Esophageal Pressure Monitoring: Why, When and How?: Review

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OPINION Esophageal pressure monitoring: why, when
and how?
Takeshi Yoshida a,b and Laurent Brochard a,b

Purpose of review
Esophageal manometry has shown its usefulness to estimate transpulmonary pressure, that is lung stress,
and the intensity of spontaneous effort in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome. However,
clinical uptake of esophageal manometry in ICU is still low. Thus, the purpose of review is to describe
technical tips to adequately measure esophageal pressure at the bedside, and then update the most
important clinical applications of esophageal manometry in ICU.

Recent findings
Each esophageal balloon has its own nonstressed volume and it should be calibrated properly to measure
pleural pressure accurately: transpulmonary pressure calculated on absolute esophageal pressure reflects
values in the lung regions adjacent to the esophageal balloon (i.e. dependent to middle lung). Inspiratory
transpulmonary pressure calculated from airway plateau pressure and the chest wall to respiratory system
elastance ratio reasonably reflects lung stress in the nondependent ‘baby’ lung, at highest risk of
hyperinflation. Also esophageal pressure can be used to detect and minimize patient self-inflicted lung

Esophageal manometry is not a complicated technique. There is a large potential to improve clinical
outcome in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome, acting as an early detector of risk of lung
injury from mechanical ventilation and vigorous spontaneous effort.

acute respiratory distress syndrome, esophageal pressure, spontaneous breathing, transpulmonary pressure

INTRODUCTION methods, early detection of the harm of spontane-

Esophageal manometry has shown to be useful for ous effort.
more than 50 years of research. The clinical appli-
cations of esophageal manometry are potentially
various, for example to estimate pleural pressure
(Ppl) and hence transpulmonary pressure (PL), which
is the distending pressure of the lungs; to assess Although esophageal manometry has been estab-
patient’s effort when the respiratory muscles are lished as an essential tool in research for a long time,
active; to monitor the patients-ventilator interac- a large epidemiologic study covering 50 countries
tions; to facilitate weaning process from mechanical reported that esophageal manometry was used in
ventilation [1 ]. However, the recent LUNG SAFE less than 1% of patients with ARDS [2]; several
international study revealed that esophageal
manometry was rarely employed in patients with a
Keenan Research Centre, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s
acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) [2]. In
Hospital and bInterdepartmental Division of Critical Care Medicine,
order words, there is a large potential for the uptake University of Toronto, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
of esophageal manometry in clinical practice. Correspondence to Laurent Brochard, MD, Keenan Research Centre, Li
Thus, we describe technical tips to be employed Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, St. Michael’s Hospital, 30 Bond St,
to adequately measure esophageal pressure (Pes) at Toronto, ON, Canada M5B 1W8. Tel: +1 416 864 5686;
the bedside, and then update the most important e-mail:
clinical applications of esophageal manometry in Curr Opin Crit Care 2018, 24:000–000
ICU, that is estimation of local PL with several DOI:10.1097/MCC.0000000000000494

1070-5295 Copyright ß 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All rights reserved.

Copyright © 2018 Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of this article is prohibited.
CE: Swati; MCC/240303; Total nos of Pages: 7;
MCC 240303

