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[ The Voice of Temples ]

ENGLISH – `≥Å∞QÆ∞ – u“ãty Rs.5/-


PO_®àò ~°OQÆ=∞<åfl~°∞ ^Õ=™ê÷#=Ú, U^Œ∞ÖÏÉÏ^Œ∞ - `≥ÅOQÍ}
Vol. 5 AUGUST – 2021 No.8

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QÍi Éèí~°Î „á⁄II a.q.Zãπ. =¸iÎ QÍ~°∞ (Retired Professor and Head Geophysics Dept. O.U.) 2021 E<£
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CONTENTS Page uƒ…mÏÓœÁåÁ™Áƒ¬y TÁsÁ - 242 ...... 11
Editorial ................... 3 Ahobilam and Ahobila Mutt - 102 ................. 14
Anecdotes on Vishnu Sahasranamam-242 ....... 4
N~å=∂#∞Ax Hõj‡~°∞ âß~°^•Ñ‘~î° Ü«∂„`«-45 .. ............ 16
ã¨Oáê^ŒH©Ü«∞O ................ 6 Ramanuja's Journey to Sharada Peeth-xxxxv ..... 19
q+¨µ‚ã¨Ç¨Ï„ã¨<å=∞ QÍ^ä•=o–242 ................ 7 News ................. 22
ÃÊúÁtN˛yÆ ..... 10 Devotee's Experiences ................. 26

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August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 3 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK
Request to State Government to rise to protect Deity rights
The people of Telangana have from very ancient times followed the principle of
Dharma in matters concerning rights of Hindu Deities. The people have long recognized
that only by protecting Dharma in the matter of Hindu Deity Rights can we secure protection
of Dharma crucial for the well-being of Society. Our belief is that State of Telangana as
the 29th State has been formed as an appropriate remedy to ensure that principles of
Dharma are always followed in the matters concerning rights of Hindu Deities
under Art 29.
The culture and tradition of people of Telangana of following principles of Dharma
in matters concerning rights of Hindu Deities was also scrupulously followed by Abul
Hasan Tana Shah a muslim ruler in whose period many Hindu temples were renovated
including Chilkur Balaji Temple. Tana Shah and his ministers Madanna and Akkanna made
an alliance with Shivaji on behalf of people of Telangana and later fought a great war
with Aurangzeb to protect the rights of Hindu Deities and Devotees. Akkanna and Madanna
sacrificed their lives and Tana Shah spent rest of his life in a jail for not compromising
in his principle of following Dharma even though he was related to Aurangzeb. Tana
Shah had the great fortune of having darshan of Lord Shri Rama and Shri Lakshmana
and till today the Telangana State continues to follow the practice of presenting pattuvastralu
and mutyalatalambralu on KalyanaUtsavam at Bhadrachalam Sri Ramachandra Swamy
temple also famous as erstwhile Janasthana or DakshinaAyodhya initiated by Tana Shah.
Lord Shri Padmanabha Swamy Ruler Deity who had constitutional rights above
Maharajas due to the donation of Travancore Kingdom today has ZERO rights under
our Constitution due to adharmic interpretation by Supreme Court in Sabarimala judgement.
Lord Chilkur Balaji Deity on behalf of Shri Padmanabha and all Hindu Deities approached
Supreme Court Nine Judge Bench to correct this mis-interpretation but when His petition
was rejected the Deity on 25 th Dec 2020, auspicious VaikuntaEkadasi and Gita Jayanthi
day has raised a dispute under Art 363 which is now referred by His Excellency Hon’ble
President to the Law Ministry on 20 th January 2021.
Tiruppan Alwar Ammal community from Telangana following the culture and tradition
in their historic representation dated 26 th February 2021strongly recommended to His
Excellency Hon’ble President for expeditious resolution of Art 363 Constitutional Morality
(Dharma) Hindu Deity Rights dispute for well-being of the Nation. The community has
asked that the guidance of ancient Mathas, eminent devotees, social and religious
organizations be followed. The community also recommended that the legal opinion of
Justice Siva Sankara Rao be followed. Justice Siva Sankara Rao Retired Judge of Telangana
High Court in his legal opinion which follows the culture and tradition of Telangana has
recommended for expeditious resolution of Art 363 Hindu Deity Rights dispute following
principles of Dharma.
Since the matter relates to a subject which is in the Concurrent List a request
has been made to Hon’ble Chief Minister of State of Telangana Shri K Chandrashekhar
Rao to support through a letter to the Centre for expeditious resolution of dispute following
the culture and tradition of people of Telangana which is the same as that of ancient
Bharat under Art 29(1).
Constitutional Morality inclusive of Raja Dharma dictates that such a letter should be
sent on behalf of State of Kerala and Tamil Nadu which have parts of the Travancore
Kingdom donated to Lord Shri Padmanabha Swamy Ruler Deity and who have an obligation
arising from the deed of dedication to protect Deity Rights. Unfortunately, this is not
practical and we believe Telangana State has been chosen by Divine will as God’s own
State to represent on behalf of our Ruler Deity and all Hindu Deities to the Centre.

^èŒ~å‡K«~°} =Å# ã¨`ü|∞kú HõÅ∞QÆ∞`«∞Ok.

August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 4 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK
Anecdotes on Vishnu Sahasranama - 242


Dr. V.S. Karunakaran B.E.(Mech.), M.A. (Sanskrit), Ph.D

Yudhishtira had been coroneted as the King of and communication by Bheema based on the menu
Indraprastha after the division of the kingdom of Kurus prepared by Dussasana.
in to two to accommodate both the princes- he and Uncle Vidura was in charge of all spendings in
his cousin Duryodhana. connection with the yaga.
One day, Sage Narada visited Yudhishtira and conveyed Cousin Duryodhana was to receive all the gifts
to him the news that his father Pandu whom he met submitted by the kings to Yudhishtira,”the king of kings”
in the heavens had advised Yudhishtira to perform on the occasion.
the Rajasuya Yagna. Rajasuya Yagna was the sacrifice Queen Draupadi, Bhanumathee, wife of Duryodhana,
performed by ancient kings to be declared as the Subhadra and all other hundred and odd daughters
“King of kings”. in law would receive and honour the royal ladies as
Lord Krishna, Draupadi and the other Pandavas also per the guidance of queens Gandhari and Kunti.
persuaded Yudhishtira to undertake the Yagna and And Draupadi would personally supervise serving
Yudhishtira agreed. of food and pouring of ghee to rice in the plate of
Lord Krishna told Yudhishtira that he had to win over the guests.
all other kings either by friendship or war to qualify Prince Sahadeva will always be by the side of
to perform the sacrifice as “king of kings”. Yudhishtira for assisting him.
The one king who was difficult to defeat by either Prince Arjuna would stand by the side of Lord Krishna
means was Jarasandha, the king of Magadha. With like a shadow and serve Him.
the guidance of Lord Krishna, Bheema killed him in At this Lord Krishna intervened and said
a duel. All the kings who were imprisoned by “My Dear Cousin! You have not allotted any duty to
Jarasandha were released. They at once agreed to me but an assistant to me!
accept Yudhishtira as the king of kings. “Allottng duty to you!” Exclaimed Yudhishtira. “ You
The four younger brothers of Yudhishtira conquered are the Lord of Lords. You will therefore be overseeing
the other kings in the four quarters -some by valor the event with your grace”.
and some by friendship. “But, My Dear Cousin!” pleaded Lord Krishna “ please
Thus Lord Krishna’s guidance and grace removed allot me at least the duty of receiving the Sages, Saints
all the obstacles in Yudhishtira becoming the king and other Brahmins to the Rajasuya Yagna by
of kings. washing their feet and offering “Arghya” -water for
The Rajasuya yaga was now about to commence. cleaning their hands to them.
At this juncture, Lord Krishna and other Pandavas Receiving Brahmins and Vedic scholars with reverence
discussed on how to divide the arrangements among and doing “pujas’ to them have been considered
themselves to manage the event. Finally Yudhishtira so meritorious that even Lord Krishna came forward
came with allotment of duties like this:- . to do it voluntarily!.
“Prince Yuyutsu, (born to King Dhrutarashtra through Vedavyasa describes this event of Lord Krishna
a wife other than Gandhari), is allotted the duty of grabbing the duty of washing the feet of Brahmins
arranging seats for the diners and cleaning the dining in his Mahabharata and Bhagavata Purana in his own
site after each group of diners finished dining. style. Let us see the sloka in Mahabharata presenting
Yuvaraj Bheema will be over-all in charge of Kitchen. this scene
Prince Dussasana will decide the menu of sweets Y∫mqÁ¬åz Nw˛…mÁz §¿Á÷mÁåÁÊ ÀƒÆÊ ÿßÓoΩ@
savouries and dishes for the feast on each occasion
on all the days of the Yaga. Ã|¬ÁzN˛Ã™Áƒw: uúüy Ï: ¢˛¬™Ï™™Ω@@
Ashwathama will look after the comforts of Brahmin Let us enjoy this in the very same words of Swamy
guest; Sanjaya of Kshatriya guests. Desika in his Yadavabhyudayam its thirty-third sloka
Elderly Bheeshma and Drona of great wisdom will in fifteenth canto:-
check up whether all activities are going on as per
scriptures without missing any steps.
ÀƒÆ™zƒ ÙÁu“ozå ƒƒ¿z @ “u∫mÁ uƒüútÁƒåz\åÁÊ∆: @@
Well. The sacrifice was on.
Krupacharya was in charge of offering gold and gem-
Charvaka a Rakshasa was a close friend of
stones as Dakshina.
Duryodhana and always wanted to do harm to the
Karna was made in charge of all other expenses
Pandavas. He came to the Rajasuya Yaga in the
towards Dakshina charity etc.
disguise of a Brahmin.
Prince Nakula was to look after Dhrutarashtra, his
Lord Krishna who was washing the feet of all Sages
son in law Jayadratha and other similar V.I.Ps; and
and Brahmins who were attending the Rajasuya Yaga
arrange for grocery vegetables etc as per the needs

