Answers To Questions Raised During Econference On Draft IS8002

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Question: Part of Cl. perhaps should read (suggested change in quotes):
Where the cross section of the member varies within the length Lm, the "minimum" value
of ry and the maximum value of xt should be used.
Since ry is in numerator and xt in denominator. Also, it might be a good idea to explain
the basis of the magic formula given in this clause, may be in a commentary. Formulae
corresponding to values given in various tables or graphs will help software developers .

-Rudra Nevatia
I agree to the point of Mr. Rudra, those tables, charts in code should be accompanied
with the related formulas. This is not only useful for programming; it will also give clear
picture of properties/relationship of various parameters of the structure. It will also help
in designing the members (by hearting formulae) even if charts are not available.
Ans: For all the tables and charts presented in the IS: 800 draft equations have been
presented to the extent they are available. Explanations of the equations in the codes will
be presented in the commentary.

Question: I went to Himachal Pradesh when last incident of cloud burst was take place.
We don't have any provisions of such disasters in any of our IS codes and over there I
saw a whole bridge was taken away by flash flood so I just want to say that can we make
any arrangements in codes for particularly in this type of areas so we can save more lives
.I think the factor of safety in this type of region should be more as compare to other
areas. -Mihir Joshi

Ans: Such flooding due to cloud burst and the corresponding bridge pier scouring/
washout are a part of hydraulic studies while planning a bridge. The corresponding force
on piers is a part of bridge sub-structure code. These are outside the scope of IS: 800.

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Question: Not much has been mentioned about local buckling which is an important
factor for using hollow sections esp when one of the walls of the columns connected to a
beam or a tension of compression member. It may be critical for free lips of H sections
when under compression. Such criteria exists for cold-formed sections for thicknesses
upto 8 mm (BS 5950). Can the same be extended further for sections of higher
thicknesses-Vijay Patil
I agree with Vijay. In fact I would suggest that RHS and CHS should be covered in a
different code altogether . - Rudra Nevatia
Ans: Adherence to the b/t limits given in Table 3.1 will ensure that buckling will not take
place in hot rolled /fabricated sections

Question: So far I have not come across any guideline in the draft code for flexural
members braced along tension flange. This is a very common occurrence in continuous
construction - Rudra Nevatia
Ans: Such information is to be obtained from specialist literature. However using the
code provisions one can conservatively design such bottom compression flange,
conservatively, by assuming the beam upto point of inflection as a cantilever.

Question:There seems to be a discrepancy between Cl. and Cl. 9.2.2. Perhaps Cl. should just point to Cl. 9.2.2. . - Rudra Nevatia
Ans: We do not see any discrepancy. The limiting shear above which the moment
capacity should be decreased.

Question: I was particularly looking for 1 clause contained in the current IS800, which
limits the web. Flange thickness of primary member to 4mm and secondary member to
2mm. I could not find it in the draft. Is it proposed to do away with this requirement?
- Sundar Chandramouli
Ans: The minimum thickness requirement from durability point of view has not been
included in the draft code since the durability requirement in section 15 of the draft code
would ensure adequate protection for all thicknesses.

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Question: There was a query on 10% stiffness at base of column. This requirement was
introduced in British Code. A paper was published on the subject in Structural Engineer
in '80s. If I remember correctly, the idea was to provide for *some* moment for design of
components downwards of column base. Perhaps a better solution would be to assume
the column as pinned at base and design base plate, pedestal and footing for 10% of the
moment capacity of column.- - Rudra Nevatia
Ans: Section 4.3.4 provision on pedestal and foundation modeling could ensure this and
is similar to BS 5950 clause

Question: I was looking for slenderness coefficients for columns supporting trusses but I
could not get it. The previous code (APPENDIX - H) if i am right, had a very clear
pictorial presentation for slenderness coefficient for industrial structures; this seems to
be missing in this code. Appendix - E, which deals with this, seems to be silent on what I
am looking for. If there are any other references to column - truss combination
-R. Narendrakumar
Ans: Appendix E in draft IS: 800 is similar to Appendix C in old code and contains all
the recommendation for industrial building column. As far as the boundary conditions to
be used in these columns the designer needs to understand the boundary condition in
actual design. Unless the top of the column is laterally restrained against translation by
bracing system sway restraint cannot be assumed.

