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1 When ever Opportunity "Stage" is modified to "Closed Won" then set "Close Date"
as "Today Date" and "Type" as "New Customer".

2 When ever the Account is created with Industry as Banking then create a contact
for account, Contact Lastname as Account name and contact phone as account phone.

3 When ever Lead is created with LeadSource as Web then give rating as cold
otherwise hot.

4 When ever a case is created with origin as email then set status as new and
Priority as Medium.

5 Whenever opportunity stagename is modified to closed won then set closedate as

today and type as customer.

6 When an opportunity is inserted or updated then if the stage name is ‘Closed won’
then create the task.

7 Update Account Rating to ‘Hot ‘on account when opportunity stage equals ‘closed

8 when the leads are inserted into the database it would add Doctor prefixed for
all lead names. This is applicable for both inserting and updating the lead

9 Create the object called “Customer Project” and create a Status field under this
object with the picklist data type (Values=Active, Inactive). Create the
relationship between this custom object and Opportunity so that the Customer
Project is a related list to the Opportunity. Create Active Customer project-
field on Opportunity object (Data Type=Checkbox) The logic is when we create
Customer Project for an Opportunity with the Status=Active, then Active Customer
project check box on the Opportunity Detail page is automatically checked.

10 Create a field called "Contact Relationship" checkbox on the contact object and
create the object called "Contact Relationship" which is related list to the
Contacts (Lookup Relationship).
Now build a logic when we create contact by checking Contact Relationship checkbox,
then contact Relationship will be created automatically for that contact.

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