Chapter 3 of State

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Chapter 3 MEASURES OF CENTRAL TENDENCY OR AVERAGES 4.1344) The decision is wrong, as an average does not reveal the whole picture. The conclusion is wrong, as there can be several brilliant students in the class. (iii) The conclusion is wrong, as the mean is highly affected by abnormally large or small values. (iv) The conclusion is absurd as few people walk in the middle of the road. 315) NowDtx-ab= Tij-M+M-Ay2, (adding and sub- tracting M) (ii) = ZlQj-M) + (M—A)]2 = ZlG@,-M)?+ (=a)? +2(M-A)(x;-M)} = EB? + nM -A)2+ 2M-A)S ce, -MOT But Za,j-M) = 0, as the sum of deviations taken from mean *ero, Therefore the cross product term lle Hence D(z,~4)? = Ley)? + n(M-A)? (©) Letz denote the mean of t Thee ‘he combined distribution. + nog. fa "+n. ny ‘ "1, Ro, ng are the frequencies 2 & g £ 8. é 18 ° Jo. ge 3(2) + 4(5.5) + 5(10) B SOY 46.5) + 500) _ 48 S4445 77g 7 65 3.16. (ce) Let E de enote the mean of the combined distribution. Then MAE + oF + nk TELS Rake + noi ny +n + ny where Z), 3, are the means and n,, of the 3 components respectively. Ng, ng are the frequencies = = 45(2) + 4002.5) + 65,2) = $52) + 402.5) + 6512) oe ® 45+ 40 + 65 _ 90 + 100 + 130 =" 750 3.17. Calculation of the mean, the median and the geometric mean of the values which have been arranged in ascending order. Hence (i) Mean, ie. ¥ = = 49 20 (iy) Median = Size of} [D+Gevla observation 2, Fis an integer) = Size of } [5th + 6th] observation 7 16 +18 | 2 I (i) GM. « anttog (21284) )=anti-log of 1.2322 17.07 : 3.18(@) Given two positive numbers a and 6. ; The A.M., G.M. are H.M. are then defined as 2 VW and = 2 ‘ Now AM.>G.M. of? +2 e i or a+ b22ab or (a+b)? > dab or (a+b)? dab >0" >» ot (a~b)? > 0, which is trus, Again, GM. > HLM, if ab 2 a? fab > 2ab_ 40%’ n ¥ aor oF ob 2 ee wn 40%? oF as RR or a+b)? > ah or 2 F(a + BP dab >0 of (@—6)? > 0, which is true. Hence, for two positive numbers, AM.2GM.2HM. 40 1.6022 0.0250 36 1.5563, 0.0278 ES z | ane | izasis | oaa70 Mean = = rs, 48 ~ Rs. 11.60 n 10 7 D log x GM. = anti-log [ F J = anti-log (1.74313) = Rs. 55.35 10 = Rs. 28.82 oaa7o ~ Bs 78 HM. = = r® Here G.M. is the best average. 22 A mee i 3.19. Calculation of the arithmetic mean, the geometric mean and the harmonic mean. x log x i E 60 1.7782 | 0.01667 80 1.9031 | 0.01250 90 1.9542 | 0.01111 96 1.9823 | 0.01042 120 2.0792 | 0.00833 150 2.1761. | 0.00667 200 2.3010 | 0.00500 360 2.5563 | 0.00278 480. | 2.6812 | 0.00208 20 2.7160 | 0.00192 1060 | 3.0253 | 0.00094 1200 | 3.0792 | 0.00083 1450 | 3.1614 | 0.00069 2500 3.3979 | o.00040 7200 | 3.8573 | 0.00014 38.6487 15 = Anti ree (2, seen = 377.2 i: HM, =—2_ am Ff = 186.7 z® 08045 ens 3.20 (0) @) Mean earnings ~ $0(9)+20(2) 220 80" Fe = Re2.75 Per hour 23 ©) Calculation of the weighted mean, Subieet | Marks ® | Went] op & (w) English 73 7 a French 82 a ae Maths 87 A it Science 62 i g History 60 : ais Total = 2 831 Hence weighted mean = 222 - 831 _ 69 05 marks, Su, } 3.21 Calculation of the simple and weighted averages @ @ @ Piece goods | Price per | Quantity | 1 t= ~2a-P) » Where r< 1. I=r ane} — 4). Sum ofthe values = 2° —D Co a=4r=2) = antl—1, TU Pioduct of the values = 1x 2x 4x 8x 16x... x2" 20 x 21 x 97 x 93x 24x... xT 2 2041424344440 = ant UOFAY/2 w gnin+D/2 rd doit Sum of reciprocals. = 7 + 5+ ra 26 ¢_ Sum of the values _ 20+? eek ofvalues ~ n+ G.M. = (Product ofthe values)!/a*1 = [209 1/21/0415 99% ana Number of values n+1 FM Sim ok thee poriprocals eRe ts za) 3.25. Calculation of the arithmetic mean, the geometric mean and the harmonic mean of the (n+1) values 1, 3, 8, 27, ... 3" which are im geometric Progression, ‘The sum of the values in G.P. is obtained by the formula a1 Sum =" —— | where ro. rai | 20a Y where <1 =r Here a@=1andr (common ratio) = 3 1@"41~py ‘Sum of the values = 1@°*4=D 4 5,4 Sop P= ¢ Product of the values = 1x 3x 9% 27x 81x. «gn = B0F1+2Ie in | = BOrm+ 0/2 « grins v/2 Sum of reciprocals. = doy ids jum of recipy aah +R = 2 wer CS! a=ir 3? 27 Sum of all values 3a" 1-y Sum ofall values _ 2 (9"*1~1) nce F = He No. of values nei = FProduct of the values}i/in+ 1) = (9S D/A) — gn/2 GM, and HM, - —Number of values n+1 Sum of their reciprocals ~ 3 ( z 2(-a) par, 3.27. The rates of his salary after getting rises come to 1.10, 1.20 and 1.25 respectively. The appropriate average of these rates is the geometric mean. Thus 3 GM. = V1.10 x 1.20 x 125 ‘Taking logs, we have log G = Z flog 1.10 + log 1.20 + log 1.25) [0.0414+0.0792+ 0.0969] = G.M. = Aniti-log of 0.0725 = 1.181 Hence the required annual percentage increase = 18.1% 3.28. (b) Calculation of the Harmonic mean which is the correct average speed of the person in this question. HM. = ae a Fee motte per hour 20) sora (©) Calculation of the Harmonic mean which is the correct average speed of the person in the question. eB 1 1 =) a*75755 = 6.8 miles per hour HM= ee * 9.44015 28 | 3.29, (a) As the distances are equal (and constant) and the times vary, therefore the ¢ average is the harmonic mean, which is ob hence Orrect, ied below; n 10 ; Thus HM, = 20) Ta43g ~ 22.56 kilometres p.h, ze () G@) Caleulation of the harmonic mean, the correct average rate. ine 3 * 0.51000 + 0.125055, 1667 HM, = their G.M. 3 GM. = Vi20% 125x144 Taking logs, we have logG = 3 [0g 1.20 + log 1.95 4 log 1.44) = 310.0792 5 0.0969 + 0.1584) 0.3345 37 0.1115 29 ) G.M. = Anti-log (0.1115) = 1.298 Hence the required percentage increase = 29.3%. / 3.30. Calculation of the Geometric mean and the Harmonic mean Weekly | No. of income | workers ef i x log x flogx | f/x) 36-39 | 15, a7. | 15682 [23.5230 | 0.4054 40-44 13 42 | 1.6282 | 21.1016 | 0.3095 45-49 | 17 47 | 16721 | 28.4257 |, 0.3617 = 50-54 | 29 s2__| 1.7160 | 49.7640 | 0.5577 a 55-59 | 67 -| 1.7559 | 19.8149 | 0.1930 7 60-64 10 62 1.7924 | 17.9240 | 0.1613 a 65-69 5 67 _| 1.8261 -| #1305 | 0.0746 169.1837 | 2.0632 Total 100 1837 ‘le " ‘165 Now G.M.