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5. A. Efigenia M. Tenoso v. Atty. Anselmo S. Echanez Yes. The Supreme Court held that Atty. Echanez is guilty
A.C. No. 8384. April 11, 2013. En Banc (Leonen, J.) of engaging in notarial practice without a notarial
Efigenia M. Tenoso filed a complaint against Atty. Anselmo In this case, Tenoso presented evidence supporting her
S. Echanez, who engaged as a notary public in Cordon, allegation that respondent had notarized various
Isabela, without having been properly commissioned by the documents in Cordon, Isabela from 2006 to 2008 and that
RTC of Santiago City, Isabela. name of Atty. Echanez does not appear on the list of
notaries public commissioned by the RTC of Santiago City,
Isabela for the years 2006 to 2007 and 2007 to 2008.
This alleged act violates Rule III of the 2004 Rules on
To this, Atty. Echanez failed to present evidence to rebut
Notarial Practice (A.M. No. 02- 8-13-SC). To support her
complainant's allegations.
allegations, complainant attached the following documents
to her pleadings:
a. Two documents signed and issued by RTC Santiago The Court emphasized that the duties of notaries public are
City Executive Judge Efren M. Cacatian bearing the dictated by public policy and impressed with public interest.
names of commissioned notaries public within the In misrepresenting himself as a notary public, Atty.
territorial jurisdiction of the RTC of Santiago City for Echanez exposed party-litigants, courts, other lawyers and
the years 2006 to 2007 and 2007 to 2008. Atty. the public to the perils of ordinary documents posing as
Echanez’ name does not appear on either list; public instruments.
b. Copies of ten documents that appear to have been
notarized by Atty. Echanez in the years 2006, 2007, 5. B. ST. LOUIS UNIVERSITY LABORATORY HIGH
c. A copy of a certification issued by Judge Cacatian DELA CRUZ.
stating that a joint affidavit notarized by Atty. Echanez FACTS:
in 2008 could not be "authenticated as to his seal and
signature as no Notarial Commission was issued upon • This is a disbarment case filed by the Faculty
him at the time of the document's notarization." members and Staff of the Saint Louis University-
Laboratory High School (SLU-LHS) against Atty.
On the other hand, Atty. Echanez denied the aforesaid Rolando C. Dela Cruz, principal of SLU-LHS.
allegations. In his two-page Answer, Atty. Echanez stated, Predicated on the following grounds:
"I have never been notarizing any document or pleadings"
and added that he has "never committed any 1. Gross Misconduct - it appears that there is a
malpractice, nor deceit nor have violated [the] lawyers (sic) pending criminal case for child abuse
oath". Likewise, he said that the allegations were allegedly committed by him against a high
“preposterous, full of lies, politically motivated and . . . school student; a pending administrative case
meant to harass or intimidate [him]". Also, he surmised that for his alleged unprofessional and unethical
the documents annexed to the Affidavit-Complaint were acts of misappropriating money supposedly
"tampered and adulterated", or that "[s]omebody might for the teachers; and the pending labor case
have forged [his] signature". He failed to attend the filed by SLU-LHS Faculty, on alleged illegal
mandatory conference and likewise failed to file his deduction of salary by respondent.
Position Paper.
2. Grossly Immoral Conduct – In contracting a
Investigating Commissioner Atty. Salvador B. Hababag second marriage despite the existence of his
recommended that Atty. Echanez be suspended from the first marriage;
practice of law for 6 months and disqualified from being
3. ) Malpractice - In notarizing documents
commissioned as a notary public for 2 years for violating
despite the expiration of his commission,
Rules 1.011 and 10.012 of the Code of Professional
Responsibility. The IBP Board of Governors affirmed with
modifications to increase the penalty of suspension 1 year. • The case was referred to the Integrated Bar of
Atty. Echanez did not file a Motion for Reconsideration or the Philippines (IBP), for investigation, report and
any other subsequent pleading. recommendation.

• The Commissioner Arcery Pacheco

Issue: recommended the penalty of suspension for 2
Whether or not Atty. Echanez is guilty of engaging in years. One year for Gross Immoral Conduct and
notarial practice without a notarial commission. another year for Malpractice.

