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Turmeric (pronounced /ˈt ɜːrmərɪk/, also /ˈt juːmərɪk/[2]) is a flowering plant , Curcuma longa of
t he ginger family, Zingiberaceae, t he rhizomes of which are used in cooking.[3] The plant is a
perennial, rhizomat ous, herbaceous plant nat ive t o t he Indian subcont inent and Sout heast
Asia t hat requires t emperat ures bet ween 20 and 30 °C (68 and 86 °F) and a considerable
amount of annual rainfall t o t hrive. Plant s are gat hered each year for t heir rhizomes, some for
propagat ion in t he following season and some for consumpt ion.

Inflorescence of Curcuma longa

Turmeric rhizome and powder

Scientific classification

Kingdom: Plant ae

Clade: Tracheophyt es

Clade: Angiosperms

Clade: Monocot s

Clade: Commelinids

Order: Zingiberales

Family: Zingiberaceae

Genus: Curcuma

Species: C. longa

Binomial name
Curcuma longa



Curcuma domestica Valet on

The rhizomes are used fresh or boiled in wat er and dried, aft er which t hey are ground int o a
deep orange-yellow powder commonly used as a coloring and flavoring agent in many Asian
cuisines, especially for curries, as well as for dyeing, charact erist ics impart ed by t he principal
t urmeric const it uent , curcumin.[4]

Turmeric powder has a warm, bit t er, black pepper–like flavor and eart hy, must ard-like

Curcumin, a bright yellow chemical produced by t he t urmeric plant , is approved as a food
addit ive by t he World Healt h Organizat ion, European Parliament , and Unit ed St at es Food and
Drug Administ rat ion.[4]

Alt hough long used in Ayurvedic medicine, where it is also known as haridra,[7] t here is no high-
qualit y clinical evidence t hat consuming t urmeric or curcumin is effect ive for t reat ing any

Botanical view of Curcuma longa

Origin and distribution

The great est diversit y of Curcuma species by number alone is in India, at around 40 t o 45
species. Thailand has a comparable 30 t o 40 species. Ot her count ries in t ropical Asia also
have numerous wild species of Curcuma. Recent st udies have also shown t hat t he t axonomy
of Curcuma longa is problemat ic, wit h only t he specimens from Sout h India being ident ifiable
as C. longa. The phylogeny, relat ionships, int raspecific and int erspecific variat ion, and even
ident it y of ot her species and cult ivars in ot her part s of t he world st ill need t o be est ablished
and validat ed. Various species current ly ut ilized and sold as "t urmeric" in ot her part s of Asia
have been shown t o belong t o several physically similar t axa, wit h overlapping local


Turmeric has been used in Asia for cent uries and is a major part of Ayurveda, Siddha medicine,
t radit ional Chinese medicine, Unani,[12] and t he animist ic rit uals of Aust ronesian peoples.[13][14]
It was first used as a dye, and t hen lat er for it s supposed propert ies in folk medicine.[8][9]

From India, it spread t o Sout heast Asia along wit h Hinduism and Buddhism, as t he yellow dye
is used t o color t he robes of monks and priest s. Turmeric has also been found in Tahit i, Hawaii
and East er Island before European cont act .[15] There is linguist ic and circumst ant ial evidence
of t he spread and use of t urmeric by t he Aust ronesian peoples int o Oceania and Madagascar.
The populat ions in Polynesia and Micronesia, in part icular, never came int o cont act wit h India,
but use t urmeric widely for bot h food and dye. Thus independent domest icat ion event s are
also likely.[13][14]

Turmeric was found in Farmana, dat ing t o bet ween 2600 and 2200 BCE, and in a merchant 's
t omb in Megiddo, Israel dat ing from t he second millennium BCE.[16] It was not ed as a dye
plant in t he Assyrians Cuneiform medical t ext s from Ashurbanipal’s library at Nineveh from 7t h
cent ury BCE.[15] In Medieval Europe, t urmeric was called "Indian saffron."[15]


The name possibly derives from Middle English or Early Modern English as turmeryte or
tarmaret. It may be of Lat in origin, terra merita ("merit orious eart h").[17]

Botanical description

Turmeric farm on Deccan Plateau

Turmeric is a perennial herbaceous plant t hat reaches up t o 1 m (3 ft 3 in) t all. Highly
branched, yellow t o orange, cylindrical, aromat ic rhizomes are found.