= Anticlog of (S78 2) = Antitog of (#5 = Anti-log gf (1.6918) = Rs. 498, and, : Vian HM = Bae gilt = ns 48.47 u Sy) 208m E . . 3.31. Calevlation of Geometric and Harmonic m: Var | fF | * | ter | flee] : : o-5 | 2 | 28 | 0.3979 | 0.7958 | 0.4000 | 0.8000 5-10 7.5 | 0.8751 | 4.3755 | 0.1333 | 0.6665 10-15 | 7 | 125 | 1.0969 | 7.6783 | 0.0800 | 0.5600 15-20 | 13 | 17.5 | 1.2480 | 16.1590 | 0.0571 | 0.7428 20-25 | 21 22.5 | 1.3522 | 28.9962 | 0.0444 | 0.9324 25-30 | 16 | 27.5 | 1.4398 | 28.0288 | 0.0364 0.5824 30-35 | 8 | 325 | 1.5119 | 12.0962 | 0.0808 0:2464 35-40 | 3 | 37.5 | 1.5740 | 4.7220 0.0801 Tot [75 | = =_| 97.2508 i iil ae ele er cleen nlale beeline de es ee! 2 : n integer, therefore median is the average value of Ge and G + 1} ie, 2nd and 83rd observations. Hence Median = Be a8. ag’ 3.33. Calculation of the median, [Sts soes [Rosa pairs quartiles, etc. KT 191 Here J, Le. —*is not an integer, therefore 191): Median = Size of (324) +1 bh pair = Size of (95 + 1th, ie. 96¢h pair = 7 n io, Again {, ie. “>is not an integer. Therefore of (es + 1} pair, = Size of (47 + 1)th, i.e. 48th pair = 6; @ = Si Qs = Size of (24, 1a pair as 2" is also not an integer 4 = Size of (143 + 1)th, ie. 144th pair = 7} In. Ix Now yp» be. 5 ST is not an integer, therefore Dy = Size of (ey + 1a pair = Size of (133 + 1th, ie. 194th pair = 7 c= Sie ot (FO x. ean rety 1} pair as Sis not an integer = Size of (122 + 1th, ie, 128¢h pair = 7} 3.34, Calculation of the mean, the median and the modal numbers of pers, ts per _— ie Fae Spe, 1888 _ 3.78, Hence n 9 with ordinal numbers 2) \) Median = Average of two values (*) + 10st, ie Dis an intege and (g) # tesgy beg er erage no. of persons of 250¢h and 25151 houses =3,and ‘oof persons corresponding to the maximum frequency = 3 3.35. (i) Histogram of the daily wages. Mode y Histogram of The Frequency 200 Distribution of Daily Wages No of Employees less than or e less than or less than or qual to 4 equal to g 33 ive and Location of Median, 00] 425 225 150 5 29 6 2: aries! Checking the answers by calculations- a Median = Dafly wage of! (Ge employee = Daily wage of Sth, ie.,218.8th employee d which lies in the group 8-10. Therefore h Median =1+ AG. 0) 3 2 =8+a5 = 124) = = Rs. 9.04 8 + yg (2085 — 1240) 8 + 1.04 = Rs. 9.0 ——_—} ve 34 .