Gorbunov and Gorchakov, by Joseph Brodsky

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Gorbunov and Gorchakov

“Well, what dream did you have, Gorbunov?”

“Yes, actually, Lisicki “. “Again?” “Again “.
“Ha-ha, you making me laugh, there are no words “.
“And I do not see anything funny.
The doctor says: the basis of all bases –
normal sleep”. “Nothing bad
I did not want… even dream of, not new”.
“What is to be done about, if there is no other?”
“we, Leningrad, We see so many dreams,
And you did this, mushroom,

no way out”. “Tell me, Gorchakov,

and what you, of Leningrad, often dream?”
“But how when… Concerts, wood bows.
prospectuses, lanes. Just face.
(Dreams are made as of the scraps.)
Neva, bridges. And sometimes - Page,
and I did read without glasses!
(Their seeds before sleeping sister.)”
“Yes, the dream of my stronger pupils!”
“What are you? Often dream and the hospital “.

“You do not need life. Know yourself, see.

Here is a dream! And really do not need a day.
Such sleep interferes with the light of dawn.
And How, should be, you're angry, awakened by…
A curse, Mickiewicz! No ori!..
keep couples, I'd slept through dinner”.
“Sometimes I also dream of bullfinches.
Sometimes a child jumping in puddles.
And it's - I…” “Well you, speaks.
Why are you silent?” “I, it seems, a cold.

You why all this?” “Just”.

“here you go, I say, I dream of childhood.
We boys climb into the attic.
And the dream of old age. Can not escape
of old age… What a mess:
old man, urchin…” “Sad neighbourhood”.
“Well, Gorbunov, what are you simpleton!
These dreams after all just a means
spend the night more interesting”. “How?!”
“That day at night porastryasti legacy”.

“You say “legacy”? Do tell!

Please let, I turn to you with a question:
But what about old age? Old age is not visible.
When did this you were grey-haired?”
“Why wheezing Babanov window?
Why Mickiewicz turns under the nose?
What are we given fantasy?
And Imagination, as the pump,
I retractor old age in the realm of sleep”.

“But, Gorchakov, then just, not you,

not you yourself dreamed”. “idols
like you are just waiting for Crosses,
and there is no release of the glasses!
And who am I to dream? Why are you keeping silent? The bushes?”
“Gore-kevich. Best case scenario, Gore-bani “.
“You are crazy, Gorbunov!” “your features,
them - gray; such self-deception
full and waking up to a nausea”.
“Go into your pajamas without pockets”.

“Yes, I do so in my pajamas without pants”.

“Sometimes I dream stove, firebrands…”
“Yes, Gorchakov, this is a dream because a dream!
prospectuses, conversations. Just things.
Piano, singing in unison violin.
And the women. AND, can, that pohlesche”.
“Yesterday I had a table for six”.
“And your dreams - they are things?
Or simply all racing wheel?”
“What can I say; they - things, they – sinister”.

“Freud says, that everyone - a prisoner of dreams “.

“I was told: each - addict.
There is nothing you confused, Gorbunov?”
“Well no, I even remember the kind of page”.
“But Freud did not lie?” “Well, Do a little liars…
But here, let's say, I want to strawberries…”
“That same, in trousers?” “And without pants.
A dream, that you pecking titmouse.
Dreams frank all talkers”.
“But what, Gorbunov, yours Lisichki?”
“My foxes - they gf island.
(Yes and rastut foxes ostrovkami.)
Brochures are the same, streets, the words.
We talk, usually, jerkily.
like the silence, limits them - Grass.
But you can touch them with your hands!
Hence their extensive rights,
and they seem to me floats,
which carries the Neva
Togo, that under my shoes”.

“So, means, You are one of the fishermen,

which are capable of indefinitely
look at the float,
isn't it true?” “So far, the perfect”.
“A hook structure at dusk
estimate for dinner blithely?”
“And hidden in the pockets of worms!”
“I'm afraid, you're stuck here forever “.
“Do you want to afflict me?” “Sure.
In I, as known, Gorchakov”.

Il. Gorbunov and Gorchakov

“Have you got a dinner?” “Yes, MISKO acid tert

and vegetables”. “Well, all the more fun.
And the outside?” “Star Field”.
“Look, in your habits of Galileo “.
“The second half of February
marked by the departure of Aquarius,
Fish and cometh, sulya,
that will soon be in the rivers warmer”.
“And what the land?” “What, actually, land?”
“Well, is below?”“ Hospital Alley “.

“Yes, you know, you really ready.

you metish, how I feel, c Newton.
On a too frenetic Chomutov
- the terms of babel, vomit and moans –
repeats: I - Hamilton, and I'm healthy;
I hrapit, as our Chariton”.
“Construction proceeded under Peter Port,
and visited the different Teutons.
The names of the works have cost us.
maybe, Chomutov - Hamiltons”.

“Natopleno, and I feel chills “.

“In vain do you leaned to the window”.
“Because of your glittering Sweethearts”.
“Well, convinced?” “I doubted.
I see only an alley and snow”.
“Out Aquarius with a pitcher bent”.
“We have a telescope here are well used”.
“Yes, well used “. “And you'd calm down”.
“What?! Telescope?! Who MHE telescope!”
“Well, Gorbunov, What makes you enraged?”

“With my feet on the bed you got.

I think, I could work
remove the flip-flops”. “But no cold me,
without šlepancev. It should not be angry.
I zyabnu because, that interest
to raw chanterelles nests in memory”.
“Freud did not dream kind of progress!
Progress, we should not be ashamed:
dream wet forest activist,
and capable of catching cold passivist”.

“Lisichki not bezvrednы, and, As for me,

they are enemies of mental health.
You appreciate their?” “With love on a par”.
“What do you mean by love?”
“Parting with loneliness”. “It is?”
“Possibility to lean against the headboard
and to touch lives in silence
breath, hand or eyebrow…”
“What are you staring at the window?”
“The very resistance of idle talk”.

“Would you give me an apple?”“ Fished “.

“Well, that your chanterelles-nevelichki?”
“I usually think about love
is always, I look for chanterelles.
I do not know where - in the mind or in the blood, –
but the feeling of similarity roll”.
“Habit and normal, Alas,
the desire of reason to the lack of personal responsibility”.
“That area of the hands. And in the area of head –
the absence of any habits”.
“AND, that is, in a dream, when it is dark,
you dreamed of chanterelles?” “Constantly”.
“Rather, Stars?” “well, it does not matter.
In your opinion, probably, this is strange?”
“Not weird, but, to my mind, wrong.
wrong and, as I think, shame!
What are you smiling?” “Ridiculous”.
“Would you give me an apple?” “I will, but
understand you not given chanterelle”.
“Lisicki - эto, you know, polygamous.

here! I'll butchered walnut!