• The IBP Board of Governors, approved and

1 A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, adopted the recommendation of Commissioner
immoral or deceitful conduct. Pacheco.
2 A lawyer shall not do any falsehood, nor consent to RULING:
the doing of any in court; nor shall he mislead or
allow the Court to be misled by any artifice.
• The court adopted the findings but with the Philippine Bar at a time when he has no
modification on the imposed penalty it opined that authorization or commission to do so, the offender
the practice of law is not a right but a privilege may be subjected to disciplinary action or one,
bestowed by the State on those who show that performing a notarial act without such commission is a
they possess the qualifications required by law for violation of the lawyer’s oath to obey the laws, more
the conferment of such privilege. Membership in specifically, the Notarial Law.
the bar is a privilege burdened with conditions. A
lawyer has the privilege and right to practice law Thus the court increases his penalty for a
only during good behavior, and he can be period of two (2) years, and another two (2)
deprived of it for misconduct ascertained and years for notarizing documents despite the
declared by judgment of the court after expiration of his commission or a total of four
opportunity to be heard has been afforded him. (4) years of suspension.
Without invading any constitutional privilege or
right, an attorney’s right to practice law may be
resolved by a proceeding to suspend, based on 5. C. HEINZ R. HECK vs. JUDGE ANTHONY E. SANTOS
conduct rendering him unfit to hold a license or to A.M. No. RTJ-01-1657. February 23, 2004. EN BANC.
exercise the duties and responsibilities of an CALLEJO, SR., J
attorney. FACTS:
This is a disbarment case filed by Heinz R. Heck
on March 21, 2001. The complainant alleged that prior to
the respondent's appointment as RTC judge on April 11,
In the case at bar, Respondent was already a member 1989, he violated the notarial law wherein Judge Santos,
of the Bar when he contracted the bigamous second was not duly commissioned as notary public until January
marriage in 1989, having been admitted to the Bar in 9, 1984 but still subscribed and forwarded (on a non-
1985. As such, he cannot feign ignorance of the regular basis) notarized documents to the Clerk of Court VI
mandate of the law that before a second marriage starting January 1980 uncommissioned until the 9th of
may be validly contracted, the first and subsisting January 1984.
marriage must first be annulled by the appropriate Heck prayed to order Judge Santos to be
court. This clearly constitute an Immoral Conduct. disbarred, to forfeit retirement benefits, to prohibit practice
of law and to pay all cost of the administrative charges.
As to the charge of misconduct for having
notarized several documents during the years The complainant submitted a certification from
1988-1997 after his commission as notary public Clerk of Court pf Misamis Oriental.
had expired, respondent humbly admitted having In his Answer dated June 13, 2001, the
notarized certain documents despite his respondent judge categorically denied the charges against
knowledge that he no longer had authority to do
so. He, however, alleged that he received no him. He also submitted a certification from Clerk of Court
payment in notarizing said documents. to prove that there was no proper recording of the
commissioned lawyers in the City of Cagayan de Oro as
It has been emphatically stressed that notarization well as the submitted notarized documents/notarial
is not an empty, meaningless, routinary act. On register. He further averred that the complainant has never
the contrary, it is invested with substantive public been privy to the documents notarized and submitted by
interest, such that only those who are qualified or the respondent before the office of the Clerk of Court of the
authorized may act as notaries public. Regional Trial Court of Misamis Oriental, nor his rights
Notarization of a private document converts the prejudiced on account of the said notarized documents and
document into a public one making it admissible in therefore not the proper party to raise the said issues.
court without further proof of its authenticity. A
notarial document is by law entitled to full faith The Office of the Court Administrator
and credit upon its face and, for this reason, recommending the need to resort to a full-blown
notaries public must observe with the utmost care investigation to determine the veracity of the parties'
the basic requirements in the performance of their assertions.
duties. Otherwise, the confidence of the public in The Investigating Justice Edgardo P. Cruz made
the integrity of this form of conveyance would be the following recommendation: “It is recommended that [i]
undermined. respondent (who retired on May 22, 2002) be found guilty
The requirements for the issuance of a commission as of violation of the Notarial Law by (a) notarizing documents
without commission; (b) tardiness in submission of notarial
notary public must not be treated as a mere casual
reports; and (c) non- forwarding of his notarial register to
formality. The Court has characterized a lawyer’s act
the Clerk of Court upon expiration of his commission; and
of notarizing documents without the requisite [ii] that for these infractions, he be suspended from the
commission to do so as "reprehensible, constituting as practice of law and barred from being commissioned as
it does not only malpractice but also x x x the crime of notary public, both for one year, and his present
falsification of public documents." commission, if any, be revoked.”

