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PART 1: You will hear an interview with a woman called Amy Rowntree, who works as a
fashion designer. For each question, choose the correct answer. Write A, B or C in the
numbered box.
1. Amy decided to become a fashion designer while _____
A. she was still at school.
B. she was working in a shop.
C. she was helping run a fashion show.
2. Amy says the most important skill for a designer is _____
A. remaining patient in difficult situations.
B. knowing about different materials.
C. understanding how clothes are made.
3. What does Amy particularly like about her work?
A. being able to sell her designs
B. seeing her clothes on display
C. having her name recognized
4. How does Amy feels about today’s fashion?
A. She would like clothes to be more practical.
B. She feels clothes should be more attractive.
C. She’s pleased sports clothes are popular.
5. What helps Amy find new ideas for designs?
A. seeing things around her
B. going to visit museums
C. looking at photos of clothes
6. What project is Amy working on at the moment?
A. a collection of clothes for a film
B. a fashion show in New York
C. a new range for a London store
Your answers:
1.b 2.c 3.c 4.b 5.a 6.a

PART 2: You will hear an announcement about the programme. For each question, fill in the
missing information.
08.00 News
(1)…………. Arts Review programme
- information about theatre, concerts and films
- special guest: Kevin Jones, (2) ………………….in a pop band
08.45 (3) ……………..…………with Graham Smith
08.50 New series: Polly Brown talks to people about (4) …………………….
09.30 (5) ……………………….with James Grant
10.15 Radio play called (6) …………………………
Your answers:
1. 8:15 2.the drumer 3. weather forecast
4. wildflowers programme 6.happy time

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PART 1: Choose the word or phrase that best completes each sentence. Write your answer (A,
B, C, or D) in the numbered box. (2 pts)

1. I was persuaded ________ on the trip at the last minute.

A. to go B. me to go C. that I go D. for going
2. Sally bought ________ furniture that her apartment looked great after the renovation.
A. such a nice B. such nice C. so a nice D. so nice
3. Don't forget to turn the lights off, ________?
A. do you B. will you C. should you D. didn't you
4. Sally is so sensitive that she cries ______ she watches a sad film.
A. whenever B. however C. whichever D. wherever
5. My father ______ his own business when he was only 20 years old.
A. did up B. brought on C. made out D. set up
6. I ran ________ of time and didn’t finish the last two questions.
A. ahead B. over C. with D. out
7. If only she ............ the chance to study when she was younger.
A. had B. would have C. was having D. had had
8. Have you packed? It's time ............
A. for leaving B. we must leave C. we left D. we are leaving
9. Shall I have my assistant............ for a taxi?
A. phone B. to phone C. phoned D. phoning
10. It is said that beauty is only skin ________ .
A. thin B. narrow C. deep D. bright

Your answers:
1.a 2.b 3.b 4.a 5.d
6.d 7.a 8.a 9.c 10.d

PART 2: Complete each gap in the passage with the correct form of the word in brackets. Write
your answers in the numbered box. (2 pts)

What happens to the body in space?

Human beings will only be able to explore space if astronauts remain (1. health) __________
while they travel and work there. Scientists are therefore very (2. interest) __________ in
gathering (3. evident) __________ about what happens to the human body in space.
The body is a complex system that (4. automatic) __________ detects changes in its (5.
surround) __________ and responds to them. When astronauts become weightless, the (6.
major) __________ of them suffer from space motion sickness.
The body soon adapts, however and, although some astronauts can feel very (7. comfort)
__________ at first, the effects do not usually last long.
In zero gravity, liquids in the body move towards the head, so astronauts have thinner legs while in
space, and (8. slight) __________ swollen faces. The heart has to work less hard to pump blood,
and astronauts do not need the full (9. strong) __________ of their skeleton and muscles to
support them. (10. consequence) __________, astronauts need to do plenty of exercise in space in
order to maintain body tone and bone density.

Your answers:
1.healthyness 2. interested 3. Evidently 4.automatical 5. surrounded
6. majority 7.majority 8. slighter 9. strength 10. consequent

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PART 3: Look carefully at each line. Some of the lines are correct, and some have a word
which should not be there. Tick each correct line. If a line has a word which should not be
there, write the word in the space.

