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ADVANCED MARINE ENGINEERING KNOWLEDGE wo Volume Ill Questions and Answers Vikram Gokhale ADVANCED MARINE ENGINEERING KNOWLEDGE VOLUME Wt Questions and Answers Operational and Management level Vikram Gokhale N. Nanda NG ENGEE ENTERPRISES First Published October 2001 Second Edition Jane 2002 © NG-ENGEE ENTERPRISES Mumbai, India. Printed in Mumbai, India. Price: Rs. 330 /- All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any material form (including photocopy or storing in any medium by clectronic means and whether or not transiently or incidentally to some other use of this publication), without the written permission of the copyright holder. Mumbai 20" August, 2001 Mr. S. Chakrabarty BSc., C. Eng. , F.1. Mar E.(U.K.) Extra First Class Engineer. Foreword Se on board a ship, is critically dependent on the seafarers, their values and the environment in which they live and work. Basic safety is incorporated in a ship through regulations and procedures. As the ship’s structure is exposed to a highly corrosive environment, and marine machinery is constantly subjected to very severe conditions, hazardous conditions can develop, unless the ship and its machinery is properly maintained. Mariners need to get a sufficient theoretical knowledge, to supplement their own practical experience. It is necessary for them to be properly trained, both by lectures ashore, as well as by self study, while at sea. To enable students to study, while at sea, the authors have prepared this text book in the form of a comprehensive set of questions and answers, which should supplement the numerous standard textbooks already available. Mr. Vikram Gokhale and Mr. N. Nanda are both already well known in the marine field. They are Chief Engineers, with a lot of practical experience, both as ship-board engineers, as well as senior faculty in the LBS College of Advanced Maritime Studies and Research, one of the premier maritime institutions in India. This book “Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge — Volume II Questions and Answers” written by Mr, Vikram Gokhale and Mr. N. Nanda, has a comprehensive coverage of the topics required at an advanced level for - MEO Certificates of Competency at Operational and Management levels. _ They have put in a lot of hard work and-I have much pleasure in paying this tribute to their dedication and sincere effort. All Mariners will find this book of considerable value and guidance. I sincerely wish them the best of success in this book. Mr. S, Chakrabarty Deputy Chief Surveyor with The Govt. of India, Ministry of Surface Transport, Directorate General of Shipping. Preface This book “Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge - Volume III Questions and Answers” has been written in response to a lot of feed-back, concerning possibility of providing a step-by-step knowledge of the theoretical aspects of marine engineering, which students could use, while at sea. This prompted us to re-think the format, and develop a new approach to the subject, by bringing out this Volume III, in the form of a set of questions and answers. These will cover different subjects, not presently covered in Volumes I & II, but which are required as per the new STCW 95 requirements. Al Marine engineers should find this book invaluable, especially those appearing for Certificates of Competency. We have endeavored to adequately cover the important topics, both at the Operational, as well as the Management levels, so as to present them in a concise, lucid and informative manner. Vikram Gokhale N. Nanda LBS College of Advanced Maritime Studies and Research, Mumbai , India. Acknowledgements The authors gratefully acknowledge the help, information obtained and contributions from various members of the Marine engineering fraternity, including the faculty of the Lal Bahadur Shastri College of Advanced Maritime Studies & Research, Mumbai. We are particularly appreciative of the information obtained through various books, technical magazines and other articles, which helped to cover the subject at an advanced level. We would also like to thank Mr. Kunal Bhawe, who has helped in the creation of this book. We would not attempt to enumerate all those who have contributed in some measure to this effort, since the list would be endless. This is more the result of an industry effort The Authors Mr. Vikram Gokhale and Mr. N. Nanda are both Marine engineers from the Marine Engineering College (DMET) , with extensive experience not only as Specialists in the marine field, but also as ship-board engineers, tackling a variety of problems ‘They have the necessary technical background and training that makes a Marine engineer so unique Disclaimer The purpose of this book is to provide guidance. The authors cannot accept the responsibility or any consequences of use of this information for any other purposes. The opinions expressed here are those of the authors only. CONTENTS ‘Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge - Volume III Questions and Answers’ covers the following Functions / Subjects at the Operational and Management level Functions : Marine Engineering at Operational / Management level. Electrical, Electronic and Control Engineering at Operational / Management level. . Maintenance and Repair at Operational / Management level. Controlling Operation of the Ship and care for persons at Operational / Management level Bene Subjects : 1. Marine Engineering Knowledge (General). 2. Marine Engineering Knowledge (Motor/Steam) 3. Marine Electrotechnology and Electronics. 4. Marine Engineering Practice 5. Naval Architecture and Ship Construction. 6. Ship’s Safety and Environment Protection Page Nos. Surveys, Regulation and Environment Protection 5-28 Fire and Ship’s safety 29 ~ 60, Auxiliary Machinery 61-96 Pumps and pumping systems. Heat exchangers and drinking water systems Deck machinery Boilers and boiler water treatment. Naval Architecture and Ship Construction 97-108. Metallurgy. 106 - 129. Lubes and Fuels. 130 ~ 147. Shafting, Propellers, Steering gear and controls 148-177. Air Compressors. 178 ~ 180. Refrigeration and Air Conditioning. 181 ~ 186 Emissions. 187 ~ 189 Combustion, Indicator cards, Fuel pumps and Injectors. 190 ~ 199. Crosshead, bearings and bolts. 200-207 Governors. 208 - 214. Starting air system. 215-219. Engine components, 220 - 229. Electrical systems 230-237 Index. 238 — 243 Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. ill Surveys, Regulations and Environment Protection Qu. Describe the In-water survey, to classification requirements, of the external underwater structure of a VLCC: Ans The Survey planning should be worked out well in advance of the In-water survey, by the ship, in cooperation with the classification Society. Preparation :- Following documentation should be collected and consulted with a view to selecting areas and structural elements to be examined. - Basic ship informatio Documentation on board. - Main structural plans including information of higher strength steels. - Relevant previous survey and inspection reports - Information regarding corrosion protection level - Location of heated tanks. - Information regarding relevant maintenance levels. : To assist divers, colour photographs should be provided, of items such as rudder closing plates and wear-down gauge plugs. = The design of the ship must facilitate in-water inspection and repair ~ e.g. Sca inlets must be capable of being blanked off and drained to bilges, shell gratings hinged, if practicable and the anodes easily changed. The hull should be clean, to have meaningful maintenance level during operation, besides having a heavy duty coating. This must be carried out by approved diving company, in clear water, with good visibility. Operation :- A self propelled, steerable survey vehicle fitted with a long range TV camera is used. To aid steering and to check for hull distortion, a close up, high resolution, TV colour camera gives a true picture of the state of the coatings and weld seams. In some cases, a 35. mm still camera is fitted. An ultrasonic probe is provided to measure plate thicknesses and other equipment includes a depth meter and speed indicator, Power is supplied and information relayed by means of an umbilical from the vehicle to the survey boat. Survey Boat equipment : ly usually housed in a console containing T.V. monitors, plate thickness print out, audio cassette recorder, video recorder and play back unit, diver communication system, vehicle control system and associated instrumentation, The survey vehicle is taken to the starting datum by a diver. With the aid of one of the TV monitors and using the shell expansion plan as a map, the vehicle may Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. lll be guided, from the control console, over the bottom and sides of the hull, by following weld runs and by reference to other features, such as inlets and tank plugs. Pictures and navigational information are relayed back and video films recorded, along with plate thickness, giving the surveyor an integrated picture of all the required and relevant information. In