Hõ+¨ì#ëêìÅ∞ HõkÖË "Õ∞Ѷ¨∂Å =O\˜q.

August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 5 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK
observed that the Rakshasa Charvaka was standing will be dealt with in a later anecdote)
amidst them in disguise. He was standing next to Arjuna saw Durvasa cursing a Brahmin and asked
sage Durvasa. Krishna the reason for it. Krishna said, “The answer
Krishna immediately took Sage Durvasa to a room is in Two Hundred and Forty Two!”
and requested him, “O Durvasa! Can you please grant “What?” asked Arjuna.
me a boon?” Krishna said, “You can’t understand now. Only when
Durvasa said, “My Lord! I am always ready to give your grandfather explains the thousand names of Lord
curses. But you are asking for boon from me! If you Vishnu, you will understand the significance of number
ask me to give a curse, I’ll oblige immediately!” 242!”
Krishna said, “No problem at all! What I’m asking Arjuna was still confused and Krishna asked him to
as a boon is actually a curse only!” wait. Later, when Bheeshma taught Sri Vishnu
Durvasa was surprised. He said, “Krishna! I can’t Sahasranama to Arjuna, the 242nd name uttered by
get your point. How can a boon become curse?” him was ‘SATHKARTHAA’.
Krishna said, “Oh Sage! Did you notice the person Arjuna was reminded of the number 242 uttered by
who was standing next to you in the queue?” Krishna and asked Bheeshma the significance of it.
Durvasa said, “Not really! I was just astounded by As I wrote up to this, I am who is just Seventy Four
the way you –worshipped by all were washing the years young felt exhausted and sleepy. I went to sleep.
feet of Brahmins, giving them Arghyam to their hands But the anecdote continued to run in my dream.
with a graceful style and welcoming them. As I got Bheeshma told him, “Arjuna! I won’t tell you now. Later,
engrossed in your acts, I was unable to notice who one Dr. V.S. Karunakaran will be writing anecdotes
was standing next to me!” on Vishnu Sahasranama for the benefit of the readers
Krishna said, “A Rakshasa Charvaka has come in of VAK. You subscribe to VAK and read all those
the disguise of a Brahmin. He was standing next anecdotes. In those, the anecdote for the 242nd name
to you in the queue. He might cause harm to the SATKARTAA, will answer your question!”
Pandavas!” What a dream! I got the message of the dream.
Durvasa smiled, “Oh my Lord! Will it take a millisecond And with the blessings of Lord Krishna and Bheeshma,
for you to destroy that evil force?” I am giving the answer now.
Krishna replied, “Since he has come in the disguise Lord Krishna wanted to prevent Charvaka from doing
of a Brahmin, I don’t want to kill him Myself especially harm to Pandavas. He also wanted to prevent him
in this Yaga being performed by my beloved from joining hands with Duryodhana during the
Yudhishtira . That’s why I sought a boon from you!” Mahabharata war. That’s why He asked Durvasa to
“What is the boon?” asked Durvasa. give curse that Charvaka should become stone for
Krishna said, “When I receive him by washing his thirteen years and six months, within which Pandavas’
feet and giving Arghyam to his hands, he will shake thirteen year exile as well as the Mahabharata war
his hands to shred off the water. At that time, claiming would have elapsed.
that the water drops had fallen on you, you curse Just imagine, if anybody other than Lord Krishna had
him to become a stone for thirteen years and six been assigned to the task of receiving the Brahmins,
months. Now both our purposes will be served. I they would not have been able to find out that Charvaka
will get my boon and save the Pandavas and you had come in disguise.
have got your opportunity to curse someone.” Lord Krishna voluntarily took up the task and saved
Durvasa was very excited as he had got a chance His devotees, the Pandavas.
to curse someone. It is said that the more Durvasa And He proved He was RECEIVER OF THE RIGHTEOUS.
gets angry and curses, the more his penance will One who receives the righteous ones and does
grow. But this doesn’t hold good for people other satkaaraas (Honoring) to them, is the real SATKARTAA
than Durvasa!.He was not interested in knowing why in Sanskrit.
Krishna wanted Charvaka to remain as a stone for That Such SATKARTAA will be honored duly will be
thirteen years and six months! elaborated in the anecdote for the next name of the
As planned already, Krishna came in front of Charvaka, Lord.
washed his feet and gave water in his hands. As Nirukti sums up all this thus:-
he shook his hands, Durvasa said he has thrown
his Arghya water on Durvasa thus crossing his limit
ÃnN˛oÁ| à Y uƒrzÆ: öÁåüuoúÓ\N˛: @@
and ill-treating him. Those of us who want to be such lucky Satkartas in
He cursed Charvaka “You will remain as a stone life, will do well to keep the frame of Lord Visa Balajee
for thirteen years and six months!” of Chilkoor and chant this name as a “mantra” thus
Thus only after thirteen years and six months, that SATKARTRE NAMAHA
is after the completion of Pandavas’ Vana vasa, Dear Readers of VAK! Come Let us join and chant
Agnatha vasa and slaining of Duryodhana in @@ G ÃnN˛fiz| å™: @@
Mahabharata war, Charvaka could come back to form.
(The happenings after Charvaka’s relief from curse

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August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 6 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK
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August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 9 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK
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All slokas Chant 28 times
FO Ѩ~°=∂`«‡<Õ #=∞ó G ú∫™Án™åz å™:
FO ǨÏ$+‘ˆHâßÜ«∞ #=∞ó For self employed people, for promotions and
G J  yNz ∆ ÁÆ å™: success in games.
For overcoming bad habits „H©_®HÍ~°∞ʼnõΩ, ã¨fiÜ«∞O LáêkèÖ’ L#fl "åiH˜, L#fl`«
^Œ∞~°Å"å@¡#∞O_ç q=ÚH˜Î á⁄O^Œ_®xH˜. Ѩ^Œ=ÙÅ∞ PtOKÕ "åiH˜.
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For Success in Business, Interviews, Visa
For better health. =∞Oz P~ÀQͺxH˜.
Interviews, building relationship
"åºáê~åaè=$kúH˜, WO@~°∂fi ºÅÖ’ ã¨Ñ¶¨ÅO FO ѨÓ`å`«‡<Õ #=∞ó G úÓ o Án™åz å™:
To remove mental stress and for mental
HÍ=_®xH˜ 㨇iOK«O_ç.
FO N=∞`Õ #=∞ó G »y™oz å™: =∂#ã≤ H õ P~ÀQͺxH˜ =∂#ã≤ H õ XuÎ _ ç #∞O_ç
Please Chant for Handsome Appearance and wealth.
â◊s~° ™œO^Œ~åºxH˜, ã¨OѨ^Œ‰õΩ.
FO JHõ∆~åÜ«∞ #=∞ó G Eq∫ÁÆ å™: FO â◊~°‡}Ë #=∞ó G ∆™| m z å™:
For Job Satibsfaction
For Education and better Financial strength. L^ÀºQÆOÖ’, KÕ¿ã ѨxÖ’ JOH˜`« ÉèÏ"åxH˜, `«$Ñ≤ÎH˜.
q^•ºaè=$kúH˜ =∞iÜ«Ú Sâ◊fi~åºaè=$kúH˜.

