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2022 中英文北美版

Fruit Kingdom
中華民國一一一年三月 第四七卷第三期


US$5 Vol. 47 No. 3 March 2022
專文 天主教台北總教區總主教 鍾安住
推薦 中央研究院 基因體研究中心 特聘研究員 陳建仁

自 1626 年西班牙道明會的五位神父隨軍踏上台灣,以基隆為起 The history of Catholicism in Taiwan began 396 years ago in 1626, when ve Dominican friars ar-
點宣傳福音開始,至今天主教在台已有 396 年歷史。 rived in the wake of Spanish military forces and began spreading the gospel in the area around Keelung.
Because Taiwan’s Constitution guarantees freedom of religion to its citizens, many Catholic mis-
由於台灣憲法上明訂人民擁有宗教信仰與傳教的自由,諸多本於 sionary organizations that previously operated in China relocated to Taiwan after 1949.
中國傳教的天主教組織紛紛來台,彼時具有寬廣宗教觀的天主教 By that time Catholicism had already set deep roots in Taiwan. Many of the foreign priests, monks,
早已深植台灣,眾多神父、修士和修女們也精通在地語言,與不 and nuns became uent in local languages, and the Church worked with various other belief systems to
同民俗信仰攜手傳愛,在過去的艱困年代裡,以服務奉獻的精神, spread God’s love. In that era of hardships, Catholics quietly dedicated themselves to serving the people
為這塊土地上的人們默默付出。 of this land.
Over the past 46 years, Taiwan Panorama has continually followed the development of Catholicism
《光華》46 年來始終關注著天主教在台灣的發展軌跡與動人事 in Taiwan and its moving achievements. From among these reports we have selected 20 representative
蹟,從中精選出 20 篇各階段代表性的報導並集結成書,盼透過
articles from dierent eras and gathered them together in this book. We hope it can convey the goodness,
selessness and resilience of the human spirit.

New Hope for a New Year

圖/文•莊坤儒 版面設計•馬英凱

2021年,台北101的跨 A fter a difficult 2021, the New Year’s Eve fire-
works at the Taipei 101 building once again
represent the hopes of Taiwan’s people for a safe
期望,希望在未來的日子都能 and happy future.
平安、快樂。 (photo and text by Kent Chuang/tr. by Phil Newell)
編人 的
編者 絮話語

台灣的農業技術發達,多年來發展出許多 此外,《光華》編採團隊也前往位於南投
出版者 光華畫報雜誌社 不同的水果品種,有來自中國的梅、李、桃, 信義鄉的食農教育民族植物館,了解台灣原
發 行 人/ 吳釗燮
Publisher: Jaushieh Joseph WU
社 長 / 徐詠梅 還有來自中亞的蘋果、葡萄等溫帶水果,或 住民常用的數十種植物,述說植物、部落與
Director: Catherine Y.M. HSU
總 編 輯/ 陳亮君
Editor-in-Chief: Ivan CHEN 是中南美洲的釋迦、酪梨及鳳梨,甚至有源 祭典的故事。
主 編/ 曾蘭淑
Editor: Esther TSENG
文 稿 副 主 編/ 鄧慧純 劉亭均
自東南亞的楊桃、黃金果與紅毛丹,這些都 * * *
Deputy Editors: Cathy TENG, Rina LIU
文 字 編 輯/ 陳群芳 蘇俐穎 謝宜婷 來到寶島台灣落地生根。 甫於中研院退休的李有成,重拾年少時的
Writers: CHEN Chun-fang, Lynn SU, Tina XIE
美 術 編 輯/ 蕭郢岑 王敬勛 馬英凱
Art Editors: HSIAO Ying-tsen, Henry WANG, 而台灣得天獨厚的氣候及地理條件,不僅 詩筆,他的詩作〈深夜回到漁村〉,描寫了
MA Ying-kai
攝影組召集人/ 莊坤儒
Photographic Coordinator: Kent CHUANG
一年四季有著各式各樣的水果可供享用,加 重遊故鄉馬來西亞吉打州的漁村,觀察到世
攝 影 組 長/ 林格立
Photographic Director: Jimmy LIN 上果農的勤勉及卓越的栽培技術,讓台灣水 事流變後的心境;張貴興的新作以大象林旺
攝 影 編 輯/ 林旻萱
Photojournalist: LIN Min-hsuan
英 文 編 輯/ 陳瑩潔 唐樂榕 倪凱駿 費儒伯 果的品質聞名於世。本期《光華》封面故事 作為主題,這隻曾長居台北動物園裡的明星
English Editors: Audrey CHEN, Robert TAYLOR,
Phil NEWELL, Robert FOX
日 文 編 輯/ 山口雪菜 施家騏 將帶您深入產地,了解水果在台灣的育種、 動物,其實是一隻緬甸的戰象,在二戰時出
Japanese Editors: Yukina YAMAGUCHI,
Shila SHIH
印 尼 文 編 輯/ 陳德銘
栽培與應用,以及我國農技團援外的種種事 生入死。這些馬華作家,透過不同視野的全
Indonesian Editor: Temmy WIRYAWAN
越 南 文 編 輯/ 武秋香 蹟,讓水果的滋味填滿您的味蕾與心靈。 新創作,呈現台灣語境的創作特色,也包括
Vietnamese Editor: VU Thu Huong

* * *
泰 文 編 輯/ 王玉雯
Thai Editor: WANG Yu-wen 從台灣歷史、鄉土、民俗中蒐集素材的近年
資深行政編輯/ 段蜀華
Senior Administrative Editor: DUAN Shu-hwa
社 群 編 輯/ 蕭淑憶
本期「島嶼行旅」單元,帶您走一趟老台 台灣漫畫,凸顯了台灣在創作環境上的優勢。
Social Media Editor: Dawa HSIAO
北人的回憶,有堅持老派風格的懷舊餐廳、 而民間減碳的行動不曾停歇,其中博仲法
總 監 / 鍾宜蓉

律事務所已在 2020 年達成碳中和,吸引了國

Marketing Director: Carianne CHUNG
業 務 協 理/ 陳俊偉 風華典雅的百年古蹟、時光凝結的曲徑巷
Deputy Manager: CHEN Jyun-wei
資 訊 部 主 任 / 卓宏基
Director of Information Systems: CHO Hung-chi 弄,還有那蒸騰著熱氣的常民小吃……等 內外團體前來取經。看這家企業採取了什麼
綜 合 服 務 組/ 李淑慧
General Affairs: S.H. LEE
等,值得您來細細品味。還有充滿濃濃年味 樣的作為,讓環境永續不再是口號,而是具

的台南府城普濟殿燈會及曾獲德國紅點設計 體可行的實際行動。《光華》每期持續為您

獎的月津港燈節,讓《光華》點亮您心中永 帶來最在地的深入報導,讓發生在台灣的美

不熄滅的熱情與活力。 好,伴您度過生命中的幸福時光。 l
The Story of Taiwanese Fruit EDITOR’S NOTE

T aiwan, with its advanced agricultural Township, to learn about the plants tradition­ GPN: 2008000038 ISSN1991-525X
原刊名光華 Sinorama Magazine

technology, has developed new vari­ ally used by Taiwan’s indigenous peoples, 中華民國95年1月改為台灣光華雜誌
Taiwan Panorama

eties of many kinds of fruit. Fruits from and their connection with daily life and reli­ SUBSCRIPTION RATES:
around the world, including temperate gious rituals.  Republic of China: NT$150 per copy,
  NT$1500/year, NT$2600/2 years

fruits like plums and peaches from China Lee Yu­cheng, who recently retired from
 Asia & Pacific Regions: US$40/year,
  US$72/2 years by airmail

or apples and grapes from Central Asia, as Academia Sinica, has returned to writing
 Elsewhere: US$45/year,
  US$80/2 years by airmail

well as tropical fruits like sugar apples, avo­ poetry as he did in his youth. His poem “Re­ 社址/中華民國台灣台北市100209中正區愛國西路

cado and pineapple from Central America or turning to the Fishing Village at Night” de­
Address: 3F, No. 2, Aiguo W. Rd., Zhongzheng

jackfruit, abiu and rambutan from Southeast scribes his thoughts on revisiting his home
District, Taipei City 100209, Taiwan, ROC

Asia, have set down roots in Taiwan. village in Malaysia’s Kedah State, and seeing
PO Box 8-398, Taipei Fuxing Bridge,
Taipei City 100908, Taiwan, ROC

Taiwan enjoys outstanding climatic and the changes time has wrought. Meanwhile
傳真機/Fax: +886-2-2397-0655 
geographical conditions for growing fruit, Chang Kuei Hsing’s latest work is about Lin 網址/

and produces a wide variety of fruits year Wang, an elephant that lived for years in the

round. Thanks to the hard work of farmers, Taipei Zoo after serving in military campaigns 著作權所有,本雜誌圖文非經同意不得轉載。
and advanced cultivation techniques, Tai­ in Myanmar in WWII. These Malaysian­born 如發現書頁有裝訂錯誤或污損事情,
wanese fruit is a watchword for quality. In writers express their own perspectives All rights reserved. Photos and articles may not
be reprinted without our permission.
this month’s Cover Story we visit farming through the unique creative possibilities of If you wish to reprint any of our articles or
photographs, please contact our senior
areas to understand the breeding, cultiva­ Taiwan’s linguistic context. Similarly, in recent administrative editor.
Damaged or misbound copies returned to us will
tion, and uses of fruit in Taiwan, as well as years Taiwanese comics, drawing on mater­ be gladly replaced.

the achievements of our agricultural tech­ ials from Taiwan’s history, native soil, and folk
nical missions overseas. Our reports will customs, have shown the advantages of our
tickle your taste buds and enrich your spirit. island’s creative environment.
In this issue’s “Around Taiwan” section, Citizens’ efforts to reduce carbon emis­
we explore memories of Old Taipei, with sions are unceasing. The law firm Winkler
nostalgic restaurants, elegant historic sites, Partners achieved carbon neutrality in 2020,
back streets where time stands still, and drawing interest from domestic and foreign 本刊物印刷油墨使用環保認證大豆油墨

downhome eateries. We also travel to Tainan groups, who come to see what measures the
to experience the vitality of two local lantern firm has adopted to turn “sustainability”
festivals: the Tainan Phoo Tse Lantern Fest­ from slogan to practical action. Each month
ival and the Yuejin Lantern Festival. we bring you in­depth reports about the best
In addition, we visit the Ethnobotany, of Taiwan, to keep you company in the happy
Food and Farming Education Center at the moments of your lives. l
NTU Experimental Forest in Nantou’s Xinyi (Ivan Chen/tr. by Phil Newell)
CONTENTS 中華民國111年3月 第47卷 第3期 Vol. 47 No. 3 March 2022

封面故事 Cover Story

6 水果王國
Taiwan, Fruit Kingdom

8 「棗」到幸福
Jujubilation: The Sweet
Succulence of Taiwan Jujubes

文•曾蘭淑 圖•邱祝櫻提供

12 果真好吃
Now That’s Good Fruit!
The Great Taste of Taiwan Pineapples
文•曾蘭淑 圖•官青杉提供

18 柿柿如意
Persimmons to Eat, Persimmons to Dye
With—A Visit to Persimmon Country
文•曾蘭淑 圖•林格立

24 果然不一樣
Fruitful Endeavors:
The Many Uses of Taiwanese Fruit
文•曾蘭淑 圖•林格立

30 用水果連結世界
Connecting with the World:
Novel Fruits Gain Traction in Taiwan
文•陳群芳 圖•莊坤儒

40 知能共享,果蔬生產自主

Sharing Knowledge for Self-Sufficiency:
International Aid in Fruit and Vegetable
國合會提供 courtesy of TaiwanICDF 文•劉亭均 圖•國合會提供

編者的話 來自地方的明信片
Editor’s Note Postcards from Home

2 台灣水果演義 1 跨年新希望 48 月月好讀

The Story of Taiwanese Fruit New Hope for a New Year Variety Pages
文•陳亮君 圖/文•莊坤儒 文•莊永明、李旺台
影像對話 Photo Essay

58 《光華》攝影徵件
封面說明: 生活中的精華──節慶
Readers’ Photos:
的味蕾,更豐富水果王國的美名。(莊坤儒攝) Holidays and Festivals
Cover: More and more tropical fruits are now being grown
in Taiwan, delighting our tastebuds and enhancing Taiwan’s
reputation as a fruit kingdom. (photo by Kent Chuang) 全球視野 Global Outlook

68 打造零碳排放的具體實踐
In Pursuit of Net Zero
—Winkler Partners Achieves
Carbon Neutrality
文•陳群芳 圖•林旻萱

島嶼行旅 Around Taiwan

76 台味燈節.點亮家鄉

Local Lantern Festivals Bring
New Life to Communities
文•鄧慧純 圖•林格立

86 是記憶,亦是鄉愁
Memory and Nostalgia:
Remembering Old Taipei
文•蘇晨瑜 圖•莊坤儒

96 山林是一座大冰箱

Bounty of the Forests:
The Plant Lore of Taiwan’s
Indigenous Peoples
文•謝宜婷 圖•莊坤儒

藝文脈絡 Cultural Trends

106 台灣漫畫新浪潮
The New Wave of Taiwan Comics
—Our Times, Our Tales
文•蘇俐穎 圖•莊坤儒

多元族群 Communities

114 在台灣書寫熱帶
A Dual Sense of Home:
Malaysian-Born Writers in Taiwan
文•蘇俐穎 圖•林旻萱
Taiwan, Fruit Kingdom


Jujubilation: The Sweet

Succulence of Taiwan Jujubes


林格立攝 photo by Jimmy Lin

文•曾蘭淑 圖•邱祝櫻提供 版面設計•蕭郢岑


華》採訪團隊來到連續六連霸拿到農委會高雄區 J ujubes come onto the market in Taiwan in the
run-up to the Lunar New Year. In 1944, Indian ju-
jubes (Ziziphus mauritiana), less than ten grams in
weight and sour and astringent in taste, were intro-
duced to the island. But since then they have been
dramatically transformed into sweet, juicy fruits
蜜棗的秘訣。 weighing up to 200 grams. For this the credit goes to
agricultural experts and farmers, whose hard work
enables us all to experience the joy of jujubes.
樹林中,不畏枝上小刺,一邊忙著疏芽一邊說: The warm spring sun shines down on rows of jujube
「這是我進行第三次疏果了。」滿地被修剪掉的 trees in net greenhouses. We are in Kaohsiung’s Dashe Dis-
小顆蜜棗,即是辛勤疏果的功夫,所換來豐收的 trict, which for six straight years has been home to the win-
ners of the national jujube orchard management contest,
conducted by the Kaohsiung District Agricultural Research
and Extension Station (KDARES). We ask two-time cham-
pion Su Xincheng his secret for growing 200-gram jujubes.
牛奶、蛋液,混合海草精等微量元素,以及粕類的 Jujube professionals
植物性蛋白質,製成液體有機肥,施放在根部。 The tall Su strolls through a grove of low fruit trees, un-
在評鑑比賽拿到冠軍的品種是高雄12號「珍 daunted by their thorns. As he prunes, he explains: “This
愛」,他說:「12號產量低,但是單顆可以重達 is the third round of fruit thinning.” Small jujubes culled

五、六台兩(約200公克),就像青蘋果般大,外 from the branches cover the ground, indicating that dili-
gent fruit thinning is the key to an abundant harvest.
Su reveals that the main factor enabling jujubes to
grow with thin skins and tender flesh is the proportion of
棗的蘇信誠,棗園栽種面積減少,收益卻增加, nitrogen to potassium in the fertilizer. He uses sources of
這都得靠他精緻化的管理。以種植高雄11號「珍 animal protein such as out-of-date milk and liquid eggs,
蜜」為例,每顆樹可以長出400多台斤的棗子,平 seaweed extract to provide trace elements, and plant pro-
均一分地高達6,000台斤的產量,是其他果農的一 tein sources such as rice bran, to make a liquid organic
倍之多。 fertilizer that he spreads on the roots.
The variety that won Su the championship was Kao -
hsiung No. 12 ‘Cherish.’ He says: “‘Cherish’ is low-
yielding, but each fruit can weigh 190–220 grams. They’re
as large as apples, with a beautiful shape and green color,
竄出的嫩芽失去優勢,沒有足夠陽光供給葉片營 and they make ideal Lunar New Year gifts.”
養,花易謝,果易小,傳統的作法是把頂芽「砍 In contrast to the extensive cultivation techniques prac-
頭」,讓下方的側芽能夠萌發出頭天。蘇信誠的 ticed by his father’s generation, Su has reduced the area
「立體枝條」,能夠提供側枝新芽與頂芽有相同 of his orchards but increased the harvest. This success is

生長的空間與陽光。 thanks mainly to the espalier cultivation method he de-

veloped himself. For example, each of his trees growing
the Kaohsiung No. 11 ‘Honey’ variety can produce over
400 kilograms of fruit, for an average yield of 3600 kg per
農改場張庚鵬博士的醍醐灌頂。張庚鵬教果農使用 1000 square meters of land—double that of other farmers.
簡易的檢測劑,測出土壤鉀磷含量後,調整施肥時 World leader in jujube varieties
間與份量,避免肥料使用過多造成肥傷,讓高雄大 Government agencies (mainly KDARES and the Feng-
社、燕巢地區的果農,個個都是施肥專家。 shan Tropical Horticultural Experiment Branch of the

從父執輩種的碧雲、青雲,到目前仍有果農種 場,產期則在農曆年前結束;11號「珍蜜」多汁
植的三木、中葉,以及送禮市場的搶手貨珍愛、珍 肉嫩,喜歡它的「蜜粉」可以耐
蜜,農改場與農試所至少育成13種蜜棗品種,加上 心等到春節前後。
從1960年代開始,農民自己育種嫁接23∼30種,品 不管蜜棗脆度、甜度、大小、
種之多,全球居冠。優勢的品種也讓台灣蜜棗口感 果汁率,以及櫥架壽命(果品儲
及大小,在世界各國難以找到可與之匹敵的對手。 存與銷售的時間),台灣蜜棗打
研究蜜棗31年的前高雄農改場研究員邱祝櫻指 敗天下無敵手,人稱「蜜棗公
出,全世界目前鮮食的蜜棗,大多是台灣研發的 主」、卻自稱「田裡奴婢」的邱
品種。從她手上育成的九個品種中,最得意的是 祝櫻覺得功德圓滿,去年退休,
──高雄11號「珍蜜」,被稱為「爆漿蜜棗」, 轉換跑道至香蕉研究所擔任所
多汁可比西瓜,脆度更勝水梨,甜度可到17-18, 長,她要再以台灣在世界最強的
但缺點是不易照顧,若培肥與水份過多,皮孔易 品種,幫助全球各地的蕉農解決
開裂,果皮會像奇異果的果皮一樣,一定要有適 黃葉病的問題。 l
上市,供應春節送禮與外銷市場。高雄八號「珍 (林格立攝)
Fruit thinning is done to achieve the optimum
寶」在12月上旬即可採收;接著高雄12號「珍 leaf to fruit ratio. (photo by Jimmy Lin)

Selected varieties
十一月 / 十二月


三 木 / Sanmu 高 雄 1 2 號 珍 愛 / Kaohsiung #12

果味較淡/Light taste ( 1 ~ 3 月 / Jan–Mar)
Large size, beautiful


Kaohsiung #7
( 1 2 ~ 2 月 / D e c –Feb)

高 雄 8 號 珍 寶 / Kaohsiung #8
中 葉 / Jhongye Cherry-sized
果味較淡/Light taste ( 1 - 3 月 / Jan–Mar)
Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute) have bred at least Taiwan is the global leader in the number of jujube vari­
13 jujube varieties, while since the 1960s farmers them­ eties. Premium cultivars enable the fruits’ texture and size
selves have developed some 30 cultivars through selection. to surpass those of competitors from around the world.
Former KDARES researcher Chiou Chu­ying, who
studied jujubes for 31 years, notes that most of the dessert
jujube varieties grown worldwide were developed in Tai­
wan. Of the nine varieties she worked on, she is proud­
est of ‘Honey.’ This “explosively succulent” jujube is as
juicy as watermelon and crisper than Asian pears, with a
sweetness of 17–18 °Brix.
Each cultivar has its own fruiting season, so different
varieties come onstream one after another to supply the
export and Lunar New Year gift markets. Kaohsiung No.
8 ‘Treasure’ is harvested from early December, whereas
‘Cherish’ hits the market in mid­January. The harvest of
Tainung No. 13 ‘Shirley,’ which stores and ships well and
is slated for developing export markets such as the Mid­
dle East, Canada and Japan, ends before the Lunar New
Year. Meanwhile, fans of the tender, juicy ‘Honey’ need
to wait until around the Lunar New Year. l
(Esther Tseng/photos courtesy of Chiou
Chu-ying/tr. by Phil Newell)

Early February
Late January

台 農 1 3 號 雪 麗 / Tainung #13 高 雄 1 1 號 珍 蜜 / Kaohsiung #11

( 1 2 ~ 4 月 / D e c –Apr) ( 1 月 下 旬 ~ 3 月 /Late Jan–Mar)
高糖酸比 多汁、皮薄、肉嫩
High sugar to acid ratio Juicy, thin-skinned, tender


The Great Taste of Taiwan Pineapples

Now That’s Good Fruit!

綠地合作社提供 陳俊羽攝 photo by Chen Junyu, courtesy of Greenland Cooperative

文•曾蘭淑 圖•官青杉提供 版面設計•蕭郢岑


萬公噸的鳳梨,鳳梨外銷亦居各種水果之冠,在 T aiwan boasts the largest number of pineapple
vari eties in the world. Fresh Taiwanese pine­
apples’ delicate texture and balanced flavor also
make them the world’s best. Superior cultivars and
stringent cultivation techniques have laid a strong
foundation for exports, and pine apples are cur­
加拿大定價為20加幣(約400元台幣),但因為果 rently Taiwan’s top fruit in terms of export volume.
面對鳳梨出口大國哥斯大黎加與菲律賓的低價 According to the Council of Agriculture (COA), people
競爭,台灣鳳梨以口感、風味決勝的關鍵是贏在 in Taiwan consume more than 300,000 metric tons of pine-
起跑點──選種。 apple per year. Pineapples are also Taiwan’s leading export
fruit and have become a symbol overseas for premium
台灣鳳梨品種,世界之冠 quality. In Japan, Taiwanese pineapples sell at ¥598–798
《光華》編採團隊造訪農委會農業試驗所(以 each (about NT$140–190), depending on size, while in
Canada they retail at C$20 (about NT$440). Despite these
prices, the juicy, refreshing fruit quickly sell out.
Given low-priced competition from major pineapple
exporters Costa Rica and the Philippines, the key to Tai-
投入鳳梨研究26年的副研究員官青杉,說起 wan pineapples’ success has been to win at the starting
鳳梨的全球遷徙史,可以從哥倫布說起,如何從 gate, by selective breeding of varieties.
南美洲到台灣落地生根。目前仍吃得到的土鳳梨 World-beating varieties
(又稱本地種或在來種),係在清朝時引進,這 The Chiayi Agricultural Experiment Station (CAES)

也是老一輩吃鳳梨的回憶,果肉會咬舌,因此吃 of the Taiwan Agricultural Research Institute, under the

COA, is home to Taiwan’s biggest facility for developing
improved pineapple cultivars and farming methods. On
three hectares of land, the station maintains a collection
(讀音khik)肉」,想到吃鳳梨又酸又咬舌的畫 of 90 pineapple varieties from home and abroad that
面,令人不禁想皺起眉頭。 serve as breeding stock.
日治時期為了選擇適合做罐頭的鳳梨,1925年 Associate horticulturist Kuan Ching-san, who has
日本人引進夏威夷開英種、新加坡種進行品種改 been working with pineapples for 26 years, says the his-
良,用果實大、纖維粗、滋味酸的開英種來做罐 tory of the global spread of pineapples can be traced back
to Christopher Columbus. The fruit made its way from
South America to Taiwan, where it became firmly estab-
lished. Taiwan’s so-called “native pineapples,” local vari-
eties that you can still eat today, were introduced from
說:「每年雜交產生的鳳梨種子約六、七萬顆, the late 17th century onward. The older generation have
發芽後,種植到田間試驗約一萬棵,才從其中進 the following memories of eating pineapples: The fruit
行選育,淘汰葉片有刺的,選出風味特殊的來進 made their tongues tingle, so before eating pineapple they
行初選與複選。」 would first put salt on it. Moreover, there were prickly

這些被千挑萬選,脫穎而出的優勢品種,從 “eyes” beneath the rind that were cut out after peeling,
leaving spiral grooves on the fruit. The thought of eating
sour pineapples that also burn the tongue is enough to
make one wince.
吃釋迦一樣,用手剝開吃的「釋迦鳳梨」;帶著 Because the native pineapples were small with
蘋果香味、俗稱「蘋果鳳梨」的台農六號,因為 deep eyes, during the colonial era the Japanese sought
葉片有刺,不利果農種植,因此往後育種都以葉 out vari eties more suitable for canning. In 1925 they

台農19號蜜寶鳳梨/Tainung #19

台農17號金鑽鳳梨/Tainung #17
台農18號金桂花鳳梨/Tainung #18 產量最多/Greatest market share
有桂花香氣/Osmanthus fragrance

台農21號黃金鳳梨/Tainung #21
有哈蜜瓜香味/Hami melon fragrance

台農20號牛奶鳳梨/Tainung #20 台農13號冬蜜鳳梨/Tainung #13

果肉乳白色,肉質細嫩/Milk-white flesh 適合冬天生產/Winter harvestable

台農11號香水鳳梨/Tainung #11
有特殊香氣/Unique fragrance

台農4號釋迦鳳梨/Tainung #4
台農22號蜜香鳳梨/Tainung #22 用手剝開吃/Peelable by hand
有椰香味/Coconut fragrance 台農16號甜蜜蜜鳳梨/Tainung #16
纖維最細緻/Tender flesh
緣無刺為目標。鳳山農試所以23年時間選拔的台 introduced the ‘Smooth Cayenne’ variety from Hawaii
農20號牛奶鳳梨,不僅植栽高大可到123公分, and the ‘Singapore Spanish’ variety, which they used
to develop improved strains; and they used ‘Smooth
Cayenne,’ with its large fruits, coarse fiber, and acidic
flavor, for canning. At the peak of the industry in the
1970s, Taiwan even surpassed Hawaii as the world’s
試所嘉義分所的育種目標改以「鮮食」為主,讓 biggest producer of canned pineapples.
台灣鳳梨獨具特色。例如台農13號「冬蜜」適合 With the decline of the pineapple canning industry,
冬天生產;台農16號「甜蜜蜜」纖維最細緻;19 since 1974 the CAES has focused on breeding dessert
號「蜜寶」鳳梨甜度可比甘蔗;18號「金桂」帶 varieties, creating Taiwan pineapples with their own
著桂花香氣;21號「黃金」鳳梨吃起來則有哈蜜 unique characteristics. For example, Tainung No. 13
‘Winter Honey’ is suited to harvesting in winter; No.
瓜的香氣;還有 22號蜜香鳳梨帶著些許的椰香
16 ‘Sweet Honey’ has a delicate texture; No. 19 ‘Honey
Treasure’ is almost as sweet as sugar cane; No. 18
緻、甜美多汁,則是目前外銷的旗艦果品。 ‘Golden Osmanthus’ has a scent like osmanthus flowers;
No. 21 ‘Golden’ has the flavor of Hami melon; and No.
22 ‘Honey Fragrance’ has a hint of coconut aroma.
因應外銷的政策,最新的選種目標就是耐貯 Tainung No. 17 ‘Golden Diamond,’ with a market share
運,台農23號「芒果鳳梨」應運而生,集21號父 approaching 90%, has a fine texture and is sweet and
親與19號母親的雜交優勢於一身,帶著芒果香 juicy; it is currently the flagship variety for export.
Japan’s “Taiwan pineapple fever”
In response to a government policy to promote pine-
apple exports, most recently the goal of breeding has
been to produce pineapples that stand up well to storage
的鳳梨外銷合作社之一,目前種植約140公頃的鳳 and transportation. Tainung No. 23 ‘Mango Pineapple’
梨,除了20公頃種植土鳳梨供微熱山丘做鳳梨酥之 combines the advantages of its parent varieties (No. 19
用,100公頃種植台農17號金鑽鳳梨,部分供應全 pollinated by No. 21) and has a mango fragrance. It can
聯、家樂福超市,主力便是外銷,尤其是外銷日本 be stored and shipped for up to 21 days, making it pos-

市場逐年成長,從2020年1,000公噸,2021年2,000 sible to expand export markets from Japan and

Korea to the US, Canada, and Australia.
Greenland Cooperative, in Ping tung’s
Gao shu Township, is one of Tai-
銷日本的優勢,在於上半年日本本土較少水果出 wan’s biggest cooperatives grow-
產,台灣鳳梨從品種就帶出好吃精緻的差異性, ing pineapples for export, with
成為日本客人的最愛,夏末秋初,還有23號芒果 some 140 hectares
成長九倍,達1.8 萬噸的好成績。

