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Computer Proficiency License Total marks = 20

Fall 2019
Assignment # 01

Questions No 01 15 marks
Identify Storage, software, input and output devices from the given list.

# List Storage Software Input Output

Keyboard( For example) - - Yes -
1 Microphone - - Yes -
2 Multimedia Projector - - - Yes
3 Modem card - - Yes Yes
4 Plotter - - - Yes
5 Memory card Yes - - -
6 ROM Yes - - -
7 Microsoft Excel - Yes - -
8 Scanner - - Yes -
9 PowerPoint - Yes - -
10 Touchpad - - Yes -
11 Visual Display Unit (VDU) - - - Yes
12 Punch card reader - - Yes -
13 Speaker - - - Yes
14 Adobe reader - Yes - -
15 Network Interface cards - - Yes Yes

Questions No 02 05 marks
Fill the missing values in column “B” by accurate answer

Column “A” Column “A”

4 Bits 1 nibble Byte.
1024 Bytes 1 kilo Byte KB
1024 Kilo Bytes (KB) 1 mega Byte MB
1024 Mega Bytes (MB) 1 giga Byte GB
1024 Giga Byte (GB) 1 tera Byte TB`

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