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You and your friends are stuck on a deserted island with giant murderous bugs hunting you down.

All these monstrous little insects want to do is to hunt you for sport, drain your blood and eat you
alive. What do you do? I'm going to break down the mistakes made, what you should do, and how to
beat every killer bug in The Island of Giant Insects.

Okay, okay. This girl here is a high school student. Her name is Mutsumi and she wakes up
disoriented on a deserted beach and realizes that her plane crashed. Well, that sucks, but it doesn't
seem like anybody else survived. She panics, grabs her bag and takes up into the woods. Okay, don't
do this, tropical forests contain dangerous wildlife predators, poisonous plants, and this girl doesn't
even have a plan to build a shelter.

DUH! The safest bet would be to go back to the crash site to look for resources, because that's
smart, especially bottled water. A human can survive for weeks without food, but they'll die within
three days without any water, so you need water. Considering that there were not many people
boarding this flight in the first place, we can assume there's going to be leftover bottles around the
plane ruins. I would also keep an eye out and search these bags for dry clothes and for any kind of
sharp objects.

As she's running into the woods, like a headless chicken *chicken sound*, stupid, she's stopped by
this girl Ayumi, who goes to her school. They reunite, "Oh, good. We have friends again." And the girl
tells her that she looked around, but the island seems deserted. Yeah, no kidding. She did find a
lighter, a knife and a bottle of hairspray. These are going to come in handy later, but something is
clearly wrong.

Mutsumi here mentions that this forest is deadly quiet. Okay, this is really unusual since they are in
the middle of a jungle. Howler monkeys and birds make some of the loudest noises. You're telling
me they aren't hearing a single frog, cicada, or even a damn bird or monkey? What? These two
should be swarmed by wildlife and insects and all the nasty critters that I just love avoiding, but it's
dead quiet, spooky.

But if we're not hearing any sounds, it means there's something wrong with this ecosystem. Worst
yet, their phones are soaked, so they have no way to communicate with the outside world or with
each other. And with them being high school students, I won’t expect them to be able to build a
radio anytime soon with the supplies available. Okay, these two suddenly hear a scream in the
distance and rush towards the sound. They reach this field and see two giant butterflies flying over

You're thinking, "Oh cool, great, they're butterflies, cute and cuddly giant butterflies." And they're
huge. Problem: these flying nightmares are preying on this girl and are in the process of draining her
blood, and I be like, "Oh, okay, let's leave." But that's not enough. These two school girls realize
insects are still hungry after finishing their meal and are moving onto the next victim. Hope it's not
me. Okay. This is terrifying. This bug has sucked the blood out of my friends and it's not even done.
The smallest mistake here will be fatal. And if I want to beat it, I need to know everything about it.
This butterfly is huge. It's probably the size of a freaking helicopter, but we can't assume that it will
have the same behaviors and features as a normal size butterfly, where I would squash it with my
Butterflies are able to detect ground vibrations caused by mammals. They also have many eyes in
two main spots that give them a wide field of vision and they feed exclusively on liquids and uses
their senses to smell nectar, or in this case, blood and sweat. If it's me, I'm realizing here that I can't
beat this monster without a weapon, even if I'm going to take the risk with what I had, which is
nothing, there's no hope for these people anyway.

So, I'm slowly backing away from the scene to avoid creating any large vibrations in the air, and
would use the water I had saved from the crash site, because I am smart, not dumb like them, and
mix it with dirt to make a paste and cover myself. This way, I will hide my scent to avoid their smell
detection of me and allow me to escape to a safe place. Assuming I find one. But Ayumi here decides
to rush in like Captain America with a freaking knife and tries to stop the butterfly, which fails
quickly, and somehow miraculously, Mutsumi here lights her lighter and sprays the hairspray in the
direction of the butterfly. She sets it on fire and the butterfly burns to death while the other one flies

Well, pull up the fire on that hairspray, look at that thing. That's not realistic at all. You have a tiny
spray can and it puts out a flame enough to cover the size of a helicopter-sized butterfly. Right about
now, it should be clear that there's something clearly wrong with this island, and I would want to
leave, and staying in the woods was not safe. The idea to burn the butterfly was great, not realistic,
but good for them and it actually works, but they should definitely be heading to the beach now,
which they don't. Or at the very least, since butterflies are the lowest part of the food chain, and
we've just killed a giant butterfly, I'm taking any body part I can from the dead insect to use as bait
and also maybe armor.