There is bitterness in Gorchakov reproach!”
“Why do you say, it's a sin?
Sin - to, that is punishable with life.
And how shalt, if all the arrows
life of suffering together, in the prism,
in my chest? I crease without interference
future”. “we, that is, of tris
We are witnessing?” “AND, that is, my laughter
speaks today of optimism”.

“A Day of Judgment?” “And he - retrogression,

in remembrance. As in the movie.
Yes there Apocalypse! only five,
five months in some desert.
And I blew the life of the floor and sleep
with chanterelles I want now.
I remember that, where I retreat
by Fiery Angel Strongholds…”
“The pain will break the pride”. “Neither an inch;
pain satiated pride tree”.

“You, means, not afraid of the dark?”

“It has landmarks”. “Swear to me”.
“And I'm with you on benchmarks.
fully landmarks, just whistle”.
“Resourcefulness - source bustle”.
“I'm not sure this aphorism.
The soul does not feel cramped”.
“You think? And in the dead body?”
“I think, soul during life
becomes mortal traits”.

III. Gorbunov in the night

“Hospital. Night. Vrazhdebnaya environment…

All this is not a tragedy… Besides
Judgment and sentences
the easier it is for my soul, worse
She was in my flesh… Is always,
when I was bad, I think, that same
I bear the pain a second time without difficulty.
So the boy can be seen in her husband…
Chanterelles have brought me here.
And that, related to them, outside.

They are now my dream. A woman

is not a dream to me. And rightly. where thin,
there breaks. This idea is not without…
I gave her a child namernno.
I thought, that she will.
Although it - geek psychology.
But, apparently, I got to the bottom.
I do not know, like a soul, and the membrane
whole. I can hear the rustle of cloth.
Singing in the teeth of a comb Babanov…

I am the voice of someone hear in the silence.

But it with hallucinations of hearing
no common: bottom pressure –
harmless pressure ear.
And that voice is contrary to me.
confidently, deaf and hard.
To whom it belongs? No women.
no angel. Since the realm of the spirit
silent with his wife on a par.
Pity, is not with me, old Treukhov!
hospital alley. Night. Snowdrift.
buzzing alder, with stars fighting.
From around the corner to the Jewish telescope
looking nurse, Jew in transforming.
Narrows my bed, like a coffin.
it fights the lens, narrowing.
And blood makes noise, like cranberry syrup.
And ankles get cool, bare.
And my mind is divided, how a microbe,
in silence infinitely multiply!

There were two. That is up to the altar…

she left. Hit home,
now I am forever with somebody say.
Yes, There were two. And Then There Were Two!
February is replaced by January.
Like this, Recalling the convoy,
altar, thanks to calendar,
prevents the silence, what is the
I destroy the, that I make
a second field force.
she left. I'm obsessed with a.
yourself? And do not call if Gorchakov?
Hey, Gorchakov!.. Well no, It has hung up.
Yes if this is the case, however, confused,
when one lip vying
sing two in the absence of the alcove?
I'll watch for your own lip.
It draws them in half word.
I - a circle in cross-section. That is, any
the two of us - horseshoe magnet.

Night. Lips in two voices sing.

You think, Do I not much honor?
But there is a special comfort:
let controversy, but at.
They are almost family pose
in silence. And even more so - to sit.
Beloved upper shelter.
And the bottom refers to the bride.
But that, that is divided into two, here
divided, indisputably, and two hundred.

And all, that increased twice,

acceptable and no longer negligible.
It is the problem of loneliness
solved by duality can.
Despair shakes me,
as the board, per half, like a knife, but
I can not be alone with him.
And if duplicity shamelessly,
do not need firewood in fire,
and warms the, as opposed to.

You, God, If the authorities to two,

listen to two voices, besides running
from the mouth of one, and see no noise in them,
a kind of struggle past with the future,
Ascending to himself coughing my mind,
microbes resettle his kuscham,
and the amount of days of doom and convulsive
You stripped them omnipotent gesture.
And I leave, as the difference of these sums,
victory over Silence and suffocation.

And if I really needed

here the listener, then, Jesus, not tarry:
send me a celestial. Above him
no pain without raising, no smile,
because it is immune to them.
As for me, stake tails turn around,
do not let them Gorchakov, a cherub
It rises above the dirty JuggleStay
and circling the sobs and surveillance
direct thy blessing”.

IV. GORCHAKOV and doctors

“Well, Gorchakov, let your report”.

“On Gorbunova?” “Yes, about Gorbunova “.
“It expresses a non-partisan view
belongings, on the phenomenon - the basis of
their dialectical; but a number of –
but a number of statements it again
for us”. “They are, indisputably, they say
a rare blood saturation
nitrogen, dec machine
self-control”. “unibrow,

chin asymmetry, fat

on the chin. Colored with his nose
vessels, Distribute breadth…”
“I think, liver damage “.
“Compresses and confusion lived
asymmetric his forehead crowned.
Chanterelles - his weakness and the idol.
He is so unattractive for women.”
“Exaggerated inner our world,
and external, respectively, reduced”, –
Here is a typical language for him.
In terms of these exemplary here
It shows its true face
nonpartisan supporter, ephemeral
views…” “This felt shift
the left of the authentic discoveries
Marxism”. “Insufficient evidence”.
“And what about the atmospheric phenomena?”
“And he weaned from women?” “weaned.
There are no movements, specific

for this… well as his… Oh you!..”

“Calmly, Gorchakov!” “…for ladies' man “.
“And how is he… Well, in the sense of nakedness?..
There's bodies, etc.?” “especially,
purely on the needs and to the needs of.
Sorry, that expresses rough”.
“What do you mean! Would you like some water?”
“Water?” “And would you like cognac?”
“I do not recognize this nonsense”.
“Why are you licking lips?”

“I do not know… Something connected with water”.

“What exactly?” “I do not remember, sorry”.
“Probably, a glass before a meal?”
“No, you me confused all the threads…
stop a moment, see… human… thin…
around - desert… Asia… look:
creeping sands Tatar horde,
burning sun… his?.. the zenith.
It is surrounded by a hostile environment…
And then - well…” “Farther! not tyanite!”

“And then again all empty and dead.