Question: In continuation with the view points of Mr. Jignesh Shah I would like to point
out that neither in the earlier IS: 800 nor in the newly drafted IS: 800 has any provision
of relative displacement of the top of rail while the crane is in operation. In industry
buildings with high crane capacity relative displacement of the top of rail becomes a
critical aspect from serviceability point of view. A definite recommendation in this reg ard
in given by the Russian Code of practice is reproduced below with heavy service
conditions. Refer Clause No. 10.7 & Table46 of Snip II - B.3-72
1> H/2500 (with plane structural scheme)
2> H/4000 (with 3D structural scheme)
where, H = Height of column from u/s of column to the top of crane rail It has been
observed the above clauses make the frame very heavy and thereby uneconomic. So the

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plant owners for smooth serviceability of crane and to reduce vibration have restricted
the relative displacement to 10mm to 15mm. So I would request the Committee members
of IS: 800 to introduce a clause, which will be a guideline for the relative displacement of
the top of the rail -Alokes Guha
Ans: We will introduce a restriction on the relative displacement between rails of a crane
as suggested. We would like to obtain some suggestion for this, as well as details of
similar restriction available in other codes.

Question: What are the measures to be taken in case of composite construction where
there may be different cases of only columns are composite and the beams are not or vice
versa .Coming to Design of composite structures it is not mentioned at all except in the
appendix that to for vibration of floors. But in India composite steel deck floor are still
not used because the codes are not available. Neither the clients nor the manufacturers
want to spend on experimental design. In India the steel structure can be economical if it
is used as a composite structure. One of the INSDAG's publications for design of
composite floors (deck span) clearly says that the design example is based on BS 5950 as
no mention of it is found in IS: 800 now that the code is being revised it is necessary to
incorporate composite section designs. - Vijay Patil
Ans: There is a special code IS: 11384 for the design of composite structures.

Question: I want the fig points to be considered: -

1. I worked in a cement plant. Whatever the air pollution control equipments are
installed, there is dust near junction points of conveyors etc., packin g plant too. Hence
whenever design of trusses are made, invariably suitable dust load may have to be taken
.- S.Lakshmanan
Ans: The dust load may have to included under live load in situation as mentioned above.
But this has to be specified either by client or in IS:875

Question: .it is better we include the Z purlin -.- S.Lakshmanan

Ans: Z purlins have to be designed based on either IS: 801 or the tables provided by
manufacturer, which are developed based on test.

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Question: .H section I beams are to be adopted in eqplaces.- S.Lakshmanan
Ans: Comment not clear

Question: For Industrial structures design, Crane load is considered as Occasional load
since crane may not be operating with full capacity all the time. Hence while combining
with Wind/Seismic loads, building structure is designed for either, \Reduced Wind/EQ
load or Zero/reduced crane lifted load (Not wheel load) with full wind/Seismic load.
These provisions are probabilistic in nature and varies across codes. For example Article
1612.3.2 of Section 1612 of UBC-1997 states "Crane hook loads need not be combined
with roof live load or with more than three fourth of snow load or one half of the wind
load". Load combination specified in Table 5.1 of IS: 800 Draft (Line 2) matches with
above criteria where WL/EL factor is specified as 0.6 ( 1.2x 50 % WL) with full crane
load Alternate to this combination is another case where full wind/Seismic load is
combined with zero/reduced crane lifted capacity. IS: 800:1984 (Article as well
as IS: 800 draft (Article 3.5.5) makes statement " While investigating the effect of
earthquake forces, the resulting effect from dead loads of all cranes parked in each bay
positioned to cause maximum effect shall be considered.” This means that along with
seismic only (emphasis mine) dead loads of cranes shall be considered i.e. lifted load
need not be considered. Going to Table 5.1 of IS: 800 Draft crane load factor specified
is0.53 with full seismic load. To my understanding factor 0.53 is derived by 1.05 x 50 %
crane wheel load. As we know wheel load is factor of (crab weight + bridge weight +
lifted load) and only (crab weight + bridge weight) will not total to 50 % of maximum
wheel load derived with full lifted capacity. This means part of lifted load is inbuilt in
combination involving seismic load. This shall not be a problem except that article 3.5.5
from draft code shall be removed to avoid confusion. Also, since percentage of lifted load
that gets inbuilt is unknown, determining transverse surge loads under this condition will
involve some back calculation. Surge load is dependent only on crab weight and
lifted load, which needs to be extracted from wheel load calculated above In order to
avoid this problem, a better solution will be to specify percentage of lifted load to be used
with Wind/Seismic. I have come across some international norms, which specifies 50 %
lifted load with wind and 20 % lifted load with seismic load. - Jignesh shah