addition to plate thickness, print-out can be produced and/or an audio recording The vehicle will also provide pictures of such items as Stem frame, Rudder, Propeller, Bilge keels and hull openings. A diver may be used, with a hand held camera, for closer inspection of these items and also for inspection of plating on the turn of the bilge. It should be ensured during this operation, that there isa 2 way communication between diver and attending surveyor. Q.2. Describe the hull examination you would carry out on a ship in Dry dock, making special reference to essential maintenance, that can be carried out in Dry dock. Ans Preparation should be to a sufficient extent, as to facilitate an examination to ascertain for any excessive corrosion, deformation, fractures, damages and other structural deterioration. Examination and testing All spaces within the hull and superstructure are be examined, In certain circumstances, the intemal examination of lubricating oil, fresh water, and oil fuel tanks may be waived. In spaces used for salt-water ballast, excluding double bottom tanks, where a protective coating is found in Poor condition, — aprotective coating is not renewed, where a soft coating has been applied or where a protective coating was not applied, from the time of construction, Maintenance of class will be subject to the space in question being internally examined and gauged, as necessary, at Annual surveys. Double bottom compartments, peak tanks and all other tanks are to be tested sufficient to give the maximum pressure that can be experienced in service Tanks may be tested afloat, provided that their internal examination is also carried out afloat. Where repairs are effected to the shell plating or bulkheads, any tanks, in way, are to be tested to the Surveyor's satisfaction, on completion to these repairs. In cases where the inner surface of the bottom plating is covered with cement, asphalt, or other composition, the removal of this covering may be dispensed with, provided that it is inspected, tested by beating or chipping, and found sound and adherir satisfactorily to the stecl. All decks, casings and superstructures are to be examined. © Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. I!f Woods decks or sheathing are to be examined — if decay or rot is found or the wood is excessively worn, the wood is be renewed. When a wood deck, laid on stringers and ties, has worn by 15 mm or more, it is to be renewed. Attention is to be given to the condition of the plating under wood decks, sheathing or other deck covering. If it is found that such coverings are broken, or are not adhering closely to the plating, sections are to be removed, as necessary, to ascertain the condition of the plating. Mechanically operated hatch covers are to be tested, to confirm satisfactory operation, including stowage, proper fit of sealing arrangements, operational testing of power components, wire and chains. The anchors are to be examined. When the chain cables are ranged, they are to be examined, if any length of chain cable is found to be reduced in mean diameter, at its most worn part, by 12% or more, from its nominal diameter ~ if 50, it is to be renewed. The Windlass is to be examined. The chain cables are to ranged and examined on all ships over five years old. The Surveyor is to be satisfied that there are suitable mooring ropes when these are Rule requirement. The hand pumps, suctions, watertight doors, air and sounding pipes are to be examined, Thickness measurement The Surveys may require to measure the thickness of the material in any portion ‘of the structure, where signs of wastage are evident or wastage is normally found. Any parts of the structure, which are found defective ot excessively reduced in scantlings, are to be made good, by materials of the approved scantlings and quality. Hull Painting (Essential maintenance) The shell plating is examined for areas of paint work which must be repaired. The whole surface of the shell is cleaned and prepared for re-coating with paint. In some instances the hull may be cleaned down to bare metal and completely re- coated; in most situations, areas where paint is damaged and rusting has started. the shell plate is cleaned down to bare metal and rest of the areas are cleaned and surface prepared for re-coating. Surface preparation is done by manual wire brushing and scraping with steel scrapers, power driven wire brushing, or high pressure water jetting or shot-blasting. Compete surface is washed with fresh water and surface allowed to dry, before commencement of painting. Any scuppers, discharges or overflows, which may direct water on to the surface to be painted, should be blocked or diverted, before painting is started. The paint to be used should be compatible with the previous paint, unless the complete paint is being renewed Paint specifications are to be provided to the Yard / Painting sub-contractor. This includes number of coats, for touchup and complete coat, type of paint for each coat, thickness of each coat for each section, i.e. bottom plating, boot top area and topsides. Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. i! Q.3. As Chief Engineer briefly discuss the procedures you When taking over as C/E of a large vessel. When taking over as C/E of a new vessel from a shipyard. Ans. Procedure :. _ Briefing at office and Taking-over on vessel A) Briefing at Office * Superintendent / Tech. Manager will brief, as per ISM Code practices. * Fill up appropriate check lists - wherever required © Read correspondence file © Find out / be aware of - Status of surveys/certificates - Conditions of class, if any - Take copies and start planning for your stay on board vessel. B) Taking-over on Vessel Read letter prepared by outgoing Chief Engineer, giving all details. Discuss / Verify Fuel oil /diesel oil / lube oil soundings — confirm actual figures match the logged figures, before accepting responsibility from outgoing Chief Engineer. * Voyage Requirements. * Bunkers expected * Consumption pattern — any special instructions. * Oil record hook * Overdue Certificates / surveys, if any, and the company’s action plan in respect of this = Maintenance status of Main / auxiliary machinery. - Spares. - Stores - _ Vessel’s sailing programme Random checks of alarms / instrumentation. Special tools on board Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. lil - Readiness for Port state inspections-LSA/FFA. - Check all files. - Drawings list. - Maintenance carried out by ship’s staff/workshops. - Meet 2/E, Electrical officer and other engineers/staff to confirm any more known or specific problems. Sign and send a combined report, by incoming and outgoing Chief Engineers, 10 Head office B) Taking over as Chief Engineer, for brand new vessel from the Shipyard The Objective should be to ensure that - Efficiency of all systems is achieved before acceptance. or Liaison between Vessel and shipyard is good. Procedure 7 A) Office : familiarize with the Vessel’s contractual position. B) AtShipyard : “raline, Zz ondock - Scrutinize progress reports. Invesligab : - Witness typical program. ¢ - Inspection after trial C) Taking over (Final) A) Office = Familiatise with vessels contractual position, viz. : | © Specifications and capacity. 2 Contract penalty clauses, antic) 2.@. Delivery date, 4© Speed and fuel consumption. 5 © Status on class certificated. © Guarantee period Shipyard king specifications covering changes, interpretations, additions and dments in respect of : 1 Working drawings. Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. li! 2. Progress reports. 3 Random inspections of installed — machinery, including switch gear. ‘Typical Programmes to be witnessed : 1¢ Endurance and consumption trials. © Plant balance — heat balance diagrams. 3 © Crash stop trials. 4-* Inert gas test; Gas freeing if applicable. 5-* Pump performance tests. Ge Hydrostatic tests, Anchor/Windlass trials. <* Internal inspection of Main engine, to follow. 2 © Complete bridge’control tests. (Adjustments for integrated operations). 4 © Steering gear trials. 10° Black-out test. Me Turing circle. ‘2 Communication and navigation equipment to be demonstrated. 13® Boiler safety valve test. Miscellaneous Tests: )* Hull vibration, including Accommodation and Machinery spaces, especially when ship is in the light condition and moving astern. _ 2.* Machinery Vibration, over-speed & power ranges. #3 Airbome noise survey of accommodation, Machinery spaces, Bridge and Engine control room. A-* Ventilation flow rates. : 3 © Potable water treatment plant, galley and pantry equipment. Inspection after trials : | Certain equipment may have to be opened for inspection, if not satisfied with its performance, with respect to safety of the ship and personnel. 2 Examination of Main engine crankcase, 3, Necessary adjustments, as indicated by performance, Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. til 4 Electrical generator windings to be clean and Insulation readings recorded. 