綠地合作社提供 courtesy of Greenland Cooperative

謝台灣311震災援助相挺的溫情,也顯示台日友好 曬,以往做法是幫鳳梨戴帽子,現今為了更徹底
的情誼。 防曬,五月炎熱夏季時,直接幫鳳梨穿上衣服,
綠地合作社去年也首度外銷加拿大,由於一貨 用套袋的做法,加上罩上黑網,雙重防曬,細心
櫃只能容納672箱的鳳梨,一顆20元加幣(約台 呵護鳳梨,這種細緻栽培鳳梨的技術,讓東南亞
灣460元)的台灣鳳梨,一上架多倫多超市就被 主要鳳梨生產國望塵莫及,這也是台灣鳳梨一枝
搶購一空,沒有搶到的台僑,就要再寄望今年。 獨秀的原因。
由於台灣農村普遍存在農地面積小,農民老邁 居冠外,台灣生物科技的先進技術,亦讓鳳梨不
的問題。郭智偉2005年成立綠地合作社,克服了 只是鳳梨。
這些難題。他歷經六年、約三個產季的調整與努 嘉品生物科技公司與以色列藥廠合作,從土鳳
力,成長至目前約有25位果農,超過100公頃的 梨莖萃取酵素,作成的去痂酵素,已在17個國家
種植面積,可以穩定供貨。 取得上市許可,用在燒燙傷患者清創使用。這項
由於種植面積夠大,得以洽談穩定通路與外銷 去痂酵素目前正在美國申請藥證許可中,將用於
市場,透過有計劃的田間管理,配合外銷的期程 清創糖尿病患褥瘡以及化學武器灼傷之用。嘉品
出貨,合作社得以向果農保價收購,不受市場面 生物科技執行副總林一帆指出,目前正在研發利
供銷失衡的影響,因此可以吸引青農回鄉加入, 用鳳梨果實、葉子萃取出小分子,作為抗發炎的
造成良性循環。 保健食品,讓鳳梨可以全株利用。
鳳梨對果農來說,不只是看得到未來的產業,最 頂著夏日熱力的陽光,吃著冰涼酸甜的鳳梨最
重要的是可以照顧到家裡的長輩,三代同堂在一起。 消暑,還有台灣百家爭鳴、各具特色的伴手禮鳳
合作社亦提供種植技術的輔導,由於溫差愈 梨酥,從土鳳梨到金鑽的酸甜果餡,或酥脆或鬆
來愈大,紫外線愈來愈強,果農為了幫助鳳梨防 軟的酥皮,這些都是台灣最在地的味道。 l

社提供 J u p i t e r
Pineapples are
currently Taiwan’s
top export fruit
by quantity.
(photo by Jupiter
Chang, courtesy
of Greenland

Greenland Cooperative, led by Kuo Chih-wei, has relied
on outstanding field management to build its position in the
Japanese market. (photo by Jimmy Lin)

of land currently planted with this fruit. Aside from 20 variations and stronger ultraviolet radiation, farmers
hectares used to produce native pineapples for pineapple have to protect their pineapples from sunlight. In the
cake maker SunnyHills, 100 hectares is growing ‘Golden past the main way to do this was to put collars around
Diamond’ pineapples. Some of these are supplied to the the crown to shade the fruit. Today, for more effective
PX Mart and Carrefour supermarket chains, but most are protection, during the intense summer heat begin ning
exported. Greenland’s sales to Japan in particular have in May farmers place bags over the pineapples and also
continually expanded in recent years, from 1000 metric shade the fields with black netting. Meticulous tech-
tons in 2020 to 2000 tons in 2021, with 2500 tons expected niques like this leave the major pineapple producing
in 2022. countries of Southeast Asia in the dust, and are another
In March 2021, mainland China banned imports of Tai- reason why Taiwan varieties stand out from the crowd.
wanese pineapples. Thanks to cooperation between the Taiwan’s advanced biotechnology also helps pine-
government and fruit growers and marketers, orders were apples to be more than just fruit.
instead picked up from Japan, Hong Kong, and Singapore. Chappion Biotechnology Company worked with an
Sales to Japan increased ninefold, to 18,000 tons. Israeli pharmaceuticals manufacturer to extract bro-
The “Taiwan pineapple fever” that has swept Japan melain from pineapple stems, to serve as an enzyme
has not been driven just by Taiwanese firms and indi- for debriding burn wounds by breaking down eschar.
viduals based there. Japanese consumers are willing to Their product has been approved for sale in 17 countries
spend ¥800 on a Taiwanese pineapple in part because of and approval in the US is pending. It can also be used to
their gratitude for Taiwan’s support following the earth- treat bedsores and chemical weapon injuries. Chappion
quake and tsunami ten years ago, demonstrating the executive vice president Lin Ifan states that the company
depth of friendship between Taiwan and Japan. is currently researching ways to extract small-molecule
Greenland first exported pineapples to Canada in compounds from pineapple flesh and leaves in order to
2021. Because a shipping container can only hold 672 make anti-inflammatory food supplements, meaning that
boxes of pineapples, Taiwan pineapples priced at C$20 the entire plant can be utilized.
each were snapped up by consumers as soon as they Under the fierce summer sun, the best way to beat the
reached Toronto supermarkets. heat is by eating cool sweet–acid pineapple. There are
More than just fruit also pineapple cakes from numerous makers, each with
For fruit farmers, pineapples are not merely a prod- their own unique character, which make great gifts. The
uct with a future. Most importantly, younger farmers sweetly acid fruit filling, made using varieties from native
can look after the older generation in their families and pineapples to ‘Golden Diamond,’ in a soft or flaky pastry
three generations can live together. casing, is the most authentic local flavor of Taiwan. l
Greenland gives its farmers guidance in cultivation (Esther Tseng/photos courtesy of Kuan
techniques. Because of increasing day–night temperature Ching­san/tr. by Phil Newell)


—A Visit to Persimmon Country

Persimmons to Dye with
Persimmons to Eat,

跟 著 柿 子 去 旅 行
文•曾蘭淑 圖•林格立 版面設計•蕭郢岑


節。根據農委會統計,台中東勢、嘉義番路、苗 A utumn is the season when the persimmons ripen,
and the only time of year when you can eat them
fresh. Take a trip to Hsinchu’s Xinpu Township, Tai-
wan’s largest producer of dried persimmons, and stop
for a moment to appreciate the scenes of sunlight pour-
ing through the fruit drying racks. Any photo you take
後須經人工脫澀才可食用的澀柿,後者大多做成 will be beautiful, for at a moment like this everyone
柿餅。新竹縣新埔鎮的旱坑里,拜得天獨厚的丘 is a master photographer. But if you miss the season,
陵地形之賜,乾旱、溼度低,適合曬柿餅,台灣 don’t worry: You can still visit the Xinpu Persimmon
八成以上柿餅產量集中於此,一片黃澄澄的「柿 Dye House and make DIY prints of auspicious sayings
界」,成為秋天絕佳的景致。 featuring puns on the Chinese word for persimmon.

就「柿」好吃 Each year the peak ripening and harvest season for
persimmons runs roughly from September to December.
According to statistics from the Council of Agriculture,
歷史,這是當地帶著濃厚海陸腔的客家人保存食 the main persimmon growing areas in Taiwan are Dong-
物的智慧,趁著新竹縣每年入秋颳起的九降風, shi in Taichung, Fanlu in Chiayi, Gongguan in Miaoli,
將原本乾澀、無法入口的柿子,加入陽光、冷風 Beinan in Taitung, and Beipu in Hsinchu.
與時間的元素,變成Q軟甘甜的柿餅。 Besides orange-colored “sweet persimmons” (tianshi),
20多年前遇到中國低價傾銷,新埔柿餅業從23 which are crispy and refreshing, and soft, juicy “water per-
simmons” (shuishi), there are also “astringent persimmons”
(seshi), which have to be processed after harvesting to re-
move their astringent taste before they can be eaten. This
last variety is mostly used for making dried persimmons
拜,晚上可以高枕無憂,但我們最怕露水。」跟 柿餅再乾燥至含水量約30%的果乾,也可以搭配中藥煲湯。
著母姓的他謹記父親劉火玉說過的話,「照顧柿 Dried persimmons have diverse textures and degrees of sweetness,
depending on the persimmon variety used. The persimmon cakes
餅,就像手裡捧著雞蛋,稍不注意,可能血本無 at right in the picture are made from those shown at left by further
drying until their water content is around 30%. They can be
歸。」如果遇到下雨,一定要趕快收起日曬的柿 combined with medicinal herbs to make a healthful soup.

Taking advantage of the monsoon winds of autumn, persimmons are set out in trays on racks to dry,
creating a golden-yellow “persimmon world.”

Lu Li-chien sticks to the traditional method of sun-drying. The slow process of further ripening that takes place
as the persimmons dry gives the best texture.

攝影「柿」界 (a.k.a. “persimmon cakes”). The hilly terrain

and dry climate of the Hankeng neighborhood
十多年前呂理鑑決定自產自銷,避 of Hsinchu County’s Xinpu Township make it
免中間商層層剝削。但沒有知名度, ideally suited to sun-drying persimmons, and
也不懂行銷,因此走過十年辛苦的轉 more than 80% of Taiwan’s dried persimmons
型路。直到中央日報、中視的採訪曝 are produced there. The golden-yellow “per-
simmon world” you can see in Xinpu is one of
Taiwan’s most picturesque autumn scenes.
Simply delicious
傳,好「柿」發生,曬柿餅的三合院 Documentary evidence indicates that pre-
成為攝影師取景的熱門景點,假日造 serving persimmons by drying dates back at
成塞車的盛況。 least 160 years in Hsinchu. Taking advantage

Liu Zhuying and Liu Zhenzhu, daughters of the family that owns Weiweijia Persimmon Farm,
return home each year to help with the harvest.

縱使現今手機已取代相機,曬柿期間還是吸 富的單寧與膠質,還可以作染料。2010年新埔鎮
引許多拿著專業相機的民眾,在金黃閃耀的棚架 公所想比照三峽藍染,發展「柿染」成為新埔特
前猛按快門。柿餅觀光果園不收門票,呂理鑑認 色。染料來自向果農收購的落果,或是外形醜的
為,很多年年到訪的客人都變成了朋友,每年來 柿子,展現客家惜物精神。
叫著他的名字說:「理鑑,又一年了。」年歲無 經由天染工坊的藝術家陳景林培育柿染的高手
情,交誼有情。 與志工,新埔鎮公所輔導成立的柿染坊,一方面
以往,果農會把疏果剩下的柿子拿來做堆肥, 染布區飄散著酸澀發酵的柿汁味。柿染坊總幹
味衛佳第四代的傳人呂易丞與玄奘大學、生技公 事鍾夢娟指出,柿汁經過一、二年的氧化,會轉化
司合作,利用落果的果肉、果皮來提煉單寧酸, 為更飽和顏色,柿染布料透過雲染、夾染等技法的
開發洗髮精、化妝水等用品,提高柿子全果利用 變化,所呈現褐、灰黑等大地的色彩,呈現美好的
的經濟效益,讓「柿」代相傳更有意義。 設計感。民眾選購小方巾、杯套或是袋子,體驗柿
錯過了時令,也不用懊惱,由於柿汁含有豐 染DIY,是到新埔一遊最好的紀念品。 l

Persimmon-dyed cloth,
with earth tones such as
brown and gray-black,
represents a natural and
simple way of life.

of the powerful northeasterly monsoon winds that spring admission at his farm. He explains that many people
up in late October, local Hakka residents have long treated who visit every year have become friends, and each year
persimmons with the elements of sunlight, cold breezes, they call out to him and say, “Li-chien, another year has
and time, to turn unbearably astringent fruits into sweet, come.” Time may be relentless, but friendship is timeless.
soft and chewy persimmon cakes. Dyeing with persimmons
Lu Li-chien, owner of Weiweijia Persimmon Farm (Pro In the past, fruit farmers used simply to compost left-
Persimmon), who has been making persimmon cakes for 40 over persimmons. But Lu Li-chien’s son Lu I-cheng worked
years, says: “Persimmon dryers love cold fronts. Sometimes with Hsuan Chuang University and a biotechnology com-
the northeasterly monsoon blows for a whole week, and we pany to extract tannins from the flesh and skin of fallen
can rest easy at night. But we really worry about dew.” fruit to make products including shampoo and cosmetics,
Persimmon cakes made from the “stone persimmon” thus getting better economic value out of the entire fruit.
(shishi) variety are sweet with a chewy texture, while those This has added a new aspect to the family tradition of
made from the “bull’s heart” (niuxinshi) variety are large growing persimmons.
and fleshy. Many years ago Lu successfully adjusted the Persimmon juice is rich in tannins and pectin, and can
sun-drying time and oven-drying temperature to dry the also be used to make dye. In 2010 the Xinpu Township
“pen persimmons” (bishi) harvested in Taichung’s Dongshi Office wanted to copy the success of Sanxia’s indigo dye
District each December. Epicures with a sweet tooth know and develop persimmon dye as a distinctive local prod-
that you have to wait until December for the sweet, soft, uct. The dye, made from fallen or blemished persimmons
and chewy pen persimmon cakes to come on the market. purchased from fruit farmers, expresses the frugal Hakka
Specialized freezing technology is also used to dry spirit of making optimal use of all things.
persimmons. As the moisture slowly evaporates from the The township office also guided the founding of the
fruit, the sugars within it form a layer of white powder Xinpu Persimmon Dye House, where the cloth dyeing area
on the surface. This is natural “persimmon frost,” and the gives off the astringent aroma of fermenting persimmon
dried fruits can be combined with traditional Chinese juice. Dye House secretary Chung Meng-chuan notes that
medicines like wolfberry to make a chicken soup that can after a year or two of oxidation, the color of the juice be-
“clear heat and dissipate phlegm.” comes more intense. Through various persimmon dyeing
Photographing the persimmon world techniques, cloth takes on earth tones like brown and gray-
Although these days mobile phones have largely re- black, with a strong designer aesthetic. People buy face
placed cameras, many folks with high-end cameras are cloths, cup cozies, or bags, and then do DIY persimmon
drawn to photograph the trays of golden-yellow persim- dyeing, making great souvenirs of their visit to Xinpu. l
mons during the drying period. Lu Li-chien doesn’t charge (Esther Tseng/photos by Jimmy Lin/tr. by Phil Newell)


Fruitful Endeavors:
The Many Uses of Taiwanese Fruit


林格立攝 photo by Jimmy Lin

台 灣 水 果 的 應 用
文•曾蘭淑 圖•林格立 版面設計•蕭郢岑


文旦,產地已經成為水果的品牌。《光華》採訪 F ruit is best eaten in season right where it is
grown. But what if in the chill of winter you
want to eat summer fruits like mango or lychee?
The answer lies in the old saying “spring cultiva-
tion, summer weeding, autumn harvesting, and
winter storage.” If you transform tropical fruits by
士說,會選在台南歸仁設廠來製作果乾、果酥, dehydration or cooking, concentrating their flavors
就是因為交通上運輸水果之便。 into dried f r uits or jams, you can capture their
果香來自工作人員正在裁切的火龍果,陳榮士 magni ficent tastes and enjoy them all year round.
的熟果呈現深紅色果肉,經過40小時的烘乾,完 For fruits like mangoes from Yujing, pineapples
from Guanmiao, longans from Dongshan, and pom-
eloes from Madou—all districts of Tainan City—the
place name has become a brand name. We took advan-
無添加果乾 tage of the warm winter sun of Southern Taiwan to
visit the SunnyGoGo fruit processing factory in Guiren
陽光菓菓是全台率先製造無添加果乾的業者之 District, which is close to all of these fruit growing
一,除了不加防腐劑、色素、調味劑,選購甜度 locales. As soon as you enter the plant your nose is as-
夠的芒果、鳳梨、木瓜等水果,連糖都不加,只 sailed by a rich fragrance of fruit. Nick Chen, manager
靠低溫烘乾,因為水分蒸發,甜度濃縮,可以說 of SunnyGoGo, says they chose to set up in Guiren be-
cause of the convenience of transporting fruit there.
The fruity scent comes from dragon fruit (pitaya)
that workers are cutting up at that moment. Chen

Drying fruit at low temperatures
concentrates the sweetness as
the moisture evaporates, making
a healthy and delicious snack.
Nick Chen (right) contracts with a young farmer nicknamed “Big Bear” to produce pineapple for drying.

Depending on the pineapple variety used, the filling in pineapple cakes can be sweet or tart.

六月中是芒果盛產期,想吃最甜美的芒果, says that this is the ‘Da Hong’ variety from Pingtung
這個時節絕對是最聰明的選擇,但喜歡吃黑香芒 County. The ripe fruit has deep red flesh and a delicate
果的消費者常有困擾,因為黑香「說翻臉就翻 texture. After 40 hours of drying, it becomes more fra-
臉」,很容易熟透,不耐放,很難把握品嚐的確 grant and sweeter, without adding sugar. You can still
taste the distinctive aroma of dragon fruit, and it has a
granular texture like eating sesame seeds.
Additive free
就靠黑香芒果的果乾顯現專業度。」這種帶著龍 SunnyGoGo is one of Taiwan’s leading producers
眼香的綠皮芒果,它不能在欉紅時摘下來,只能 of additive-free dried fruit. They do not add preserva-
等待後熟,加工時,工作人員必須每天摸蒂頭週 tives, coloring, or flavoring agents, but simply select
邊的果肉,感覺按到有練肌肉般的手感,表示熟 fruits such as mangoes, pineapples, and papayas that
了,才能進行加工,作成果乾後香味更濃郁,因 meet their sweetness requirements and dehydrate them
at low temperatures. As the water content evaporates,

陳榮士出身有「水果之鄉」稱號的台南市楠西 蛋餅皮。
區,除了芒果外,楊桃是全台最大產區,蜜棗種植 王柏凱說,透過對不同水果裁切的比例與熬
面積全台第三,十年前陳榮士與身為美術老師的太 煮的時間,加上水果複方的調配,可以變化出
太陳宜茜創立陽光菓菓,一開始是想促銷家鄉的水 二百多種不同的風味與口感。其中芒果、百香
果,除了果乾,直接將楠西出產頂級的新鮮蜜棗、 果是全世界接受度最高的水果,用芒果、百香
愛文芒果、玉荷包荔枝,空運日本,對接黑貓宅配 果作成的果餡,可以廣泛用在蛋糕、銅鑼燒、
到府。陳榮士用很道地的台南腔說,其他國家的水 紅豆餅上,淋醬的應用主要在冷泡茶飲與沙拉
果無法像台灣這麼「幼路」(精緻)啦! 等食品,或是豆花與冰磚的淋醬。以台灣的愛
除了果乾,《光華》採訪團隊接著造訪有著 文芒果為例,前段風味十分明顯,濃縮成果餡
「ISO 22000」及「HACCP」雙驗證的綠蜂食品 或淋醬時,香味勝出其他國家的芒果,因此產
工廠,縱使隔著玻璃的參觀走道,也聞得到濃郁 品一枝獨秀,與合作廠商做成芒果鬆餅的冷凍
果餡的香味。 麵糰外銷美國。
綠蜂副經理王柏凱指出,台灣各地出產的水 台灣水果的百變手法,不只可以在冬天吃到
果,可以做成各式的果醬與淋醬,例如宜蘭的金 夏天的果品,正如陳榮士所說,生果受限儲運期
桔、金棗醬;彰化芬園荔枝做成外銷香港雞蛋仔 限,透過加工才能運輸得更遠,保存期限長,便
的果醬;台南東山桂圓做成蛋糕;彰化柳丁與椪 能將有品質的台灣熱帶果乾外銷到全世界。 l

The way fruit is cut before drying determines the
mouthfeel of the dried fruit.

the sweetness is concentrated, making the fruits into Besides SunnyGoGo, we also visit the Green Bee Jam
healthy, delicious snacks. factory, which has both ISO 22000 and HACCP certifi-
The company’s peak production season begins in cations. Even though the visitors’ walkway is separated
March, starting with pineapple, followed by guava and from the processing area by glass, you can still smell
dragon fruit. In July they start drying mango, their lead- the rich fragrance of their fruit fillings.
ing product, along with ‘Mei Chiao’ ABB bananas, roselle Green Bee vice president Kevin Wang notes that
flowers, papaya, and star fruit. After low-temperature among the company’s fruit products, mango and pas-
drying the fruit fragrance is even stronger. With Tainong sion fruit have the highest acceptance worldwide. The
No. 2 papaya, for example, after around 15 chews there fillings they make with these two fruits can be widely
is an explosion of taste in your mouth like a papaya milk used in cakes, dorayaki, and red bean cakes. Their fruit
drink. ‘Mei Chiao’ bananas have soft and chewy flesh, sauces, meanwhile, are mainly used in cold tea drinks
and remain soft and chewy after drying, making them and salads, or on tofu pudding and ice cream. Taiwan’s
a nutritious snack suitable for children and the elderly, Irwin mangoes, for example, have a pronounced flavor,
with the scent of banana and a taste like natural fruit and when concentrated into a filling or sauce, are more
gummy candy. fragrant than mangoes from other countries, helping
Promoting Taiwan Green Bee’s products stand out from the competition.
Nick Chen was born in Tainan’s Nanxi District, known They also work with a partner company to produce
as “the home of fruit.” Besides growing mango, it is Tai- frozen mango pancake dough for export to the US.
wan’s biggest producer of star fruit, and the area culti- The diverse uses of Taiwanese fruit go far beyond
vated with jujube ranks third nationwide. Chen and his enabling summer fruit to be eaten in winter. As Nick
wife Chen Yi Qian, a fine arts teacher, founded Sunny­ Chen points out, fresh fruit has a limited storage life.
GoGo ten years ago. Their initial goal was to promote Fruit can only be transported over long distances and
fruits from their hometown. As well as drying fruit, they stored for long periods if it is processed. Drying makes
also ship premium-quality fresh jujubes, Irwin mangoes, it possible to market Taiwan’s high-quality tropical
and Yuhebao lychees to Japan by air. Chen says in his fruit to the whole world. l
authentic Tainan accent that fruit from other countries (Esther Tseng/photos by Jimmy Lin/
cannot match the refinement of fruit from Taiwan. tr. by Phil Newell)


Connecting with the World:

Novel Fruits Gain Traction in Taiwan

在 台 灣 生 根 的 新 興 果 樹
文•陳群芳 圖•莊坤儒 版面設計•蕭郢岑


佔地兩公頃的果園,一棵棵果樹排列整齊,給了 B ananas were first grown in Taiwan several hun-
dred years ago. Today, after centuries of cultivar
selection, Taiwanese bananas are proudly exported
to Japan and Dubai, and were even chosen as a food
for the athletes’ village at the Tokyo Olympics.
In the 1980s, the abiu, a fruit native to the Ama-
光照射下,恰如其名,閃閃發亮。 zon River basin, was introduced to Taiwan. Thanks
to selective breeding, the abiu now grown in Taiwan
are plump and sweet. Moreover, tropical fruits intro­
第一次收到黃金果的人,常會拿著這黃澄澄 duced from the Japanese colonial era onward, such
的水果端詳,不知道該不該削皮,要如何食用, as the star apple and the sapodilla, have recently

「對半切開後,以湯匙挖取,是我最推薦的吃 been gaining popularity among the Southeast­Asian

immigrant community.
Taiwan’s rich, fertile soils have enabled novel
fruits from around the world to flourish here.
金果,果肉呈乳白色,口感滑嫩帶有彈性,嚐起 On a winter morning, we come to Feng Ho Organic
來像果凍;冷藏後冰涼食用,味道更為爽口,彷 Farm in Pingtung County’s Gaoshu Township. The
彿甜品,跳脫了以往鮮食水果的想像。 plump abiu fruit hanging from the branches in the
黃金果的滋味甜美不帶酸,但對於味道的形容 orchard shimmer golden in the bright sunlight.
Sweetness from the Amazon
“I recommend eating abiu by cutting it in half and
scooping out the flesh with a spoon,” says Feng Ho
owner Gary Zhuang. Another approach is to slice up
果香都不相同,即使是同一粒,兩個人對它的評 the fruit like an orange and eat the flesh while holding
價跟形容也不會一樣,這是我種黃金果十多年 the pieces with the fingers. The milky-white flesh with
來,覺得最奧秘的一點。」 its jelly-like texture is even more refreshing when eaten
原產地在亞馬遜河流域熱帶雨林的黃金果, cold from the fridge, and seems more like a sweet des-

台灣最早的一批,是農委會農試所鳳山分所在 sert than a fruit.

The abiu is sweet without tartness, but it seems
everyone describes its taste differently. Zhuang says
that some people feel it has a flavor like sugar apple,
慧農業中心主任顏昌瑞表示,台灣最早一批栽 while others say it is like lychee or longan, or even has
種的黃金果,外型漂亮、甜度高,但果實小, the scent of honey.
僅200公克,需兩年半至三年才能收成,且冬季 The abiu (Pouteria caimito) was originally cultivated
不結果。 in the tropical rainforest of the Amazon River basin.
1990年代,顏昌瑞因著舉辦國際研討會的緣 The first seeds grown in Taiwan were imported from
Singa pore in 1987 by the Fengshan Tropical Horti-
cultural Experiment Branch (FTHEB) of the Taiwan
Agricultural Research Institute, under the Council of
Agri culture. Yen Chung-ruey, director of the Smart
果實平均重量可達600到900公克,且種籽落地後 Agriculture Center at National Pingtung University
只要1年半即可開花結果,擁有新加坡品系沒有的 of Science and Technology (NPUST), says that the first

優點,令顏昌瑞躍躍欲試,陸續又從夏威夷引進 顏昌瑞表示,「我種了快30年的黃金果,幾乎很
其他品系,並一頭栽入黃金果的育種研究。「當 少噴藥,偶爾會有粉介殼蟲,只要用手抓掉,頂
初從菲律賓那邊收到的30粒種籽,至今還有20多 多噴噴水即可。」
棵果樹,仍在屏科大裡活得好好的,每年持續開 雖然台灣的黃金果當初是引自東南亞,但農試
花結果呢!」顏昌瑞笑著說。 所鳳山分所副研究員劉碧鵑表示,目前國際上種
黃金果的果實大、外型討喜,又十分適應台灣 面積大約將近300公頃來看,應該是除了原產地
中南部的氣候,相比芒果從種籽落地,到開花結 外,唯一有商業化栽培的國家。
果要五年、橘子要四到五年,就算是桃子也要兩 目前黃金果在台灣的銷售價格約是一台斤50∼
年,黃金果種在屏東,最快一年半就能開花,如 100元,若是外型豐碩、品質良好的大果,一粒
果嫁接技術良好,還能再縮短。加上病蟲害少, 就要價百元以上,算是蠻高價的水果,而量少價
只要做好套袋、施肥,算是相對好管理的水果。 高正是台灣發展黃金果產業的利基。

Yen Chung-ruey (left), Liu Pi-chuan (center) and Gary Zhuang
(right) have invested many years in learning about the abiu,
and are optimistic about its future.

The world’s second-largest abiu producer
The abiu bears large fruit of pleasing appearance, and
is well adapted to the climate of Central and Southern
Taiwan. Furthermore, it suffers few diseases and insect
pests, and is relatively easy to manage, requiring only
that the fruit be bagged and the soil fertilized.
Liu Pi-chuan, an associate horticulturist at the FTHEB,
states that at present the abiu is not grown in many
countries. In Australia, for example, breeding studies
have been carried out but there has been no large-scale
cultivation. Considering that in Taiwan, abiu is currently
grown on close to 300 hectares of land, it is probably the
only country in the world where the fruit is being culti-
vated on a commercial scale outside its native range.
Gary Zhuang, who jokes that he started growing abiu
on the day he started farming, was formerly a manager
stationed at a Taiwanese-invested high-tech factory in
China. When he decided in his forties to go into farming,
he knew that as a rookie he couldn’t compete with veteran
farmers, so he figured he would make his entrée through
specialty fruit. “Before growing abiu I’d never tasted one
or even seen one up close,” he says with a chuckle. When
he saw abiu fruits online with their cheerful bright yellow
color, and with people describing them as being like jelly,
his curiosity was piqued and he bought 160 or so seed-
lings, which he planted up as an experiment.
台灣的黃金果種植規模全球第二,十分具有發展潛力。 Zhuang states that abiu bruise easily and have a short
Taiwan has the second-largest land area devoted to growing abiu
anywhere in the world, and the fruit has great potential. storage life. If they are bruised they tend to get blemishes
on their skin, making them less salable, so they are not
suited for sale on traditional markets. When Zhuang as a
novice farmer harvested his abiu for the first time, he had
batch of abiu fruits harvested in Taiwan had an attrac- no idea where he could sell them. so he asked family and
tive appearance and were very sweet, but were small, friends to draw up lists of names, and shared the joy of
weighing only about 200 grams each. Moreover, the the first harvest by sending fruit to these contacts to try
trees took two-and-a-half to three years from planting out. The abiu’s fine flavor drew much positive feedback,
to harvest, and did not bear fruit in winter. and laid the ground for his focus on the home-delivery
In the 1990s, Yen brought in abiu seeds from the gift box market. After 13 years growing abiu, he has
Philippines. Although the fruit that resulted were not many long-established loyal customers.
as eye-catching as the variety from Singapore, the new Over the 30 years since the abiu was introduced
variety had other advantages: the fruit could reach into Taiwan, a number of superior cultivars have been
600–900 grams in weight, and the trees took only a year selected. Lin Pi-chuan compares this to how in the early
and a half from planting to fruiting. “From the 30 seeds years dragon fruit often had an unpleasant grassy flavor,
that we got from the Philippines back then, today there but thanks to selective breeding it became increasingly
are still more than 20 trees alive and well at NPUST, popular in the market, until ultimately consumer de-
and they continue to flower and bear fruit every year!” mand rose to a level that attracted large-scale commer-
says Yen with a smile. cial planting. Based on her long years of research into the

Chilled abiu can be eaten with a spoon, like a sweet dessert.