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Ans: We should debate this item and may be arrive at a factor like 20% eventually
Industrial structures are alone candidates for steel construction in India and hence crane
loads are important. - A R Chandrasekaran.
The code recommends use of reduced live load factor (1.2) when used with EL/WL.
Further, an accompanying live load factor is further reduced in such a combination. In all
these cases the crane load may be leading accompanying load, depending upon its
magnitude relative to other live loads. As far the calculation of earthquake forces only
dead load of crane is to be considered since the suspended load is not likely to experience
the inertia force due to earthquake.

Question: Automated fabrication finds welding on only one side of the I section more
economical & experiments have proven these to be effective. IS 800 is silent on the
fabrication detail, even if some illustrations indicate the flange welded to both sides of
the web— Sundar
Ans: The norm is to use fillet welds on both sides of the web, intermittent unless
designed for fatigue .In thin walled construction used in Pre-engineered building weld
from one side would usually be either partial or full penetration butt weld and is
acceptable, provided distortion due to single side welding is avoided.

Question: Buckling behaviour (both local & overall buckling) of n on-prismatic members
(which are the norm in PEB) are not detailed in IS 800. What factors are to be used?
Ans: The local buckling has to be checked using clauses associated with Fig 3.1 and table
3.1 for non-prismatic member also. The overall buckling of columns of non – prismatic
section can be checked using equivalent slenderness ratio suggested in stability text
books (Timoshenko and Gere). The lateral buckling of non-prismatic beams is dealt with
in Appendix.F

Question: Most of the PEB systems rely on experimental values determined & published
by MBMA for the entire system behaviour (including diaphragm action of the wall / roof
cladding) and safety factors / coefficients used accordingly. This results in substantial
savings in material & cost. This is part of the pioneering work done by an eminent

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Engineer of Indian origin in the US. Can these results be used as a basis to design
systems, which deviate from IS 800? - Sundar
Ans: Yes, Refer Section: 14 Design Assisted by Testing

Question: May I request that some guidance on corrosion allowance and its implication
on use of cold formed steel be included in IS 800. - (B. J. Gupta)
Ans: The corrosion protection measures in general are discussed in Section 15. The
design of cold-formed steel members should be as per IS: 801. Nevertheless section 15
may be used for cold-formed steel members also.

Question: The definitions of INTERNAL ELEMENTS and OUTSIDE ELEMENTS

defined in Clause 3.7.2 are not very clear. Can these to explained further using
figures / diagrams. – Amit
Ans: We will add a statement such as “web of I-section and flange and web of box
section” internal elements and flange over hang of an I section stem of T section and legs
of angle section” in outside elements.

Question: Refer to Note: 5 of Table 3.1. If r1 is the ratio of actual average axial
compressive stress to design compressive stress of web alone and r2 is the ratio of actual
average axial compressive stress to design compressive stress of overall section, then
under what circumstances can the values of r1 and r2 be negative as indicated in Table
3.1 for web of I-H or box section? Please clarify. -Amit
Ans: r1 and r2 will be negative when the numerator of these ratios namely actual average
axial stress is tensile in nature.