5 Bilges to be cleaned and repainted ©) Taking over (Final) | Complete the sea trial data. > Spare gear, Outfit. ¢ some pus, Speecol tals, Soe ) 3 Fuels and Lubricants. A- Certificates of class 5 Clean Bilge’s repaint if necessary The Master and Chief Engineer will sign the Form of Acceptance, for the Vessel and the Owner's Representative will accept responsibility of the ship, after satisfactory completion of all the financial arrangements. Q. 4. With respect to Regulations and Pollution control, explain Regulations with respect to control of discharge of oil from machinery spaces of all ships Ans. Annex V of MARPOL 73/78. This regulation controls dumping of all victuals, domestic and operational waste generated by a ship and her crew / passengers. Imposes a complete Ban on dumping of Plastics e.g. Synthetic ropes, nets and garbage bags. Deals with pollution from (i) Oil (i) Noxious Liquids (iii) Hazardous packaged substances,(iv) Sewage; (v) Garbage. Even stricter controls for ‘Special Areas’ e.g. Mediterranean, Baltic & Black Seas. Here dumping is completely banned — even food waste cannot be dumped within 12 miles of land. Contracting parties to the convention are obliged to provide facilities in ports for reception of garbage. MARPOL, Annex V similar refuse. i Garbage type Outside Special Areas___In Special Areas | Plastics — includes] Disposal Disposal | synthetic ropes, fishing nets | __ prohibited. | prohibited and plastics garbage bags I Onn Gu ne OSE SES CO Dios | Floating dunnage, lining) > 25 miles off] Disposal | and packing materials. shore prohibited. | | Paper, rags, glass, metal 12 miles. Disposal | | bottles, crockery and prohibited I | ‘All other garbage including Disposal paper, glass | prohibited comminuted or round | Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. Il Food waste not] > 12 miles. >12 miles. | comminuted or ground i | Comminuted or ground garbage must be able to pass through a screen with mesh size no larger than 25 mm. Garbage disposal regulations for special areas shall take effect in accordance with regulation 5(4)(b) of Annex V. Control of discharge of oil from Machinery spaces of all ships : Oil or oily mixture should not be discharged into the sea, unless the following conditions are satisfied :- : Ship is proceeding on a voyage, i.e. en-route and not at anchor. - Not within a Special area. - The ship is more than 12. miles from the nearest coast. . The oil content is less than 15 p.p.m. = The required il separation, filtering and monitoring equipment is in use. Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control system: System to come into operation when there is any discharge of effluent into the sea and automatically stop discharge when the oil content exceeds the permitted level. System to provide a continuos record of oi! content of the effluent, record to be identifiable as to time and date and retained for three years. Any failure of equipment to be noted in the Oil record book and all discharge stopped. Defect to -be rectified before commencing next voyage. Q.5. With respect to Sewage treatment, discuss the following terms : Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B.0.D.), Coliform count, Recommended levels of pumping-out solids and Bio-chemical digestion of sewage. Ans. Biochemical Oxygen Demand (B.0.D.) It is used to give a measure of the strength of sewage, it identifies the biological decomposable substances and is a test that depends on the activity of bacteria, which in the presence of oxygen feed on and consume organic matter, Results of the test are expressed as the amount of oxygen taken by a one litre sample (diluted with aerated water) when incubated at 20° for five days. Can be defined as the amount of oxygen utlised by micro-organisms in the stabilisation of organic matter, B.O.D. of raw sewage is 300 to 600 myylitre. I.M.O. recommend a B.O.D, of 50 mg/litre after treatment. Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. Il! Coliform Count:- Coliform organisms are recognised as the Indicator Organisms of sewage pollution. The numbers present in sewage are large, each person contributing between 125 billion, in winter to 400 billion, in summer. Coliform are present in the human intestine and their presence in water is taken as an indication of the pathogen count. The pathogen count are disease causing organisms, responsible for Typhoid, Dysentery, Poliomyelitis, Cholera. 1.M.O. recommend a Coliform count of 250/100 ml. of effluent after treatment. Recommended levels of pumping-out solids Solids:- Dissolved - Solids which are in solution. Suspended - Solids physically suspended in sewage, that can be removed by laboratory filtration, Are relatively high in organic matter. Settleable:-Suspended solids that will subside in quiescent liquid in a reasonable period (usually taken as one hour). Suspended level of raw sewage is 300 to 400 mgjlitre. IM.O. recommends a level, after treatment, of 50 mg/litre. Residual Disinfectant :- After treatment the residual disinfectant should be as low as possible. Canadian restriction is between 0.5 and 1.0 mg./litre. L.M.O. prefers the use of Ultra-Violet exposure to the method of Chlorination. Biochemical digestion of sewage Anaerobic Process :~ Anaerobic bacteria can only multiply in the absence of free oxygen, as they use chemically bound oxygen to survive. Inthe anaerobic process, the bacteria break down the organic matter into, water, carbon dioxide, methane, hydrogen sulphide and ammonia. This process is also called Putrefaction. The gases produced are both noxious and toxic. The effluent produced is of poor quality and other by-products are highly corrosive. Aerobic Process :- Aerobic bacteria require free oxygen to survive. In the aerobic process the bacteria break down the organic matter safely. The Aerobic Process has end products of H,0 + CO, + Inert Residue + Energy to synthesis new bacteria 13 Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. Ill Q.6. With respect to Sewage pumping-out systems, describe briefly the Chemical sewage system and the Vacuum sewage system. Ans, Chemical recirculation or the Zero discharge system. Sewage enters the chemical dosage tank, where it is mixed with chemicals, that break down the sewage and improve the-colour. It then passes through a comminutor (which is a grinder or macerator) that cuts the sewage into small particles) and enters a chemical treatment tank, in which a further chemical treatment is added, to sterilise and deodourise the liquid eum ate { ‘Chemical Recirculation or Zero discharge ‘Sewage Treatment plant A circulating pump draws un-treated sewage from this tank and delivers back to the dosage tank, where the treatment is again applied. The sewage remains in this section for about 5 minutes before passing to the settling tank. ANer settling, the clear liquid is drawn through a filter to the Sanitary Hydrophore, which provides the water supply to the toilet flushes. As the level in the settling tank rises, the sterile sludge may be removed to a Sewage holding tank or incinerated. Vacuum sewage system This system is based on a vacuum created by an Eductor, which is used to pull in the sewage into the sewage tank. Calculations are based on a daily flow of, say, 10 litres per person — using 1.2 litres of water per flushing operation. The sewage tank capacity varies from 2.5 — 10 m°. The holding tank is at atmospheric pressure. ‘A pressure switch maintains vacuum in the line, from the toilets by auto start/stop of centrifugal pumps. The water in the sewage tank is used as driving water for the eductor. Float switches may be used to control the discharge from the holding tank to the sewage treatment plant, while still maintaining the vacuum in the system 14 Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. iit “Tolle Sani seer Maintains the vacoum Pressure switch Solon ty ato start/stop of ednctoe pimp — SErage trom tllets oad Over-board Eductor pump Vacuum sewage system Q.7. Enumerate the preventive measures you would take to avoid pollution of the environment, with respect to Bunkering. What instructions will you issue to the personnel under you, in this respect Ans Preventive measures to avoid pollution, while bunkering The responsible officer should be familiar with all aspects of bunkering and the ship’s bunkering system, and should personally supervise the operation. He must be in close contact with the shore / barge crew, especially with respect to stopping of bunkers, in case of emergencies Bunkering Operations The vessel should be securely moored All valves should be checked and those not to be used, must be securely closed. Scuppers should be sealed Oil absorbent material (sawdust, sand) should be readily available Communication systems should be checked All hose connections should be frequently checked. mavuve engineering Knowledge Vol, iit Bunkering should commence at the minimum pumping rate so that any problems can be detected early. Frequent sounding / ullages should be taken. Particular care taken when 90% filling capacity of tank is attained, and bunkering stopped. On completion special care taken when disconnecting hoses, removing drip trays. Note: A ‘persistent’ oil is one that will not disperse easily e.g. ~ Heavy Fuel Oil, Diesel oil, Lubricating oil ~ and will require a solvent or emulsifier, to