笑稱自己從務農的第一天便開始種黃金果的 黃金果引進台灣至今,不過短短30多年,因著
莊庭溪,曾是外派中國科技廠的主管,十多年前 專家學者與果農的努力,現正逐漸篩選出品質優良
為了陪伴年邁的父母,毅然回台灣重新開始。40 的品系。就像早年紅龍果容易有草腥味,隨著品系
多歲的人生下半場,莊庭溪決定務農,自知新手 的挑選,而越來越被市場接受,最後市場需求上
農夫拚不過資歷豐厚的老農,他便想從稀奇的水 升,吸引大規模商業栽種,現已是台灣普遍種植的
果著手。「我在種黃金果之前沒吃過也沒真的看 水果。長期研究台灣新興果樹的劉碧鵑認為,黃金
過。」莊庭溪笑說,上網看到黃金果黃澄澄的很 果正是有機會循著此脈絡發展的後起之秀。
棵幼苗回來試種。問莊庭溪為什麼不先試種幾棵 除了黃金果,同屬山欖科的星蘋果,近幾年也
就好,他篤定地表示,只種幾棵就是玩票性質, 十分受到注目。台灣種植的星蘋果有紫黑皮、綠
既然決定務農,就該一次到位,才能全心投入。 皮,以及兩者雜交而來的粉紅皮種,因為橫切開
莊庭溪表示,黃金果怕碰撞且不耐儲藏,一旦碰 來,種籽放射排列呈星星狀而得名。星蘋果的果
撞,外表便容易產生斑點,影響賣相,所以不適合 肉帶有白色汁液,在越南稱為「vú sữa」,是奶
進入傳統市場銷售。身為農事新手的莊庭溪,第一 的意思,隨著越南新住民來台,星蘋果有了另一
次收成黃金果時,也不知上哪賣,便號召親友提供 個名字──牛奶果。
名單,以分享收成喜悅的心情,將黃金果寄給各方 星蘋果的食用,可以切開用湯匙挖著吃,也可
好友品嚐。黃金果的好滋味,讓莊庭溪收到許多正 以嘗試越南的吃法:將星蘋果拿在手中搓揉,再
面肯定,也奠定莊庭溪主攻宅配禮盒市場的基礎, 挖一個小孔,吸吮著吃,果肉滑進口腔,更能充
種植黃金果13年,如今已有不少穩定的老客戶。 分感受牛奶果這個稱呼。

cultivation of novel fruits in Taiwan, Liu says that the In fact, the star apple was introduced into Taiwan
abiu now has the opportunity to follow the same path. way back in 1924. Other tropical fruits such as the can-
A treasure chest of tropical fruit istel (Pouteria campechiana), the durian and the sapodilla
In recent years the star apple (Chrysophyllum cainito), (Manil kara zapota) were also introduced during the
which like the abiu is a member of the Sapotaceae fam- Japanese colonial era. Writer and illustrator Wang Jui-
ily, has also been attracting increasing attention. It is so min, who has devoted himself to the study of tropical
named because the seeds are arranged in a star pattern, plants since his university days, says that Japan made
as seen when the fruit is cut open crosswise. The juice Taiwan an important base for research into tropical
is white in color, and in Vietnam the fruit is called vú plants because of the climate here.
sữa, meaning “milky breast.” With growing numbers of Wang relates that the tropical fruits that were intro-
Vietnamese immigrants living in Taiwan, the star apple duced at that time have continued to be grown here
has also come to be known as “milk fruit” (niunai guo) and there in Central and Southern Taiwan. As a child
in Chinese. he saw several kinds of such fruit for sale at flower
One way to eat a star apple is to cut it in half and markets in Taichung, but always in small numbers.
scoop out the flesh with a spoon; or you can try eat- However, in the 1990s, Southeast Asians who came to
ing it the Vietnamese way: roll the fruit between your Taiwan as migrant workers or as long-term immigrants
hands, then make a small hole and suck out the flesh. discovered that Taiwan had fruits from their native
As it slides into your mouth, you will be able to directly countries, and started to buy them, which encouraged
appreciate why it has the name of “milk fruit.” more local farmers to begin growing these fruits.

Gary Zhuang insists on farming organically, and the land repays him with sweet, delicious fruit.

This tree laden with “milk fruit” is the
result of unceasing effort by Pham Thi
Thu over more than a decade.

不要以為星蘋果跟黃金果一樣是近代引入的水 愁,也使得更多台灣人加入種植行列。
果,其實早在1924年,就已由曾任台灣總督府農 而隨著新住民在台時間越來越久,開始有新住
林專門學校(中興大學前身)校長的日本學者大 民會在自家農地種起家鄉的蔬果,住在屏東的越
島金太郎引入。而常出現在供桌上,俗稱仙桃的 南新住民范氏秋,便是如此。
蛋黃果,以及榴槤、人心果等熱帶水果,也都是 范氏秋笑說,「我以前在越南做衣服、當老
日治時期就引進。自大學時期便投入熱帶植物研 師,可是不會種菜。」但嫁來台灣後,看身旁的
究的王瑞閔表示,日治時期的台灣很流行種植熱 越南姊妹想念家鄉的水果,興起她想種種看的念
帶作物,因為台灣的氣候條件比高緯度的日本適 頭。曾歷經颱風過境,整片樹苗所剩無幾,樂觀
合,因而把台灣當做重要的熱帶植物研究基地, 的范氏秋,總是笑笑地重新來過,經過十多年的
引進許多熱帶水果。 摸索,漸漸擴大了果園的規模。到訪這天,范氏
王瑞閔表示,即使日治時期結束,這些熱帶 秋的果園裡有星蘋果、紅毛丹、椰棗、榴槤、波
水果,在台灣中南部一直有零星的種植,自己小 羅蜜、沙梨橄欖等各式熱帶水果,讓人彷彿來到
時候就曾在台中的花市見過好幾種,但數量一直 東南亞國度。難怪范氏秋說,每次新住民姊妹來
不多。直到1990年代後,新住民及移工來台,他 玩,她們都會很開心,因為隨處都是自己熟悉的
們發現台灣竟然有家鄉的水果,紛紛買來一解鄉 水果,像是回到故鄉一樣。

As Southeast-Asian immigrants stayed longer in
Taiwan, some of them began growing fruits and vege-
tables from their homelands on farmland owned by
their Taiwanese families. Pham Thi Thu, a Vietnamese
woman living in Pingtung County, is one example.
Pham says with a smile, “When I lived in Vietnam
I worked as a seamstress and as a teacher, but I never
grew anything.” But after marrying into a Taiwanese
family, she noticed that fellow Vietnamese women liv-
ing nearby missed the fruits of their homeland, giving
her the idea to try her hand at growing some. She has
experienced typhoons that virtually wiped out her sap-
lings, but the optimistic Pham has always put a smile
on her face and tried again, and through more than a
decade of experimentation has gradually increased the
scale of her operation. On the day of our visit, Pham’s
orchard contains a variety of tropical fruits, including
star apples, rambutan, durian, and jackfruit, making
us feel as if we are in a Southeast-Asian country. Pham
says that whenever her Vietnamese friends visit they
are very happy, because being surrounded by these
familiar fruits gives them a feeling of returning home.
Novel fruits bring new opportunities
These fruits rarely appear for sale on Taiwan’s tradi-
而有越來越多人投入種植。 tional markets. But thanks to word of mouth among
The star apple was introduced into Taiwan under Japanese rule. In migrant workers and long-term immigrants, and with
recent years, thanks to consumer demand from Southeast-Asian
residents, more and more people have begun to cultivate this fruit. sales through livestreaming and through outlets that

A star apple is shaped much like
a regular apple, and when
it is cut open the seeds
form a star pattern.
Because its juice is
milky white, it is
also called “milk
羅望子 Tamarind 紅毛丹 Rambutan

波羅蜜 Jackfruit 人心果 Sapodilla

然而多數台灣人,對這些來自東南亞的熱帶 吃耐煮的芭蕉,且有更多元的吃法,炸香蕉、加
水果卻十分陌生,因為這些水果往往很少進入台 西米露煮成甜湯、包進粽子,或是串成串燒用烤
灣的傳統市場,光是在新住民與移工的網絡裡口 的,帶出不同的滋味。而鮮食味道酸澀的沙梨橄
耳相傳,透過直播或是送往東南亞商店、台中東 欖,東南亞習慣的吃法,則是用鹽或辣椒醃漬,
協廣場、新北華新街等東南亞族群聚集的地方販 嚐起來不像水果,更像是涼拌的菜餚,酸酸辣辣
售,就已供不應求。 十分開胃。這些特殊的滋味,只要走一趟台中東
以星蘋果為例,東協廣場菜攤曾賣到一斤250 協廣場、台北中山北路的小馬尼拉、文山區木柵
元台幣,即使盛產期數量較多,仍有每斤150元 市場等地方,就能在台灣嚐到。
的價格,而且還賣得很好。王瑞閔笑說,假日東 王瑞閔表示,台灣的育苗技術好,各種水果都
協廣場的蔬果攤,生意好到要分兩攤稀釋人潮, 能種的起來,加上這幾年台灣冬天的天數縮短,
老闆還會聘請來自越南、柬埔寨、印尼等各國的 讓熱帶水果更容易存活;而東南亞與台灣的距離
工讀生,來因應各國語言的需求。 很近,所以會先從東南亞水果種起,但台灣已有
不同於台灣人喜好偏甜的水果,來自東南亞 人開始引進中南美洲的植物,他就在台灣嚐過
的水果大多帶有酸味,王瑞閔表示,當地氣候 中南美洲很普遍的果樹──冰淇淋豆(又稱印加
炎熱,酸味能刺激食慾。雖然有些東南亞水果 豆)的滋味。期待未來有更多新興水果在台灣落
的酸澀,讓台灣人吃不慣,但事實上,許多水 地生根,豐富我們的味蕾,也豐富台灣這水果之
果在東南亞的種植歷史比台灣悠久,因而也發 王的美名。 l

are popular with Southeast-Asian residents, such as When prepared this way it doesn’t taste at all like fruit,
Southeast-Asian specialty stores or the ASEAN Square but rather like a cold vegetable dish, and its tart and
mall in Taichung, demand outstrips supply. piquant taste makes it a great appetizer. To try out these
Unlike the sweet fruits preferred by Taiwanese, those distinctive flavors in Taiwan, you need only visit such
from Southeast Asia mostly have an additional sour places as Taichung’s ASEAN Square, Taipei’s “Little
tang to them. Wang Jui-min notes that the climate in Manila” on the east side of Zhongshan North Road Sec-
those countries is intensely hot, and a sour taste stimu- tion 3, or Muzha Market in Taipei’s Wenshan District.
lates the appetite. Some Southeast-Asian fruits are both Wang Jui-min observes that Taiwan’s plant nurser-
sour and astringent, making them hard for Taiwanese ies are highly skilled and are able to grow all kinds of
to get used to. But in fact many of these fruits have fruits, and in recent years Taiwan’s winters have been
been cultivated in Southeast Asia for much longer than growing shorter, making it easier for tropical fruits
in Taiwan, and a rich dietary culture has developed to survive. Local production began with fruits from
around them. Southeast Asia because it is near to Taiwan, but people
For example, people in Taiwan are in the habit of eat- have also begun to bring in plants from South and Cen-
ing bananas directly as fresh fruit, but in Southeast Asia tral America. In Taiwan Wang has already enjoyed a
people prefer to eat them cooked, and prepare them in fruit that is widespread in Latin America: the “ice-cream
many different ways, such as deep-fried, made into a bean” (Inga edulis etc.). We look forward to seeing even
sweet soup with sago, as a filling in wrapped dump- more novel fruits take root in Taiwan, to enrich the
lings, or roasted on skewers. Each approach offers a offerings for our taste buds and add to Taiwan’s reputa-
different flavor. Meanwhile, in Southeast Asia the amba- tion as the “fruit kingdom.” l
rella (Spondias dulcis), which tastes sour and astringent if (Chen Chun­fang/photos by Kent Chuang/
eaten raw, is usually pickled with salt or chili peppers. tr. by Phil Newell and Robert Taylor)

Taiwan’s rich soil and outstanding cultivation techniques
enable all kinds of tropical fruits to thrive here, opening up
people’s minds to the possibilities for new fruit flavors.


Sharing Knowledge for Self-Sufficiency:
International Aid in Fruit and Vegetable Production

文•劉亭均 圖•國合會提供 版面設計•蕭郢岑


T aiwan assists other countries through long-term programs focused on the cultivation of crops such
as fruits and vegetables that are nutritious and of high economic value. Institutions engaged in this
work include the International Cooperation and Development Fund (TaiwanICDF), which is committed
to sustainable development, and the World Vegetable Center (WorldVeg), an R&D-oriented international
NGO headquartered in Tainan that possesses the world’s largest vegetable germplasm bank.


Exporting Tropical
Island Experience

面積僅為台灣1/57、人口18 Saint Lucia, with just 1/57th the
多萬人的聖露西亞,是在加勒 land area of Taiwan and a population
of 185,000, gets 1 million tourist visits
per year, driving other industries
such as fruit farming. However, while
Saint Lucia enjoys advantageous
而令人驚訝的是,即使面海迎 conditions similar to Taiwan’s for
風的聖露西亞,跟台灣同樣具 growing high-value tropical fruit, “it
備發展高價值熱帶水果的優 is the only Caribbean island nation to
勢,「但它卻是唯一在加勒比 produce bananas in large quantities,”
群島中,生產相對大量香蕉的 says Cheng Shih Lung, head of a Tai-
wanICDF agricultural technical mis-
sion based in the Caribbean region.
A former British colony and still
技術團長鄭仕隆說:「聖露西 a member of the Commonwealth
亞的香蕉生產和出口深受歷史 of Nations, Saint Lucia began large-
影響,採家族式經營、代代相 技術團協助農友專設灌溉系統。 scale cultivation of bananas for export
A Taiwan Technical Mission assists farmers in
傳,相對豐富的知識與經驗, installing an irrigation system. to Britain in the 1950s, and the two
在國際市場上是優勢。」 countries have maintained good trade
relations ever since. Cheng explains: “Saint Lucia’s bananas
are harvested once a year, before they are ripe. Their voy-
age across the Atlantic to the UK provides enough time to
allow them to slowly ripen and turn yellow, so they are at
好交易持續至今,「每週皆可採收的香蕉,在結果 the peak of freshness and flavor when they arrive.”
後未催熟狀態下即可採收,透過船隻載往溫度較低 In 2016, Tropical Storm Matthew devastated the local
的英國,這期間正好讓香蕉慢慢熟成轉黃,到達港 banana industry, so the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries,
口最是新鮮美味。」鄭仕隆解釋當初距離遙遠的聖 Physical Planning, Natural Resources, and Co-operatives
露西亞,為何會成為英國的香蕉供應國,也讓香蕉 turned to diplomatic ally Taiwan—likewise a tropical
island, but with advanced fruit growing technology—for
help with diversifying Saint Lucia’s farming sector.
The two countries together rolled out the Banana
用下,聖露西亞的香蕉農民從原先10,000人,急 Productivity Improvement Project, which includes a
速下降到如今僅約900人。2016年,熱帶性風暴 switch over to cultivation of dwarf banana varieties that
Matthew重創此地香蕉產業,其農業部向熱帶水 are more are resistant to wind damage. In addition, says
果栽植技術成熟的友邦台灣請求協助,並推動農 Yen Ming-hong, director of TaiwanICDF’s Technical Co-
業多元化。兩國合作展開香蕉產量提高計畫,除 operation Department, “We introduced some fruits that
are rare locally, such as pineapple, papaya, watermelon,
and muskmelon, with quite good results. Crop diversity
reduces excessive competition between local farmers,
allowing them to explore opportunities for exporting to
元化栽種讓農民不會過度競爭,同時也能探索出口 nearby countries.”
鄰近國家的經濟機會。」 Cheng Shih Lung, who has been work ing in t he
在加勒比海區域服務近14年的鄭仕隆更是感受 Caribbean region for nearly 14 years, offers the following
深刻:「農友們告訴我,Taiwan is helping(台灣 heartfelt reflection: “Farmers tell us that Taiwan is help-
正在幫忙)。台灣不只帶來技術,更帶來他們最 ing. Taiwan not only brings technology, but comes with
good intentions, which is what they need most.” l
需要的『善意』。」 l


Self-Sufficiency and Opportunity

同屬熱帶氣候,地處中美洲的宏都拉斯,並不缺乏 台灣酪梨品種超過30種,但國合會與技
適合栽種日常主要食品「酪梨」的風土條件,然而卻 術團考量宏都拉斯的內需高於外銷,建議以
仍然極度仰賴進口,進口量一度佔總需求量的83.4%。 當地消費市場的喜好為主,種植接受度最廣
宏都拉斯在2018年啟動國家酪梨計畫,與台灣國合會 的哈斯(Hass)品種,並在此階段力助苗圃
駐宏都拉斯技術團合作,以提升自產酪梨種苗能力為 的種苗能達到年產25萬株的目標。接著進一
起點,逐步實現穩定生產數量充足的健康種苗。 步執行「擴大酪梨栽培計畫」,由美國「糧
食濟貧組織(F F P)」宏都拉斯合作夥伴
技術團輔導宏都拉斯勇於創新的年輕農友轉種酪梨。 步門檻,期望為宏都拉斯180個家庭,創造
A Taiwan Technical Mission guided this innovative young
Honduran farmer in switching over to growing avocados. 近540個就業機會。
「台灣讓人感受何謂『患難見真情』。」 l

Honduras, a Central American country with a trop- “With full funding, most of the participants who switched
ical climate, has no shortage of land suitable for culti- over to cultivating avocado are experienced older farmers,
vating avocado, a major everyday food for its citizens. with the next generation in their families playing a support-
However, it still relies heavily on imports, which at ing role,” says Lin Shyn-shiun, chief of the Honduras TTM.
one point accounted for 83.4% of total demand. In 2018 “But there are also some younger farmers who inherited land
Honduras launched a national avocado program in on which their parents cultivated coffee. When they saw that
collaboration with a technical mission of TaiwanICDF. the Taiwan and Honduran governments were strongly pro-
The project began by expanding local capacity to pro- moting the avocado industry, they bravely decided to inno-
duce avocado germplasm, progressing steadily to the vate, buying avocado seedlings from the technical mission’s
stable production of an adequate volume of propaga- nursery to devote themselves to growing avocados.”
tion materials. When the Covid-19 pandemic struck, farmers in remote
Since domestic demand in Honduras exceeds exports, areas taking part in the project were unable to leave their
the project opted for cultivation of the Hass variety, localities due to a national lockdown. Although they could
which is the most popular with local consumers. The still get by from day to day by growing maize and eating
Taiwan Tech nical Mission (TTM) began implementing wild vegetables, they had no money to spare to care for the
the Expanding Avocado Cultivation Project in collabora- avocado trees and were left with no choice but to leave them
tion with CEPUDO, the Honduran partner of the US to wither away. Through a relief program, the TTM did their
organ ization Food for the Poor, which partnered with utmost to get cultivation materials to remote areas, with per-
the Honduran government. CEPUDO provided the sonnel even going out to care for the trees themselves, wear-
needed equipment and resources free of charge. The ing several layers of protection in the high temperatures, and
project aims to lower barriers to entry for avocado farm- they were able to save many of them. Farmers responded
ers, benefiting 180 households in Honduras and creating with feeling: “Taiwan really showed us the meaning of the
some 540 job opportunities. saying ‘a friend in need is a friend indeed.’” l

The Honduran minister and vice minister of agriculture and
livestock, and the minister of tourism, visit a nursery to see
seedlings being grown for the Healthy Avocado Seedling
Production Project in Honduras.


The TAVI Project:
Supporting Nutrition

亞蔬受台灣外交部和農委會所託,自2021年元 準備好齊全的食譜,來協助史瓦帝尼、坦尚尼
月起,啟動了為期三年的「TAVI專案(Taiwan– 亞、馬達加斯加與貝南這幾個國家,提升蔬菜產
Africa Vegetable Initiative),台灣—非洲蔬菜倡議 量,以供應新鮮營養的自產蔬菜,補足當地人因
計畫」,目前已為亞蔬在坦桑尼亞的區域種原庫 糧食不足或飲食失衡而長期缺乏的應有營養。
與史瓦帝尼國家植物遺傳資源中心 (NPGRC) 對 於 TAV I 專 案 所 肩 負 的 任 務 , 專 案 負 責 人
蒐集了456個非洲蔬菜與其野生近親物種種原,共 亞蔬種原組組長方佐威博士(D r. M a a r t e n v a n
6,300多份樣本。為了拯救非洲傳統蔬菜的遺傳資 Zonneveld)認為蔬菜物種消失的原因很多,但
料,最終目標為至少4,800個地方品種。 必然會對當地農業、飲食及營養供給帶來巨大
保存非洲蔬菜的生物多樣性,就等於有機會為 衝擊。
未來提供更有營養、更適應環境的蔬菜。然而當 其中以史瓦帝尼的情況較為嚴重,該國超過三
務之急仍是讓人們儘快攝取到充分完善的營養, 分之一的人口在14歲以下,預期壽命世界排名
因此亞蔬團隊提供商業品種的蔬菜種子,甚至還 倒數第12名。在TAV I專案影響下,史瓦帝尼以
畫(N S F P),將為
一分心力。 l

The World Vegetable Center (WorldVeg) was com- WorldVeg team supplies both seeds and recipes for com-
missioned by Taiwan’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs and mercial vegetable varieties, to assist Eswatini, Tanzania,
Council of Agriculture to launch the three-year Taiwan– Madagascar, and Benin in boosting vegetable production
Africa Vegetable Initiative (TAVI). To date WorldVeg has in order to provide locally grown nutritious fresh vege-
collected more than 6300 samples of 456 African vege- tables as a means to make up for long-term nutritional de-
tables and related wild species at its regional germplasm ficiencies caused by food shortages or unbalanced diets.
center in Tanzania and at the National Plant Genetic Re- TAVI is led by WorldVeg Genebank manager Dr.
sources Centre in Eswatini. In order to preserve the gen- Maarten van Zonneveld. Explaining the program’s
etic material of as many African traditional vegetables as object ives, he states that there are many reasons why
possible, the ultimate goal is to collect at least 4800 local vegetable species and varieties may disappear, but what-
varieties. ever the cause, such losses are inevitably a major blow to
Another urgent task is to ensure that all people have local agriculture, diet, and nutritional status.
access to ample and complete nutrition. To this end, the The situation is most severe in Eswatini, where a third
of the population is under 14,
and life expectancy is 12th low-
est in the world. Influenced by
the TAVI project, Eswatini has
adopted a “zero hunger” strat-
egy and established a national
school feeding program, to pro-
vide nutrient-rich vegetables to
help students grow up healthy.
The Taiwan-funded TAVI
project is continuing to increase
the number of plant varieties
in the two germplasm banks in
Africa, and is working to close
the nutrition gap by promoting
vegetables. Thus it is making
a contribution to Africa and to
the world at large. l
(Rina Liu/photos
courtesy of TaiwanICDF/
tr. by Phil Newell)

As part of the Taiwan–Africa
Vegetable Initiative, Taiwan’s
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and
Council of Agriculture funded the
establishment of a national school
feeding program in Eswatini. In the
photos, students try their hand at
planting vegetables, to help them
better understand the land beneath
their feet. (courtesy of WorldVeg)

月 台北老街【30周年暢銷紀念新版】

首,想像 餘 墟 獨 倚 牕」,誰 不會 對
遠 渡 的人 們 總 是 追 尋 著 信仰 的 歷 史的殘破,痛心疾首,歉 疚愧憾
溫 暖,低 頭、默 禱、焚 香,青 草 巷 呢?
旁的龍山寺;聚 集了人們的希望、 廣州街底,環 河 南路旁,今高氏
撫平移民的不安,經歷多次戰火倥 宗 祠,是昔日的學海 書院。道光初
傯、增 建 補 修,終 於,成 為 台 灣 第 年 至 光 緒 年 間,這 裏 的 淡 水 河 口

一的名剎,虔誠祝禱的所在。 岸 是 裝 卸 木 料 的 地 方,稱「 料 館
艋 舺( 萬 華 )的 三 大 廟 門 是 龍 街」,是為「木材街」之意;昔日新
山 寺、清 水 巖( 即 祖 師 廟 )與 新 店 溪 上 游 盛 產 樟 樹,由 水 路 運 此
興 宮,而 龍 山 寺、清 水 巖(即 祖 師 交 給「 料 館 」(木 品 加 工 廠 ),供
廟)和大龍 峒 的保 安宮,又並稱 為 作軍需 造船。往東行,今仁濟 醫院
台 北 市 三 大 廟 門;龍 山 寺 不 僅 名 現 址,是育嬰堂 舊址,是同治 年 間
聞北台,昔日還曾博 得「台 灣 第一 (一八七○年)淡水同知陳 培桂,
名剎」的美譽,熟知這 座 廟宇的歷 為 收 養 孤 兒、貧 困 人 家 子女 及 矯
史,當 知 以 前 所 謂:「一 府二 鹿 三 正 溺女 惡習而設,今留有「淡北育
艋舺」的盛況。 嬰堂碑」。
龍山寺 位 於 廣州街;廣州街,東 梧 州 街 北 側 巷 口 有 黃 姓 祖 祠,
起 博 愛 路,西 至 環 河 南 路。這 一 係江夏種德堂和燕山祖祠古蹟 所
條 艋 舺早 期的市街之一,有「古蹟 在。
街」的雅 稱,懷抱著虔敬懷古的心 小 巷 華 西 街,目 前 仍 留 有 九 曲
情 去 追 尋 遺 跡,等 於 重 溫 台 北 開 巷 痕 跡。二百二十三巷口有清嘉慶
拓的前幾頁 歷史;「留連落日頻回 年間「隘門」為當年民間防禦警戒

的 關卡,今「艋 舺 隘 門」已 改 水 泥
書 名:台北老街【30周年暢銷
位於廣州街二一一號的龍山寺, 作 者:莊永明 
頁 數:310頁 
寺前道 路清 時 稱「龍山寺 街」,日
定 價:480元
治 時 逕 名 為「龍山寺 町」,名 正言 出版時間:2021年8月