Question: For a section consisting of 2 Is' or 2 channels placed at certain distance

centre to centre or back to back, what is the criteria to determine whether the compound
section is plastic or compact or semi-compact or slender so that its capacity in bending
in either directions can be estimated. This will be required specifically for columns of
above sections subjected to compression and simultaneous bi-axial bending. -Amit
Ans: The classification of such built-up section be governed by the classification of
individual sections.

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Question: While as I agree with Prof. Chandrasekaran's point of allowing larger 'R'
value for steel structures, I will like to draw attention to mismatch between IS: 800 and
IS: 1893 in R values.
1. Ordinary moment frames (OMF) per IS:1893 (Table 7 item (1) i) is 3.0. Please read
with foot note 20 which states frames detailed per IS: 456 or IS: 800, there by meaning
this is applicable for steel frames also.
'R' value for similar frame is provided as 4.0 in Table 12.1 Sr no. 2 a) in IS:800 draft.
While as it is understandable that for steel frame 4.0 is more logical value, per reason
cited by Prof. Chandrasekaran below, the appropriate place to define it is IS: 1893 using
which an engineer determines seismic forces. Since, IS: 1893 is already published, it
makes sense to eliminate table 12.1 from IS: 800 draft-Jignesh
Ans: “Value of R in table 12.1 is to be used, if provisions of section 12 are followed.
Also IS: 1893 does not specify R-values for designed as per LSM or Section 12

Question: The following clause is not clear

The definition in clause 16.2(a) ii states "Members with more than one face in contact
with a concrete or masonry floor or wall may be treated as three-sided fire exposure."
Does that mean the member (say a column) enclosed from all four sides by brickwork
would still be treated as three sided fire exposure??- Vijay Patil
Ans: For the purpose of fire exposure it is to be taken so conservatively. But the effect of
protection received due to enclosure of the member treated separately.

Question: Sub: Crane load combinations in draft IS:800

IS 875 (Part 2) indicates four classes of cranes and points to IS:807 for definition of the
four classes of cranes. The probability of operating to full capacity is highest for class 4
cranes and lowest for class 1 crane. As per IS:807, a crane is classified as class 4 crane
if (1) it is operated for atleast 500 hours per year; (2) lifted load is more than 2/3 rd of
the safe load atleast 1000 times in a year and (3) the speed of operation of crab and
crane is more than 100 meters per minute. The mean return period for wind load as per
IS:875 is 50 years. The return period for our Himalayan earthquakes is reported to be
about 100 years; and they last for less than a minute. The chances of simultaneous
occurrence of full crane load along with either max wind load or max earthquake load

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can very well be imagined. Now, in section 1.2, of the draft IS:800, the "Accompanying
load" is defined as the live load of lower magnitude which may act together with a
leading imposed load. In an industrial structure, invariably, the crane load will be
considered the main imposed load not leading when checking for collapse under
wind/earthquake and the roof live load will be considered as accompanying imposed
load. Referring to Table 5.1, it is seen that full crane load may have to be combined with
either full wind load or with full earthquake load. This is not correct. The load
combinations involving crane loads has been dealt with in detail in IS:4247 (Part 2)
"Code of Practice for Structural Design of Surface Hydroelectric Power Station: Part 2:
Superstructure". Crane loads have been considered as distinct from Live loads in this
Table 1 of above code gives increase in permissible stresses for 7 load combinations as
(1) DL + LL + Moving crane, loaded to half capacity + Normal Tail Water Level: 0%
(2) DL + LL + Standing crane, loaded to full capacity + Normal TWL: 0%
(3) DL + LL + Moving crane, loaded to half capacity + Normal TWL + WL + Temp:
(4) DL + LL + Moving crane, loaded to full capacity + Normal TWL + Temp: 25%
(5) DL + LL + Standing crane, unloaded + Normal TWL + EL: 33 1/3 %
(6) DL + LL + Moving crane, loaded to half capacity + Maximum TWL + Temp: 33
(7) DL + Temporary or Construction load: 25%
Though IS 875 considers crane load and live load as part of imposed load, it will be more
reasonable to separate out crane load from live load and other imposed loads. I suggest
the following load combinations for limit state of strength:
(1) 1.5 DL + 1.5 LL + 1.5 CL (Moving crane, 50% lifted load)
(2) 1.5 DL + 0.75 LL + 1.5 CL (Moving crane, loaded to full capacity)
(3) 1.5 DL + 1.5 CL (Moving crane, 50% lifted load) + 1.5 WL
(4) 1.5 DL + 1.5 CL (Standing crane, unloaded) + 1.5 EL
(5) 0.9 DL + 0.9 CL (Moving crane, 50% lifted load) + 1.5 WL
(6) 0.9 DL + 0.9 CL (Standing crane, unloaded) + 1.5 EL