Well… exactly this… abbr”.
“Hey, Gorchakov! What's wrong with you?” “I… Togo.
I, you know, Togo… plot.
In the splendor of his
idealism, he now revealed”.
“Who? Gorbunov?” “well yes, I'm talking about him.
forgive me, companions, that lost”.
“No no, you keep. Nothing”.
“I too went deep in Gorbunova…

He - nonpartisan, But his misfortune!

And if the day and frosts,
He strongly denied there…
Well, to the left, to heating…” “Grandiose!”
“And he is religious?” “ABOUT, to-be!
He religio… religious!
I'm even afraid sometimes:
that look, that he buhnetsya the ground
and God will demand here”.
“He's from the non-partisanship neurotic”.

“He left evades”. “Ha-ha!”

“What are you grinning, colleague?”
“Ago, what is it, generally, chepuha:
Gorchakov of battery left,
by Gorbunova, that is…” “To her!
As in chess? King and queen?
in front of!” “Justice”. “from sin
record, so to speak, for heating
two posts”. “The idea is not bad”.
“What's this song without a chorus?

Well, that's the conclusion… laces!

hem!.. Hey, Gochakov, could you
her autograph?” “I am now without glasses”.
“My will not work?” “Yes, come to.
So: “Left evades”… what!
…”and right”… rightly! valid
two posts. We have these Barchukov…
One out of two: we smoke them, or…”
“Thanks you, Gorchakov friend.
At Easter, we will release”. “thank.

Yes, yes. Thank you. Thank…

Do not make a bow belt?…
where Gorbunov?! His eyes reveal!..
ABOUT, horror, I'm the truth - a word…
Yes, actually, where this zeal?
Spit on a paranoid forest!
Duck is losing its own thread,
when the foundation under it rages.
How strange to say Gorchakov
mad words Gorbunova!”

V. song in the third person

“And he said to him,”. “And he him

said”. “And he said”. “And he said”.
“And he said”. “And he”. “And he is in the darkness
I stared and said,”. “Words to the wind”.
“And he said to him,”. “But, so to speak,
I say “told” to say not at all, what
he said,”. “And he “what climb
the details” said; all clear. Point”.
“One said to the other said jets”.
“Said sin Stirs said to the chains”.
“And silence on the table is said to”.
“AND, generally, gives Tatar yoke “.
“And he said to him,”. “And he tied
and told her, and the, whose echo measurement”.
“And he said”. “But then he said”.
“And he said to him,; and time taken “.
“And he said”. “That's cobblestone suddenly
throw into the pond. Circles - one, four…”
“And he said”. “And it is - the same circle,
but the radius of its, indisputably, wider”.
“He said - Ring”. “He said - still ring”.
“And I told him buried in the beach”.
“And he said, pushed its own in the face,
returning tide”. “And no more of the Americas”.
“Said”. “Said”. “Said”. “Said”. “Said”.
“The essence of the train”. “Farther, more flights “.
“And now, I said almost the station”.
“None of them wants to go back on track”.
“And he said”. “And he answered and said,”.
“Said disappeared”. “He said come to the platform”.
“And he said”. “But once said - a subject,
it should also refer to the ONU”.

“And it is to him”. “And he”. “And it is to him”.

“And I'm willing to consider, that the evening started “.
“And it is to him”. “And all this to the,
that the two are one, one-to-mean”.
“Is he, actually, question”. “He is - the answer”.
“Then the other way around”. “And there is no difference”.
“Sure, between them there is the lumen “.
“But only as a means to avoid duplicity”.
“He who (his) is his?”
“And in inanimate nature if possible
Relations jurisdiction mind?”
“Let not related to normal, but like?”
“Why not make out the courtroom!
sitting judge; his glasses without glass”.
“He who is his?” “Yes it is him - he said “.
“And it's grander, Cem father in law”.

“huge house. blind floor.

two figures, so they poblednevshye”.
“They are not here”. “Where are they, tell?”
“Where? The he-he-or skazale ONET “.
“huge house. Figures in the window.
And hubbub, both under the roof of the station.
When there is silence here?”
“Only in between, he-he-he said”.
“She said, you know, it requires “.
“But that said, during her”.
“And yet comfortable silence”.
“It is terrible, than anathema from the pulpit “.
“So, means, here are afraid of silence?”
“Well no; as a place of circumstances
and time, all united
skazalom like incest”.

“And this is the modus operandi?” “O yes.

They are full of their relations”.
“When they fall silent?” “Never “.
“Probably, as a proper name “.
“Yes, own name - Concentrate.
It does not permit transfers,
replacements, transformations and losses”.
“And this, generally, Engine issues “.
“That's it! And indirect speech
in fact - the most direct”.
“And this can not be ignored
without personal prejudice”. “AND, listening to,
so, He said that utters,
as children in the church porch,,
as if we partake of heights,
reached before the conversation”.

“What do you dream, He told him?”

“All around – doctors”. “Say more”.
“Night I dreamed of the ocean shaft.
I dreamed of the sea”. “Nepravdopodobno!”
“must be, He has forgotten his
lisiček”. “It is impossible!” “Probably”.
“Well no, he is responsible for two “.
“And that's, of course, immense “.
“I saw the hosts of the twilight waters.
Distinctly and clearly. But at the same time,
I saw as clear sky…”
“And it's sort of a shot doublet”.
“And rowing, like mane stallions,
part with recessed wagon”.
“And was not there, you know, rowers,
utoplennykov?” “I do not Aivazovsky.
I saw ridges penivshihsya steeps.
And the beach - like a huge horseshoe…
And he said, hovering between the clouds
with a smile Gorbunova, Gorchakov”.

VI. Gorbunov and Gorchakov

“Well, what dream did you have? Talk”.

“Yes, I told you about the conversation
with commission”. “Come on, don't be cunning.
I myself overheard him in the hallway”.
“Well, I say…” “keep couples,
you will argue, that the sea dreams”.
“Yes, sea, of course “. “Don't lie,
I do not believe”. “I do not insist. Worse
small”. “You just look,
how he pooled! True on the thief

and the hat lights up”. “Well, give up “.

“Why am I leaving, interesting?”
“Yes, I am, Gorchakov, through you…”
“There was a radiologist!” “Inappropriate
make fun of. No matter what
repent”. “You make up!” “Fair.
As soon as we were apart,
the commission suddenly became aware,
what are we talking about… He had sex, I suppose?
Why are you getting too bright, like a bride?”

“You are angry?” “Well no, I'm not angry”.

“Do not torture me!” “What, i am you? Fun!”
“You are angry”. “Well, do you want, I will swear?”
“It will be unpleasant for you”.
“Well no, I'm not particularly ashamed.
“This is sincerely”. “On the contrary
for old? Really I seem
worthy of surveillance? Unclear”.
“Well, I didn’t sway?” “I'm afraid,
that you will not believe me”. “Probably”.

