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Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci.

ISSN 0077-8923

Issue: The Neurosciences and Music V

Music training and inhibitory control: a multidimensional

Sylvain Moreno1,2 and Faranak Farzan3,4
Department of Psychology, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada. 2 Rotman Research Institute, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada. 3 Centre for Addiction and Mental Health, Temerty Centre for Therapeutic Brain Intervention, Toronto, Ontario,
Canada. 4 Department of Psychiatry, University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada

Address for correspondence: Sylvain Moreno, Rotman Research Institute, Baycrest 3560 Bathurst Street, 914 VS, Toronto,
ON, Canada M6A 2E1.

Training programs aimed to improve cognitive skills have either yielded mixed results or remain to be validated. The
limited benefits of such regimens are largely attributable to weak understanding of (1) how (and which) interventions
provide the most cognitive improvements; and (2) how brain networks and neural mechanisms that underlie specific
cognitive abilities can be modified selectively. Studies indicate that music training leads to robust and long-lasting
benefits to behavior. Importantly, behavioral advantages conferred by music extend beyond perceptual abilities to
even nonauditory functions, such as inhibitory control (IC) and its neural correlates. Alternative forms of arts
engagement or brain training do not appear to yield such enhancements, which suggests that music uniquely taps
into brain networks subserving a variety of auditory as well as domain-general mechanisms such as IC. To account
for such widespread benefits of music training, we propose a framework of transfer effects characterized by three
dimensions: level of processing, nature of the transfer, and involvement of executive functions. We suggest that
transfer of skills is mediated through modulation of general cognitive processes, in particular IC. We believe that this
model offers a viable framework to test the extent and limitations of music-related changes.

Keywords: musicians; children; training; plasticity; executive functions; ERP; inhibitory control

Music training and inhibitory control: a to juggle induced changes in the brain areas
multidimensional model related to visuospatial processing. However, the
possibility of transferring the learned skills to
One of the passionate questions of neuroscience different activities remains an open question. How
is to understand the breadth and extent of brain might training programs lead to improvement in
plasticity. How can we change our brain? How untrained tasks, potentially improving a wide array
can we overcome impairments? And how can we of daily cognitive functions? When studies report
increase our capacities? Brain plasticity is at the an improvement in performance on untrained
core of these questions. It is defined as the “ability tasks (e.g., see Refs. 5 and 6), the magnitude of
of the brain to modify itself or be altered by the the improvement tends to be small. Other studies
external environment.”1 In fact, several groups of report no transfer to untrained tasks.3,7
scientists have been trying to develop brain-training For two decades now, practicing music has been
programs to improve cognitive skills, but these seen as a way to capitalize on brain plasticity, and
attempts have so far revealed mixed results.2,3 successful transfer to nonmusical domains has been
To date it has been shown that the brain can be reported following music training (e.g., see Ref. 8;
modified through training programs, and training for a review, see Ref. 1). There has been evidence of
one activity can improve behavioral performance a link between musicianship and higher behavioral
and modify brain correlates of the trained activity. performance in different activities such as auditory
For example, Draganski et al.4 showed that learning working memory (WM)9–11 and visual WM,10,12

doi: 10.1111/nyas.12674
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mathematics,13 visuospatial skills,14 language skills

