EvE Tyrannis - Planetary Interaction (Spreadsheet Revised by 4WARD Inc.)

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Don't miss the links to the other sheets! Bottom Line! ↓ ↓ ↓ ( 1. PI Production / 2. Planets / 3.

Skills / PI Structures / Step b

PI Spreadsheet short link: http://4WARDeve-pi.notlong.com

Extractor Resource R → Planet Types

Basic Industry Facility
Product P1

Aqueous Liquids Water
Autotrophs Industrial Fibers T

Base Metals Reactive Metals
Carbon Compounds Biofuels

Complex Organisms Proteins
Felsic Magma Silicon

Heavy Metals Toxic Metals
Ionic Solutions Electrolytes

Micro Organisms Bacteria

Noble Gas Oxygen
Noble Metals Precious Metals

Non-CS Crystals Chiral Structures
Planktic Colonies Biomass
Reactive Gas Oxidizing Compound
Suspended Plasma Plasmoids

3000 units 20 units per cycle (1800s)

Advanced Industry Facility 1. Input Product P1 2. Input Product P1

Product P2 ←

Biocells Biofuels Precious Metals

Construction Blocks Reactive Metals Toxic Metals

Consumer Electronics Toxic Metals Chiral Structures

Coolant Electrolytes Water

Enriched Uranium Precious Metals Toxic Metals

Fertilizer Bacteria Proteins

Gen. Enhanced Livestock Proteins Biomass

Livestock Proteins Biofuels

Mechanical Parts Reactive Metals Precious Metals

Microfiber Shielding Industrial Fibers Silicon

Miniature Electronics Chiral Structures Silicon

Nanites Bacteria Reactive Metals

Oxides Oxidizing Compound Oxygen

Polyaramids Oxidizing Compound Industrial Fibers

Polytextiles Biofuels Industrial Fibers

Rocket Fuel Plasmoids Electrolytes

Silicate Glass Oxidizing Compound Silicon

Superconductors Plasmoids Water

Supertensile Plastics Oxygen Biomass

Synthetic Oil Electrolytes Oxygen

Test Cultures Bacteria Water

Transmitter Plasmoids Chiral Structures

Viral Agent Bacteria Biomass

Water-Cooled CPU Reactive Metals Water

5 units per cycle (3600s) 40 units 40 units

Advanced Industry Facility 1. Input Product P2 2. Input Product P2
Product P3 ←

Biotech Research Reports Nanites Livestock

Camera Drones Silicate Glass Rocket Fuel

Condensates Oxides Coolant

Cryoprotectant Solution Test Cultures Synthetic Oil

Data Chips Supertensile Plastics Microfiber Shielding

Gel-Matrix Biopaste Oxides Biocells

Guidance Systems Water-Cooled CPU Transmitter

Hazmat Detection Systems Polytextiles Viral Agent

Hermetic Membranes Polyaramids Gen. Enhanced Livestock

High-Tech Transmitters Polyaramids Transmitter

Industrial Explosives Fertilizer Polytextiles

Neocoms Biocells Silicate Glass

Nuclear Reactors Microfiber Shielding Enriched Uranium

Planetary Vehicles Supertensile Plastics Mechanical Parts

Robotics Mechanical Parts Consumer Electronics

Smartfab Units Construction Blocks Miniature Electronics

Supercomputers Water-Cooled CPU Coolant

Synthetic Synapses Supertensile Plastics Test Cultures

Transcranial Microcontroller Biocells Nanites

Ukomi Super Conductors Synthetic Oil Superconductors

Vaccines Livestock Viral Agent

3 units per cycle (3600s) 10 units 10 units

High Tech Production Plant 1. Input Product P3/P1 2. Input Product P3

Product P4 ←

Broadcast Node Neocoms Data Chips

Integrity Response Drones Gel-Matrix Biopaste Hazmat Detection Systems

Nano-Factory Industrial Explosives Ukomi Super Conductors

Organic Mortar Applicators Condensates Robotics

Recursive Computing Module Synthetic Synapses Guidance Systems

Self-Harmonizing Power Core Camera Drones Nuclear Reactors

Sterile Conduits Water Smartfab Units

Wetware Mainframe Supercomputers Biotech Research Reports

1 unit per cycle (3600s) 6 units (or 40 P1 units) 6 units

PI Spreadsheet short link: http://4WARDeve-pi.notlong.com

Don't miss the links to the other sheets! Bottom Line! ↓ ↓ ↓ ( 1. PI Production / 2. Planets / 3. Skills / PI Structures / Step by
Planets / 3. Skills / PI Structures / Step by Step / 4. Error Messages / 5. Official / Schematics) ↓ ↓ ↓

http://pi.4ward-eve.ch/ (An EVE Tyrannis PI IGB tool maintained for you by 4WARD Inc.)


Material Flow:

B = Barren tier 1 R (P0) →

G = Gas

I = Ice tier 2 P2 ←

L = Lava →╚════

O = Oceanic tier 3 P3 ←

P = Plasma →╚════

S = Storm tier 4 P4 ←

T = Temperate

Material Quantities and Sizes:

Input u Type

Resource R (P0)

3000u R Product P1
2x (40u P1) Product P2

2 or 3x (10u P2) Product P3

(40u P1) + 2x (6u P3) Product P4

or 3x (6u P3) Product P4

Planet Types Exclusivity*

*The minimum planet(s) you need at least for production.

Example Supercomputers (GS+LP): one G OR S planet PLUS one L OR P planet
Input 1.(P1) + 2.(P1) Example Nuclear Reactors (T+L+P): one T PLUS one L PLUS one P planet
B (BOT)+(BP)


LP (ILP) + (LP)
PI Structures:

P (BP) + (ILP)
Command Center 0-5
OT (BIOT) + (OT)
O (OT) + (IO)
Basic Industry Facility
OT (OT) + (BOT)
Advanced Industry Facility
High Tech Production Plant
T+L (T) + (L)
Storage Facility
L (LP) + (L)

G (G) + (GIS)
G+T (G) + (T)
Skills (Science):

T (BOT) + (T)

Remote Sensing (x1) Int,M

S (LPS) + (GS)

The ability to gather and analyze rem

G+L (G) + (L)

a planet and to produce proper cali

Planetology (x3) Int,Mem

I (GIS) + (IO)

The understanding of planet evolutio

GS (GS) + (GIS)

Advanced Planetology (x5


Advanced understanding of planet e

LP (LPS) + (LP)

IO (BIOT) + (IO)

Command Center Upgrade


Each rank in this skill improves the

allowing for a greater number of con

Cannot be trained on Trial Accounts

Interplanetary Consolidatio
3. Input Product P2 Planet Types Exclusivity

For each rank in this skill, you may

a maximum of 6 planets. You can h
Input 1.(P2) + 2.(P2) + 3.(P2) trained on Trial Accounts.