disperse in case an oil spill occurs. Volatile oils, like petrol are not persistent. Instructions to Personnel: Before any transfer of product is undertaken, the Officer must confirm the following items, with the person in-charge of barge/terminal bunkering. Each will sign this form (sample), to acknowledge Taking over watch personnel, will also review the subject matter as below: i we vy © $ 4 \o Pumping Data Quantity and type of stock to be transferred Tnitial transfer rate Maximum transfer rate Maximum transfer pressure Anticipated stoppages The method of communication between barge and vessel/terminal has been established It will be understood that except for emergencies, a 15 minute stand-by time for shutting down/ transfer is required. Are hoses in good condition? ‘Ase connections between the barge and vessel/terminal properly secured ? Are scupper plugs in place ? \2A continuous deck watch will be kept by barge and vessel/ terminal crews (3 In the event of an oil spill, a clear understanding exists on steps to be \b taken (containment, clean up, reports, etc) All unused manifold connections are blanked off. Both parties should carry out constant surveillance of adjacent waters to detect and prevent any leakage / spillage of oi! Auvaniceu marine Engineering mnowleage Vol. Iii Q. 8 As a Chief Engineer, what procedures will you follow, when acceptin;: bunkers, to ensure that they conform, with respect to the quantity and the required fuel specification and how will you ensure this ? Ans When accepting bunkers from a barge or a terminal, the Chief Engineer should always check the local supplier's documents, to make certain that the bunker conforms, in terms of quantity, as well as fuel specification, with what has been - actually ordered. The Chief Engineer, or his nominee, should always check that the bunkers, to be received, do not contain an unacceptable percentage of water contamination — the maximum allowable being 0.05 % for Gas oil, 0.25% for Diesel oil and 1% for Heavy oil (of 180 Cst). In case of distillates, this can be established by means of a simple test, involving water finding paste applied on sounding tape. The tape should be smeared with paste (usually green in colour), which will tum pink, if any water is detected. The water depth should then be read off and its volume and weight calculated from the barge or storage tank calibration tables. This method can also be used for Fuel Oil — but its accuracy may not always be 100%. The only safe way of checking, in the case of Heavy fuel oil, is for a sample to be taken and the water content tested in a water test kit. In addition to checking the tightness of the hose couplings, it is important that the pumping rate between bunker barge/terminal and receiving Vessel is agreed by the barge Master and the vessel’s Chief Engineer. Excess pressure can cause the hoses to. burst with the harbour becoming polluted resulting in claims, fines and even vessel's arrest. Ensuring correct Quantity/Delivery ' Claims of insufficient volume delivery are the cause of many disputes between owners and bunker suppliers. It is the ship's staff's responsibility to ensure that they actually receive the quantity that has been ordered. If not, then a t 's| must be made out. The Chief Engineer or his representative must always check the supplier's barge/ terminal tank soundings, before and after pumping. Barge soundings should be checked by using sounding tape, which are to be used with tank calibration tables to verify the actual quantity, both before and after pumping, to ensure that the correct quantity is received. Due care must be taken to correct for temperature variations, if any. Note: In a quantity dispute, it is generally a rule with bunker suppliers, that ship's figures will not be accepted. Measurements taken on tanks, barges and oil trucks are accepted, as they are under the independent supervision of Customs. However, a formal letter, of protest must be made out, to keep the ship’s staff in the clear. Flow meters should be checked, both before and after bunker delivery. Meters only record volume (not weight) - either in ‘US barrels’ or ‘Litres’ - both of 17 sve anymeering Knowledge Vol. Ill which can be converted into metric tons, by using the product's specific gravity and then adjusting for temperature differences. Test kits for checking fuel quality : Bunker quality on board can be checked with a fuel oil test kit. By carrying out a few simple tests on representative samples, from the ship’s bunker flange, and not the bunker barge or shore tank, the Chief Engineer can satisfy himself, that the product is indeed upto specification and compatible with existing bunkers. Samples of the loaded product must be taken jointly. The sample must be representative of the total delivery, and ideally taken by drip feed at the discharge side of the manifold, during the course of the pumping process. Samples should not be taken at the start or on the completion of bunkering, because then they will not be a representative of the total tonnage loaded. Also samples should not be from just one tank on the barge. Sample bottles should be sealed, dated and signed for - by both the Chief Engincer and the local supplicr. Two identical samples should be taken. One should then be retained by the ship's staff, for about three months or at least until the bunkers loaded have been consumed without problem. In case of any quality problem, a sealed sample must be sent by the Chief Engineer ashore, so that a proper analysis can be carried out. In the event of a genuine quality problem arising, it is imperative that the supplier is advised as soon as possible. The supplier may decline to accept liability, if this is not done within a specified period. (The period for notification should be clearly stated in the supplier's terms and conditions). Bunkers are the remaining products from varying world sources of crude oil, and varying methods of cracking, thus there is no ‘standardised’ heavy oil - each one is consisting of different hydrocarbons from varying sources. The delivered product may conform to the specifications, but however when mixed in the tank with a product refined from a different crude oil source, incompatibility can occur. The mixed products will layer and could result in an un-pumpable sludge and consequent poor combustion in the Main engine. Alternatively, the product could become completely un-pumpable or unbumable. To avoid these problems, bunkers should ideally be segregated, in separate tanks, so that no mixing occurs - although this is not always possible on small ships Q9. With respect to regulations, discuss briefly : a) Control of discharge of oil from cargo tank areas of Oil tankers. b) Control of discharge with reference to Chemical Carriers. Ans. Control of Discharge of Oil from Cargo Tank Areas of Oil Tankers 18 Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. Ill Sea areas Discharge criteria Within a Special area No Discharge except clean or | _ | segregated ballast | | Within 50| No Discharge except clean or | nautical miles | segregated ballast No Discharge except either : \ clean or segregated ballast; or when: | the tanker is en route; and the instantaneous rate of discharge of oil does not exceed 30 litres per nautical Outside a mile; and | Special area More than 50 the total quantity of oil discharged | | tautical miles | not exceed 1/30.000 (fer new tankers) | from land | of the total quantity of cargo. which | | was carried on the previous voyage: | and | | | the tanker has in operation : | | An oil discharge monitoring and control | | system and slop tank arrangements as | | required by Regulation 15 of Annex 1 | | of MARPOL 73/78. | “Clean ballast’ is the ballast in a tank which has been so cleaned that the effluent from there does not create a visible sheen or the oil content exceed 15 ppm . Regarding chemical carriers, Annex II of MARPOL 73/78 deals with pollution by noxious liquid substances. Q.10 With respect to Oily water separators, justify the statement Separation of oil and water depends upon the density difference between oil and water. Also comment on the use of a coalescing device and heating coils. Ans, Most designs of Oily water separators in use are of the gravity / coalescer type, i.e. the separation takes place by gravity, and depends upon the density difference between oil and water. The coalescing device encourages the formation of large oil droplets from the dispersed phase. In general, bilge water contains a mixture of oil in water i.e, a small amount of oil ina large amount of water. The water is known as the continuous phase and the oil is the dispersed phase. The oily water enters the separator and is slowed down (ideally to laminar flow). Thus the larger globules of oil are allowed to rise due to the density difference. 