Wildlife in Ethiopia: Endemic Large Mammals: College of Veterinary Medicine, P.O. Box: 144, Haramaya University, Ethiopia

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World Journal of Zoology 6 (2): 108-116, 2011

ISSN 1817-3098
© IDOSI Publications, 2011

Wildlife in Ethiopia: Endemic Large Mammals

Melaku Tefera

College of Veterinary Medicine, P.O. Box: 144, Haramaya University, Ethiopia

Abstract: This study documented species riches of endemic large mammals and their biogeography,
conservation status and threats in Ethiopia. Overall there are 280 mammalian species and subspecies 31 are
endemic. Out of this, 12 of them are endemic large mammals, namely Canis simensis, Theropithecus gelada
gelada, Theropithecus gelada obscurus, Capra walie, Capra ibex, Capra nubiana, Eurus assinus africanus,
Equus assinus somalensis, Alcelaphus buselaphus swaynei, Tragelaphus baxtoni, Tragelaphus scriptus
meneliki, Loxodonta africana knochenhaui and Panthera leo abyssincum. Regarding the conservation status
of these animals Equus assinus africanus and Panthera leo abyssincum were extinct in wild another 2
Theropithecus gelada gelada and Tragelaphus baxtoni fall in presently least concern the rest 8 were in
endangered category. Wildlife populations in Ethiopia are under continuous threat, despite the presence of
parks and protected areas, over the past several decades, deforestation, farm expansion, draught and illegal
hunting were widespread and they were ranked in order of severity from most severe to lesser threats. It is
recommended that community based wildlife conservation is an important solution. However, for self sustaining
ecosystem benefiting the people around the park although important, the ultimate goal should be to educate

Key words:Biogeography Biodiversity Community based conservation Extinct Habitat loss National

INTRODUCTION Tanzania are among the top 25 endemic-rich countries of

the world in terms of higher vertebrate species where as
Manifold as the landscape is the Ethiopian wildlife. Ethiopia, Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania are individually,
Ethiopia is one of the world's rich biodiversity countries among the world leaders in terms of species richness and
and it deserves attention regionally and globally [1, 2]. It endemism of mammal species [5]. However, wildlife
has a very diverse set of ecosystems ranging from humid population in Ethiopia has diminished over the past
forest and extensive wetlands to the desert. Ethiopia has century both in amount and distribution through loss of
a total land area of 1.22 million hectares, with a varied habitat, hunting and land clearance for farming; land
topography from 116 m below sea level at the Afar triangle degradation due to overgrazing is also intense. The forest
to 4533 m above sea level at mount Ras-Dashen. Alpine cover of Ethiopia declined from 47% to only 3% [6]. Even
and mountainous vegetation vary with coniferous and more important to conservationists, many endemic wild
broadleaved forests, vast savannah, steppes and deserts species occur within the country some of which inhabit
are interrupted by lakes and intersected by permanent and only very small areas. In Ethiopia, 40 protected areas
seasonal rivers accompanied by galley forests [3]. The (National Parks, Animal Sanctuaries and Area Enclosure)
variations in climate, topography and vegetation have cover roughly 16.4% of the country’s land area (186,000
contributed to the presence of a large number of endemic km2). These areas face many challenges due to growing
species. Ethiopia’s high faunal biodiversity reflects the populations, border conflicts and recurring drought. A
existence of a large number of species of mammals and chronic and growing issue for Ethiopia’s largely pastoral
other higher vertebrates. This in turn reflects a diversity people is local access to grazing lands [7, 8]. Given the
of habitats, created by differing combination of elevation, recurring nature of conflict between conservation and
rainfall, geology, soil surface and ground water. Ethiopia local communities, it is critical that conservationists better
is among the world leaders in terms of richness and understand local views with respect to wildlife and
endemism of mammalian species [4]. Ethiopia and protected areas.

Corresponding Author: Melaku Tefera, College of Veterinary Medicine, P.O. Box: 144, Haramaya University, Ethiopia.
Tel: +251- 0914 722459 / 251-0255530334, E-mail: melaku22@yahoo.com.
World J. Zool., 6 (2): 108-116, 2011

Mammals are often the first taxa to be listed for a site.