A while later, our Mutsumi girl groups up with more students, yay, more people to use as meat
shields so I don't die, and explains they should wait for the self-defense force to find and save them.
The group then hears the noise of a helicopter. They start running towards it, but they're wrong
again, a giant killer wasp appears in their path. And this one is much, much scarier than the
butterflies they've just escaped from. This time, it's a mud wasp. So, you're in for a real stink. Get it?

Anyways, they're called mud wasps, because they use wet mud to make their nests and right about
now I'm wishing I'd kept a piece of those butterflies, but they didn't, because butterflies are one of
their main prey. And the bait would have made for a great distraction. They have super strong jaws
that they use for biting and cutting, and the female wasp carries a stinger that they can use over and
over. It's not like a bee where they poke, they sting you and then they die. Nope. They can use it
over and over.

The only thing we've got going for us is that they are loud. If we successfully distract them with
friends, I'm getting away and keeping my ears open to the sound of wings flapping. If there is none,
that means there's either no wasp in the area or it got distracted by something else. Whatever the
reason, I'm taking this chance to amscray and get away as soon as possible. Unfortunately, for the
group, this wasp is way too fast and takes hold of Chitose here. The poor girl gets stung with a
paralyzing agent and it's taken away by the murder bug.

And of course, our girl Mutsumi convinces the group to rescue Chitose. Okay, we can assume here
that Chitose is definitely dead, going after her makes no sense. Like, what are you doing? No excuse
is good enough to make me go inside a wasp nest, unless I drop a bomb on it, then sure. I would
leave her behind, these kids need to learn to cut their losses like big time and make hard decisions in
order to survive. But since the group has decided to follow the wasp back to their nest, goody for
them, I would at least wait until nighttime, because that makes more sense, when these wasps are
less aggressive, we want to minimize the sound and avoid alerting the wasps.

So, I would only send two people into the nest, and if I had to go, I would quickly find them and get
out ASAP. But Mutsumi reveals a massive advantage, she apparently knows quite a bit about insects.
That would've been great to know in the beginning. She proves why she's at the top of my totem
pole of staying friends with her until we get off this island by using her insect knowledge to lead the
group to the wasps nest.

Somehow, this crazy red head is not happy with that, because she is an attention... because Mutsumi
is stealing all the attention, which she should, because she's smart, and shows us that she's the
character that we want to get dead. They arrive at what looks like a village and they find out that
these houses have become nests for the killer wasps. And they're about to seriously regret this
decision. Okay, okay. This girl clearly knows what she's talking about. So, maybe we should just
follow her. And if I'm on this island, I'm not letting her out of my sight. Remember, high on the totem
pole to keep her on my friends list.

Anyways, her knowledge can help us survive until we get some real help. And stay away from the
crazy red head. The crazy red head is making a big mistake by complaining so loudly. Right now we
need to listen to Mutsumi and use her as a resource. She's like a prophet sent from God out of the
heavens. The group walks into the nest and find their friends being eaten alive by gigantic larvae.
And the larvae are releasing a pleasure chemical to keep their friends from escaping. Man, this is

These three start beating the larvae to bits. They run out of the house and Mutsumi here is hoping
they'll go to save her friend, but the rest of the group wants to leave her for dead. As they're about
to leave, another murder wasp appears, oh great, another one, carrying a friend of this delinquent
here. He runs after it and almost ends up getting killed. Well, these larvae may not look cute, but
they're still babies, and their only power is a pleasure chemical that they inject into the paralyzed
people, and that sounds really bad.

The wasps bring the people so that the larvae can feed and grow, nasty. These larvae are the size of
a person's head, really gross. And they're sucking onto my friends like leeches, oh man, now they're
going to die. But if I want to get out of here quickly, I don't want to take the time to rip them off of
him, so I'm going to leave them on my friend here. Sorry, my priority is escaping this place in one
piece. The good thing about these larvae is that they are edible. Larvae sushi, anyone? Oh gosh.
What if that's a real thing?

Plus larvae are considered a delicacy in Japan if you didn't know. I didn't know that was a real thing.
They're fat and filled with protein right now, since they've been feeding on my friend, that's morbid.
We need food to survive, and if we take a handful, we will have plenty of food to keep us alive.

Mutsumi here makes an escape plan and goes into the nest with the delinquent guy. They both
manage to find their friends. Yay, good for them. But this guy has decided he's leaving the two girls
behind. In the meantime, Ayumi is outside emptying bottles of cosmetics in the house. She's doing
that, because wasps are naturally attracted to the smell of hair and skin products due to the alcohol
and ester's composition that is similar to their hormones. So, basically if you smelled really good or
really bad, then they would go after you.
Anyways, the wasps come rushing into the nest because of the smell and are too focused on the
scent to care about the teens. Ayumi and the teens hide in the bushes while the other four are still
stuck inside. This delinquent guy escapes, Ayumi has to go back in to help carry Chitose. Thankfully,
they make it out alive.