19 Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. iif Plates encourage a laminar flow and act as coalescing surfaces. The rate of separation depends upon the difference between the viscous drag at the oil/water interface and the effect of gravity. As the size of the oil globules increases the viscous drag decreases and the gravity increases. The formation of larger globules is accelerated at the coalescing surfaces. Also as the rate of change in density, with respect to temperature, is greater for oil than water, the rate of separation will increase with temperature Pumps: - Should be matched to the application (must not exceed the intended capacity of the separator). : Vane or screw type are the most suitable pumps. - Provision for washing out with sea water should be provided. Heating Coils : Reduce viscosity for washing out. : Reduce viscosity of the oil water - thus aiding separation. : Reduce viscosity of oil ~ thus aiding pumping. - Increase differential specific gravity. Q.12 Oil pollution regulations require any transfer or discharge of oil or oily mixtures to be recorded in the a. Pollution Control record b. Bridge log c. Oil Record Book d. Masters log e. None of above Briefly justify your answer. Ans. The correct choice is the option ¢). All registered merchant vessels must carry an Oil Record Book This includes all Bilge transfer operations, Ballasting or cleaning of bunker fuel tanks and the discharge of dirty ballast or cleaning water, Disposal of oil residue, Discharge overboard of purified bilge water from machinery spaces. Tankers have additional entries to record ~ Loading, transfer during voyage and discharge of oil cargo. Ballasting and cleaning of cargo tanks and the discharge of dirty ballast If any vessel fails to carry an approved Oil record book or to make proper entries, the owner / Master are liable to a substantial fines and / or imprisonment 20 v whe Auvances marine engineering Knowleage Vol. Ill Q.13. How is discharge of oil monitored. Describe the general principles of measurement of the following: a) Ballast Monitor b) Bilge Monitor c) Turbidity meters d) Clean Oil System ¢) Infra Red Absorption f) Ultra violet detector g) Light Absorption & gas measurement. Ans. The oil pollution regulations put limitations on the quantity of oil discharged into the sea. There is a requirement to monitor the overboard discharge from:- A tanker ballast line as it discharges directly overboard. ‘A tanker ballast discharge after an oily-water separator. A bilge discharge from the machinery space General requirements : ‘The equipment must be suitable for the marine environment (Although there are many laboratory methods, which.are accurate, not all can be used on board ship). The equipment must be suitable for reading both high and low levels of contamination and to respond quickly to sudden changes in those levels. There should be no appreciable loss of accuracy, due to the presence of sand, rust and other debris, and must operate satisfactorily, irrespective of the type of oil used. The equipment must be easy to operate and maintain. Its working should be unaffected by considerable periods of idleness. It must be accurate to + 10% . Principles of Measurement : Infra Red Absorption. Ultra Violet Absorption. Visible Light Absorption. Visible Light Scattering Ultra Violet Fluorescence The first four are all poor with respect to sensitivity and would usually be used only to detect an oil-water interfaces (in an oily water Separator). Infra Red absorption is a useful method, as most oils absorb in the 3.4 #m wavelength. The variations, in absorption rates, between heavy oils through to the light diesels is approximately 10%. 24 ‘Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. fll However, water also has a strong absorption at the same wave length and this makes detectors complex. It would be useful if the oil was extracted from the water with a suitable solvent, the solvent having no absorption of the infra red wavelength. However this would not allow a speedy response. Ultra violet absorption does not encounter the water absorption problem as it uses a wavelength of 0.25 Lm, but the requirement, for the opto-electronics to detect small changes in a high light level, limits the low range capability. Absorption devices using any wavelength, on a system where the oil is present in the form of particles, suffers from the effects of sand and rust, distorting the accuracy. This is significant and adds greatly to the problem of inaccuracies. Devices using visibility light are usually cheaper, simpler and are non-specific with respect to oil types. However, they also detect, without distinguishing between, oil and non-oil particles of similar diameter. Of the two visible light techniques, absorption and scattering, the most sensitive is light scattering. Ultra violet fluorescence suffers from a wide variation in response to different types of oil Ballast Monitor : A representative sample must be extracted. This is achieved by a strengthened intrusion pipe in the ballast line and the sample is then conveyed to the monitor by a pump. To ensure a representative sample is obtained and to encourage good mixing, the sample point is usually in the middle of the ballast pipe, near the discharge pump. Care must be taken to ensure the ballast line is always full of sea water, so that no settling-out occurs. If the response time of the monitoring system is long, considerable pollution can occur before the large discharge valves can be closed. Additionally it is important, that the operation of the valves should not be initiated by a false alarm, caused by a small spike of oil exceeding the alarm level Generally the response of the monitor is instantaneous and most of the system response delay is in the sampling pipe-work. To reduce the delay, short length of sample pipe with a minimum number of bends, utilizing a fast sample velocity are adopted. This pipe-work often becomes clogged during periods of inactivity and, when restarted, erroneous readings are obtained as oil, deposited during periods of idleness, strips off the pipe-work. Most monitors depend on an optical technique and this leads to problems with the sealing and cleaning of the optical windows. A fast sample flow rate helps in keeping the windows clean Bilge Monitor The installation and operational problems with a bilge monitor are less than those for the ballast monitor. The bilge monitor must provide an alarm at 15 p.p.m. The alarm, being within the engine room, does not have the installation problems of the ballast monitor, as very short sample pipes can be used, With the bilge system the type of oil can vary from fuel oils to lubricating oils, hence the monitor should not be specific to an oil type. Additionally the window problem assumes greater importance as the system may well have to operate with the machinery space unattended. Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. Il Turbidity Meter (Scattered Light Detector) If an_oil/water mixture with a low oil content is heavily agitated, so that the oil droplets become very small, the water will tum ‘milky’ to varying degrees, depending on the amount of oil present; the actual colour of the oil droplets is of no importance. This method can be used for indicating the oil content, provided the conditions for homogenizing the sample are well controlled. If a light beam i8 projected through a test cell containing sample water with well-homogenized droplets, part of the light passing through the cell will be scattered. The intensity of light picked up by a photocell at the end of a straight path through the cell will be reduced, whereas the intensity of scattered light sensed by a photocell mounted at an angle to the original path will increase. Measuring cell with Tight laser and two P.E.cells Water sample O 00 Engine room bulkhead — yr Alarm and Measuring circuit Control panel Los a Laser light may be used to obtain a well defined light beam and a selective light-scattering effect. This principle is used in the Oil content meter, in which the light beam and the signals picked up by the photocells are transmitted via optical fibres to the electronic measuring circuit in the engine room, through the Engine room bulkhead, where the penetration is quite small. The Indicator, Alarm and contro! panel are in the Engine room. A similar instrument, operating with infra- light, is also in use. Another instrument, based on the turbidity principle, operates only on the direct transmitted light through the test cell, in which the heavily agitated water circulates. Instrument of this type can measure oils ranging from heavy crude oils to gasoline, but some changes in the calibration are required, to cover the extremes of the range. As the instrument measures the number of particles in the water, it is rather sensitive to other contaminants such as rust or ait bubbles 23 Aavanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. ill Infra-red absorption The absorption of infra-red light by oil can also be measured. As infra-red absorption by the background water is also high, am oil-free reference water of relevant quality must be obtained at all times; this is done by purifying a small part of water in a micro-filter. The infra-red absorption by the oily water and by oil-free water can then be measured. The difference is caused by absorption by the oil and, the signal can be calibrated in oil content. Sample and metering pumps LJ ——— nll The Ultra Violet Detector : The Principle used here is that of Ultra Fluorescence. This is the phenomenon of the emission of light from a molecule which has absorbed light. In the brief period, before the emission can occur, some energy is dispersed and the emitted light is of a longer wave-length than the absorbed light. For a given oil-in-water concentration, the instrument response depends on a) the particle size and b) the florescent efficiency of the oil, The effect of particle size is minimized by the sample conditioning unit which reduces the oil particles to a uniform size. The fluorescent efficiency of the oil is based on the phenomenon that - molecules of “unsaturated” hydrocarbons become excited, when illuminated with ultraviolet light of a certain wavelength They radiate light in the visible spectrum. Different oils contain different amounts of unsaturated hydrocarbons, so that the instrument must be calibrated each time, for the type of oil being monitored. The instrument is simple in design, and has been installed in tankers. 