順,今 稱:「廣州街」,真恐後 代子 出 版:時報文化出版公司

孫訛誤 為是「老廣」建闢或群居的



有著不少的軼聞掌故,傳聞鄉梓。 而走險,渡 過 黑水溝,來台 灣 謀 取 香 袋,在 月 夜 下,閃 著 光 芒,驚 動

建廟傳說普遍 生機。 了當 地 人,以為 觀音 顯 聖,紛 紛前

唐 山 子 民 渡 台,他 們 將 落 腳 處 當 時 落 足 艋 舺,以 泉 州 所 屬 晉 往 膜 拜,有人向菩薩 許願,竟然得

從 南 部 移 到 北 部 的 時 候,北 台 仍 江、南 安、惠 安 等三邑 轄 下 的「 頂 償,如 是 善 男信 女日增,乃 有 鳩資

是 一 片 蠻 荒 瘴 癘 的 地 區,這 一 片 郊」人 為 多,他 們 渡 海 前,為 求 得 建廟之議。

新墾地並不是他們想像的「人間樂 安心,離 別故 鄉前,必先到晉江 縣 歷經災劫整建

土 」,而 是 充 滿 著 危 險、艱 難,因 安海鄉龍山寺,向觀音菩薩祈福, 龍山寺建 廟的傳 說,並不是「此

之有「三在 六 亡一 回頭」的 俚 諺。 請求神明保庇一路平安,並將該寺 寺 獨 有,別 無 分 號」,桃 園 蘆 竹 鄉

十 個 唐 山 人 橫 渡 黑 水 溝 到 北 台, 的香 袋,攜帶 於身,以求得心靈 上 南 崁 廟 也 有 類 似 的 故 事,因 此 只

能夠 落腳 生根,僅占了十 分之 三; 的安全感。 能姑妄聽之。

其 他 的 十 分之 六 因 水 土不 服 或 受 相 傳,雍 正 年 間 有 一 位 唐 山 移 晉江、惠安、南安三邑人 推 舉 紳

不住 瘴 癘 之 氣,葬身此 地;剩下的 民,來 到了現在龍山寺附近,在一 商黃典謨為董事,開始著手募款,

十 分之一,則吃不了苦 頭,乾脆 返 棵 榕 樹下略 作休憩,啟程前,他 就 很 快 得 銀 二 萬 餘 元,於 一 七 三 八

鄉,不再久留。 地方便的時 候,為了怕有所不敬, 年(乾隆 三年)舊曆五 月十八日興

雖 然,移 民 台 灣 是 需 要 冒 險 犯 將護身的香袋解下,掛在樹枝上, 工,至 一 七 四 ○ 年(乾 隆 五 年)二

難,但 是 由 於「台 灣 錢 淹 腳 目」, 想不到匆忙中忘了將香袋帶走;這 月八日始竣工。

還 是 有一波一波的閩、粵人 民,鋌 只寫著「龍山寺觀音 佛祖」的小小 龍 山 寺 的 所 在,依 堪 輿 家 相 驗

地 形,說 是「美 人 穴 」,因 此 寺 前 油漆匠的班底來台,一九二四年三 被 提 出,但 是 龍 山 寺 的 整 建 負 責

曾 鑿 水池作 為「佛 祖 的 鏡 面」。這 月廿三日工程完竣後,老師傅又承 人 員,卻 對王世南 的 信心 不足;正

座 水 池 在 一九 二 三 年 二 月 被 填 平 接 了新 竹 城 隍 廟 和 台 北 大 龍 峒 孔 巧當時台北縣有一座廟宇,因設計

闢為龍山公園,亦即今日以小吃聞 廟等工程,然後才返回 泉州府。王 不良,致使 工程中 斷,此 廟 住 持頗

名的「龍山商場」。 樹發見台灣大有發展前途,就留了 受困擾,龍山寺的住持與他有所往

廟 宇 建 築 期 間,艋 舺人 派 人 到 下來。由於 龍山寺重建 工程,做得 來,乃 荐 王世南 前去 解 困,也 想 藉

福建泉州府晉安縣安海鄉龍山 美侖美奐,因此他的聲 譽 不錯,像 此考驗王世南的身手。

寺,奉 請 觀 音 佛 祖 分 靈,來 台 奉 彰化南 瑤宮、南鯤鯓 代天 府、鹿港 王世南果不負眾望,完成使命,

祀,因 之 此 寺 順 理 成 章 取 名 為: 天 后 宮 的 整 建 等大小 工 程 包了 不 龍山寺方面對他的能力不再懷疑,

「龍山寺」。 少,因 而 致 富,可惜 老 來 無 子,乃 將工程完全交由王世南承包,龍山

艋 舺 龍 山 寺 此 後 經 歷 了幾 場 自 收養一名義子,叫王世南。 寺 大 殿 重 建 工 程 終 於 在 一九 五 五

然 災 劫,一 八 一 四 年( 嘉 慶 十 九 樹發師見義子並不好學,就帶在 年恢復舊觀。

年)北部大地震後,艋 舺地區 房屋 身邊,跟自己在工地上東奔西跑, 艋舺龍山寺從一七三八年創

倒塌 嚴 重,龍山寺 也不例外,除了 想不到王世南耳濡目染,竟然懂得 建,平均每四十年重修 整 建一次,

佛座外,其他建 築 物 全毀,當時 董 整套 建 築 技術。有一次,木匠 們大 可見今日壯觀的規模,其來有自,

事黃朝陽、楊士朝發起募捐重建, 意弄錯了尺寸,一根橫樑 怎 麼擱, 不是一蹴可幾的。

於次年(一八一五年)完工。爾後, 都 放 不 進 去,一 時 找 不 著 錯 的 所 聲望震懾官府

又 遭 遇一八 六七年(同治六年)的 在,大 家 真 急 壞 了,王世 南 剛 好 走 頂 郊 人 為 保 護 商 業 利 益,私 擁

颱 風 災 害,亦 經 當 時 董 事 再 鳩 款 過 來,很快 便指出了錯處,樹 發師 重 兵,在淡水河設 立關卡,凡 是 進

修復。 此時才知曉他十六歲的螟蛉子,已 來 艋 舺的船隻,所載 貨物,他們都

如 此 再 經 歷 五十 幾 個 寒 暑,龍 有克紹箕裘的本領。 徵 收 百 分之 五 的 從 價 稅,他 們 的

山寺疲 態漸露,丹青 剝落,棟樑 腐 第 二 次 世 界 大 戰 時,盟 軍 轟 炸 團 結,使 其信仰中心 ─ 龍山寺,也

蝕,如不加以 整修,必然有坍塌之 台 灣,龍 山 寺 的 正 殿 及 走 廊 於 兼具了一種地方自治形態的組織;

虞,重 建 之議 再起,當時的住 持 福 一九四五年六月八日被 炸毀,只有 而幾次 動 武 和「下 郊」人爭 鬥,龍

智禪師,率先捐出了一生省吃儉 用 觀音 佛像 端坐 無毀,人 人稱奇。戰 山 寺 都 是 發 號 戰 鬥 命 令 的「大 本

的 儲 蓄,而 達「拋 磚 引玉 」之 效, 後,艋 舺人 士 再 議 整 建 被 戰 爭 彈 營」。

今 日 宏 偉 壯 觀、雕 琢 精 緻 的 龍 山 火 炸損的龍山寺。自然而然,有此 一八 八四年,中法戰 爭時,法國

寺得歸功於這一次的重新整建。 艱 鉅 工 作,非 託 付 給 樹 發 師 不 可 軍隊 攻打基隆,進犯獅球嶺,有人

唐山師傅修建 的想 法,但 是,此時 樹 發師 病 死, 認 為 台 北 城 終 會 失 陷,而 有 南 遷

一九二○年一月十八日,龍山寺 大 家 對 年 輕 的 王世 南 能 否承 擔 此 之 議,艋 舺人 士 認 為 豈 可 不 戰 而

動 工 重 建,敦 聘 泉 州 惠 安 溪 底 唐 工作,表示 懷 疑,加以戰後 民生 凋 棄,群情 沸騰,商議抗敵大計於 龍

山 老 師 傅「益 順 師」(俗 作「益 順 敝,經 費 籌 措 不 易,只草 草修 葺, 山寺,並作成 陳 情 文,蓋 上 龍山寺

司」)的王 益 順來台擔 任 重任,當 未 能 踵 事 增 華。一 直 到 一九 五 三 關防,前往晉 謁 劉銘傳,表示大家

時 他 帶 了姪 兒 王樹 發 和 二十來 名 年,龍山寺已成中外人士來台北的 決 定 組 織 民 軍,協 助 官 兵 死 守 台

有 雕 刻 匠、石 匠、水 泥 匠、陶 匠、 觀光 勝地,為壯觀瞻,正 殿新建再 北,請政 府 勿有 南遷 之舉,同時關

閉 艋 舺 地 方 各 隘 門,阻 止 官 兵 南 昌湖青石之多,獨步 全 台,前殿的 俗家 林衡 道 即有 如此評語:「……

下,民兵 且 赴前線和法軍戰鬥,對 一對 銅 鑄 龍柱,更 是台 灣 僅 有,尤 十八世 紀 法 國 路 易十 四 時 代 的 巴

逐退法國,居功不少。 以 匾 額、柱 壁 的 聯 文,更 是 珍 貴 洛 克 和 洛 可 可 畫 風,被 美 術 史 家

劉銘傳就任台灣第一任巡撫 稀品,可惜 因 戰 火、整 修大多 佚 失 認 為 裝 飾 過 多,看 不 見 面 和 線 的

時,銳 意 經營各項的建 設,興 築 鐵 了。 美,所以評價得 很低。如果 從 這個

路 是 最 為 人 津 津 樂 道 的 一 項,鐵 光 緒勅 賜 的「慈暉遠蔭」、福建 觀點來看,台北的龍山寺就犯有嚴

路 由 大 稻 埕 起 站,原 擬 經 過 艋 舺 陸 路提督孫開華的「慈雲普蔭」、 重的巴洛克和洛可可的毛病。」

「料 館 口」(今 龍 山 國 小 附 近)架 曾玉明 的「慈 雲 普 覆」、浙 江 提 督 台 灣 廟 宇 裝 飾 過 分 的 弊 端,原

橋 過 新 莊,但 是 艋 舺 豪 族 黃 川 流 王得 祿 伯 爵 的「大 發 慈 悲」、福 建 因甚多,但不容置疑的是,它和文

以 恐 毀 及 他 家 門 前 的 竹 圍,加 以 陸 路 提 督 林 文 察 子 爵 的「此 即 是 化、社 會 變 遷,息 息相 關,也 就 是

反 對,他 寫 了一 封 陳 情 文,擅自 蓋 佛」……諸匾,皆被燒毀無存。 說一般人所認同的美感,已不是昔

上龍山寺關防,說是艋舺人士不歡 柱 壁 聯文,頗多佳 構,更添 增 艋 日的標 準,觀 之,今日台 灣廟宇的

迎鐵路經過,劉銘傳見龍山寺方面 舺龍山寺的藝術價值: 規模,已經有好幾座和龍山寺不分

的輿 情 如 此,乃下令改 道,因 此 大 龍舸渡迷津,發大慈悲,只要眾 軒輊,但是不僅在名望上無法和其

橋改築在大稻埕了。 生回首; 並駕齊驅,在美感上也遜色不少,

龍 山 寺 關 防,在 傳 說 中 有 如 此 山門開覺路,入觀世地,更進十 此 乃 龍 山 寺 具有 獨 具 的 歷 史 和 傳

分 量,足 見 龍 山 寺 不 僅 是 民 間 信 住安心。 奇,永 遠 令人神 往 的 緣 故。此 外,

仰中心,且 受官 方 重 視,可見 其不 安海真源分淡北; 它在整個建築格局、裝飾上,還 承

僅 是 一 座 只供 瞻 仰 膜 拜 的建 築 而 龍山靈梵冠東瀛。(以上兩聯俱 續 著 傳 統 風 格。龍 山 寺 天 井 所 使

已,還代表了眾多的民意。 為魏清德撰,康有為書) 用 兩 座 藻 井及 繁 雜 的 網 目 如 意 斗

雕飾精巧絕倫 龍渡滄海而東,五百年來成樂 栱,交 錯 構成令人眩目、讚 歎的雕

龍 山 寺 主 祀 觀 世 音 菩 薩,副 祀 土; 刻,以 及 鐘 鼓樓 轎頂式屋 頂,成了

釋 迦 佛 祖、文 殊 菩 薩、普 賢 菩 薩、 山環瀛州之北,大千世界闢沙 以後 台 灣 許 多 廟 宇 構 造 參 考 的 對

天 上 聖 母( 媽 祖 )、水仙 王、註 生 門。(張純甫撰,陳蓁書) 象。

娘 娘、文 昌 帝 君、關 聖 帝 君、十八 入佛門來,聲色俱化; 研究台灣建築史的李 乾朗教授

羅漢……號稱二百餘種神祇,可以 居淨土處,物我皆忘。(劉篁村 對 龍 山 寺 的 評 價,可 以 讓 我 們 更

說「神 佛 雜 陳」。胡適 博士 第一次 撰並書) 加 體 認 這 座「台 灣 第 一 名 剎 」的

參 觀龍山寺時,看見供 祭著雞、豬 不入浮屠境,焉知釋教尊,龕燈 不同凡響:「以目前台灣所存廟宇

頭,很 是 詫 異,說:「怎 麼 佛 教 寺 光白晝,寺磬鬧黃昏; 水 準 來 看,(龍 山寺)應 屬 經 典 之

院,可以 擺 葷 的 東 西?」文 獻 委 員 金碧三台冠,檀楠一殿溫,慈悲 作,它 總 結 了 清 代 以 來 台 灣 廟 宇

會的林衡道趕忙 解 釋說:「龍山寺 如我佛,香火合長存。 建 築 的 美 學 觀 點,重 建 後 的 簷 口

不是道地的佛教寺院,只是民間信 (黃贊鈞撰,鄭貽林書) 曲線較戰前為緩,上下簷間也加置

仰的通俗廟宇而已。」 廟宇建築經典 吊 筒,就 形 式 之 精 練 及 裝 飾 性 趣

龍山寺的雕樑畫棟、石刻木雕, 今 日 龍 山 寺 過 分 華 麗、浮 華 的 味而言,重建後的作品是極為成功

精 巧 絕 倫,使 用 的 泉 州 白 石 及 玉 裝 飾,曾使學 者專家引以為 憾。民 的。」

《小說徐傍興》 作者/李旺台


◼ 1934年日本時代,他考上台北醫專(今台大醫學院的前身)因成績
◼ 1952年,他辭掉台大醫學院的職務,在當時的台北市政府對面創立
◼ 1955年,他拿出家裡僅有的積蓄40萬元,幫助陳啟川與杜聰明成立
◼ 1960年,他又免費擔任中山醫專校長,任內11年間,從未支領過任
◼ 1961年,他自力興建屏東美和中學,讓地方子弟不必遠道去就學。
◼ 1965年,他又成立美和護專,為家鄉子弟培育人才。
◼ 1971年,他再成立美和青少棒及青棒隊,給了許多貧窮孩子棒球

邱 壬 妹 安 穩 而 富 足 地 過了 三、 壬 妹 此 時 從 廚 房 步 出,說 話 聲
四年,日子沒有閒著。她是徐 外科 音 有 點 大:「沒 有 四 十萬 蛤!只有
實際 上的財務長,為徐家理 財、守 三十五萬給你們。」
財。有一天她算了一算,告訴丈夫: 「 有 啦!」傍 興 笑 著 說:「婦 人
「喂,到現在我們已經有了四十萬 家 就 是 這 樣,你 阿 嫂 想 扣 五 萬 起
元的積蓄了呢!」 來,怕我全部用掉。」
徐 傍興眼睛 一亮:「四十萬唷, 富 興 說:「 阿 傍 哥、阿 嫂,這 次
很 好!」壬 妹 沒 想 到,四 十萬 這 個 我們自己買地來蓋,蓋自己合意的
數目字進入徐傍興的腦袋,就像農 診所。」
家 人的磨臼,倒進水和糯米,磨 把 「診 所?不只 是 診 所。」傍 興 神 書 名:小說徐傍興

一轉,米漿流出,要做甜粄了。 色飛揚起 來:「阿 富興 同你 講, 作 者:李旺台 

頁 數:451頁 
適 巧 他 的 堂 弟 徐 富 興 幾 天後 來 我們一開始設定二百床的醫院,然 定 價:480元
台北 辦 事,就住 在徐 家。兩個人從 後擴充到四百床,然後呢?我心肝 出版時間:2021年6月
出 版:玉山社
小一起長 大。富興也學 醫,唸 到日 肚有一個夢想,順便試看看能不能
本名古屋大學醫學博士,是高雄名 實現。」
醫。那天晚 上 飯後閒聊,富興誇讚 「什麼夢想?」
徐 外 科 業 務 興 隆,引 來 傍 興 的 豪 「當 高 雄 的 徐 外 科 擴 充 到 四 百
情:「我這裏有大 約三 分之一的病 床 的 時 候,把 它 變 成 日 本 的 順 天 水準的醫學大學。」
患是從高屏地區,尤其是我們屏東 堂大學。」 台北徐外科的業務越來越鼎
來 的。我 真 想 去 高 雄 再 開 一 家 徐 「 順 天 堂,我 知 道,哈!阿 傍 盛,徐 傍興夫 婦 每天早 早出門,經
外科,省得那些病患南北奔波。」 哥,你 真 有 那 麼 大 的 野 心?」富 興 常忙到晚上十點以後才能休息。一
富 興 想了想:「這 想 法很 好,我 說。 天晚 上,醫院 職員都已下 班,壬 妹
很同意。」 「不是野心,只 是一 個夢,做 這 說 她 還 有 一 點 善 後 工 作,要 稍 等
「 真 的?」傍 興 說:「 我 真 的 來 個夢很久了。」傍興說:「講到順天 一會兒回家。徐傍興一個人坐在掛
開設,你幫我打理一切。」 堂,我 就 會 想 起 我 那 個 好 朋 友 許 號櫃台邊想事情。
「 沒 問 題。」富 興 問:「你 有 準 如霖。我們在東京的時候,他帶我 電 燈 還亮著,大門沒關。一名中
備多少資金?」 去 那裏參 觀,同時告訴我,它是如 年 男 子 闖 進 來,手 持 一 個 用 舊 報
「四十萬。」 何 從 一 個 私 塾 性 質 的 小 診 所,發 紙包著的物品,進門就吆喝,聲 音
「那很夠。」 展成順天堂醫院,再發展成一所高 很 大,但 有 些 色 厲 內 荏:「你 是 醫

生呵!我 今晚需 要 用錢,拿兩千塊 朝壬妹發話:「打電 話去派出所 報 傍 興 認 捐 給 高 雄 醫 學 院 的 那 一大

給我,趕緊!」 警,快!快快!」 筆 錢,後 來 協 議 以 高 雄 徐 外 科 的

這 是 上 門 來 搶 劫 的,從 未 碰 過 壬 妹 剛 拿 起 電 話,那 人 急 匆 匆 營業收 入,分期捐出,所以 沒 給壬

這 種 事,徐 傍 興 大 駭,該 怎 麼 辦 跑了。 妹 帶 來 太 大 的 困 擾。一 直 到 大 約

呢?那人 話 未 說 完 就 將 舊 報 紙 卸 夫 妻 倆 吁 出 一 口 大 氣。壬 妹 很 兩年之後,徐家才又要到處張羅金

下,露 出 一 把 鄉 下人 砍 柴 用 的 板 快 收 拾 好 物 品,徐 傍 興 再 仔 細 檢 錢。

刀,同時再喝令:「拿兩千塊出來, 查門窗,然後一起鎖門回家。 台北南京西路有一座 蓬萊閣大

卡緊!」 坐 在 三 輪 車 上,壬 妹 緊 挨 著 老 酒家,酒家 不做 之後,原 先 租 給美

這 次 的 喝 令 聲 堅 決 冷 酷 了些, 公,握住老公的手。徐 傍興感覺 她 軍 顧 問 團 當 官 兵 休 假 娛 樂 場 所,

而那板刀已揚起,看起來很鋒利; 還 在 發 抖,安 慰 道:「毋 使 驚,無 現 在 美 軍 不 租 了,屋 主 貼 出 紅 紙

這 時 背 後 一 陣 聲 響,徐 傍 興 迅 速 事情咧,無事啦。」 要賣。壬妹聽 到這消息,先過去看

退後 一步,轉 頭一瞧,原來是 太 太 回 到家,孩 子 們 有 的先 睡了,有 房,回來一提到是蓬萊閣,徐 傍興

嚇得臉色蒼白,拿在手上的鑰匙串 的還在唸書,壬妹把剛剛發生的事 就眼睛發亮:「買下來,買下來。」

和手提包掉落地上了。就在這個瞬 告訴小孩,引來一陣驚呼和議論, 說完喃喃自語:「那是一棟豪華氣

間,徐 傍興突然怒 氣大發,伸手在 大 女 兒 問:「阿爸 怎 般 恁 好 膽,敢 派 的 大 房 子 呢!日 本 時 代 我 進 去

掛 號 櫃 台 上 猛 然 拍 下,櫃 台 上 的 向歹徒反嗆回去?」 過,參加日本人 的社 團活動,裏面

原子筆都跳了起來,然後快步走出 「 我 從 他 的 聲 音 和 眼 神,體 察 呀……」

去,挺 胸 靠 向那 板 刀,反喝 回去: 到 他 不 是 職 業 搶 劫 犯;不 過,我 壬妹插 話:「你知道 屋主要價多

「來,你 來 斬 我,來 死 我,我 絕 當 時 真 的 非 常 生 氣,氣 到 忘 記 害 少嗎?」

對袂給你錢。」 怕。」 「多少?」

那 男 子 將 板 刀 再 提 高 些,又 吼 徐傍興正要進浴室,壬妹又說: 「我們 絕 對 買不起。」壬 妹 說:

出:「你 以 為 我 嘸 敢 落 去,卡 緊! 「那歹徒後來軟下來時,我擔心你 「屋主開價四百零二萬元,放聲出

我欲急用錢。」 會跟著心軟,拿錢打發他。」 來,最多給人砍兩萬。」

徐 傍 興 聽 出 他 聲 音 顫 慄,更 加 「他看起來似乎真的很需要錢, 「我們來去!來去 跟 他 談,希望

有自 信了,再向前 挺 一次 胸,抿 嘴 但 我不 能 鼓 勵 那 種 持刀 搶 劫 的 行 能 用三百八十萬 買下來。」買 房的

怒目:「你 落來呀!來呀!」 為,絕對不行。」 錢 還 不 知 道 在 那 裏,他 先 興 奮 起

沒想 到眼前這位 斯文的醫 生會 徐 傍興已 經 進了浴室,又補充: 來,說:「 有 這 棟 大 樓 房 給 我,才

有 這 種 反 應,那 名 男 子 像 刺 到 釘 「如果他一開始用懇求的方式,我 夠我發揮。」

子 的 輪 胎,氣 焰 消弱了,持刀的手 會送點錢給他的。」 這項買樓交易,討價還價談了快

垂下來,換成央求的口氣:「先生, 那晚上床後,壬妹一時睡不著, 一年才成交,價碼是三百七十五萬

我 求 你,我 真 正 需 要 用 到 錢,今 在枕 邊問:「我們醫院 那麼 熱 鬧, 元。對 於 剛 剛 創 業 才 五 年 多 的 徐

晚……」 惹人眼紅,你看要不要請個專業的 傍興來說,這是一個很高的門檻。

徐 傍 興 吼 回 去:「你 走,我 袂 給 保 鑣 或 警 衛?」徐 傍 興 回 說:「 不 從銀行到醫界朋友,他能借錢的地

你半仙錢,趕緊走!」 必啦!我對人心沒那麼悲觀。」 方都借了,最後 還 是不 夠。一 天下

那 人 還 想 再 懇 求,徐 傍 興 高 聲 不久,高 雄 徐 外 科加 入營 運,徐 午,他 跑 回 去 老 東 家「邱 內 科」,

這裡早已借過一次錢,這次是來聊 局職員問,徐 傍興如實說出,結果 坐 在 旁 邊,開 宗 明 義 表 示:「來我

天,吐吐 胸中的鬱悶,沒想 到聊著 郵局拒 絕 收件:「這些物品價值 難 們 這 裏 服 務 的 台 大 醫 師,沒 領 薪

聊著,被他聊出一個「黃金窩」。 估,而且,恐 怕還會違 反國家 總 動 水,把我 嚇 一大 跳。他 們都是受過

那 時 徐 家 已 有 電 話,急 召 太 太 員 法。」徐 傍 興 只 好 再 提 回 家,放 專業訓練的,在台大醫院的工作都

女 兒 過 來,由 邱 雲 福 醫 師 親 自 引 回櫥櫃。 很忙,還抽 空 過 來,我們不能 讓 他

導,到 邱 家 後 院 一 個 養 雞 的 籠 子 徐 外 科 在 蓬 萊 閣 重 新 開 業 後, 們做白工。」

裏,移開兩層乾稻草,稻草上面濕 增設X光 科和病理科,床位由以前 「 我 幾 次 要 算 薪 酬,是 他 們 講

濕 黏黏,都是雞 屎,而黃 金就在稻 的二十床擴增到二百床,成了台北 好不領的。」出納小姐說。

草下面。 市 除了馬 偕 醫 院 外 最 大 的 私 人 醫 「 我 有 問 他 們,一 個 說 是 院 長

壬 妹 和 兩 個 女 兒 小 心 翼 翼 將黃 院。 您的學 生,不能領 您的錢;另一 個

金一塊一塊 取出,滿手 雞 大便。它 至此,徐傍興在台北醫界的人脈 說,他是來向徐院長學習開刀技術

十塊一層,層與層之間還用粗紙區 才 真 正 動 員 起 來。他 的 學 生 故 舊 的,不 必 付 學 費 就 很 好 了。」會 計

隔,共得二十塊。 紛紛前來幫忙,手術室要排輪班表 說。

「有 這 二十 塊 黃 金 夠了。」徐 傍 了,跟 以前 在帝大 病 院 那 樣,所有 「 這 是 真 的,還 有 一 個 陳 醫 師

興高興地 說:「我 打個 借據 給你, 病 歷、表 冊、記 錄、作 業 流 程 也 延 告訴我,說院長肯讓他來這裏見習

我那大醫院開張後,很快可以還給 續 帝 大 的 日 式 管 理 風 格。徐 傍 興 就很感激了。」出納小姐又補充。

你。」 當年在「去日本化」的政 策下離開 徐傍興沉默了一會兒,轉頭問太

「不 必 打借據,二十塊 是 整 數, 台大醫院,現在他經營這間醫院, 太:「我 有 聽 說,你 在 跟 人聊 天 時

很好記,我們兩個在心裏記住就可 好像「日本」又回來了。 經常提到:我們這家醫院是向邱內

以了。」 新 的 徐 外 科 開 診 以 來,幾 乎 天 科借了二十塊黃金才開張起來的,

「好,就 這 樣 講 定。」徐 傍 興 回 天 人 滿 為 患,也 幾 乎 每 天 都 有 台 所 以 我 們 要 努 力 打 拼,錢 能 省 則

說。 大醫院的住院醫師或 總醫師輪流 省,才能儘快 償還那筆 黃 金債。我

壬妹洗了手出來問:「要 還的時 來 幫忙。每 天早上,徐 院 長準 時上 想,是不是那些醫師聽了妳這些話

候,折現金還,還是買黃 金 塊比較 班,第 一 件 事 是 帶 領 一 群 醫 師 和 才不敢領薪水的。」

好?」 護 士 到 每 一 個 病 房 巡 視,親 切 地 壬妹說:「我確實在院內說過那

「還是還黃金好了。」 問 候 並 診 察 每 一 個 病 患,有 問 題 些話,但 只 跟 員 工說 過一兩次,從

那 天 晚 上 夜 深 人 靜 時,徐 傍 興 當 場 會 診。徐 外 科 醫 院 現 在 空 間 沒向醫師們透露。」

腦海裡一直浮現竹林的身影;之後 夠大,可以讓他帶著年輕醫師一邊 「他們當然會轉輾聽到囉。」

又想 念 起澤田、森於菟、迎諧等教 查 訪 一 邊 教 學,好 像 又 回 到 台 大 「 我 想 徐 夫 人 那 些 話,不 會 是

授。有多久沒有寫信向他們問候了 醫 院 擔 任 教 授 兼 外 科主 任 時 的 感 他們不支 薪的原因。」總務阿真牯

呢?他想。 覺。 說。

第 二 天,他 將 澤 田 留 下 來 的 那 許久 之後,徐 傍興 本人才知道, 「好 了,不 必 說了。」徐 傍 興 很

包金幣銀幣,從櫥櫃裡翻找出來, 那 些 台大 醫 院 來 的 晚 輩 醫 師 都 沒 快 做 結 論:「 請 會 計 依 照 手 術 排

跟壬妹一起仔細打包,親自拿去郵 領 薪 水。他 認 為 不 應 該,召 集 會 班 表 和 看 診 記 錄,把 每 一 位 來 幫

局。「包 裹 裡 面 是 什 麼 物 品?」郵 計、出 納、總 務 開 會,太 太 壬 妹 也 忙的醫師支領的薪水算出來,一人

一 個 薪 水 袋 包 好,他 們 下 次 來 時 你同一輩份的阿星醫師收下薪水 台灣客家鄉鎮的天空,成了徐傍興

雙手奉上,說 是我有 交代,不許不 袋,但把鈔票抽出來還給了會計小 的綽號,成為一個頭銜和尊稱。

拿,知道嗎?」 姐。」 陳 昌 達 有 一 天 又 去 徐 外 科,卻

「是。」 「 真 是 的!怎 麼 好 意 思,真 壞 見醫院樓上樓下都在忙著準備出

「知道了。」 勢!壞勢!」 門 的 行 李。他 很 幸 運 又 碰 見 徐 傍

事 情 這 樣 有 了 圓 滿 解 決,徐 傍 「日本時 代,戰 爭到後來,你 在 興剛好 從樓上開刀房下來,「你怎

興 談 興 來了,說了一 個 故 事:「 我 帝 大 醫 院 由 半 薪 變 成 無 薪,那 時 麼今分日會來這裏,不歸屏東掛紙

還小的時候,有一次奉阿爸之命去 我 就 非 常 不 以 為 然。你 們 還 說 什 (掃墓)嗎?」徐傍興問。

內 埔『順 豐 火 礱』結 帳,火 礱 老 闆 麼 犧 牲 奉 獻,效 忠 天 皇,說 是 日 「 我 不 回 去?」「為 什 麼?掛 紙

多算了十塊錢給我。我也沒點數就 本 精 神。我 最 不 喜 歡 這 種 日 本 精 一年 才一擺 為 什麼 不 回去?」陳昌

拿回家,結果 被我阿爸罵一頓,命 神!」壬 妹 一 口 氣 說了這 段 話,見 達 表 情 尷 尬 地 停 了片 刻 才 回 答:

令 我 當 天 晚 上 漏 夜 把 那十 塊 錢 送 徐 傍 興 沉 默 著,問:「是不是 你 以 「沒 有 啦!我 剛 好功 課 很忙 啦!」

還給人家。」 前跟我說的什麼日本精神,還留在 徐傍興盯視其臉,大致猜到了什麼

徐外科醫院的職員全是從南部 許多台灣醫師身上?」 原 因,放低 聲 音 問:「是不是 沒 錢

來的鄉親晚輩,開會都講客家話, 徐 傍 興「唔」了一 聲,沉 思 片 刻 買 車 票?」「 沒 有 啦,是 我 不 想 回

徐傍興在散會前又補一句家鄉話: 才說:「不領 薪水這一項算不算日 去啦!」徐 傍 興從口 袋 掏出 鈔 票,

「記得 我阿爸 那時 說:『人家 糶 穀 本 精 神,我不 敢 確 定。不過,他 們 是三張百元鈔和幾張十元鈔,全部

糴 米,流 汗 在 賺 錢 』,這十 塊 錢 快 來 幫 忙 後 記 錄 做 得 詳 細 完 整,器 往陳昌達手掌塞進,陳昌達臉上更

緊送回去。」 械 洗 淨 擺 放 整 齊,方 便 後 面 的 使 尷尬了,低頭一瞧,太不好意思了,

「所以,我 要 你們 快 緊,快 緊, 用者,這些倒確實是澤田先生留下 趕緊把兩張百元鈔票遞回去,說:

把欠醫師的薪水送還人家。」 來的精神。」 「買車票不必那麼多,只要一百多

壬 妹 附 和,補 充了幾 句 話:「從 後 來 醫 院 上 上下 下 都 發 覺:對 塊。」徐傍興又塞回來,說:「有剩

日本時代,我就很討厭以任何理由 呀!每天早上院長帶領醫護人員一 下,火車 上 買個 便當吃;還有 剩 的

上 班 工作 卻 不 支 薪。該 拿 多 少 薪 間 一 間 巡 房 的 時 候,他 每 到 一 張 話你留著用,或買點東西帶回去給

水 就 拿多 少。沒拿薪水,不知道他 病床前,總 是親自詢問並診察,而 你阿爸,知道嗎?」

們家的老婆有多難過日子。」 他一開口,圍繞在四周的眾醫師, 「小時候,你阿爸去我家田裏載

一 個月過去,兩個月過去。有一 點 頭 的 點 頭,做 筆 記 的 做 筆 記, 穀 袋,我常坐 他 的牛車回家,坐在

天,夫 婦 倆坐 三 輪車下 班回家,壬 那場面,徐院長多麼 像軍中的「大 他 身 旁。」徐 傍 興 補 了這 些 話,又

妹 告訴丈 夫:「你 交 代的那件 事, 將」呀! 匆匆上樓去了。

我們都有照做,但醫生們全都一再 那個日語 稱 呼 的「大 將」,從 台 走 廊 上,陳 昌 達 一 個 人 握 著 鈔

婉拒,還是不收。」 北 徐 外 科 的 餐 廳 起 步 走,漸 漸 在 票呆立了一會兒才離去,有一張想

「 唉 呀!真 是 壞 勢!妳 們 沒 跟 全醫院流通,沒多久,「大將」取代 哭出來的臉。這種場景,醫院 職工

他 們 說,不 收 的 話,院 長 會 不 高 了「徐院長」,大家越叫越順口。 其實經常見到。

興?」 「大 將」還長了翅 膀,從 台北徐 沒 幾 年,徐 外 科 醫 院 成 了北 上

「 說 了,還 是 不 收。有 一 個 跟 外科飛到高雄徐外科,又飛翔在南 求 學 的 南 部 客 家學 生 的 感 情 寄 託

中心,金錢 上的應急 站,這個風 氣 大路就會出現。」 那是一九六○年間,他上任時,

傳 到 了 高 雄 徐 外 科,也 聘 請 常 駐 「 我 第 一 步 就 碰 到 難 關。我 們 中山牙醫專 科學校連校地都尚未

的專業廚師,經常席開兩桌三桌, 的創校校長,做沒多久就要辭職, 完 全 整 平,沒 校 門,沒 圍 牆,只 興

座 上 客 多 是 從 屏 東 來 的 鄉 親。有 而且是堅決辭職。」 建 好 一 排 校 舍,行 政 辦 公 和 學 生

一天,壬妹在下班的路上問丈夫: 「是哦!」 上課混合在一塊。

「我們這樣做,每個月的飯餐錢, 「我今天來,是要懇求你出山, 他 沒 幾 年 就 做 出 成 績:在 董 事

南北加起來,你知道有多少嗎?」 來擔任校長。」 會促 成學校改制,改名為「中山醫

「 沒 關 係 啦!我 們 徐 外 科 有 因 徐 傍 興 一雙 眼 睛 看 著 周 汝 川夫 學專 科學校」;又去教 育部 和考 選

為 這 樣 變 得 更 窮 嗎?沒 有,對 不 婦,沒有立 即回答。壬妹腦筋飛快 部 奔 走,希 望 政 府 核 准 讓 該 校 的

對?」徐 傍 興 回 答。那天 晚 餐 後, 轉動:去當一 個大專校長也不錯, 修 業 年 限 由 四 年 改 為 六 年,使 畢

徐傍興還在餐桌垂詢兒女的課 雖 然 我 們 家 現 在 並不 在 乎 多 一 份 業生有資格報考醫師執照,但四處

業,壬妹 拿出一疊 薪水表 冊,算盤 薪水;可惜該校不是在台北也不是 碰 壁,後 來 在 一 次 全 國 大 專 院 校

用 力 橫 拉 一下,滴 滴 答 答 算 起 帳 在高雄,不能兼顧徐外科。 校長會議上,當面向當時的總統蔣

來。徐 傍 興 側 頭 詢問:「麼 个帳目 小 孩 子 們 都 停 下 手 中 的 功 課, 介石陳情,獲得特准。

恁要緊,帶歸屋下來算呢?」 從餐桌那頭望過來。 他到任了才知道,周汝川為了創

「 想統計一下,台大來支援的 周汝川見徐傍興沉思不語,加緊 辦這間學校,耗 盡了家 產,連弟弟

醫師應領未領的薪水,到底總共有 遊 說:「我們須 要 藉 重你的聲 望, 周汝南、太太周張不女士的財產也

多少。」 給全校師生感到這間學校未來有 耗了進去;自己家裡的餐廳提供出

「哦!天光日給 會計去算……」 希望、有遠景;也要 藉重你 在台大 來給師生免費用餐,三個兒子每天

徐 傍 興 話 沒 講 完,門 鈴 一 聲「 叮 醫學院的人 脈,邀 請名醫、名教授 到學校當免費的工友。如此艱辛辦

噹」,壬 妹 快步去 應 門。進 來 的是 到本校任教,兼課也好。」 學,徐 傍 興 大 受 感 動,因 而,他 上

中 山 牙 醫 專 科 學 校 的 創 辦人 周 汝 周汝川提到台大醫學院,觸動了 任一個月後向學校宣佈,不領校長

川夫婦,手上提著看起來很貴重的 徐 傍興一 個心 事:九 年前,他從 台 的薪水,捐作建校之用。

禮物。 大 醫 學 院「被 去 職」,心 有 遺 憾, 那 晚 回 家,跟 太 太 聊 起 這 個 決

壬妹認識此人,去年創校前來過 對 於重回校園,有一絲眷 戀。他想 定,他 說:「妳 不 要 怪 我,那 薪 水

兩次,是為了籌 募建 校資金而來; 到 這 裡,用 力 地 應 答:「好,我 來 實在不能領,不忍領也。」

徐 外科出了一些錢,被 聘為董 事, 勉力為之。」 「唉!既然 是這樣,幫它打好 基

記 得 傍 興 說,他 只 是 普 通 的 醫 界 事情就 這樣 敲 定了。此後,一 個 礎後就可以交棒了。自己家的醫院

朋友,出點錢,社交性質。 禮 拜 有 好 幾 天,從 台 北 開 往 台 中 由你親自坐 鎮 還 是比 較 妥當。」壬

徐 傍 興 移 到 客 廳 接 待 他 們,稍 的「對 號 快」火車 上,會看 到 徐 傍 妹這樣主張。

微 寒 喧 後,周 汝 川說 明 來 意:「中 興 一 個 人 拎 著 一只 黑 皮 箱 趕 著上 徐 傍 興 點 點 頭,口 說「好」;壬

山 牙 醫 專 科 辦 起 來 了,已 經 開 始 車 下 車。偶 爾 在 車 站 在 車 上 碰 到 妹 卻看他每週 跑台中,一去三、四

招收學 生,第一年招到一百一十二 熟 人,還 以 為 他 是 去「出 診」,聊 天才 回 來,日 復 一日,年復 一年,

人,只有八十八人來報到。」 起來,才都知道他是趕路去台中上 好 像 樂 此 不 疲,而 且 一 直 沒 領 薪

「萬事起頭難,第一步跨出去, 班,去經管一間大專院校。 水。

生活中的精華 節-慶

Readers’ Photos:
Holidays and Festivals

Making turtle-shaped rice cakes. (Chang Liang-i)

Indigenous couples drink wine together at their wedding. (Zheng Peiye)

Fireworks for a deity’s “household general.” (You Weijin)
Sky lanterns at Pingxi. (Chen Ziqing)

Ritual burning of Wangye’s boat at Nantian Temple, Zhubei. (Chen Xiumei)

“Water invitation” to welcome Wangye at Zhong’ao Beach, Xiaoliuqiu. (Su Huai)

Releasing “water lanterns” at Wanshan Temple, Yunlin. (Xiao Qingliang)

The site of the Qianggu pole climbing event in Toucheng, Yilan. (Xiao Qingliang)

The bright lights and colors of Lantern Festival. (Chen Ziqing)

“Bombing the Dragon.” (Xu Jia’en)


In Pursuit of Net Zero

—Winkler Partners Achieves Carbon Neutrality

國家,將會在未來幾十年中領導全球經濟。」 “T he countries that build great zero- carbon
companies and industries will be the ones
that lead the global economy in the coming decades.”
In his book How to Avoid a Climate Disaster, this
is how Bill Gates describes what net zero means
蔡英文也多次在公開場合提到,「2050淨零轉 for the f ut ure. And President Tsai Ing-wen has
型,是全世界的目標,也是台灣的目標!」 stated on many occasions that “achieving a trans-
就在各國政府、企業紛紛喊出淨零的時候, formation to net zero by 2050 is a goal for the entire
然而,台灣有間中小企業──博仲法律事務所 world, and also for Taiwan.”
(以下簡稱博仲),已在2020年達成碳中和,吸 With governments and companies around the

引了國內外團體前來取經。 world calling for net-zero carbon emissions, the

打 造零 碳 排 放
碳 中 和 企 業 ──
文•陳群芳 圖•林旻萱 版面設計•馬英凱

Taiwan-based law firm of Winkler Partners al-

ready achieved carbon neutrality in 2020.
At the 26th Conference of the Parties to the United
的吐瓦魯,以行動告訴世人,全球暖化造成海平 Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
面上升的危機,已迫在眉睫。 (COP26), held in November 2021, Tuvalu’s minister of
justice, communication, and foreign affairs presented
「淨零」是環境議題也是經濟議題 a prerecorded speech filmed standing knee-deep in
19世紀的工業化,一支支豎起的工廠煙囪、繁 water, to call the world’s attention to how urgent the
problem of rising sea levels has become.
Not just an environmental issue
Since t he 19t h cent ur y, t he ongoing process of
industrialization has brought economic growth, but
並滯留在大氣中難以溢散,使得地球表面溫度持 has also triggered massive releases of greenhouse
續上升。 gases, which trap solar radiation in the Earth’s atmo-
或許有人會覺得升溫一兩度,並沒有太大差 sphere. This is causing temperatures at the Earth’s
別,但地球的平均溫度上升,不僅導致極地冰河 surface to rise.
融化,海平面上升,使得島國及沿海低窪地區被 The melting of polar and glacial ice is causing sea
levels to rise, exposing island nations and low-lying
coastal areas to increased risk of flooding. According
to Dr. Alan Lin, deputy executive director of the Exec-
發生,都與溫室氣體增加有關,「簡單來說,就 utive Yuan’s Office of Energy and Carbon Reduction,

2012年開始,他就不再蒐集,因為極端氣候到處 當跨國企業都已為了淨零動起來,而台灣為數
發生,幾乎已成了新常態。該是秋季才發生的美 眾多的中小企業,甚或是身為地球公民的每位個
國加州野火,卻提前至六月;台灣2020年幾乎沒 體,是否也能在這場全球的氣候危機中採取行動
有颱風,導致隔年出現了罕見的乾旱缺水。種種 呢?透過已在2020年達成碳中和的博仲法律事務
資料顯示,氣候變遷正到處發生,沒有國家能躲 所的經驗,或許就能找到屬於自己的行動。(編
得過。 按:碳中和意指透過減碳行動,例如使用再生能
根據COP26公布的最新數字,目前全球溫度已 源、植樹造林等,將自身直接、間接產生的二氧
比工業化之前上升了攝氏1.1度。而許多科學研究 化碳正負抵消。)
也指出,若放任溫室氣體增加,讓地球升溫至無 走入位於台北市一處商業大樓裡的博仲法律事
法回復的狀態,這個世紀末,地球可能就不適合 務所,外觀看似與一般的商辦無異,但一進門,
人類生存。因此COP26最終決議將氣候變遷的目 綠色植栽牆映入眼簾,還有露臺庭院傳來的鳥
標,定在全球升溫必須控制在攝氏1.5度。 鳴,讓空間少了法律事務所的緊張節奏,多了分
溫室氣體的排放中,二氧化碳的佔比最大, 親近自然的舒適。
也因此降低碳排放、達成碳中和,成了國際間當 而沿著樓中樓的階梯走到頂樓,更有著都市少
前重要的氣候行動。隨著蘋果、亞馬遜、台積電 有的大片菜園。占地20多坪的頂樓花園,開放同仁
等全球指標型企業,接連宣示要在2030年、2040 認領,並由博仲的綠辦公室專員沈明逸準備適合當
年,最遲2050年前全面消除企業產生的碳排放, 季栽種的蔬果花卉,供同仁選擇。不使用農藥,肥
也連帶要求其供應鏈達成共同的目標,若無法達 料則是辦公室的廚餘和咖啡渣製作的有機堆肥,不
成就會被剔除供應鏈,「所以淨零或碳中和早已 僅對環境友善還能減少垃圾。到訪這日,現場有黃
不只是環境議題,也是攸關經濟競爭力的國家發 澄澄的櫛瓜、小巧的紫茄、無花果、杭菊、金銀花
展戰略問題。」林子倫說。 等,吸引了蝴蝶、蜜蜂在此翩翩起舞。

Net-zero carbon
emissions is increasingly
being recognized
internationally as a
critical goal, and Taiwan
has long been working to
address climate change.

there is a connection between greenhouse gases and
the frequent occurrence of heatwaves, droughts, and
flooding throughout the world in recent years. “To put
it simply, our climate is messed up.” California wild-
fires that normally don’t happen until the autumn are
now starting up in June. Taiwan had almost no ty-
phoons in 2020, which led to rare drought conditions
in 2021. Climate change is taking place everywhere,
and no country can dodge it.
The latest figures released at COP26 indicate that
the global mean temperature is now 1.1°C above the
pre- industrial level. In response, leaders at COP26
adopted a target of limiting global warming to 1.5°C
above the pre-industrial level.
Carbon dioxide accounts for the largest share of
greenhouse gas emissions. For this reason, lowering
carbon emissions to achieve carbon neutrality has
become an important focus of climate action. Ap-
ple, Amazon, TSMC, and many more of the world’s
leading corporations have declared their intention
to achieve net-zero emissions by 2050, and are also 家發展競爭力,氣候行動刻不容緩。
calling upon the firms in their supply chains to work Dr. Alan Lin, deputy executive director of the Executive Yuan’s
Office of Energy and Carbon Reduction, warns that net zero has
with them to achieve joint targets. “Therefore,” says a bearing on a country’s economic competitiveness, so we can’t
afford any delay on climate action.
Lin, “net zero and carbon neutrality are no longer just
environmental issues. They also have a bearing on a
country’s economic competitiveness and its national
development strategy.” They use no agrochemicals, and organic fertilizers are
Green action by Taiwan’s SMEs generated through onsite composting of the office’s
Now that multinational corporations are on the k itchen waste and coffee grounds in an environ-
move to achieve net-zero emissions, even small and mentally friendly operation that reduces waste. On
medium- sized enterprises in Taiwan have started to the day of our visit, we find butterflies and honeybees
take action. The law firm of Winkler Partners, for ex- buzzing all around the garden’s yellow zucchinis,
ample, achieved carbon neutrality in 2020. figs, chrysanthemums, and honeysuckle.
Winkler Partners is located in a commercial prop- Next to the garden, a bank of rooftop solar panels
erty in downtown Taipei. As you enter through the provides a shady space for relaxation while keeping
firm’s front doors, potted plants greet the eye and t he offices below from bak ing in direct sunlight.
birds can be heard chirping in an inner courtyard. About 18–20% of t he electric power consumed by
The company is short on the nervous tension one as- Wink ler is generated by these panels. The firm seeks
sociates with a place of business, and long on a cozy to ultimately transition to 100% green energy, and
feeling of closeness to nature. with this goal in mind it entered into a power pur-
Winkler Partners occupies the top two floors of chase agreement in 2020 with Foxwell Power, a green
its office building, with the upper floor perched in a energy supplier. Over 80% of Winkler’s power con-
stylish loft arrangement above the lower floor. One sumption is currently accounted for by green energy,
flight of stairs up from there is the rooftop, where the while the shortfall is either met through the purchase
firm has a garden of about 70 square meters that the of Taiwan Renewable Energy Certificates (T-RECs) or
employees maintain themselves by way of adoption. offset by the planting of trees.

Attorney Peter Dernbach, a partner at Winkler, is passionate
about Taiwan’s natural environment. He has decided to settle
here long-term and pursue carbon reduction as a means of
communicating the concept of carbon neutrality to international
corporations and organizations.

花園一旁的屋頂型太陽能板,不僅提供遮蔭 畫,深化企業內部的綠色行動,積極尋找減少碳
的休憩空間,且能減少辦公室被太陽直曬,降 排放的方法。
低博仲的室內溫度,更為博仲提供了18∼20%的 對於有心要達到碳中和的企業,沈明逸建議可
辦公室用電,而假日的發電,則能轉成再生能 以先從了解公司的能源使用狀況開始。透過每期
源憑證,抵銷灰電(非綠電)的使用。以百分 水電瓦斯帳單,了解用量,「好比用電量原本一
之百綠電為目標,博仲在2020年也與富威電力 萬度,減到九千、八千等等,減量的過程才是重
股份有限公司簽署綠電轉供契約,讓博仲能使 點,減到無法再減,就可用更積極的手段。」沈
用來自風力、太陽能產生的電力。如今博仲使 明逸表示。
用的電力,已有八成以上是綠電,不足的部分 例如博仲經過溫室氣體盤查後,發現公司一
再以購買再生能源憑證,或是透過支持造林計 半的碳排放是來自電力消耗,便逐步將老舊的空
畫等方式來抵消。 調、照明設備,汰換成節能產品。而進行新進員
問起採取氣候行動的第一步,博仲合夥律師 數量,轉換成量化的數據資料寄給同仁,久而久
譚璧德表示,來自美國的創辦人文魯彬,在2002 之,同仁養成隨手關燈、關電腦螢幕,甚至是延
年創立博仲時,便已將「當最好的在地公民」列 長線開關的習慣,全體同仁有意識的一起節能。
為目標,「所以我們要對環境、社群、世界有所 光是這樣,就已為博仲減少60%的電量消耗,後
貢獻。」博仲還特聘專員來執行「綠辦公室」計 續才裝設太陽能板、購置綠電。當大眾不斷喊出

A new take on carbon reduction products. In its training program for new hires, Wink ler
When asked how Winkler Partners first got started also familiarizes them with the firm’s philosophy. Over
with climate action, partner Peter Dernbach explains time, employees have gotten into the habit of turning off
that US native Robin Winkler got the ball rolling when lights, computer monitors, and power strips to conserve
he founded Winkler Partners in 2002. Wink ler set a goal electricity. These methods alone had already cut power
of being a “model citizen” and the firm eventually hired consumption by 60% even before Wink ler installed
a “green officer” to run its internal green office program. solar panels and entered into its green energy purchase
Mr. City Shen, who serves as green officer at Wink­ agreement.
ler Partners, advises companies wanting to achieve Switching to energy­efficient products would seem to
carbon neutrality to first understand their own energy involve extra expense, but Winkler Partners looks at it
consumption by inspecting gas and electricity bills: “For from a different angle. If you assume a price of NT$5 per
example, let’s say you use 10,000 kilowatt-hours of elec- kWh, then the cost of 10,000 kWh comes to NT$50,000.
tric power per month. Okay, so you step it down to 9000 Cutting power consumption by 60% thus means a
and then 8000 kWh. The process is what matters. You monthly savings of NT$30,000. Over the long haul, the
keep reducing until you can’t reduce any further, and switch to energy­efficient products pays for itself.
then you find a new way that’s even more effective.”
For example, after a greenhouse gas inventory re-
vealed that half of all Winkler Partners’ carbon emis-
sions derived from electric power consumption, the 提供鳥兒珍貴的城市棲地。
firm began steadily replacing its old air-conditioning Winkler Partners’ rooftop vegetable garden, tended by employees,
enables the firm to reduce power consumption and carbon
and lighting equipment with more energy- efficient emissions. It also provides a valuable urban habitat for birds.

缺電的聲音之時,或許應該思考的是,如何節省 如此一來,既能減少一次性餐具,又能支持社區
能源使用,將能源用在真正需要的,或許才是解 餐廳和小農,照顧員工健康的同時也兼顧環境,
決缺電問題的根本之道。 創造多贏。
對一般的公司而言,更換節能產品看似必須付 譚璧德表示,提到碳中和,大家會覺得是在減
出額外成本,但博仲卻認為是一種轉換。舉例來 少企業對環境的負面影響,但他站在經營者的角
說,若一度電以五元計算,一萬度就是五萬元, 度來看,台灣有許多組織正積極提供氣候行動的
節電六成,等於省下三萬元,長期下來,這筆省 方案,例如臺灣山林復育協會、重新思考環境教
下來的費用就能讓企業更換節能產品,更積極地 育協會等,都是博仲近期支持的組織。他們的規
往碳中和邁進。 模或許不若跨國企業,但他們對環境有熱忱、有
不論是通過B型企業認證、達成碳中和,或是加 台灣是座寶島,有豐富多元的土壤、蔬果,以
入綠色和平組織的RE10X10倡議行動,博仲致力與 及文化,在台北只要搭個捷運,半個小時就能登
環境永續的企業精神,經常有國內的機關、學校來 山健行,親近自然是多麼的唾手可得,這些對於
參觀,也吸引了日本、韓國、香港等國外的團體, 當初從美國來到台灣的譚璧德來說,十分珍貴。
特地前來取經。博仲謙虛地認為,他們只是比較早 能發揮自己的法律專業,還能愛護腳下的這塊土
投入減碳,但仍持續地與大家一起學習。 地,是他選擇加入博仲,落腳台灣的原因。
最近,博仲與台灣的新創公司「零邁 即使早已達成碳中和,博仲仍持續在每個環節
(ZEMO)」合作,嘗試電動車的派車服務。將 中想辦法做的更好,問譚璧德,博仲達成碳中和
外出洽公、接送員工的孩子到公司就近照顧等已 後的下個目標,他笑笑地說:「我不擔心以後沒
知行程的車趟,由零邁提供電動車接送的服務, 有目標。」因為「環境永續」早已是銘刻在博仲
減少燃油車的碳排。而博仲提供的員工福利餐 企業的DNA,引領他們持續追求卓越,「碳中和
點,則是由同仁自備餐盒,再由合作餐廳提供, 不是最終的目標,應該是變成我們的新日常。」
用社區小農種植的在地食材所製成的素食餐點。 譚璧德如是說。 l

As well as creating a green
office, Winkler Partners
has taken part in an
afforestation project run
by the Taiwan Forestry
Bureau, planting a swatch
of forest in New Taipei’s
Xindian District. (courtesy
of Winkler Partners)

Carbon neutrality as the new normal 博仲的碳中和行動,從節省能源開始,再安裝太陽能板作為
As a certified B Corporation that has achieved carbon 綠電的使用,持續對環境友善,是他們始終的堅持。
Winkler Partners’ actions to achieve carbon neutrality include
neutrality and joined the Greenpeace RE 10x10 renew- energy conservation measures and installing rooftop solar
panels. Winkler has never flagged in its commitment to
able energy initiative, Winkler Partners has become environmentally friendly business practices.
something of a mecca for environmental activists. The
firm is frequently visited by domestic government agen-
cies and schools as well as groups from Japan, South to the environment. But if companies donate to organiza­
Korea, Hong Kong, and elsewhere. tions that engage in climate action, it’s not just to “offset
Winkler Partners recently entered into a tie-up with negative impact” but to actually have a positive influence.
Zero Emission Mobility (ZEMO), a Taiwanese startup Taiwan has a great variety of soils, vegetables, and
company that provides electric vehicles to carry custom- fruits, and a culturally rich society. Board a Metro train
ers on pre-scheduled trips, such as picking up children pretty much anywhere in Taipei and within 30 minutes
from school. At Winkler, it’s a form of employee benefit you can be hiking in the mountains. When Dernbach
that reduces the usage of vehicles powered by internal first came to Taiwan from the US years ago, these were
combustion engines. In addition, Winkler Partners orders the things he found especially endearing. Taiwan has
in meals for employees under a program in which an afforded him the ability to practice law while simul-
employee’s own meal container is first sent to the restau- taneously caring for the land under his feet. That’s what
rant, which fills the container with a vegetarian meal attracted him to Winkler Partners and has kept him in
made from locally produced foods. This arrangement Taiwan long-term.
reduces the use of throw-away meal containers, supports Environmental sustainability is ingrained in Wink-
community-based restaurants and small farmers, pro- ler’s DNA, and has informed the firm’s ongoing pursuit of
motes employee health, and helps to preserve the natural excellence. Says Dernbach: “Carbon neutrality is not our
environment. ultimate goal. It should simply be our new normal.” l
Peter Dernbach notes that by achieving carbon neutral- (Chen Chun-fang/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/
ity, companies are compensating for the damage they do tr. by David Mayer)


不約而同地,南台灣的兩個小鎮選擇以 台南普濟殿外的1,500盞彩繪燈籠,懸掛在廟埕
「光」為引子,台南普濟殿的彩繪燈籠和鹽水月 街區,一盞盞球形的燈籠都是在地居民想像的揮
津港的藝術燈飾,在街區內、河道旁亮起,燈會 灑,是最「台灣味」的燈會。
擾動了沉寂已久的街區,帶來了笑語、人聲,一 舉辦已十年,最有質感的月津港燈節已與在地
格格繽紛的燈景頻頻洗版臉書和Instagram;十年 鹽水蜂炮齊名,用藝術介入,把小鎮打造成孵夢
來,燈會也成了小鎮的生活記憶、文化的印記。 基地。

Local Lantern Festivals
Bring New Life to Communities
文•鄧慧純 圖•林格立 版面設計•王敬勛

F or ten years now, two neighborhoods in Southern

Taiwan have chosen to make light their calling
cards. With their colorful, artistic lanterns that line
The 1500 glowing globes outside the Puji Temple
in Tainan—or the “Phoo Tse” Temple as it is called in
Hokkien—have all been artistically decorated by local
the streets and canals, the Tainan Phoo Tse Lantern residents. It is a lantern festival with a distinctly Tai­
Festival and the Yuejin Lantern Festival offer more wanese flavor.
than just opportunities for Facebook and Instagram Meanwhile, the Yuejin Lantern Festival, now in its
photos. For their locales in greater Tainan, the fest­ tenth year, has achieved its goals through art, helping
ivals have also made deep cultural impressions and to turn Tainan’s Yanshui District into an incubator of
become important sources of living memories. dreams.

Tainan Phoo Tse Lantern Festival

The Puji Temple is
hidden away in a quiet
backstreet, but its
lantern festival brings
neighbors together
and offers the locale
new opportunities.