Ethiopia does contain, within the national parks one of the
world largest concentration of large mammals [5]. But, a 
complete inventory does not exist and endemism are not Afar
well documented. The study of the species richness,

endemicity and rarity across geographical areas is Amara
essential to select the best places for conserving
biodiversity [9], besides wildlife are not evenly distributed Addis
 Dire Dawa

throughout the country but instead vary in abundance, Ababa
composition and these aspects are also not well Gambela 
  Somali
documented. For this reasons the objective of this study
was to investigate the current conservation status, threats  
of endemic large mammals, factors involved in community 
  
based wild life conservation and assess the economic
potential of wildlife in Ethiopia, with particular emphasis
on endemic large mammal species and subspecies.
Fig. 1: Approximate spots of National parks and Animal
(1)Awash, (2)Bale Mountain, (3)Gambella,
In this study, only critically threatened endemic large (4)Omo, (5)Siemien, (6)Abijata –Shalla, (7)Mago
mammals were considered. Data were collected using and (8)Nechisar National parks and
Participatory Rural Appraisal PRA [10]. The following (1)Desdessa,(2)Harar, 3) Kuni, P(4)Senkelle,
Parks and Sanctuaries were considered: (1) Abijata-Shalla (5)Yabelo, (6) shire, (7)chew bahir Wild life
National Park; (2) Awash National Park; (3) Semien sanctuaries
National Park; (4) and shire Sanctuary for park location
(Fig. 1). A total of 40 people 10 people per park with areas and household demographic questions and
people coming from, in and nearby parks have household’s source of income were incorporated in the
participated on first come first serve basis in an interview questionnaire.
questionnaire survey and in group discussion for problem Additional data were also collected from available
identification. Matrix score ranking and mapping of secondary data and information has been collected by
habitats, benefits, sabotages and the different threats in scanning available literature. The main source for data
the park were assed. Also local people’s perception on was the checklist of mammals of the national parks. Data
wildlife, wildlife conservation, management of protected was also collected from Individual interviews with staff of

Extinct in endangered

Adequate Threatened Endangered



Lower risk Near threatened

Least concern

Data deficent

Fig. 2: Flowchart for determination of conservation status Not evaluated

the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Ethiopia wild life authority, park attendants and

World J. Zool., 6 (2): 108-116, 2011

Wondogenet College of forestry. Conservation In addition Shire sanctuary is the most vulnerable to
status was determined according to International threats followed by Awash National Park. The attitude of
Union for Conservation [10]; the guidelines are the people to wildlife and park was positive except
summarized on Data was compiled and descriptive push factors two most important factors for
statistics was made. contravention of park policy were land misappropriation,
lack of benefit from park as shown on Table 4. Counter
reaction of the local people dissatisfaction towards park
RESULTS was that manifested in the form of sabotage the main ones
are driving away the animals at night and they also cut
The populations in and around Semien National Park trees as shown on Table 5. The various benefits needed
were agriculturalists as it is located in the highlands. by people in and around park were school, roads and
While, in Awash National Park which is located in the clinic in that order (Table 6). However, for short term
lowlands livestock herding was important. The majority of benefit they need fodder and fire wood. The contribution
the people practiced mixed agriculture crop-livestock of local people in and around the park to conservation of
forestry and some off farm activities as depicted on forest and wildlife were services like guarding, reporting
Tables 1, 2. The main threats to the animals in the illegal activity such as poachers above all tree planting
park were draught followed by farm expansion and was ranked number one as shown on Table 7. The
increased settlement the results are shown on Table 3. distribution map of the wild animals in the park was found
not to differ from the literature, the main reason was parks
do not conduct inventory of wild life regularly.

Table 1: Household demography and lively hood

National parks
Awash Simien Abjata-Shala Shire Mean % Rank
Agriculture% 30 70 40 60 50 1
Forest Product% 10 10 20 10 25 3
Wage labor% 10 10 10 10 10 4
Animal husbandry% 50 10 30 20 30 2

Table 2: Pair wise ranking of subsistence patterns in all parks

# Subsistence mode 1 2 3 4 Score Rank
1 Agriculture 2 3 4 17 1
2 Forest / wildlife Product 3 1 5 3
3 Wage labor 4 3 4
4 Animal husbandry 15 2

Table 3: Main wildlife threats in and around the park*

National parks
Threats Awash Simien Abjata -Shalla Shire Total score Rank
Farming 5 5 4 5 19 2
Hunting 5 3 4 2 14 5
deforestation 5 4 5 5 19 2
Fire 2 1 4 1 8 6
draught 5 5 5 5 20 1
Over population 5 3 4 3 15 4
Increased settlement 5 4 3 4 16 3
Total 28 24 27 29
Rank 2 4 3 1
* Criteria were weighted from 1 (least important) to 5 (most important) according to their relative significance

