Twds9 Notes

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- Using a zombie as a scarecrow

- Using whatever technology they can get their hands on - even medieval/ancient
stuff is fair game (horses, carriages, etc.)
- Really channeling that Manifest Destiny guide. Like a bunch of settlers/pioneers
setting out to claim new lands.
- MANIFEST DESTINY (A big-ass sign, basement shelter, glass ceiling)
- You've been yelling about it since Season 8.
- He's got arachnophobia. He finds spiders more terrifying than zombies.
- The de-evolution of man. I like it. Since she's one of the good guys, we can
assume that her POV/attitude mimics the one espoused by the series' creators.
- Ransacking a history museum for resources/machinery/"blueprints".
- Plot-induced stupidity. It's not like you could have just moved those things to
the side or lifted them over the friggin' railing, right? You've got a whole team
of people with you. You've got a bunch of solid-looking ropes and the technological
know-how to use them properly. Such drivel...
- Why did you stop using that zombie innards trick? It saved your asses back then,
so why did you stop using it? If you see zombies as part of the ecosystem, and
you're not grossed out by them anymore, why not use that trick? At least from time
to time?
- Maggie kills off her antagonist by having him hanged. No remorse, no going back,
possible black hat undertones.

TWD 02
- We're still ready to deal with this world on its own terms. But we're not letting
it define us anymore.
- We're getting back a piece of who we used to be, how things were before all this.

- We're not just fighting to survive anymore. We're making a new beginning.
- Roads are the lifeblood of civilization. Rome rose and fell with its roads (que
zombies wandering around roads and highways in herds).
- Without this bridge, there would be no trade.
- It's not the end of the world anymore. It's the start of a whole new one (the guy
who lost his hand doesn't blame Rick. He's glad that he's alive to see the bridge
go up).
- That bridge is not the future. It's a monument for the dead. You're not saving
the world, Rick. You're just getting it ready for me.

TWD 03
- Daily life within the commune. Rick Grimes - a family man.
- Let's make babies. For the future. Removing racial boundaries, eh?
- Tensions were high. They are at each other's throats. Rick intervenes before
things can get ugly.
- Taking care of your family or taking care of your community? Apparently, you
can't have both, Rick.
- Killing each other when the world already belongs to the dead... it's not the
way, not anymore. Wait, I thought the world was yours by right of xyz?
- This schtick is getting old. Drama/tension on demand. Plot-induced stupidity
strikes again. They should be accustomed to these circumstances. See danger
everywhere, expect the unexpected, have eyes in the back of your head, etc.
- Say we nab the perp. Who decideds what happens next? Is it gonna be a "Gregory"
or a "Negan"? Shots fired during the strat meeting. Maggie visibly upset.
- I wanted to pull that trigger before it started. Because if we don't fight Arat,
we're gonna have to fight anyway ('Zeke's Fiance). I won't let it come to that. I
can't (Rick). I wanna kill Negan, but then I remember everyone we lost [...]. I
need to honor them. To build life, not take it. Because it's us or the dead. Every
life counts now. So... you're no longer ignoring the dead? You do not consider them
a part of the new ecosystem anymore? They are not tools anymore? They've been
rebranded? They're the enemy again? A shift in sensibilities, for sure.
- Jadis (Garbage Pail Lady) had a human trafficking racket. She used to trade
people for supplies. Her buyers appear to be fairly tech-savvy. They have walkies
and a helicapter. And they want to acquire more "goods" from their supplier.
She's... receptive to the idea, willig to cut a deal. Padre catches her red-handed.
- Whatever she did, she does not deserve to be executed on the spot. Daryl and
Maggie just walk away and let it happen. Was it killed or be killed? Doubtful.
Would she have gotten killed if she hadn't done it? Doubtful. Was she a piece of
shit? Sure. But. But, but, but. After the Saviors got disbanded, she tried to turn
a new leaf and played by the rules. She was begging for her life. Begging them to
save her. But they just turned their backs and left. Whoa. It's a good scene, but
the face-heel turn makes Daryl and Maggie almost impossible to relate to. All of
their relatability has flown out the window.

TWD 04
- Michonne's two personas seem to be at odds with one another. She's torn between
being a samurai-ko and a community organizer.
- Are you channeling Negan, Michonne? Are you acting like him? Are you the zombie's
version of Negan? Can the zombies even tell, though? It's not like they have a
societal structure. It's not like they have legends and boogeymen. Yeah, bat-
related symbolism ain't gonna cut it here. This comparison does not hold water.
- Negan deserved to die when it ended. Rick was wrong because he made a call that
wasn't his to make. I just wanna make sure that you're not wrong in the same way
that he was (Jesus vs. Maggie). I just want you to be sure. I am. I'll be back when
it's done. So they want to kill him. On their own. There is no way this could go
- You knew, and you didn't say anything? Truth is, I couldn't live with it either.
Not much in the way of justification, Daryl...
- You're chasing something for him that just ain't meant to be, man. You just gotta
let him go.
- You're like me (Negan to Michonne). Meh, you have a few traits in common, but
she's utilizing those traits differently. You're not scared that you're like me.
You're scared that you're gonna become like me. (That's more accurate). He's trying
to connect with her because there is nothing worse than (having) nothing. Where is
the bat? His totem. His source of str, eh? Now that's an interesting concept, might
have to look into that, see how Jung tackled that in his works.
- It's more about the actor than about the character. You symphatize with Daryl
because of his screen presence. If he was played by any other guy, he'd just be a
boring, one-dimensional hick with no personality to speak of. But this guy is able
to breathe life into the abovementioned stereotype.
- Brother, take my hand. Yeah, touching. I'm not destroying the bridge. We need it.
So, you're saying that this isn't about Carl anymore? That might be the message
they're are trying to bring across, but it's not stated explicitly, soooo... you
can't never be 100% sure.
- Oh, come on. Do you really expect me to believe this? Rick's plot armor is too
thick. He won't die. Not yet, anyway.