24 Aavanced marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. lll Q.14. Sketch and describe a Sludge Incinerator ? How is the waste disposal effected. Ans. An Incinerator is capable of dealing with waste oil, oil and water mixtures up to 25% content, rags, waste and solid matter from sewage plants, if required. The figure below shows a small combined water tube type boiler cum incinerator plant which gives a compact unit with good economy. Sludge / oi Liquid wastein >| Spinning eup burPer Incinerator Waste / oily-water mixtures, suitably homogenised, produce a well-dispersed emulsion. These are supplied to a rotary cup burner. Solid waste ftom the galley and accommodation is collected in bags and placed in a chamber adjacent to the main combustion chamber. There is a safety device, which prevents the doors being opened, if the bumer is ‘on’. Hydrocarbon gases are formed, due to the low air supply to this compartment, which pass through a series of small holes in the furnace. Dry ash has to be removed periodically through the ash pit door. Solid matter from sewage systems is also incinerated in this unit by homogenizing it with the oily-water mixture, before supplying the rotary cup burner. The incinerator is capable of burning liquid waste or wet garbage Combustion of solid particles requires a considerable dwell time and this is usually achieved by angling the bumer to give a ‘cyclone’ effect. One of the main problems is to dispose-off items like glass and metal containers, which tend to soften in the flame, but do not readily burn. It is necessary to prevent these agglomerating into a mass that is difficult to extract. For this reason many incinerators burn refuse on a grate. The burning process for liquid waste requires that there are no rapid changes in content. Hence it is necessary to ensure an efficient homogenising process in the sludge tank. muvasueeu marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. lif Cost of the incinerating process must be considered. Since incineration is initiated using diesel oil, to start with a stable flame, it is using up fuel. In an effort to recover this cost, combined boiler cum incinerator units are used, as shown above, which may not be economical on a cargo ship, with a small crew, but is a economical unit on passenger ships, which incinerate a large quantity of garbage daily. Q.15. Discuss briefly the methods used for the measurement of Noise levels and the recommended limits for noise levels. Ans. Sound is generated by vibration of surfaces or by turbulence in air streams, setting-up rapid pressure variations in the surrounding air. The normal human ear is sensitive to frequencies between 20 Hz and 20,000 Hz. The human ear is particularly sensitive to noise in the 1000 ~ 4000 Hz (1 ~ 4 kHz) range, which is objectionable and may lead to hearing impairment Measurement of Noise Noise is measured in terms of the ‘sound pressure level’ expressed in decibels (dB), or the ‘A - weighted sound level’ dB(A). Recommended Noise Level limits Unmanned machinery spaces (UMS) - 110 dB(A) Continuously manned machinery spaces : 90 dB(A) Engine control room (ECR) - 75. dB(A) Mess rooms and public spaces in Accommodation - 75 dB(A) Day rooms, offices : 65 dB(A) Cabins and hospital - 60 dB(A) Methods of controlling Noise exposure : Separation of Noise sources (i) Whete practicable, noisy machines should be sited in spaces, that do not require continuous attendance. (ii) Provision of suitable partivions. bull Provision of sound absorbi to reduce the spread of noise erial in certain spaces. gn Exhaust / Intake Silencing (i) Inflow and disc ge ¢ should be arranged, such that they are remote fiom spaces frequented by personnel (such as Fan rooms) and be fitted with effective silencers. Gi) Silencers should bi ke is pspected and cleaned, to ensure su cient air ossible, vith th num of noise leve Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. ii! Machinery Enclosures. (i) In continuously manned machinery spaces, which contain machinery emitting noise above the prescribed levels and where it is not practical to isolate this, consideration should be given to the fitting of sound insulation enclosures (acoustic hoods). Use of ear protectors. Where noise levels in any space are above the prescribed limits, signs should be posted, advising the use of suitable ear protective measures. Ear protectors should be provided for personnel entering such spaces, viz. duty engineers making routine inspections, Manufacturers should supply information on expected noise levels and recommend appropriate installation methods, to reduce them as far as practicable. Q.16. Discuss what precautionary practical measures would you follow on board vessel, as Chief Engineer, with reference to the control and management of the ship’s Ballast water. Enumerate the basic safety precautions to be taken, in your op! Ans. Minimising intake of harmful aquatic organisms, pathogens and sediments : When loading ballast, every effort should be made to avoid the intake of potentially harmful aquatic organisms, pathogens and sediment that may contain such organisms. Avoid ballasting, if possible, in areas and situations such as: ~ invery shallow water; - in darkness ~ when bottom-dwelling organisms may rise up; - where propellers may stir up sediment. Remove ballast sediment on a timely basis ; Where practicable, routine cleaning of the ballast tank to remove sedinients should be carried out in mid-ocean, or under controlled arrangements in port or dry dock, in accordance with the provisions of the ship's ballast water management plan If it is necessary to ballast or discharge ballast water in the same port to facilitate safe cargo operations, care should be taken to avoid unnecessary discharge of ballast water, that has been taken up in another port. Ship's engaged in Ballast water exchange at sea should be provided with procedures, which account for the following, as applicable: - Avoidance of over and under pressurization of ballast tanks; - Free surface effects on stability and sloshing loads in tanks that may be slack at any one time, 27 Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. ill - Totake account of weather conditions; - Weather routing in areas seasonably effected by cyclones, typhoons, hurricanes, or heavy icing conditions; - Maintenance of adequate ‘intact stability’ in accordance with an approved trim and stability booklet; - Permissible seagoing strength limits of shear forces and bending moments in accordance with an approved loading manual; - Torsional forces, where relevant; - Minimum/maximum forward and aft draughts; - Wayve-induced hull vibration; - Documented records of ballasting and/or de-ballasting; So Contingency procedures for situations which may affect the ballast water exchange at sea, including deteriorating weather conditions, pump failure, loss of power; : Time to complete the ballast water exchange or an appropriate sequence thereof, taking into account that the ballast water may represent 50% of the total cargo capacity for some ships; and - Monitoring and controlling the amount of ballast water. If the ‘flow-through’ method is used, caution should be exercised, since: Air pipes are not designed for continuous ballast water overflow; Pumping of at least three full volumes of the tank capacity could be needed to be effective, when filling clean water from the bottom and overflowing from the top; and certain watertight and weather-tight closures (e.g. manholes) which may be opened during ballast exchange should be re-secured. Ballast water exchanges at sea should be avoided in freezing weather conditions; However, when it is deemed absolutely necessary, particular attention should be paid to the hazards associated with the freezing of overboard discharge arrangements, air pipes, ballast system valves together with their means of control, and the accretion of ice on deck. Some ships may need the fitting of a loading instrument to perform calculations of shear forces and bending moments induced by ballast water exchange at sea and to compare with the permissible strength limits. ‘An evaluation should be made of the safety margins for stability and strength contained in allowable seagoing conditions specified in the approved trim and stability booklet and the loading manual, relevant to individual types of ships and loading conditions. Particular account should be taken of Stability, which is to be maintained at all times, to values not less than those required by the Administration. 