The Court had occasion to state that where the According to the Investigating Justice, the
notarization of a document is done by a member of respondent did not adduce evidence in his defense, while
the complainant presented documentary evidence to It must be remembered that notarization is not an
support the charges empty, meaningless, routinary act. On the contrary, it is
invested with substantive public interest, such that only
those who are qualified or authorized may act as notaries
May a retired judge charged with notarizing documents
public. Notarization by a notary public converts a private
without the requisite notary commission more than twenty
document into a public one, making it admissible in
years ago be disciplined therefor?
evidence without the necessity of preliminary proof of its
RULING: authenticity and due execution. The requirements for the
YES. The fact that a judge has retired or has otherwise issuance of a commission as notary public must not be
been separated from the service does not necessarily treated as a mere casual formality. The Court has
divest the Court of its jurisdiction to determine the veracity characterized a lawyer's act of notarizing documents
of the allegations of the complaint, pursuant to its without the requisite commission therefore as
disciplinary authority over members of the bench. As we "reprehensible, constituting as it does not only malpractice,
held in Gallos v. Cordero, “The jurisdiction that was ours at but also the crime of falsification of public documents." For
the time of the filing of the administrative complaint was not such reprehensible conduct, the Court has sanctioned
lost by the mere fact that the respondent had ceased in erring lawyers by suspension from the practice of law,
office during the pendency of his case. The Court retains revocation of the notarial commission and disqualification
jurisdiction either to pronounce the respondent public from acting as such, and even disbarment.
official innocent of the charges or declare him guilty In this case, the respondent did not object to the
thereof. A contrary rule would be fraught with injustice and complainant's formal offer of evidence, prompting the
pregnant with dreadful and dangerous implications . . . If Investigating Justice to decide the case on the basis of the
innocent, respondent public official merits vindication of his pleadings filed. Neither did he claim that he was
name and integrity as he leaves the government which he commissioned as notary public for the years 1980 to 1983,
has served well and faithfully; if guilty, he deserves to nor deny the accuracy of the first certification. The
receive the corresponding censure and a penalty proper respondent merely alleged in his answer that "there was no
and imposable under the situation.” proper recording of the commissioned lawyers in the City of
However, recognizing "the proliferation of unfounded or Cagayan de Oro nor of the submitted Notarized
malicious administrative or criminal cases against Documents/Notarial Register." The respondent in this case
members of the judiciary for purposes of harassment," we was given an opportunity to answer the charges and to
issued A.M. No. 03-10-01-SC which took effect on controvert the evidence against him in a formal
November 3, 2003; Thus, in order for an administrative investigation. When the integrity of a member of the bar is
complaint against a retiring or retired judge or justice to be challenged, it is not enough that he deny the charges; he
dismissed outright, the following requisites must concur: (1) must meet the issue and overcome the evidence against
the complaint must have been filed within six months from him.
the compulsory retirement of the judge or justice; (2) the The qualification of good moral character is a
cause of action must have occurred at least a year before requirement which is not dispensed with upon admission to
such filing; and, (3) it is shown that the complaint was membership of the bar. This qualification is not only a
intended to harass the respondent. condition precedent to admission to the legal profession,
In this case, the Administrative Complaint dated but its continued possession is essential to maintain one's
March 21, 2001 was received by the Office of the Court good standing in the profession. The rule is settled that a
lawyer may be suspended or disbarred for any misconduct,
Administrator on March 26, 2001. The respondent retired
even if it pertains to his private activities, as long as it
compulsorily from the service more than a year later, or on
shows him to be wanting in moral character, honesty,
May 22, 2002. Likewise, the ground for disbarment or
probity or good demeanor. Possession of good moral
disciplinary action alleged to have been committed by the
character is not only a prerequisite to admission to the bar
respondent did not occur a year before the respondent's
but also a continuing requirement to the practice of law.