¢ Calculations of the median and quartile age, by 3.36 Cal formula ‘Age of head under 25 25 and under 30 i 30 and under 40 40 and under 50 50 and under 60 60 and under 65 65 and under 70 70 and under 75 75 and under 85 Median = Age of head or(5) household = Age of head o (ha, ie. 878th household, Which lies in the age-group 40 and under 50. Therefore Median = 7 56- = fedian +7G-6)- 40 + 9 care-275) = 40 + 8.44 = 48.44 years a = 2 = Age of head o«(( (Ge household = Ay 8e of head or 258 1) Le, 189th household, which lies in the age 35 oa ‘3x 756 ge of head or( a ‘ie 567th household which lies in the age group 6) and under 65. Thus h @ e ) = 60 + 53 667 - 538) = 60 + 1.45 = 61.45 years. Graphical location is left as an exercise. 3.37. Calculation of the median and the quartiles. Height Number | Cumulative (inches) o frequency 57.5 — 60.0 6 B, 60.0 ~ 62.5 38, 3, 190 222 65.0 - 67.5 281 503 {e1.5— 70.0 710.0 - 12.5 aa Ag 72.5 - 75.0 88 1060 Total Median = Height ot (5 person = Height ot th, i.e. 540th person, which lies in the group 67.5 - 70.0 : h(n “Median a ) = 67.5 +7 3 5 (540-503) = 67.5+0.22=67.72 inches. , 36 Lower quartile = Height of (7 #* Perso 108 a 080 1p, ie, 270th person, = Height of ie which lies in the group 65.0 ~ 67.5. Thus Ql = 650+ 28 a = 65.0+0.43= 65.43 inches A(3n Similarly qate4(2-c) = 015+ 25 (810-503) = 67.5+ 1.86= 69.36 inches. ‘These results are checked on the following graph Y__ Cumulative Frequency Curve 37 3.38. Calculation of the Median, Classes Class boundaries | Number | F 100-104 99.5-104.5 4 4 105-109 104.5~109.5, 14 18 110-114 109.5-114.5 60 78 115-119 114.5-119'5 138 | 216 120-124 119.5-124.5 236 452 125-129 124.5-129.5 298 750 180-134 |. 129.5-134.5 380 | 1130 135-139 134.5-189.5 450 | 1580 140-144 189.5-144.5 500 | 2080 145-149 144.5-149.5, 430 2510 150-154 149.5-154.5 260 2770 155-159 154,5-159.5 128 2898 160-164 159.5-164.5 66 2964 1655-169 164.5-169.5 28 2992 170-174 169.5-174. 12’ | 3004 Total 3004 Median = Size of (ya number = Size of 3004 th, be, 1502nd number, which lies in the group 134.5 — 139.5. Thus h Median =1 + =(2— ) ian = 1+ 5 = 134.5 + gi 1802-1130) = 134.5+4.13= 138.63 3.39. Calculation of the mea! 38 d median ages. a = | fe Re ofp Fe 10 is | 25 | 25.0 rm 2 | 70 | 77.0 12 3g | 145 | 17470 22 60 | 24.5 | 539.0 18 78 | 34.5 | 621.0 8 86 | 49.5 | 396.0 7 93 | 69.5 | 486.5 3 =| 2821.0 Dean age = EE = 28210 24.98 ear Median e = age of (2h person = age of @p. i.e. 46.5th person which lies in the group 19.5 ~ 29.5 Median age = 1+ 56 10 = = 19.5 + 55 (46.5-98)=19.5 + 5. 3.40. (b) Calculation of the median, the lower and a) f the upper quartiles. 23.36 years 2 ‘Class Interval | Class bound Zr Under 25 upto 24.5 222 25-29 24,5-29.5 405 30-34 295-345 508 35-39 34.5-98.5 520 40-44 39.5-44.5, 525 45-49 445-495, 490 50-54 49.5-54.5, 457 55-59 54.5-59.5, 416 60 & over S9.5+over_ | 166 Total 3709 Median = Si; 2) ize of |5 |th observation 3709 | = Size of “09 2 thie. 1854.6th observation, which lies in the group 39.5 ~ 44.5. Thus Median =1 4 2(2_ re S 5 89.5 + 55 (1854.5 — 1655) = 39.5 + 1.9 = 414 | | - h Similarly, Q,= 1+ 7 (i °) 5 = 29.5 + Gog (927.25-627)=29.5+2.06~ 92.46; and han : a -1+4(E-o) | = 