Okay. I would have done the same thing that this guy here did. If there's a bunch of wasps coming
after me, I'm leaving everybody behind as bait and running for my life. There's no way I'm staying to
help someone that has very limited chances of survival. Using skincare products to distract the
wasps is a very smart idea, but Ayumi should have been more careful. She could have accidentally
sprayed herself with a skin product, which would have been the last mistake of her life, attracting
the wasp to her and the rest of the group. She'd be much better off pouring out the cosmetics
instead of spraying them. That way, I won't risk getting it caught in the wind and getting it on myself.

The group then looks for a hospital on this tourist signboard that they find near the village. They're
in need of saline solution to treat Chitose, and the delinquent guy's friend, but the hospital's far
away and the sun's going down. All right, this map is exactly what we need. Great, we found one.
There's no better time than now to get out of the woods and back into the beach area. We have a
working phone so we can snap a picture of this map and use it as we're walking towards the

Chitose and the other guys are simply paralyzed. So, we're not risking their lives by taking a longer
way. So far, we've only found that these bugs are in the woods, and it's unlikely they'll be out and
about on the beach side.

As they're walking through the woods, they enter a nest of hard ticks, and they're the size of a golf
ball. These bugs are getting worse and worse. We've got to deal with huge ticks now. These bugs
latch on and suck on a person's blood while leaking poisons into the body that can kill them. They
survive for years without any food, and with this island being deserted, they must be starving. Great,
I have all my friends, but please let me go.

Now, keeping on this path is going to get us killed. These blood-sucking bugs are blind, so I'm slowly
backtracking and getting out of their territory. As long as they don't notice us, we will be able to
escape and make it out of this alive. Though blind, ticks have heightened senses. They can hear the
smallest vibration. So, I would take Mutsumi's hat or a rock or something and throw it as far away
from the group as possible, that way I'm the hero. This will attract the attention of the bugs and we
will be able to run away.

The group walks slowly through the path, until they meet a teacher who's already infested with ticks.
In order to save the entire group, our girl Mutsumi pushes the teacher and the ticks attack her.
Mutsumi and the others manage to get out of the woods. That night, Mutsumi tells the girls to
submerge themselves in the spring water. This will make the ticks leave the body, because they need
oxygen to survive.

This Mutsumi is a real wonder, she cries every time she kills a bug, and yet she has no remorse for
killing another human being. I would reconsider my priorities, but I'm definitely not getting on her
bad side. Getting in the water is one of the safest things these girls could have done. I would also
check my body afterwards to make sure that the ticks are all gone from my body. If they're not, I'm
getting back into the water for as long as it takes.

But they're nowhere near safe. While these two are getting distracted, big trouble is coming for this
guy. Something's entered his body and it's wriggling through his veins, and it's about to make the
situation a whole lot worse. These two are too busy to notice what's going on. If it's me, I'm leaving
this guy behind. He's already caused enough drama in the group and he's not even conscious. We
don't have the tools to remove the parasite, and there's no point in putting everyone in danger just
to save one man.

After getting dry and doing the dirty, the people finally arrive at the hospital area. Mutsumi doesn't
hear any creatures, and the group is relieved, me too. This geeky guy right here has found a very
interesting room, there's a working computer system in this room, which means that they should be
able to contact someone outside of this island. He mentions that there's no connection, but that's
fixable. The generator still works and we can control the lighting with the computers.

The plane that these high schoolers were on crashed on this specific island, which means there's a
high chance that it was on the plane route. Planes fly it all times of the day. So I would wait until
nighttime and keep a lookout for anything in the sky. As soon as I spot a plane, I'm going to signal
SOS in Morse code through these light poles outside. If I use the generator energy only for this, the
battery's going to last long enough to get help.

Mutsumi and the delinquent guy quickly give the saline solution to their unconscious friend and wait
for a reaction. While these guys are busy focusing on Chitose, they don't notice that this parasite is
starting to move on this guy's forehead. Suddenly the guy they saved starts moving around, the
parasite that entered his body has taken over control and he's gone mad. Oh, and did I mention? The
guy's eyeballs are bulging out and now it's too late to get the parasite out of him.