separation from the service. Furthermore,the instant
Pursuant to the foregoing, there can be no other conclusion
complaint was not prima facie shown to be without merit
than that an administrative complaint against an erring
and intended merely to harass the respondent. Clearly,
lawyer who was thereafter appointed as a judge, albeit filed
therefore, the instant case does not fall within the ambit of
only after twenty-four years after the offending act was
the foregoing resolution.
committed, is not barred by prescription. If the rule were
It is settled that a judge may be disciplined for acts otherwise, members of the bar would be emboldened to
committed prior to his appointment to the judiciary. In fact, disregard the very oath they took as lawyers, prescinding
even the new Rule itself recognizes this, as it provides for from the fact that as long as no private complainant would
the immediate forwarding to the Supreme Court for immediately come forward, they stand a chance of being
disposition and adjudication of charges against justices and completely exonerated from whatever administrative
judges before the IBP, including those filed prior to their liability they ought to answer for. It is the duty of this Court
appointment to the judiciary. It need not be shown that the to protect the integrity of the practice of law as well as the
respondent continued the doing of the act or acts administration of justice. No matter how much time has
complained of; it is sufficient that the evidence on record elapsed from the time of the commission of the act
supports the charge on the respondent, considering the complained of and the time of the institution of the
gravity of the offense. complaint. Thus, even the lapse of considerable time,
from the commission of the offending act to the
institution of the administrative complaint, will not • The Commissioner recommended the imposition of the
erase the administrative culpability of a lawyer who penalty of one year suspension from the practice of law
notarizes documents without the requisite authority with a two-year disqualification from reappointment as
therefor. Notary Public, given that she had notarized documents
despite the expiration of her notarial commission.
The supreme penalty of disbarment is meted out
• Atty. Virtusio said that she committed no intentional
only in clear cases of misconduct that seriously affect the
wrongs and that she was but a victim of circumstances.
standing and character of the lawyer as an officer of the
Although she admitted using Mila’s money rather than
court. A tempering of justice is mandated in this case,
pay Stateland with it, she explained that, having been
considering that the complaint against the respondent was
busy attending to her sick son in Manila, she failed to
filed twenty-four years after the commission of the act
monitor her check disbursements, entrusting it to an
complained of; that there was no private offended party
office staff.
who came forward and claimed to have been adversely
• Atty. Virtusio averred that she and Mila entered into a
affected by the documents so notarized by the respondent;
verbal agreement whereby she would pay her P
and, the fact that the respondent is a retired judge who
200,000.00, with P 87,500.00 up front, in exchange for
deserves to enjoy the full measure of his well-earned
Mila’s dismissal of all her actions. Atty. Virtusio claimed
retirement benefits. The Court finds that a fine of P5,000.00
that it obliterated her liabilities, given that she
is justified in this case.
substantially settled her obligations to Mila.
• Further, the charges against her were not born of some
5. D. MILA VIRTUSIO VS ATTY. GRENALYN V. professional relation between Mila and her. She had
VIRTUSIO acted as an accommodation party, allowing Mila to make
use of her personal checks to facilitate the purchase of a
September 5, 2012 property from Stateland. And, assuming that it has a
Abad, J. bearing on her professional conduct, the same does not
amount to grossly immoral conduct since she owned up
FACTS: to her responsibilities and exerted tireless effort to settle
• Mila filed a complaint for disbarment against her her accounts.
husband’s distant relative, Atty Virtusio, alleging that Atty • Atty. Virtusio claimed that she should not be penalized
Virtusio persuaded her to buy a house and lot at North for violation of the notarial law since this offense did not
Olympus Subdivision in Novaliches, with Stateland as form part of the original complaint to which she was
the developer. Mila agreed for Atty Virtusio to use her required to respond. At any rate, she merely committed
personal checks in paying the seller with Mila an oversight. She had religiously renewed her notarial
reimbursing her. Under this arrangement, Mila gave a commission yearly. When she notarized the questioned
total of 440K to Atty. Virtusio. documents, she believed in good faith that she had
• To her surprise, however, Mila began receiving letters renewed her notarial commission.