Construction Blocks
Command Centers (* one f

G+L (G+L) + (LPS+GS)


I+T+L (GIS+IO) + (T+L)

Super Conductors

T+O+LP (BOT+T) + (BOT+O) + (LPS+LP)

G+T+IO (G+T) + (OT+IO)

G+T+LP (G+T) + (LPS+LP)


B+G+L (BOT+BP) + (G+L)

T+L+P (T+L) + (BP)+(ILP)

Miniature Electronics



Consumer Electronics




10 units

3. Input Product P3/P1 Planet Types Exclusivity

Input 1.(P3/P1) + 2.(P3) + 3.(P3/P1)

B+G+L+T+IO (BOT+BP) + (G+L) plus (GIS+IO) + (T+L) plus (G+T) + (LPS+LP)

High-Tech Transmitters

G+B+L+T+O (G+GIS) + (BOT+BP) + (LPS+BGIOST) plus (BOT+T) + (BOT+O) + (LPS+LP) plus (GIS+IO) + (BG

Planetary Vehicles
T+ S (BIOT+OT) + (BOT+T) plus (GS+GIS) + (LPS+BGIOST) plus (BIOT) + (BGLPS)
Reactive Metals
G+P+BIOT (G+GIS) + (GS+BGIOST) plus (BGLPS+BP) + (ILP+LP) plus (BIOT)


Transcranial Microcontrollers
G+L+T+B+IO (G+L) + (LPS+GS) plus (T+L) + (BP)+(ILP) plus (G+T) + (OT+IO)
Hermetic Membranes
L+O (BGIOST) plus (BGLPS+ILP) + (LP+L) plus (OT+BOT) + (BIOT+IO)

Cryoprotectant Solution

6 units (or 40 P1 units)

-pi.notlong.com Last edited: 2010-07-24T18

Any errors or changes? Drop me a n

Planets / 3. Skills / PI Structures / Step by Step / 4. Error Messages / 5. Official / Schematics) ↓ ↓ ↓

→ P1 Processed Raw Extractor Material => P1 (Processed Material)
↓ ╠════ ════╗↓

← P1 ← P1 P2 (Refined Commodities) <= P1+P1

════╦═══ ════╦═══
═ ═ ════╗↓

← P2 ← P2 ← P2 P3 (Specialized Commodities) <= P2+P2+P2

════╦═══ ════╦═══
═ ═ ════╗↓

← P3 ← P3 ← P3 P4 (Advanced Commodities) <= P3+P3+P3 (or P3+P3+P1)

pe Output u Size Cycle Time Structure Planetary Materials (Market Group)

source R (P0) var 0.01m³ var EXR Raw Materials

Processed Materials/Consumer Products/Industrial

oduct P1 20u 0.38m³ 30min/1800s BasIF Goods
oduct P2 5u 1.50m³ 60min/3600s AdvIF Refined Commodities

oduct P3 3u 6.00m³ 60min/3600s AdvIF Specialized Commodities

oduct P4 1u 100.00m³ 60min/3600s HTPP Advanced Commodities

oduct P4 1u 100.00m³ 60min/3600s HTPP Advanced Commodities

planet PLUS one L OR P planet
one L PLUS one P planet


CPU Power Storage Abbr. Costs (ISKs)

mmand Center 0-5 var var 500 (P)CC

ractor 200 800 EXR 45,000.00

sic Industry Facility 200 800 BasIF 75,000.00

vanced Industry Facility 500 700 AdvIF 250,000.00

gh Tech Production Plant 1100 400 HTPP 525,000.00

orage Facility 500 700 5000 STO 250,000.00

unchpad 3600 700 10000 LPad 900,000.00

ills (Science):

mote Sensing (x1) Int,Mem

ability to gather and analyze remote sensing data from satellites in orbit around

lanet and to produce proper calibrated surveys. Prerequisite - Science 3

anetology (x3) Int,Mem

understanding of planet evolution and the fundamentals of resource extraction. Prerequisite - Remote Sensing 3, Science 4

vanced Planetology (x5) Int,Mem

anced understanding of planet evolution and the fundamentals of resource Prerequisite - Planetology 4


mmand Center Upgrades (x4) Cha,Int

h rank in this skill improves the quality of command facility available to you, in turn

wing for a greater number of connected facilities on that planet.

not be trained on Trial Accounts.

erplanetary Consolidation (x4) Cha,Int

each rank in this skill, you may install a command center on one additional planet, to
aximum of 6 planets. You can have only one command center per planet. Cannot be
ned on Trial Accounts.

mmand Centers (* one for each type of planet)

me Size Powergrid CPU CC Upgrades Skill

sic 50 m³ 6000 MW 1675 tf 0

mited 100 m³ 9000 MW 7057 tf 1

andard 200 m³ 12000 MW 12136 tf 2

proved 400 m³ 15000 MW 17215 tf 3

vanced 800 m³ 17000 MW 21315 tf 4

e 1600 m³ 19000 MW 25415 tf 5


BOT+O) + (LPS+LP) plus (GIS+IO) + (BGLPS+BP) + (LP+L)

plus (BIOT) + (BGLPS)

plus (BIOT)




st edited: 2010-07-24T18:18Z (by Chromwell)

errors or changes? Drop me a note ingame (SiSi or Tranq)! ^^

terials (Market Group)

Changed with v151614

ials/Consumer Products/Industrial




Changed with v151614

(Barren, Temperate only)

250,000.00 ISK

1,000,000.00 ISK

7,500,000.00 ISK

500,000.00 ISK
500,000.00 ISK

Base Price

90.000 ISK

670.000 ISK

1.600.000 ISK

2.800.000 ISK

3.700.000 ISK

6.400.000 ISK

Planets (w/o Jove)

Total High Sec Low Sec Null Sec W-Space Resource 1

B = Barren 19135 3252 1712 8070 6101 = Aqueous Liquids

G = Gas 19682 3042 1783 8485 6372 = Aqueous Liquids
I = Ice 3234 482 289 1391 1072 = Aqueous Liquids

L = Lava 6405 916 570 2830 2089 = Base Metals

O = Oceanic 2935 459 284 1259 933 = Aqueous Liquids

P = Plasma 1489 247 148 620 474 = Base Metals

S = Storm 5387 772 499 2320 1796 = Aqueous Liquids

T = Temperate 7000 1222 607 2929 2242 = Autotrophs*

X = Shattered 9 0 1 6 2

Sum 65276 10392 5893 27910 21081 Resource 1-5 in alphabetical order


http://pi.4ward-eve.ch/ (An EVE Tyrannis PI IGB tool maintained for you by 4WARD Inc.)

Planet Types Description: Gas Ice

Temperat Storm
Barren e Lava
Oceanic Plasma Shattered

Shattered Worlds:
Region System Type
Delve T-IPZB I 0.0
Essence Seyllin I Low
Great Wildlands SL-YBS I 0.0
Immensea Z8-81T I 0.0
Outer Ring 3HQC-6 I 0.0
Stain EAWE-2 I 0.0
Syndicate 35-RK9 I 0.0
Unknown J115422 I W-Space
Unknown J164104 I W-Space
Resource 2 Resource 3 Resource 4 Resource 5

Base Metals Carbon Compounds Micro Organisms Noble Metals

Base Metals Ionic Solutions Noble Gas Reactive Gas*
Heavy Metals Micro Organisms Noble Gas Planktic Colonies

Felsic Magma* Heavy Metals Non-CS Crystals Suspended Plasma

Compounds Complex Organisms Micro Organisms Planktic Colonies

Heavy Metals Noble Metals Non-CS Crystals Suspended Plasma

Base Metals Ionic Solutions Noble Gas Suspended Plasma

Aqueous Liquids Carbon Compounds Complex Organisms Micro Organisms

1-5 in alphabetical order

y 4WARD Inc.)