World J. Zool., 6 (2): 108-116, 2011

Table 4: Reasons for contravention park policy by people Table 6: People’s benefits from park and sanctuaries
Contravention Rank Needs and Benefits Rank
School 1
Damage caused by wild life to their crops (Birds and antelopes 7
Clinic 3
Perdition of farm animals by wild carnivore 6
Other Forest product 12
Punishment by sanctuary staff 5 Roads 4
Non local park attendants 8 Electrification 2
Land miss appropriation Loss of land for park territory 1 Income from tourists 6
No benefits from the park 2 Job opportunities 7
Unfair distribution of park revenue 3 Transport during emergency 8
Fodder 9
Lack of compensation for damage 4
Honey 10
Cutting fire wood 5
Table 5: Types of sabotages created by displeased people Loans borrowing money 11
Sabotage Rank
Table 7: Contribution of local people to parks maintenance
Drive away animals 1
Contribution Rank
Kill animals 3
Planting trees 2
Cut trees 2
Respecting the law 1
Set fire 5
Reporting illegal activity 3
Attack park staff 4 Guarding 4

Table 8: Abundance, conservation status and endemism of wildlife in Ethiopia

# Taxonomy Synonym Habitat/altitude Population/ Status Treats
Canis simensis Ethiopian Wolf, Simen Jackal Afroalpine (Bale, Arsi, Semyen 400 endangered Small population, diseases such
(3000-4000m) as rabies, interbreeding with dogs,
loss of habitat
Theropithecus gelada gelada Gelada Baboon, Edges and steep slopes or precipices 20,000-30,000 Hunted by man for their mane
Theropithecus. gelada obscurus Lion Monkey (Simyen, Debresina, Debrelibanos Presently Least Concern
Capra walie Capra ibex Capra nubiana Walia walie Simyen (2300-4000m) 500 endangered Hunted for meat, horn and
destruction of habitat by local people
Equus assinus somalensis African Wild Ass Desert (Danakil along Awash 200 C2
river in to Ogaden as far as Critically endangered Hunted for meat, traditional medicine
Shebelle river competition with domestic animals
Equus assinus africanus African Wild Ass North Ethiopia Extinct in wild Some in zoo? Hunting, loss of habitat
Alcelaphus buselaphus swaynei Swayne’s Hartebeest Danakil, Rift valley lakes, Alledeghi, 600 Least Concern Destruction of habitat by
Awash valley human beings
Tragelaphus buxtoni Mountain Nyala Dega Agazin Mountain forest Arsi, Bale (3000-4000) 4000-5000 Endangered Destruction of habitat
Tragelaphus scriptus meneliki Menelik’s Bushbuck Dukula Highland forest, Bale and Savanna Not known due to Destruction of habitat
(Up to 4000m) nocturnal life Destruction of habitat, by human
Loxodonta africana Knochenhauri African Elephant Mago national park 300 Endangered settlement poaching
Panthera leo abyssincum Ethiopian Lion Previously inhabiting the western Extinct in the wild now are Inbreeding, Disease and mismanagement
part of Ethiopia only found in Addis
Ababa Zoo
[12]; [13]; 14]; [1]; [15]; [16]; [3]; [17]; * [11]

The abundance, conservation status and threats to and small mammalian species endangered in Ethiopia, 18
wildlife are shown on Table 8. Ten out of twelve endemic species are endemic. That is 8 species of the non endemic
large mammals (83%) are under endangered list. Tow are also endangered. For quicker identification photos of
subspecies are extinct in wild Panthera leo abysinicum the animals is shown on Figure 3. One can identify the
(five lions of this subspecies are found at Addis Ababa large ears of Loxodenta africana, the ventral main of
zoo) and Few numbers of Equus assinus africanus are in Panthra leo abisinicum, the leg strips of Equus assinus
zoos around the world. However, there are also other somalensis, the head mains of the lion monkey
subspecies in the country which are endangered but non Theropithecus gelada gelada. The unique horns of Cpra
endemic. According IUCN classification there are 94 large ibex, Tragelaphus boxtoni and Alceluphus buselaphus.

World J. Zool., 6 (2): 108-116, 2011

Fig. 3: Pictures a-h showing: (a) Alceluphus buselaphus swaynei, (b) Tragelaphus boxtoni, (c)Equus assinus somalensis
(d) Capra walie (e) Panthera leo abyssincum, (f) Canis simensis, (g) Theropithecus gelada, (h) Loxodonta
africana, respectively

Fig. 4a-f: Maps showing the habitat range of (a) Elephants circular area shows Loxodonta africana Knochenhauri,
( b) lions, circular area shows former range of Panthera leo abysinicum (c) shows location of Tragelaphus
boxtoni and Tragelaphus scriptus meneliki (d) represents the habitat of Capra walie (e) depicts Equus assinus
somalensis (f) Shows the home range of Canis simensis.