from Stateland, demanding that she make good the
dishonored checks that it got. Atty Virtusio assured her ISSUE: Whether or not the IBP erred in finding Atty Virtusio
that she would take care of the problem. guilty of grave misconduct in her dealings with Mila and in
• Mila, for fear of losing the property, directed to stateland notarizing documents without a renewed commission
and found out that her arrearages had come close to
200K. In order not to lose the property, Mila and her
husband decided to settle their overdue obligation with
money they borrowed at high interest
• Mila further alleged that Atty. Virtusio declined to return Violation of Notarial Practice Rules
to her the money the latter misappropriated despite
demand. Only when Mila threatened to file a case • Although the IBP discovered this violation of the notarial
against her did Atty. Virtusio agree to pay her by law only in the course of the proceedings and was not a
executing a deed of sale in her favor covering her Mazda subject matter of Mila s complaint, it cannot close its
car. Despite the sale, Atty. Virtusio refused to give up the eyes to the same.
car. • Her defense is that she thought that she had renewed
• Mila filed a replevin case against Atty. Virtusio. However, her commission. Such is unsubstantial. She could not
Atty. Virtusio had managed to register the car in her have missed the fact that she did not renew her notarial
children’s name and sold it to a third person. Mila filed a commission for 2 years, considering that she said that
case of estafa against Atty. Virtusio apart from the she had been renewing her commission yearly from
present disbarment case. 1995 to 2005.
• Mila claimed that Atty. Virtusio engaged in conduct that • A lawyer who notarizes a document without a proper
discredits the legal profession, all in violation of the Code commission violates his lawyer’s oath to obey the
of Professional Responsibility, rendering her unfit to law. He makes it appear that he is commissioned when
remain a member of the bar. he is not. He thus indulges in deliberate falsehood that
• The Court also referred the case to the IBP for the lawyer’s oath forbids.
investigation, report, and recommendation. • As she had notarized only 2 documents, her suspension
• The IBP Investigating Commissioner reported having from notarial practice for 1 year is adequate.
found that Atty. Virtusio appropriated portions of the • That Mila had agreed after some financial settlement to
money that Mila gave her for payment to Stateland, thus withdraw her complaint against Atty. Virtusio cannot
evidencing her moral unfitness to practice the profession. exempt the latter from the prescribed sanction. She has
outraged the country s professional code and this • Respondent filed a manifestation attaching thereto
demands a measure of justice. the affidavit of desistance of complainant which
reads in part:
Gross misconduct (not related) Ako na si, VICTORINA BAUTISTA CAPA, x x x matapos
• Atty Virtusio is guilty of gross misconduct that warrants makapanumpa ng naaayon sa batas ay malaya at
her suspension for one year from the practice of law. kusang loob na nagpapahayag ng mga sumusunod:
• She admitted misusing the money that Mila entrusted to 1. Na ako ang siyang tumatayong nagrereklamo laban
her for payment to Stateland. She lost track of her kay Abogado, SERGIO EXQUIVEL BERNABE, sa isang
finances and mixed up her office funds with her personal kaso sa Tanggapan ng Integrated Bar of the Philippines
funds. She tried to borrow money from a third person to na may Blg. CBD CASE NO. 04-1371;
cover it up. 2. Na ang nasabing habla ay hindi ko kagustuhan
• She cannot absolve herself of liability by claiming that sapagkat iyon ay pinapirmahan lamang sa akin ni
she failed to attend to her finances because she had to ELISEO OLOROSO at ng kanyang Abogado na si Atty.
look after a sick child. If this were so, she could have
MARCIAL MORFE MAGSINO at sa katunayan hindi ako
easily rectified her mistake by using her other funds.