“I don’t understand something in this sense”.

“I mix grains and sex”.
“You see, you don't believe anything:
to the Sign of the Cross, not a word”.
“War in Crimea. All, apparently, in the smoke.
I quote from grandfather Krylov…
From here you will go to jail”.
“You would walk, kind to congratulate…”
“Why are you staring into the darkness there??”
“I see Ulanova and Orlova”.

“I, Do you know, I'm heading for the corridor “.

“What for?” “Yes, so, prickly crown”.
“Why do you always ask?” “Nonsense!”
“What, the truth you seek out the seed?”
“You, too, are staring at the yard”.
“Sex.”, probably, bitch tribe “.
“I just broaden my horizons”.
“Not believing?” “Incredulity is not a burden.
You know, and denunciation, and conversation –
all this somehow brightens up time”.

“And time somehow brightens the days”.

“here, it seems, and the crown let go…
Well, what dream did you have, not dark!”
“A, all this is sad and shameful…
You better look at the lights”.
“Well, shadows from a boardwalk…”
“Orlova! and Ulanova in the shade…”
“You know, no matter how the coffee cools down “.
“The war was, you know, they
were like symbols of the rear”.

“The second half of February.

Check this out, what arrows show”.
“I think, only the radius of zero “.
“And the numbers?” “Like a border on a plate…
The service I saw, done a la
meysenskie…” “I like fakes”.
“There is an inscription: “King's workshop”
and the sun is like a gas burner”.
“Now I would take vermouth”. “And I
Now I would not refuse a heating pad…

Look, what shadows from the bush!”

“forgive, but I'm still the same…
those watches…” “Back for a reason?”
“You judge me much worse,
than me…” “Your mouth is guilty”.
“Really zero?” “To her”. “But why?”
“Just because; outside is emptiness “.
“But inside is warmer, than outside.
“Well, these insulated places
are only the effects of a cold”.

“But what about stacks of firewood?”

“Probably, connecting links…
ABOUT, Jesus, as the blows of the corners!
And cold, and hungry like a beast I”.
“Diseases are more doctors”.
“The Compound is grander than the vestibule”.
“But anyway, you know, it's a shelter “.
“Come on, Gorchakov, without hypocrisy;
and know - the reality of spoken words
huge, than the reality of mistrust”.
“Yes, the cold is greater than the heat “.
“And the time is grander, than the arrow “.
“A tree is grander than a hollow”.
“The hollow is grander, than squirrel “.
“A squirrel is more graceful than an eagle”.
“A fish… exactly this… where is shallow.
“I want to strip naked!”
“Where is the radius, there is a fork and a plate!”
“A tree, burnt down…”
“It's hardly grandiose, than a heating pad “.

VII. Gorbunov and Gorchakov

“Have you got a dinner?” “Yes, former grass.
All vegetables…” “Don't be upset.
We have bird rights here”.
“But meat should not be banned”.
“Take a look better: new firewood…”
“I have the right to be indignant!”
“Oh no, administration of law,
rights within radius”. “Squeeze
in this radius the head does not crave,
and belly…” “I don't want to come back
to the above; and besides,
I think, naughty kidney”.
“But I myself am out of radius”. “Nonsense!
And who is before me??” “Only a shell”.
“Well, about unlimited souls
I heard something in my youth. Point”.
“Well no, Besides, i am husband.
Outside and my wife, and daughter”.
“You need a cold shower!
Where exactly?” “At the Opochka station”.

“Probably, had a dream. “Nevermind.

Rather, I dreamed about it”.
“Opochka somewhere in the area”. “To her”.
“Far away from that… has spread “.
“I should hit the run.”.
“Not worth it. You are very rooted. “.
“You're right. But, they say, one leg…
another there… Generally I was lazy!
Do not make a leap!”
“Well well, agree”. “Calmed down”.

“How much did you earn?” “Seven hundred;

the old way”. “And where?” “In the institution “.
“Afraid, what he asked and will convey?”
“Well, who will refuse you pleasure?”
“My silence will not save you”.
“Yes, Do you know, by mature reasoning…”
“More pleasant to consider, I'm sex,
than thinking about whereabouts”.
“Alas, to such piercing heights
stopping me from blowing up ancestry”.

“So what are you poking on the menu?”

“Not yet turned into a veteran
and thrice the same day…”
“You measure the scale of the restaurant”.
“I write relatives in the radius”.
“You, should be, slaughtered a ram
for dinner”. “I, actually, I'm driving
to that, what should I refuse early
from the past”. “Finish the shit hern”.
“What do you not like?” “Spacious”.

“I expanded the radius to relatives”.

“The worse it is for you, the worse.
“I'm only the leg of a compass. They are –
fixed motion outside”.
“And it somehow brightens the days,
the wider this radius?” “Than already.
So it should be: alone
are, others are moving”.
“There are still lights,
extended radius puddles”.

“I am moving!” “I do not know, where is the start,

but the finish - Leningrad snowdrifts”.
“I lived, while i move. Descartes
I could be envious”. “Still would!
I like your sincere excitement”.
“And to me your spiritual slums
bored”. “And what is your billion –
Well, star buckets and skyscrapers?”
“Aries Rises, supervising March “.
“It would be good for us to have a telescope here”.
“That's it. We would be visible
our distant supports”. “The beginnings
movement”. “We must feel
stability of Opochka and Kamchatka”.
“I was born in March. Destined to me
wobble. I was fingerprinted…
What a pity, that we are forced to tremble:
supports our distant so shaky…”
“Which are born under Aries,
must walk in the astrakhan hat”.

“You think, trembling from the cold?”

“And check your blue fingers”.
“And you?” “I belong to the Twins.
I was born in May, under the twins”.
“Warm you?”“ Because I judge…”
“In short! Do not be wise with the wise!”
“Compared to you, I find,
which is not at all cold for me”. “Meet!”
“What's the matter, Gorchakov?” “I can not stand!”
“Well no, all this is true - with months “.

“Alas, do not cross the telescope,

and we do not observe our supports”.
“Let the radius of life is not in honor,
the circus itself, Gorchakov, unfade”.
“Still die here, Messrs free,
considering, that that light is uninhabited”.
“No, you'll not die, do not be sad in vain “.
“You think?” “Discuss”. “Discussing”.
“That load, which we now possess,
cannot be transferred to another life”.

VIII. Hunchbacks in the night

“Your reason immortality promises me!

