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I was in my native place in semi-urban part of Karnataka nearly after 4 years

Few points I observed here fill up this document

1. People here are geographically weak-

I used to get(and I still get) lot of attention since they consider me as a Mumbaikar, now how do I tell
them that I live in a small village called Dombivli where there are rampant power cuts...I believe
Dombivli should be stripped of its ‘city’ tag and demoted to village tag so that poor students like me
can avail rural quota for seats in engineering/medical colleges...

2. Never go to relative houses with somebody they know better than you-

I made this mistake. I went to relative houses with my mother. My mother was born and brought up
with these people, and obviously she shared better camaraderie than me.

I used to be centre of attraction for precisely 2.7 min after which they used to treat me like footwear
kept in house. We Kannads prefer leaving footwear outside the house so as to maintain cleanliness
and hygiene; people notice their footwear only when they remove it and keep them in a corner of
house. I felt the same...

I noticed that in all relative-visits interaction with me was in initial period (warm up period) for very
little time after which they all used to talk/gossip/discuss/laugh in pure kannada (which is alien
language to me) with my mother.

3. People have a different correction factor than me-

I thought I was always late for events, occasions and often people used to add correction factor
when I gave timings to them. People here don’t add correction factor, they MULTIPLY with their
correction factor, some factors I noted-

My Maternal Grandmother- her 15 min = 30min (correction factor = 2X)

My Maternal Grandmother’s sister in law- her 15min = 60min (correction factor = 4X)

My Mother’s cousin’s wife- her 15min = 4 hour (correction factor = 16X, greater than factor what we
use to calculate time on Mars)
4. Miracle here is no miracle for them-

In my childhood I was always eager to hear some true spooky stories, true miraculous life-death
stories or events or any urban legend, but unfortunately very little stories were available for
circulation... Not here; almost in every household there is daily gossip of such stories, I was lucky to
hear this one-

Well, this lady is still alive and I just now (09-01-2011 22:11:29) traced her relation with me- (She is
my maternal grandfather’s maternal cousin, so related...)

Now this lady is in late 70s and suddenly Swami Samarth(a popular Maharashtrian Saint) arrives in
her body(???)

She has fits which marks the arrival of Swami Samarth in her body. After which she explains/tells
facts about Swami Samarth which nobody knows...

People from far come to hear her and her untold exclusive facts about Swami Samarth. She goes
unconscious after Swami Samarth leaves her body.

I don’t know how true it is but she suddenly found a great amount of worshipers and fans at such
ripe age.

5. Revision is a must!

Let me present you this translated conversation between my mother and her cousin (while I laid
there as footwear)

Mom’s 1st Cousin: Did you know that our mama’s wife expired!

Mom: Really?! How?

Mom’s 1st Cousin: She had cancer and was in vegetative state for almost 2 years

Mom: Alas! She escaped this hardship of life! (Now my mother shifts the topic)

After 14.7min my Mom’s 2nd cousin enters that room (conversation is among these three while I still
lay there as footwear)

Mom’s 2nd Cousin: time is so cruel, our mama’s wife expired!

Mom: Yeah I heard

Mom’s 2nd Cousin: doctor had lost hope in her!

Mom’s 1st Cousin: She had cancer and was in vegetative state for almost 2 years

Mom: Alas!
Me: She escaped hardships of life(in true footwear emotion)

This same subject conversation happened nearly twice when Mom’s 2nd cousin’s husband and her
eldeest daughter enter the conversation after which Snacks arrived and I could start focussing on it...

So folks, revision of any topic at least 4 times is must so that you can remember it perfectly well; and
yeah, I was still laying there as footwear...

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