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COR 014: Personal Development

Student Activity Sheet / Lesson # 5

Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Class Number: ______

Section: ______________ Schedule: _________________ Date: ______________

Lesson Title: Developmental Stages in the Early, Middle

and Late Adolescence
Material/s: Activity Sheet
Lesson Objectives:
1. I can classify the various developmental tasks and behavioral patterns Reference/s:
during the early, middle and late adolescent stage.
2. I can evaluate one’s development in comparison with persons of the same development/teenstages/#ixzz3ww8CL
age group and listing ways to become responsible adolescent prepared for coH
adult life.

Hello there! Are you excited to learn? You should be, because our lesson today is very interesting!

Activity 1: PRETEST (5 min)

For your first activity, explain your understanding about the following terms placed inside the BOX. Reminder,
don’t use GOOGLE or DICTIONARY, answer it based on your understanding.

1. Middle Adolescence 2. Early Adolescence 3. Interest

4. Adolescence 5. Ethics 6. Late Adolescence

7. Career

1. ______________________________________________________________________

2. ______________________________________________________________________

3. ______________________________________________________________________

4. ______________________________________________________________________

5. _____________________________________________________________________________

6. _______________________________________________________________________

7. _________________________________________________________________

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

COR 014: Personal Development
Student Activity Sheet / Lesson # 5

Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Class Number: ______

Section: ______________ Schedule: _________________ Date: ______________

Activity 2: KWHL (5 min)

I hope you did well in the previous activity. Now, let me know how interested you are regarding today’s topic by
answering these following questions.

1. What do you know about the Developmental Stages in the Early, Middle and Late Adolescence?



2. What do you want to learn more about it? (Cite related concept/s)



3. How can you learn more about this topic? (Explain)



Activity 3: Hook Activity (5 min)

This will be Exciting! Identify the following words or phrases for each column from the words scattered below
and put these under the LOVE or INFATUATION box. Be careful in choosing.

-Giving -Deep and Caring -Physical Attraction -May Be Honest

-Burns out Quickly -Slowly Built -Surface Relationship

-Based on Many Issues -Lasts a Long Time -Immediate, Quick -Insecure, Jealousy, Mistrust

-Honest Shows Concern -Looking After Own Interest -Secure, Trusting


This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

COR 014: Personal Development
Student Activity Sheet / Lesson # 5

Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Class Number: ______

Section: ______________ Schedule: _________________ Date: ______________

Teacher Discussion (20 min)


 Developing Multiple Plans. Developing flexibility in career planning requires a sense of purpose, problem
solving skills, and several plans.
 Self-Advocacy and Marketing. In order to better package one’s self and become marketable, there is a need
to develop communication skills, self-confidence, organizational adaptability, and effectiveness in human
 Managing Changing Relationships. The emotional and social changes adolescents experience can challenge
young people as they try to cope with barriers in the education system and labor market.
 Meeting Basic Needs. These needs include having a sense of meaning in life, physical and emotional security,
and basic structure in relationships and living.
 Coping with Stress. Coping with stress is associated with various competencies such as organizational
adaptability, human relations, problem solving, and self-confidence. Particular strategies for stress
management include relaxation techniques, managing ‘self-talk,’ focusing, and using support systems.
 Bridging Programs. Many young people lack “hands-on” experience as they attempt to enter the world of
 Information and Information Access. The challenge in the information age is on how to turn information
into personally relevant knowledge.

Activity 4 (5 min)

Pre-printed Notes:


Struggle with sense of identity Girls ahead of boys
Close friendships gain importance Shyness, blushing and modesty
Less affection shown to parents, with occasional rudeness Show-off qualities

More likely to express feelings by action than by words Greater interest in privacy
Realization that parents are not perfect; identification of
Experimentation with body (Masturbation)
their faults

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

COR 014: Personal Development
Student Activity Sheet / Lesson # 5

Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Class Number: ______

Section: ______________ Schedule: _________________ Date: ______________


Mostly interested in present and near future Rule and limit testing
Occasional experimentation with cigarettes, drugs and
Greater ability to work
Capacity for abstract thought


Self-involvement, alternating between unrealistically high
Concerns about sexual attractiveness
expectations and poor self-concept
Complaints that parents interfere with independence Frequently changing relationships
Tenderness and fears shown towards opposite sex Movement towards heterosexuality
Strong emphasis on the peer group with the group identity
Feelings of love and passion
of selectivity, superiority and competitiveness
Intellectual interests gain importance Development of ideals and selection of role models
Some sexual and aggressive energies directed
Greater capacity for setting goals
into creative and career interests
Interest in moral reasoning


Firmer identity Concerned with serious relationships
Ability to delay gratification Clear Sexual Identity
Greater concern for others Capacities for tender and sensual love
Ability to express feelings in words
Ability to make independent decisions


Higher level of concern for the future Capable of useful insight
Thoughts about one’s role in life Ability to set goals and follow through
Self-regulation of self-esteem
Acceptance of social institutions and cultural

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

COR 014: Personal Development
Student Activity Sheet / Lesson # 5

Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Class Number: ______

Section: ______________ Schedule: _________________ Date: ______________

Activity 5

Excellent! Keep doing great, there are more activities ahead.