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(7) 1.2 DL + 1.2 LL + 1.2 CL (Moving crane 50% capacity) + 1.2 WL
(8) 1.2 DL + 1.2 LL + 1.2 CL (Standing crane, unloaded) + 1.2 EL
(9) 1.2 DL + 0.6 LL + 1.2 CL (Moving crane, full capacity) + 0.6 WL
Load combinations containing erection loads and accidental loads can be as per the
present draft.- S.P.Srinivasan
Ans: Same as the answer given earlier for crane load factor

.Question: Sub: Clause 3.7.2 in draft IS:800

I think that the paragraph "In such cases, the effective sections ..... section limit"
should be attached to "d) Slender ..... " itself .and should not be a separate paragraph
Ans: yes.

Question: The definition of average thickness of tapered elements may be given in this
document itself, instead of referring to SP:6 -S.P.Srinivasan
Ans : The value depends on section profile and the actual average thickness are specified
in the section handbook .

Question: I am unable to understand Table 3.1 "Limiting width to thickness ratio"

fully.(1) The first item under the heading "Compression element" contains two
expressions "Outstanding element of compression flange" and "Internal element of
compression flange". There seems to be some error here. .- S.P.Srinivasan
Ans: "Outstanding element of compression flange" means compression flange of 'I' or
"C" section, which is outstanding from web. For "I" section this values is half flange
width. For box type closed section (rectangular or Square) compression flange is
supported by two webs. For this case, portion of the flange inside webs is defined as
"Internal element of compression flange". If same section has part of flange projecting
beyond webs, that part shall be treated as "Outstanding element of compression flange"
Ans: The outstand width should be one half of total flange width I section, and width of
plates between supporting plates in box section as shown in Fig 3.1


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Question: The load factor for Notional Horizontal Loads is not defined anywhere. I
suppose it should be same as that for DL and LL. Should we consider Notional
Horizontal Load when considering crane loads (which themselves contain some
horizontal loads) ? -S.P.Srinivasan
Ans: Your first understanding is right. Load factor for notional horizontal loads shall be
same as DL &LL. These shall not be combined with other horizontal loads. See Article b) which clearly states this.- Jignesh
Notional loads are to be used only under gravity load combination, in order to account for
moments generated by sway of frames (P-∆ effect)

Question: The value of alpha as defined below the second expression for Tdn.(Clause
6.3.3 Single Angles) Alpha is defined as "0.6 for one or two bolts, 0.7 for three bolts, and
0.8 for four or more bolts in the end connection or equivalent weld length "How do we
interpret "or equivalent weld length"? Equivalence between weld length and no of bolts
will get influenced by diameter of bolts and by the throat thickness of the weld. If a
welded joint is provided, how do we calculate alpha? After a more careful study of clause
6.3.3, I understand that Tdn, the design strength due to rupture of critical section is not
applicable to welded joints since there are no holes at a welded joint. But I still cannot
understand the presence of the term "or equivalent weld length" in the definition for
alpha. S.P.Srinivasan
Ans: Clause 6.3.3 seems to be for tearing off of section and not for shear. Since in single
angles only one leg is connected either by weld or by bolted joints diagonal tearing off of
the connected leg alone might lead to rupture. The cross sectional area of plane of rupture
may be less for single bolted joint and will increase with the number of bolts. Hence the
variation of alpha from 0.6 to 0.8 is understandable. I think 0.8 should be for 4 bolts and
above joints and for welded joints. -Narendrakumar.
Section 6.3.3 deals with failure of angles by tearing of net section at end connection,
where shear lag may cause in the outstanding leg stresses less than ultimate stress. The
first equation is the section in terms of β accounts for this effect more exactly. The
second equation in terms of α is approximate and is to be used in preliminary design. In