Name Skill Group Rank Attributes Prerequisite Description
Remote Sensing Science x1 Int, Mem Science 3 The ability to gather and analyze remote sensing data fr
orbit around a planet and to produce proper calibrated s
Level 1: allows scans within 1 ly
Level 2: allows scans within 3 ly
Level 3: allows scans within 5 ly
Level 4: allows scans within 7 ly
Level 5: allows scans within 9 ly

Planetology Science x3 Int, Mem Remote Sensing 3, The understanding of planet evolution and the fundamen
Science 4 extraction.

Advanced Planetology Science x5 Int, Mem Planetology 4 Advanced understanding of planet evolution and the fun
resource extraction.

Command Center Upgrades Planet x4 Cha, Int Each rank in this skill improves the quality of command
to you, in turn allowing for a greater number of connecte
Managemen that planet. Cannot be trained on Trial Accounts.
Interplanetary Consolidation Planet x4 Cha, Int For each rank in this skill, you may install a command ce
additional planet, to a maximum of 6 planets. You can h
Managemen command center per planet. Cannot be trained on Trial


Lvl 1 (1 ly) Lvl 2 (3 ly)

Remote Sensing Skill Range via World Map (F10):

• •
tion Base Price
y to gather and analyze remote sensing data from satellites in 250,000.00 ISK
nd a planet and to produce proper calibrated surveys.
llows scans within 1 ly
llows scans within 3 ly
llows scans within 5 ly
llows scans within 7 ly
llows scans within 9 ly

rstanding of planet evolution and the fundamentals of resource 1,000,000.00 ISK


d understanding of planet evolution and the fundamentals of 7,500,000.00 ISK


k in this skill improves the quality of command facility available 500,000.00 ISK
turn allowing for a greater number of connected facilities on
t. Cannot be trained on Trial Accounts.
rank in this skill, you may install a command center on one 500,000.00 ISK
planet, to a maximum of 6 planets. You can have only one
d center per planet. Cannot be trained on Trial Accounts.

Lvl 3 (5 ly) Lvl 4 (7 ly) Lvl 5 (9 ly)

• • •

Command Centers (*one for each type of planet)

Name Volume Powergrid CPU CC Upgrades Skill

Basic 50 m³ 6000 MW 1675 tf 0

Limited 100 m³ 9000 MW 7057 tf 1

Standard 200 m³ 12000 MW 12136 tf 2
Improved 400 m³ 15000 MW 17215 tf 3
Advanced 800 m³ 17000 MW 21315 tf 4
Elite 1600 m³ 19000 MW 25415 tf 5

Command Centers Description

Type Description

Maintaining control over a section of “territory” above a gas giant requires a very specific type of comm
administrative personnel, and easily communicate and interact with other nodes. Suspended with equi
altitude with minimal upkeep. If there is one major advantage to colonizing gas giant planets, it is that t
with almost no concern for their descent or deployment.

Several interconnected underwater buildings comprise the oceanic command center, which serves as
worlds. Built on the ocean floor, this facility includes a thick umbilical that connects it to a communicati
interplanetary transmissions are sent and received. It also houses a basic two-stage pressurized rocke
thence off world into orbit.
Ice, Lava, Plasma,

This command structure is designed to survive in the harshest planetary environments the universe ca
steel reinforcement, increasing its overall resilience, and counter-harmonic stabilizers, which keep it le
activity. The entire facility is covered by a skin of adaptive plating originally designed for terraforming p
surrounding environment. Visitors can expect a prolonged and immodest decontamination and pressu
structure. Valuable materials are lifted off world by a bulk payload, reusable rocket, the scattered comp
Barren, Temperate:

The modular design of this administrative structure allows it to be deployed piecemeal from orbit, then
engineering personnel. Supported by self-regulating pylons that follow the contours of indigenous terra
incline or other non-critical geological hazard. Once active, it serves as both a central command post t
transportation site for getting commodities off world using standard, vertically launched rockets.


Name Power CPU Construction Costs

Basic Industry Facility 800 MW 200 tf 225,000.00

Advanced Industry Facility 700 MW 500 tf 450,000.00

High Tech Production Plant 400 MW 1100 tf 900,000.00


CC0 Changed with v151614

uires a very specific type of command facility, one that is able to maintain its own orbit, house
other nodes. Suspended with equilibrium technology, these nodes are able to maintain
nizing gas giant planets, it is that these facilities can literally be dropped directly from orbit
ommand center, which serves as the nervous system for node structures built on water
that connects it to a communications pod floating on the surface, through which all
basic two-stage pressurized rocket tube for getting people and cargo to the surface and
tary environments the universe can offer. The superstructure uses a combination of titanium-
monic stabilizers, which keep it level and secure regardless of geological conditions or
ginally designed for terraforming platforms, a protective barrier that insulates it from the
dest decontamination and pressurization process when first arriving at the command
usable rocket, the scattered components of which are retrieved by cargo drones.
ployed piecemeal from orbit, then manually assembled on the surface by MTACs and
w the contours of indigenous terrain, the facility can accommodate almost any severity of
as both a central command post to coordinate the activity of all other nodes and a basic
vertically launched rockets.
Abbr. Materials constructable on

BasIF Processed Materials, Water, Oxygen (P1) All Planets

AdvIF Refined & Specialized Commodities (P2,P3) All Planets

HTPP Advanced Commodities (P4) Barren, Temperate

Singularity Join channel SINGULARITY on Sisi for further help - This is the officia

Obtain Command Center (buy a Temperate Command Center in mark

Redeem items Dock in NPC Station, hit "ESC", then click the 'Redeem Items' button -

Overview Overview - Add Planet to your Overview (for seeing the planet type): R
Planet View Right click planet in overview, 'View in Planet mode': Switching to Plan

Viewing Planet panel (Containing two tabs: Manage and Scan)

Command Center (CC) Be sure to deploy the correct Command Center (CC) on the correspon

Manage Tab - Command Centers: Left clicking Command Center and

Deploying CC undocked!)
About Submit

Submit! The Submit/Cancel Buttons are located somewhat under the V

submitting, your changes won't be finalized.