Describe or give examples in each stage you learned from today’s topic.

Early Adolescence Middle Adolescence Late Adolescence

Activity 6 (10 min)

Now, I want you to do a mini survey to one of the persons in your house. It can be your parents, siblings or
cousin and ask what changes and development that they experienced on the following areas: movement toward
independence, sexuality, career interests, and ethics and self-direction.

Write your answers here:

Movement towards independence:


Career Interest:



This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

COR 014: Personal Development
Student Activity Sheet / Lesson # 5

Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Class Number: ______

Section: ______________ Schedule: _________________ Date: ______________


Activity 7 (5 min)

Yey good job! Relax your mind for a while. As we move on, close your eyes and take a deep breath.
Identify each statement, if it is considered LATE ADOLESCENCE, MIDDLE ADOLESCENCE or EARLY
ADOLESCENCE. Write your answer in the blank.
_________________________ 1. Rule and limit testing is part of the ethics and self-direction among adolescents at this
_________________________ 2. Experimentation with the body to include masturbation is part of one’s expression of
_________________________ 3. Capacities for tender and sensual love becomes manifest during this stage.
_________________________ 4. One’s movement toward independence includes strong emphasis on the peer group.
_________________________ 5. Ability to make independent decisions and self-reliance are clear behavioral patterns at
this stage.
_________________________ 6. Shyness, blushing and modesty happen as expressions of sexuality.
_________________________ 7. Intellectual interests gain importance at this time.
_________________________ 8. Here one realizes that their parents are not perfect.
_________________________ 9. Frequently changing relationship is defined at this stage.
_________________________ 10. This time an adolescent struggle with the sense of identity.

Activity 8 (5 min)

It’s awesome right? So let’s proceed to your next activity!

Identify which strategy is being described in the following statements. Developing Multiple Plans, Self-
Advocacy and Marketing, Managing Changing Relationships, Meeting Basic Needs, Coping with Stress, Bridging
Programs or Information and Information Access
__________________ 1. This is to develop among the youth work experience and cooperative education programs to
acquire the necessary experience.
__________________ 2. Young people need to establish a sense of purpose and understand how they are meeting their
current and future needs.
__________________ 3. Included here are relaxation techniques, managing ‘self-talk,’ focusing, and using support systems
for the young to learn competencies such as organizational adaptability, human relations, problem
solving, and self-confidence.
__________________ 4. Coping with relationship issues can be facilitated through communication, human relationship
training, and problem solving.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

COR 014: Personal Development
Student Activity Sheet / Lesson # 5

Name: ___________________________________________________________________ Class Number: ______

Section: ______________ Schedule: _________________ Date: ______________

__________________ 5. Strategies within this domain include helping young people develop research, interviewing, and
critical analytic skills.

Activity 9 (5 min)

Let us see how far you went. Check the box if you agree in the statement below and leave it blank if not.
Yes No
1. I can classify the various developmental tasks and behavioral
patterns during the early, middle and late adolescent stage.
2. I can evaluate one’s development in comparison with persons
of the same age group and listing ways to become responsible
adolescent prepared for adult life.
3. I can clearly explain the three (3) development stages.
4. I can apply my understanding of the lesson through real life situation.
5. I can clearly identify the importance of the Developmental Stages
in Early, Middle and Late Adolescence in day-to-day basis.

Activity 1: Answers may vary Activity 7: Answers Group activity
Activity 2: Answers may vary 1. Early 6. Early
Activity 3: Answers 2. Early 7. Middle
Love Infatuation 3. Late 8. Early
Deep and Caring Physical Attraction 4. Middle 9. Middle
Giving Based on Many Issues 5. Late 10. Early
Slowly Built May Be Honest
Secure, Trusting Immediate, Quick Activity 8: Answers
Lasts a Long Time Burns Out Quickly 1. Bridging Programs
Honest Shows Concern Insecure, Jealousy, Mistrust 2. Meeting Basic Needs
Looking After their Interest 3. Coping with Stress
4. Managing Changing Relationships
Activity 5: Answers may vary 5. Information and Information Access
Activity 6: Answers may vary
Activity 9: Answers may vary

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

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