Cardiopulmonary monitoring

stomach and inflated with adequate volume. The

KEY POINTS intragastric position of the esophageal balloon is con-
 The esophageal balloon should be inflated with firmed by a positive pressure deflection during gentle
minimal nonstressed volume to measure esophageal external manual compression of the abdomen. Then,
pressure accurately. This value in each commercially the balloon is withdrawn until appearing cardiac arti-
available catheter is different. facts on the pressure tracings, indicating that the site
of pressure measurement (balloon) is in the lower third
 If calibrated properly, absolute esophageal pressure
reflects the value adjunct to the balloon, that is in the of the esophagus. The presence of a nasogastric tube
middle-dependent lung regions. The elastance-derived does not seem to significantly affect Pes measurement
method (using tidal change in esophageal pressure) [12] and it is possible to use an esophageal catheter in
reflects the value in the nondependent lung regions. addition to a feeding tube already in place.
 The lung injury from spontaneous effort occurs in the
dependent lung regions, the same regions where strong
effort increases greater inspiratory stress and stretch.
Inflating the esophageal balloon
The magnitude of negative ‘swing’ in esophageal It is important to emphasize that the nonstressed
pressure, that is the intensity of spontaneous effort, is volume varies depending on balloons and the sur-
linearly correlated with inspiratory stress and stretch in rounding pressure [3,4]. Nonstressed volume is rec-
the dependent lung regions. Thus monitoring of ognized as the adequate filling volume, not causing
esophageal pressure in patients with spontaneous effort
underestimation of Pes due to low filling volume nor
is highly recommended.
overestimation of Pes due to the elastance of esopha-
gus. In addition, to minimize the effect of the ela-
stance of esophageal wall, the minimal nonstressed
reasons may play a role: seemingly complicated volume should be used to measure Pes accurately.
technical issues to measure Pes at bedside; uncertain This value in each commercially available catheter
validity of Pes. was carefully evaluated in a previous study [3]. Thus,
First, methodology to introduce Pes is seemingly we suggest checking what the minimal nonstress
complicated. For instance, incorrect volumes of air volume is for each esophageal balloon before starting
in the esophageal balloon are known to result in to use it at bedside, referring to a previous elegant
overestimation or underestimation of the surround- study done by Mojoli et al. [3]. Alternatively, a simple
ing Ppl [3,4]. Second, in the supine position a gradient correction subtracting elastic pressure of the esopha-
of Ppl exists (higher in dorsal, lower in ventral) [5]; it gus imposed by filling balloon can be used [4].
is not clearly known in which lung regions Pes
represents Ppl. Also it has been claimed that the
mass of the mediastinum could falsely elevate Pes Confirming the appropriate position
by direct compression [6]. In addition, two different The position of esophageal balloon is validated with
estimates of Ppl (and thus PL) – both derived from an occlusion test, using a chest compression (passive
esophageal manometry – are proposed. One esti- patient) or an inspiratory effort maneuver (spontane-
mate of PL is based on measured absolute Pes [7], and ously breathing patient) against an end-expiratory
the other is based on the elastance ratio of chest wall &&
occlusion [1 ]. It is assumed that with no net change
to respiratory system [8,9]. These two estimates of PL in global PL (i.e. zero flow conditions) due to a closed
have been shown to yield quite different results [10], airway, changes in airway pressure (Paw) should mirror
and this discrepancy also raised concerns about the the changes in local Ppl as measured by the esophageal
validity of esophageal manometry. balloon [13]. Thus, the relationship between DPes and
DPaw should present a slope of 1.0  0.2 during an
occlusion test. When DPes/DPaw is out of range, that
TECHNICAL TIPS: HOW TO START THE is less than 0.8 or more than 1.2, during an occlusion
MEASUREMENTS OF ESOPHAGEAL test, the position of esophageal balloon should be
PRESSURE modified since Pes does not reflect Ppl correctly.
The technique of esophageal balloon was summa-
rized in recent reviews [1 ,11].
Introducing the esophageal balloon
Several esophageal balloons are commercially avail- Estimating (local) lung distending pressure
able [3]. All types of esophageal balloon are introduced During a positive-pressure mechanical ventilation
transnasally (55 cm) or orally (40 cm) until the (i.e. no active spontaneous effort), pressure applied

2 Volume 24  Number 00  Month 2018

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CE: Swati; MCC/240303; Total nos of Pages: 7;
MCC 240303