*Ï˝<å~°˚#ÜÕ∞ - ã¨`«º"≥∞ÿ# ^èŒ<å~°˚#.

August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 10 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK

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August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 13 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK
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uÀsoz ™åuà ÃÏ À ƒÀsz ∆∫y∫z Ãuo ÆÁz å∫:
å∫:@@ If anyone thinks of Me, when the mind is sound with the
body in good health and with all mental and physical
áÁoÏ Ã Á©Æz uÀsoz À™oÁ| uƒæÁøúÊ Y ™Á™\Ê @ @ faculties working perfectly and intact - thinks that I am
ooÀoÊ u™¿ Æ ™ÁmÊ oÏ N˛Á…eúÁ ÁmÃuëÁß™Ω indeed the very cause of this universe, that I am without
birth - then I assure that I will remember this devotee of
E“Ê À™∫Áu™ ™ÙOÊ ˛ åÆÁu™ ú∫™ÁÊ Tuo™Ω @@ Mine in his death bed and personally take him/her to the
ã≤÷`Õ =∞#ã≤ ã¨∞ã¨fi¿ã÷ â◊sˆ~ ã¨u Ü≥∂ #~°:I Supreme Abode.(Varahapuranam- )
Z=Ô~`· Õ `«# â◊s~°O P~ÀQƺOQÍ L#fl ã¨O^Œ~ƒ° Où Ö’ `«# =∞#ã¨∞û ã≤~÷ "° ∞≥ #ÿ |∞kú`À
^è•`«∞™ê"Õ∞º ã≤÷`Õ ã¨‡~åÎ qâ◊fi~°∂ѨO K« =∂=∞[OII <å qâ◊fi~°∂áêxfl ^蕺xã¨∂,Î <Õ<Õ D ã¨$+≤Hì Oõ `«\H˜ ˜ HÍ~°‰Ωõ _ç#x, [#‡~°ÇÏ≤ `«∞_»<#·≥ k
`«`«ãÎ̈O „q∞Ü«∞=∂}O `«∞ HÍ+ª̈áêëê}ã¨xflÉèí"£∞ <Õ<#Õ x, JÖÏO\˜ <å Éè‰í Ωõ _Î xç `«# â◊s~å=™ê# HÍÅOÖ’ K«Å#OÖËx ã≤u÷ Ö’
JǨÏO 㨇~åq∞ =∞^ŒƒùHõÎO #Ü«∂q∞ Ѩ~°=∂O QÆu"£∞ II L<åfl "åix <Õ<Õ Ñ¨~=° ∞Ѩ^•xH˜ KÕ~∞° Û`å#∞. (=~åǨÏѨÙ~å}O)

™åσu| åoÁ ÃÁqÁ˘ÁzTy N˛À™ÁëÁ úÓ\Æzo@Ω å NÏ˛ÆÁ|tΩ ƒwu\åÊ åÁÆÁ|: NÏ˛ƒwÊ å À™∫zoΩ uœÁÆ:@@
Every woman is my direct embodiment. One should not commit a wicked deed involving a woman; one should
not (even) think about sinful acts in connection with a woman. (Source : Lakshmi Tantram 43rd Chapter)

=∞`«Î#∞~°fix`å ™êH∆Í`ü Ü≥∂w Hõ™ê‡#fl ѨÓ[ÜÕ∞`üI # ‰õΩ~åº^Œfi$l#O <å~åºó ‰õΩ=$`«ÎO # 㨇ˆ~`ü „ã≤ÎÜ«∞óII
„Ѩu =x`« <å â◊s~°O. 'P_»"åiѨ@¡ Jã¨ÉèíºOQÍ „Ѩ=iÎOK«_»"Õ∞ HÍ^Œ∞. qHÍ~°OQÍ PÖ’zOK«_»O ‰õÄ_® ã¨Ç≤ÏOK«#∞—
JO@∞<åfl~°∞. J=∞‡"å~°∞. (¿ãHõ~°} : ÅH©;`«O„`«O 43= J^蕺ܫ∞O)
All slokas Chant 108 times

FO <å~°ã≤OÇ¨Ï =Ѩٿ+ #=∞ó FO ˆH∆„`«*Ï˝Ü«∞ #=∞ó FO *’ºuëêOѨ`«ÜÕ∞ #=∞ó

G åÁ∫uÃÊ “ ƒúÏ   z å™: G qz fi rÁÆ å™: G [ÆÁz u o ÁÊ ú oÆz å™:
In moments of distress and despair For aspirants of Plots and own residence.
For good eye - sight.

PѨ^ŒÖ’ L#flѨC_»∞ 㨇iOK«O_ç. ã¨fiO`«OQÍ áê¡@∞¡, WO_»∞¡ H˘<åÅ#∞‰õΩ#fl "åiH˜. ã¨Ê+¨ì"≥∞ÿ# K«∂Ѩ٠H˘~°‰õΩ.

=∞x+≤H˜ =∞Oz QÆ∞}"Õ∞ =∞Oz PÉèí~°}=Ú.

August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 14 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK



VAASANTHIKA PARINAYAM I was standing close by I could not have the pleasure
Story so far: to talk to that beautiful lady. Even if we could not
A new story line by name VasantikaParinayam which speak to each other, we could have atleast exchanged
is about Lord Lakshmi Narasimha of Ahobilam marrying our looks which also did not happen! What a great
a Chenchu tribe incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi is surprise! This is also the play of fate.
being narrated. The story starts with a brief on the Author Vidushaka: Yes my Lord! What can we do. This
the 7th Jeer of Ahobila Mutt who was a great logician, situation happened due to return of your caravan
poet and who led the expedition to restore Ahobilam
from hunting. Because of their noises these nice
Temple in 1572 AD after it was ransacked by Hande
chiefs of Maharashtra in collusion with Golconda
parrots went off in fear!
Sultan.VasantikaParinayam drama was always enacted (Behind the screen)
at Ahobilam during Lord’s Vasantotsavam and his trip EuヅÆãoÏ ßbÁ: obÁN˛Ã∫Ãy: Nz˛uYtΩTÏ“Á™T¿o:
to over 40 tribal villages which played a major role in
integrating all the people there are raise to protect the ú≈ÆãnƒëÁ ú∫z ß\ãoÏ N˛uouYnúÆ|ão NÏ˛±ÁÁão∫™Ω@
Ahobilam shrine. The drama starts with the following uo…ezÆÏ: uN˛¬ oëÁ oëÁ uƒÃ∫uS™ÁÊ∆ÏoÁƒ¿ÁoúÁ-
Mangala slokas worshipping Lord Chenchu Lakshmi
Narasimha and Lord Hayagreeva. Later it proceeds ≈¬z Ázã™z  uƒ∆z oÁúuƒƒ∆Á: ∆Á{ƒÁút≈»zmÆ: @@
with prostrations to Adi Van Satakopa Yatheendra “Oh! My dear hunting team members, please go
Mahadesikan, the first Jeer of Ahobila Mutt who insipired again to various pools and other water bodies and
and blessed many kings in the country such as
look for more animals. Some of you please go to
Vijayanagara Empire, Kalinga Empire etc. First there
is introduction of the illustrious Ahobila Mutt Lineage
the caves and get the animals that are taking shelter
which housed the Emperors (Saarbhouma) of all in there. Some of you go and find the animals hiding
preachers of Veda Marga or Sanathana Dharma or also behind bushes. The rest look for thirsty wild animals
known as Lord Ramanuja’s philosophy. The drama in this hot summer who move slowly.
has started with Lord Lakshmi Narasimha out for Lord Narasimha: (Looking at the sky)
hunting and Lord Devendra preparing to come to have
his darshan. Sudathi, Princess of GandharvaRaja Eu≈¬…ÆãN˛∫\Á¬{∫ãƒz…Æüs™ÁuY| Î ÃãÜÆÁ™Ω@
pleases Goddess Mahalakshmi by her dance, pleased ÆÁ\Ïu N˛Á™uú ÃãÜÆÁ™åÏoÁúÁuo∆ƃÁåÏú{uo ∫uƒ: @@
Mahalakshmi grants her boon which is nothing but
making Lord Narasimha, husband of Sudhathi. In order Yes, Sun has come to the midday position. He is
to make this happen, Sudhathi is born as hunter’s shining with his full radiance and is hot. In the morning
daughter in AhobilaKshetram with Goddess Lakshmi he received the Arghya water given to him by
herself inside her. Lord Narasimha who went for hunting Brahmins with his rays and now in the mid-day he
had a glimpse of this beautiful girl and instantly fell is ready to receive the Mid-day Arghya to be water
in love with her. When the Girl entered along with her
given by them. He is now exactly on top of our
royal procession into VanaDevatha temple, the Lord
also followed her along with his friend. There he finds
head expecting the Arghyas from the Brahmins.
Vasantika leading the Vanadevatha worship and hides Lord Narasimha (Looking at the water body):
himself along with his friend ‘Vidushaka’to watch. Lord
Narasimha in hiding plans a strategy and writes a
åƒ Ã∫uÃ\ƒysy å™|ÃÁ{áz ƒáÓuß:
prophecy of the Deity on Kewda petal that Vasantika Ùu“ ÃÏuƒ“∫ãoz YN¿˛ƒÁN˛ÁÀÃ∫ÁTÁ: @
is destined to marry her husband as per her desire.
Lord tries to appear before them and exactly at that
Euú Y tÏ∫ƒ¬ÁzN˛ÁtÁoúÁã™ÁåÃÁ{N˛Á:
time his hunting team returned from hunting with loud úu∫Y∫uo™∫ÁpÎ úqúÁpÎ üÃÁÆ| @@
noise. Hearing the noise of Lord’s hunting team arrival,
Friend! Look here. Look at the lotus flowers bloomed
Vasantika and her friends leave the place out of fear.
in the water body. It looks like streets of flowers
Lord Narasimha: in there. Look at the Chkravaka birds which perch
ƒÁuWñ»mÊ Nw˛oÊ ƒÁ åÆåÊ åÆåzå u™u»oÊ uNÊ˛ ƒÁ@ on these lotus flowers and look at how they make
EÀÆÁ: Ãuƒá \Ï ÁDuú≥Á “ão ™ÆÁ uNÊ˛ Nw˛oÊ “oÁ∆zå@@ love with their lovers. Look at the swans which came
from the distant Manasa Sarovar. See how the male
What a misfortune I have.! The fruit that came into bird takes care of their female partner by bringing
my hands could not go upto my mouth! Eventhough their wings on top of her and covering her protecting

^èŒ#O HÀã¨O HÍ^Œ∞ - QÆ∞}O HÀã¨O áê@∞ Ѩ_®e.

August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 15 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK
her from Sun. See how each of the Swans are taking here of the kings. For them, in those days, they
care of their female partners. had great energy, urgency to have glimpse of Lord
Vidushaka : Lord! Yes! It is hot Sun! The Sun is and devotion. They were jostling each other, pushing
on top of our head. We are tired. Shall we return them aside to see the Lord. At those times this
to Garudachala, your abode? stick came handy to control them and discipline
them for the darshan. Now, look at the plight of
Lord Narasimha: (Thinking about that Beautiful
that stick! It has become my walking stick as I
have now grown old with grey hairs wrinkled face
Ãtå™uß ÃÁ üÆÁoÁ ÃÆÁz“ÀoÊ Ã¬y¬™Á¬©£Æ @ and feebly walking. Not only that. At that time the
N˛§upoƒoy ™åÁz ™z N˛uúnsÃÁ∫Ê N˛∫zmÏu∫ƒ§Á¬Á @@ princes whom I controlled are now making fun of
me. Alas! My life is life!. There is always lots of
Ah! That beautiful lady! What kind of beauty was work on top of work. Even during these old age I
there in her strides when she clasped the hands don’t have rest. The palace work always happens
of her friends and walked away. Has she gone alone? on the tip of the sharp knife. Even now, I am following
No! not at all! Just like elephant taking away the the orders of King Shoorasena. The Sun may have
Inner fruit of Velaga fruit and bearing the shell she some rest but for the royal servants like me even
took away my heart from the body. How can I describe that is not there. What did the King order now!?
my position. Situation is that my mind is with her.
Vidushaka: Oh! Lord. Let that thought be rested. ‘Oh! Kadambaka! I heared that Our family deity
Why think about it now? It is now my responsibility has become pleased with the Poojas performed by
to bring that beautiful lady to you who has taken my daughter Princess Vasantika. Because of it is
away your heart. I will do all it takes to get her to being roumoured that she has granted her desired
you. At that time you will realize the true capability boon. Is that true or is it a story! Go and find out
of this poor friend. Now lets go to Garudachalam. the facts!’ is the order of the King.
There will be devotees waiting for you. (She walked four paces on the stage)
(Both of them disappeared) Oh! Who is coming in front of me? She is a beautiful
lady. Looks like friend of Child Vasantika. Yes! Yes!
<End of Part-1> She is Madhurika. It is my fortune today. The Lord
<Start of Part-2> I am going to worship has come in front of me.
(Kanchuki loyal messenger of king Soorasena Lets me ask her and find the fact of the story of
appears on the stage) Vasantika.
Aha! What is the game of the changing times! It (Madhurika appears on the stage. She is highly
is very difficult to fathom. Look at the stick in my excited. She prostrates before the old lady)
hand. This one was very useful in controlling devotees Madhurika: Oh! Kadambaka! In this ripe old age
during my childhood. In those days there will be where are you going? There must be an important
lots of kings and royal family members coming to task. What is the news? Can I know?
have darshan of Lord Narasimha. There will be jostling (To be continued)

EãJmy \ÁÆoz Ã˘Áz áåÊ ∆yV¿ ™ ƒÁúÏ Æ ÁoΩ @ @

=∂@Å∞ Y~°∞Û ÖËxq, HÍh qÅ∞"≥·#q.

August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 16 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK

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August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 17 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK
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August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 18 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK
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August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 19 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK
Ramanuja’s Journey to Sharada Peeth – Kashmir
Serial - 45 CSL Narasimhan
Lord Ramanuja, the great Vaishnavite seer whose Bruhadvaasubandhu took place and Shambhu Swamy
1000th year birth day was celebrated this year was defeated by BruhadvaasuBandhu. The
throughout India with pomp and glory. He was a seer speechless Shambhu Swamy has to be stopped
who brought to light the concept of the whole universe by the Referee as the arguments were becoming
as one family : Vasudhaivakutumbakam and brought emotional and baseless. Bruhadvaasubandhuputforth
to light the right understanding and interpretation his philosophy and he has been deftly answering
of Vedas and established equal chance for all living questions of Shambhu Swamy.The debate was
beings to attain salvation at the end of the current interrupted by the referee for performing evening
birth by surrendering before the Lord – Saranagathi. vedic rituals and was to resume the next day. Kuresha
In order to putforth his understanding Lord Ramanuja sought from his Guru Lord Ramanuja a preview about
had to first understand what his predecessor Acharyas his arguments which he is going to present in the
have done to explain the Vedas. On this account Dual debate session with Bruhadvaasubandhu which
he visited atleast twice to Sharada Peetham of was overheard by Bhrahmabata and Devabandhu.
Kashmir which was the seat of Goddess Saraswathi Fearing defeat of their guru the two disciples of
and a huge store house of learning known as Shree Bruhadvaasubandhu plotted against Lord Ramanuja
Bhandaram. and Kuresha which was identified and thwarted by
VAK is attempting to bring the interesting items alert Keshavacharya.The two disciples of
of this effort of Lord Ramanuja to its readers. In Bruhadvaasubandhu were arrested and
the effort, there are places where certain incidents jailed.Bruhadvaasubandhu hears about this act of
and characters have to be created for purposes of his disciples and sermonizes it. The next day debate
dramatization. Most of the characters thus created begins. BruhadvaasuBandhu has defeated Shambhu
are based on circumstantial evidence from History, Swamy in debate and Lord Ramanuja was invited
GuruparamparaandRajatarangini text. This is to convey to protect the Vedic tradition and culture from the
the main message of events, practices, debates onslaught of Buddhist arguments. Lord Ramanuja
etc. recorded in the works of Lord Ramanuja, corners BruhadvaasuBandhu with his prowess in logic.
Rajatarangini and other historic and religious books. Unable to bear the logical onslaught,
Story so far: BruhadvaasuBandhu accepted supremacy of Lord
Obtaining the ordainment of Lord Varadaraja of Ramanuja and took to Temple service in Chakradhara
Kanchi, Lord Ramanuja and Kuresa set out to study Temple. Emperor Anantaditya Deva ordered the
BoudhayanaVruttiGrantha at Sharada peetham in Saraswathi Peeth Head to allow Lord Ramanuja and
Kashmir. With the help of Keshavacharya who was his disciple to refer the sacred original text of
till recently Prime Minister of the Kingdom along BoudhayanaVruttiGranthaand he along with the entire
with the help of Kshitiraja met the emperor Anantaditya royal entourage accompanied Lord Ramanuja in the
Deva to request for help in obtaining the journey to Sharada peeth. They stopped at
BoudhayanaVruttigrantha to study and write the Parihasapura for afternoon rest.Parahasapura and
meanings for Brahmasutras of Sage Veda Vyasa. its beautiful temples were built by Emperor
They first meet the Prime Minister Haladhara. At LalitadityaMuktipada. All the key Royal entourage
that time, Bimba, brother of current Prime Minister members along with Lord Ramanuja enter the Parhasa
Haladhara brings the news of defeat of Champa Keshava temple for partaking Prasadam before
King and asylum of Champa prince in Kashmir. He onward journey. There he met Kshemendra, the great
also brings the news of several Buddhist monks poet in the court of Emperor Anantaditya Deva.
headed by the great scholar Bruhadvaasubandhu Kshemendra was initially a disciple of the Great Saiva-
coming in a scholarly debate expedition to conquer Shakta Advaiti saint Abhinavagupta and later he
the scholars of mainland India all the way from became Vaishnava chosingSomacharya as his Guru.
Champa with an aim to convert all into Buddhism. It was a great scene to see Senior pious Vaishnavite
Some of the Monks have challenged Kashmir scholars people meeting on the banks of the Indratheertha
to have a scholarly debate with them.Bimba and or Temple tank of Parihasa Keshava. The temple
Kshitiraja request Ramanujacharyato participate in tank is fed by Vitastha river also known as Jhelum
the debate and he agrees to it with certain conditions. today. It is said that before worshipping Lord Keshava,
First debate between Shambhu Swamy and Lord Indra took bath in this Vitasthatheertha here

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August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 20 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK
to wash his sins off and it is also known as Indra ÃÏt∆|å ™“Á[ƒÁ¬ N˛ÁzubÃÓÆ|Ùüß @
theertha. The senior most octogenarian vaishnavite
priest Somadevacharya was looking very young like ErÁåo™ÃÁãáÊ ™ÁÊ uƒ…mÁz™Á|T˙ üt∆|Æ @@
to Soma or Chandra even at that ripe age. He fell It was Sudarshana who decided to show Sri
at the feet of Lord Ramanuja. Lord Ramanuja also Kshemendra the right path and he used me to do
did Pratinamaskara to this great Octogenarian who that as an instrument” responded Somadevacharya.
has been glowing in radiance. He was about to say further about the story of how
“What brings you here oh! Revered one? You are Kshemendra became his disciple. At that time the
glowing like the Sudarshana Chakra in radiance!” King’s messenger came looking for Lord Ramanuja
exclaimed Lord Ramanuja. and Kuresha. He came closer and said :
“Oh! Revered Sir! I came here to introduce my “Oh! Revered Sir! The Emperor and his subjects have
disciple Sri Kshemendra who has been initiated by finished their partaking of prasadam and are ready
me to Sri Vaishnava way of life in the temple under to start the journey as it is going to be long one.
the ausipces of Lord Sudarshana who is the deity We must reach VarahaMula by sunset so that we
I keep meditating and worshipping on. I have given can prepare for spending the night there”
the name Vyasa Daasa to him during the initiation. “Oh! Revered Sir! I think the ordinance of Lord
I am dumbfounded by the great indepth knowledge Sudarshana is that the story of how Kshemendra
you have about our Vedas and Vadantas, Itihaasa got converted into Vaishnavism to be narrated by
and Puranas and I would request you if you can him rather than by me. I think he will narrate that
intiate Kshemendra on these matters. He has several as you travel to Varaha moola and it will eliminate
questions which I think it would be more appropriate all pains coming out of walking. It is always great
if you would answer them. I also would like to seek to learn about great deeds of Sudarshana, be it in
to learn from you many of the Vaishnava siddhanta vedas, puranas or in ones own experience” said
nuances when you have time. I know you are now Somadevacharya.
on a mission and would not like to be an impediment Lord Ramanuja and Kuresha took leave of
in that for you. I would have normally liked to Somadevacharya. With permission of Lord Ramanuja,
accompany you in your noble journey but I have Kuresha prostrated before the Octogenraian and took
the temple chores to serve for Lord Keshava and his blessings.
would not be able to make it. Please consider this “Long Live! SrivatsaChinha Mishra! Your face is also
as my earnest request surrendering to you to take radiant like Sudarshana. You must be an ardent
care of Sri Kshemendra. He will be very useful to devotee of him too. You will be like the Sudarshana
you in your journey. He is a great poet and I enjoy chakra for the Vaishnava darshana and will show
his compositions.” the righteous path to many. May Lord Sudarshana
The Octogenarian was gasping for breath as he took be with you and always guide and protect you”
many fast steps to meet Lord Ramanuja in person Somadevacharya blessed Kuresha with his whole
after the poojas. heart.
“Oh! Revered Swamy, you are a disciple of Lord All the four people along with the messenger of the
Sudarshana and I would take it as his ordinance king started going back to inside the temple. Kuresha
to accept Sri Kshemendra as my student and will took the belongings of himself and his Acharya Lord
impart what I know about Vaishnava tattvas. It is Ramanuja. Kshemendra followed suit and too a few
a great opportunity for me. I am curious to know of the belongings of Kuresha and Lord Ramanuja
about you as it is not that easy to convert someone which he can take with permission from them to
who has gone firmly into one belief to bring him help them in their journey. Kshemedra was walking
and show him the righteous (Dharmik) path. How along with them with his belongings on his head
did this happen?” enquired Lord Ramanuja. and some of the belongings of Lord Ramanuja and
“Oh! Revered Sir! I am indebted to you to accept Kuresha in his hand as a mark of respect to the
Sri Kshemendra as your disciple and help him newly found teacher. As the three men walked towards
completely take the righteous path by clearing all the caravan of the emperor, the emperor was in all
his hangovers and misgivings which he has due to preparation to leave and he was waiting for Lord
his previous indulgences. I would like to also state Ramanuja and Kuresha to join.
that, It is not me who showed the path of righteous “Welcome back oh! Revered Saint! I hope you got
ness to him. It is Lord Sudarshana.All of us pray good glimpse of the Lord here?” enquired the emperor.
to him every morning as : “Yes, your majesty!” replied Kuresha