49.5 + Gp oren7s-2670 = 49,5 + 1.22 = 50.72 4.41, Estimation of the mean, the median and the quartiles. Class | | ‘Consumption in kilowatt hours Boundries | | 45-245 5 245-445 | | 25-44 445-645 45-64 65-84 85-104 105-124 125-144 145-164 Ne age apt 40 th 58628 «79,57 kilowatt hours Mean 7 Median = Kilowatt houts of (em consumer = Kilowatt hours of (Bp. i.e. 87.5th consumer which lies in the group 64.5-84.5. Thus hfn 20 Median = 1+ sg. 2 = 645 + 3 (37.5 - 24) E = 645 +20 32 7 16.77 kilowatt hours Q, = kilowatt hours ot (jn consumer = kilowatt hours of| @p. ie, 18.75th consumer, which lies in the group 44.5-64.5. Therefore h(n 20 =1+4(2-¢) 2445422 @ +4 ¢) 44.5 + 3 (18.75-10) 1 2445+ ced = 57.0 kilowatt hours mil A(3n_¢) 20 Similarly, Q5 = 1+ a TC) = 848 + 2 (66.26-46) 205 = 84.5 + [> = 99.14 kilowatt hours. | | 1 Field (1b) at T4.0 2.1-2.9 28 . ul a) i 29-31 | 30 | 45 poets 31-38 | 32 | 29 5 | ~5 | 19 85 ea -80 | 39 35-37 | 36 | 63 Se 37-39 | 38 | 78 3) eas so-41 | 40 | 88 4 = = crab fa Ret 2 | a. | 443 45-47 | 46 | 35 ; a 47-49 | 48 | 10 Ashe ee 4.9-5.1 5.0 8 = s o si-s3 | o%ale 4 S| ae Total ae = ct 0 8 + Now =4.0+ oe. 0.2 = 4.0 — 0.05 = 9.95 1b Median = yield of Ga plot 500, = yield of = th 18 ‘250th plot, which lies in the group 3.941: TMF o2 22 (a50 - 227) Median =! + A(e-¢) =3.9 + po 96 1b. = 3.9 + 0.05 = 3 ome martin RE 42 First quartile = yield ot (Sh plot = yield of O%h, ie, 125th plot, which lies in the group 3.5 ~ 3.7 h(n 02 =1+4(2-c)-35 +2? 125-86) @ 4G ¢) 35 + Gy (12 = 3.5 + 0.12 = 9.621, and Third quartile = yield at(' (ya plot > = yield of [920 rp, 6. 975th plot, which lies in the group 4.1 ~ 4.3. Thus @ siseBc}aar + 22 (975-315) =41+017= 4271 x 3.43. Calculation of the average weight, the median weight, the mode, ete, oe [Class Boundries a % : 9.95-24.95 16 17.45 279.20 24.95-39.95 68 32.45 2206.60 39.95-54.95 204 47.45, 9679.80 54.95-69.95. 233 62.45 14550.85 69.95-84.95 240 77.45, 18588.00 84.95-99.95 655 Fy-92.45 | 60554.75 99.95-114.95 803 fp107.45 86282.35, 114.95-129.95 294 £122.45 F 3600.30 129.95-144.95 21} 137.45 2886.45 144.95-159.95 M4} 152.45 609.80 43 (a) Average weight = =f _ 231638.10 Tn Egg 91.27 milligrams Median = weight ot (Fh 7 = waht or (2858) in the group 84.95-99.95. Therefore . h(n Median= 1+ 5 (5c) « +e T\2 84.95 355 (1269-761) = 84.95 + 11.63 = 96.58 milligrams i.e. 1269th seed which lies fe ee Gm - fy) + Fm =f) aor (808 - 655) (803 — 655) + (803 - 294) 148 148 + 609 = 99.95 + 3.38 = 103.33 milligrams. \ a = weight ot (P}seed x15 = 99.95 + 148 X15 = 99.95 +yg57 * 15 se = weight of Ea. ie. 634.5th seed which lies ie in the group 69.95-84.95. Thus . 1s Qyal+ 4G-o) = 69,95 + Pay (684.5-52)) = 69,95 + 7.09 = 77.04 milligrams Similarly, we estimate a h(3n__ ¢) = 99.95 + aos (1908.5-1416) ay 1+ BG oj. #03" = 99.95 + 9.11 = 109.06 milligrams: Dy =! +4 4 °) = 84.95 + Kae 10% = gags + 0.01 = 04:96 miligramss and — “ ) EE 15 (45m _¢) - 94.95 + 2% (1142.10-761) Pus a BG ) CJ = 84.95 + 8.73 = 93.68 milligrams. 