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English Literature Revision Kid

Grade: 5B1, 5B2 and 5B3

Date: 17th February, 2022

Carefully read the passage bellow and answer the questions that follow accordingly.
You are required to write neatly and number your work rightly. Attempt all

Daedalus and Icarus

Narrator: Daedalus was a famous builder. The king of Crete had a problem he
wanted Daedalus to solve. There was a monster in Crete and the king wanted
Daedalus to build a maze. He wanted to put the monster in the middle of the maze
so that it could not escape. Daedalus and his son Icarus went to Crete and build the
maze. They then wanted to go home but the king wouldn’t let them. They lived in a
high tower and were watched whenever they went outside.

Icarus: when can we go home, father? I want to go home.

Daedalus: (putting his arm around the boy) so do I, son. So do i

Icarus: (staring out of the window) look at the birds. They are free. They fly in the
sky and come and go as they please. I don’t want to stay here.

Daedalus: Neither do I, son. Neither do i.

Icarus: (coming over to the father) we have to do something but I don’t know what.

Daedalus: (suddenly smiling) you’ve given me an idea. I know what to do. Go outside
and collect all the feathers you can find.

Icarus: what’s the plan, father? What are you going to do?

Daedalus: we are going to fly like the birds.

Icarus: sounds a bit dangerous, father. I hope it works.

Daedalus: me too, son. Me too!

Narrator: Daedalus and Icarus made some wings out of the birds’ feathers. They
stuck the feathers together with wax.

Daedalus: remember what I told you. Don’t fly too low. The spray from the sea will
make your wings heavy. Don’t fly too high. The sun will melt the wax.

Icarus: ok, dad. I’ll be fine. Let’s go.

Icarus: (from off stage) Look at me, father. Look at me! I’m soaring!

Daedalus: that’s too high, Icarus. Come down here with me! The sun will melt the
wax and you will fall!

Icarus: (from off stage) what did you say, father? I can’t hear you!

Daedalus: (shouting) I said come down. You are flying much too near the sun!

Icarus: (shouting) father! Father! My wings are melting! Pieces of my wings are
falling off! I’m falling! Help! Help!

Daedalus: I’m coming, Icarus! I’ll help you!

Multiple Choice Question (MCQ)

1. What was Daedalus occupation?

a) Teacher
b) Builder
c) Pilot
d) Carpenter
2. The king of Crete wanted Daedalus to …
a) Solve his problem
b) Be a Minister in Crete
c) Advise him on what to do with the monster
d) Make wings out of bird’s feathers
3. Who gave Daedalus an idea on how to step out of the maze?
a) The king of Crete
b) Onlookers
c) Icarus
d) Nobody
4. I have a plan, who said that?
a) Icarus
b) Daedalus
c) The King of Crete
d) All of them
5. What did Daedalus and Icarus use to escape from the maze?
a) Aeroplan
b) Wings out of bird’s feathers
c) Wings out of fowl’s feathers
d) None of the above
6. Look at the birds, they are free. What is the meaning of this statement in the
a) Birds are free
b) I want to be free like the birds
c) It does not have any meaning
d) Let us fly like the birds
7. How was the plan of Daedalus and Icarus?
a) Fabulous
b) Dangerous
c) Wise
8. After building the maze, the King of Crete wanted them to go home
a) Yes
b) No
9. Icarus did not want to go home
a) Yes
b) No
c) Not mentioned
10.Why did Icarus couldn’t hear Daedalus?
a) Because they were too far apart
b) Because he was flying much too near the sun
c) Because the sun was overhead
d) Because he was busy flying with the wings made out of bird’s feathers.

Short Questions

1) Who was Daedalus and who was Icarus?

2) What was Daedalus advice to Icarus and did he listen to the advice?
3) What caused the wings of Icarus to start melting?
4) What lesson did you learn out of this story?
5) Who are the main characters of this story?
6) What is a fictions story and do you think this story is fictions?
7) Why do you think the king would not let Daedalus and Icarus go home?
8) Why do you think the king wanted to put the monster in the maze?
9) Do you think Daedalus’ plan was a good one? Why? Why not?
10) Did Icarus obey his father?
11) Do you think Icarus was wise or foolish?

Instruction: Make sentence with the following words

1. Famous:
2. Dangerous:
3. Monster:
4. Escape:
5. Solved:

Composition: Narrate the story of “Androclus and the Lion”

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