My mind, like gyrus litter,
your arguments are flooded with shine –
not to the credit of my own smokehouse…
A curse, what makes a colitis!
And thoughts are like demons in a bottle.
Your light doesn’t amuse my wick!
About the hunchbacks! from your words in the back of the head,
flammable, my blood boils –
from this spark, thrown into sawdust!

Gone… I have a monologue.

Plus the radius of the night dial…
Left only apples as collateral
and washed off, like Pilate!
Let's try to hide in a corner,
explore the outskirts of the robe.
We put a bowler on the back of the head
with dried salad…
What stars?! Floor and ceiling.
In the window - the chamber is reflected.

Night. Windows - Infinity Bastion.

The chamber doubles and swirls in them.
Outside the windows - bars:
outward reflection does not break through.
In this space - backwards –
it’s tricky not to make a mistake in bed.
But a dream doesn't take me today.
Fall asleep… and in general - to kill oneself!
At the risk of being the opposite –
thereby deepen into your soul!

Fall asleep… Nurses for the post.

Does reflection benefit them?
It only multiplies crowding,
since infinity is multiplication.
I myself am already growing in my eyes,
and glass, whipping up the imagination,
squeeze between the beds of a mile…
I feel the burning inside,
looking at a distant star.
The basis of attraction - braking!

Normal sleep is the foundation of all fundamentals!

Verneuil, recovery foundation.
Hey, Gorbunov!.. what the hell is Gorbunov for me?!
Reduce your speech to Gorbunov!
Dreams frank all talkers
and grandeur of the eyeball.
Freud says, that everyone is a captive of dreams.
How strange it is to think about it again…
Graves correct hunchbacks!..
Sure, in the absence of another
medicines… And this nonsense –
only a consequence of the silence of neighboring
of beds. For I feel, what am I
then only I, when there is an interlocutor!
In words I partake of being!
They need a successor and an heir!
You, Gorbunov, my highest judge!
And I myself am only my own intermediary
between sleeping and lacking in oblivion,
caretaker of his broken front…

Night. Window leaf… Oh if a nurse

opened it… Out of the question.
On this - now locked - square
my face and shoulders.
After all, this would mean debauchery,
reflection leak. A leak
so bad, that any degenerate
would decide, since not far,
flee at least a head to Leningrad…
About the hunchbacks! I feel when I meet

with you, like a normal idiot,

yourself just a radius of the arrow!
Nobody me, I think, not waiting
not here, not outside the plate,
filled digital. Anecdote!
Alas, to you the scale is small!
Your torment is coming! You're the one,
whose scale by measure.
All the horror, what will happen to you,
stairs or doors

there, where have you been waiting. They are wrong

only those, that I can’t get you.
You, Gorbunov! As I breathe,
I must surrender to your power!
I offer my prayers to you!
I have nowhere to go from your words!
Come to me! I ask for your words.
They need to give me out!
Then I’ll inform them,
that I am unable to part with them,

when do you retire… forgive!

Not that, so I was afraid of separation…
Holding the release in handfuls,
I hold out my hands to you.
As everybody, what remains –
source of indifference and boredom –
don't remember, Gorbunov, me, not revenge!
like an echo, continuing sounds,
trying to save them from oblivion,
love and betray you to torment”.

IX. Gorbunov and doctors

“Well, Gorbunov, tells us “.

“About what?”“ On your dreams “. “On the envelope”.
“And call all the names”.
“O circulate”. “Tell me about her daughter”.
“The daughter has nothing to do with dreams”.
“Let's, Gorbunov, without wires “.
“I dreamed of the sea”. “Well its a crap”.
“Yes, better to do without gadgets “.
“Without your on the seas but on the waves”.
“Start, if you want, with Opochki “.

“Why do you need this?” “Necessary”. “And in full”.

“For your own good”. “Replica in taste
issues Red Riding Hood. She is,
you remember, asked granny
What about ears, whose country is the length…
“Do not be afraid” - she answered, - “so hot, I'm afraid “,
“Better to hear his granddaughter!” “Do tell!
Do not think about you, we, as a coward”.
“To that end up baby rescued”.
“Everything has pros”. “Think of the black”.

“Why are you silent?” “simply unbearable!

wait, that will have to be angry!”
“What do you wait for?” “What lies,
without encountering objections, evaporate”.
“And then what?” “Naturally, all w
equals interpreted, as they say”.
“Well, I am sick of his whining.
Let's inject calcium, sister”.
“He was trembling”. “natural tremor.
Thoughts are exacerbated by the syringe”.
“Well, Gorbunov, you remember,
that the dream?” “Only the Sea”. “A foxes?”
“Alas, they were no more “. “Alas!”
“I got used to them. This - the habit”.
“About women, when they are dead
or pull up to the middle of nowhere,
because men complain”. “You're right:
“Alas” - Mens replica. Quotes”.
“But it could be the cry of the widow”.
“We write both thoughts raportichke”.

“Dreams reveal the secret outline

Togo, that it takes place in a man”.
“And that, what happens in reality,
not that we take due…”
“The reason I myself will call you”.
“Yes: Gorchakov. But it is not in the guise,
they adopted soon by mischief;
but in dreams you - the trend towards the abyss”.
“You are my dream turns into the Neva.
And the mouth is not talking about death,

probably on the reproduction”. “just eh

tolerantly, to have all sorts of waste
went offspring”. “What a sad.
River, assures us philosopher,
standing still, fleeing away”.
“And this, they say, the question of questions “.
“From Newton makes morality”.
“To her! again Newton!”“ And Lomonosov “.
“And we have the windows?” “February.
It's time to snowstorms, hibernation and denunciations”.

“a month, he is the only of the year

For days his”. “Similarity Kaleko”.
“But because it is easier to live it?” “To my shame,
I confess: piece of cake”. “A river?”
“What - River?”“ Closes in ice “.
“But we are talking about a person”.
“You know, that is waiting for you?” “unluckily,
suspect: certificate of custody?”
“with all, what do you mean,
you, generally, You stay here forever”.