The Command Center lets you build the other structures on the planet

Scan for Resources Scan - chose one of the 5 resources, left click for scanning

Set the maximum visible resource limit - move the right arrow (point lef
Building Extractors (EXR) Manage Tab - Extractors (EXR): Build an Extractor on a resource hots

- Set Extraction P0 Survey for deposits: Left click Extractor, left click 'Survey for deposits' S

Building Storage Facility (STO) Manage Tab - Storage Facilities (STO): Build a Storage Facility near y

About Links and Routes: think of those links as streets, rails or any sim
Links & Routes
Link EXR->STO Linking your Extractor to a Storage Facility: Right click your Extractor, l
Route EXR->STO

Routing your Extractor Outputs to the linked Storage Facility: Left click
insert maximum possible amount X, hit 'OK' button - The Extractor star

Basic Industry Facility (BasIF) Manage Tab - Basic Industry Facility (BasIF): Build a Basic Industry Fa
- Set Production P1 Chose Schematic: Left click Basic Industry Facility, left click 'Schemati
Route STO->BasIF =>P1

Routing your stored Extractor Outputs to the linked Basic Industry Fac
Industry Facility, insert 6000, hit 'OK' button - The Storage Facility star
simply have to wait up to one full cycle)

Next Steps: Linking/Routing your Basic Industry Facility to your Storage or Comma
Launch Products

Launching routed products from the Command Center into space: Left
after Countdown the Products are launched into space

Gathering Products Open Journal, open Planetary Launches Tab, right click the launch ent
After gathering your products and move them into your cargo hold fly t

Bringing Products down to

another Planet

- Building Launchpad Manage Tab (Planet View) Spaceports: Left click Launchpad, move pin

- use Cargo Link Warp to Cargo Link in orbit around target planet, approach it. Right clic
Cargo Link->LPad Storage

For sending down the products, right click Cargo Link again, 'Access C
move to your Launchpad storage immediately.

Managing your planets Open Science & Industry, tab 'Planets': A list of every planet with a CC

About Processor Cycle Times: http://www.eveonline.com/ingameboard.asp?a=topic&threadID=1293813&page=6#

Useful How To's:

Tres Farmer's HowTo's

Planetary Interaction Guide by Minuki http://docs.google.com/View?docid=dhnp447p_63gdbhfwd3

Y on Sisi for further help - This is the official in game channel for the test server.

uy a Temperate Command Center in market or redeem the others via start screen or esc window) and put it in your cargo

SC", then click the 'Redeem Items' button - all the Command Centers (except the temperate CC already seeded in market) appear in yo

ur Overview (for seeing the planet type): Right click a planet, 'Add to Overview'
w, 'View in Planet mode': Switching to Planet View (the Viewing Planet panel shows up on the left side right under your location)

aining two tabs: Manage and Scan)

ct Command Center (CC) on the corresponding planet type (i.e. Temperate CC for Temperate Planets, Barren CC for Barren Planets, G

enters: Left clicking Command Center and moving the pin to the building place, left clicking again to build, hit 'Submit' button (Your CC h
Buttons are located somewhat under the Viewing Planet panel (Manage/Scan); if not visible then probably behind a chat window. You d
on't be finalized.

you build the other structures on the planet surface

esources, left click for scanning

source limit - move the right arrow (point left) to the left until you see intensive coloured spots (white/red most abundant, blue/green leas
XR): Build an Extractor on a resource hotspot (left click, move pin, left click, build, hit 'Submit' button)

ck Extractor, left click 'Survey for deposits' Symbol, left click one deposit, submit - The Extractor starts extracting the resource

ities (STO): Build a Storage Facility near your Extractors (left click, move pin, left click, build, hit 'Submit' button)

nk of those links as streets, rails or any similiar infrastructure; routes are transports (vehicles) using the link infrastructure
Storage Facility: Right click your Extractor, left click 'Create Link', left click your Storage Facility, hit 'Submit' button

uts to the linked Storage Facility: Left click Extractor, left click Products', left click Extractor Output (not routed yet) and note amount X, l
mount X, hit 'OK' button - The Extractor starts routing its Extracts to the Storage Facility

y Facility (BasIF): Build a Basic Industry Facility near your Storage Facility (left click, move pin, left click, build, hit 'Submit' button)
Basic Industry Facility, left click 'Schematics', chose the correct schematic for reprocessing your Extractor resource to Product P1 (See
or Outputs to the linked Basic Industry Facility: Left click Storage Facility, left click 'Storage', left click stored Extractor Output (not routed
, hit 'OK' button - The Storage Facility starts routing the chosen Goods to the Basic Industry Facility, which starts to produce Product 1
e full cycle)

ndustry Facility to your Storage or Command Center and/or build more Extractors and Basic or Advanced Industry Facilities for other pr
rom the Command Center into space: Left click Command Center, left click 'Launch' symbol and chose the products to launch/adding to
ts are launched into space

ary Launches Tab, right click the launch entry and 'Warp to Location' - your ship will warp to the Planetary Launch Container in Orbit
s and move them into your cargo hold fly to another Planet with a Command Center of your own. To send those products down on the

Spaceports: Left click Launchpad, move pin, left click, build, submit... After finishing that a Cargo Link (a structure in space) will orbit the

around target planet, approach it. Right click Cargo Link (within 2500m), 'open Hangar' and move products from your cargo hold into the
cts, right click Cargo Link again, 'Access Customs Office', left click the products and 'Add' them to be transferred. Select the Destination
orage immediately.

b 'Planets': A list of every planet with a CC of your own. Right click on any planet and 'View in planet mode' to remotely admin them


put it in your cargo

dy seeded in market) appear in your Station Hangar (5 of every type)

right under your location)

, Barren CC for Barren Planets, Gas CC for Gas Planets...)

uild, hit 'Submit' button (Your CC has to be in your Cargo hold, your ship has do be
bably behind a chat window. You don't have to submit your steps all the time, but without

d most abundant, blue/green least abundant)

extracting the resource

mit' button)

e link infrastructure
bmit' button

t routed yet) and note amount X, left click 'Create Route', double left click Storage Facility,

k, build, hit 'Submit' button)

actor resource to Product P1 (See PI Production Tab on this spreadsheet)
tored Extractor Output (not routed yet), left click 'Create Route', double right click Basic
which starts to produce Product 1 after receiving 6000u AND completing one cycle ( you

ced Industry Facilities for other products

e the products to launch/adding to payload, hit the 'Add' button and finally 'Go for Launch' -

ary Launch Container in Orbit

end those products down on the surface there has to be a Launchpad.

(a structure in space) will orbit the planet

ducts from your cargo hold into the hangar

transferred. Select the Destination Launchpad and 'Execute Transfer' - the products will

mode' to remotely admin them

Command centers require imported equipment, and cannot be simply constructed. Please purchase a planetary co

Due to union rules, command center staff cannot be fired. As a result, you cannot decommission a command cent

The link between these structures already exists.

That route cannot be created. Supply routes sourced from storage facilities must terminate at an appropriate cons
You cannot perform expedited transfers while there are outstanding construction orders on this planet. Please sub

You cannot construct another [Structure] on this planet, as it would dangerously overload your command center's

You cannot begin exploiting the specified deposit. The facility's foreman does not appear to be answering his com
You can't survey for resources until you've built the extractor.

You are unable to create that route, as the destination is unable to utilize [Extractor resource name]

Notify You can not put that item into a cargo link!

You are unable to create this shipping route as the route's origin would not produce enough [Extractor resource n

That route cannot be created because it is too short.

Info You can only survey a few resources every minute. Please wait for a while before surveying a new resource.

Notify You can not build a command PIN as you are not part of the alliance that holds sovereignty in this system.