傳說中的台南府城,形似一隻朝北飛的鳳凰, 說,「燈會只是一個舞臺、載體;我們是透過燈
普濟殿剛好位在鳳凰的鼻尖,鎮住了鳳凰,守住府 會與在地的居民互動、連結,每盞燈都有屬於居
城的繁榮興盛。有人說認識台灣要從台南開始, 民自己的故事。」蔣文正說。每一盞燈都是居民
「認識台南則要從『普濟殿』開始。」普濟文史研 親手繪製,志工漆上桐油保護,每一盞燈籠都被
究協會執行長蔣文正說。普濟殿是台灣最早的王爺 人仔細照顧,掛上廟埕。當華燈初上,繽紛的燈
廟,位在台南府城外,供奉池府王爺。先民渡海來 籠串聯成美麗的隧道。
台,從安平上岸,若趕不上城門關,就必須在城外 但燈會的成功並非一蹴可幾。蔣文正回首一路
過夜,早年普濟殿周邊還設有驛館。 來的辛酸,協會的志工要挨家挨戶拜託畫燈籠,
昔日普濟殿香火鼎盛,商業發達,廟裡的重 回收只有五成多,許多燈籠都還白慘慘的,需要
要文物「聖諭」牌,顯示此處是官方布達資訊之 再接手加工。燈籠要在戶外吊掛長達一個月,外
地;從小在廟旁長大的蔣文正說起,小時候每逢 部要再上保護漆,但草創初期,協會才三、四
池府王爺農曆六月生日,酬神的歌仔戲可以連演 個人手,只能利用下班後來上漆,每天弄到凌晨
一個月,足見當年輝煌的光景。 一、兩點,足足要花上三個星期。對比現在只
但隨著都市計畫拓寬周邊的道路,街區樣貌被 要在網上公布時間,居民就會自動自發把時間空
改變,藏身在巷弄裡的普濟殿漸漸沉寂了。而今 下,兩個周末就能完成1,500盞燈籠,社區的改
普濟殿是國華街、海安路周邊鬧中取靜的一隅, 變就在這點點滴滴的中被看見。也曾發生隔天要
對比昔日人聲鼎沸的日常,蔣文正心有唏噓。 點燈了,一夜無情的雨,打爛了燈籠,望著毀損
他和從小一起長大的三、五玩伴,思索著如 的燈籠,讓人欲哭無淚。但是那一天,普濟殿旁
何恢復廟區的榮景,而成立了「普濟文史研究協 的店家、居民都放下當日手邊的事務,蹲伏在廟
會」。除了爬梳在地的歷史外,參考自神農街燈 埕,用膠帶補起一盞盞燈,忙到凌晨三、四點,
會的經驗,但改以邀請周遭的居民手繪燈籠,布 終於把全數的燈籠再次懸掛起來,「這就是『普
置成燈會。 濟精神』」,蔣文正說。

Every lantern tells a story The Phoo Tse Lantern Festival has been put on for
According to legend, the city of Tainan resembles a ten years and attracts tourists from far and wide, turn­
phoenix that is flying north. The Puji Temple is found ing the temple into a must­see at Chinese New Year’s
right at the tip of the phoenix’s beak, keeping it under in Tainan. But as far as the neighboring community is
control and protecting the city’s prosperity. Located out­ concerned, says Jiang, “the festival is just a vehicle for
side the old city limits, Puji is Taiwan’s oldest Wangye greater engagement, through which we connect with
temple, and its deity is the Chifu Wangye. neighbors.” Each lantern is painted individually by local
The temple used to be full of worshippers, and com­ residents. Volunteers coat them with tung oil for pro­
merce boomed around it. Official announcements would tection before hanging them in the temple’s front court­
be posted at the temple’s shengyu (“imperial decree”) yard. When lit in the evening, the long lines of lanterns
board, which remains one of its most important artifacts. form beautiful tunnels of light.
Jiang Wenzheng, who grew up next to the temple, recalls But the festival wasn’t an immediate success. Jiang re­
that every year for Wangye’s birthday in the sixth lunar calls the hard times early on: The association’s volunteers
month, the performances of Taiwanese Opera put on for went door to door giving out unpainted lanterns that
the deity’s pleasure could extend for a full four weeks. they asked residents to decorate, but when they went
The temple was certainly quite prosperous back then. to collect them again, they only got back just over half,
But with the widening of nearby streets, the temple and most of these were still unpainted. So they had to
and its grounds turned into more of a quiet refuge from set to work and paint them themselves. One year, when
the hubbub of Guohua Street and Hai’an Road. the lights were scheduled to be turned on the next day,
Jiang and several good friends from childhood who it rained mercilessly through the night, leaving many
had been pondering how to revive the temple to its former
bustling glory formed the Puji Cultural Studies Associ­
ation (PCSA). Aside from combing through local histor­
ical documents, the association has invited neighbors to 蔣文正是普濟燈會重要的推手。
Jiang Wenzheng has played an important role in developing the
hang and decorate lanterns during the lantern festival. Phoo Tse Lantern Festival.

十年來,普濟殿點燈的日子都訂在農曆12月25 「本來想說可以下台了,現在是連台階都被踢掉
日,這是有所「典」的。依據傳統習俗,農曆12 了。」
月24日,民間的神明要返回天庭述職,惟普濟殿 近年來,普濟文史研究協會與地方社區關懷中
的王爺出發得早,12月20日信眾會送神升天,同 心合作,提供燈籠讓長者彩繪,阿公阿嬤們原本
時關上廟門,王爺會在25日返回民間,因此在開 推說不會畫,但一出手的燈籠不僅盞盞精彩,更
門迎王爺的這一天,成為普濟燈會點燈的日子。 讓這些不愛出門的長者們,要求親自到燈會現場
蔣文正解釋,就如農業社會春耕夏耘秋收冬藏的 賞燈;除了參與感和被認同的感受,更創造了一
時序,居民的生活是與土地、時節緊緊相扣的, 家祖孫三代同賞燈會的美好記憶。協會也跟華山
他希望普濟燈會也能被編寫入在地的生活,變成 基金會合作,邀請精障病友創作,「這不僅只是
居民的生活日常。 『藝術治療』了,更鼓動了精障朋友願意走出家
由民間自力籌辦的普濟燈會,經費籌募得辛 門,建立與社會的連結。」
苦,蔣文正也跟「王爺」抱怨過,但是廟裡幫忙 這些涓滴的迴響,讓蔣文正捨不下。有孩子從
問事的師兄傳王爺的話:「大家盡量做,不會 小六每年都親手畫下自己的燈籠,一路到高中,
多,但也不會讓你缺。」結果還真的每年經費結 每年歲末一家人大手牽小手,來到會場仰著頭找
餘都是零,沒變負數,新一年的燈會都是從零開 自己的燈籠,那樣笑語人聲,想來就讓人動容。
始。 還有北漂多年的年輕人分享,過年回台南,陪媽
一年一度的燈會,從中秋開始籌辦,只要蔣文 媽逛燈會是他與母親重要的回憶畫面。
正出現在廟埕,大家就知道燈會要開始忙了。也 每個人的參與,讓燈會都充滿故事,也讓普濟
曾經累癱了,蔣文正在臉書寫下:可能是最後一 燈會不僅是府城過年最吸睛的景點,最台灣味的
屆燈會了,但如果按讚數可以超過一萬的話(當 燈會,也是烙印在居民心裡最美的風景。

The Tainan Phoo Tse Lantern Festival
put on a “Taiwan Festival” in Tokyo.
The lanterns hung under the Tokyo
Tower brought a taste of Taiwan’s
charms to the city. (courtesy of PCSA)

of the lanterns in tatters. Surveying the damage brought gets mentally handicapped people to leave the house and
tears to one’s eyes. But the shopkeepers and residents connect with society.”
around the temple put aside what they were doing on The steady feedback Jiang gets makes it hard for him
that day and knelt in the temple’s front courtyard, patch­ to let go of the work. Some kids start painting their own
ing the lanterns with tape. Busy into the wee hours of lanterns in sixth grade and then continue right through
the morning, they eventually hung up all of the original high school. Every year, family members come to the fest­
lanterns. “That’s the ‘Phoo Tse spirit,’” says Jiang. ival, craning their necks upward to see their handiwork.
Becoming part of living memory Even young people who have moved north will return to
For ten years, the Phoo Tse Temple Lantern Festival Tainan to stroll under the lanterns with their mothers. It
has been held on the 25th day of the 12th lunar month. creates precious memories of spending time together.
According to custom, on the previous day most folk Through the stories that they bring to each of the
gods return to heaven to report on their duties. But lanterns, the participants make the Phoo Tse Lantern
Wangye leaves earlier, with devotees coming to send Festival an event that attracts a lot of attention in Tainan
him off on the 20th. On the 25th, Wangye returns to live at New Year’s, and one that leaves lasting impressions in
among the people. Consequently, the day that they open the memories of local residents.
the temple door to welcome Wangye back has become
the first day of the Phoo Tse Lantern Festival. Jiang ex­
plains that the yearly cycles of life for people in farming
communities have traditionally been connected to the
land—ploughing in spring, cultivating in summer, har­
vesting in autumn, and storing in winter. His hope is
that the Phoo Tse Lantern Festival will likewise become
a regular part of local people’s lives.
Raising money for the festival, which is put on by
the local people themselves, is difficult. Jiang has com­
plained to Wangye before, but the Taoist priests who
serve as the deity’s intermediaries gave this response:
“Everyone do what you can. You won’t get much, but it
will be enough.”
In recent years, the PCSA has worked with the local
community care center to provide the elderly with lan­
terns to paint, and the seniors, who typically aren’t too
fond of getting out, have asked to visit the festival in
person. Apart from fostering a sense of being appreci­
ated among participants, the activity has also created
some beautiful memories around three generations en­
joying the lantern festival together. The association has
also worked with the Huashan Social Welfare Founda­
tion to invite mentally handicapped people to create
some lanterns. “This isn’t simply ‘art therapy.’ It also

Tainan’s Phoo Tse Lantern Festival relies on everybody pitching
in, including by painting and hanging their own lanterns. Each
paper lamp bears its own story. (courtesy of PCSA)

Yuejin Lantern Festival

被稱是台灣最美燈節之一,還曾榮獲德國紅點 讓小鎮被看見了;相關的硬體設施,比如鋪面照
設計獎的月津港燈節,創辦的起心動念是鹽水在 明、交通運輸、公共衛生等問題,公務單位就會
地青年陳禹霖、陳禹廷的初心:「每個人都能用 自主去改善,這就是軟體改變硬體的成效。
自己的專長為家鄉付出。」 怎麼不是從鹽水的名產「蜂炮」著手呢﹖「蜂
鹽水曾是個港口城市,「一府二鹿三艋舺四月 炮的知名度不用我們錦上添花了;而且蜂炮的問
津」道出月津繁榮的曾經。但陳禹霖、陳禹廷兩 題,如媒體負面報導,或者兩日內湧入過量的觀
兄弟成長的時代,月津像是時間靜止的小鎮,學 光人潮,這些都非藝文工作者能解決的問題。」
子們高中就要到鄰近的鄉鎮讀書,大學離家更遠 陳禹廷說。「我們應該是去做我們能夠改變的,
了,因為工作外移的人口,更鮮少有機會能再回 去『創造文化』。文化,它可以經由人為、在一
到家鄉定居。 段時間之內被累積起來,成為新的文化。」而
兄弟倆畢業後回鹽水老家成立「禹禹藝術工作 這十年來,月津港燈節確實已經成為鹽水新的文
室」。2009年,「月津風華再現計畫」整建工程 化,陪伴在地的孩子一起長大。
完工,公部門找了兩兄弟提供建言,他們建議把 「剛開始,長輩們看不懂我們在做什麼,但
僅一天的開幕活動,拉長成為期一個月的藝術燈 是幾年累積下來,他們發現孫子在燈節時願意回
展,同時找了南藝大的同學、師長共襄盛舉,沿 家,甚至帶朋友來玩,對於燈節的印象就改觀
著水岸創作,設計師的手法帶來新視覺感受,開 了。」陳禹廷說。「最近還有位60幾歲阿嬤跟我
啟第一屆燈節的契機。 說,她覺得去年的作品比較好,要我轉告藝術
「我們比較想用軟體來介入城市,再去創造更 家要再多努力一點。」「藝術」在這個小鎮正在
多機會。」陳禹廷說。多年跟著老師跑國外的藝 「被討論」,而陳禹廷生活的故鄉正一點點在改
術祭,兄弟倆看到可仿效的案例,「藝術介入或 變中。

Flying Moonlight,
Yu-Yu Art Studio

Transforming a small town with art “We were more interested in gaining an entrée to
Winner of a German Red Dot Design Award and the town by organizing events, and from there seeking
known as one of Taiwan’s most beautiful lantern fest­ out more opportunities,” Chen Yu­ting says. He had
ivals, the Yuejin Lantern Festival in Tainan’s Yanshui for many years gone to overseas arts festivals with his
District embraces the animating idea that “everyone teachers. “We thought using art as an entrée might be a
can use their own strengths to help their hometown.” feasible approach.” The example of Yanshui now serves
So explain the festival’s young founders, brothers Chen as living proof: The Yuejin Lantern Festival attracts
Yu­lin and Chen Yu­ting. large crowds, bringing the town recognition. Since
The old saying “Tainan first, Lugang second, Wan­ its founding, local government agencies have taken it
hua third, and Yuejin fourth” bears witness to Yuejin’s upon themselves to tackle more tangible matters—such
former glory as a bustling port. But when Chen Yu­lin as improvements to street lighting, transportation, pub­
and Chen Yu­ting were children, Yuejin seemed a place lic health awareness, and so forth. The festival demon­
that time had forgotten. To attend high school, they had strates how intangible activities can have an impact on
to commute to a neighboring town. Jobs were hard to physical infrastructure.
come by, so people left for brighter prospects elsewhere, Yanshui is famous for its “beehive” firecrackers, so
with little expectation of ever coming back home to live. why didn’t they start with them as a theme? “We ought
Yet, upon finishing their university studies, the to go make the change we’re capable of and ‘create
two brothers returned home to establish the YuYu Art culture.’ That’s how culture works: People’s actions
Studio. In 2009, a project to spruce up Yuejin’s for­ accumulate over time to form new culture.” And over
mer harbor area was finished, and the two brothers the last decade the Yuejin Lantern Festival has become
recom mended extending the single day of celebrations part of Yanshui’s emerging new culture, accompanying
planned to mark the project’s completion to a month­ the local children as they grow up.
long lantern festival. The approach the designers took “At first, the elders didn’t understand what we were
introduced a new visual experience when the town’s doing, but after several years they discovered that their
first lantern festival launched. grandchildren were willing to come back home during

月津港燈節從第二屆開始改以招標執行,禹 藉由藝術活化城市,讓家鄉被看見,更希望小鎮
禹藝術工作室每年參與創作,卻未曾去投標。陳 成為孵夢的基地,吸引各方藝術人才移居。
禹廷說:「我覺得改變一個城市,不會只由一個 這樣的思慮來自兄弟倆對於家鄉未來深深的憂
人。我們想要看到更厲害的人進來,它才有機會 慮,少子化的議題在偏鄉益形嚴重,地方必須要
擴大範疇與格局。」也因此後續不同專長的團 自己找到新的價值,才有生存的機會。若是把鹽
隊,比如建築師劉國滄在光環境上的著力,「都 水打造為藝術城鎮,此地設有利於藝術創作、藝
市藝術工作室」擁有策展專業和國際藝術家合作 術產業相關的法令、配套,公部門並居間協力幫
的長項,「有用主張設計公司」引入阿姆斯特丹 助,讓藝術人才願意移居,或許是讓地方存活下
的資源,都為月津港創造了不同的魅力。 來的解法,陳禹廷心中懷想著。
當初月津港燈節的提案,兄弟倆其實擬想的是 2022年,月津港燈節已屆十周年,今年策展的
一整年的活動,意圖打造鹽水成為藝術小鎮,但 主題是「PRESENT禮物/現在」。策展團隊「都
是沒想到這條路走了十年,才稍有進展。2019年 市藝術工作室」在網站上寫道:「PRESENT,
「月之美術館」以無牆博物館的概念成立了,在 這個常見的英文單詞,擁有『禮物』和『現在』
術工作室」,希望用藝術活化城市,讓家鄉被看見。後方 在。」十年來,每年在月津港的一期一會,是一
為其作品〈拾光〉。 份美麗的存在與記憶;鹽水的「現在」是每一代
Chen Yu-lin (center), Chen Yu-ting (second from right), and
their team from YuYu Art Studio hope to shine a spotlight on 人的努力,月津港燈節更蘊含著一份在地人子對
their hometown by enlivening it with art. Their work Time Light
is behind them. 家鄉的依戀與企盼。

The Yuejin Lantern Festival, which is known
as one of Taiwan’s most beautiful, uses art
to transform the face of the small town.

the lantern festival, so their impressions of the festival will become an “incubator of dreams,” attracting a
changed,” explains Yu­ting. “Recently an old lady in variety of artists to come and live there.
her sixties or seventies told me that last year’s lanterns These ideas grew out of the Chen brothers’ deep
were better, and asked me to pass along a message to concern for their hometown’s future. With Taiwan’s low
the artists to work harder.” Art is getting discussed in birth rate, its small towns will only be able to survive
this small town, and Chen Yu­ting’s hometown, where if they can find new ways to create value. If they could
he still lives, is changing bit by bit. make Yanshui into an art town, with regulations and
Spotlighting the hometown facilities that support artistic creation and the art busi­
From the festival’s second year, they started to in­ ness, and with public agencies providing assistance to
vite bids to organize it. The YuYu Art Studio has yet to encourage artists to relocate there, that might be a way
make a bid itself. “We’ve wanted to see more talented to assure the town’s continued existence.
people come in to do it,” says Chen Yu­ting. “That’s The Yuejin Lantern Festival celebrated its tenth year
the only way to broaden the festival’s scope and ambi­ in 2022. Urban Art Studio, which is curating the fest­
tions.” It has been handled successively by teams with ival this year, has written on its website: “The common
different strengths and skills, including the architect English word ‘present’ bears two meanings: ‘now’ and
Liu Kuo­chang, who focused on the environment of ‘gift.’ As we have been in a pandemic over the past two
light; Urban Art Studio, which has expertise in curation years, ‘living well in the moment’ has been the greatest
and in working with international artists; and UxU Stu­ expectation we can have for our lives. As we walk to­
dio, which drew on resources from Amsterdam. Those ward the future, the present is tightly embracing us.” For
teams put their own spin on Yuejin’s unique charms. a decade now, each unique edition of the annual Yuejin
When the festival was first proposed, the two broth­ Lantern Festival has been a beautiful present to those
ers had actually been planning on turning Yanshui into who behold it. The present in Yanshui is created by each
an “art town.” They didn’t expect that it would take ten generation’s hard work, and the lantern festival serves
years to make progress on that front. In 2019 the YueJin as a vessel for local people to express their attachment to
Art Museum was established as a “museum without their hometown and their expectations for its future. l
walls.” It aims to enliven the town with art, bringing (Cathy Teng/photos by Jimmy Lin/
greater visibility to the place. It is hoped that the town tr. by Jonathan Barnard)


Memory and Nostalgia:
Remembering Old Taipei

文•蘇晨瑜 圖•莊坤儒 版面設計•王敬勛

區的摩天大樓如何炫目,以北門為中心的這一片 A f te r more than a c e nt ur y of d e velop m e nt ,
no matter how dazzling the skyscrapers of
Taipei’s East District and Xinyi District may be,
the old city area centered on the North Gate still
retains the traces and charm of times past. With
十足的咖啡館、風華典雅的百年古蹟、時光凝結 stubbornly old-school restaurants, retro hipster
的曲徑巷弄,還有那蒸騰著熱氣的常民小吃、講 cafés, elegant historic sites, and back streets frozen
究風味的江浙菜餐廳等等,值得讓喜愛老台北的 in time, as well as ever ything f rom piping-hot
朋友們去細細品味。 homestyle snacks to sophisticated Southern Chi-
nese cuisine, the area is well worth a visit for those
who still have a love for Old Taipei.
At the beginning of Japanese colonial rule in Tai­
wan, Taipei City was approximately the area delineated
存,但還是可以從捷運東門站、小南門站、西門 by Zhongxiao West Road, Zhongshan South Road,
站等站名中,找到些許的蛛絲馬跡。 Aiguo West Road, and Zhonghua Road. Although the
city walls and gates that once lined that border are
走一趟曾經的京町通 almost entirely gone now—except for the North Gate
北門周邊保留許多老台北城的風華,自從拆掉 (Cheng’en Gate)—they are memorialized in the names
of Taipei Metro stations Dongmen (East Gate), Xiaonan­
men (Small South Gate), and Ximen (West Gate), thus
leaving their own mark in some small way.
A trip to old Kyomachi-dori
輕鬆,不用趕路匆忙,可賞覽歷史建築、尋幽訪 Since the demolition of the eyesore overpass that
古,或是參觀各景點中的藝文展覽,補充自己的 previously overshadowed them, the North Gate and
文青氣息。 nearby buildings have become eye­catching landmarks.

時,李清志會坐在外面看古蹟,畫素描。他掏出 啡館的長廊上,賞析美輪美奐的百年古蹟。
口袋裡的筆記本,一幅親筆手繪的洋樓素描躍然 On sunny days, Lee Ching-chih likes to sit on the
promenade of Kyomachi Café No. 8 and admire
紙上。「撫臺街洋樓是1910年代建成的,是超 the beauty of the century-old buildings around him.

When the original owner of Kyomachi Café No. 8 signed
the lease, the café’s wonderful location was written on the
deed in Japanese as “Kyomachi 4-chome 8-ban.”

Today’s Bo’ai, Guanqian, and Hengyang Roads, come here for a coffee.” When the weather’s good, he’ll
known under Japanese rule as Kyomachi-dori, Omote- sit outside, looking at the historic sites and sketching.
machi, and Sakaemachi, were booming shopping areas Lee pulls a notebook out of his pocket, a sketch he’s
full of general stores. They also formed the political done of the old mansion leaping off the page. “Futai
and economic heart of Taipei. Street Mansion was built in the 1910s, so it’s over a cen-
Kyomachi No. 8 Café on Bo’ai Road, diagonally tury old. It’s beautifully proportioned, and when you
across from the North Gate, is a popular place for sit and look at it, you almost feel like you’re in Europe.”
young writers to visit. Shih Chien University associate The mansion, with its handsome stone arches and
professor of architecture Lee Ching-chih and writer arcade, stood for many years beside the off-ramp from
Chang Ta-chun are regular customers. “This area is at the overpass. Deserted, it was even thought by some
the intersection of Bo’ai Road and Yanping South Road. to be haunted, yet this neglect allowed its beautiful
The space between the two roads gets narrower as they appearance to be preserved.
approach the North Gate, and shops in that section
open onto both sides. From this side you can see the
historic post office, while from that side you can see
Futai Street Mansion, so this café has views of historic
sites on both sides,” explains Lee. 與石造拱廊柱,展現歐洲文藝復興時期的建築風情。
Lee is an avowed lover of the old city area. “I usu- Futai Street Mansion is the only remaining free-standing building
of its kind in old Taipei. The beautiful pitched roof and stone
ally head out the back for some pork knuckle, and then arches give it a style reminiscent of Renaissance architecture.

城中市場適合慢慢閒逛,歇腿時來碗熱騰騰的豆 全盛時期這裡有100多間書局鱗次櫛比,從街頭
Chengzhong Market is a great place to wander and to 到街尾,各種想得出來的主題書、原文書、簡體
take a load off while eating a nice hot bowl of douhua, or
tofu pudding, as you take in the beauty of everyday life. 書、書報雜誌,甚至冷門的考試用書,鑽進書店
過100年的建築,它的比例很漂亮,坐在那邊看 喜歡來這裡買書,在一般人都還沒聽過A I、大
時,你會覺得很像身在歐洲。」撫臺街洋樓有著 數據的年代,在這裡找書一定要去找翹著腳看
優美石造拱廊與騎樓,原本位置在高架橋的引道 報的老闆,他們的腦袋裝有堪比「古狗大神」
之下,曾經淪為一片荒蕪的「古厝」,被人當成 (Google)的搜尋系統,就算找不到書,還是會
鬼屋,但也因此保留了它美麗的樣貌。 使出渾身解術幫你調到你想要的書。
從京町8號門口望出去,就可看見飄香一甲子 附近的城中市場是許多老台北人的重要回憶,
的鄭記豬腳飯。還沒到午飯時間,客人已絡繹不 也是婆媽們的最愛。市場裡人聲鼎沸,有很多老
絕,老闆忙著料理,每個人桌上放著飯菜快滿出 攤子,賣服飾的、雜貨的、水果攤,連大媽尺寸
來的大碗公,斜躺著一塊滷到油亮油亮的東坡 的內衣、內褲,甚至假髮都有,很適合來這裡慢
肉,是這裡的金字招牌,熱湯可以免費喝到飽。 慢尋寶。市場內有不少幾十年以上的小吃,例
在24小時不熄燈的誠品敦南書店還沒有出現 沅陵街舊稱「皮鞋街」,是當年買鞋必去之處,
前,重慶南路是台北人逛街買書的最佳地點, 早年鞋店可替顧客訂做鞋子,裡頭有許多叱吒

Looking out across Yanping South Road from Kyo­ 明星咖啡館是老台北人無法忘懷的傳奇咖啡館。店家擅製精
machi No. 8, one can see—and more significantly,
smell—Zheng Ji Pork Knuckle Rice. Even before lunch­ The Astoria is a legendary café of old Taipei. It specializes in
exquisite cakes and Russian borscht, and its Russian fudge,
time, customers are thronging. The owner is busily tak­ unique in Taiwan, is made to a secret aristocratic recipe.
ing care of the food, and on every table there are large
bowls brimming with rice and vegetables, along with a
glisten ing piece of Dongpo braised pork—the signature
dish of the 70­year­old restaurant. Along with all this
comes free all­you­can­eat soup.
Bookstore Street
In the days before the 24­hour Eslite Dunnan book­
store, Chongqing South Road was the place in Taipei
to shop for books. More than 100 bookstores lined
the street from end to end in its heyday, covering all
kinds of publications from novels, newspapers, and
magazines to books from China printed in simplified
characters and even the most arcane test­prep books.
Virtually anything you could want, you could find.
Its popularity even spread outside of Taiwan, with
visitors from Japan and Hong Kong heading there to
buy books. In an era when no­one had heard of AI
or big data, you had to seek out the boss, feet up and
reading a newspaper, to find the books you were after.
The bookstore bosses were almost as knowledgeable
as Google, and if they couldn’t find the book you were
after in their own shop, they’d do everything in their
power to get you a copy from elsewhere.
The nearby Chengzhong Market is also an import­
ant part of the shared memories of many old Taipei
residents, as well as a favorite among the older ladies.
Crowded with many old stalls selling everything from
clothing, accessories, groceries, and fruit to plus­sized
underwear and even wigs, it’s a great place to get into a
nice long treasure hunt.
Cafés for the literati
Old Taipei’s art and literature salons were held in
cafés, where the literati gathered, and the historical
association of coffee with literature lingers to this day.
Famous for its French duck with rice and exquisite
pastries, Bolero is a popular destination for celebrities;
Café Astoria, located on the second and third floors
of the building opposite the Taipei City God Temple,
has delicious cakes and has played host to many star
writers, including Huang Chun­ming, Yindi, Lin Hwai­
min, Sanmao, and Pai Hsien­yung, while Chou Meng­
tieh once set up a book stall downstairs.

一時的老字號,紅磚人行道上的鋼印腳丫甚是有 是許多「明星」作家伏案創作的地點,黃春明、
趣,標誌著地方的特色。 隱地、林懷民、三毛、白先勇都曾是座上客,周
老台北的藝文沙龍都在咖啡館,文人雅士聚 已有85年歷史的中山堂,是老台北人的共同記
集,以咖啡佐文學的那段歷史記憶,至今仍然令 憶。總統的就職典禮、國民大會等重要國家大事
人回味。以法國鴨子飯、精緻西點聞名的波麗路 都在中山堂舉辦,包括第一屆的愛國獎券開獎和
餐廳,名人相當喜愛造訪;位於城隍廟對面二、 接待元首外賓也都選在中山堂。很久以前中山堂
三樓的明星咖啡館與俄羅斯則有著千絲萬縷的聯 就是台北藝文的重要據點,李梅樹首次個人油畫
繫,是文雅人士與美國飛虎隊喜愛聚會之地。咖 展、林懷民「雲門舞集」首次公演、維也納兒童
啡館內販售當年蔣方良女士的最愛──全台絕無 合唱團首次來台演出,地點都選在中山堂。現在
僅有的俄羅斯軟糖,店內蛋糕精緻考究,這裡也 的中山堂內有兩間古蹟咖啡館,可以來這裡懷懷

舊,四樓的劇場咖啡有著天花板挑高的長廊,室 With 85 years of history under its belt, Zhongshan
內空間明亮,坐在窗邊可遠眺北門古蹟;紅色皮 Hall is another part of the shared memories of Old
Taipei. Important national events like presidential in­
augurations and meetings of the National Assembly
have been held in Zhongshan Hall, including the first
drawing of the Patriotic Lottery and receiving foreign
雞等,口味絕佳。 guests and heads of state. Li Mei-shu’s first solo oil paint­
中山堂對面的上上咖啡館乘載許多人年輕時的 ing exhibition, Lin Hwai-min’s first Cloud Gate perform-
回憶。恍如歐洲小店的門面與拱形圓窗予人可愛 ance, and the Vienna Boys’ Choir’s first performance in
的印象。推開門後,小小的空間氣氛溫馨,洋溢 Taiwan were all held there. There are now two historic
著濃濃咖啡香,細火慢熬四小時的俄式羅宋湯是 cafés in Zhongshan Hall where you can come and drink
in the atmosphere of the past. Le Promenoir Coffee on
the fourth floor is located in a high­ceilinged gallery
with tall windows through which daylight streams
in. You can sit by the window and look out toward the
North Gate in the distance. The red leather­upholstered
seating and the wooden tables complete with table lamps
help recreate the ambience of the old days. The Fortress
Room Terrace Restaurant, on the second floor, is magni-
ficently decorated with patterned wallpaper and various
items on display to create an elegant atmosphere.
Opposite Zhongshan Hall sits ShangShang Café,
another repository of many people’s memories of their
younger days. The European­style storefront and arched
entrance exude a particular charm. Opening the door,
one is met with the warm atmosphere and strong scent
of coffee that permeate the small space. Russian borscht,
slowly simmered for four hours, is the café’s signature
dish, while a plate of fried eggs with thick slices of
honey­topped toast is one of life’s simple pleasures for
many older Taipei residents. In addition, the store offers
flavorful siphon coffee, an excellent choice for coffee
Memories of Chunghwa Market
For the people of Old Taipei, a fried pork chop on rice
in Ximending was a must­have, and Dongyi Pork Chop
on Yanping South Road makes a version of this down­
home dish that Taiwanese students studying abroad

Zhongshan Hall is another notable landmark in the
memories of the people of Old Taipei. Many historical
events and meetings have played out there, and the
interior styling has the air of days gone by.

