emphasizing the cause and
another emphasizing the effect. The following guide questions can be used for cause-effect
• Why did it happen?
• What caused it?
• What does it cause?
• What are the effects?
• How is it related to something else?

Further, in developing your texts you can use signal words like as a consequence of, as a result
of, because, because of, now that and since to express cause while accordingly, consequently, hence,
so, therefore, and this resulted in to signify effects.
What I Have Learned

Directions: Complete the given statements to sum up your learning for this lesson.

1. Cause and effect is a text development pattern explains something happens and
states results a particular event produces.
2. focuses on: why did the topic happen; what caused it; what does it
cause; what are its effects; and, how is it related to something else.
3. Signal words used in introducing cause include: 4. Signal words used in introducing
effect include:

What I Can Do
Directions: Typhoon Yolanda took the lives of over 6,300 Filipinos and displaced thousand others.
Write a five-sentence paragraph that explains why there were so many casualties even when they were
warned of a storm surge. Use cause and effect pattern of development. The rubric below may be used in
this output.

5 points 3 points 1 point

The paragraph states cause The paragraph states The paragraph states no
and effect and all cause and effect but few cause and effect and it uses
transitional devices are transitional devices are inappropriate transitional
properly used. used. devices.


7 Problem-Solution

What’s New
Directions: Read the essay below. Identify the problem/s and solution/s cited in the passage

Healing a Child’s Stitches and Burns

By: Emerson T. Armero
There can be no doubt that a large number of CIFL or children in conflict with the law may
commit more juvenile crimes despite the intense effort of teachers, the barangays, the police and the
guidance offices. This poses a huge challenge to government authorities and the whole society as well
since these minors are protected by law and should not be harmed by all means.
Basically, while being interrogated upon, these child offenders do not take their case seriously.
They sometimes treat their offense as a practical joke similar to an amusing snapchat or a tiktok moment.
Others consider their waywardness as part of their growing up years – their being young, wild and free.
And they blend with the other CIFL regulars, thereby establishing an organization of future gangsters.
Unfortunately, they are not given the chance to reform their character because they cannot go to jail and
should be with their parents’ custody within 24 hours. Additionally, some of them turn to substance
There might be two doable solutions to overcome the problem mentioned in the previous
paragraphs. The first step would be to give them the opportunity to intensely rehabilitate and provide
educational programs suited to their needs and abilities which will prepare them in the harsh realities of
life. It is also equally important that they get the full support and encouragement of their parents and
fellow learners.

It is reasonable to conclude that education still paves the way for CIFL learners to mend

What Is It?
A problem/solution essay presents a problem, usually discussing several aspects of the
problem, then concludes by discussing solutions to the problem. The problem may be addressed in the
following ways:

Effects only  Describe the problem only in terms of its effects.

 Use examples.
Causes and  Outline the causes of the problem.
effects  Discuss solutions in terms of preventive measures.
Extended  After a topic sentence, illustrate the problem by using an extended
example example (through a story or an anecdote from your introduction).

The solutions may be presented in various ways and you have to think about which way would be the
most appropriate for the particular problem you are discussing. Here are some ways to present
Preventive  Ways to prevent the problem from occurring in the first place
measures  For example: How to prevent COVID-19

A series of steps  Suggest the easiest and most obvious solution first, but if that
doesn’t work, try something else, etc.
 For example: if you have a neighbor who does not wear mask nor
practice social distancing, you might first talk to him/her; if that
doesn’t work, arrange for a mediator; etc. (a last resort might be to
call the police).
Advice  Give some advice and helpful hints.
A choice of  Include solutions that have already been tried, have been
solutions unsuccessful, and new solutions which you are proposing.

The following transitional devices can also help you develop your text.
Introduction Middle Section/ Body Conclusion

• Nowadays… • For instance… • In conclusion…

• It is a common trend that… • Such as/like… • To conclude…
• Society is becoming increasingly • Namely… • To sum up…
concerned about…

What I Have Learned

Directions: Arrange the following steps in developing a problem-and-solution text.
Brainstorm to identify several solutions.
Gather supporting information.
Define the problem to be solved.
Decide how to organize your writing.
Write a thesis statement.
Support your thesis with examples and details.
Write a strong conclusion.
Additional Activities

Directions: List down the top three problems of millennials today. Then propose possible solutions to each
of your identified problems. You can use this as a springboard in writing a problem-solution text.