(In Progress...)
Please purchase a planetary command center on the market and try again.

decommission a command center.

erminate at an appropriate consumption facility.

orders on this planet. Please submit or cancel your orders before beginning a transfer.

verload your command center's power core.

appear to be answering his communicator, as he is likely out supervising the current deposit.
r resource name]

e enough [Extractor resource name] to fulfill all of its existing routes, in addition to the new one.
ore surveying a new resource.

ds sovereignty in this system.

Official Statements about Tyrannis (more information, less speculation):

Dev Blog: Planetary interaction: impossible is our middle name

About End products: 'The end rewards will come off the NPC market. Basically you'll be able to build POS structures, sov
parts again), station components and nanite repair paste. Might be forgetting something, but that's it I think.' (CCP Sound
'Planets won't be exclusive; lots of players will be able to build in the same area. Amounts that can be "mined" are somew
You cannot currently destroy other peoples structures. For now.......' (CCP Soundwave)

'There will be skills for both scanning and basebuilding, I'd prefer to not list the pre-reqs yet as they are a part of our curr

What about w-space planets? 'You'll be able to use them too!' (CCP Soundwave)
About production chain: 'Yeah, the production chain in it's current state is not at all final. We're currently doing the balanc

About planets and regions: 'There will be some planets that will be barred, but as a general rule, yes, all areas. [empire,
will be an advantage to being in a sov holding alliance.'] (CCP Soundwave)

'We've scaled it with 0.0 being the highest output.'

About districts: 'No districts for Tyrannis - we simply couldn't have done it justice. This certainly doesn't mean they are ne
to continue to work on and improve planetary interaction.' (CCP Nimbus)

About slaves and population: 'No, but if we introduce population and labor, they are an obvious choice there.' (CCP Soun
About NPC Trade: 'You should not be able to sell these commodities to NPC, it's designed to be player to player trade.' (

About a PI Tutorial: 'We don't have a specific tutorial for PI in this release, which is a shame. We're developing a wikiped
tutorial. Hopefully in the future, because this feature really deserves it.' (CCP Soundwave)
About instanced PI: 'You are all in the same game space, but for a variety of reasons, some parts of your interaction will
parts, if not all, of another players network. This is important, as resources are shared, so multiple people harvesting the
people you have close to you, the less value you may experience in the resource.

In the future, we will do more to facilitate trade, conflict and other forms of interaction. You will have some interaction too
environment. We will be adding more ways of looking, poking and blowing other peoples stuff along the way.

But you're not alone 8)' (CCP Soundwave)

About Remote scanning of planets: 'This is intended. The Remote Sensing skill will increase the range at which you can

About Command Centers: 'There will be several tiers of command centers, with better CPU and powergrid.' (CCP Oneiro
About Population Control: 'We're not expecting to be able to go that much into population control, in this expansion. This
infrastructure to refine them, and manufacturing stuff out of them on the surface of the planets. Then launching it into spa

About building Secure Containers: 'No, but that's an interesting item for future additions to the production tree.' (CCP Sou

able to build POS structures, sov structures, POS fuel (the NPC seeded parts), T2 components (the NPC seeded
but that's it I think.' (CCP Soundwave)

s that can be "mined" are somewhat unlimited, but will deplete if mined by high amounts of players in the same


et as they are a part of our current development cycle.'


We're currently doing the balance on them, so it should change shortly.' (CCP Soundwave)


ral rule, yes, all areas. [empire, low and null sec, and WH].' 'Well 0.0 space will have the highest rewards, so there


rtainly doesn't mean they are never going to come, though. As Soundwave mentioned in his devblog, we're going


bvious choice there.' (CCP Soundwave)


ed to be player to player trade.' (CCP Soundwave)


me. We're developing a wikipedia page, and you'll get some hints on how to get started, but not a stand-alone

me parts of your interaction will be gradually introduced. So at release for example, you should be able to browse
o multiple people harvesting the same spot will bring the value of that spot down. So you're not isolated, the more

u will have some interaction tools but not a great deal at launch, but rest assured you are all in the same game
stuff along the way.

ase the range at which you can scan planets. There will be more details in an upcoming devblog.' and

PU and powergrid.' (CCP Oneiromancer)

control, in this expansion. This iteration is more about scanning for great deposits, mining them, building up
anets. Then launching it into space to be used by players.' (CCP Torfi)


o the production tree.' (CCP Soundwave)

Tier 1 Production of P1 - Processed Materials

Planet Types P1 - Processed Material P0 - Raw Material Consumed by P2 - Schemati

B G I O S T Coolant, Superconductors, Tes

Water ← Aqueous Liquids

T Industrial Fibers ← Autotrophs Microfiber Shielding, Polyaram

Reactive Metals ← Base Metals Construction Blocks, Mechanic

Biofuels ← Carbon Compounds Biocells, Livestock, Polytextile
Proteins ← Complex Organisms Fertilizer, Genetically Enhance

Silicon ← Felsic Magma Microfiber Shielding, Miniature

Toxic Metals ← Heavy Metals Construction Blocks, Consume

Electrolytes ← Ionic Solutions Coolant, Rocket Fuel, Syntheti

Bacteria ← Micro Organisms Fertilizer, Nanites, Test Culture

Oxygen ← Noble Gas Oxides, Supertensile Plastics,
Precious Metals ← Noble Metals Biocells, Enriched Uranium, M

Chiral Structures ← Non-CS Crystals Consumer Electronics, Miniatu

Biomass ← Planktic Colonies Genetically Enhanced Livestoc

Oxidizing Compound ← Reactive Gas Oxides, Polyaramids, Silicate G

Plasmoids ← Suspended Plasma Rocket Fuel, Super Conductor

Tier 2 Production of P2 - Refined Commodities

P2 - Refined Commodities P1 - Processed Materials P0 - Raw Materials Consumed by P3 - Schemati

Biocells Biofuels Carbon Compounds Gel-Matrix Biopaste, Neocoms

Precious Metals Noble Metals

Construction Blocks Reactive Metals Base Metals Biotech Research Reports, Sm

Toxic Metals Heavy Metals

Consumer Electronics Toxic Metals Heavy Metals Robotics, Supercomputers

Chiral Structures Non-CS Crystals

Coolant Electrolytes Ionic Solutions Condensates, Supercomputers

Water Aqueous Liquids

Enriched Uranium Precious Metals Noble Metals Nuclear Reactors

Toxic Metals Heavy Metals

Fertilizer Bacteria Micro Organisms Cryoprotectant Solution, Indus

Proteins Complex Organisms

Gen. Enhanced Livestock Proteins Complex Organisms Hermetic Membranes,

Biomass Planktic Colonies

Livestock Proteins Complex Organisms Biotech Research Reports, Va

Biofuels Carbon Compounds

Mechanical Parts Reactive Metals Base Metals Planetary Vehicles, Robotics,

Precious Metals Noble Metals

Microfiber Shielding Industrial Fibers Autotrophs Data Chips, Nuclear Reactors,

Silicon Felsic Magma

Miniature Electronics Chiral Structures Non-CS Crystals Planetary Vehicles, Smartfab U