The leaves are alt ernat e and arranged in t wo rows. They are divided int o leaf sheat h, pet iole,
and leaf blade.[18] From t he leaf sheat hs, a false st em is formed. The pet iole is 50 t o 115 cm
(20–45 in) long. The simple leaf blades are usually 76 t o 115 cm (30–45 in) long and rarely up
t o 230 cm (7 ft 7 in). They have a widt h of 38 t o 45 cm (15 t o 171⁄2 in) and are oblong t o
ellipt ical, narrowing at t he t ip.

Inflorescence, flower, and fruit

Turmeric flower
Wild turmeric, Australia

At t he t op of t he inflorescence, st em bract s are present on which no flowers occur; t hese are

whit e t o green and somet imes t inged reddish-purple, and t he upper ends are t apered.[19]

The hermaphrodit e flowers are zygomorphic and t hreefold. The t hree sepals are 0.8 t o 1.2 cm
(3⁄8 t o 1⁄2 in) long, fused, and whit e, and have fluffy hairs; t he t hree calyx t eet h are unequal.
The t hree bright -yellow pet als are fused int o a corolla t ube up t o 3 cm (11⁄4 in) long. The
t hree corolla lobes have a lengt h of 1.0 t o 1.5 cm (3⁄8–5⁄8 in) and are t riangular wit h soft -
spiny upper ends. While t he average corolla lobe is larger t han t he t wo lat eral, only t he median
st amen of t he inner circle is fert ile. The dust bag is spurred at it s base. All ot her st amens are
convert ed t o st aminodes. The out er st aminodes are short er t han t he labellum. The labellum
is yellowish, wit h a yellow ribbon in it s cent er and it is obovat e, wit h a lengt h from 1.2 t o
2.0 cm (1⁄2 t o 3⁄4 in). Three carpels are under a const ant , t rilobed ovary adherent , which is
sparsely hairy. The fruit capsule opens wit h t hree compart ment s.[20][21][22]

In East Asia, t he flowering t ime is usually in August . Terminally on t he false st em is an

inflorescence st em, 12 t o 20 cm (41⁄2 t o 8 in) long, cont aining many flowers. The bract s are
light green and ovat e t o oblong wit h a blunt upper end wit h a lengt h of 3 t o 5 cm (1 t o 2 in).

Curcumin keto form

Curcumin enol form

Turmeric powder is about 60–70% carbohydrat es, 6–13% wat er, 6–8% prot ein, 5–10% fat , 3–
7% diet ary minerals, 3–7% essent ial oils, 2–7% diet ary fiber, and 1–6% curcuminoids.[8]

Phyt ochemical component s of t urmeric include diarylhept anoids, a class including numerous
curcuminoids, such as curcumin, demet hoxycurcumin, and bisdemet hoxycurcumin.[8][4]
Curcumin const it ut es up t o 3.14% of assayed commercial samples of t urmeric powder (t he
average was 1.51%); curry powder cont ains much less (an average of 0.29%).[23] Some 34
essent ial oils are present in t urmeric, among which t urmerone, germacrone, at lant one, and
zingiberene are major const it uent s.[24][25][26]


Cleaning turmeric rhizomes with boiling water in Myanmar.

Drying turmeric rhizomes in Myanmar.

