Unit Number/topic: Unit 9/ Undersea World Level: Grade 10 Lesson Length: 45 Minutes

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Speaking Lesson Plan Template

Unit number/Topic: Unit 9/ Undersea world Level: Grade 10 Lesson Length: 45 minutes

Type of lesson: Speaking Teaching Date: 02/21/2022 Teacher Trainee: Đặng Đức Hiền

Main aim (s): By the end of the lesson students will be able to talk about causes and consequences, offer solutions and report on discussion results.
Subsidiary aim(s): For students to report the threats to beaches and solutions for those matters.
Personal aim(s): Try to use visuals as much as possible
Materials (including sources): English 10 textbook, handouts and projector.
Assumptions: Students have known the topic of the unit in the previous reading lesson. Besides, they also know the structure of “should” and
“shouldn’t” as well as “because”.
Anticipated learners’ difficulties/problems with tasks: Suggested Solutions:

Students may not express their ideas if they work The teacher asks them to work in pairs or groups to discuss the
individually questions and gives some phrases to help students find the
answers more easily.

Language Analysis
Form Meaning Phonology

• Should • used to say or ask what is the correct or best thing to do /ʃʊd/
Ex: If you're annoyed with him, you should
tell him. /ˈʃʊd.ənt/
• Shouldn’t • antonym of “should”
Ex: You shouldn't do things like that.
• Because • for the reason that
Ex: We can't go to Julia's party because /bɪˈkəz/
we're going away that weekend.
• Sparingly (adv) • a way that we use things in a small amount or without wasting anything /ˈspeə.rɪŋ.li/
Ex: There wasn't enough coal during the
war, so we had to use it sparingly.
• Herbicide (n) • a chemical that is used to destroy plants, especially weeds
Ex: Each farmer decides the rotation, and /ˈhɜː.bɪ.saɪd/
the amount and the time of application of
fertilizers and herbicides.
• Dispose of something (phr. v) • to get rid of something
Ex: The agency has put an end to new /dɪˈspəʊz/
efforts to dispose of hazardous waste in
sensitive environmental areas.
• Cigarette butts (n) • the part of a cigarette that is left after it has been smoked /sɪɡ.əˈret ˌend/
Ex: The floor was littered with cigarette
butts. /ˈtæŋ.kər/
• Tanker (n) • a vehicle that is built to carry liquid or gas
Ex: an oil tanker

Stage/Time Stage aim Procedure Interactio Aids

Teacher’s & Learners’ activities n
Lead-in Introduce the topic T→W/C Slides
- The teacher reminds pupils of the prior reading lesson's topic: "In the last lesson,
(5minutes) W/C→T
we learnt about the ocean."
- The teacher displays an image of ocean contamination and asks students to
describe what they see.

- The teacher next shows another image of people attempting to combat pollution
and asks pupils to describe what they observe.
- The teacher then introduces the lesson's topic, "Protecting our Oceans."
Pre-tasks To prepare T->W/C Slides
- The teacher introduces some new vocabulary to the students: sparingly (adv),
learners for W/C->T Handout
herbicides (n), dispose of something (ph. v), pesticide (n), cigarette butts (n),
(language speaking activities Solo work
tankers (n)
To focus students New vocabulary:
Task 1 on the topic and
(10 minutes) introduce the new *Sparingly: situation and picture
words + The teacher asks the students to look at a picture on the screen.
and phrases used
to talk about the
protection of the

This Photo by Unknown Author

Teacher: Do you know how to describe a way that we use things in a small amount
or without wasting anything?
Students: Saving?
Teacher: That’s nearly correct! We can say that “sparingly”. For example, “There
wasn't enough coal during the war, so we had to use it sparingly.”

* Herbicide: picture
+ The teacher asks the students to look at a picture on the screen.
Teacher: What is it?

Student: Chemical?
Teacher: That’s nearly correct. What is it used for?
Student: To kill weed!
Teacher: Indeed, it is “Herbicide”. For example, “Each farmer decides the
rotation, and the amount and the time of application of fertilizers and herbicides.”
* Dispose of something: situation and picture
+ The teacher asks the students to look at a picture on the screen.

Teacher: Do you know how to describe a way to get rid of something?

Student: Discard, eliminate, throw away?

Teacher: Correct! However, you can also say “dispose of something”. For
example, “The agency has put an end to new efforts to dispose of hazardous waste
in sensitive environmental areas.”
* Cigarette butts: Translation and picture
The teacher asks the students to look at a picture on the screen.

Teacher: Can you tell me how to say “Tàn thuốc” in English?

Student: “Cigarette…”
Teacher: That’s almost correct. However, you can say it “Cigarette butts”. For
example, “The floor was littered with cigarette butts.”
* Tanker: picture and situation
The teacher asks the students to look at a picture on the screen.

Teacher: Do you know how to describe a vehicle that is built to carry liquid or gas?
Student: Ship?
Teacher: Nearly correct! However, you can say it “tanker”. For example, “an oil
- Students learn new words by writing them down and practicing reading them.
- The teacher also teaches students how to employ structures to discuss what
people should and shouldn't do and structure to talk about causes.
If you're annoyed with him, you should tell him.
You shouldn't do things like that.
We can't go to Julia's party because we're going away that weekend.