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August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 21 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK
“When did you arrive Kshemendra?” enquired the ÃÏ∫u≈™ N˛Á≈™y∫™Ω in which he describes the scene of
Devadaru trees as follows:
“I was already here much before your majesty arrived”
replied Kshemendra ∆yo{: üƒÁo{Àoª∫z  áÓo: VÁo{u≈∆¬ÁåÁØÁ ™wtÁ u“™ÁåÁÊ @
“On the ordinance of revered Somadevacharya and úÁo{∫uúÀƒÁÊ J\ÏoÁ™™ÏØÁåΩ PÆÁoÀÀƒåÁ™¿Á ßÏuƒ tzƒtÁª: @@
the request of Kshemendra, I accepted him to
The Deva Daaru trees were so sturdy and divine
accompany us to Sharada peetham” informed Lord
that it is constantly cleaned by pure, cool and clean
Ramanuja to the emperor.
air. Even though these trees are hit by fall of stones
“Oh! By all means! He knows in and out of Sharada
from the hills which happens often or covered with
Peeth and will be a good resource to have. Moreover,
snow they don’t leave their sturdiness and they stand
he writes several sattairical poetry thorough which
firm like Devas. It is because of this that they are
he can entertain us along the journey” smiled the
known as Deva Daarus.
“Yes! Your Majesty” responded Kshemendra. N˛Á≈™y∫¬ÁƒlÆ”oÁão∫ÊT: à ƒwfi“ÁDuú ufiutƒÊ uƒ“ÁÆ@
“I have taken refuge under Lord Ramanuja to learn Efi{ƒuånÆÊ oåÏoz uåƒÁÃÊ Æzå{  åÁN˛y߃uo ütz∆:@@
the key tenets of Vaishnava culture and I would be
undergoing the training under his guidance” added Because a great city was built along with the temple
Kshemendra. which was as if mocking his city Amaravathi, Lord
The entire entourage started moving from Parihasapura Indira had great respect for Emperor Lalitaditya. He
towards Varaha Moola which is now known as liked the beauty of the place and made it as his
Baramullah. second capital leaving the Swarga and started living
The path was quite beautiful with the valley surrounded here. Therefore this place has been converted into
by hills around. The Caravan of the emperor has heaven like on this earth.
to cross the rivulets and climb hillocks, walk in plain I am sure, with the great poet Kshemendra travelling
and again climb another hillock before reaching to along with great scholars and poets like Lord
Varahamoola. The whole terrain is like covered with Ramanuja Charya and Kuresha, they would be
lush green trees. Tall Deva Daru trees are on both enjoying the Lord’s creation with spontaneously
the sides of the main road leading to Varahamoola. composed sansrit verses like the above. As we don’t
The Caravan passed several canals built by Lalitaditya have access those verses due to lapse of time, I
for irrigation. These crossings were with the help have tried to get a glimpse of that experience for
of bridges which were sturdy as built by Lalitaditya. the readers of VAK with the above slokas.
In many places there were wooden wheels used Discussing and describing the beauty of the
to lift water from lower levels to higher level for irrigation. Parihasapura and the sceneic beauty around, sime
People were cultivating rice, fruits, flower etc. There time elapsed and distance covered. Kshemendra
were orchards of Apple (KashmiraPhalam) around addressed both Lord Ramanuja and Kuresha as
everywhere. Many of the Kings Caravan members follows:
stopped to pluck the apples from the royal farms
“Oh! Revered ones! I have been ordained by my guru
with the permission of the king. Eventhough it was
Somadevacharya to narrate about my past and how
mid-day, in summer, the whole environment was
I got converted into Vaishnava practices. Shall I do
pleasant and temperate. Cool breeze was coming
that now as we are travelling through this beautiful
from the Devadaru trees. There were fields with light
violet Saffron flowers known as Saffron Crousgrown
all over the place. The whole place looked like heaven. “I was about to ask on that! Please narrate us about
No wonder in the modern days a great poet and you” replied Kuresha who by then has developed
President of India Awardee in Sanskrit Sri good respect for Kshemendra’s mastery over Sanskrit
Sundararajan, IAS, my maternal uncle wrote a great language and knowledge of poetry. Lord Ramanuja
description of Kashmir as also smiled and nodded his head in affirmative.
(to be continued...)

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August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 22 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK
NEWS Chilkur Balaji Temple Dr. Nagireddy sensitised the local people on the
takes up vaccination for staff historical significance of the sculptures which were
Hyderabad : Chilkur Balaji Temple on Thursday said it testimonials to the talent of the Kakatiya sculptors.
became the first temple to vaccinate its staff, gaushala He appealed to the government to protect the
workers and those engaged in the upkeep of the temple. sculptures for posterity by shifting them inside the temple
The staff and their families were administered premises and to ensure their safety and security.
Covishield vaccine during the vaccination drive which (Deccon chronicle 18.7.2021)
was supported by NGO, Helping Hand Foundation and Lesser-known Telangana temple becomes a World
Nirmala Hospitals. A team of doctors, nurses and a Heritage Site
counselor was deployed to oversee the vaccination drive. With this, India has 39 sites on the UNESCO’s World
"Over 50 staff and families are vaccinated today," Heritage List, and Archaeological Survey of India (ASI) is
Temple Chief priest CS Rangarajan said adding that now the custodian of 23 world heritage sites
temples and all religious places must act as catalyst Ramappa temple world heritage site, Ramappa temple
in promoting vaccination and help the government meet UNESCO, where is Ramappa temple, world heritage
its targets which are so critical for the well-being of the sites in India, Telangana temple becomes World Heri-
community in these trying times. The doctors checked tage Site, UNESCO world heritage sites in India, indian
the vitals and counseled the staff getting vaccinated, express newsThe famous 800-year-old Ramappa
to help them understand the side effects, if any, and Temple conferred World Heritage Site tag, the Culture
need for taking basic medicine if fever or body pains Ministry said on Sunday.
develop. (Telangana Today 16.7.2021) On Sunday, the United Nations Educational, Scientific
Vaccination drive held for staff of and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) inscribed the 13th-
Chilkur Balaji temple century Ramappa in Palampet, Telangana as a World
Hyderabad : The famous Chilkur Balaji Temple on Heritage Site. A consensus was reached in this regard
Thursday conducted corona vaccination drive for the staff during the ongoing virtual meet of the World Heritage
and their families at the temple goushala. Over 50 staff Committee.
and their families were administered Covished vaccine. As soon as the announcement came, Prime Minister
The vaccination drive to temple staff was supported by Narendra Modi tweeted: “Congratulations to everyone,
the Helping Hand Foundation and Nirmala Hospitals. especially the people of Telangana. The iconic Ramappa
The temple staff mainly consisted of goushala workers; Temple showcases the outstanding craftsmanship of
sanitation staff engaged in maintenance of the temple the great Kakatiya dynasty. I would urge you all to visit this
premises and priest. The doctors checked the vitals majestic Temple complex and get a first-hand experi-
and did counselling of staff getting vaccinated to help ence of its grandness.”
them understand the side effects if any and need for Union Minister for Culture and Tourism, G Kishan Reddy
taking basic medicine if fever or body pains develop. – a Lok Sabha MP from the neighbouring Secunderabad
CS Rangarajan, Pradhana Archak at Chilkur Balaji temple, – added, “On behalf of the nation, particularly from people
said the all-religious institutions must promote vaccination of Telangana, I express my gratitude to the Prime Minis-
and the best way to achieve this to get the workers ter for his guidance and support.”
vaccinated within the premises. While India submitted the nomination dossier for
(The Hans India 16.7.2021) Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple, Telangana, to the
13th Century Sculptures unearthed in Siddipet World Heritage Committee (WHC) in January 2019, it
Five Sculptures : found by a team from the New Telangana was on UNESCO’s Tentative list since 2014. While WHC
History Group were identified as belonging to the could not meet in 2020 owing to the pandemic, the nomi-
Kakatiya period by Archaeologist Dr. E. Siva Nagireddy. nations for 2020 and 2021 are being discussed in the
Karimnagar : Representatives of New Telangana History online meeting currently underway.
Group (NTHG), headed by Sri Ramoju Haragopal, found It is said that as many as 17 of the 21 member nations
a cluster of 13th century sculptures in a neglected supported the inscription. With this, India has 39 sites
condition near a temple tank at Duddeda in Siddipet on the UNESCO’s World Heritage List, and Archaeologi-
district. cal Survey of India (ASI) is now the custodian of 23 world
After finding five sculptures. NTHG members heritage sites.
Ahobilam Karunakar, Samaleti Mahesh and Md. Ramappa temple world heritage site, Ramappa temple
Naseeruddin passed the information to Dr. E. Siva UNESCO, where is Ramappa temple An inscription in
Nagireddy, archaeologist and chief executive officer of the temple dates it to the year 1213 and says it was built
The Plachi Foundation. by a Kakatiya General Recherla Rudra Reddy, during the
Dr. Nagireddy inspected the site and said that the period of the Kakatiya ruler Ganapati Deva.
two Devi sculptures and one sculpture each of An inscription in the temple dates it to the year 1213 and
Chennakesava, Venugopala and Bhairava, belonged says it was built by a Kakatiya General Recherla Rudra
to the 13th and 14th centuries representing the Kakatiya Reddy, during the period of the Kakatiya ruler Ganapati
style of art. Deva. Talking about the outstanding universal value of
He said the Chennakesava, Venugopala and the temple, Raghvendra Singh, Secretary, Ministry of
Bhairava sculptures with "exuberant ornamentation and Culture (under which the ASI functions), told Indian Ex-
typical iconography" was masterpiece of Kakatiya art. press, “Ramappa is the main Shiva temple in a larger
Dr. Nagireddy said there was an extensive list of walled temple complex, which includes several smaller
inscriptions by the Kakatiya king Prataparudra, dating temples and structures. The temple stands as a testi-
back to 1296 AD. mony to the highest level of creative, artistic and engi-

=∞#ã¨∞ JÅã≤áÈ`Õ z#flѨx ‰õÄ_® ZO`À „â◊=∞ JxÑ≤ã¨∞ÎOk.

