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Doc. Ref No.

: COED-Ed-
COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Effectivity Date: Jan. 2019
Page No.: 1



Answer the following questions accordingly. Make your answers brief but complete. (20 points per item).
1. What does the organizational chart/ structure illustrate?
- An organizational chart is a diagram that visually conveys a company's internal structure by detailing the
roles, responsibilities, and relationships between individuals within an entity.

2. Discuss briefly the educational management cycle.

- The educational management cycle starts from analysis- planning- development- evaluation then
implementation. The first stage of the program’s lifecycle is an analysis of the standards and employers’
requirements. Planning is the next step, which collects information about educational resources for the
learning process. The next step is the development of a program and a tool for assessing it for
compliance with the standards and employers’ requirements. The program’s implementation involves the
training technologies selection and the educational process planning. The learning process is performed
using selected or synthesized educational resources. The program’s implementation is completed by
evaluating the obtained competences.
3. Describe the two types of organizational communication system.
- The two types of organizational communication system are the internal and external communication.
a. Internal communication focuses on the way employees interacts with one another. This workplace
communication may involve the following:

 Professional collaboration via numerous communication channels such as video, email, or live chat
 Employee training modules such as decision-making courses or two-way reviews
 Messaging around an organization’s mission
 Interpersonal communications between management and employees
 Workplace social activities
b. External communication applies where an organization communicates with the outside world. This includes:

 Public relations announcements, for example by social media, TV, or radio

 Marketing materials
 Branding of products or services
 Job posts and hiring, including LinkedIn adverts or recruitment drives
 Communication with stakeholders
 Customer support

4. “ Watch what we do, not what we say”. Is this a good practice in school management. Explain.
- It is a good practice in a school management because they are actually doing it or leading something to be
done so as to have something to follow.
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Doc. Ref No.: COED-Ed-
COLLEGE OF EDUCATION Effectivity Date: Jan. 2019
Page No.: 1

5. Describe some ways in which grapevine can be used effectively in school management.

6. How does poor communication of the organization’s goals affect the performance of the school?
Explain briefly.

- When workers have poor communication skills, they can't effectively perform their jobs. This can lower
morale and the motivation to perform well, leading to a less productive workforce. It also can impact on-time
delivery of projects, which can tarnish a business's reputation.

7. Changes in the Educational system come and go. As a school head, what are your roles in the
management of change? Explain briefly.
8. If you are the school head, which source of power would you best adopt in your role as the head?
Explain briefly.
9. One of the characteristic features of School Based Management is “ Community Ownership or shared
Governance”. Explain this feauture to describe SBM.
10. Are there benefits you get from School Based Management? Support your answer.
11. As school head, how are you going to handle the situation if you hear one of your teachers say this statement
during your faculty meeting: “We tried that years ago and it did not work”.

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