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case of welds this will actually depend upon, if the welds are transverse, longitudinal or
combined. Designer has to hence use an judgment to arrive at equivalent bolts

Question : I find that a foreword is missing. For a code, which recommends a change
from the way we have been designing steel, this is a MUST. We are moving from ASD (or
working stress design) to limit state design and various concepts need to be expanded. I
am also not sure why we are not going into LRFD instead of Limit State. The foreword
needs to elaborate the departures from the earlier IS 800-1984, the change in the
philosophy of design and the whys and how is of it. Without this explanation and a
concise summary of the changes proposed, it is very difficult to understand the full
impact of this revision.-Alpha
Ans: Yes, foreword will be added. However detailed explanation and derivatives will not
be in the foreword but in the commentary.

Question: SECTION 1
a) There is a very expanded terminology as compared to the IS 800-1984.
I had suggestions for the following definitions:
i) Compact Section: While the definition is quite succinct, it needs to be expanded in view
of the importance of the concept being discussed. There may be an appendix elaborating
the concept with a diagram showing the bending stress distribution for different classes
of sections- Compact vs. semi-compact vs. Slender.- S.P.Srinivasan
Ans: This is given in section 3.7

Question: ii) Design Load/Factored Load - "A load value obtained by multiplying the
characteristic load with a load factor, which is generally implies it can be less than one
also greater than one."
The definition suggests that load factor is generally greater than 1.0 We know that this is
not true in load combinations of dead with wind or earthquake and this part of the
sentence ".(load factor), which is generally one" may be removed. .- S.P.Srinivasan
Ans: The statement is generally (not always) greater than one, which is true in all cases
except when gravity load contributes to stability (see footnote in table 5.1). We can
eliminate the “ which is generally greater than one” from the definition.


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Question: iii) Instability - "The phenomenon which leads to the inability of an element,
member or a structure to carry further load resulting in lateral deflection to the
direction of loading and reducing stiffness." There could be other reasons of instability
than eccentric deflection and this part of the definition from "due to eccentric deflection
lateral to.." may be deleted. .- S.P.Srinivasan
Ans: The word eccentric could be removed.

Question: iv) Period of Structural Inadequacy - This should be renamed as "Period of

Structural Inadequacy for Fire"
Ans: Yes , we will say “ under fire”

Question: v) Semi Compact Section- Comment same as for Compact Section

.- S.P.Srinivasan
Ans: See section 3.7

Question: vi) Stability Limit State - A limit state corresponding to the loss of static
equilibrium of a structure by excessive deflection transverse to the direction of
predominant loads.
Again, the last part of the definition from "by excessive deflection.." may be , eliminated
as loss of static equilibrium may occur due to other reasons also.-Alpha
Ans: Overturning is different from the buckling of frame referred to here.

Question: Section 2. 2.2.4 Properties:

I was happy to see that the physical properties have been added in a consolidated
manner and one no longer has to scrounge around searching for them. The draft code
has done away with conformance specifications for washers, concrete and other
materials. I wonder why. I for one would have been happier if they had included more
materials such as studs used in composite construction (such as flooring with metal
decking and concrete topping).-Alpha
Ans: The code aims at giving guidelines and information for design of general
construction in steel. Specifications for manufacture, erection, installation and for the
production of proprietary patented items cannot be included. Neither can guidelines for


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design of specific structures or shapes be given. Studs and metal decking will be treated
in IS: 11384.