Turmeric powder
Cooked vegetables with turmeric as one its key ingredients, referred to as Sabzi, a dish from India

Ganghwang-bap (turmeric rice)

Patoleo – sweet rice cakes steamed in turmeric leaves consisting of a filling of coconut and coconut palm sugar
prepared in Goan Catholic style
Turmeric is one of t he key ingredient s in many Asian dishes, impart ing a must ard-like, eart hy
aroma and pungent , slight ly bit t er flavor t o foods.[5][6] It is used most ly in savory dishes, but
also is used in some sweet dishes, such as t he cake sfouf. In India, t urmeric leaf is used t o
prepare special sweet dishes, patoleo, by layering rice flour and coconut -jaggery mixt ure on
t he leaf, t hen closing and st eaming it in a special ut ensil (chondrõ).[27] Most t urmeric is used in
t he form of rhizome powder t o impart a golden yellow color.[5][6] It is used in many product s
such as canned beverages, baked product s, dairy product s, ice cream, yogurt , yellow cakes,
orange juice, biscuit s, popcorn color, cereals, sauces, and gelat in. It is a principal ingredient in
curry powders.[5][28] Alt hough t ypically used in it s dried, powdered form, t urmeric also is used
fresh, like ginger.[28] It has numerous uses in East Asian recipes, such as a pickle t hat cont ains
large chunks of fresh soft t urmeric.

Turmeric is used widely as a spice in Sout h Asian and Middle East ern cooking. Various Iranian
khoresh recipes begin wit h onions caramelized in oil and t urmeric. The Moroccan spice mix ras
el hanout t ypically includes t urmeric. In Sout h Africa, t urmeric is used t o give boiled whit e rice
a golden color, known as geelrys (yellow rice) t radit ionally served wit h bobot ie. In Viet namese
cuisine, t urmeric powder is used t o color and enhance t he flavors of cert ain dishes, such as
bánh xèo, bánh khọt, and mì Quảng. The st aple Cambodian curry past e, kroeung, used in many
dishes, including fish amok, t ypically cont ains fresh t urmeric. In Indonesia, t urmeric leaves are
used for Minang or Padang curry base of Sumat ra, such as rendang, sate padang, and many
ot her variet ies. In t he Philippines, t urmeric is used in t he preparat ion and cooking of Kuning
and Sat ay. In Thailand, fresh t urmeric rhizomes are used widely in many dishes, in part icular in
t he sout hern Thai cuisine, such as yellow curry and t urmeric soup. Turmeric is used in a hot
drink called "t urmeric lat t e" or "golden milk" t hat is made wit h milk, frequent ly coconut milk.[29]
The t urmeric milk drink known as haldi doodh (haldi means t urmeric in Hindi) is a t radit ional
indian recipe. Sold in t he US and UK, t he drink known as "golden milk" uses nondairy milk and
sweet ener, and somet imes black pepper aft er t he t radit ional recipe (which may also use


The golden yellow color of t urmeric is due t o curcumin.[4] It also cont ains an orange-colored
volat ile oil.[28] Turmeric makes a poor fabric dye, as it is not light fast , but is commonly used in
Indian clot hing, such as saris and Buddhist monks' robes.[6] During t he lat e Edo period (1603-
1867), t urmeric was used t o dilut e or subst it ut e more expensive safflower dyest uff in t he
product ion of beni itajime shibori.[30]: 1 
Turmeric is approved for use as a food color, assigned t he code E100.[4][28] The oleoresin is
used for oil-cont aining product s.[4]

In combinat ion wit h annat t o (E160b), t urmeric has been used t o color numerous food
product s.[4][28] Turmeric is used t o give a yellow color t o some prepared must ards, canned
chicken brot hs, and ot her foods—oft en as a much cheaper replacement for saffron.[28][31]


Turmeric dispersed in water is yellow under acid and brown under alkaline conditions

Turmeric paper, also called curcuma paper or in German lit erat ure, Curcumapapier, is paper
st eeped in a t inct ure of t urmeric and allowed t o dry. It is used in chemical analysis as an
indicat or for acidit y and alkalinit y.[32] The paper is yellow in acidic and neut ral solut ions and
t urns brown t o reddish-brown in alkaline solut ions, wit h t ransit ion bet ween pH of 7.4 and

Traditional uses
Curcuma domestica Valeton, a drawing by A. Bernecker around 1860

