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Reading Skill Sheet

1. Author’s Purpose: entertain inform persuade

Why did the author write this?

2. Genre:Fiction Subgenre: literature, fantasy, children’s book

Ex: Nonfiction, fiction, or folklore Ex: Autobiography, science fiction, fable, informational writing, etc.

3. Narrator’s Point of View: 3rd-person limited

1st-person, 2nd-person, 3rd-person limited, or 3rd-person omniscient

4 & 5. Summarize the text:

Five key events from beginning, middle, & end.
A carpenter called Geppetto made a wooden puppet called Pinocchio and the wooden puppet become a real boy. Peter went to terrible
Eater but when the show was over, the Eater shut him in a cage. Pinocchio went to toyland, and then Geppetto was looking for Pinocchio
everywhere. Pinocchio comeback and and he heard that Geppetto was swallowed by a whale. Arriving at the sea, he save Geppetto and Pinocchio
tell all the truth.

6. Exposition
A. Setting: _Tuscany, Italy, in the 1880s_______________________________________
When and where does the story take place?

B. Conflict: Pinocchio wants to become a real boy, but he is prevented from doing so by his own
weakness and indulgence in temptation. The various antagonists in this story is greed and yet end
up penniless.
Describe the conflict in the story.

7. Rising Action: List some events that occur before the climax.
1. Pinocchio got a soul

2. Pinocchio went to teribble Eater

3. Pinocchio went to toyland

Climax: Geppetto was swallowed by a whale

The turning point

Falling Action: List some events that occur after the climax.
1. Pinocchio saved Geppetto
2. The blue fairy awakens Geppetto again and make Pinocchio become a real boy

Resolution: Pinocchio saved Geppetto by dived until the belly of the whale and make a lit a fire
and the smoke to made the whale sneeze so strong, so that the whale opened her mouth. And
Geppetto can escaped on a raft.
When the conflict is solved

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