Esophageal pressure monitoring Yoshida and Brochard

to the respiratory system by a ventilator is consumed assumptions: first, the ratio of chest wall elastance to
to inflate the lung and chest wall. Lung distending respiratory system elastance (ECW/ERS) determines
pressure, that is transpulmonary pressure PL is cal- the fraction of airway driving pressure consumed to
culated as follows: inflate chest wall (and not harmful to the lungs);
PL ¼ Paw  Ppl : second, Ppl is zero at functional residual capacity. At
functional residual capacity, lung is neither expand-
Two different methods have been proposed to ing nor collapsing and thus PL must be zero: as Paw is
estimate Ppl and thus PL calculation from directly zero, Ppl must be zero for PL being zero. Thus, Ppl can
measured Pes [7] or using airway plateau pressure be calculated as Paw  (ECW/ERS) and then PL is cal-
and the elastance ratio of chest wall to respiratory culated as follows:
system [8,9]. Both are derived from esophageal ECW
PL ¼ Paw  Paw  :
manometry, and it is interesting to note that they ERS
yield different estimates of PL [10]. The reason, as
explained below, is that there is not a single A recent study (pigs and human cadavers)
Ppl value. revealed that inspiratory PL calculated from ela-
stance ratio closely reflected the nondependent
Absolute esophageal pressure &
actual (measured) values (Fig. 2) [15 ]. Bland–Alt-
The first method is based on measured ‘absolute’ man analysis revealed that PL calculated from ela-
value of Pes [7]. This method has an assumption stance ratio served a good surrogate for inspiratory
that absolute Pes by itself can be used as a surrogate PL in the nondependent lung regions (i.e. mean
of Ppl and then PL is directly calculated as follows: difference: 0.8 cmH2O). This happens because the
assumptions are true only in these regions, consid-
PL ¼ Paw  Pes :
ering Ppl in nondependent lung (but not in other
The static Ppl increases from nondependent to lung regions) was the closest to zero at low PEEP
levels (close to functional residual capacity). Inspi-
dependent regions in supine position, creating a
ratory PL calculated from the elastance ratio reason-
vertical pressure gradient. This vertical gradient of
ably reflects local PL in the nondependent ‘baby’
Ppl is known to reach approximately 10 cmH2O in
lung where is most vulnerable to ventilator-induced
patients with ARDS, which is almost double than in
healthy adults [5]. Such a large pressure gradient can lung injury. Thus inspiratory PL calculated from the
explain inhomogeneous distribution of lung aera- elastance ratio may represent a novel and testable
tion in ARDS, and it is uncertain in which lung clinical target to reduce ventilator-induced lung

regions Pes reflects local Ppl. In accordance with a injury [15 ]. The distribution of Ppl and their meas-
urements are illustrated in Fig. 3.
previous study [14], a recent validation study (pigs
and human cadavers) of Pes using direct Ppl sensor
revealed that if properly calibrated (i.e. minimal Early detection of the harm of spontaneous
nonstressed volume), absolute ‘measured’ Pes accu- effort
rately reflects local Ppl in the mid to dependent lung
regions, adjacent to the esophageal balloon, inde- Spontaneous breathing is often permitted in
pendently of the mediastinal structures (Fig. 1) [15 ].
& patients with ARDS [2,16], in part because oxygen-
Thus, the absolute Pes is a good surrogate for local Ppl ation is better [16] and diaphragm disuse is avoided
[17,18 ]. However, accumulating evidence indicates
in the mid-dependent lung regions. Since atelectasis
that this may cause – or worsen – lung injury,
usually predominates in the mid to dependent lung
especially if ARDS is severe and/or spontaneous
regions in ARDS, setting positive end-expiratory
effort is vigorous and dyssynchronous with the ven-
pressure (PEEP) using expiratory ‘measured’ Pes to
prevent dorsal (i.e. middle to dependent) atelectasis tilator [19–23]. Recent perspective termed this
makes sense. A clinical trial showed that a ventila- effort-dependent lung injury as patient self-inflicted
tory strategy using Pes at end-expiration to maintain lung injury (P-SILI) [24]. This may explain the find-
a positive value of PL had physiological benefits in ings that high respiratory drive is independently
associated with failure of noninvasive ventilation
patients with ARDS [7].
[25], and that such patients have a particularly poor
prognosis [26].
Elastance ratio of chest wall to respiratory Here we described three main mechanisms of
system lung injury from spontaneous effort: first, increased
The second method is based on elastance ratio of chest local dependent lung stress; second, increased lung
wall to respiratory system [8,9]. This method has two perfusion; third, patient-ventilator asynchrony.