8 Persuasion

What’s New
Directions: Complete the table below after reading the paragraph.

Is iPhone 11 worth spending? One of the company’s recent novelties is the iPhone 11 – a newer
and more advanced version of the most popular phone in the world. However, the previous model –
iPhone XR – seemed to have been satisfying people’s needs just fine as well. So, what is the difference?


Now, answer the following questions:

1. What is the main idea of the text?
2. What issue has been presented in the text?
3. What does the text want us to do?

What Is It?
Persuasive text can be in the form of an argument, discussion, exposition, review or even an

In developing your own persuasive text, a writer must first state the issue. This will serve as a
background information about the topic. Then, it should be followed by a clear, strong and
specific argument.

An argument is one’s claim or position that can either support or reject the issue previously
stated. Arguments shall be supported with a well-researched evidences, which will give details
on how and why it supports the argument. Evidences can be factual, logical, statistical or
anecdotal in nature. It can also explain counter- arguments not because the writer wants to
prove which claims are wrong or right but to enlighten the readers about other positions.
Lastly, a conclusion restating the main argument of the text will be the end of the text. This will
be your final statement to persuade your readers.

Some guide questions in constructing a persuasive text include:

• What is the issue?
• What is your position or opinion?
• What is the opposing position/opinion?
• What are some reasons for your position/opinion?
• What are some cases or examples that support this?

What I Have Learned

Direction: Complete the statements to sum up your key learning for this lesson.
1. is a type of paragraph development that focuses on presenting
points of view.
2. An serves as a background information about the topic.
3. An is one’s claim or position that can either support or reject theissue
previously stated.
4. Arguments shall be supported with a well-researched .
5. A __________restating the main argument of the text will be the end of the text.

What I Can Do
Directions: Choose an item or a product that you frequently use. Develop a persuasive text by making
a transcript for product advertisement. The rubric below may be used for your output.
5 points 3 points 1 point
The paragraph states The paragraph states The paragraph states no
persuasive text and it uses persuasive text and it little persuasive text and it does
appropriate arguments uses appropriate not use appropriate
and evidences. arguments and evidences. arguments and evidences.

A. Directions: Choose the correct transitional devices. Write your answers on a separate paper.

A. So C. First E. Where G. Lastly

B. Due to D. When F. Second H. Similarly

During my younger years of being a diligent worker, I would spend at least 10 hours working in
the office and I would even bring home some paper works. Until, one day I was brought to the hospital
1. I experienced more anxieties. My attending physician told me that I collapsed 2._____ stress. 3.
_______, I started to follow my doctor’s advice. 4. to spend at least three times a week for
exercise. 5. Another is to take stock of internal stressors I could control. 6. is to use meditation
techniques whenever I felt overwhelmed and make sure that I got sufficient rest. Lastly, is to take time
to do things I enjoy. 7.________ , to pursue some hobbies and pleasures to live a more balanced

B. Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers on your answer sheet.

8. Which text focuses on presenting points of view and seeks on encouraging its readers to accept
a particular argument or act in a particular way?
A. Persuasive C. Cause and Effect
B. Problem-solution D. Comparison and Contrast
9. Which written text involves sensory images to figure out something?
A. Description C. Narration
B. Definition D. Problem Solution
10. What pattern shows similarities and differences of two subjects in a paragraph?
A. Comparison and Contrast C. Narration
B. Cause and Effect D. Problem Solution
11. When giving the full meaning of a certain topic, which pattern is applicable?
A. Description C. Narration
B. Definition D. Problem Solution
12. If you were to tell a story, which pattern of paragraph development would you use?
A. Description C. Narration
B. Definition D. Problem- Solution
13. What pattern presents the reasons and possible results of an event?
A. Description C. Narration
B. Cause and Effect D. Problem Solution
14. In this section, you need to mention an overview of the problem, the why of the problem, and
who should be concerned about the problem.
A. Introduction C. Conclusion
B. Middle section D. Exposition
15. Which would best suit a text that aims to discuss the taxonomy of a group of fossils that was
recently discovered by a paleontologist?
A. Comparison and Contrast C. Narration
B. Classification D. Problem Solution


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