Assignment: English-III Topic: Business Daily Activity Report

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Assignment: English-III
Topic: Business Daily Activity Report

Submitted to: Mam. Arooj Rehan

Submitted By: Muhammad Aqib Irshad
BSCS (Section-C)

Department of Computer Science

Minhaj University Lahore
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Recently, I have got a designation at my dream company that is actually the

dream of a lot of young graduates belonging to: Computer Science, Software
Engineering, and Information Technology. Now, I am going to write a Business
Report on my Daily Working Activity.
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Employee Name: Muhammad Aqib Employee Department: Software Testing

Ability to Accomplish Responsibilities:

As a Software Testing Analyst, I have maintained Working Discipline (structured working or

framework working) on daily basis with collaborative productivity. Structured Working includes;
analyzing the requirements from both approaches (user’s utility or facility point-of-view and
from developer potential needs view) to design test plans and protocols to overcome the bugs
that are the cause of non-compliance with desired outcomes and company regulations and to
execute these tests in specific environments to analyze the results. Group Discussions for
cooperative decision making, Reviewing and tracking developmental process, communication
with supervisors of different phases etc.

Goals Achievements:
Our team has created daily achievement targets in a set of modules; each is composed of many
sub-tasks and sub-routines. We use Divide and Conquer Approach here to take everything
systematically and sequentially to reach its targeted outcome gradually on daily basis. This will
be helpful in reliable and efficient team management in achieving effective change management.

Suggested Areas of Improvement:

We have encounter a problem in maintaining working discipline in testing process to make our
progress free from lack of time efficiency. For that, we are working on a project and we will
inshAllah launch design of our new Progress Tracking System to measure our performance in
terms of balanced management of time resources and requirements especially to cope with
changes and timely and bug-free incremental delivery of software products. This will also
improves our analytical and critical proficiency.

Demonstration of Core Values:

As our company core values are Planning, Learning, Innovating, Serving and Excellency. So, we
are improving our team planning, motivating ourselves for learning and innovate and improving
our service to increase our quality.
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Additional Comments:

With daily systematic and cooperative planning, learning, developing and testing, it is very
interest-invoking job which is increasing my working potentials in achieving our future company
goals. I have some suggestions on the basis of my experience:
- Organize Refresher Courses to increase capability to meet standards of competency.
- Change to V-Testing Architecture.
- Extend our Testing Department to SQA (Software Quality Assurance) department.
I will work devotedly inshAllah to bring out the best outcomes. My company in which I am
working, is the first priority for me.

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