Silicon Felsic Magma

Bacteria Micro Organisms Biotech Research Reports, Tra

Reactive Metals Base Metals

Oxides Oxidizing Compound Reactive Gas Condensates, Gel-Matrix Biop

Oxygen Noble Gas

Polyaramids Oxidizing Compound Reactive Gas Hermetic Membranes, High-Te

Industrial Fibers Autotrophs

Polytextiles Biofuels Carbon Compounds Hazmat Detection Systems, In

Industrial Fibers Autotrophs

Rocket Fuel Plasmoids Suspended Plasma Camera Drones,

Electrolytes Ionic Solutions

Silicate Glass Oxidizing Compound Reactive Gas Camera Drones, Neocoms,

Silicon Felsic Magma

Superconductors Plasmoids Suspended Plasma Gel-Matrix Biopaste, Ukomi Su

Water Aqueous Liquids

Supertensile Plastics Oxygen Noble Gas Data Chips, Planetary Vehicles

Biomass Planktic Colonies

Synthetic Oil Electrolytes Ionic Solutions Cryoprotectant Solution, Ukom

Oxygen Noble Gas

Test Cultures Bacteria Micro Organisms Cryoprotectant Solution, Synth

Water Aqueous Liquids

Transmitter Plasmoids Suspended Plasma Guidance Systems, Hazmat D

Chiral Structures Non-CS Crystals

Viral Agent Bacteria Micro Organisms Hazmat Detection Systems, V

Biomass Planktic Colonies

Water-Cooled CPU Reactive Metals Base Metals Guidance Systems, Supercom

Water Aqueous Liquids

Tier 3 Production of P3 - Specialized Commodities

P3 - Specialized Commodities P2 - Refined Commodities P1 - Processed Materials P0 - Raw Materials

Biotech Research Reports Bacteria Micro Organisms
Reactive Metals Base Metals

Livestock Proteins Complex Organisms

Biofuels Carbon Compounds
Construction Blocks Reactive Metals Base Metals
Toxic Metals Heavy Metals

Camera Drones Silicate Glass Oxidizing Compound Reactive Gas

Silicon Felsic Magma
Rocket Fuel Plasmoids Suspended Plasma
Electrolytes Ionic Solutions

Condensates Oxides Oxidizing Compound Reactive Gas

Oxygen Noble Gas
Coolant Electrolytes Ionic Solutions
Water Aqueous Liquids

Cryoprotectant Solution Test Cultures Bacteria Micro Organisms

Water Aqueous Liquids
Synthetic Oil Electrolytes Ionic Solutions
Oxygen Noble Gas
Fertilizer Bacteria Micro Organisms

Proteins Complex Organisms

Data Chips Supertensile Plastics Oxygen Noble Gas

Biomass Planktic Colonies
Microfiber Shielding Industrial Fibers Autotrophs
Silicon Felsic Magma

Gel-Matrix Biopaste Oxides Oxidizing Compound Reactive Gas

Oxygen Noble Gas
Biocells Biofuels Carbon Compounds
Precious Metals Noble Metals
Superconductors Plasmoids Suspended Plasma
Water Aqueous Liquids

Guidance Systems Water-Cooled CPU Reactive Metals Base Metals

Water Aqueous Liquids
Transmitter Plasmoids Suspended Plasma
Chiral Structures Non-CS Crystals

Hazmat Detection Systems Polytextiles Biofuels Carbon Compounds

Industrial Fibers Autotrophs
Viral Agent Bacteria Micro Organisms
Biomass Planktic Colonies
Transmitter Plasmoids Suspended Plasma
Chiral Structures Non-CS Crystals

Hermetic Membranes Polyaramids Oxidizing Compound Reactive Gas

Industrial Fibers Autotrophs

Gen. Enhanced Livestock Proteins Complex Organisms

Biomass Planktic Colonies

High-Tech Transmitters Polyaramids Oxidizing Compound Reactive Gas

Industrial Fibers Autotrophs
Transmitter Plasmoids Suspended Plasma
Chiral Structures Non-CS Crystals

Industrial Explosives Fertilizer Bacteria Micro Organisms

Proteins Complex Organisms

Polytextiles Biofuels Carbon Compounds
Industrial Fibers Autotrophs

Neocoms Biocells Biofuels Carbon Compounds

Precious Metals Noble Metals
Silicate Glass Oxidizing Compound Reactive Gas
Silicon Felsic Magma

Nuclear Reactors Microfiber Shielding Industrial Fibers Autotrophs

Silicon Felsic Magma
Enriched Uranium Precious Metals Noble Metals
Toxic Metals Heavy Metals

Planetary Vehicles Supertensile Plastics Oxygen Noble Gas

Biomass Planktic Colonies
Mechanical Parts Reactive Metals Base Metals
Precious Metals Noble Metals
Miniature Electonics Chiral Structures Non-CS Crystals
Silicon Felsic Magma

Robotics Mechanical Parts Reactive Metals Base Metals

Precious Metals Noble Metals

Consumer Electronics Toxic Metals Heavy Metals

Chiral Structures Non-CS Crystals

Smartfab Units Construction Blocks Reactive Metals Base Metals

Toxic Metals Heavy Metals
Miniature Electonics Chiral Structures Non-CS Crystals
Silicon Felsic Magma
Supercomputers Water-Cooled CPU Reactive Metals Base Metals
Water Aqueous Liquids
Coolant Electrolytes Ionic Solutions
Water Aqueous Liquids

Consumer Electronics Toxic Metals Heavy Metals

Chiral Structures Non-CS Crystals

Synthetic Synapses Supertensile Plastics Oxygen Noble Gas

Biomass Planktic Colonies
Test Cultures Bacteria Micro Organisms
Water Aqueous Liquids

Transcranial Microcontroller Biocells Biofuels Carbon Compounds

Precious Metals Noble Metals
Nanites Bacteria Micro Organisms
Reactive Metals Base Metals

Ukomi Super Conductors Synthetic Oil Electrolytes Ionic Solutions

Oxygen Noble Gas
Superconductors Plasmoids Suspended Plasma
Water Aqueous Liquids

Vaccines Livestock Proteins Complex Organisms

Biofuels Carbon Compounds
Viral Agent Bacteria Micro Organisms
Biomass Planktic Colonies

Tier 4 Production of P4 - Advanced Commodities

P4 - Advanced Commodities P3 - Specialized Commodities P2 - Refined Commodities P1 - Processed Materials
Broadcast Node Neocoms Biocells Biofuels
Precious Metals
Silicate Glass Oxidizing Compound

Data Chips Supertensile Plastics Oxygen

Microfiber Shielding Industrial Fibers

High-Tech Transmitters Polyaramids Oxidizing Compound

Industrial Fibers
Transmitter Plasmoids
Chiral Structures

1u P4 <= 6u P3 = x2 (3600s) 3u P3 <= 20u P2 = x4 (3600s) 5u P2 <= 160u P1 = x8 (1800s)

Integrity Response Drones Gel-Matrix Biopaste Oxides Oxidizing Compound

Biocells Biofuels
Precious Metals
Superconductors Plasmoids

Hazmat Detection Systems Polytextiles Biofuels

Industrial Fibers
Viral Agent Bacteria
Transmitter Plasmoids
Chiral Structures

Planetary Vehicles Supertensile Plastics Oxygen

Mechanical Parts Reactive Metals
Precious Metals
Miniature Electonics Chiral Structures