3.44, Assuming a range of Rs. ete to Rs. 105.00, the 2 below: frequency distribution would be as — Group f%) | me fe. Rs 65.00-and under Rs. 60.00 | 4 | 20 [7.50 Rs, 60.00 .nd under Rs. 62.50 | 11 | 55 1.25 Rs, 62.50 and under Rs. 72.75 | 10 | 50 67.525 Rs. 72.75 and under Rs. 78.75 | 16 | 75 {75.75 IRs. 78.75 and under Rs. 82.25 | 10 | 50 [80.50 s. 82.25 and under Rs. 85.25 |° 10 | 50 [83.75 85.25 and under Rs. 90.50 | 15 | 75 [87.875 90.50 and under Rs. 95.00 | 10 | 60 92.75 - 95.00 and under Rs. 100.00/ 10 | 50 [7.60 100.00 and under Rs.105.00| 5 _| 25 102.50 Total 500 Now Meanwage =f 40450.37 = Rs. “S55 — = Rs. 80.92 approximately. 3-45. (b) Calculation of the mean, the median «nd.the! mode. we Weight 118-126 127-135 5 | 131 136-144 | 9 | 140 145-153, 12 | 149 154-162" |- 5 | 158 resin | 4 | 167 1-180 | 2 | 176 Total 45 , Mean =a+2fu,, 2 : &9) (9) 140 + Td 140 — 2.005 = 146.975 Median = Weight of (Bn student 40) Weight ot (Pha, Le, 20th student, which lies ‘ in the group 144.5~163.5 (class boundaries) it Afp_ oo). £ 7 Median = 1 +7 6 e) = 44.5 + 520-17) = 144.5 + 2.25 = 146,75. fm=ti +n ss } mF + Fm afd + aaa { (2-9 + 02-5 Mode =! h 144.5 + 27 1445 + Ty 1472. 3.46. The calculations needed to find the mean, median and mode are given in the following table: d Max.loads | Glass [No.ofeable] | pw | F (short tons) | Boundries 0 98~10.2 [9.75 - 10.25 7 10,0 4710.0 J { 103~-10.7 |10,.25- 10.75) 12 OP : zi 108-1112 |10.75 11.25]. 17 ALD ee i Us-in7 fi25-11.75, | a EA N8~12.2 fi75- 1225) 8 eS atl 60 123-127 |i2.25- 12.75] 4 12. sao} S Total as 60 Now # Median = | + Eee , $66.0 _ 11.10 short tons 60 = Max. load of (2) ie. 30¢h cable, whieh lies in the group 10.75 ~ 11.25 h(n 1075 + 2529-19) rac) 7 0.75 + 0.92 = 11.07 short tons ‘ fof, Mate = ety = 10.754 — G71) gs a7=12)+a7= 4H i ere 347. Calculations needed to find the modal and the median wages are given inthe table heogen Daily Wages | Class] 3 wena] a) | Bounties o 22 21-23 | 3 3 24 23-25 13 16 26 25-27 43 59 28 27-29 102 161 30 29-31 175 336 a2 31-39 | 220 | asa 204 760 36 | 35-37 139 399 38 37-39 69 963 40 | 99 —41 25 | oss 2 41-43 | 6 999 Ms} 3s 1 1000 Total Pr | tall M Me Me 3.48, relation. Mode 47 Modewage =14——/n“fi Gn -f) + Fn =F ar: (220 ~ 175) * (220 ~ 175) + (220 = 204) h 2 45 n 91+ eA 2a a1 + 148 = Rs. 3248 Median wage = Daily wage of Ga employee = Daily wage ot (29h, ie 500th employee, which lies in the group 81-39. Therefore. ‘n ‘ h 2 ‘Median wage = 1 + 5G )- 81 + 355 (500 — 336) 328 = 81 + 555 = 81 +149 = Rs. 32.49 3.48. (c) Calculation of mode by the empirical relation. Mode = 3 (Median) - 2 (Mean) = 8 (86) — 2(40.5) = 108 - 81 = 27. eccoce -

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