Question: Section 3
"It is quite evident that the code writers would like LSDM to be the design methodology
in the years to come and the intent of retaining ASD (WSD) is only to give transition time
to people to switch over.
Clause 3.5 Load Combinations
I agree with Jignesh that the entire details for crane loading may be removed for here
and reference be made to IS 875 part 2 for crane loadings. This should also include, as
he has mentioned elsewhere, that some % of lifted load for wind and earthquake load
needs to be considered as against the 3.5.5 clause implying that no lifted load need be
considered. Also as Vipul has brought out, the IS 875 should specify the bumper impact
loads therein.
On the same lines I think blast loading should be addressed separately in a code for blast
resistant design and referenced herein.
Clause 3.7.2 .-Alpha
Ans: See the response to similar question answered earlier

Question: As Amit has stated, the terminology "internal elements" and "outside
elements" need to be explained with figures. .-Alpha
Ans: See answer given earlier

Question: Table 3.1 Limiting Width to Thickness Ratios

This table is unnecessarily complicated and confusing and could be cleaned up to make it
more readable. The reading material provided in the refresher course (organised by
INSDAG, IE(I) etc. in some cities such as Mumbai) on Proposed Revision of IS 800 has a
cleaner table (Table 10) for limits on Width to Thickness Ratios and perhaps this could
be used in the code instead.-Alpha

Question: Comparison of Clauses and in Draft IS: 800 The clauses and are very similar. But clause is more elaborate and covers two


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more cases, viz, roof truss bearing and column web connection. Is there any reason for
omitting these two cases in clause S.P.Srinivasan
Ans; We will give reference to section 7.3.3 in section

Question: Notional Horizontal Loads in Draft IS:800

The notional horizontal loads (Clauses 4.3.6, 4.1.2), and are mentioned only
regarding sway stability of the frames. Am I correct in assuming that notional horizontal
loads need not be considered in strength check? If they are to be considered only for
sway stability check, the load factor should be 1.0?
- S.P.Srinivasan
Ans: `The sway stability check is done as per combined forces requirement of section
9.3, which is a strength check, where in sway moment due to gravity loads is accounted
for using the notional horizontal loads

Question: Minor typo errors in Draft IS:800

(1) Table 7.2: Welded box sections: second expression below "Thick welds and" should
be "h/tw" instead of "d/tw"-- S.P.Srinivasan
Ans: Yes

Question: Clause The term "" should probably read as "7.5.1"
- S.P.Srinivasan
Ans: No, Double angles on the same side of the gusset have the principle axis parallel
and perpendicular to the gusset and hence will be designer not as per 7.5.1 , but as per

Question: Comparison of Clauses and

Clauses (b) and are similar, but, in addition, clause permits
simpler (?) equal division of joint moment to upper and lower columns. I think the
provision regarding equal distribution of joint moment to upper and lower columns is not
necessary. In any case, (MI/length) has to be calculated to check whether this equal
distribution is permissible. Once we have I/l values it is e asy to apportion the joint
moment in proportion to their stiff nesses, which is more accurate-- S.P.Srinivasan


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Ans: We will remove recommendation in and refer to section analysis

Question: Clause in Draft IS:800

The clause gives the minimum size of base plate below stanchions. This clause is
present in the 1984 code also. I do not understand the necessity of this provision. Is
anything wrong in adopting smaller base plates, if the load transfer between stanchion
and pedestal is otherwise proper?- - S.P.Srinivasan
Ans : This is recommended from practical consideration and ensure some minimum plate
size relative to member size.

Question: Clause and in Draft IS:800

The two clauses and deal with the increase in effective slenderness ratio
for laced and battened columns due to shear deformation effects. I wish to know whether
the shear deformation effect affects only global slenderness ratio of the column or does it
also affect the local slenderness ratio of the column ?- S.P.Srinivasan
Ans: The local slenderness ratio is not affected by shear deformation effect, just as single
I section is not.


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