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CE: Swati; MCC/240303; Total nos of Pages: 7;
MCC 240303

Cardiopulmonary monitoring

(a) PEEP4 PEEP24


Expiratory Transpulmonary Pressure (cmH2O)


15mm 34mm
* +‡
* +‡
* +‡
10 ‡ * +‡ ‡
*+ ‡

*+ ‡
*+ ‡ ‡
*+ *+ ‡ ‡
5 ‡ ‡
‡ ‡
‡ ‡
‡ ‡
‡ ‡
0 ‡

Non-dependent sensor
Esophageal (absolute)
Dependent sensor
4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
PEEP (cmH2O)

Expiratory Transpulmonary Pressure (cmH2O)



Non-dependent sensor
Esophageal (absolute)
Dependent sensor
5 10 15
PEEP (cmH2O)

FIGURE 1. The spatial relationship of expiratory transpulmonary pressures calculated from esophageal pressure in lung-injured
pigs and human cadavers. (a) In lung-injured pigs, expiratory transpulmonary pressure, calculated using Pes (i.e. positive end-
expiratory pressure  expiratory Pes), reflected the directly measured values in mid (at higher positive end-expiratory pressure
values) – dependent lung regions (at lower positive end-expiratory pressure values). Static computed tomography images in a
representative pig confirmed that the position of the esophagus was close to the dependent sensor at positive end-expiratory
pressure of 4 cmH2O, but was closer to mid-zone (i.e. more distant from the dependent sensor) at positive end-expiratory
pressure of 24 cmH2O. (b) In human cadavers, expiratory transpulmonary pressure, calculated using Pes, reflected the directly
measured values in mid-lung regions. A representative computed tomography was presented from acute respiratory distress
syndrome registry. The position of the esophagus was observed to be located mid-thorax in a patient with acute respiratory
distress syndrome. Taken together, these computed tomography images indicate that Pes reflected the local pleural pressure
that was adjacent to the esophageal balloon. ARDS, acute respiratory distress syndrome; CT, computed tomography; PEEP,
positive end-expiratory pressure; Pes, esophageal pressure. P < 0.05 compared with Pes; þP < 0.05 compared with dependent
sensor; zP < 0.05 compared with positive end-expiratory pressure 4. Reprinted with permission of the American Thoracic
Society. Copyright ß 2018 American Thoracic Society [15 ]. The American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine &

is an official journal of the American Thoracic Society.

Increased local lung stress more negative local ‘swings’ in Ppl in the dependent
In normal ‘fluid like’ lung, the inspiratory deflection lung. The resulting higher local lung stress causes local
(swing) in Ppl resulting from diaphragmatic contrac- volutrauma [22] and huge tidal recruitment in the
tion is rapidly dissipated across the whole pleural dependent lung [23,28] by drawing gas either from
surface [27]. In contrast, in the injured ‘solid like’ lung, other lung regions, for example nondependent lung
the inspiratory Ppl swing is not dissipated, but is pre- (this is called pendelluft [22]) or from the ventilator.
dominantly localized to the dependent regions where Recent data confirmed that the bulk of effort-depen-
it is generated [22,23]. Thus, stronger effort results in dent lung injury occurred in the dependent lung, the

4 Volume 24  Number 00  Month 2018

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CE: Swati; MCC/240303; Total nos of Pages: 7;
MCC 240303

Esophageal pressure monitoring Yoshida and Brochard


Inspiratory Transpulmonary Pressure (cmH2O)

Non-dependent sensor Elastance rao
Esophageal Dependent sensor *+‡
20 +‡

*+ ‡ +‡

15 * +‡ +‡ ‡
*+ ‡ +‡
*+ +‡ ‡
+ *+ *+ *+
+ ‡
10 *+
+ ‡
+ *+ ‡

‡ ‡

4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
PEEP (cmH2O)

Inspiratory Transpulmonary Pressure (cmH2O)

30 Non-dependent sensor Esmated

Elastance from
rao dal changes in Pes
Esophageal (absolute) Dependent sensor

5 10 15
PEEP (cmH2O)