“For what?!.. and though, should be in line

keep yourself… no way out other”.
“And click Gorchakov”. “O stars
you can talk with him”. “Explanatory”.
“Everywhere there are pluses”. “Exactly. Everywhere”.
“And he is omnipresent, Jehovah;
although he brings”. “on the nail,
usually, and holding horseshoe”.
“How strange Gorbunov on the cross
count at the bottom of Gorchakov”.
“Why exaggerate?” “For what,
dearest, these thoughts about Calvary?”
“But this is a disaster”. “I do not understand:
you equated eternity with disaster?”
“He does not want eternity because,
that eternity is like a cork in a half-dash”.
“Yes, all this is not in his mind “.
“Hey, Gorbunov, would you like coffee?”
“Why has left me!” “Who are you to
cry out?” “Again about Gorchakov

he yearns”. “Not daughter, not a woman,

and Gorchakov!” “It's all about selfishness”.
“Yes, are Gorchakov?” “Form does not matter.
Hey, Gorbunov, show me.
Yours, you know, participation decided”.
“And Gorchakov?” “Surrender to reproach:
from now on, parting is destined for you.
Let go. Don't sigh about this slug”.
“From now on, as usual after life,
eternity will begin”. “Just Silence”.

X. Porch talk

“A great city at dusk dense”.

“Lined school notebook”.
“There is a huge lunatic asylum”.
“Like a vacuum inside the world order”.
“The facade hides a chilled yard,
covered with snowdrifts, firewood”.
“Isn't this a conversation too,
if all this is described in words?”
“Here are the people, and gone mad
from horrors - uterine and afterlife”.
“And the people themselves? It is herself
the ability to call your own kind
people?” “But the expression in their eyes?
Their limbs? Heads and shoulders?”
“Thing, named, immediately
becomes immediately part of speech”.
“And body parts?”“ It is they “.
“And the place is?”“ Called home “.
“And days?”“ The same days are named “.
“ABOUT, it all becomes Sodom

hungry words! Where are their rights?”

“The name would have sounded ominous here.”.
“How quickly the head swells
According to, devouring things!”
“Undoubtedly, it makes your head spin “.
“Like the sea to Gorbunov; unhealthy “.
“Not the sea, means, runs ashore,
and the word is coming over the word”.
“Words are almost a semblance of relics!”
“Kohl these things hang somewhere…
Names - protection from things”.
“From the meaning of life”. “In a manner”.
“Really and from the suffering of Christ?”
“From all suffering”. “God with you!”
“He used words himself…
But he also protected himself with words”.
“The, actually, example of him and things!”
“Warranty, that we won't drown in the sea “.
“And his death is the only thing
two-digit”. “AND, that is, synonym “.

“But eternity? Or on the table too

she stands as she said in Kazakin?”
“The only word on earth,
not yet consumed”.
“But is this protection from words?”
“Hardly”. “The Autumnal Godfather
Will be saved by a sign”. “But not all”.
“In synonym, we shall be no more resurrection”.
“No more”. “And if in love?
She is the resistance to slander”.
“You are either a celestial; either you
interfere with potency with love”.
“There is no word, so unacceptable “.
“And there is no impenetrable cover,
so completely absorbed the subject,
and more nagging, as the word”.
“But if you look from the outside,
you can, generally, make a comment:
and the word is a thing. Then we are saved!”
“Then the silence begins.
Silence - this is the future days,
rolling toward our speech,
with all, that we emphasize it,
with the presence of farewell at a meeting.
Silence - the future of the words,
already devoured all the vowels thingness,
horrifying own corners;
wave, overlapping eternity.
Silence is the future of love;
space, rather than a hindrance dead,
depriving beating in the blood
falsetto and its response, and echo.
Silence - now for those,
who lived before us. Silence - as pivot,
a unifying all,
in saying, I go today.
Life - only to face conversation
silence”. “Prerekanie movement”.
“It twilight with blurred end”.
“And the walls - the embodiment of objections”.

“A great city at dusk dense”.

“This chaos, izlozhennaya short”.
“There is a huge madhouse,
as a vacuum inside the world order”.
“A curse, as the blows of the corners!”
“My curse is not hearing your tunic:
not the life for me - winning words”.
“On both of nouns saith!”
“So the bird flies from the nest,
persecuted concerns about grubs”.
“Rises over the plain star
and looking brighter companion”.
“And the plain, many eyes
covers, with the slowness of mail
It supports the call by night”.
“What exactly?”“ Uneven ground “.
“How to distinguish night talkers,
at least in this sense is no no?”
“When higher - it Gorbunov,
and where the lower - voice Gorchakov”.

XI. and Gorbounov GORCHAKOV

“Well, what dream did you have?” “As always”.

“Then I do not ask”. “So,
woke up feeling - his? - shame”.
“Rather, a sense of proportion and tact”.
“Good!” “And what can you do? medium
occupied. And depending on the facts”.
“What?”“ Hit here “.
“You are able to bring to a heart attack.
I fuck you with the facts… there”.
“Come on, We will not interrupt the contact “.

“Why do you?”“ And who is it “. “well…

So you leave me?” “After Easter”.
“Where did you go out of here?”
“I am going home”. “And will safely?”
“I think”. “And where do you live?”
“I have not betrayed publicized address”.
“Seems to me, buddy, it's a lie “.
“As you want”. “Do not tell me stories”.
“You still will not get to me”.
“What are you?”“ I'm more of the junction “.

“Then you're right”. “I think, that the rights “.

“Just think?” “Well, blurted out accidentally.
I doubt I have no rights”.
“And what you want to do at home?” “It's a secret”.
“This style of conversation electing,
contact you want? state of emergency”.
“There is such a style, but, actually, my temper “.
“Or maybe, you want an apple?” “Give, but
I'm not a split, Apple took…
Understand and throw, source or majna –

that's kind of my main occupations.

All other outsiders think”.
“My eyes veiled veil!
Pick up and throw! - it's a synonym
all that is happening with me”.
“Well, we love you, Do not be afraid, not to drop “.
“What do you mean” we “?” “Do not worry, sick.
he likes, I teach divination by palms?”
“Forgive, I turn back to you. “
“Can it be true, we will bury our friendship?!

You must be, to my mind, good”.

“So I went out, apparently, from the womb “.
“But being…”“ You Seagull?” “pour…
determines…” “Warming?” “unheated…
consciousness… Well, OK, heating”.
“I read it right to left you”.
“But what have I, according to you - a Jew?”
“The Jew took the apple from the tree
knowledge”. “You, brother, booby.
Eve lifted a”. “It is seen, he and Eve “.

“And yet I was in his own clever.

He is the creator of science.
And the name loudly”. “Better without names.
I'm afraid, would not have grabbed my hands
for the semantic polindromon”.
“He also doomed himself to flour.
Now he is the leader of the peoples and tribes”.
“Panmongolism! how much of this sound “.
“He, too,, like, He was sentenced “.
“Maybe, not to separation “. “Not to separation.
What is separation?” “You know, I don't understand,
why do you need?” “Count, for card index”.
“Separation is judging by the fact,
who are you parting with. It's about the person.
Where do you stay. Is it possible alone
stay there, having gone to the name of the river?
Kohl with a loved one, - give it to someone?
How long?” “And if forever?”
“Then you stand and stare into the darkness
such, like drooping eyelids

usually create for you to sleep.