TWD 05
- Two Ricks? In a dream. Telling each other to wake up. Telling him to wake up?
Ego? Persona? An army of helicopters. Doesn't make much sense, and I really don't
wanna overanalyze it. Rick wakes up, gets himself out of a bind, gets back on his
horse, and leads the herd away. Despite the fact that he's about to bleed out.
Another dream vision. This time around, it's Shane. How is *my* baby girl. She's
got my eyes, ain't she? She hasn't got your nose. Yep, it's confirmed. It's not
even his kid. They are rasing somebody else's kid. Sad. It has to be me - what
happened to - IT'S NOT ABOUT ME. IT'S NOT ABOUT RICK GRIMES. Yet it is Rick Grimes
who has to do it. Shane - are you his shadow? Is he supposed to channel you when
he's about to make a harsh/gruesome decision? Kneel down. Did deep (into your
Psyche, eh?). Fin it. Find the rage, the hatered. The loyalty, it's in there. It's
the only way that this gets done, and this has to get done. He apologizes for what
he did to Shane, and Shane forgives him (tells him to forget it/get over it). He's
finally coming to terms with that "had" to be done on that meadow, eh?
- You're willing to turn this into something else? For him? (Glen? No?) Not for
him, for me. For others. For Glenn. GET OFF YOUR HIGH HORSE, BITCH. Glenn wouldn't
want this, Maggie. Your father wouldn't want this. You took it from me. So, taking
it back, what the hell is that gonna do. It's gonna start things over. No, it's
gonna start something else! Good dialog. Michonne MVP. Stop acting like this is a
choice. Stop acting like I can just turn it off. Because it's been a year and a
half and I can't. And you can live with what comes after? Have to. Can't live with
it now.
- Get on your knees. (HAHAHA, FAT CHANCE). I remember how much I broke you,
breaking open your husband's head like I did. He's got a crowbar. He's
undernourished and out of juice. But he's STILL in control. Revenge? Justice. Took
you this long to work up your nerve? I used to say that I didn't enjoy killing.
That was a lie. Killing him the way I did, now that was fun.
- He tries to get her worked up? Begs for her to kill him? Because he wants to be
with his wife, but he can't do it himself. She realizes that leaving him alive will
hurt him more than bashing his brains out. I came to kill Negan, but you're already
worse than dead. Not sure that's a redemption ark, but at least she doesn't turn
into an even greater asshole than she alread is (hanging people, walking away,
- I need to lead them. Just like you're leading those mindless zombies? The world
does revolve around you, Rick. You don't need to carry its weight on your
- I need to find my family. I need to keep them together. - No, you don't. You only
think you do (Herschel).
- He goes out of his way to anwser the coal, goes overboard. Loses himself in the
call, the call devours him, like a dragon. He becomes the call, becomes a martyr, a
pilar of the community, but loses sight of what's important on a personal level,
loses his individuality.
- Maybe I can find them here? Flirting with death. You won't find them here, Rick.
- Goes through a hospital door. - OPEN - DEAD INSIDE - It's like his subconscious
is telling him that he has to come to terms with it. He has to go in there. A
landscape made of corpses. They are all dead. I know, and it's okay. How can this
be ok?! 'Cause you did your part. As I did mine. Acceptance. Coming to terms with
the apocalypse? Took you long enough. No. Maybe he's coming to terms with *his
part* in the apocalypse. Yeah. Let's roll with that. They gave us the str we needed
to do what we had to do for the others. And the others draw str from us. We change
each other. We help each other. We make each other better. And it never ends. It
feels like the end. Little things do end, but it's never the end of everything.
Because we don't die. It's not about you or me or any one of us. It's about all of
us. And I don't think it all just evens out. I think it always crosses over towards
the good. Jung it! Toward the brave. Toward love. Your family. You're not gonna
find them because they're not lost. And you are not lost. What you need to do is
wake up. He wakes up at the camp. It's abandoned; it's been overrun by zombies. Big
Damn Heroes. The cavalary arrives just as he's about to give up. We don't die.
That's kinda meta, though. Heh. She fell in love with him because he's a fighter,
and he never gives up. So fight, Rick. Fight for me. Fight for all of us.
- YOU ARE MY FAMILY. I found you. You did. But this, this isn't real. Yes it is.
Now wake up. It's REAL on a couple of different levels, made up on a few different
- They do arrive to help him out, but their positioning is less than perfect. Daryl
does what he can, so do the others. They can't reach him in time, though. He knows
the jig is up, so he decides to blow up the bridge while the herd's still on it. I
FOUND THEM. Talking about your true family, I assume.
- He survives, somehow. Then he gets picked up by Jadis' mysterious friends. A
helicopter takes him away. His condition seems stable.
- Time skip. Judith Grimes. That's some bullshit, right there. That gun would break
her wrists after a single shot.

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