1u P4 <= 6u P3 = x2 (3600s) 3u P3 <= 20u P2 = x4 (3600s) 5u P2 <= 160u P1 = x8 (1800s)

Nano-Factory Industrial Explosives Fertilizer Bacteria

Polytextiles Biofuels
Industrial Fibers

Ukomi Super Conductors Synthetic Oil Electrolytes

Super Conductors Plasmoids

Reactive Metals Base Metals

1u P4 <= 6u P3 = x2 (3600s) 3u P3 <= 20u P2 = x4 (3600s) 5u P2 <= 160u P1 = x8 (1800s)

Organic Mortar Applicators Condensates Oxides Oxidizing Compound

Coolant Electrolytes

Robotics Mechanical Parts Reactive Metals

Precious Metals

Consumer Electronics Toxic Metals

Chiral Structures

Bacteria Micro Organisms

1u P4 <= 6u P3 = x2 (3600s) 3u P3 <= 20u P2 = x4 (3600s) 5u P2 <= 160u P1 = x8 (1800s)

Recursive Computing Module Synthetic Synapses Supertensile Plastics Oxygen

Test Cultures Bacteria

Guidance Systems Water-Cooled CPU Reactive Metals

Transmitter Plasmoids
Chiral Structures

Transcranial Microcontroller Biocells Biofuels

Precious Metals
Nanites Bacteria
Reactive Metals

1u P4 <= 6u P3 = x2 (3600s) 3u P3 <= 20u P2 = x4 (3600s) 5u P2 <= 160u P1 = x8 (1800s)

Self-Harmonizing Power Core Camera Drones Silicate Glass Oxidizing Compound

Rocket Fuel Plasmoids

Nuclear Reactors Microfiber Shielding Industrial Fibers

Enriched Uranium Precious Metals
Toxic Metals

Hermetic Membranes Polyaramids Oxidizing Compound

Industrial Fibers

Gen. Enhanced Livestock Proteins


1u P4 <= 6u P3 = x2 (3600s) 3u P3 <= 20u P2 = x4 (3600s) 5u P2 <= 160u P1 = x8 (1800s)

Sterile Conduits Water

Smartfab Units Construction Blocks Reactive Metals

Toxic Metals
Miniature Electonics Chiral Structures

Vaccines Livestock Proteins

Viral Agent Bacteria

1u P4 <= 6u P3 = x2 (3600s) 3u P3 <= 20u P2 = x4 (3600s) 5u P2 <= 160u P1 = x8 (1800s)

Wetware Mainframe Supercomputers Water-Cooled CPU Reactive Metals
Coolant Electrolytes

Consumer Electronics Toxic Metals

Chiral Structures
Biotech Research Reports Bacteria
Reactive Metals

Livestock Proteins
Construction Blocks Reactive Metals
Toxic Metals

Cryoprotectant Solution Test Cultures Bacteria

Synthetic Oil Electrolytes
Fertilizer Bacteria


1u P4 <= 6u P3 = x2 (3600s) 3u P3 <= 20u P2 = x4 (3600s) 5u P2 <= 160u P1 = x8 (1800s)

POS Fuels:
P3 P2 P1 R (P0)

Oxygen Noble Gas

Coolant Electrolytes Ionic Solutions
Water Aqueous Liquids
Enriched Uranium Precious Metals Noble Metals
Toxic Metals Heavy Metals
Robotics Mechanical Parts Reactive Metals Base Metals
Precious Metals Noble Metals

Consumer Electronics Toxic Metals Heavy Metals

Chiral Structures Non-CS Crystals
3u P3 <= 10u P2 5u P2 <= 40u P1 20u P1 <= 6000 units P0
60min 60min 30min 15min
Consumed by P2 - Schematics: Refined Commodities Partially needed for P3 - Specialized Commodities

Coolant, Superconductors, Test Cultures, Water-Cooled CPU

Condensates, Cryoprotectant Solution, Gel-Matrix Biopaste, Guidance Systems,

Supercomputers, Synthetic Synapses, Ukomi Super Conductors

Microfiber Shielding, Polyaramids, Polytextiles

Data Chips, Polytextiles, Hazmat Detection Systems, Hermetic Membranes, High-

Tech Transmitters, Industrial Explosives, Nuclear Reactors

Construction Blocks, Mechanical Parts, Nanites, Water-Cooled CPU

Biotech Research Reports, Guidance Systems, Planetary Vehicles, Robotics,

Smartfab Units, Supercomputers, Transcranial Microcontroller

Biocells, Livestock, Polytextiles

Biotech Research Reports, Gel-Matrix Biopaste, Hazmat Detection Systems,

Industrial Explosives, Neocoms, Transcranial Microcontroller, Vaccines
Fertilizer, Genetically Enhanced Livestock, Livestock

Biotech Research Reports, Cryoprotectant Solution, Hermetic Membranes, Industrial

Explosives, Vaccines

Microfiber Shielding, Miniature Electronics, Silicate Glass

Camera Drones, Data Chips, Neocoms, Nuclear Reactors, Planetary Vehicles,

Smartfab Units

Construction Blocks, Consumer Electronics, Enriched Uranium

Biotech Research Reports, Nuclear Reactors, Robotics, Smartfab Units,

Coolant, Rocket Fuel, Synthetic Oil

Camera Drones, Condensates, Cryoprotectant Solution, Supercomputers, Ukomi

Super Conductors

Fertilizer, Nanites, Test Cultures, Viral Agent

Biotech Research Reports, Cryoprotectant Solution, Hazmat Detection Systems,

Industrial Explosives, Synthetic Synapses, Transcranial Microcontroller, Vaccines

Oxides, Supertensile Plastics, Synthetic Oil

Condensates, Cryoprotectant Solution, Data Chips, Gel-Matrix Biopaste, Planetary

Vehicles, Synthetic Synapses, Ukomi Super Conductors
Biocells, Enriched Uranium, Mechanical Parts

Gel-Matrix Biopaste, Neocoms, Nuclear Reactors, Planetary Vehicles, Robotics,

Transcranial Microcontroller

Consumer Electronics, Miniature Electronics, Transmitter

Hazmat Detection Systems, High-Tech Transmitters, Planetary Vehicles, Robotics,

Smartfab Units, Supercomputers

Genetically Enhanced Livestock, Supertensile Plastics, Viral Agent

Data Chips,Hazmat Detection Systems, Hermetic Membranes, Planetary Vehicles,

Synthetic Synapses, Vaccines

Oxides, Polyaramids, Silicate Glass

Camera Drones, Condensates, Gel-Matrix Biopaste, Hermetic Membranes, High-

Tech Transmitters, Neocoms

Rocket Fuel, Super Conductors, Transmitter

Camera Drones, Gel-Matrix Biopaste, Guidance Systems, Hazmat Detection

Systems, High-Tech Transmitters, Ukomi Super Conductors

Partially needed for P4 - Advanced Commodities

Consumed by P3 - Schematics: Specialized Commodities
Gel-Matrix Biopaste, Neocoms, Transcranial Microcontroller Broadcast Node, Integrity Response Drones,