And sometimes you shudder from grief,
since the gloom is clear.
And neither chanterelles or seas”.
“And if it's spring outside?
Everything is easier in the spring”. “It's debatable”. “I'm arguing,
do not forget, that the windows are white”.
“Then you are as if torn from the field”.
“The earth does not bleed, like a gum “.
“Well, apparently, then the Lord's will…

And what are you separation?” “Trembling…

Well, closed doors behind.
AND, if it's day, glow of the day”.
“And if the night?” “Watching the atmosphere.
Well, can, the light of a burning fire.
But no - a bench, empty in the park”.
“Did you break up with someone, storage
memories?” “Better by example”.
“Well, what are you going to say, losing me?”
“Actually, I do not feel loss “.

“Don't you feel? And all your whining

about friendship?” “This is still true today..
As long as we have a joint life,
we are better, it is seen, together for a reason
Togo, what being…” “Yes not on “is”!
Not being, and being”. “You don’t –
Do not carp… Yes, nothingness,
when i'm gone,
will give originality to the plain”.
“You, that is, my silence…”

XII. Gorbunov and Gorchakov

“Have you got a dinner?” “I was having dinner. And you?”

“I was having dinner”. “And how do you like cabbage?”
“Cabbage soup is left in the sense of density
want, of course, the best: not much”.
“And the cabbage soup in general, usually, empty.
There is even a saying”. “It is sad.
At least a little vinegar for spiciness!”
“Everything is empty”. “Tastes differently,
probably, emptiness from emptiness”.
“I would not like gum, a crunch “.
“In such places we were thrown,
that nothing remains, Besides
how to fast long before Lent”.
“You're talking about a madhouse?”
“Yes, our geography is simple “.
“And then what?” “You are always about sweat!
When later?” “After being taken down from the cross”.
“What are you?!”“ Treat it like an idiom “.
“They'll put at least a bay leaf”.
“And they will still scout on the bromine”.

“Yes, all this will not end well.

Bromine is harmful - so I think - health”.
“And the hair gets out. This is bromine!
Take a closer look at any headboard:
Babanov breaks up with Serb,
Mickiewicz - with a spilling eyebrow.
And I have a rout on my crown.
It slowly leads to anemia”.
“Bromine - the wall between the demon and the rib,
so that we don't spoil our brains with love.

I swallowed it in the army”. “One?”

“The whole army. We made up a word.
It was called “opposed”.
What is Ulanova-Orlova with him!”
“I was brunette, I'm getting blond.
Parting destroyed! A pathetic basis…
But there is no fabric… did not come out to gray hair
live…” “Don't forget the main thing”.
“What should I not forget, lord?”
“May be, won't be needed again “.
“Who?” “Curls “. “Probably”. “Do not tremble”.
“I'm cold”. “Would you stick your hands
under the blanket”. “Correctly”. “Tell,
what is love?” “Said…” “But in every sound
other lines and floors”.
“Love is the preface to separation”.
“Can not be!” “I'm a monument of lies
I agree to become, so great-grandchildren and grandchildren
they put me on my head!” “Don't soothe”.
“I am this, like the rest, boredom”.

“A curse, how it blows from the window “.

“Glued with putty”. “Ugly.
Look, and the battery is cold!”
“It's generally cold and dirty here.…
Look, the star above the tree is visible –
without telescope”. “Visible to the eye, but
the star does not appear alone”.
“I suddenly thought - but, of course, idly –
what if the cross yes to saw on
firewood, will smoke rise crosswise?”

“You are crazy!” “I'm not crazy, and the dish

your interest”. “Commendable warmth.
But what do you have, actually, in view of?”
“Warm the numb limb”.
“Yes, all my limbs are in ice “.
“I'm right”. “But there is inhumanity in it.
Fold logs better like a star”.
“star, you're right, reminiscent of eternity;
not that, that the cross, to great shame”.
“Not eternity, and evil infinity “.

“What time is it now?” “Apparently, night”.

“I pray, don't start about the zodiac “.
“Outside and my wife, and daughter.
What about love, that's true about marriage”.
“I, too, would marry.
But you should not”. “Paki
and packs, i look, you can’t,
that i am married”. “I would marry the darkness!”
“Well, I am reluctant to monotony.
There are pits in the family, there are gullies”.

“What time is it now?” “Yes, near zero “.

“ABOUT, it's late “. “Not having a taste
to tsifiri, I'll tell you, what for
all of me “about” - the predecessors of the plus”.
“Well, gave my lips round…
Well the result of yawning and bite.
What are you up to, валя
all in a bunch?” “Inaccessibility of Elbrus”.
“A proportionate hollow of the earth
didn't create?” “Celebrated the coward”.

“If you think about grief,

then think of calvary, because of
Togo, that March is already on the calendar,
and I'll disappear somewhere in the hollow”.
“Ile hiding in the cloud, like in a veil,
play the spirit in this hell”.
“You measure on your arshin, dash,
your two-headed snow peak
not fit forever in my arshin,
squeezing snowdrifts in the yard”.
XIII. Talk about the sea

“Your reason immortality promises me.

But I, to your prophecies on the mountain,
already half disabled.
Like my dream spotlight in the hallway,
your light does not amuse my darkness…
But this is not a reproach, and not in reproach
the whole thing. That is, let it burn!..
In the open and adjacent gaze
all the time something powerful is seething,
as if the sea. I think, that sea”.

“Hospital. Night. Vrazhdebnaya environment.

I can’t heed you without a shiver
by cold, but also out of shame
for a candle. For the sea is still
there is a hollow. However, there
i won't go down, though truth is more expensive…
But I won't hurt you!
Much more! Apparently, you too
not so sure, the sea… trouble.
What is all this, Jesus, seem to be?”
“Perhaps, sea… Seagulls on the pier
over the woman, in them with a throwing crust.
And the wind flutters the torn floor,
whipping with a wavy frill
her shoes… And she stands in the heat
screeching battle, with knocked out bangs,
throws bread and stares into the haze…
As if suddenly becoming farsighted,
looking out for a bee in Turkey”.

“Yes, this is the Sea. It is it.

Abyss of being, where are we all from,
like knights, came so long ago,
what, do not touch this topic again,
I would forget, that there is a bottom
and horizon, and other systems
space, except that, where destined
we see only painted walls
with their purple stripes; but
able to hear, yes dumb”.

