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Artificial Neural Network-based Fault Diagnosis

Asma Khelifi∗ , Nadhir Mansour BEN LAKHAL† , Hajer GHARSALLAOUI∗ , and Othman NASRI‡
∗ L.A.R.A Automatique, Ecole Nationale d’Ingénieurs de Tunis, Université de Tunis El Manar
BP 37, Le Belvédère, 1002, Tunisie
† LATIS Lab, National Engineering School of Sousse, University of Sousse

BP 264 Sousse Erriadh 4023, Tunisia

Institut Pascal Lab, Engineering Science School of Clermont Ferrand, Clermont Auvergne University (France)
‡ LATIS Lab, National Engineering School of Sousse, University of Sousse

BP 264 Sousse Erriadh 4023, Tunisia


Abstract—Undoubtedly, the fault diagnosis role is vital in mon- is featured by a wide-modular and distributed architectures
itoring technological processes. Regarding the modern technology [7]. Notably, the data-exchange rate between the process sub-
ever-growing complexity, the research community has spent huge entities is considerable. This evidence of data proliferation
efforts to adapt diagnosis with today’s systems requirements.
From this sight, the present work develops an intelligent Artificial is currently labelled by the Big Data notion [8]. As clear,
Neural-Network (ANN)-based diagnosis algorithm. Indeed, the it is not evident to analyze and detect failures in a highly
ANN is a widespread technique in the “Artificial Intelligence" interactive system. Even more it is worth noting that the
area. It is adjusted in this proposal to ensure fault-detection new wave of technological products are characterized by a
task. As a free-model method, the suggested method present multi-mode behavior [9]. In other words, the change in the
very promising perspectives and great convenience to a large
scale of systems. Otherwise, since it is considered as a typical system functioning under the real-life constraints is continuous
experimental mechanism, the inverted pendulum (IP) is selected and unpredictable. This fact complicates also the development
to be our case of study. Instead of using a real IP, a model of efficient diagnosis functions. Roughly, failures detection
describing this system is built through a space state-based occur frequently through models that imitate a given system
simulation. The results of the established fault-detection method operation. Differences observed between the model outcomes
have proved its accuracy and high efficiency.
Index Terms—Fault diagnosis, Artificial Neural-Network, and the system behavior mean faults presence [10]. As a fact of
Multi Layer Architecture, residue generation, inverted pendulum. reality, developing an accurate multi-mode model to ensure di-
agnosis is a time wasting task. Henceforth, the aforementioned
difficulties in designing diagnosis are emphasized especially in
I. I NTRODUCTION case of safety-critical applications. Actually, designing a fully
Recently, intentions to improve fault-diagnosis approaches autonomous system is a worldwide orientation. At this point,
have been drastically raised. A reliable failure detection pro- diagnosis has as a main goal to prevent impairments that can
cess which can monitor sophisticated systems becomes a damage these systems performances or entail their lost. Due
mandatory [1]. Detecting failures, locating fault sources and to their high cost, such loss of autonomous systems (robot,
identifying each deficiency impact are the diagnosis main underwater vehicles, ...) is unaccepted [11].
purposes [2]. Without exception, the focus in diagnosis is In the light of the above stated challenges, the need to a
witnessed in all fields of application. For instance, plenty smart diagnosis is unquestionable. Within this context, our pro-
of standards and regularities were outlined to formulate the posal introduces an Artificial Neural-Network (ANN)-based
on-board diagnosis requirements in the automotive area [3]. diagnosis strategy. Our principle contribution is to conjoint the
Seemingly, in-field diagnosis tools were implemented to mon- standard ANN-approach with a threshold-based fault detection
itor operative parts from production-lines [4], [5]. In such step. Without modeling the system, the ANN-diagnosis relies
a manner, diagnosis allows the industry to meet the time- on analysing the process inputs and outputs. An apparent
to-market goal and to avoid production breakdowns. The advantage of our suggested method is its great adaptability.
development of embedded systems is another field where Modifications in the system behavior or its configurations do
the diagnosis assumes a prominent role. Risks as humidity, not apply a significant change in the diagnosis process. Finally,
temperature and vibration threats may induce malfunctions our work is validated by choosing the inverted pendulum (IP),
in embedded middelwares [6]. So, diagnosis captures this which is typical experimentation-platform in fields as robotic
hazardous and furnishes recovery solutions. and system’s control, as a case of study. Simulations proved
Needless to say, modern system complexity is the most chal- the ANN-based diagnosis efficiency and its ability in providing
lenging issue related to diagnosis. This complexity originates quick failures detection.
from several aspects. The greatest part from modern systems The remaining of this paper is outlined as follows. Section
2 introduces the ANN principles and details the proposed fault
detection step associated to this technique. Further, section 3
describes briefly the IP system state-space modeling. Results
of the achieved model are exploited to apply the suggested
ANN-diagnosis on the IP system. Section 4 exposes the vali-
dation results which are reached through simulations. Finally,
last section depicts conclusions and our future works.