nakaharap sa Notaryo Publiko na si Abogado CARLITOS
• To cover up her fault, she executed a Deed of Sale
covering her car in Mila’s favor rather than return the C. VILLARIN;
money. However, she withheld possession of the car and 3. Na ang pagpapapirma sa akin ay isang panlilinlang
transferred its registration in the name of her children. at ako ay ginawang kasangkapan para sirain ang
magandang pangalan nitong si Abogado SERGIO
Rule 1.01 A lawyer shall not engage in unlawful, dishonest, ESQUIVEL BERNABE;
immoral or deceitful conduct. 4. Na dahil sa ganitong pangyayari, aking hinihiling sa
Tanggapan ng Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP)
CANON 7 A LAWYER SHALL AT ALL TIMES UPHOLD na ang reklamo ko laban sa nasabing Abogado SERGIO
PROFESSION AND SUPPORT THE ACTIVITIES OF THE • The IBP suspended the respondent from
INTEGRATED BAR practicing law for 1 month and revoked his notarial
commission for a period of 1 year.
Rule 7.03 A lawyer shall not engage in conduct that
adversely reflects on his fitness to practice law, nor shall Issue: Whether respondent violated the Notarial Practices Act.
he, whether in public or private life, behave in a scandalous (YES)
manner to the discredit of the legal profession.
5. E. VICTORINA BAUTISTA vs. ATTY. SERGIO E. • The records sufficiently established that Basilia
BERNABE was already dead when the joint affidavit was
A.C. No. 6963 February 9, 2006 prepared on January 3, 1998. Respondent’s
YNARES-SANTIAGO, J alleged lack of knowledge of Basilia’s death does
not excuse him. It was his duty to require the
Facts: personal appearance of the affiant before affixing
• Complainant alleged that on January 3, 1998, his notarial seal and signature on the instrument.
respondent prepared and notarized a Magkasanib • A notary public should not notarize a document
na Salaysay purportedly executed by Donato unless the persons who signed the same are the
Salonga and complainant’s mother, Basilia de la very same persons who executed and personally
Cruz. Both affiants declared that a certain parcel appeared before him to attest to the contents and
of land in Bigte, Norzagaray, Bulacan, was being truth of what are stated therein. The presence of
occupied by Rodolfo Lucas and his family for the parties to the deed will enable the notary
more than 30 years. Complainant claimed that her public to verify the genuineness of the signature of
mother could not have executed the joint affidavit the affiant.
on January 3, 1998 because she has been dead • By affixing his signature and notarial seal on the
since January 28, 1961. instrument, he led us to believe that Basilia
• Respondent denied that he falsified the personally appeared before him and attested to
Magkasanib na Salaysay. He disclaimed any the truth and veracity of the contents of the
knowledge about Basilia’s death. He alleged that affidavit when in fact it was a certain Pronebo who
before he notarized the document, he requested signed the document.
for Basilia’s presence and in her absence, he • Respondent’s conduct is fraught with dangerous
allowed a certain Pronebo, allegedly a son-in-law possibilities considering the conclusiveness on the
of Basilia, to sign above the name of the latter as due execution of a document that our courts and
shown by the word "by" on top of the name of the public accord on notarized documents.
Basilia. Respondent has clearly failed to exercise utmost
• Respondent maintained that there was no forgery diligence in the performance of his function as a
since the signature appearing on top of Basilia’s notary public and to comply with the mandates of
name was the signature of Pronebo. the law.
• Respondent was also remiss in his duty when he
allowed Pronebo to sign in behalf of Basilia. A
member of the bar who performs an act as a
notary public should not notarize a document
unless the persons who signed the same are the
very same persons who executed and personally
appeared before him.
• The acts of the affiants cannot be delegated to
anyone for what are stated therein are facts of
which they have personal knowledge. They
should swear to the document personally and not
through any representative. Otherwise, their
representative’s name should appear in the said
documents as the one who executed the same.
That is the only time the representative can affix
his signature and personally appear before the
notary public for notarization of the said
document. Simply put, the party or parties who
executed the instrument must be the ones to
personally appear before the notary public to
acknowledge the document.
• The notarial commission of respondent Atty.
Sergio E. Bernabe, is REVOKED. He is
DISQUALIFIED from reappointment as Notary
Public for a period of two years. He is also
SUSPENDED from the practice of law for a period
of one year, effective immediately.

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