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Data Analysis

As the operations have 3 types of tools used for the process and hence they need to be analysed for
optimal usage. Moreover to figure out which process to prefer based on the number of orders.
1. Selection of Manual Drill and CNC Drill:
To find the break even point of orders, selecting the most feasible drill for minimum utilization of
As per exhibit 2 from the case, we get that run is 0.08 and setup time is 15min for manual drill. As the
circuit contains 500 holes hence the total time is = setup time+ no of boards * Run time*no of
Let the number of boards be x
= 15 + 500*0.08*x
=15 + 40x
Similarly for the CNC drill we get run =0.004 and setup time = 240 min
Total time is = setup time+ no of boards * Run time*no of holes
= 240 + 500*0.004*x
= 240 + 2x
Equating the above equations we get
15 + 40x = 240 + 2x
x = 5.92 = 6
Hence, if the number of boards is less than 6 we will use manual drill and if the number of
boards is more than 6 we will use CNC drill.
2. Selection of Punch Press and CNC Router
To find the break even point of orders

Time taken for punch press operation = 50 + z

Time taken for CNC router = 150 + 0.5z
For calculating the number of orders, equating the equations
50 + z = 150 + 0.5z
z = 200
Hence, accordingly, if the number of orders for the circuit board is ≤ 200, then use punch
press and if the number of orders for the circuit board is > 200 then use CNC Router.

(From the case exhibit)

Operation Setup Run Holes in board Run per board Order Total
Image Transfer  
Manual Drill 15 0.08 500 40 x 15 + 40x
CNC Drill 240 0.004 500 2 x 240 + 2x
Punch Press 50 1   1 z 50 + z
150 +
CNC Router 150 0.5   0.5 z 0.5z

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