28 Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. II Fire and Ships Safety Q.1. With reference to Control stations and Fire parties, discuss the importance of: a) Muster list b) Fire control Plan c) Essential Requirement of Fire Parties Ans. ‘The muster list shall be permanently positioned and displayed throughout the vessel and shall specify definite signals on the whistle or siren, for calling the crews to their emergency stations. The muster list shall also specify the means of indicating when the vessel is be abandoned. The muster list shall show the duties assigned to crew members in respect of - a. the closing of watertight doors, fire doors, side scuttles, valves and other openings in the vessels superstructure. The equipping of the lifeboats and other life saving appliances. The launching of lifeboats and liferafts. General preparations of any other boats and life saving appliances. The muster of passengers (if any). The extinction of fire. meaes Fire Control Plan For the extinction of fire, a fire control plan should be drawn up and be permanently on display, showing the following details. a. Scctions of the vessel enclosed by fire resisting bulkheads. b. Section of the vessel enclosed by fire retarding bulkheads. c. The fire control plans should be annotated, showing the fire alarm call points, sprinklers, fixed installations, portable extinguishers, equipment, breathing apparatus and fireman’s outfits. At a glance, the complete fire arrangement and distribution can be seen. d. Means of access to and escape from compartments and decks. c. Ventilation systems, fan controls and dampers etc. f. Location of the international ship to shore connection(s) g. Locations of all machinery stops, fuel oil remote shut off valves and engine room skylight closure points. Fire Parties / Drills The essential requirement of a good fire drill is that it is made as realistic as possible and never allowed to become monotonous or routine. Fire drills should be held in rotation to include :- a All crew members. b. Indifferent parts of the vessel 29 Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. It c. All fire fighting equipment to be utilised. d. Fire drills to be carried out at different times and, on occasions, the drill should be carried out without an advance warning. Fire drills should be carried out in the following way : s i One officer from each department, i.e. Engine and Deck, should be put as Fire Drill Officer, whose duty is to submit typical fire drill situations relevant to his department. These to include details of extent of fire, source of ignition, equipment to be used, personnel to be involved and a full de-brief period afterwards, which is equally important to the learning process. ii. Fire drills should be conducted in different areas of the vessel, so as to include accommodation area, catgo, and machinery spaces. iii, Use blacked out Breathing apparatus face masks or safety smoke generators to give B. A. wearers the benefit of experiencing zero visibility, as would be expected in real life situations. iv, Fill up an old boiler suit with rags, to simulate a ‘body’, for search and rescue teams to get practice, in evacuating personnel Apart from the need to conduct fire drills involving the entire crew, there is a strong case for involving specialised fire parties, hand picked men, who have a particular aptitude, skill and knowledge for fire fighting so as to engender team spirit, confidence and communications as on efficient team. During these drills, breathing apparatus should be worn and communications/line signals diligently practiced, until the B. A. teams can fully understand and be understood. Fire drills should be varied every time and hypothetical fire situations created to cover every possible contingency. Try to visualise a given fire and adopt boundary cooling accordingly . All equipment should be brought to a state of readiness, i.e. fire pumps started, fire mains charged, hoses run out in position and charged. It is very important for the personnel to get the fecl of the equipment during practice, rather than in action for the first time. Before any fire drill is actually started it is most important that a roll call is taken and all personnel accounted for. This is especially significant when the case of an engine room fire, before the vessels Halon or CO, fixed installation can be actuated into the space, the area must be fully evacuated. Many such fires have, in the past, been allowed to grow in intensity because of the confusion and delay caused by a lack of positive knowledge regarding the whereabouts of all the staff. The following points are considered to be necessary to a good shipboard fire organisation i The organisation should be simple to understand by all onboard. ii, It should be easily adaptable, to keep up-to-date, iii, The system should, as far as possible, be standard throughout the fleet Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. HT iv. It should incorporate a simple but effective roll call procedure. v. It should ensure that all personnel, with appropriate knowledge of the vessel and fire fighting training, are used effectively i.e. deck crews for cargo and accommodation fires, engineers for machinery space fires, pursers, stewards for first aid and support services. vi. Fire fighting parties are well trained to operate in all situations, so as to become an effective team. vii. All other personnel, not directly engaged in fire fighting operations, should remain at the muster point, and must be given support tasks relevant to the fire situation. viii. Good communications should be set up and maintained, between the muster point, the bridge and the seat of the fire. ix. Realistic fire drills/training are carried out throughout the vessel to cover all eventualities. The plan should be supervised by the senior officers on board. who will be present to co-ordinate and control the proceedings. Bridge Team Master — Overall in command, regarding the fire and the vessel’s speed, course maneuvering and radio messages sent. Third Officer Assisting Master in the above and responsible for shipboard communications between the control station and the bridge. Helmsman, looking out for other ships and as messenger between stations and in the event of a communications breakdown. Chief Engineer He is responsible to the Master for the highly technical details, which should be fully utilised, especially regarding machinery space fires, Emergency fuel shut-off, ventilation, fuel oil bunker transfers. Engine Room Team Second Engineer Officer-in-Charge of engine room and maneuvering of the main engine. If the fire is in the machinery space(s) then he is also in charge of fire fighting operations within. Duty Engineer As instructed by the second engineer, either in the engine controls and or fire fighting operations. Engine ratings As directed by the Second engineer, either in starting the fire pumps, or, if the engine room is involved in fire, as part of the fire fighting teams. 31 Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. IIT Electrical Officer All electrical requirements — to stand-by at the main switchboard, put on-line additional generators, or emergence lighting circuits. To stand-by and be available for instructions from the second engineer. Fire Fighting Team Chief Officer Officer in Charge of fire fighting operations for accommodation and cargo spaces. Second Engineer Officer-in-charge of all machinery space fires. Off Watch Engineer / Deck Officers Assisting the Officer in Charge of fire fighting operations in fire control and fire fighting operations as directed. All off watch crew members As directed by the Officer in Charge, for all fire fighting operations, boundary cooling and other duties, Galley personnel As directed by the Officer in Charge in fire fighting operations, if the galley arca is involved. If not, then in providing support services t6 the fire fighting teams. Also to prepare the ship’s hospital and render first aid, stretcher party and any other duties as directed Second Officer He is responsible to the Chief Officers as regards cargo stowage and transfer. and also in charge of fire equipment — all hoses, extinguishers, foam and breathing apparatus. Q.2 Discuss recommendations on Safety Measures for periodically unattended Machinery spaces in addition to those normally considered necessary for attended M/c. spaces. Base your assumptions that qualified personnel are available to answer alarms. Ans. An unattended machinery space is one, where the provision of automated alarm, control and instrumentation equipment compensates for the absence of the machinery space watch-keeper. Sensors are used to detect the onset of potentially hazardous conditions. 