English 7 - Week 4

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Sto. Cristo, Angat, Bulacan


Learning Module
English 7
(Third Quarter- Week 4)

Teacher: Ms. Sharmaine P. Sarmiento
Lesson 4: Explaining Literary Devices
After going through this module, you are expected to:

 Identify literary devices used in literary writings.

 Explain literary devices used in literary writings.
 Determine the tone and mood through the literary devices.

Let’s Learn

Look at this picture. What do you see? What does this picture remind you of?

There’s a woman looking at the sun. The picture reminds us of a good day, or maybe summer, or

When we read any work of literature, may it be a poem, a short story, or a novel, you might have noticed
that authors use words that stimulate your imagination. They also write expressions or sentences that are not
supposed to be taken literally. Sometimes, we do not understand right away what they are trying to say because
they expressed themselves figuratively and so we need to interpret or explain what they had written. How do we
do that? We should have knowledge of literary devices and this is what we are going to learn today.

Literary Devices refer to the techniques used by an author to achieve his or her purpose. These are used
to make the piece more creative and beautiful. Aside from that, these are used to make vivid images, to set the
tone and mood, to create colorful characters, to share information, to improve the quality of writing of authors,
and to help readers understand writings on a deeper level.
Being familiar with these literary devices can help us understand different literary works. We will also
find it quite easy to explain what authors mean when we understand each literary device. There are actually a lot
of literary devices but we will focus on character development, imagery, and symbolism which we will use to
find out the tone and mood of the passages.

Character Development- the author creates a character which begins as one sort of person, but learns
and grows throughout the story. At the end of the story, that character is a different person.

A cruel girl had changed into a kind one when she learned the importance of being good to others.
Because of that realization, she apologized sincerely to those she had hurt.
Imagery- an element of a narrative that uses words that appeal to the senses. Reading is like watching a
movie. You are able to create mental pictures of the events in the story because the author used vivid
descriptions. Mental pictures described in the use of imagery can create a certain mood, which the readers feel
while reading the text.
Sight- colors, shapes, patterns, and sizes
Smell- fragrances and odors
Taste- sour, sweet, acidic, bitter, and salty
Hearing or sound- music, silence, and noise
Touch- texture, temperature, and movement
(Mood- refers to the feeling or atmosphere the readers perceive or feel while reading)

Symbolism- an element of a narrative in which an object, person, or situation has another meaning
(figurative) other than its literal meaning.
Literally, the sun is a big ball of gas. But figuratively, the sun symbolizes a new beginning, a new day to
start again.

Symbolism can be used to highlight the tone of the persona or speaker towards the topic or situation.
Character development, imagery, and symbolism set the tone and mood of any passage. The author’s choice of
words will evoke different feelings within you.

In order to properly explain the tone and mood of the story, you have to feel what the characters are
feeling, you have to put yourself in their shoes. You have to empathize. Aside from that, look for clue words
that the author has used to express the tone and mood.

(Tone- refers to the attitude a writer takes toward an audience, a subject, or a character. The writer’s
attitude influences his or her writings. His or her use of words that denote emotions or feelings reflect his or her
attitude. These tones are felt by the readers.)
Examples of tone:
Positive Tones- energetic, enthusiastic, humorous, illuminating, lighthearted, nostalgic, optimistic, respectful,
whimsical, formal, informal
Negative Tones- dark, depressing, foreboding, gloomy, dull, pessimistic, pompous, sardonic, strident, tense.
Examples of mood:
Positive Moods- excited, dreamy, peaceful, satisfied, thankful, sympathetic, pleased
Negative Moods- annoyed, disappointed, scared, uncomfortable, confused, nervous, sad

How do we explain literary devices used in a passage? Just follow these steps.
Step 1. Read the passage thoroughly. If you did not understand what the author wants to teach you, read the
passage again.

Step 2. Identify words, phrases, or sentences that have another meaning, that appeal to the senses, that evoke
emotions, etc. It’s also a big help if you use a dictionary to help you with words that you do not understand.

Step 3. Identify the literary device used by the author.