(for reviews, see Ref. 15), reading abilities,16,17 and
acquisition of a second language.18–20 Many of
these studies suffered from methodological prob-
lems, however, which cast doubts about the relia-
bility and validity of the findings. In recent years,
a growing number of experimental studies (i.e., in-
vestigating causation) with reasonable methodology
and appropriate control conditions have confirmed
positive transfer after music training not only in
auditory processing21 but also in other domains
such as reading,22,23 language skills,16,23,24 inhibitory
control (IC),16 and intelligence.8 These findings
provide compelling evidence that music training is
a viable approach for studying transfer of skills and Figure 1. The mediating mechanism by which EFs could me-
diate the causal associations between music training and non-
the accompanying changes in brain structure and
trained cognitive abilities.
function. We now need a testable model that de-
scribes how and why music training leads to transfer
of skills. In a recent article, Miyake and Friedman pro-
Transfer of skills between two abilities occurs posed the unity/diversity framework to explain
when the novel and trained tasks recruit overlapping EFs.29 By means of factor analysis, they identified
processing components and shared brain regions.25 three EF components: updating, shifting, and inhi-
One good example comes from the work of Dahlin bition. Their analysis showed that these three abil-
et al.,26 who showed that 5 weeks of computer- ities could be separated, but each of them could be
based updating training (i.e., letter memory task) decomposed into what is common across all three
that stimulates and influences the functioning of the (i.e., unity) and what is unique to that particular
striatal brain region led to improvement in a differ- ability (i.e., diversity). One of their main findings
ent task (i.e., 3-back test of WM using numbers), was that the common EF variable was almost per-
which engaged similar processes (e.g., updating) fectly correlated with the inhibition variable. This
and stimulated the same brain region (i.e., striatal). finding raises the possibility that inhibition could
Moreover, results did not show improvement in a be the main factor mediating transfer of skills be-
Stroop task that did not engage the striatal updating tween cognitive abilities. Diamond30 refers to the
system. same concept as inhibitory control (IC), which she
Executive functions (EFs) represent a potential defines as “being able to control one’s attention,
mechanism that could explain transfer from music behavior, thoughts, and/or emotions to override a
training to nonmusical cognitive abilities. EFs are strong internal predisposition or external lure, and
engaged in any daily cognitive activity, which means instead do what’s more appropriate or needed.” Di-
any changes in EFs could potentially influence a wide amond’s definition is particularly useful because it
range of activities. In other words, EFs could medi- links IC to a group of tasks such as the Go/No-Go
ate the causal associations between music training task, in which participants are instructed to with-
and nontrained cognitive abilities27,28 (Fig. 1). EFs hold responding to a stimulus that frequently re-
are defined as “a set of general-purpose control pro- quires a response.
cesses that regulate one’s thoughts and behaviors.”29 In the past few years, we have been exploring the
This set of processes is not precisely defined and possibility that EF, and particularly its subcompo-
varies across authors or theories. A broad definition nent IC, mediates the transfer of skills. Previously,
considers EFs to comprise WM, selective attention Thorell et al.31 have been one of the first groups
and inhibition, task switching, updating, and moni- postulating the hypothesis that EF could mediate
toring. The broad definition makes it difficult, how- the transfer process of cognitive training. Indeed,
ever, to specify the neural processes that subserve Miyake and Shah32 formulated the idea that activ-
EFs and lead to transfer of skills across tasks. ities such as music training involve WM, selective