32 Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. IIT Protection against Fire | (a) The fire detection system should be capable of detecting the onset of a fire, and be self-monitoring for faults. Visual and audio alarms are relayed to the Accommodation spaces, Navigation bridge and to the duty engineer officer’s cabin. (b) It should be possible to restricting the fire to the space of origin, by ensuring adequate structural design, and the elimination of combustible materials néar doors, casings, skylights and other openings. (c) The remote starting of fire pumps, quick closing arrangements, the shutting off of ventilation fans, fire extinguishing system controls, and shut-off arrangements for fuel pumps should be centralised in the fire control station, together with at least one breathing apparatus and a supply of fire-fighting equipment. (d) The possibility of the formation of oil mist, can be detected by Oil mist detectors. Fuel oil high pressure pipe leakage can be detected by using double walled pipes and a leak-off tank with alarm. Protection against Flooding: (a) In unattended machinery spaces, an alarm should warn of bilge water or other liquids accumulating at an unusual rate or have reached an abnormal level in bilge wells. These wells should be large enough to hold more than the normal drainage expected during the longest unattended operation, while detecting at normal angles of trim and heel (b) In the case of bilge pumps starting automatically, means should be provided to indicate excessive running (‘Long run’ alarm) and if the influx of liquid is greater than the capacity of the pump. (the usual arrangements apply to prevent oil pollution). (c) The controls for sea inlet, bilge injection and discharge valves below the waterline should be sited to allow adequate time, in the case of flooding, for these to be operated. Larger valves may require remote contro] from above the bulkhead deck. Bridge control of main engine : The engine speed and direction of thrust of the propeller (in case of controllable pitch propeller) should be fully controllable from the bridge, with means of stopping the main engines, in an emergency. Remote automatic control system failure should give an alarm while the preset speed and direction of thrust of the propeller should be maintained, until under local control Communication : A direct and independent means of communication should be provided between the engine control room, the bridge and engineer officer's accommodation 33 suvanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. I Machinery space : A system of alarms should be provided, which should indicate any fault that requires attention, additionally giving automatic shut-down if necessary, but allowing for overriding in emergency situations. jotor Vessels : Low lubricating oil pressure, high temperature cooling water / thrust bearing / exhaust gas, and crankcase oil mist detection. (b) Turbine Vessels : Low lubricating oil pressure, reserve oil supply, and high temperature of bearings. (c) Main propulsion boilers: ‘ High and low water level, flame and air failure, high salinity. including an alarm if purging or re-ignition apparatus malfunctions. (d) Oil supply arrangements: High and low alarms in daily service tanks and malfunction of oil purifiers. (c) Electrical system : Excessive voltage or frequency variations, operation of load shedding arrangements and loss of power in alarm systems. () Auxiliary power units : Generally make provisions as above. Q.3 With reference to hazards of enclosed spaces : a) What oxygen content of air would you accept as safe? b) Discuss dangers involved due to the toxic effect of petroleum vapours and chemicals. c) State the Instructions and Training you would give to staff, regarding entry into enclosed spaces, in ships. Ans. Any space that is not adequately ventilated, such as cargo/fuel oil tanks, double bottom tanks, ballast tanks, cargo holds, pump rooms, cofferdams, duct keels or even store rooms may contain toxic or flammable gases or may be deficient in oxygen. Death has occurred when people have entered enclosed spaces without checking for a dangerous atmosphere. The dangers which exist are many and range from oxygen deficiency to toxic gases. Example are tanks which contain or have contained a toxic, corrosive or oxygen absorbing cargo, refrigerated spaces from which the refrigerant may leak, spaces in which an internal combustion engine is installed or even empty fuel tanks. 34 Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. II Oxygen Deficiency Normal oxygen content of air is approximately 21% by volume. [Percentage by Volume | Effect [18% 0; Required for normal breathing. [16% 0; ‘Results in headache, sleepiness, fatigue and nausea. [IT% 0; Results in loss of consciousness and possible brain damage. 2 ‘Death occurs in 6 to 8 minutes. Toxic Effect of Petroleum vapours and Chemicals Even very small quantities of petroleum vapours, when. inhaled, dull the sense of smell, and cause symptoms of diminished responsibility and dizziness giving the impression of drunkenness, headache and irritation of the eyes. Threshold Limit Value (TLV) This is the highest concentration, of harmful substance in air, to which a person may be exposed for eight hours per day, for an indefinite period, without danger to health. TLV for petroleum is not uniform, due to constituents varying in their proportions and various constituents having a greater toxic effect than others. The main constituents are Methane, Propane, Ethane and Butane. A standard figure of 500 ppm is quoted for working in a petroleum atmosphere but must not be taken as applicable to vapours containing hydrogen, sulphide or benzene. The human body can tolerate somewhat higher concentrations for shorter periods. The following are typical effects from such higher concentration :- By volume | PPM, Erfects | in air | 0.1% “fF TOO Trritation of the eyes within one hour. | [0.2% —2000— Irritation of the eyes, nose and throat, dizziness and unsteadiness within 30 mins. [0.7% 1000 yimptomis of drunkenness within 15 mins. [T90% | TOO00 Rapid onset of drunkenness which may | lead to unconsciousness and death if| exposure continues. | pr0% 20000 Paralysis, unconsciousness and death can | follow rapidly. 35 Advanced Marine Engineering Knowledge Vol. HI Hydrogen Sulphide, HS Crude oils may have the extra hazard of containing trace quantities of Hydrogen Sulphide. Its presence as a vapour can be detected as low as | p.p.m. in air by its most offensive and pungent odour, somewhat similar to rotten eggs. Its toxic effect however, is one of paralysis of the nervous system and one of the first senses to be rendered ineffective is that of smell. Concentrations of 200-300 p.p.m. vapour in air will produce such marked eye and respiratory tract irritation that longer exposure than a few minutes cannot willingly be tolerated. At a concentration of 1,000: p.p.m. a few seconds exposure can result in immediate unconsciousness and respiratory failure which unless quickly restored will be rapidly fatal. TLV is given as 10 p.p.m. but in an enclosed space a nil concentration should be achieved before entry is permitted without the use of breathing apparatus. When entering an enclosed or confined space, the following principal points should be observed :- a) Identifying the potential hazards. b) _Instituting and adhering to a rigid permit-to-work system. Ensure that the space is secure against ingress of injurious substances. c) Freeing the atmosphere of gas and removing sludge and/or other sources of gas (a tank is not considered gas free if any sludge remains). d) Testing for the presence of toxic gases and/or oxygen deficiency e) Instructing or training personnel in the safe conduct of the operation. f) Provide adequate safety equipment. g) Organising emergency rescue teams/first aid If it is found necessary to enter a confined space with breathing apparatus two supplies of air are required. On no account should a person stationed at the entrance attempt to enter the space before additional aid arrives, no attempt to enter must be made without breathing apparatus. The testing of the space should be carried out at different levels, and further tests to be carried out while space is occupied. Breathing apparatus must be worn, if any doubt exists about the possibility of vapour. Lifelines and safety harnesses should be worn. The lifeline must be capable of being easily detached by the wearer, in case of entanglement. Any atlempt to rescue a person from an enclosed space should be based on a prearranged plan. Survival, after loss of air supply, is time dependent and restoring the victim’s oxygen supply is the first priority. Unless the person is gravely injured, e.g. broken back, any physical injury he has sustained is of secondary importance ~ the victim must be brought out with the least delay. Restoration of the casualty’s air supply at the earliest must always be the first priority. All ship-board personnel are already qualified to render first-aid, after attending suitable courses ashore, so detailed descriptions have not been provided here. 36

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