Foreign travel Your answers

0. Nowadays more and more people enjoy foreign travel, and take their 0. ……
00. holidays in the distant countries. However, not everyone has the same 00. …the….
1. reason for travelling. Some of people travel so that they can practise 1 of………
2. foreign languages, or because they want to visit well-known sights in 2. v……
3. other countries. Lots of young people just want to have relax and 3. have………
4. make up new friends. Personally, I would like to travel abroad for 4. …would…
5. excitement. I have never been visited to a foreign country before, but I 5. …to………
6. have been planning a trip around Europe by the train with some friends of 6. …v………
7. mine. As we are students, and so we can buy cheaper tickets. One of my 7. …and………
8. friends went on having this kind of trip a few years ago. She stayed in 8. ……having……
9. youth hostels, and managed to spend very little money. I think that 9. …v………
10. this would be so an exciting holiday. 10. …so……..


PART 1: Read the text and choose the best answer. Write your answers (A, B, C, or D) in the
numbered box. (2 pts)

Football academies were set up by leading football clubs like Manchester United and Liverpool so
their coaches could run trials to identify and train talented boys from as young as eight as potential
players for their first team. All the big football clubs have one, and other less well known teams
run their own school of excellence.
This means that in Britain there are at least 9,000 boys at any one time attending academies after
school who think they are going to be a famous footballer. Unfortunately, for most this isn’t the
case. One eight year old was selected for Chelsea academy and he went from being top of his class
at school to being the boy who was messing around at the back. His mother asked him why he
wasn’t trying hard at school anymore. His reply was that he was going to be a goalkeeper and be
rich so he needn’t to. In the end he only lasted a year in the academy but, luckily for him, he was
still young enough to recover and not be so discouraged that he never played football again.
But football is not unique. Any sport or other field where only a few can get to the top has an
invisible layer of also-rans. These people are very talented and do their absolute best but
ultimately it will not pay off because they are just not exceptional enough. In football, this effect is
magnified because the numbers of players selected for training by academies is so huge. Most of
these won’t get into a team and most won’t become professionals.
This doesn’t put off all the boys who are spotted by the big football clubs and are desperate to join
the academies. The benefits are still there for them of course. They get to play as much football as
possible – the coaches teach them to pass, tackle and practice standard techniques, moves and
penalty kicks over and over again. The skills become part of them as they are with professional
players, so they are automatic and the boys don’t have to think about them when they’re on the
pitch. Experts say this is the way to do it. Otherwise you end up with players who are much more
likely to get injured.

1. What is the best title for the passage?

A. Football clubs C. Football coaches
B. Future football stars D. Football techniques
2. What does “one” in the first paragraph refer to?
A. a trial B. a coach C. a first team D. an academy
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3. What did one boy’s mother notice after he joined an academy?
A. His schoolwork suffered because football took up too much time.
B. There was little support at school for his changed circumstances.
C. There was a significant change in his attitude towards school.
D. He refused to play football at school any more.
4. What is the writer referring to by “an invisible layer of also-rans” in the third paragraph?
A. those footballers who will not in the end be rewarded for their hard work
B. the fact that there are fewer opportunities for professional footballers than there used to be
C. the number of footballers who are not willing to put in the amount of effort required
D. the fact that the wrong people are sometimes selected to play in the best teams
5. What advantage of the academies is mentioned in the fourth paragraph?
A. The coaches can adapt techniques to suit individual players.
B. The players are trained in a way which results in fewer injuries.
C. There are experts to answer the players’ questions.
D. There are more opportunities to watch professional players in action.

Your answers:
1.b 2.c 3.c 4.b 5.a

PART 2: Read the text below and choose the correct word for each space. Write your answers
(A, B, C, or D) in the numbered box.(2 pts)

What teenagers do with their money

Thirteen-year-olds do not spend as much money as their parents suspect – at least not according to
the findings of a (1) _________ survey, Money and Change. The survey (2) _________ three
hundred teenagers, 13-17 years old, from all over Britain.
By the time they (3) _________ their teens, most children see their weekly allowance rise
dramatically to an amazing national average of $5.14. Two thirds think they get (4) _________
money, but most expect to have to do something to get it.
Although they have more cash, worry about debt is (5) _________ among teenagers. Therefore,
the (6) _________ of children (7) _________ an effort to save for the future.
Greater access to cash (8) _________ teenagers does not, however, mean that they are more
irresponsible as a result. The economic recession seems to have encouraged (9) _________
attitudes to money, even in the case of children at these ages. Instead of wasting what pocket
money they have on sweets or magazines, the 13-year-olds who took part in the survey seem to
(10) _________ to the situation by saving more than half of their cash.