供應虹吸式咖啡,咖啡味道香醇,相當適合咖啡 口,撒上滿滿蔥花,老闆阿莎力可續湯,黃牛肉
控。 份量澎湃。
老台北人到西門町必點一份排骨飯,延平南 記憶。穿過架在中華路上的天橋以後,就可進入
路上的東一排骨,是在歐洲的台灣留學生會想念 到商鋪林立的中華商場,連著八棟的「忠、孝、
的家鄉菜。70年代懷舊夜總會風格的裝潢,服務 仁、愛、信、義、和、平」大樓裡迴盪著南北鄉
員皆阿姨叔叔輩,親切溫暖的服務與招呼,炸得 音,彷彿進入另一時空。中華商場最厲害的就是
酥脆又厚實多汁的排骨,陪伴許多人一路求學成 「信」、「義」、「和」三棟樓內包攬來自四面
長,讓東一排骨榮登鄉民口中的排骨界霸主。 八方的外省美食,點心世界的招牌鍋貼、蒸餃與
隱身巷弄內的劉山東牛肉麵,是在地數十年 酸辣湯、山西小吃店、真北平烤鴨、致美樓、老
不變的老味道。自從獲得米其林「必比登推介」 夏水餃、蘭記小吃、山東餃子館等等,都是當年
後,來老山東一品絕味的名人變多了,然而店 膾炙人口的佳餚。五、六年級生時興在這裡買卡
面依舊是不起眼的小吃店風格,板凳折疊桌隨性 帶、古典唱片、音響或是隨身聽,也很流行在這
擺,完全就是湯頭實力取勝。清燉牛肉麵是店 裡訂做制服,當時要買什麼最流行的商品,往中
家招牌,湯頭用牛骨、花椒等香料慢熬,清甜爽 華商場就對了。
中華商場曾經人潮熙來攘往,窄小的建築樓層裡上演 憶。商場內的一些名店或熄燈,或另起爐灶。華
Chunghwa Market was once the bustling commercial 的回憶一樣,相信會以其他方式,永遠印刻在台
center of Old Taipei, its narrow floors filled with all kinds
of activity. (Taiwan Panorama file photo, by Arthur Cheng) 北人的心上。

always missed. The nostalgic 1970s­nightclub­style décor, 中山堂4樓劇場咖啡視野絕佳,挑到好位子可遠眺北門
the warm service of the waiters—all a little on the older
side—and the juicy fried chops in their crispy batter have Le Promenoir Coffee on Zhongshan Hall’s fourth floor offers
an excellent view of the monumental North Gate. With its
been part of many people’s lives from school through high ceilings and comfortable seating, it’s a great place to
adulthood. As a result, Dongyi Pork Chop is the king of settle in for the afternoon with a good cup of coffee.

the pork chop world in the eyes and mouths of the locals.
Nestled away in an alley, Liu Shandong Beef Noodles
boasts a traditional taste that has remained unchanged
for decades. The broth of their flagship pure braised beef was also a popular place for Gen X’ers to buy cassette
noodle soup is made with beef bones, Sichuan pepper, tapes, classical records, stereos, and walkmans, and if
and other spices, making it light and refreshing. The you needed a uniform made, or wanted to buy the lat­
owner will gladly top up your broth, and the beef that est hip items, Chunghwa Market was the place to go.
accompanies the noodles comes in generous portions. A witness to Taipei’s glorious past, Chunghwa Mar­
There are also many things that have long since ket became a brilliant memory for the people of this
drifted into memory, gone with the wind. Once Taipei’s city. While some of the better­known stores shut up
busiest shopping center, Chunghwa Market remains an shop with the market’s closure, others kept the lights on
indelible memory for many Taipei residents. It was home elsewhere. Like many other memories of Old Taipei, the
to popular stores selling cuisines from all over, from image of Chunghwa Market at twilight, bustling with
Dim Sum World’s signature potstickers, steamed dump­ customers as the lights flickered on, will undoubtedly
lings, and hot and sour soup, to Shanxi Snack Shop, True remain for ever etched into the hearts of local people. l
Peking Duck, Zhi Mei Lou, Lao Xia Dumplings, Lan Ji (Sharleen Su/photos by Kent Chuang/
Snacks, Shandong Dumpling House, and many more. It tr. by Geof Aberhart)



Bounty of the Forests:
The Plant Lore of Taiwan’s Indigenous Peoples
文•謝宜婷 圖•莊坤儒 版面設計•王敬勛



T aiwan’s indigenous peoples, the descendants

of maritime people who settled far and wide,
developed methods here in Taiwan for using plants
for m a ny p u r pos e s , i n cludi ng food , m edic i n e ,
household utensils, and construction. For them,
the mountain forests were like an enormous pantry
where they could go for resources at any time, on
condition that they took only what they needed,
leaving the rest for future generations.
The ancestral wisdom of Taiwan’s indigenous
peoples in the use of foodstuf fs can be seen as a
fore r unner of “food and agr iculture education”
(FAE), which has been around for many years across
the globe. The aim of FAE is to provide classes and
hands-on activities to help people understand the
cultural background, industrial development, and
diet ary health aspects of food, and from there to
learn to better appreciate the foods on their tables.

The EFFEC permanent exhibition Original Mountain Feast introduces
36 plant species commonly used by indigenous peoples in Taiwan.

布農族的重要糧食「小米」為主題,希望到這個 期,任職於警務局的橫尾廣輔,在南投信義鄉發
社區的旅客,能了解布農族文化的重要一環。 現一塊曆板,後人又陸續發現三塊曆板。目前食
所在的信義鄉,是全台最大的布農族部落所在 館內展示的原住民常用植物中,首先被介紹的
地,也是台灣最高峰玉山所在的鄉鎮之一,區 是「大葉山欖」,常用於製作達悟族拼板舟的船
域內群山環繞,布農族因此有「雲端上的民族」 板,藉此傳達台灣原住民過去具備造船與航行的
稱號。 技術。雖然現在除了達悟族,其他原住民族不再
布農族栽種時,會依照月曆施作並舉辦祭儀。 航海,但卻成為山林勇士。

In 2018, the Ethnobotany, Food and Farming Educa-
tion Center (EFFEC) of the Experimental Forest of Na- Millet, a traditional Bunun crop.

tional Taiwan University (NTU), the first institution of

its kind in Taiwan, was established in Xinyi Township,
Nantou County. Its permanent exhibition displays 36
plants frequently used by Taiwan’s indigenous peoples.
Moreover, its first special exhibition focused on millet,
an important grain for the local Bunun indigenous
people, to give visitors a better understanding of this
critical element in Bunun culture.
The Bunun millet calendar
Xinyi Township has Taiwan’s largest population
of Bunun people. It is also one of the townships sur-
rounding Yushan, Taiwan’s highest peak. Because
their homeland is in the mountains, the Bunun are also
called “the people above the clouds.”
When cultivating their crops, the Bunun would tend
them and hold rituals based on the lunar calendar. To
record the cultivation process, they even developed in the past Taiwan’s indigenous peoples were skilled
a set of primitive symbols which they inscribed on in boat building and navigation. However, apart from
wooden boards to make a day-to-day record of import- the Tao, at present none of Taiwan’s other indigenous
ant events and farming activities. The Bunun are the peoples take boats out onto the ocean; instead they have
only indigenous people in Taiwan with this tradition. become mountain forest dwellers.
During the era of Japanese colonial rule in Taiwan, Before the appearance in Taiwan of spring onions,
Hirosuke Yokoo, a Japanese police officer, discovered ginger, and garlic, indigenous peoples were already
a calendar board in Xinyi Township, and later three using native spices in their cuisine. For example, moun-
more such boards were found. The “millet calendar” tain pepper (Litsea cubeba) could be used to marinate
currently on display at the EFFEC is a reproduction. meat, to make soup, or to remove unpleasant odors from
Forest feast foods. Taiwan cinnamon (Cinnamomum insularimontanum)
In the EFFEC’s permanent exhibition, entitled Orig­ was mostly used to add flavor to foods, but was also
inal Mountain Feast, the first of the plants commonly
used by indigenous peoples that visitors learn about is
the Formosan nato tree (Palaquium formosanum). It was
frequently used by the Tao people of Orchid Island to 布農族的曆板記錄部落的農耕、狩獵與祭祀等活動。
This Bunun calendar board records various activities related
build their fishing boats, and from this we know that to farming, hunting, and religious rituals.

山胡椒(馬告)是部落用來醃漬肉類、煮湯的調味料, 在蔥、薑、蒜傳入台灣前,原住民已經使用
Mountain pepper is used by indigenous peoples for 「原生香料」於料理,像是山胡椒(馬告)可以
marinating meat and as a flavoring in soups, and in recent
years it has even become an ingredient used by chefs in 用來醃漬、煮湯、去腥;山肉桂多添加於食品增
Michelin-starred restaurants.
排灣族的傳統食物吉拿富(cinavu)用假酸漿葉包裹小 充分加熱後可直接食用或磨成粉搓湯圓,而富含
The traditional Paiwan food cinavu is made by wrapping 蛋白質的樹豆,雖然是日治時期傳入的,但已經
millet and pork in leaves of Trichodesma calycosum.

a natural preservative. Meanwhile, the Thao peo- book recorded the plants’ scientific names and how
ple used ailanthus prickly ash (Zanthoxylum ailan­ they were used, arranged according to the parts of the
thoides) to marinate meat or to make chicken soup. body and illnesses that they treated.
Other common dietary ingredi ents included cas- Some plants that were used to ward off evil do in
sava (Manihot esculenta), which could be cooked and fact have therapeutic effects. For example, the Bunun
eaten directly or crushed into a powder to be shaped make necklaces for children with beads made from the
into dumplings, as well as pigeon peas (Cajanus cajan), rhizome of grassy-leaved sweet flag (Acorus gramineus)
which are rich in protein. Although the pigeon pea was and from Job’s tears (Coix lacryma­jobi), to symbolize
only introduced under Japanese rule, it became nat- their wishes for the children’s wellbeing, and indeed
uralized as a common crop in indigenous communities. grassy-leaved sweet flag does have the effect of reliev-
In each indigenous community there were cura- ing stress and calming the mind. Meanwhile, the cha-
tive recipes to treat illnesses and injuries, which were meleon plant (Houttuynia cordata), used by the Bunun
passed down by oral tradition. During the Japanese for medicinal purposes, is an ingredient in a tradi-
era, Kinji Yamada did field research and collected tional Chinese medicine formulation, NRICM 101, that
specimens, to produce the first-ever monograph on the is said to reduce the severity of Covid-19.
medicinal plants of Taiwan’s indigenous peoples. The In order to preserve indigenous peoples’ abundant

Indigenous peoples are reclaiming their traditional culture by
renewing the cultivation of millet. (photo by Jimmy Lin)

火廣竹製鼻笛 A nose flute made from blowpipe bamboo. 匏瓜製水瓢 A ladle made from a bottle gourd.

苧麻網袋 A ramie bag. 構樹及雀榕所組成的樹皮衣

A garment of barkcloth made from the bark of paper mulberry (Broussonetia
papyrifera) and sea fig (Ficus superba).

原住民利用自然資源做成生活物品。 的價值。」本次展覽「山野原味」的設計團隊築
Indigenous peoples transform natural resources into objects for
daily use. 點設計總監鍾秉宏認為,現代人多在「購買」過
現在登山客進入山區前,會準備許多配備, 會用七里香解毒消腫,而太魯閣族人會用葛藤止
但是布農族獵人經常只帶著獵刀、鹽與鍋具就入 血。對魯凱族、排灣族而言,姑婆芋除了可拿來
山。根據《走山拉姆岸──中央山脈布農民族植 包裹食物,搗碎後還能做草藥,包裹於患處。而
物》一書描述,族人會帶著自己家醃漬的小辣 日本成藥仁丹的原料之一就是「月桃」,台灣總
椒,入山後放在胸口禦寒。也會藉由陽性與陰性 共有18種月桃,其中有12種是特有種,原住民多
植物的分布,來判斷地勢與環境。陽性植物如臺 用來製成器皿與涼蓆。
灣二葉松、臺灣五葉松、山黃麻可作為柴薪,族 有些植物纖維堅韌富有彈性,因此可作為編織
人回程會在鄰近部落的山陵,就地燒煙告知部落 材料,如苧麻以及噶瑪蘭族用的香蕉絲。《走山
內的族人即將返家。若看見陰性植物如咬人貓或 拉姆岸》提到,布農族由女性負責編織工作,有
腎蕨,即代表水源處在附近。 些家裡會種植苧麻,有些會到溪邊採集野生的,
「植物不是只能吃,『如何被使用』也是它 並當場去除枝葉、剝開主梗,捆起來揹回部落。

knowledge of medicinal plants, the Ministry of Health were on their way home. On the other hand, if you see
and Welfare has produced a book called Compendium of shade-loving plants such as Japanese stinging nettle
Medicinal Plants Used by the Indigenous People of Taiwan. (Urtica thunbergiana) or fishbone fern (Nephrolepis cordi­
They even put out an English-language edition so that folia), this means there is a source of water nearby.
more people can learn about indigenous peoples’ med- As noted in the EFFEC’s permanent exhibition, in-
ical wisdom. digenous peoples used orange jasmine (Murraya exotica)
Living off the land to reduce swelling, while the Truku people applied
These days when hikers go into the mountains they Taiwan kudzu (Pueraria montana) to stanch bleeding.
carry a lot of equipment with them, but Bunun hunters For the Rukai and Paiwan peoples, giant elephant’s ear
would normally only carry a machete, some salt and a (Alocasia odora) not only can be used to wrap foods, but
cooking pot. According to the book Wander Lamuan: The also can be mashed into a medicinal poultice. In addi-
Ethno botany of Bunun in Formosan Central Ridge, when tion, indigenous peoples mostly employ shell ginger
Bunun people go into the mountains they carry small (Alpinia)—of which there are 18 species in Taiwan, 12 of
chili peppers that their families have pickled and place them endemic—to make utensils and summer sleeping
them on their chests to ward off chills. They also observe mats, but it is also an ingredient in the Japanese medi-
the distribution of sun-loving and shade-loving plants to cinal candy Jintan.
determine the terrain and environment. Sun-loving spe- Some plants have tough, pliable fibers that can be
cies like the Taiwan red pine (Pinus taiwanensis), Taiwan used for weaving. Examples include ramie (Boehmeria
white pine (Pinus morrisonicola), and charcoal tree (Trema nivea) and banana fiber, the latter being used by the
orientale) can be used as firewood, and when returning Kava lan indigenous people. Not only are the tech-
to their village Bunun people would burn some on a niques used for preparing and weaving these mater-
nearby hillside to tell their fellow villagers that they ials important components of indigenous culture, the

The Bunun people make
necklaces for children
from grassy-leaved
sweet flag and Job’s
tears, to symbolize their
wishes for the children’s

Exhibits at the Ethnobotany, Food and Farming Education Center
include many precious artifacts, interviews with tribal elders, and
stories of indigenous myths and legends.

接著,經過刮皮、煮灰、沖洗、曝曬、染色等程 黃籐編織的帽子,甚至還邀請到排灣族鼻笛大師
序,這項技藝不僅是原住民的重要文化,也展現 許坤仲親自用台灣特有種火廣竹做成鼻笛,並在
「循環經濟」的精神,所有材質皆可回收。 上面刻畫象徵貴族的百步蛇與人型紋。
除了認識民族植物的功效,食農館也透過文字 畫團隊,台大實驗林團隊向「賽夏族織女」風順
搭配插圖,介紹植物與部落的故事。 恩洽談許久,最後風順恩才答應此請求,並以傳統
羅氏鹽膚木成熟的果實表面上有鹽分,可做為 的方式,用薏苡珠串竹管,一顆一顆地串聯完成。
鹽巴的替代品,布農族也會將其樹幹燒成灰,加 實驗林團隊在田野調查時,從一位80多歲的布
上硫磺石灰混合成獵槍用的火藥;但是,對於排 農族獵人Linkav(霖卡夫)口中得知,布農族的
灣族少年而言,向心儀對象的父母證明自己的勞 傳統八部合音,在羅娜部落即將失傳,於是實驗
動能力時,質地較軟的羅氏鹽膚木代表的是能力 林的水里木工廠提供30根木頭給這位資深獵人,
不足,砍伐帶回質地較硬的九芎,才是強壯的 由他教年輕人用台灣肖楠做成不同音色的杵,並
象徵。 學習演奏曲目。雖然這位長者已經去世,但是透
泰雅族人認為山胡椒是先人留下來的食材,一 過與實驗林的合作,傳統得以被傳承。
看到山胡椒,就會想到祖靈。因此一旦部落發生 食農館周圍有許多布農族部落與景點,台大
爭執,長老會讓當事人喝下山胡椒水,雙方會藉 實驗林希望旅客到東埔泡溫泉,到望鄉賞櫻的途
此聯想到祖靈的教誨而冷靜下來,而族人也認為 中,能到食農館參觀,透過原住民常用的植物,
山胡椒有鎮靜的效果。 認識他們的文化與精神,如同展覽一開始影片
鍾秉宏希望讓觀展人從更多面向認識民族植 內,長老對小孩所說:「夠用了,就好。」進入
物,因此「將山裡的植物與藝術品直接呈現在展 到山林裡這個大冰箱,雖然資源豐富,但要記得
覽中」:苧麻編織成的網袋、薏苡串成的項鍊、 留給其他人與下一代。 l

stitute for salt, and ash from its wood can serve as an
ingredient in gunpowder. However, for young Paiwan
men who wanted to demonstrate their capacity for hard
work to the parents of their loved one, cutting down
and bringing back the relatively soft-wooded Roxburgh
sumac did not pass muster; the harder subcostate crape
myrtle (Lagerstroemia subcostata) was a more persuasive
symbol of prowess.
Chung Ping-hung is the owner of Archicake Design,
whose team designed the exhibition Original Mountain
Feast. He hopes the exhibits will give visitors a deeper
understanding of the relationship between plants and
folk traditions. Therefore, he says, “We decided to dis-
play plants and works of art directly.” Items include
bags woven from ramie, necklaces made with Job’s
tears as beads, and hats woven from yellow rattan
(Calamus quiquesetinervius). The EFFEC even invited the
Paiwan nose flute master Pairang Pavavaljung to make
a nose flute from blowpipe bamboo (Bambusa dolicho­
merithalla). The flute is inscribed with images of the
hundred-pace snake (Deinagkistrodon acutus), which is a
symbol of noble families, and with human figures.
Another item on display, which took six months to
complete, is a Saisiyat hip bell (tabaa’sang). In fact, hip
bells can normally only be acquired by inheritance, but
the curatorial team from EFFEC and the NTU Experi-
mental Forest management team communicated for a
long time with Saisiyat weaver Yo’aew a Kalih Baba:i’
until she finally agreed to make a hip bell for the exhibi­
tion by the traditional method of stringing together
beads made from Job’s tears inside bamboo tubes.
來一趟望鄉部落,遠眺玉山、認識部落民族植 There are many Bunun indigenous communities and
Why not take a trip to the Bunun village of Kalibuan, related scenery in the vicinity of the EFFEC. Staff at the
and get to know the plants used by indigenous NTU Experimental Forest hope that visitors going to
peoples and their wisdom about life.
Dongpu to soak in the hot springs or to the Bunun vil-
lage of Kalibuan (Chinese name: Wangxiang) to view
cherry blossoms will also take in a visit to the EFFEC,
practice also expresses the spirit of the “circular econ- so as to better understand indigenous cultures and the
omy,” with all materials being put to good use. spirit of the indigenous peoples through their com-
Plants in indigenous culture monly used plants. As a Bunun elder says in a video at
Besides explaining the uses and effects of plants the beginning of the exhibition: “Use what you need,
commonly used by indigenous peoples, the EFFEC also and no more.” So when you enter the “giant pantry” of
uses text and images to tell stories about plants and the mountain forest, remember that while its resources
indigenous communities. are abundant, you should leave enough for others and
Roxburgh sumac (Rhus chinensis var. roxburghii) has a the next generation to enjoy. l
wide variety of uses: Its ripe fruit can be used as a sub- (Tina Xie/photos by Kent Chuang/tr. by Phil Newell)


文•蘇俐穎 圖•莊坤儒 版面設計•馬英凱

有 過 兩 次 百 花 齊放的盛況,名
畫曾 業落入沉寂,而

歷史上,台灣漫 著各樣緣由,產
外 市 場 , 但 因
挺進海 ,截然迥異於過

轉譯不斷,甚至 意 不死,讀者仍在
艱 難 , 但 創
境依舊 代,是否真的就

近十年,縱然環 畫 的第三波黃金時
生 , 台 灣 漫
諸葛 四郎 》, 葉宏甲筆下的真
還記得,在50年 次 改拍 為電影、電視劇與舞
,還 多
級生的共同回憶 級IP。
是三、四、五年 界跨界應用的元祖
, 堪 稱 台 灣漫 畫
動畫 加上淚
(2022)年亦推出 名的有陳海虹《
期 , 可 與 之 齊
同時 是這一
等國 寶 級漫 畫 家,是首波本土
楚代表。 》,讓
時代武俠漫畫的翹 施行的《編印連
1966年 正 式
頒訂 ,
業進 入首次 的 低 潮,直到1987年解
ld en ag es , ea ch
s hi st or ic al ly ha d tw o go

in du st ry ha and
ai w an ’s co m ic s span ned m edia
s fig ur es w hose works have
creating num erou
s fa m ou s, the indu ry
ev er , fo r an y numbe r of reason
ross borders. How nm ent part ic ul ar
even reac hed ac ld ru m s, w ith th e en vi ro
ly be en in th e do to be found,
ha s m or e re ce nt th el es s, th er e is st ill creativity
st decade . Never orks cont inue to
difficult in the pa ou nd br ea king or ig inal w
d gr
st ill there, an a third golden ag
the readers are co m ic s on the cusp of
ask, ar e Ta iw an
born . And so we
ic Zhuge
st ill re m em be r Ye Hongj ia’s com
e 1940s, 50s or 60 ye d a pa rt ic ul ar
Thos e born in th Si la ng an d Zh enpi ng en jo
ro es
on g w ith its he
Si lang, w hich al
th cent ur y.
rit y in the m id-20 hirlwind, plus the
period of popula ai ho ng ’s Li ttl e Hero, Dragon W
e time, Chen H Mao -
Arou nd the sa m g-hsiu) and Hsu
ts su ch as Lei Qiu (Hsu Hsin
works of celebrate
d com ics ar tis m ics, becom ing
es t of th e fir st wave of local co
e Silang at the cr
su ng, joi ned Zhug com ics of the era.
tives of the wuxia
iconic representa
畫 新 浪 潮
, 我 們 的 故 事
f T a i w a n C o m ics
T he New Wave
r T i m e s , O u r T ales
— Ou
Creative Comic Collection editor Wen Chun-ya.

時間拉到數十年後,80年代,敖幼祥的四格漫 緊接著在2009年創刊的《C r e a t i v e C o m i c
畫《烏龍院》,故事詼諧幽默,長紅不衰,創作時 Collection創作集》(又被簡稱為《CCC創作集》或
間從1983年橫跨到2012年才宣告完結。還有林正德 《CCC》),一舉推出許多以台灣文史、自然為素
《Young Guns》,以細膩畫風與緊湊的敘事,講述 材的作品,好比Akru《北城百畫帖》,以日治時代
青春校園故事;以及游素蘭《傾國怨伶》,融合歷 大稻埕裡的一家咖啡館為背景,敘述了當時舉辦的
史與奇幻元素的華麗設定,堪稱本土少女漫畫的先 台灣博覽會;或者張季雅《異人茶跡》,講述「台
驅……等經典作品接連問世。 灣烏龍茶之父」陶德(John Todd)與大稻埕的傳奇
多元的風格、類型與題材,高達千萬冊的銷 富商、「台灣茶葉之父」李春生等人的故事……因
售量,以及轉售日本、香港等不同地區版權,如 作品極高的精緻度與完成度,引發了市場上的強烈
《Young Guns》甚至跨領域改編為動畫與電玩作 關注。
品,再次締造出台漫的第二波黃金年代。然,好景 加上近來,阮光民以傳統雜貨店為題材創作的
不常,90年代數位時代以降,紙本大幅衰退,加上 《用九柑仔店》,左萱以故鄉桃園大溪舉辦的廟會
過去產業發展一度斷層,未能建立起完整的產業基 「關聖帝君聖誕」為題創作的《神之鄉》,兩部作
礎作為支持,遂再次重挫本土漫畫產業。 品接連被改拍成電視劇。
時空背景不同,挑戰也不同,即便書市景況大 2019年與2020年,分別由台灣漫畫家常勝《隱藏關
不如前,但近十年間,市面上忽然出現了幾部「文 卡》、銀甫《繪妖師──百鬼夜行》、Gene《稻草
史向」作品。最早,是由Akru所創作,在2008年獲 人的守護者》奪獎。
「劇情漫畫獎」首獎的《柯普雷的翅膀》,故事以 2020年,台灣漫畫家韋蘺若明《送葬協奏曲》、
大航海時代為背景,講述一名歐洲青年踏上台灣, 阮光民《天橋上的魔術師圖像版:阮光民》、
並深入至中央山脈的冒險故事。這本當時在漫畫產 D.S.《百花百色》三部作品,更包辦了由日本外務
業一片蕭條之下推出,「讓出版社都很緊張」的作 省舉辦的「國際漫畫獎」金、銀、銅獎項,一反過
品,在出版後,卻出乎意料之外地受到好評。 去得獎者多以中國、香港獨霸的現象。

The CCC has led to an unexpected boom
in Taiwan comics. In response to the needs
of the industry, it has now transitioned into
an online platform.

