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Nama :sentiana yana

Nim :20200216188
Mata kuliah :bahasa inggris literature
Dosen pengampu :winda patrika embun sari, M.Fil

Give your own perpective about literature. Describe it 200 wards

Literature can be interpreted as asource or reference used in various activities in tehe world of
education or other activitieas. Literature can also be interpreted as a reference used to obtain
certain information. Literature can be in the form of books or various other writings.
All written works that can be used as references or references in various activities in the field of
education and other fields because they are considered to have eternal advantages or benefits.
Another opinion says that the meaning of literature is all sources of information that can be
used as areference by its users. In other words, literature does not have to be in the form of
writing, but can also be in the form of films, recordings, LPs, laser discs, and other objects that
can provide useful information.
A reading material which can be used in all intellectual and recreational activies. Literature as
the origin or sources used in all kinds of activities in science. The following below are some of
the main purposes of using literature, including :
1. To be able to assist users in finding the information they need
2. 2. To strengthen the information that has been generated by the hypothesis or analysis
3. To complete addtional information
Following below, there are several benefits of using literature, namely
Has the benefit of providing an explanation or direct basic information regarding the
problem to be solved you know, thing this is to dispel doubts.

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