1. A. late B. recent C. latest D. fresh

2. A. included B. contained C. counted D. enclosed
3. A. reach B. get C. make D. arrive
4. A. acceptable B. adequate C. satisfactory D. enough
5. A. gaining B. heightening C. increasing D. building
6. A. most B. maximum C. many D. majority
7. A. make B. do C. have D. try
8. A. among B. through C. between D. along
9. A. aware B. knowing C. helpful D. cautious
10. A. reply B. answer C. respond D. return

Your answers:
1.b 2.a 3.a 4.d 5.c
6.d 7.a 8.a 9.d 10.b

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PART 3: Read the following extract from a book about English people. Five sentences have
been removed from the text. Fill in gaps 1-5 with the missing sentences from A-F. There is one
extra sentence that won’t fit any gaps.

If you look from a helicopter at any English town, you will see that the residential areas consist
almost entirely of rows of small boxes, each with its own little patch of green. 1 _________. The
principle, however, will be clear: the English all want to live in their own private houses with their
own private gardens.
What you cannot see from your helicopter, you will learn as soon as you try to visit an English
home. 2 _________. Some humorists claim this is the result of ‘a conspiracy to mislead
foreigners’, pointing out that our streets are never straight, every time a street bends, it is given a
different name, there are at least 60 confusing synonyms for ‘street’, and the numbering of the
houses is hopelessly illogical.
The house numbers are at least as well camouflaged as the street names. 3 _________. One taxi
driver explained: ‘An English man’s home is his castle, right? We can’t actually have massive
walls around it, but we can make it difficult to get to.’
The English man’s home is much more than just his castle; it is also his identity and his prime
obsession. 4 _________. The mania for home improvements is widespread. Research shows that
only 2% of English males and 12% of females have never done any Do-It-Yourself.
Working on home improvememnts is an opportunity to exercise our creative talents. 5. _________.
Although it may sometimes be an economic necesstity, we see the arrangement, furnishing and
decorating of our homes as an expression of our unique personal taste.

A. You may have its address and a map, but you will have great difficulty in finding the house
you are looking for.
B. Or at least that’s how we like to think of it.
C. This is an unwritten rule of home ownership, and the moving in ritual.
D. They are either hidden, or even not there at all.
E. In better-off areas, these boxes will be further apart, and the green patches attached to them
will be larger.
F. This is why a house is not something you just passively ‘have’, it is something you
constantly ‘work on’.

Your answers:
1.e 2.a 3.d 4.f 5.b


PART 1: Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first one. (1.5 pts)

1. Nobody sings that song as beautifully as she does.

She sings that song the most beautifully
2. I am sorry that I can’t speak Russian.
I wish. I could speak Russia
3. “Are your parents on holiday?” Peter asked Mary.
Peter asked Mary if her parents were on holiday
4. I completed that jigsaw puzzle in twenty minutes.
It took me twenty minutes to complete that jigsaw puzzle
5. People say that he is the best tennis player of our times.
He is said to be the best tennis player of our times
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PART 2: Complete the second sentence so that it means the same as the first sentence, using
the word given. Do not change the word given. ( 1.5 pts)

1. She didn’t have enough time to complete her reading assignments. too
The time she had too little for her reading assignments.
2. My parents don’t normally stay up late. used
My parents used not to stay up late.
3. John had a very traditional upbringing, didn’t he? traditionally
John traditionally brought up,wasn’t he?
4. Please don’t stroke the dog, as he’s very nervous. rather
I’d rather you didn't stroke the dog, as he’s very nervous.
5. I don’t mind whether we have the meeting today or tomorrow. makes
It make no difference to me whether we have the meeting today or tomorrow.

PART 3: Make all the changes and additions necessary to produce sentences which together
make a complete letter. (2 pts)

Dear Mr. Cliff,

1. Thank you very much / agree / come / talk / our class.
Thank you very much for agreeing to come and talk with our class
2. We / fourteen years old / our level / English / intermediate.
We are fourteen years old and our level of English is intermediate
3. We / all / interested / sport, but we / not know much / cycling.
- We are all interested in sport, but we don't know much about cycling
4. We would / grateful / you /talk slowly / we / not used / English people speaking very fast.
- We would be grateful if you talk slowy because we are not used to english people speaking very
5. I think it / better / you / speak / training and keeping fit, as several people / the class / into this.
- I think it would be better if you speak about training and keeping fit, as several people in the class
are into this
6. However if there / time, you could talk / some / the races you / do as well.
- However if there still time, you could talk about some of the races you do as well
7. Finally, I wonder / it / possible / you / show us a film / slides of you / action / your bike.
- Finally, i wonder if it is possible for you to show us a film about sides of you and action with
your bike
8. We / looking forward / your talk.
We are looking forward to your talk
Your sincerely.

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-------------------- THE END ------------------

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