Khandoba's newer temple in Jejuri, where devotees shower turmeric powder (bhandara) on each other

In 2019, t he European Medicines Agency concluded t hat t urmeric herbal t eas, or ot her forms
t aken by mout h, on t he basis of t heir long-st anding t radit ional use, could be used t o relieve
mild digest ive problems, such as feelings of fullness and flat ulence.[34]

Turmeric grows wild in t he forest s of Sout h and Sout heast Asia, where it is collect ed for use
in classical Indian medicine (Siddha or Ayurveda).[8] In East ern India, t he plant is used as one of
t he nine component s of nabapatrika along wit h young plant ain or banana plant , t aro leaves,
barley (jayanti), wood apple (bilva), pomegranat e (darimba), Saraca indica, manaka (Arum), or
manakochu, and rice paddy. The Haldi ceremony called gaye holud in Bengal (lit erally "yellow
on t he body") is a ceremony observed during wedding celebrat ions of people of Indian cult ure
all t hroughout t he Indian subcont inent .[35]
In Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh, as a part of t he Tamil–Telugu marriage rit ual, dried
t urmeric t uber t ied wit h st ring is used t o creat e a Thali necklace. In west ern and coast al India,
during weddings of t he Marat hi and Konkani people, Kannada Brahmins, t urmeric t ubers are
t ied wit h st rings by t he couple t o t heir wrist s during a ceremony, Kankana Bandhana.[36]

Friedrich Rat zel report ed in The History of Mankind during 1896, t hat in Micronesia, t urmeric
powder was applied for embellishment of body, clot hing, ut ensils, and ceremonial uses.[37]


As t urmeric and ot her spices are commonly sold by weight , t he pot ent ial exist s for powders
of t oxic, cheaper agent s wit h a similar color t o be added, such as lead(II,IV) oxide ("red lead").
These addit ives give t urmeric an orange-red color inst ead of it s nat ive gold-yellow, and such
condit ions led t he US Food and Drug Administ rat ion (FDA) t o issue import alert s from 2013 t o
2019 on t urmeric originat ing in India and Bangladesh.[38] Import ed int o t he Unit ed St at es in
2014 were approximat ely 5.4 million kilograms (12 million pounds) of t urmeric, some of which
was used for food coloring, t radit ional medicine, or diet ary supplement .[39] Lead det ect ion in
t urmeric product s led t o recalls across t he Unit ed St at es, Canada, Japan, Korea, and t he
Unit ed Kingdom t hrough 2016.[39]

Lead chromat e, a bright yellow chemical compound, was found as an adult erant of t urmeric in
Bangladesh, where t urmeric is used commonly in foods and t he cont aminat ion levels were up
t o 500 t imes higher t han t he nat ional limit .[40] Researchers ident ified a chain of sources
adult erat ing t he t urmeric wit h lead chromat e: from farmers t o merchant s selling low-grade
t urmeric root s t o "polishers" who added lead chromat e for yellow color enhancement , t o
wholesalers for market dist ribut ion, all unaware of t he pot ent ial consequences of lead
t oxicit y.[40]

Anot her common adult erant in t urmeric, met anil yellow (also known as acid yellow 36), is
considered by t he Brit ish Food St andards Agency as an illegal dye for use in foods.[41]

Medical research

Turmeric and curcumin have been st udied in numerous clinical t rials for various human
diseases and condit ions, wit h no high-qualit y evidence of any ant i-disease effect or healt h
benefit .[8][9][42][43] There is no scient ific evidence t hat curcumin reduces inflammat ion, as of
2020.[8][9][44] There is weak evidence t hat t urmeric ext ract s may be beneficial for relieving
sympt oms of knee ost eoart hrit is.[45]
See also

Alpinia zerumbet Etlingera elatior

Curcuma xanthorrhiza Kaempferia galanga

Curcuma zedoaria Domesticated plants and animals of



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PMID 33511486 ( . S2CID 231724282 ( .

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The dict ionary definit ion of turmeric at Wikt ionary

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Last edited 12 hours ago by Roxy the dog

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