World J. Zool., 6 (2): 108-116, 2011

Figure 4 depicts the biogeography of the endemic population is declining at the rate of 10%/year and many
mammals. The animals are found in limited pockets in other previously abundant species are now either
much localized areas mainly Bale, Semien, Nechisar, completely or locally extinct or gravely threatened [21].
Awash and mago national parks. The most abundant The greatest overall threat to wildlife is the loss of
endemic mammals are the Gelada and Nyala. The Gelada habitat. Draught is accelerating shrinkage in forest areas,
have a greater range of habitat While Nyala is limited in continent-wide, 65% of wildlife habitat has been lost [21].
Bale National park. In eastern Africa the growth of human settlements and
cultivation is removing land from use by wildlife and is
DISCUSSION constraining access to migration routes and wet season
dispersal areas around national parks such as the Semien
Out of 280 mammals found in Ethiopia 8 are domestic and Bale. This does not only reduces wildlife numbers
mammals the rest 272 are wild mammals. 11.3% are generally but also, by concentrating wildlife especially
endemic wild mammals or 34.5 % are endangered out of herbivores within parks, places severe pressure on natural
this 31 of the 94 species 11. %, (n=31) are endemic ecosystem [22]. Habitat deterioration through
mammals. Of the total mammals 34.5 are endangered deforestation, overgrazing by livestock and pre-empting
(n=94). Unfortunately all endemic mammals were of dry season water supplies by agriculture and stock
endangered category, among these five are larger raising also strongly contribute to the depletion of wildlife
mammals (Walia Ibex Capra walie, Theropithecus gelada, numbers Simonetta and Simonetta, 1983, (Cited [22]).
Tragelaphus buxtoni and Ethiopian Wolf (Canis simensis) Although most wildlife in Ethiopia still live outside of
and the rest (83.9 per cent) are smaller ones including 2, 9 parks, the area available for wildlife conservation outside
and 15 species of bats, insectivores and rodents, of protected area has decreased considerably, in southern
respectively[18]. Panthera leo abisinicum and [17] and Ethiopia little wildlife occurs outside of protected areas.
Equus assinus africanus [19]. While there are few Many species traditionally viewed as common are
remnants up to 200 E. assinus somalensis, its surrogate E. also showing dramatic falls in their numbers and habitats
assinus africanus extinct in the wild and the two are have become shrunk like the case of the Mountain Nyala.
differentiated by their distinct future leg stripe and Declines in common species indicate the widespread
shoulder stripe respectively. deterioration of our environment. Some people had the
The larger mammals are mainly concentrated in the negative attitude towards birds particularly towards
south and southwest peripheral border of the country; in Baboons for the damage they cause to crops and hyenas
fact, out of the 9 national parks, only 2 are not in the dry for predation of animals. A decline in the quality of the
lands. For this reason they are prone to drought this habitat can be as detrimental as the loss of the habitat
makes them prone to migration and extinction. Given the itself, for example through grazing by livestock and illegal
restricted distribution and potential small size of logging.
population, these endemic species are most likely to be The main threat to Ethiopian wolf is breeding with
susceptible to anthropogenic environmental degradation domestic dogs from the nearby settlement area a good
[20]. indicator for the increased settlement in park area [8]. The
There are also plentiful games along the stretch of past civil war in Northern Ethiopia and non-enforcement
the Great Rift Valley System. Mountain massifs in the of game laws during that time has undoubtedly further
north are also home to endemic species of mammals, aggravated the decimation of wildlife. In Ethiopia, the
particularly the Walia Ibex, Canis simensis and various ecosystems of high biological importance need
Theropithecus gelada. Hunting has been a major factor in strong conservation action. Because, our current
reducing wildlife numbers in the past. Both by local practices on agriculture and forestry management are not
people and European hunters were shooting large number sustainable for the environment and biodiversity. The
of game animals (for trophy, ivory, skin for trade, fences-and-fines approach to wildlife protection is now
protection of crops and livestock). Uncontrolled hunting perceived by many conservationists to have failed in
(poaching) was also a problem. At present many other Africa [6]. An alternative approach whereby rural
factors are involved including climate change. This communities are given ownership rights or custodianship
pattern of change mirrors that for the entire continent and management responsibilities for the resource has
where the population of black rhino has shrunken from been introduced under the name Community-based
60,000 to 4,000 over the last two decades, the elephant Wildlife Management. However this is not self sustaining,