This is a green-banded broodsac, and it's known for feeding off of its host. It's usually found in snails
and it invades their antenna, changing their colors to make it look like caterpillars. This attracts the
attention of birds, who eat the snails and the parasite. If it's me, I'm taking this can of tuna and
smashing it on the guy's head. We cannot allow him to get outside, because he'll put us all in danger.
There's no hope for this guy. And we quickly have to decide how to get rid of him. If it's me, I'm
getting the geeky guy to bring me a wire from the computer room, then I'm using it to choke the shit
out of this guy.

This guy runs outside and climbs the light pole like a freaking Spider-Man. He's calling the attention
of another giant bug, and right on time, this creepy dobsonfly comes flying in. Okay. We know that
this hospital is located close to a lake, which happens to be where dobsonflies live. Most of them are
found in flowing rivers and close to lakes, and hiding among rocks. Just like every other fly, this
creepy bug is attracted to lights. Dobsonflies have short legs and four huge wings, they also have
really long antennas that they use to sense their prey.

Since they're nocturnal animals, they rely on their antennas to hunt. This bug is hard to kill, but we
already know its weakness, the antennas are very sensitive to any kind of movement. I would
distract it by having three or four people run around and take turns and make loud noises, because I
am that good at manipulating people. I would go back inside and look for tools to start a fire.

The simplest things that we can use are this tuna can, a battery and a piece of aluminum foil. Tuna
cans usually contain oil. So, I can use that to act as fuel. I would then take off my shirt and show off
my six pack, kidding, and drench it in the tuna can. I would remove the battery from my phone and
roll up a small piece of aluminum foil that I took from the emergency rations.

Then I would form the foil into a U shape and go outside. I would put the drenched shirt on the floor
and set it on fire by placing the foil on the battery's positive and negative terminals. Mutsumi tells
them to go back inside, but they're not listening. As the redhead pulls the delinquent away, the bug
flies straight into the parasite guy and kills him.

The monster fly then goes after the rest of the group. All right, parasite guy is dead, good. And we
need to run fast. The door's not too far away, which means that we can reach in time to shut the bug
out. We already know it's attracted to lights. So I would tell the geeky guy to shut the whole building
down. If it's dark and we sit still, the bug won't be able to sense or see us, and will leave us all alone.
And hopefully we all live.

The group start running back to the building, but the red head and the delinquent lock everyone
outside with the excuse that they may be infected as well. Now, that's a shitty move and a stupid
one too. These two can't survive on their own. They're not strong enough and smart enough. They
need our resident expert, Mutsumi, to help them out. And if it's me, I'm letting them in.

If they're so scared about these three being affected, they can easily tie them up and make sure they
can't escape. But since they've no intention of doing so, we need to find a way to break in. The glass
on this door is not very thick, which means we can break it with a sharp object.

Ayumi here has already found a rock and I know what you're thinking, but banging it that way is not
very effective. I would aim at the hinges and the corners of the door, because they're the weakest
part and easiest to break. The best way to hit this glass is to take the pointy part of the rock, take a
couple of steps back and run with full force on the door. This will create a small crack that I can
widen by banging on it more. But this would create another issue, because now the bug can enter
the building. Thankfully, there's plenty of rooms that we can lock ourselves in and we have enough
water to survive. This bug will eventually get tired of looking for us, and we'll eventually abandon the

These girls are freaking out. This bug is going to kill them any minute now and I'm kind of like, yes,
just get it over with. Unexpectedly, this geeky guy shows up and opens the door just as they're about
to get murdered. Good for them. He's tied up these two losers and is now cooperating with the rest
of the group. It's time to kill this creepy bug before it gets a chance to kill anyone else.

Mutsumi figures out a way to outsmart it. She takes curtains from every room and ties them around
this light pole. She then catches the attention of the bug with a sound device, and makes it come all
the way to the pole. As soon as the fly is close enough, she pulls the curtains to reveal that the light
has been turned on. The bug immediately flies towards the light. When it arrives, Mutsumi signals to
the rest of the group, the geeky guy blasts the generator power on the pole, burning the dobsonfly
to ashes. Yes, that was very satisfying.

Later, the group goes back to the hospital, where they collect all the rations. This girl, Chitose, is
declared leader and they decide to stay in the building until help arrives. Okay, this is so weird,
Chitose has literally been MIA for most of it. But what do you think? How would you beat The Island
of Giant Insects?

Whoa, that was intense. Hey guys, Griffin here from How to Beat Anime. Thank you so much for
checking out our video and our channel. If you liked the video, please leave a big thumbs up,
subscribe, button's right there, hit it, please, because we're desperate. And let us know what you
thought about the video, but be nice, okay? Because I'm a sensitive soul. Not really. But let us know
what you like. Okay? Have a good one.

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