Recursive Computing Module

Biotech Research Reports, Smartfab Units Sterile Conduits, Wetware Mainframe

Robotics, Supercomputers Organic Mortar Applicators, Wetware Mainframe

Condensates, Supercomputers Organic Mortar Applicators, Wetware Mainframe

Nuclear Reactors Self-Harmonizing Power Core

Cryoprotectant Solution, Industrial Explosives Nano-Factory, Wetware Mainframe,

Hermetic Membranes, Self-Harmonizing Power Core,

Biotech Research Reports, Vaccines, Sterile Conduits, Wetware Mainframe,

Planetary Vehicles, Robotics, Integrity Response Drones, Organic Mortar Applicators,

Data Chips, Nuclear Reactors, Broadcast Node, Self-Harmonizing Power Core,

Planetary Vehicles, Smartfab Units, Integrity Response Drones, Smartfab Units,

Biotech Research Reports, Transcranial Microcontroller, Recursive Computing Module, Wetware Mainframe,

Condensates, Gel-Matrix Biopaste, Integrity Response Drones, Organic Mortar Applicators,

Hermetic Membranes, High-Tech Transmitters, Broadcast Node, Self-Harmonizing Power Core,

Hazmat Detection Systems, Industrial Explosives, Integrity Response Drones, Nano-Factory,

Camera Drones, Self-Harmonizing Power Core,

Camera Drones, Neocoms, Broadcast Node, Self-Harmonizing Power Core,

Gel-Matrix Biopaste, Ukomi Super Conductors Integrity Response Drones, Nano-Factory,

Data Chips, Planetary Vehicles, Synthetic Synapses, Broadcast Node, Integrity Response Drones,

Recursive Computing Module,

Cryoprotectant Solution, Ukomi Super Conductors, Nano-Factory, Wetware Mainframe,

Cryoprotectant Solution, Synthetic Synapses, Recursive Computing Module, Wetware Mainframe,

Guidance Systems, Hazmat Detection Systems, High-Tech Transmitters Broadcast Node, Integrity Response Drones,
Recursive Computing Module,

Hazmat Detection Systems, Vaccines Integrity Response Drones, Sterile Conduits,

Guidance Systems, Supercomputers, Recursive Computing Module, Wetware Mainframe

w Materials Consumed by P4 - Schematics: Advanced Commodities

ganisms Wetware Mainframe,



Gas Self-Harmonizing Power Core,

ed Plasma

Gas Organic Mortar Applicators,


ganisms Wetware Mainframe,



as Broadcast Node,

Gas Integrity Response Drones,

ed Plasma

tals Recursive Computing Module,

ed Plasma

Compounds Integrity Response Drones,

ed Plasma

Gas Self-Harmonizing Power Core,



Gas Broadcast Node,

ed Plasma

ganisms Nano-Factory,


Compounds Broadcast Node,


hs Self-Harmonizing Power Core


as Integrity Response Drones


tals Organic Mortar Applicators,



tals Sterile Conduits,

tals Wetware Mainframe,


as Recursive Computing Module,


Compounds Recursive Computing Module,


utions Nano-Factory,
ed Plasma

Organisms Sterile Conduits,

cessed Materials P0 - Raw Materials
Carbon Compounds
Metals Noble Metals
g Compound Reactive Gas
Felsic Magma

Noble Gas
Planktic Colonies
l Fibers Autotrophs
Felsic Magma

g Compound Reactive Gas

l Fibers Autotrophs
ds Suspended Plasma
ructures Non-CS Crystals

20u P1 <= min 12000 units R (P0) (in 1800s)

g Compound Reactive Gas

Noble Gas
Carbon Compounds
Metals Noble Metals
ds Suspended Plasma
Aqueous Liquids

Carbon Compounds
l Fibers Autotrophs
Micro Organisms
Planktic Colonies
ds Suspended Plasma
ructures Non-CS Crystals

Noble Gas
Planktic Colonies
Metals Base Metals
Metals Noble Metals
ructures Non-CS Crystals
Felsic Magma

20u P1 <= min 12000 units R (P0) (in 1800s)

Micro Organisms

Complex Organisms
Carbon Compounds
l Fibers Autotrophs

tes Ionic Solutions

Noble Gas
ds Suspended Plasma
Aqueous Liquids

20u P1 <= min 12000 units R (P0) (in 1800s)

g Compound Reactive Gas

Noble Gas
tes Ionic Solutions
Aqueous Liquids

Metals Base Metals

Metals Noble Metals

etals Heavy Metals

ructures Non-CS Crystals
20u P1 <= min 12000 units R (P0) (in 1800s)

Noble Gas
Planktic Colonies
Micro Organisms
Aqueous Liquids

Metals Base Metals

Aqueous Liquids
ds Suspended Plasma
ructures Non-CS Crystals

Carbon Compounds
Metals Noble Metals
Micro Organisms
Metals Base Metals

20u P1 <= min 12000 units R (P0) (in 1800s)

g Compound Reactive Gas

Felsic Magma
ds Suspended Plasma
tes Ionic Solutions

l Fibers Autotrophs
Felsic Magma
Metals Noble Metals
etals Heavy Metals

g Compound Reactive Gas

l Fibers Autotrophs

Complex Organisms
Planktic Colonies

20u P1 <= min 12000 units R (P0) (in 1800s)

Aqueous Liquids

Metals Base Metals

etals Heavy Metals
ructures Non-CS Crystals
Felsic Magma

Complex Organisms
Carbon Compounds
Micro Organisms
Planktic Colonies

20u P1 <= min 12000 units R (P0) (in 1800s)

Metals Base Metals
Aqueous Liquids
tes Ionic Solutions
Aqueous Liquids

etals Heavy Metals

ructures Non-CS Crystals

Micro Organisms
Metals Base Metals

Complex Organisms
Carbon Compounds
Metals Base Metals
etals Heavy Metals

Micro Organisms
Aqueous Liquids
tes Ionic Solutions
Noble Gas
Micro Organisms

Complex Organisms

20u P1 <= min 12000 units R (P0) (in 1800s)

Planets (min) Large Tower (Sov 0) Sov 1/4 Faction '/'' Sov 1/4

Oxygen : 25
as GIS G 19/18 22/16 17/12
utions GS G Coolant : 8 6 7/5 6/4
Liquids BGIOST G
etals BP P Enriched Uranium : 4 3 4 3
etals ILP P
tals BGLPS GP Robotics : 1 1 1 1
etals BP P Mechanical Parts : 5 4 5 4

etals ILP P
Crystals LP P
ts P0
Consumed by P4 -Schematics

Sterile Conduits

e, Guidance Systems,

metic Membranes, High-



Vehicles, Robotics,

Detection Systems,
ler, Vaccines

etic Membranes, Industrial

, Planetary Vehicles,

martfab Units,

upercomputers, Ukomi

Organic Mortar Applicators

at Detection Systems,
crocontroller, Vaccines

atrix Biopaste, Planetary


ry Vehicles, Robotics,

etary Vehicles, Robotics,

nes, Planetary Vehicles,

etic Membranes, High-

Hazmat Detection
PI-4WARD :: An EVE Tyrannis PI IGB tool maintained for you by 4W

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