The current section is devoted to detail the ANN-based
diagnosis fundamentals through two main steps. For this end, a
concise reminder about the generalized ANN-concept is firstly
delivered. The standard instructions, which are necessary to
settle an artificial neuronal system are depicted. The choice
of particular configurations of the developed ANN approach
is explained. Commonly, the ANN approach is employed
to solve general purposes problems. Computer vision and Fig. 1. MLP-based ANN layout
pattern recognition are examples of the ANN applications [12].
Within this regard, a fault detection step, to employ ANN
for diagnosis goals, is presented. An algorithm that plays as
a threshold-based failure detection method is explained. The • i and k present respectively the number of nodes that
joint of the proposed algorithm to the ANN-core introduces a construct the first as well the second ANN hidden sub-
compact solution to achieve diagnosis tasks. layers. In figure 1, only two sub-layers were represented.
• m is the number of the system outputs.
A. Artificial Neural Network principle
The main idea behind the ANN technique is to extract On the other hand, multiple approaches have been conducted
significant information that describe a given system. Without in the literature to ensure the ANN training phase. In particular,
modeling the system through mathematical or behavioral rules, the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm has found the largest
processing data during a training phase permits to extract interest by the research community. In this work, this training
the system statistical history. This is done through a pas- approach is adopted due to its aptitudes on minimizing learn-
sive collection of data during the system normal operation. ing errors as well as its low computational complexity (this
By referring to the system statistical properties, the ANN point is enormously important for the future implementation
classifies appropriately the online operation into predefined of the proposed technique).
classes. Technically speaking, neural boxes, which are inspired After the selection of the ANN architecture and the training
from the human nervous system functioning, play as function method, an implicit neural model may be built. As already
estimators. These functions estimators are utilized to identify mentioned, the ANN is a free-model approach. Instead of
and characterize a given dynamical system. describing the system functioning, the ANN characterizes
Before we proceed further, two basic configurations of the statistically the considered process. This fact permits to predict
ANN must been specified to outperform successfully. The the system output as a response to a particular input. Further,
ANN architecture as well as the learning technique have to accomplish the neuronal model, it remains to fix the model
to be chosen in a judicious way. The ANN systems are parameters: layers number, nodes number in each layer and
arranged conventionally as interconnected layers. The different each node activation function. This step is essential to mini-
interactions that occur between the set of layers/sub-layers mize the error-rate between the ANN estimated outputs and the
and their disposition define the ANN architecture. In the real system behavior. No particular technique is available to
literature, various architectures were introduced to develop define the attribute of these parameters. Only empirical tests
ANNs. Readers looking for more details about this concern allow exploring the best configuration of the ANN process.
are referred to [13]. The latter provides a comprehensive Configuration that shows insignificant error-rate relatively to
comparison between the existent ANN hierarchies. Due to the system real behavior must be adopted. As a summary,
its simplicity, robustness to noise-effects and being suitable algorithm 1 details the ANN core. We note by :
for non-linear systems focus is given only to the Multi-
Layer Perceptron (MLP) architecture in this proposal. Figure • u and y are respectively the input/output vectors.
1 illustrates the MLP architecture: standard layout, its layers • i and k present respectively the number of nodes that
disposition and the inter-nodes data-flow direction. construct the first as well the second ANN hidden sub-
where: layers. In Figure 1, only two sub-layers were represented.
• n denotes the system inputs number. • m is the number of the system outputs.
Algorithm 1: Neuronal Model Construction measures of y are picked up during the ANN-modeling phase
Input : u, y, Ed and Imax . i.e., ỹ presents a free-fault system behavior. As consequence,
Output: ŷ. equation 1 should be written as:

1 Construct the training database through (u, y) Λ(k) = |ỹ(k) − ŷ(k)| (2)
observations Thus, for k ranging from t0 to tf , the threshold Υ is described
2 Settle the Artificial Neural Network: by:
-Define the number of layers. Υ = max{Λ(k)} (3)
-Arrange the required number of nodes in each layer.
-Attribute a particular activation function to each node. As clear from equation 3, the selection of the time step
3 Start training: size is important. Indeed, k should be minimized to appropri-
4 While I < Imax and E < Ed do: ately capture the variation of Λ. Otherwise, the residue < is
-Re-execute the training proceedeing computed analogously to Λ. However, this time y reflects the
online real system behavior, which can include faults:
<(k) = |y(k) − ŷ(k))| (4)
B. Fault detection step
Afterwards, when the inequality 5 is correct, the system is
Once the ANN implicit model is built, it remains to ac- declared in failure.
complish the fault detection step. It consists of generating <(k) ≥ Υ (5)
convenient residues which can indicate anomalies presence at a
given instant. As an essential element for a satisfactory failure Finally, algorithm 2 summarizes all the fault detection
detection, residues have imperatively to be effective, consistent strategy steps.
and impartial. Thus, to evaluate the system state, residues
are compared with predefined thresholds. In most diagnosis Algorithm 2: Fault detection algorithm
strategies, thresholds approximation is done throughout prob- Input : y, ŷ, and ỹ.
abilistic or statistical indexes [14]. Alternatively, thresholds Output: Υ.
can be calculated more simply based on expert-rules that are
1 Calculate the detection threshold Υ:
extracted from the well-knowledge of the system.
To define a threshold which will be associated to the implicit Υ = max{ỹ(k) − ŷ(k)}
neuronal model, two main issues have to be considered and
compromised : 2 for k= t0 to tf do
• the neuronal model imperfections must been tolerated to
<(k) = |y(k) − ŷ(k)|
avoid triggering false alarms.
• the adopted threshold must be strictly restrictive against 4 if <(k) ≥ Υ then
the significant deviation from the system nominal behav- 5 A fault is detected.
ior. 6 end
Within this context, we present a threshold comprehensive 7 end
formalization to involve the early stated requirements in the
ANN-based failure detection. The threshold is prescribed To make an end to this section, Figure 2 illustrates in a
to verify the tight convergence relating the online system simplistic manner the proposed ANN diagnosis layout. Hence,
behavior and the ANN implicit model outputs. While this all the interactions taking place between the initial system and
convergence is not broken and remains valid, the system is the diagnosis process entities are exhibited.
assumed to operate correctly. To reach this goal, the threshold
is assessed by analysing the historic of the neuronal model
construction phase. Since a great care was attributed to coin-
cide the neuronal model with the nominal behavior, this aspect
must be reflected in the threshold reformulation. According to
this understanding, the residue cannot exceed the maximum
of the tolerated ANN implicit modeling error.
Let consider Λ to be the ANN implicit modeling error
evolution which can be computed by the following equation:
Λ(k) = abs(y(k) − ŷ(k)) (1)
Note that k= t0 , t1 , . . . , tf is the time step size. t0 and tf
represent respectively the start and the end points of the Fig. 2. ANN-based diagnosis layout
ANN model development. It is important to mention that all
III. IP SYSTEM MODELING Equation 7 implies that:
(M +m ) (M +mp )
The IP is a reference system and a conventional experimen- ẋ4 = − M1 l F + Mf l x2 + M l p gx3 + Ml Kx4
tal platform for validation. Its employment is widespread in 1 f m g mp K
ẋ2 = M F−M x2 − Mp x3 + M x4
the automatic and robotic sciences. Plenty of IP forms and (8)
can be found in the literature [15]. For simplicity reasons, we Since F is the IP system input, from now on, we assume
intend in this work to validate the suggested ANN-diagnosis that F = u. Similarly, Equation 9, 10 and 11 are valid for the
through a 2D IP model. This latter possesses a rod driven by following relations:
a mobile support. Figure 3 as well as Table I illustrate the IP
structure and its characterizing parameters. Ẋ = [ẋ1 ẋ2 ẋ3 ẋ3 ]T = [ẋ ẍ θ̇ θ̈]T (9)

