A Very Present Help II

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A Very Present Help II

Help is only valuable when it is timely. God is the “…very present Help in time of trouble…” for
every believer (Psalm 46:1). God can never be late. Therefore, no discerning believer can be
stranded in life. However, it takes spiritual understanding of the fact to make the most of this
‘spiritual open check’. It takes only minutes for someone who accidentally falls into a deep
ocean or river to sink, particularly if the fellow does not know how to swim or what to do to
keep floating. Let us take a look at the following scriptural example:

“And Peter answered him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water. And
he said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water, to go to
Jesus. But when he saw the wind boisterous, he was afraid; and beginning to sink, he cried,
saying, Lord, save me. And immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him, and
said unto him, O thou of little faith, wherefore didst thou doubt?”– Matthew 14:28-31

The disciples, including Peter, saw someone walking on water towards them in a troubled sea
and thought it was a ghost; they were all afraid but Jesus assured them that He was the one.
Peter was bold enough to ask to do exactly what Jesus was doing (i.e walking on water) to
confirm that He was the one. Jesus gave the clearance to Peter to walk on water; Peter did for
a while until fear overtook him. Then, he began to sink and cried for help. Immediately the “…
very present help in trouble…” stepped in and Peter was rescued. The Bible says “…And
immediately Jesus stretched forth his hand, and caught him…”. He was right on time, therefore,
Peter did not sink.

The “…very present Help in time of trouble…” will never allow you to sink if only you will trust
Him enough to look unto Him, cry to Him (like Peter did) and trust Him to do what only He can
If you are reading this piece and you have not received Jesus Christ into your heart as Lord
and personal Savior; you need to do that now. He wants to save you first so that it can be
mandated on Him to help you. Go straight to the salvation page on our website, say the
prayer there and be in church next Sunday to consolidate you decision.  You will be glad you

If you are a believer, know that you cannot be stranded. The “…very present Help in
trouble…” is your God. Keep looking up to Him, keep loving Him and keep obeying Him. Your
testimony is around the corner!

Jesus is LORD!

Scriptures for meditation: Matthew 14:22-33

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