FIGURE 2. The spatial relationship of inspiratory transpulmonary pressures calculated from esophageal pressure vs. elastance
ratio in lung-injured pigs and human cadavers. In lung-injured pigs (a) and human cadavers (b), inspiratory transpulmonary
pressure, calculated using elastance ratio, closely matched the directly measured value in nondependent lung. However, note
that inspiratory transpulmonary pressure, calculated using Pes, reflected the directly measured values in mid and dependent
lung regions adjacent to the esophageal balloon. Pes, esophageal pressure. P < 0.05 compared with Pes; þP < 0.05
compared with dependent sensor; zP < 0.05 compared with positive end-expiratory pressure 4. Reprinted with permission of
the American Thoracic Society. Copyright ß 2018 American Thoracic Society [15 ]. The American Journal of Respiratory and &

Critical Care Medicine is an official journal of the American Thoracic Society.

same region where vigorous effort increased greater on the respiratory drive, could be used to control the
inspiratory stress and stretch [29]. intensity of the effort assessed by esophageal pressure
Of note, the intensity of spontaneous effort manometry [30,31].
(represented as negative ‘swing’ in Pes) is linearly
correlated to the magnitude of local dependent lung Increased lung perfusion
stress and stretch [22,23]. Spontaneous effort should Spontaneous effort generates a more negative Ppl
be maintained to be a modest level to prevent P-SILI which in turn increases transmural vascular pres-
and hence monitoring Pes in ARDS patients with sure, that is difference between intravascular pres-
spontaneous effort is highly recommended [1 ]. sure and pressure outside the vessels. Transmural
Our recent review suggested to limit inspiratory PL vascular pressure is considered as the net pressure
less than 20–25 cmH2O and/or muscle pressure less distending the intrathoracic vessels. Hence vigorous
than 5–10 cmH2O in ARDS patients with spontane- spontaneous effort was recently shown to increase
ous effort [1 ]. lung perfusion, propensity to edema and worsen
Significantly, recent reports showed that extracor- clinical outcome in children with acute asthma
poreal removal of CO2, by decreasing the stimulation exacerbation [32 ]. Transmural vascular pressure

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CE: Swati; MCC/240303; Total nos of Pages: 7;
MCC 240303

Cardiopulmonary monitoring

Pleural pressures (Ppl) and their measurements

Non-Dependent regions

Pleural Pressure Gradient

Non-dependent Ppl
(esmated by elastance method)

Middle Ppl
(esmated by esophageal pressure)
Dependent Ppl

Dependent regions

FIGURE 3. The distribution of pleural pressures and their measurements. The Ppl increases from nondependent to dependent
regions in supine position, creating a vertical pressure gradient (indicated in the left side). This vertical gradient of Ppl is known
to reach approximately 10 cmH2O in patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome, explaining heterogeneous distribution
of lung aeration in acute respiratory distress syndrome, that is hyperinflation at nondependent and collapse in dependent lung
regions. Nondependent Ppl (and thus nondependent PL, the highest risk of hyperinflation) can be estimated with elastance
method. Middle to dependent Ppl (and thus middle to dependent PL where collapse is prevailed) can be estimated with
absolute ‘measured’ Pes.

can be calculated as intravascular pressure minus a huge potential to improve clinical outcome in
Pes. Thus, the use of Pes can potentially help to detect patients with ARDS as an early detector of the risk
the risk of pulmonary edema while patients preserve of lung injury from mechanical ventilation and
spontaneous effort. spontaneous effort.

Patient-ventilator asynchrony Acknowledgements

Asynchrony can potentially worsen lung injury. None.
‘Double triggering’ is the occurrence of two conse-
cutive inspirations following a single respiratory Financial support and sponsorship
effort [33], and is injurious because the delivered None.
tidal volume (VT) is now double. Double triggering is
more frequent in patients with higher respiratory Conflicts of interest
drive [34]. Reverse triggering can occur in heavily T.Y. declares no conflicts of interest. L.B.’s laboratory
sedated patients where the diaphragm is ‘triggered’ has received research grants or equipment from Covidien
by ventilator-driven inspiration [35]. This can (PAV), Maquet (NAVA), General Electric (recruitment;
increase PL and/or VT. The adverse impact of ultrasound), Philips (sleep), Air Liquide (Helium; CPR),
patients-ventilator asynchrony is increasingly rec- Fisher Paykel (high-flow).
ognized, and data from 50 ventilated patients sug-
gests an association between increased incidence of
asynchrony and higher mortality [36]. The conven- REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED
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