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attention, IC, task switching, updating, and moni- their nonmusician peers. However, the association
toring, which are collectively all components of EF. between musical training and EF was negligible, and
The findings in the literature seem to confirm this there was no evidence that the relationship between
hypothesis. Recent correlational results showed that music training and intelligence was mediated by EF.
musicianship may have an influence on EFs.33,34 In summary, the evidence showing an influence of
In addition to behavioral assessment, several musical training on EF is limited and sparse, and
investigators have evaluated the effect of music further studies are required to investigate the im-
expertise and music training on brain processing pact of music training on EF.
underlying EFs and assessed the brain–behavior re- To examine this question, we decided to use a
lationship using noninvasive neuroimaging tech- simple EF paradigm: Go/No-Go. This paradigm is
niques such as electroencephalography (EEG). For widely used in the literature and has the advantage
example, George and Coch used event-related po- of clearly recruiting a core component of EF: IC.
tentials (ERPs) not only to investigate the rela- Moreover, its other advantage is that this task is val-
tionship between music training and WM at the idated for a wide age range (i.e., can be used across
behavioral level but also to further examine the neu- the life span). Recently, we investigated the brain
ral mechanisms that underlie the transfer effect.10 mechanism related to IC.38 We used EEG to study
These authors used a standardized test of WM two expert populations, musicians and bilinguals,
(i.e., phonological, visuospatial, and executive WM and a control group, nonmusician monolinguals.
subtests of the Test of Memory and Learning— The current literature suggests that both expert
TOMAL-235 ) and recorded ERPs in standard au- populations exhibit behavioral advantages on tasks
ditory and visual oddball paradigms. The authors with high demands on executive functioning (for a
referred to the oddball paradigms as WM tasks. This review, see Refs. 1 and 39). Our three groups com-
study led to two important observations. First, they pleted a visual Go/No-Go task that involved with-
reported a positive relationship between musical holding of response to rare targets. The visual (as
experience and better WM performance in both opposed to auditory) aspect of our task was impor-
auditory and visual modalities. Second, ERP anal- tant because it allowed us to interpret our data with-
ysis showed that neural activity (reflected by ERP out the risk of confusion between EF and musician’s
P300 components) was modulated by musical ex- auditory advantage. The three groups performed
pertise. Their results showed that musicians had similarly (i.e., in terms of error rates and reaction
shorter P300 latencies, indicating a faster updat- time), but the analysis of cortical responses revealed
ing of WM in both the auditory and visual do- significant differences in the brain neurophysiologi-
mains. Moreover, musicians showed larger P300 cal response. Success in withholding a prepotent re-
amplitudes, revealing that they allocated more neu- sponse (No-go trials) was associated with enhanced
ral resources to auditory stimuli. In summary, stimulus-locked N2 and P3 wave amplitudes relative
musicians showed an increased sensitivity to the au- to Go trials. For No-go trials, altered timing-specific
ditory standard/deviant difference and less effort- ERP differences and graded amplitude differences
ful updating of auditory WM. However, the link were observed in the neural responses across groups.
between music training and EF is not as straight- Specifically, musicians showed an enhanced early
forward. Indeed, Schellenberg investigated the as- P2 response accompanied by reduced N2 ampli-
sociation between music expertise and transfer of tude. These findings showed that musical expertise
skills in children between 9 and 12 years old. Two was related to differential effects in IC at the brain
groups of children participated in this study, musi- functional level, and this influence was specific to
cians (i.e., with over 2 years of music lessons outside musical expertise (i.e., not observed in bilingual-
of school) and nonmusicians (i.e., with no training ism). However, these findings were limited by the
outside of school).36 Schellenberg used a measure inherent correlational design of the experiment.
of IQ (Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence37 ) Following these findings we decided to conduct
and a battery of five EF tasks. The results of an intervention study to investigate the causal re-
this correlational study showed that the IQ scores lationship between music training and IC.16 We
and performance on EF tasks were correlated and compared the benefits of a music training pro-
that musician children had higher IQ scores than gram for 5-year-old children to those of an equally