However, when the Regulatory Guidance for the unexpectedly warm welcome, even taking the top prize
Compilation and Printing of Serial Comics went into in the Graphic Comic Awards that year.
effect in 1966, this first wave came crashing down. It was In 2009 the Creative Comic Collection (CCC) was
not until two decades later, with the lifting of martial launched, including a number of works based on Taiwan-
law in 1987, that business began to pick up again. ese literature, history, and nature, such as Akru’s Scrolls
And so it was that in the 1980s there arose comics like of a Northern City and Kiya Chang’s Formosa Oolong Tea.
Ao Yo-siang’s Wuloom Family (in a four-panel yonkoma The careful craftsmanship and thoroughness of the books
format), Lin Zhengde’s Young Guns, and You Su-lan’s ignited fierce interest in the market.
Melancholic Princess. Melancholic Princess combined his- More recently, Ruan Guang-min’s Yong-Jiu Grocery Store
torical and fantasy elements and could be considered the and Zuo Hsuan’s The Summer Temple Fair have even been
forerunner of Taiwanese shōjo (young women’s) comics. adapted for television.
A variety of styles, genres, and themes emerged, with On top of this, in 2017, 2019, and 2020, Taiwanese com-
the new wave of comics selling tens of millions of copies ics won prizes at the Kyoto International Manga Anime
and seeing titles licensed for sale in other regions, in- Awards, widely regarded as a launchpad for greater things.
cluding Japan and Hong Kong. However, the good times In 2020, Taiwanese comics took gold, silver, and bronze
did not last long. With the arrival of the digital age in awards at the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs’ Japan
the 1990s and the sharp decline of hard-copy media, the International Manga Awards, a turnaround after the dom-
failure to create a comprehensive industry foundation for ination of the winners list by artists from China and Hong
local comics saw the sector once again dealt a heavy blow. Kong in previous years.
A third golden age? The repeated good news from overseas quietly echoes
Times and conditions change, and with them, the the return of comics locally. Even publishers say privately
challenges the industry faces. While the market for books that they sense a new wave of Taiwan comics coming.
might not be as strong as it once was, in the past decade The unexpected success of the CCC
or so a number of works with a historical bent have ar- Since the turn of the millennium, Taiwanese local
rived on the scene. Akru’s Wings of Kopule was launched consciousness has been on the rise, and people have a
onto a stagnant comics market in 2008, making its pub- growing desire to see their own stories told. This is one of
lishers very nervous initially, but it quickly received an the reasons why these historical and literary comics have

屢屢傳來的海外捷報,悄然呼應著國內漫畫復 「打從初始,《CCC》就不是從漫畫產業為核
甦的景況,就連出版業者也私下表示,這一波猶如 心出發,會涉入產業這麼深,完全是無心插柳。」
「台灣漫畫產業的新浪潮」就要來了!──而這一 《CCC創作集》主編溫淳雅表示,敬業的她也坦誠
次,台漫發展的機會與挑戰又是什麼? 地說:「有時候也會有點焦慮,覺得要是幫不上老
千禧年以後,本土意識的揚昇,國人對於「自 編輯,確實推出了許多膾炙人口之作,甚至讓大眾
己的故事」有了渴望與盼想,是這批文史題材為背 關注到了旗下合作的眾多漫畫家,並訝異著:原來
景的漫畫,能在市場崛起,並為產業開闢出路徑的 台灣有這麼漫畫家存在?他們都從哪裡來?
運用個人所學,將文史素材融入商業漫畫處女座 原創漫畫產業發展的崎嶇,造成本土漫畫產業
《柯普雷的翅膀》之中。但催生出許多一流作品的 人才的斷層,加上日漫普及,漫畫產業競爭激烈,
《CCC創作集》,更是在催化一波台漫風潮中極具 與漫畫家共存的出版社,態度也趨向保守,寧願翻
識別度的關鍵性存在。 譯海外暢銷作品,鮮有資源投入原創作品的製作。
「倘若不是《CCC》,或許大眾根本不會注意 雖然台漫產業泡沫化,仍有學者提出「台漫不死」
到台灣漫畫的存在。」在漫畫圈內相當知名,以推 的說法:不論社會氛圍、產業生態如何,愛看漫
廣原創漫畫為核心的獨立書店Mangasick創辦人黃 畫、畫漫畫的人們總是存在。
廷玉如此說。源於國科會(今科技部)「數位典藏 就在1990年代的黃金時期過後,受日本影響而引
與數位學習國家型科技計畫」的《CCC創作集》, 進台灣,集結了同好性質的「同人誌販售會」開始
並不是典型由出版社製作、發行的漫畫期刊,計畫 在台灣興盛,就是最佳例證。所謂的「同人」,其
源於全國15個典藏、研究機構所集結成的資料庫, 實源自於日文「どうじん」,就是「同好」之意;
為了推廣與示範這些資料的價值,團隊嘗試推出 「同人誌」即指漫畫同好者根據商業漫畫再進行的
過科普報導、線上遊戲,也希望將素材拿來「說故 二次創作。
事」,故選擇了漫畫作為詮釋方式。 彼時,台灣漫畫因為缺乏正規商業市場的支
C.W.T.(台灣同人誌販售會)與FF(Fancy Frontier
以漫畫形式推出的政府出版品,近年蔚為風潮。 伴、爭相前往,與會人次甚至高達上萬人之譜,倘
Government publications in comics form have become
a growing trend in recent years. 說同人場在某種形式上承接了台漫創意的能量,並

Huang Tingyu’s comic shop Mangasick is a
mecca for lovers of comics and animation
visiting Taiwan.

seen such success in the market and

forged a new path for the industry.
The CCC, which has nurtured
many top-class works, has been a key
catalyst for this new wave of Taiwan
The CCC is an outgrowth of the National Science environ ment, people who like to read comics and those
Council’s Taiwan e-Learning and Digital Archives Pro- who like to draw them have always existed.
gram, and not a typical comics periodical produced and After the golden age of the 1990s, the idea of “dō-
distributed by a publishing house. The program brings jinshi markets” was introduced to Taiwan from Japan,
together 15 collections and research institutions across and the quick flourishing of such markets serves as
the country, and in order to publicize these materials the best example of comics’ continuing popularity. The
and demonstrate their value, the team has experimented Japanese word dōjin refers to people with shared inter-
with publishing popular science reports and launching ests—a fandom or clique. Dōjinshi, meanwhile, refers
online games, and also hopes to use the material to tell particularly to comics made by such fandoms as deriv-
stories. This is where the comics come in. ative works based on the commercial comics they love.
“From the beginning, the CCC has not been built Initially, due to a lack of support from the commer-
around the comics industry. In fact, getting so deeply cial market, and despite the considerable differences
involved with the industry has been an entirely seren- between dōjinshi and commercial publishing, the sheer
dipitous outcome of the work,” says CCC editor Wen size of dōjinshi markets like Comics World Taiwan and
Chun-ya. Nevertheless, Wen and her atypical editorial Fancy Frontier still attracted many comics lovers to
team, hailing from fields as diverse as Chinese litera- come together and compete with each other. Such mar-
ture, history, art, and library sciences, have managed kets could see tens of thousands of people taking part,
to produce many popular works, even drawing the and it would not be too much to say that in some sense
public’s attention to the many artists they have worked these dōjinshi were heirs to much of the former energy
with, leading people to wonder how it is that Taiwan and dynamism of Taiwanese comics.
has so many artists, and where they came from. “Even if most of the works at dōjinshi markets are
Dōjinshi markets: A petri dish for talent derived from Japanese comics, the cartoonists use them
Given the rocky road that Taiwan’s comics industry to hone their skills, accumulate publishing knowledge,
has traveled, competition is fierce. Publishers tend to be and even build their own fanbases. You can even find a
conservative, preferring to translate bestselling works few comics based on Taiwan’s own Pili puppet theater,
from abroad, leaving little in the way of resources for along with some wholly original works. You could say
investing in original local works. Although Taiwan’s the markets have been a pretty important incubator for
comics industry is on the bubble, some scholars still Taiwanese creators,” observes Wang Peiti, executive of-
maintain that it never actually went away, saying ficer at the National Comic Museum Preparatory Office
that regardless of the social atmosphere and industry and a notable Taiwanese comic book scholar.

Kiya Chang, who was born into a tea farming family in
Meishan, Chiayi County, invested her comic Formosa
Oolong Tea with low-key reflections of her own life

除了《C C C》為台漫市場破冰,隨著圖像閱 印象。但倘若內容過於單一,久了讀者會失去興
讀的普及,過去常被視為難登大雅之堂的漫畫, 趣,倘若社會整體對土地更加重視,有認識的需
逐漸受到重視,還能見到不少政府單位嘗試與 求,不一樣的作品就會相繼誕生,這也是漫畫家
漫畫家合作,帶動了一波「政府出版品」的漫畫 創作必須著重的方向。」張季雅說明。
風潮。漫畫家英張以台北植物園的史料為素材創 值得引以為豪的是,因台灣的性別平權可謂領
作的《採集人的野帳》;漢寶包與台博館攜手推 先亞洲地區,這樣的現象,也反映在漫畫產業上,
出,以雲豹為主題的《雲之獸》;簡嘉誠與國家 不僅女性漫畫家與編輯的人數都佔了絕大多數,與
電影及視聽文化中心攜手合作的《畫電影的人》 過去的黃金時代作家群都以男性為主,景況截然不
等……都是代表。 同;還有多部以性平議題為主的代表作,都受到市
更關鍵的是,政府開始將漫畫視為重要的文 場歡迎,是相當具台灣特色的作品。
化內容產業,制定相關政策,投入實質資源, 黃廷玉便向我們介紹,好比結合女性情慾自主
振興產業發展。除了《CCC》從中研院被轉入文 與搞笑元素的《T子%%走》,原本是漫畫家穀子
策院,並且擴大轉型為線上漫畫連載平台;「台 自費出版之作,但過於熱銷,受到出版社關注而
灣漫畫基地」也已落成營運;將在台中落腳的 進入商業出版,甚至還售出日文版權;huihui《廢
「國家漫畫博物館」,也正如火如荼地籌措。另 廢子の充氣大冒險!》,也是作者自費出版之
外,對漫畫內容的跨界媒合、對出版社給予實質 作,同樣高踞店內年度銷售排行榜的前幾名。
補助,以及「金漫獎」(即原本的「劇情漫畫 所謂「最壞的時代,也是最好的時代」,台漫
獎」)的設立,都對產業都帶來不少助益。「很 正在發展的關鍵性時刻,如何擴大市場需求,培
明顯的就是,稿費有變高。」入行超過十年,自 養國人對於本土漫畫的閱讀習慣,仍是當前產業
嘲是在「黑暗時代」出道的漫畫家張季雅頗有感 發展的重大挑戰,但能從蟄伏到萌動,單一到多
地說。 元,已屬不易。一同見證著關鍵性時刻的我們,
隨著原創作品漸多,台漫的題材、風格漸趨 何妨與之響應,挑本自己感興趣的原創作品,不
多元,漫畫家嘗試揮別日漫等國外商業漫畫的 僅是對支持產業同盡一份棉薄之力,也是這個時
影響,累積出個人特色,「早期漫畫家的取材, 代才有機會體驗的獨特幸福。 l

Hence at the inception of the CCC, the editorial team fluence of foreign comics such as Japanese manga and de-
not only took recommendations from teachers of design velop their own personal styles.
and multimedia in colleges and universities to find stu- Another reason for pride is that Taiwan’s position as a
dents who were interested in drawing comics, but also leader in gender equality in Asia is reflected in its comics
broke new ground by looking to the dōjinshi markets for industry. Not only do female artists and editors account
artists to work with. for the vast majority of these positions, a large part of the
The best of times, the worst of times writing, which was predominantly done by men in golden
With the CCC having broken the ice and graphic pub- ages past, is now also by women. There are also a number of
lications gradually coming to greater attention, the stigma iconic and distinctively Taiwanese works on issues of gender
once attached to comics is now falling away. A number equality, which have been warmly embraced by the market.
of government agencies have even begun working with For example, Huang Tingyu, proprietor of comics shop
comics artists, leading to a wave of “official” comics. Mangasick, introduced us to Let’s Go T, which combines
More importantly, the government has begun to re- female sexual autonomy with comedic elements. The comic
gard comics as an important part of the cultural content was originally self-published by artist Guzi, but became
industry, formulating policies, investing substantial so popular that it attracted the attention of publishers and
resources, and working to revitalize the sector’s devel- was even licensed for publication in Japan. Huihui’s Feifei’s
opment. Not only has the CCC been transferred from Inflatable Adventure! is also self-published, but has none-
Academia Sinica to the Creative Content Agency and theless managed to secure a spot near the top of Manga-
expanded into an online comic serialization platform, the sick’s sales chart.
Taiwan Comic Base has also come into operation, and a Sometimes it is both the worst of times and the best
National Comic Museum is in preparation. Assistance in of times. Taiwan comics are at a critical juncture in their
finding opportunities for content licensing (such as for development, but going from dormant to blooming and
film or TV adaptations), substantial subsidies for publish- from monolithic to diverse is no easy task. As a witness
ing houses, and the establishment of the Golden Comic to this crucial moment, why not seek out some original
Awards (succeeding the Graphic Comic Awards) have all Taiwan comics that capture your fancy, doing your part
brought with them significant benefits for the industry. to support the industry while also enjoying the unique
With an increasing number of original works, the pleasures this moment has to offer? l
themes and styles of Taiwan comics are becoming ever (Lynn Su/photos by Kent Chuang/
more diverse, and artists are trying to outgrow the in- tr. by Geof Aberhart)



Ho Wi Ding

Lee Yong Chao

Malaysian-born Chang Kuei Hsing, one of Taiwan’s
leading novelists, has won the United Daily News
Grand Literary Award, the Golden Tripod Award,
the Taiwan Literature Award, and the Taipei
International Book Exhibition Book Prize.
A Dual Sense of Home:
Malaysian-Born Writers in Taiwan
文•蘇俐穎 圖•林旻萱 版面設計•馬英凱

豆成兵的能力,筆下的文字奇譎又魔魅,意象恢 O riginally from Southeast Asia, these writers
have put down roots in Taiwan, where their
books are widely acclaimed. As Taiwanese writers,
they even enjoy popularity overseas. We may refer
to them as “Malaysian-born writers in Taiwan.”
呼他們:「馬華作家」。 You may remember Woon Swee Oan, a Malaysian-
born writer who came to study Chinese literature at Na-
猶記得,在台大中文系就讀的溫瑞安,曾在80 tional Taiwan University (NTU). His wuxia novels were
年代叱吒一時,與金庸、古龍等武俠名家齊名, immensely popular in the 1980s, rivaling the works of
其作品《神州奇俠》、《四大名捕》,至今膾炙 Jin Yong and Gu Long.
Both born in Sarawak on the island of Borneo, novelists
Lee Yung Ping and Chang Kuei Hsing are the Chinese-
language equivalents of Gabriel García Márquez.
的李永平與張貴興,他們可比華文世界裡的馬奎 We also have husband and wife Chan Tah Wei and
斯,筆下虛實掩映的雨林世界,引人無限遐思。 Chong Yee Voon, a pair of outstandingly talented writ-
以及橫掃各大文學獎的神鵰俠侶,陳大為與 ers who have bagged most of Taiwan’s literary prizes.
鍾怡雯。以詩聞名的陳大為,擅長融入中國遠古 Malaysian-born ethnic Chinese writers specializing
神話與南洋元素,成為長篇敘事詩作;擅寫散文 in different genres continue to spring to prominence as
each generation succeeds the last. How do we account
for the existence of this literary community—a group
that demonstrates such unique, salient features?
Longing for Taiwan
江山代有才人出的馬華作家,不同文類都有 The Japanese-born Nobel-laureate British writer Ka-
獨領風騷的代表寫者,甚至一代接一代不曾間斷 zuo Ishiguro once said: “People are not two-thirds one
過,這樣獨特具高度識別性的文學社群,究竟是 thing and the remainder something else. Temperament,
怎麼形成? personality, or outlook don’t divide quite like that. The


英籍日裔的諾貝爾文學 馬華作家寫作風格、素材與台
獎作家石黑一雄曾經說: 灣本土作家相當不同,是文壇
「人不是由三分之二的某些 In terms of style and subject
matter, Malaysian-born writers in
東西和剩下的別的東西所組 Taiwan are very different from their
local peers. They form a distinct
成的。氣質、個性和眼界不 literary community.
終看到的是一個有趣的 議題發酵、聚焦的重要推
同質的混合體。具有混雜 手。
文化和混種背景的個人, 這幾人同中有異,各擅
將是本世紀後半葉相當普遍的 長小說、散文與現代詩,
現象。這就是這個世界發展的趨 也都從大學開始到台灣求學,並一路攻讀
勢。」 到博士,有的從學生時代就已藉由文學獎項
台灣的馬華作家,恰似這段話的最佳例證。 成名,畢業後紛紛留任大專院校內。他們一面創
時間可追溯到1960年代,因著受限於大馬當地的 作,也從事學術評論,以馬華文學名義推出多本
教育政策,加上僑教政策的拉力,許多喜愛創作 選集,累積近20年的能量。
的大馬文青,孺慕台灣濃厚的文藝氣息,選擇來 「作家寫作的文本,會進入學術領域被研究,
到同樣是華文世界的台灣求學,而在讀書之餘, 在校園裡被拿來作為教學題材;同時評論家出版
開始在校內組成文學社團、發行刊物,包括由王 選集、選本。有研究,有『典律化』的過程,在
潤華、林綠、陳慧樺等組成的「星座詩社」,以 文學版圖上就會形成識別度。」台灣大學中文系
及時間稍晚,由溫瑞安、方娥真主導的「神州詩 副教授高嘉謙客觀分析,他又進一步提及:「台
社」,組成份子都以僑生為主。 灣的馬華研究在學院中經過廿餘年累積,陸續也
1980年代,評論家口中所謂的「台灣文學的高 有研究生投入,研究能量甚至回頭影響到馬來西
潮」,以《中國時報》、《聯合報》為首的文學 亞本地的研究。」
獎時代正式登場,獎項代表的榮譽、高額的百萬 可說從創作、出版,到評論、研究,文藝產業
獎金,與獲獎後出版社爭相詢問的出版合約,成 生態健全的台灣,在華文世界中佔有重要的一席
為許多文藝青年夢寐以求踏入文壇的敲門磚。許 之地,也難怪陳大為就曾經說,馬華文學有三大
多馬華作家也乘著這波浪潮在文壇崛起,有在大 版塊,包括「東馬、西馬,以及台灣」。
馬作家群中率先奪下《聯合報》小說獎項的商晚 甚至到了現代,在台的馬華新生代創作者依舊
筠;彼時遠在美國留學,仍越洋投件獲獎的李永 源源不斷,唯獨創作形式呼應閱讀型態的演進,
平;以及當時就讀於師大英語系的張貴興。 更趨多元,好比寫小說的鄧觀傑;從事繪本創作
然而,「馬華文學」版圖的正式確立,除了 域中崛起的新星。
創作,左手評論」,兼具作家、學者身分的黃錦 「雉每次站在走廊上看見河堤下暴漲的臭河時
樹、鍾怡雯、陳大為等人,是讓「馬華文學」 就會想起那條溪底佈滿人膽豬心狀石塊的小河。

Lee Yu-cheng formerly directed the Institute of European and American Studies at
Academia Sinica. His own experience of diaspora has led him to pay special attention
to minority ethnic groups, and he often writes about British writers of Asian heritage, as
well as African-American writers.

bits don’t separate clearly. You end up a funny homo- honor, offered generous financial rewards, and led to
geneous mixture. This is something that will become multiple offers of publishing contracts. For many aspir-
more common in the latter part of the century—people ing young writers, these awards represented stepping
with mixed cultural backgrounds, and mixed racial stones to a literary career. Several Malaysian-born writ-
backgrounds. That’s the way the world is going.” ers rose to fame by riding this literary wave, including
Taiwan’s Malaysian-born writers bear witness to Shang Wanyun, the first Malaysian-born writer to win
the truth of Ishiguro’s words. Back in the 1960s, many the United Daily News Fiction Prize, Lee Yung Ping,
ethnic Chinese youths in Malaysia who had cultural who was then pursuing postgraduate studies in the
aspirations were unwilling to subject themselves to United States, and Chang Kuei Hsing, who was study-
the restrictions of their native country’s education sys- ing in the Department of English at National Taiwan
tem. Attracted by Taiwan’s policy of Overseas Chinese Normal University.
education, and yearning for the cultural vitality of the Malaysian-Chinese literature
island, where they would be able to use their mother However, Malaysian-Chinese literature as an estab-
tongue, they came here for their university studies. lished field relies not only on the indefatigable efforts of
Many began to publish their writings and organize lit- writers but also on academic research. Since the 1990s,
erary groups here while they were still students. scholar–writers such as Ng Kim Chew, Chong Yee
What some critics regard as the peak of Taiwan lit- Voon, and Chan Tah Wei have been playing an import-
erature occurred in the 1980s. It was an age of literary ant role in increasing and sharpening our awareness of
prizes, the most prestigious being those hosted by the Malaysian-Chinese literature.
China Times and the United Daily News, which conferred Specializing variously in fiction, nonfictional prose,

懸掛河面上的樹根藤蔓掛滿鬍髯似的青嫩苔藻, 學(當地稱作「獨中」),也因此培養出許多能
款擺在嘩啦啦流水聲中,好似荳蔻年華的女鬼戲 讀,甚至能寫的華文創作者,但讀者群數量仍嫌
水。」──張貴興《猴杯》 不足,無法自成市場。
「瞧!翠藍馬當山漂浮在白花花叢林熱浪中, 「除非是通俗性較高的作品,或者是少年小說
倏隱倏現忽左忽右,宛如一個渾身塗抹著藍色油 一類,才較有市場。」馬華文學評論家、中山大
彩的山妖,齜牙咧嘴擠眉弄眼只顧逗弄我們。飢 學外國語文學系副教授張錦忠觀察,「即便現在
腸轆轆,我們又在沼澤裡闖蕩一個早晨,尋尋 馬來西亞,出現『有人』、『大將』等當地的華
覓覓東張西望,游擊隊沒找著,卻在河邊遇見 文出版社,還是算同人出版、獨立出版的類型,
一群拉子婦──拉子,就是婆羅洲原住民達雅克 大型的華文出版集團很少會出純文學的書。」
族。」──李永平《雨雪霏霏》 又好比鄰近的香港,雖然語言同樣以華文為
信手翻閱馬華作家筆下的世界,陌生的草木鳥 主,但人口較寡,僅能容納如金庸、亦舒等通俗
獸與種族歷史,華美文字雖然是熟悉的中文,難 作家的生存空間,許多純文學作家,如西西、董
免有幾分生疏。 啟章、黃碧雲,反倒視台灣為主要的出版管道,
雖然文化經驗較為遙遠,但在台灣文學中, 作品的香港版本反倒不如台灣版本來得齊全,
南洋一直都存在著。高嘉謙便指出:「雖然處在 「簡單講,他們是以台灣作為香港文學的營運中
亞熱帶,但台灣內部本就有一片熱帶文學的風 心。」高嘉謙下此註解。
情。」這些作品主要描寫了在日治時代,以太平 另外,台灣代表性的文學獎獎項授獎範圍相
洋戰爭為背景的台籍日本兵的生命經驗。 當多元,會逐一細列現代詩、散文、小說、報導
好比陳千武的詩〈信鴿〉:「我瞞過土人的懷 文學等文類,不若國外許多代表文學獎,如英國
疑/穿過並列的椰子樹/深入蒼鬱的密林/終於 布克獎、法國龔固爾文學獎、日本芥川獎,多針



or poetry, these people have much in common. They and West Malaysia, as one of the three major seats of
came to Taiwan for their undergraduate studies, and Malaysian-Chinese literature.
eventually received their doctoral degrees here. Some Publishing in Taiwan
of them were already well known in their student One reason why Taiwan is an important place for
days as winners of literary prizes. They all continued Chinese-language literature is the size of its reading
to work as academics upon graduation, preoccupying public.
themselves with creative writing while also engaging In comparison, Malaysia’s ethnic diversity, combined
in scholarly criticism. Having spent nearly 20 years with the fact that its official language is Malay, means
plowing their field, they have edited several antholo- that there isn’t a large enough readership for works in
gies of Malaysian- Chinese writings. Chinese to form an independent market there, even
“Literary texts are brought into academia to be re- though many Malaysians are educated at Chinese-
searched, and they furnish teaching materials on cam- medium private secondary schools run by ethnic Chi-
pus. At the same time, critics publish selected works nese, and can read Chinese or even write creatively in
and anthologies. A literary work gains recognition Chinese.
when it is studied and incorporated into our literary “Even though there are Chinese-language publishers
canon,” says Ko Chia Cian, associate professor of Chi- in Malaysia now, such as Got One and Mentor, they fol-
nese literature at NTU. low self-publishing or independent publishing models;
Taiwan enjoys a wholesome literary environment, big Chinese-language publishing corporations seldom
from creative writing and publishing to criticism and take on literary works,” says Tee Kim Tong, an associate
research. As a result, the country occupies a vital place professor in the Department of Foreign Languages and
in the world of Chinese-language literature. It’s little Literature at National Sun Yat-sen University who has
wonder that Chan Tah Wei sees Taiwan, alongside East worked on Malaysian-Chinese literature.
As for Hong Kong, although Chinese is the main
language there, its population is only big enough to
sustain commercially successful writers. Many writers
of literary works in Hong Kong turn to Taiwan for their
publishing projects, with the result that some of their
books are published in Taiwan but not in Hong Kong.
“Simply put, they regard Taiwan as an operations cen-
ter for Hong Kong literature,” Ko Chia Cian observes.
由台大中文系副教授高嘉 In addition, the leading literary prizes in Taiwan
謙與日本學者黃英哲合 are remarkably diverse, embracing different genres
「台灣熱帶文學」名義翻 such as modern poetry, nonfictional prose, fiction, and
譯到日本。 reportage. In this they contrast with major literary
Professor Ko Chia Cian of
NTU has collaborated with awards overseas—such as the Booker Prize, the Prix
Japan-based academic Goncourt, and the Akutagawa Prize—which focus on
Huang Ying-che to produce
Japanese translations of single genres, the vast majority of them being devoted
works by Malaysian-born
writers in Taiwan. to fiction. Taiwan’s literary marketplace is vibrant: with
nearly 40,000 new books published each year, the num-
ber of publications per capita here is second only to
that in the United Kingdom. Moreover, Taiwan’s regu-
latory framework for publishing is underpinned by an
open-minded attitude: all sorts of subjects and types
of books are being published. Books exploring gender
issues and social movements, for example, are seldom
seen elsewhere in the Chinese-speaking world. All



是;另外張貴興亦認為,離開故鄉,與當地維持 來自馬來西亞,在台居住超過廿年的高嘉謙。
Originally from Malaysia, Ko Chia Cian has spent more than
的距離感尤其關鍵:「在當地寫作,與隔著一段 20 years in Taiwan.

反應:為何總是寫故鄉砂拉越,不寫寫台灣?李 反倒豐富了內部的文學風景,台灣文學的多元表
有成以文學評論的角度分析作家創作心理:「童 現,其實正如同當代英國文學廣納百川一樣,具
年、少年的記憶沉澱許久,具有空間、時間上的 有反映全球潮流現狀的普世意義,「如果把石黑
距離感,作家藉由反芻過去的記憶與經驗,進而 一雄、魯西迪這批人拿走,當代的英國文學創作
刺激創作。」 會蒼白很多。就像台灣,倘若少了李永平、張貴
國際上許多知名大家,也都有這樣的寫作傾 興、黃錦樹等移民背景的作家,或者父輩具有南
向。以英美文學為主要研究對象的李有成,就舉 洋移民背景的房慧真、陳又津等人,台灣文學還
英籍日裔的小說家石黑一雄為例,五歲就隨家人 是台灣文學,但鐵定會失色不少。」李有成說。
本戰後為場景。 因此閱讀馬華文學,或者其他移民文學,應以
又或者,如英籍印度裔文學家魯西迪;以及去 內容、技藝來論高低,而非素材。況乎,就像從不
(2021)年度才獲諾貝爾文學獎的英籍坦尚尼亞 限制其寫作內容的大環境,對不同族群張開雙臂歡
裔小說家古納,作品主要多以故鄉為背景。 迎的社會,才能讓人心之所歸,「我覺得我就是台
如同石黑一雄之言,當跨國移動變得容易,族 灣人,我回去砂拉越,他們也說我是台灣人。我在
群的離散與遷徙,異質文化帶來的刺激與涵容, 台灣40幾年,我的寫作、求學、職業、獎項,都是

of these constitute the strengths of Taiwan’s creative In fact many famous writers elsewhere in the world
environment. “Writing is a private undertaking. You show the same tendency in their writings. “If you took
can write wherever you are. But if you hope that your away writers like Kazuo Ishiguro and Salman Rush-
writing will go down in history, Taiwan is a good place die, modern English literature would lose much of its
to work,” says Lee Yu-cheng, a Malaysian-born scholar charm. If we look at Taiwan, without immigrant writers
who has written on Malaysian-Chinese literature, and like Lee Yung Ping, Chang Kuei Hsing, and Ng Kim
who formerly served as director of the Institute of Chew, or writers with parents from Southeast Asia, like
European and American Studies at Academia Sinica. Fang Hui-chen and Chen Yu-chin, Taiwanese literature
Universality would still exist, but it would certainly lose a lot of its
Writing is indeed a private undertaking, but it’s also luster,” Lee Yu-cheng says.
embedded in the external world. In other words, one Rediscovering meanings
wonders whether those writers “whose work revolves Accordingly, when reading Malaysian-Chinese liter-
around the Malaysian ethnic Chinese experience, but ature—or any other kind of immigrant literature—we
who write within the linguistic context peculiar to Tai- shouldn’t judge a work by its subject, but by its content
wan,” would be able to produce work of the same qual- and the quality of the writing. After all, only when a
ity if they were based in their native country. society gives free rein to creative content, and takes
Chang Kuei Hsing, who has lived in Taiwan for under its wing people of different ethnic backgrounds,
more than 40 years, gives a negative answer. He thinks can it win everyone’s heart.
that maintaining a certain distance from one’s native Chang Kuei Hsing tells us he is embarking on a writ-
place is key. Writing in Malaysia, he says, is different ing project about Lin Wang, an elephant that lived in
from writing about it in another country: “There are Taipei Zoo for many years. Prior to coming to Taiwan,
things that you see more clearly when you observe this much-loved animal was used for military purposes
them from a distance.” in Burma (now Myanmar) during World War II. Like
The “sense of distance” sometimes triggers this re- Chang’s other novels, the new project will involve mar-
sponse from Taiwanese readers: “Why are you always shaling complex historical facts and ethnic issues, but
writing about your native Sarawak, rather than about Chang is confident: “I’ve been turning the idea over in
Taiwan?” Lee Yu-cheng analyzes the psychology of my mind for a long time, so it won’t take long to write.”
Malaysian-born writers this way: “The memories of Recently retired from Academia Sinica, Lee Yu-
childhood and youth embedded deep in their minds cheng has started to write poems again, just as he did
have accrued a sense of distance through physical in his youth. One of them—“Returning to the Fishing
separation and the passage of time. The writers gain Village at Night”—has these lines: “Family love is
creative impetus by ruminating on their memories and like a familiar old book / Whenever I leaf through it,
past experiences.”

台灣給我的。」張貴興相當乾脆地表示。 expecting nothing in particular / New meanings come
採訪當下他亦預告,即將開始動筆下一本新 to light / Or like tea leaves picked from old branches /
To be baked into that sweet fragrance long missed.”
Perhaps for these Malaysian-born writers who share
a dual sense of home, Taiwan is also like “a familiar old
book.” Chang Kuei Hsing’s new novel sends Lin Wang
史、種族牽涉龐雜,但他胸有成竹:「構思已 back from the zoo to the warfront in Southeast Asia,
久,寫起來會很快。」 unearthing a fragment of history that was consigned
近年,才從中研院退休的李有成,重拾年少時 to oblivion. “Leafing through” Taiwan’s history from a
的詩筆,他的詩作〈深夜回到漁村〉,描寫了重 Chinese-Malaysian perspective, writers like Chang re-
遊故鄉馬來西亞吉打州的漁村,觀察到世事流變 discover, enrich—and even create—meanings for their
adoptive island. Though “picked from old branches,”
these meanings exude a sweetness that can stand the
test of time. l
(Lynn Su/photos by Lin Min-hsuan/
但或許,對於這批具有「雙鄉」意識的馬華作 tr. by Brandon Yen)
戰場,透過馬華族群不同視野的重新「翻閱」, 台灣出版自由,廣納百川,馬華族群亦為台灣文學增
Taiwan’s publishing industry enjoys great freedom and
涵,雖同樣是「摘自舊枝」,卻散發出了歷久彌 welcomes a diversity of voices. Malaysian-born writers
have substantially enriched Taiwanese literature.
新的甘味。 l (photo by Kent Chuang)

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