- The teacher has students do a matching exercise to practice the newly learned
1-E 2-A 3-D 4-C 5-B
Task 2 To focus students Pair work Slides
Chain drill
(10 minutes) on the topic and Textbook
use the new words - The teacher tells students to read the instruction of Task 1 on page 97.
(controlled and phrases used
speaking to talk about the - The teacher also trains students on how to describe the most crucial action: " I
practice) protection of the believe action (letter) is the most important action because…”
oceans. Ex: I believe that action (f) is the most important action because if we learn
everything we can about the oceans, we will be able to appreciate their importance
and work to conserve them.
- The teacher tells students to work in groups of two, using “should” and
“shouldn't” to rank the acts in order of significance and discuss them.
- The teacher helps pupils with their speaking skills by going around the room.
- The teacher may inquire about the opinions of a few pairs in the class.
Suggested answer: 1-f 2-e 3-c 4-d 5-g 6-a & b 7-h
1-f) I believe that action (f) is the most important action because if we learn
everything we can about the oceans, we will be able to appreciate their importance
and work to conserve them.
2-e) We should not use herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers that harm the
3-c) We should not fish for species that are limited, threatened or endangered.
4-d) We should dispose of fishing lines and nets properly.
5-g) We should keep only the fish we will eat and release the rest.
6-a & b) We should place rubbish and plastic bags in proper dustbins and use water
sparingly and do not pollute it.
7-h) We should choose our seafood responsibly.
Task 3 (5 Students practice Group Slide
- The teacher asks students to look at task 2 and read the instruction.
minutes) discussing the work Handout
consequences of The teacher instructs students to work in groups of ten to discuss the effects of the
Group ocean threats and threat to our oceans outlined in Task 2 and to propose potential solutions.
discussion potential solutions
(less controlled - The teacher helps pupils with their speaking skills by going around the room.

Suggested answers:
A: Beaches are filled with plastic bags, pieces of glass and cigarette butts.
B: This makes the sea polluted and endangers sea plants and animals.
C: We also should set up posters at holiday resorts, especially on the beaches, and
have the campaign of "Keep our environment clean and beautiful" in schools, that
is we should educate children and people about a clean and healthy environment.
And we should clean up beaches and tell people not to litter them.

A: Whales and sharks are still hunted for food, medicine and other products.
B: This makes these sea animals extinct someday.
C: So all governments should have laws that prohibit the hunt for these endangered
sea animals for any purpose. And I think restaurants in the world don't serve the
food made from these animals' meat.

A: Explosives are used to catch fish and other sea animals.

B: This makes marine ecosystems broken.
C: So all governments should establish marine protected areas and have heavy
handling measures if someone has the action that makes of fisheries resources
A: Oil is spilled from tankers.
B: This makes the seawater polluted and kills marine mammals such as whales,
dolphins, seals, and others.
C: So all governments should have methods to clean the sea water/punish captains
of the tankers.

Task 4 (*) Students report Group Handout

Problems -> Solutions
(10 minutes) what they have work
Oral discussed The teacher asks a few students to present their group's viewpoints to the rest of the T -> W/C
presentation class.

- The teacher listens and invites others to do the same so they can share their

Suggested answer: My group discussed the dangers to beaches, which are now
(5 minutes)
littered with plastic bags, glass shards, and cigarette butts, among other items. And
we believe that in order to save beaches, we should clean them up while also
reminding everyone not to trash. Apart from that, we should educate people about
the importance of a healthy environment in our lives! And this project should be
implemented in schools so that students in small classes develop a strong habit of
environmental preservation from an early age.

(*) The teacher trainee can choose other techniques (such as role play, oral presentation /project work, survey on learners’ ways of saving energy,

Task 1: Match a number in column A with its definition in column B, then write your answer in the box below.
1. Sparingly (adv) A. a chemical that is used to destroy plants, especially weeds
2. Herbicide (n) B. the part of a cigarette that is left after it has been smoked
3. Tanker (n) C. to get rid of something
4. Dispose of something (phr. v) D. a vehicle that is built to carry liquid or gas
5. Cigarette butts (n) E. in small amounts, or without wasting any

1. E 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.

Task 2: Below are some actions that should be taken to protect our oceans. Work in pairs. Put the actions in the order of importance and
then say what we should or should not do.
a) Place rubbish and plastic bags in proper dustbins,
b) Use water sparingly and do not pollute it.
c) Do not fish for species that are limited, threatened or endangered.
d) Dispose of fishing lines and nets properly, not in or near the water.
e) Do not use herbicides, pesticides and fertilizers that harm the environment.
f) Leam all you can about the oceans.
g) Keep only the fish that you will eat; release the rest.
h) Be a smart shopper and choose your seafood responsibly.
I believe action (letter) is the most important action because…
Ex: I believe that action (f) is the most important action because if we learn everything we can about the oceans, we will be able to appreciate their
importance and work to conserve them.
Task 3: Work in groups. Below are some threats to the health of the oceans. Discuss the consequences that might occur and offer some
possible solutions.

1. Beaches are filled with plastic bags, pieces of glass and cigarette butts.
2. Whales and sharks are still hunted for food, medicine, and other products.
3. Explosives are used to catch fish and other sea animals.
4. Oil is spilled from tankers.
A: Beaches are filled with plastic bags, pieces of glass and cigarette butts.
B: This makes the sea polluted and endangers sea plants and animals.
C: We should clean beaches and tell other people not to litter them.
Task 4: Report to the class what your group has discussed.

Tp. Hồ Chí Minh, ngày… tháng… năm 2022
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