19 Lean Digital Tools

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0 & LEAN
Titolo presentazione
sottotitolo This material and what the
Milano, XX mese 20XX
Professors say in class are
intended for didactical use
Dipartimento Ing. Gestionale
only and cannot be used
Politecnico di Milano ouside such context, nor to
Dep. Management, Economics and Industrial Engineering imply professors’ specific
Direttore Lean Excellence Center believes or opinion
Industry 4.0: Opportunity and development for LEAN

Development and evolution

The heart of LEAN is Problem Solving and Learning

Greater opportunities for diagnosis

Quicker identification of problems
Quicker identification of root causes
Greater interventions’ areas

Map & Compass


Opportunities and Development

Opportunities & Development-CMMS

Wendy’s is a US food chain striving for a lean environment where:

• Machines downtime are reduced (ovens, microwaves, furnace etc…)
• Reduce downtime unpredictability
• Maintenance time is moved outside production time (remember smed!)

Currently Wendy’s is struggling with its maintenance system:

• It allowed one person at a time to access it to know the status of the machines
• There was also no way to share information
• Machine downtime is increasing and discovered late
• Production is interrupted to perform maintenance
• Machine breakdowns occur simultaneously making it impossible for the
maintenance team to repair at once
• Aggravated costs due to order delays and production stoppage

The old “check the machine every n hours of functioning” is no longer efficient
….go Lean 4.0… go CMMS
Opportunities & Development-CMMS

CMMS: Computerized Maintenance Management System is a software that helps managing

assets, plan maintenance e trace in real time changes in asset performance, utime and
From To
• Repetitive task where operators • CMMS alerts the operator when the
check and maintain every 5 hour machine has been working for 5 hours

• Sudden machine breakdown and • CMMS alerting operators of possible

production to stoppage downtime in the making

• Push: maintenance • Pull: planned maintenance outside

production time
• Short Asset lifespan • Extended lifespan

• Aggravated costs • Reduced costs and meaningful data

necessary for continuous
Reference: https://www.gofmx.com/resources/case-studies/primary-aim-success-story/
Opportunities & Development-VSM 4.0

DELTA is a US airline company striving for a lean environment where:

• Aircraft parts process steps are visualized and known to everyone
• Employees are active participants in the value creation
• Productivity is high and costs are low

Currently DELTA is struggling and losing "hundreds of thousands of dollars“:

• No clear picture of the state of processes making it difficult
to identify where to improve and how “We have millions and millions and
• Time wasted on searching for the parts millions of dollars of aircraft parts
• Airplane parts are difficult to find in the sitting around, and then we can’t find
warehouse probably 20% of them because we’re
not following processes that were once
in place and have fallen by the wayside.
The company would like operators’ involvement We don’t hold people accountable
in the value identification, creation and problem because nobody really knows what the
process is anymore.”
….go Lean 4.0…go VSM 4.0

Reference: https://www.lucidchart.com/pages/case-studies/delta?gclid=Cj0KCQiA7YyCBhD_ARIsALkj54
Opportunities & Development-VSM 4.0
A tool for waste identification and elimination in real time

VSM 4.0: the real time digital counterpart of VSM

• Concurrently creating the PRESENT STATE VSM by people

in different locations
• Real time feeding of VSM map
• Real time identification of machine and material status
• Real time identification of wastes (when the flow stops, or a resource stops)
• Data are continuously collected so to create the possibility to analyze data and identify
improvements opportunities
• Manager can monitor the AS-IS situation
• It is possible to zoon in and out
• Once built the future state map and defined the areas of intervention, it is possible to
monitor the improvement brought by the actions taken (e.g. if actions are taken to reduce
variability, it is possible to monitor the queue length reduction and check the actual
decrease in variability)
• Eliminate waste and improve performances of the system

Opportunities & Development-VSM 4.0

VSM 4.0: the real time digital counterpart of VSM

Opportunities & Development-VSM 4.0
A tool for collaboration and people inclusion

• Each manager and operator with a tablet is notified of the

changes in VSM

• Managers can exchange ideas, start conversations,

take notes, express doubts on the map

• Operators are involved In understanding problem and proposing solution by allowing

them to log on the VSM 4.0 software and express their ideas through the chat

• Data and information are compacted on one single source which allows for inta
departmental collaboration

• VSM of the plant in US can be shared with the plant in Europe allowing more
transparency and standardization of processes.