World J. Zool., 6 (2): 108-116, 2011

the most critical point is that how to satisfy the people its income from the Massai Mara Game Reserve in Kenya
around the parks as resources shrink obviously these [24]. In Ethiopia, there is no well organized wild life
people will not halt from invading the sanctuaries and tourism. There is shortage of hotels and roads. Although
national parks. tourists are able to view a wide Varity of wildlife within the
Humans have an obligation to protect fellow region, certain individual species appear to be especially
creatures whether they have intrinsic value or not. important to tourism industry. For example, each lion in
However, whenever there is an opportunity to generate Amboseli Park in Kenya generates a direct value of
revenue it could serve as benefit to local people. $27,000/year in tourist revenue while elephants generate
Generally, wildlife has the potential to significantly $610,000 Western and Henry, (1979) (cited by
contribute to both local and national economies. Wildlife Herlocker[22]).
in eastern Africa have a major aesthetic value to tourists Establishment of zoo has two advantages
who want to see and appreciate wild game species, recreational and Conservation. Ex stiu conservation
especially if this can be done within their natural efforts, with reintroduction programmes designed to
environment/ecosystem or some approximation if not rehabilitate animal species in the wild, has some success
establishing zoo is equally relevant. Wildlife provide a rates [25, 26]. Ex situ conservation serves as a gene bank
variety of goods such as hides, skins, ivory, horns, meat to provide the germplasm for establishment of wild
traditional medicine and subsistence hunting 1% in relatives of animal species in their natural habitat. At the
Ethiopia [22]. The life-support services provided by sometime wild animals kept in zoo benefit secure living
natural ecosystem such as disposal of wastes and cycling place. And can generate income from displays.
nutrients. Predator control, germination of grasses, by As with tourism, safari hunting is a high value use of
opening dense forests creating new habitat. For example wildlife, which does not depend directly on total animal
the spotted hyena crucuta crucuta are everywhere in biomass. It is the most lucrative from wildlife utilization
Ethiopia they scavenge on dead animal carcass and house and most easily implemented assuming that desired
wastes decontaminating the environment. The main trophy species are present. Safari hunting can provide
advantage of wildlife is utilization as an alternative land local communities with high returns with little investment.
use is possibility of increasing income without increasing Tourist hunting plays a large and growing role in the
animal biomass and thereby placing undue pressure on economy of Tanzania where in 1992, it generated revenue
the environment. This is possible because wildlife species to the government $5.34 million and to the industry as a
are better adapted to their environment than domestic whole $13.96 million, which does not include the benefits
livestock. In some habitats, which have little available to other sectors of the economy, such as hotels [22].
water and/or are infested with tsetse fly, wildlife flourish The cropping of game for the commercial production
where livestock can no. Wildlife are less likely to degrade of meat is another economic use of wildlife. It can be
the environment also makes more efficient use of available carried out in conjunction with livestock raising or in
food resource than any nonspecific herbivore community, locations where economically viable livestock production
such as cattle Herlocker, [22]. This includes better control is not possible, as in areas that are waterless, disease-
of woody species. The recreational/aesthetic importance ridden and/or otherwise of low productivity (and
of wildlife may be its single greatest economic value [5]. generally communally owned). Game cropping is also
Wildlife has the potential to contribute to local and carried out on a large number of private ranches in South
national economies. The revenue generated from wildlife Africa and few in Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. This
vis a vis neighboring countries is insignificant in Ethiopia. activity is based on the fact that wild game and livestock
Wildlife-based tourism is central plank in the managed on the same area provide the highest maximum
economies of Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda [23]. For possible biomass/unit area especially if the game species
instance, national parks are the mainstay of Kenya’s have different eating habits preference than livestock. The
tourism industry [23], which is the second largest earner giraffe for example does not compete for grazing with
of foreign exchange next to agriculture. Tourism domestic animals as it is a browsing animal.
attributable to Kenya’s wildlife parks and reserves earned Only few African species, such as eland, gazelle
roughly $ 208 million dollar during 1989-1992 Griffith and and buffalo, have ever been domesticated [5] a
Southey, 1995 (Cited byHerlocker [22]). Wildlife- based number of species, which have been either domesticated,
tourism has also benefited some local economies as is the or semi domesticated within the region. These include
case with the Narok Country Council, which earns 90% of impala, Grants gazelle, Thomson’s gazelle, Fringe-eared

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