Step 4. Explain the literary devices used based on the word, phrase, or sentence created by the author
(Third Quarter- Week 4)

Name: ______________________________________________ Year & Section: 7- Camia/Sampaguita/Rosal

Teacher: Ms. Sharmaine P. Sarmiento Date: ________________

 Pre-Assessment
Directions: Read the following items carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. Write the letters
of the best answer in the space provided.

______1. The tall, dark, and handsome gentleman walked inside the ballroom. What literary device is
used in this statement?
A. Symbolism because the gentleman represents all men.
B. Imagery because the descriptions appealed to the senses.
C. Character development because the writer pointed out the changes in the gentleman.

______2. The sampaguita is a promise between two lovers. What literary device is used in this
A. Imagery because the promise uttered by the lovers appeals to the sense of hearing.
B. Character development because the lovers remained true to their promise to one another.
C. Symbolism because the sampaguita represents the pure love the lovers have for each other.

_______3. The cruel stepsisters realized their mistakes. In the end, they apologized to Leticia. What
literary device is used in this statement?
A. Imagery because the sisters were being described clearly.
B. Symbolism because stepsisters are the bullies in our lives.
C. Character Development because the stepsisters changed for the better.

_______4. “You hurt me! I will never forgive you for this!” What is the tone of this statement?
A. Forgiving because the author wanted reconciliation.
B. Pity because a person who does not forgive suffers more.
C. Angry because the author used strong words to express emotional pain

_______5. “I am sorry for everything I have done to you.” What is the mood of this statement?
A. Scared because the reader felt the person’s fear.
B. Nervous because the reader knew apologizing was hard.
C. Regretful because the reader felt the speaker’s sincerity.

 What’s More
Directions: Read the following statements carefully. Select the correct answer being described by each
_______1. This is used to make the readers feel what the author is feeling towards a character or a
A. Imagery B. Mood C. Tone
_______2. This literary device uses ordinary things to represent a very important lesson that the author
wants readers to learn.
A. Imagery B. Symbolism C. Tone

_______3. This literary device lets readers create mental pictures to help them understand the passage.
A. Character Development B. Imagery C. Tone
_______4. This literary device shows changes in characters from good to bad and vice versa.
A. Character Development B. Symbolism C. Tone

_______5. This refers to the emotional responses of readers towards the characters or events in a story.
A. Imagery B. Mood C. Tone

 What I can do
Directions: Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions that follow. Choose the best answer.

We were in line at the ice cream store when I noticed him. His face bore the marks of too many fights- a
crooked nose and some scars. His clothes were rumpled, though clean. I stepped between him and my children,
using my back to erect a wall.

The first time he spoke, I didn’t hear him clearly and so just nodded to acknowledge him. I barely made eye
contact with him. Because my wife wasn’t with me, he thought I was a single parent and gently said, “It’s hard
raising them alone, isn’t it?”

Something in his voice made me turn to look at him. Only then did I notice his children, and I listened to him
tell me how long his wife had been gone. His soft words contrasted with his hard exterior.

I was ashamed of myself. Once again I had failed to see beyond outward appearances. This reminded me of
Jesus who only saw the needs of the people and met them with unconditional love.

_____1. How is imagery evident in the first paragraph?

A. The writer felt afraid of the stranger.
B. A stranger is being described clearly.
C. The stranger represents all single fathers.

_____2. Which of the following shows the use of character development?

A. The reader felt pity towards the stranger.
B. The characters and the setting were being described clearly.
C. The author judged the stranger too soon and realized his mistake.

_____3. What is the mood of this passage?

A. Scared because the reader felt the person’s fear.
B. Regretful because the reader felt the speaker’s sincerity.
C. Sympathetic because the reader felt the hardships of the stranger.

_____4. What tone did the author use in this passage?

A. Humorous because he was trying to make his readers laugh.
B. Nostalgic because he wanted to remember happy memories.
C. Enlightening because he wanted to remind readers not to judge others.

_____5. What important lesson was the author trying to teach?

A. Judge not so you will not be judged.
B. Know a person beyond what the eyes can see.
C. How we treat others should be based on their looks.

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