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Eulerian And Hamiltonian Graph One of the oldest problem involving graphs is the Konigsberg bridge problem, ‘The problem is depicted in the following figure. ‘Two islands A and B formed by the Pregel River in Kaliningrad (catlier know as Konigsberg; in West Soviet Russia) are connected to ‘each other and to the banks C and D with seven bridges. For some purpose (maintanence oor ete ) a problem was faced— starting from any of the four lands (A, B,C and D) walle ver each of the seven bridges exactly once and ame back to the starting point. tan \ — (o Ve WV YP AND For simplicity this problem was represented by a graph as shown in the following Figure. ‘The vertices of the graph represents the land and the edges represent the bridges. It is clear that the problem of walking each of the seven bridges exactly once and ‘returning to the starting point is equivalent to finding a circuit in the graph that traverses ‘each of the edge exactly once, Euler discover a criterion for determining whether such a. ‘irenit exists in a graph, Definition 0.1. A circuit in a connected graph is an Euler cireut if it contains every edge of the graph exactly once. A connected graph with an Eiler circuit is called an Buler graph or Balerian graph If there is an open trail from one vertex to another and this trail traverses each edge in the graph exactly once, then the teal is called an Buler trail ‘The existence of Euler citeuit and trail depends on the degroe of vertices Theorem 0.2. A nonempty connected graph G ts Eulerian if and only if its vertioes are all of even degree In the Konigsberg bridge problem, the degree of every vertex is odd, so the graph is not Eulerian, Consequently, it is impossible to walk through the city crossing each bridge ‘exactly onee snd return home, ‘Theorem 0.3. A connected graph contains an Eulerian trail but not an Bulerian eivoutt if and only if it has exactly two vertices of odd degree. ‘The Konigsherg bridge problem contains four vertices of odd degree, therefore no Eu. lerian trail exists, In other word, on walk through the city, traversing each bridge exnetly ‘once is impossible, Example 0.4. Consider the following graph and verify that the graph has an Eulerian circuit wa. .2 3 8 We observe that the graph G is connected and all the vertices are of even degree. deg(uy) = deg(v2) = deg(vs) = deg(vs) = 2 and deg(vs) = 4. ‘Thus G has a Eulerian ineuit, By inspection, we find the Eulerian eireuit v) — 2 — 0 — ty — oy — ty Example 0.5. Show that the following graph has no Bulerian circuit but has a Eulerian trail, Hore deg(u) = deg(v) = 3 and deg(r) = 4, Since u and v have only two vertices of odd degree, the graph does not contain Eulerian circuit, but the path 6—a—e—d—g—f—e is an Eulerian tral. Definition 0.6, A circuit in a graph G that contains each vertex in G exactly once, except for the starting and ending vertex that appears twice is known as Hamiltonian eyele A graph G is called a Hamiltonian graph sf it contains Hamiltonian evele, A Hamiltonian path is a simple path that contains all vertices of G where the end points ‘may be distinct, Theorem 0.7. A simple connected groph C with n > 3 vertices is Hamtonian if deg(e) > 4 for every verter vin G. Example 0.8. In the following graph Kt; has Hamiltonian cirenit. For every vertex v, ‘deg(ov) = 4 which is greater than 5/2, soit satisfies the condition of the theorem.

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