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engaging visual arts training program. Before and to the movie as they would be asked several ques-
after the training, children performed the same tions at the end of the movie. This paradigm allowed
task as our previous adult study, a visual (nonver- us to test both the specific effects of training and the
bal) Go/No-Go paradigm while EEG was recorded. transfer between music and language processing44
They also participated in two subsets of the Wech- by measuring domain-specific changes (e.g., vowel
sler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence condition for the French group, note condition for
(WPPSI) battery:37 the vocabulary and block tests. the music group) and domain-general changes (e.g.,
After 4 weeks of training, children in the music train- note condition for the French group, vowel condi-
ing group showed an improvement in the vocabu- tion for the music group) in the brain following the
lary test and were better able to discriminate (i.e., training. In addition, we examined the top-down
D prime) Go from No-go trials than were children control hypothesis,1 suggesting IC as a medium
in the visual arts training group. Moreover, after for transfer between perceptual and cognitive func-
training, children in the music group had a larger tions. Following the training both groups showed
P2 response (a positive deflection of the ERP peak- enhanced LDN in their trained condition (mu-
ing at about 200 ms after stimulus) on the No-go sic group—musical notes; French group—French
trials than the children in the visual art training, vowels) and reduced LDN in the untrained condi-
whereas no changes were seen in the later N2/P3 tion. We suggest that these changes reflect improved
complex. Another interesting finding was that the processing of relevant (trained) sounds and an in-
change at the brain functional level in IC was pos- creased capacity to inhibit irrelevant (untrained)
itively correlated with the change observed in our sounds. Our findings showed a causal relationship
verbal task (i.e., WPPSI vocabulary subtest), in- between music training and the neural processes
dicating for the first time the potential role of IC underlying the LDN, and they are consistent with
as a mediating transfer processing. These findings the role of IC acting as a medium for the transfer of
clearly highlighted two new discoveries. First, they skills in the auditory domain.
showed a causal relationship between music train- This group of findings (in children and young
ing and IC, and also they indicated that IC seems adults) highlight the important role of IC in trans-
to mediate the transfer mechanism between music fer of skills. Although we would in no way limit the
training and verbal skills. definition of transfer processing to IC alone, we be-
After these discoveries we wanted to explore this lieve that our results and the recent findings in the
inhibitory mechanism in the auditory domain using literature showing general cognitive benefits after
the same intervention design but with an auditory using an IC training protocol5 validate the need for
task: passive oddball paradigm.40 This time we com- further exploring this hypothesis. We believe that
pared our music training program for 5-year-old further investigations are necessary to understand
children to an equally engaging second language the IC role as one of the central mechanisms of
training program (i.e., French). Event-related po- transfer of skills and that our theoretical framework
tentials were recorded for French vowels and mu- facilitates studying this complex question.
sical notes during the passive oddball paradigm.
Conclusion and future direction
The passive oddball paradigm has two major advan-
tages: it is extremely reliable with children of this age In summary, the aforementioned studies and re-
range, and it also offers us a window to study a top- sults from our own group and others all converge
down regulation mechanism (i.e., IC), evidenced to strongly support that music training can serve
by the late discriminative negativity (LDN). Indeed, as a potential solution to improve cognitive abilities
the literature advanced interpretations of the func- not necessarily directly linked to musicianship. In-
tional role of LDN reflecting top-down influences deed, our findings showed that music training could
on auditory processing.41–43 Our analyses focused induce lasting neurophysiological changes. Our re-
on changes in the LDN. In our paradigm, chil- search presented above clearly indicates a link be-
dren were watching a silent movie and sounds (i.e., tween music training and IC. Even if more studies
French vowels or music notes) were playing in the are necessary to understand the factors playing a role
background. They were instructed not to pay atten- in this relationship, our studies in children clearly
tion to the sounds in the room but to pay attention showed a causal relationship after a short amount

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of training (i.e., 20 days16 ). Our second intervention programs but will also open up new possibilities
study confirmed this finding. Using an oddball task, in designing targeted and guided noninvasive brain
we demonstrated that the adaptive changes seen at stimulation programs (e.g., using TMS or tES) to
the brain functional level could be interpreted as a selectively enhance brain function in both health
top-down regulation mechanism regulating the au- and disease across the life span.
ditory system. Furthermore, our data showed that
this association continues to exist during adulthood.
Indeed, our correlational studies using young adults The authors thank the Mariani Foundation for its
illustrated the functional brain differences between ongoing support of the neurosciences and music; the
musicians and nonmusicians in IC processing. family and children who were involved in the stud-
Recently, Moreno and Bidelman proposed a ies presented; and Ellen Bialystok, Gavin Bidelman,
general framework of music-induced transfer ef- William Tays, Yunjo Lee, Aline Moussard, and
fects conceptualized as a multidimensional phe- Claude Alain for their contributions to the studies
nomenon in a three-dimensional space: processing presented. This work was supported by the Min-
level, nature of the transfer, and executive functions istry of Economic Development and Innovation of
involvement.1 The authors precisely defined the first Ontario and National Science Engineering Research
two dimensions as a continuum and showed how Council. This work was also in part supported by the
they account for a wide range of studies demon- Temerty Family through the Centre for Addiction
strating music-related transfer of skills. However, and Mental Health (CAMH) Foundation.
the third dimension, inspired by several recent
Conflicts of interest
papers,10,16,33 was only vaguely defined: “the extent
of transfer from music to unrelated skills might be The authors declare no conflicts of interest.
governed by an umbrella effect: the degree to which
general cognitive abilities (e.g., EFs) are tuned by
musical training itself.” Here, we fine-tuned this the-
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