• Provide a common language for your team as you analyze and optimize your process
Opportunities & Development-Lean 4.0 tools

• E-Kanban has several benefits compared to the manual one:

• Recognize empty box and trigger automatic replenishment
• Check the level of material batches loading
• Increased transparency in the material flow movements
• Reduction in the amount of paperwork thus increasing product traceability;
• Facilitation of the relationship between the procurement office and external
suppliers decreasing the need to constantly keep in touch with each other to
schedule the replenishment and reducing the number of supplying delays;
• Reduction of time spent by workers to collect the free Kanban cards

• E-Andon is based on a software connected to push-button panels and columns equipped

with flashing lights:
• Transmit a signal to a central system that allows showing on a scoreboard if and
which workstations are impacted by problems
• Show the degree of severity of the problem through color identification
• Decreases the reaction time
• Show the status of problem solving as well
Opportunities & Development-Lean 4.0 tools

• OEE software
• Visualize Availability, Productivity and Quality ratio in time interval of company’s
• Allow comparing between OEE of different time lapses to highlight possible trends
• Give a real-time idea on the performance parameter of the company
And it can use the e-andon to give a visual signal on OEE values not consistent with
company’s target

• KPI dashboard:
• Substitute the pen and paper method of tracking KPI
• Automatically update the KPI once data sources are connected
• Have a real-time understanding of the performances of any process in the company
Opportunities & Development-Lean 4.0 tools

• Root Cause Analysis dashboard

• Automatically highlight the different levels of the 5Whys
• Share and modify the root cause map formulated for the problem with other team

• I-Bin or Smart bin:

• Automatically show the quantity of components present
• Alert the operators of the re-order level when the quantity
Reaches a certain value
Opportunities & Development-Lean 4.0 tools

• Hands-free data terminal:

• Real-time reading: it is possible to know at all times where the product
is, under what circumstances, etc.
• Accurate data: the data that is captured is exact and reliable which
improves the work process and the efficiency in the warehouses
• Less movement: the operator does not need to have papers, the work process is
streamlined and problems of misplacing, misprints, illegibility, etc. are eliminated.

• Virtual reality to assist operators:

• Operators could practice virtually scenarios of problems, production mishaps and
get the necessary training to improve their skills
• Operators could learn from mistakes done in virtual world and avoid doing them in
real life
• Production errors reduction and efficiency improvement
Opportunities & Development-Lean 4.0 tools

• RFID Trackers
• Real time production monitoring software
• Mind mapping program
• Factory simulation software
• Collaborative manufacturing software
• GPS fleet tracking
• Collaborative Robots
• Virtual reality to assist operators

…..& more

KPI dashboard
RT Production monitoring
OEE software
Real-time machine…

36% 34%

Real-time Inventory


Collaborative robots

26% 26% 25%

Root Cause Analysis

S.M.A.R.T Goals

Cause and Effect Diagram

23% 23% 22%

Tools current adoption

21% 20%

VSM 4.0

Handsfree data terminal

18% 18% 16%

Mind Mapping

GPS fleet tracking

15% 15%

Virtual reality

factory simulation
12% 11%

Percentage of companies adopting the indicated Lean digital tool
Adopters ranking the tool among the ones they are:
Most satisfied ore Least satisfied


23% 24%
3% 29% 28%
80% 38%
43% 41% 41% 42%
47% 46%
4% 50%
53% 56% 55%
70% 57%
15% 60% 5%
67% 64%
60% 24%
5% 13%
50% 2%
12% 23%

40% 83% 6% 33%

13% 31% 14%
72% 20%
67% 4%
62% 16%
56% 13%
52% 5% 50%
47% 45% 48%
20% 41% 39%
30% 32% 31%
27% 24% 25% 24%
10% 20% 23%

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Most satisfied Least satisfied No answer

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