ẋ1 = ẋ = x2
ẋ3 = θ̇ = x4
y1 x x1
Y = = = (11)
y2 θ x3
By inserting Equations 9, 10 and 11 to7, the final space
state representation is obtained:
      

 ẋ1 0 1 0 0 0
ẋ  0 − f mp g K 1 
− M

  
  2  M mp l
Ẋ =  = x +  M u

   

ẋ3  0 0 0 1   0 
Fig. 3. 2D Inverted Pendulum parts f (mp +M ) K(mp +M ) −1
ẋ 0 #− M l −
" 4 Ml

 Ml Ml

 1 0 0 0
Y = x

TABLE I 0 0 1 0
Referring to equation 12, the space state model is built under
Parameters Signification
Simulink/Matlab. Figure 4 exposes the established simulation.
x(t) rod position
θ(t) rod angular position Next section, explains how the simulation results are exploited
F (t) driving force to built the ANN-based diagnosis.
M rod mass
mp pendulum mass
g gravitational acceleration
l road lenght
f friction coefficient of the support
K viscous friction coefficient of the pendulum

It is important to recall that our aim is to extract data

describing the IP behavior in order to construct the desired
neuronal model. Instead of using real measurements, we rely
on data issued from the state space model. To reach the
adequate state-space representation required for building the
neuronal model, we propose the following state vector: Fig. 4. Simulink-based IP state space model
   
x1 x
x(t) = 
x3  =  θ 
   (6) ANN- DIAGNOSIS
x4 θ̇ This final section is dedicated to validate the proposed in-
telligent diagnosis through simulations. As explained above, a
data matrix is obtained in absence of faults thanks to the state-
Thus, the fundamental dynamic laws are applied with sev- space IP model. This data matrix is built through the collection
eral simplifications. Finally, the following system of equations of the IP system outputs (x and θ) in responding to several
is derived: inputs (the driving force F). Once the state-space matrix is
( scaled, the training phase and the ANN proceeding begin.
lẋ4 + ẋ2 − gx3 + K ẋ3 = 0 Different configurations were tested to define an appropriate
(M + mp )ẋ2 + mp lẋ4 + f ẋ1 = F ANN architecture for the 2D-IP model. The final ANN system
includes: an input layer of one node, an output layer of two To accomplish the ANN-diagnosis validation, faulty data are
nodes and two hidden layers of 9 and 12 nodes. It is worth injected through the testing matrix during successive instants
mentioning that each node is associated to a Sigmoid function. from the simulation period. the IP position and its angular
After constructing a reference neuronal model with the position are changed randomly. The examination of results
state-space model data, it is possible to tackle the test phase. shown in Figure 7 and 8 show that both of the residue
Tests are realized with a test data- matrix, which depicts the IP components exceeds their predefined thresholds. This fact
behavior with different values used at the training stage. The reflects an IP faulty behavior. Moreover, the detected faulty
residue as well as the threshold values are obtained according behavior coincides perfectly with the fault injection period.
to the algorithme 2. In return to the comparaison results
between the residue and the threshold, the IP system behavior
is reported. For instance; Figure 5 and 6 represent experimen-
tation results of an IP fault free state. The examined behavior
is almost corresponding to the neuronal model evolution. As
illustrated in these Figures, the residue two components never
exceeded their assigned threshold. Results prove the absence
of false alarmes triggered by the ANN-based diagnosis.

Fig. 7. Rod position failure detection after faults injection. (a) Real system
and MLP-estimated position evolution. (b) Residue evolution.

Fig. 5. Rod position failure detection. (a) Real system and MLP-estimated
position evolution. (b) Residue evolution.

Fig. 8. Rod angular position failure detection after faults injection. (a) Real
system and MLP-estimated position evolution. (b) Residue evolution.

The results presented in this section demonstrate and con-

firm the ANN-based diagnosis efficiency and accuracy in its
two steps. Failures have been systematically and correctly
detected. According to the realized simulations, alarms are
triggering each time the residue exceed the threshold. This
fact obviously justify that algorithme 2 exploits the generalized
Fig. 6. Rod angular position failure detection. (a) Real system and MLP- ANN phase to guarantee a quick fault detection. More impor-
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