“There is more to life, than we,

what keeps us warm, without warming itself,
what piles up hills on hollows
- at least with the help of Boreus,
loaning each other.
I feel, that I am walking in a dream
steps, leading out of darkness
then into the abyss, then on the eve of empyrean,
pens, among blossoming fringes –
sleepless escalator Nereus”.

“But the sea is too alien environment,

to believe in someone's wanderings on the waters.
Sure, if there was no ice there.
Seem to be, Gorbunov, your adversity
no end in sight. It is seen, for years,
how is this whole story with the outcome,
they are calculated… Who knows where
you will wander further and further every year,
there, where water is woven with the sea.
To whom to call under this firmament?”

“For this my soul is weak.

I am the waves, and not our painted
I will see the piers everywhere, where is destiny
will beat me - from Paradise to parasha.
And this, Gorchakov, no boast:
in such a heavenly jerk,
what would my prayer be?
For hearing more beautiful
shafts artillery fire,
than a tearful prayer for a cup”.

“But this is a sin!… what am I? Armor

you, forgot about the firewood trick…
I remember, you asked me,
what is my dream. I expressed in words,
and I said, that sleep is the legacy of the day,
and you called the chanterelles islands.
I tell you this, clone
to that, what's tough under our heads.
Now you see the sea - trembling!
And the same dream, even with great rights”.

“What is a dream?” “The basis of all the basics “.

“And we fall into it, like rivers “.
“We fall into darkness, and fuck
your fiction. What to ask a cripple!”
“Sleep is a way out of the darkness”. “Gorbunov!
What do you live in, you forget, century.
Your dream is not new!” “And man is not new”.
“Why are you talking about a person?”
“And man is a descendant of dreams”.
“And what is decisive in him?” “Eyelids.

Close them up and see the darkness”.

“Even in the light?” “And by the light…
And suddenly you notice the first line.
one, other… third in mind.
My ears are noisy and my mouth is cold.
Then children run along the embankment,
and seagulls grab bread on the fly…”
“Isn't there me, on the railing?”
“And all, what do I see the minute that,
more real, what are you on the stool”.

XIV. Conversation in Conversation

“But this is nonsense! you hear, that's bullshit!

Come here, Babanov, you are a witness!
Look: here I stand on a stool!
I'm wearing a robe without buttons and loops!
Well, Gorbunov, you saw me?” “No”.
“And the color of the pants?”“ By God, did not notice “.
“Now I will smash your portrait!
Well, Gorbunov, count, The wind got stronger!
Now there will be a vinaigrette from the sea!
you hear, year?” “Yes, I already answered”.

“Ah well! So let's put our fists into action!

Learn, have to learn boobies!
On, get! Come on, prophecies,
who hit: Gorchakov or Babanov?”
“To my mind, Gore-bani “. “You are sins
letting me go, I see! From the taps
now will pour your okiyan!” “Hi-hi”.
“Why are you laughing?! IN, flock of sheep!”
“Why are you making noise, old men?”
“He thought, Mickiewicz!” “I'm a veteran,

and I believe, if eyes

dude closed - tie; the more,
that night is already”. “Yes, I smacked for,
for it, that he closed them not out of pain”.
“I told you: hit the brakes “.
“What are you, Mickiewicz? You fucking, whether?
Who are you pulling on, dragonfly?”
“I will tear those jaws!” “Oh oh, calluses!”
“Hey, men, because of what booze?”
“Yes, the dog will understand”. “Salt on someone's tail

poured”. “Father, doctors are coming!”

“In the bed, live!”“ I'm already in bed!”
“You, Gorbunov, close and shut up,
as if you were sleeping”. “And he really
already asleep”. “Father, keys jingle!”
“Asleep? Can not be! You are stunned!”
“Shut up, cretin!”“ Babanov, don't jerk off “.
“Leave him alone”. “I, truth, barely “.
“Well, Gorbunov, try to sneak “.
“Yes, he fell asleep”. “Well, brothers, flew in “.

“How to welcome doctors?”

“Standing up… get up, raskoryaki!”
“You have complaints about grubs?”
“I heard a noise, but I don't see a fight “.
“What a fight, the light of my eyes?”
“The nurse said, what are they fighting here “. “Vraki”.
“You don't bother me”. “Whose stream is this?”
“Yes, this is a piss”. “I'm not talking about a piss.
Out of nothing, I ask - whose?”
“Yes, whose, eagles?”“ Kuban Cossacks “.

“Mickiewicz!”“ As?”“ To wipe, aspid!”

“Yes, we, doctors, we care about everyday life “.
“And Gorbunov doesn't get up?” “He's sleeping”.
“Is he, means, sleeps, and you are still awake “.
“Now we go to bed”. “Right, it's a shame”.
“Well, we are going”. “Look, don't snore “.
“To hear, if a fly flies by!”
“Me on the job”. “In the morning, suffer “.
“You, Gorchakov, responsible for everyday life “.
“Yes, here's the news: satellite in orbit “.

“Gone”. “Hey, Gorchakov, your urine?”

“Come on…”“ Well, close our eyes “.
“Easter cake would be nice for Easter”.
“Yes, break the fast. Butter, sausages…”
“Why didn't you ask the doctor?”
“You could do it without fear:
he asked”. “I forgot in the heat of the moment”.
“Shut up, you. Zaladili on Easter “.
“Look, Gorchakov, muttering something,
clings to Gorbunov”. “This is for an excuse”.

“Do you really sleep? Yes, looking at all,

are you really sleeping… How all the strands are tangled…
How it all happened, I don't understand myself.
Forgive me, forgive me, God works.
Hold on, let me raise the pillow…
It is more convenient this way?.. I'm at odds with myself.
forgive… It's all out of my mind.
Sleep… if we really talk about the look,
there is nothing for him to linger on –
everything is a barrier. Only on the barrier.
Sleep, Gorbunov. While rebound pipe
shall not crow… All prefer awards
guard your sleep… and though, with her, with a pipe!
You're not used to, I used to obstacles.
Forgive me by my boasting.
Forgive me of all my disorder…
Sleep, sleep, my friend. I'll sit with you.
Not over you, not under - and just next.
As for the timing - I prozhdu any,
until you look not met…

What do you see? sea? several of the seas?

And you bredesh corridor through the waves…
And the fish in silence looking out door…
I'm after you… but immediately before the eyes
pop up a myriad of bubbles…
I do not go, unable to cope with the pressure…
What you said?!.. Pochudilosь… hurry
Total, I'm just delirious talk…
Check this out, how rude Boreas:
cushions considered, over parted…”

1965 – 1968

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