August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 23 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK
neering talents involving various experimentations in =~åæÅÖ’ JáÈǨÏÅHÍ~°}OQÍ "åºH˜û<£ Ѩ@¡ ã¨OHÀK«O L#fl^Œx, =∞`«Ñ~¨ "° ∞≥ #ÿ
expressive art forms of the Kakatiya period (1123-1323).”
It is built of sandstone with decorated beams and pillars „Ѩ^âÕ ßÅ∞ „Ѩ=∂^ŒOÖ’ L#fl =~åæʼnõΩ \©HÍÅ#∞ "ÕÜ∞« _»OÖ’ XHõ L„`ÕÊ~°HOõ QÍ
of carved granite and dolerite, with a distinctive Vimana ѨxKÕã∞¨ OÎ ^Œ<åfl~°∞. "åºH˜û<£ „_≥"· Ö£ ’ Z‰õΩ¯=∞=Ok áêÖÁæ<ÖÕ Ï KÕÜ∞« _»O ^•fi~å
(inner sanctum) made of lightweight porous bricks, also
known as the “floating bricks”. The sculptures of the
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Ramappa Temple, especially its bracket figures, have Ü«Ú^ŒOú Ö’ Jk ZO`À H©ÅHõO ‰õÄ_® Jx ÃÇÏeÊOQ∑ ǨºO_£ ᶜO_Õ+<¨ ,£
their lustre intact even after 800 years of construction. =Ú*ÏÎÉÏ Ç¨Ïã¨<£ J™ê¯i J<åfl~°∞. (PO„^è„Œ ѨÉíè 16.7.2021)
“The temple is a living memory of the legend of the
Kakatiyas who brought a golden era to the Telugu speak- zÅ∞‰õÄ~°∞ PÅÜ«∞OÖ’ 100 âß`«O \©HÍ
ing region of South India,” Singh added. =∞# `≥ÅOQÍ} / ÃÇÏ· ^Œ~åÉÏ^£, AÖˇ· 15 : zÅ∞‰õÄ~ü ÉÏÖÏr PÅÜ«∞OÖ’
Rudreshwara (Ramappa) Temple is nominated under
Criterion i (Masterpiece of human creative genius) and
100 âß`«O "åºH˜û<Õ+<¨ £ [iyOk. PÅÜ«∞OÖ’ ѨxKÕ¿ã ã≤|ƒOk`Àáê@∞
criterion iii (bearing a unique or at least an exceptional "åi ‰õΩ@∞O| ã¨É∞íè ºÅ∂ \©HÍ á⁄Ok#@∞¡ P PÅÜ«∞ JkèHÍ~°∞Å∞ QÆ∞~°∞"å~°O
testimony to a cultural tradition, which is living or which F „ѨH@õ #Ö’ ¿Ñ~˘¯<åfl~°∞. „Ѩ`ºÕ Hõ Hˆ O„^•xfl U~åÊ@∞KÕã≤ \©HÍ#∞ ѨOÑ≤}©
has disappeared). Earlier, the International Council of
Historic Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) had evaluated KÕã#≤ @∞¡ JkèHÍ~°∞Å∞ `≥eáê~°∞. D \©HÍ „_≥"· ‰£ Ωõ ã¨fiK«ÛOù ^Œ ã¨Oã¨÷ ã¨É∞íè ºÅ∞
Ramappa’s heritage status and made some recommen- Ѩ=<£‰Ωõ =∂~ü ã¨=∞#fiÜ«∞ Ѩ~K° Q« Í ÃÇÏeÊOQ∑ Ç‘ÏeOQ∑ ᶜO_Õ+<¨ ,£ x~°‡Å
dations. (The Indian Express, July 26, 2021)
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August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 24 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK
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Ѩ@¡ ã¨OHÀK«O L#flk =∞iÜ«Ú =∞`«Ñ~¨ "° ∞≥ #ÿ „Ѩ^âÕ ßÅ∞ „Ѩ=∂^ŒOÖ’ L#fl ZuÎK∂« Ñ≤# Ö’áêÅ#∞ „Ѩ™êÎqOzOk. PÅÜ«∞ ã¨iǨÏ^Œ∞ÖÌ ’¡ ÉèÏs =∂~°∞ÊÅ∞
=~åæʼnõΩ \©HÍÅ#∞ "ÕÜ∞« _»OÖ’ XHõ L„`ÕÊ~°HOõ P ѨxKÕã∞¨ OÎ k. "åºH˜û<£ „_≥"· Ö£ ’ KÕѨ\ÏìÅx _ç=∂O_£ KÕã≤Ok. W`«~° ^ÕâßÅ∞ =∂„`«O ã¨fiÅÊ =∂~°∞ÊÅ∞
Z‰õΩ¯==∞Ok áêÖÁæ<ÖÕ Ï KÕÜ∞« _»O ^•fi~å ã¨=∂[OÖ’ qâßfi™êxfl ÃÑOK«_"» ∞Õ ã¨iáÈ`åÜ«∞x ã¨∂zOKå~Ú. nxÃÑ· ÃÑ^ŒÌ K«~°Û #_çzOk. ~°ëêº =∞~À
H͉õΩO_® Hõ~À<å =∞ǨÏ=∂‡iÃÑ· KÕ¿ã Ü«Ú^ŒOú Ö’ Jk ZO`À H©ÅHõO ‰õÄ_®, 17 ^ÕâßÅ∞ ÉèÏ~°`‰ü Ωõ JO_»QÍ xÅ=_»O`À Z@ìHˆ ʼnõΩ ~å=∞ѨʉõΩ QÆ∞iÎOѨÙ
Jx ÃÇÏeÊOQ∑ ǨºO_£ ᶜO_Õ+<¨ ,£ =Ú*ÏÎÉÏ Ç¨Ïã¨<£ J™ê¯i J<åfl~°∞. ^ŒH˜¯Ok. "åã¨Î"åxH˜ D PÅÜ«∂xH˜ Ü«Ú<≥™È¯ QÆ∞iÎOѨÙx=fi_»OÃÑ· QÆ`«
(„Ѩ*Ï"å}˜ 16.7.2021) U_®^Õ K«~°Û [~°QÍeû L<åfl... Hõ~À<å =∞ǨÏ=∂‡i HÍ~°}OQÍ
=∞# ~å=∞ѨʉõΩ qâ◊fiMϺu.... -`≥Å∞QÆ∞ ~å„ëêìÅ #∞Oz "≥Ú^Œ\ ˜k - _»|∂¡ ºÃÇÏKüã‘ ã¨=∂"Õâ◊O PÅ㨺"≥∞ÿOk.
^Ò`«ºO`À ^ŒH˜¯# q[Ü«∞O - =ºuˆ~H˜Oz# <åˆ~fi... "≥#flO\˜ xez# "å~°ã¨`«fi Ǩϟ^• ~å"åÅO>Ë „ѨѨOK«OÖ’x q∞QÆ`å Hõ@ì_®Å
~°ëêº - JO_»QÍ =∞~À 17 ^ÕâßÅ∞ Ãã·`«O.. Hõ<åfl aè#flOQÍ LO_®e. nxfl 'J=Ù\ò ™êìO_çOQ∑ Ü«¸x=~°ûÖò "åÅ∂º—QÍ
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2020 ã¨O=`«û~åxH˜ „ѨѨOK« ™ê÷~Ú Hõ@ì_»OQÍ Ü«Ú<≥™È¯ (Ü«Ú<≥·>ˇ_£ ã¨∞=∂~°∞ ~°∂.25 ÅHõÅ∆ =~°‰Ωõ "≥zÛOzOk. Ü«Ú<≥™È¯ „Ѩux^è∞Œ Å∞ ÖË=<≥u#Î
<Õ+¨<£û Z_»∞ºˆH+¨#Öò JO_£ Ãã·O\˜Ñ¶≤H± HõÅÛ~°Öò P~°æ<≥·*Ë+¨<£) QÆ∞iÎOѨ٠ã¨O^ÕǨÅÃÑ· =¸_»∞™ê~°∞¡ q=~åÅ∞ ã¨=∞iÊOKå~°∞. ˆH∆„`« J<Õ Hõ#ûÖˇìhû
á⁄OkOk. K≥·<åÖ’ [iy# Ü«Ú<≥™È¯Ö’ ã¨=∂"Õâ◊O ~å=∞ѨʉõΩ „ѨѨOK« ^•fi~å nxx ~°∂á⁄OkOKå~°∞.
"å~°ã¨`«fi Hõ@ì_» Ǩϟ^•#∞ HõeÊOz#@∞¡ ˆHO„^Œ ѨÙ~å=ã¨∞Î âßY _çѨӺ\© ^Õâ◊OÖ’ 39= Hõ@ì_»O : `≥Å∞QÆ∞ ~å„ëêìÖ’¡ D Ǩϟ^• ^ŒH˜¯# "≥Ú^Œ\ ˜
_≥·Ô~Hõì~ü *Ï<£q*ò "≥Å¡_çOKå~°∞. D<≥Å 16 #∞Oz 44= Ü«Ú<≥™È¯ Hõ@ì_»O ~å=∞ѨÊ. Ü«Ú<≥™È¯ „ѨѨOK«"åºÑ¨ÎOQÍ „Ѩ`ÕºHõ`«QÆÅ "å~°ã¨`«fi
ÃÇÏi>Ë*ò Hõq∞\© ã¨=∂"ÕâßÅ∞ [~°∞QÆ∞`«∞<åfl~Ú. Pk"å~°O [iy# F\˜OQ∑ Hõ@ì_®Å∞, ã¨Ç¨Ï[ qO`«Å∞, Ô~O_»∞ Hõeã≤# „áêO`åʼnõΩ "å~°ã¨`«fi Ǩϟ^•
„Ѩ„H˜Ü«∞, K«~°ÛÖ’ ~å=∞ѨʉõΩ JO`«~å˚fÜ«∞ ™ê÷~Ú QÆ∞iÎOѨ٠ÅaèOzOk. Wã¨∞ÎOk. WÖÏ =∞# ^Õâ◊OÖ’ WѨÊ\˜=~°‰õΩ 38 „áêO`åʼnõΩ QÆ∞iÎOѨÙ
`≥ÅOQÍ} #∞Oz =¸_»∞ Kåi„`«Hõ Hõ@ì_®Å∞ áÈ\© Ѩ_»QÍ J=hfl WzÛOk. "å\˜Ö’ 30 "å~°ã¨`«fi Hõ@ì_®Å∞ HÍQÍ, U_»∞ ã¨Ç¨Ï[ qO`«Å∞
=~°OQÆÖò L=∞‡_ç lÖÏ¡ #∞Oz L#fl"Õ. dÖÏ =~°OQÆÖò, "Õ~Ú ã¨ÎOÉèÏÅ XHõ\ ˜ K«i„`«, ã¨Ç¨Ï[ qO`« Hõeã≤# „áêO`«O. ~å=∞Ñ¨Ê ^Õâ◊OÖ’ 39=
QÆ∞_ç `«∞k *Ïa`åÖ’ KÀ@∞ ^ŒH¯˜ OK«∞HÀÖËHáõ ÈÜ«∂~Ú. ~å=∞Ñ¨Ê PÅÜ«∂xH˜ Hõ@ì_»O. =∞Ǩ~åRÖ’ 6 „áêO`åʼnõΩ Ü«Ú<≥™È¯ QÆ∞iÎOѨ٠^ŒH˜¯Ok. =∞ˆ~
aè#fl â‹e· , tÅÊHõàÏ <≥Ñ· Ù¨ }ºO, ™êOˆHuHõ Ѩi*Ï˝#O `«k`«~° Z<Àfl J~°∞^≥#· ~åROÖ’#∂ Jxfl QÆ∞iÎOѨ٠á⁄O^ŒÖË^Œ∞. (D<å_»∞ 26.7.2021)
=∞x+≤ `«#‰õΩ `å#∞QÍ =∂~°@"Õ∞ =∞ǨÏhÜ«∞`«.
August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 25 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK

Chant 108 times

FO ã¨÷qëêªÜ«∞ #=∞ó FO ѨÙ+¨¯~åH∆ÍÜ«∞ #=∞ó
G Àsuƒ…eÁÆ å™: G úÏ … N˛∫ÁqÁÆ å™:
To keep Evil forces at bay. For overcoming bad times.
^Œ∞+¨ì â◊‰õΩÎÅ #∞O_ç HÍáê_»∞H˘#∞@‰õΩ. HõëêìÅ #∞O_ç q=ÚH˜Î á⁄O^Œ_®xH˜.

|∞∞} q"≥∂K«# #$ã≤OÇ¨Ï ™È΄`«O Chant one time

1. ^Õ=`å HÍ~°º ã≤^Œúº~°÷O ã¨ÉèÏã¨ÎOÉèí ã¨=Ú^Œƒù=O 6. „ѨǨ¡^Œ =~°^ŒO Nâ◊O ^≥·`Õºâ◊fi~° q^•i}O
N #$ã≤OǨÏO =∞Ǩg~°O #=∂q∞ |∞∞}=ÚHõÎÜÕ∞ N #$ã≤OǨÏO =∞Ǩg~°O #=∂q∞ |∞∞}=ÚHõÎÜÕ∞
2. ÅH∆͇º eOy`« "å=∂OQÆO ÉèíHÍÎ<åO =~°^•Ü«∞HõO 7. „‰õÄ~°„QÆÃÇ·Ïó Ñ‘_ç`å<åO, ÉèíHÍÎ<å=∞ÉèíÜ«∞„Ѩ^ŒO
N #$ã≤OǨÏO =∞Ǩg~°O #=∂q∞ |∞∞}=ÚHõÎÜÕ∞ N #$ã≤OǨÏO =∞Ǩg~°O #=∂q∞ |∞∞}=ÚHõÎÜÕ∞
8. "Õ^Œ "Õ^•O`« Ü«∞*Ë˝â◊O „|Ǩχ~°∞„^•k =Ok`«O
3. PO„`« =∂ÖÏ^èŒ~°O â◊OY K«„HÍÉÏ˚Ü«Ú^èŒ ^è•i}O
N #$ã≤OǨÏO =∞Ǩg~°O #=∂q∞ |∞∞}=ÚHõÎÜÕ∞
N #$ã≤OǨÏO =∞Ǩg~°O #=∂q∞ |∞∞}=ÚHõÎÜÕ∞
9. Ü«∞ W^ŒO Ѩ~î°`Õ x`«ºO |∞∞}"≥∂K«# ã¨Ol˝`«O
4. 㨇~°}Ï`ü ã¨~°fiáêѨѶ¨∞flO Hõ„^Œ∂[q+¨<åâ◊#O J#$}©*ÏÜ«∞`Õ ã¨`Àº ^èŒ#O j„Ѷ¨∞=∞"åѨÙflÜ«∂`ü
N #$ã≤OǨÏO =∞Ǩg~°O #=∂q∞ |∞∞}=ÚHõÎÜÕ∞
D ™È΄`åxfl Jxfl JiëêìÅ∞, ^ÀëêÅ∞, Pi÷Hõ W|ƒO^Œ∞Å`À
5. ã≤OǨÏ<å^Õ# =∞ǨÏ`å kQÆúOuÉèíÜ«∞ <åâ◊#"£∞ L#fl"åà◊√§ ™êÜ«∞O ã¨=∞Ü«∞OÖ’ XHõ™êi 㨇i¿ãÎ K«Hõ¯x
N #$ã≤OǨÏO =∞Ǩg~°O #=∂q∞ |∞∞}=ÚHõÎÜÕ∞ Ѷ¨e`«O Åaèã¨∞ÎOk.
FO Éèí∂`å^ŒÜÕ∞ #=∞ó G ßÓ o ÁtÆz å™: FO ^è•„`Õ #=∞ó G áÁfiz å™:
Chant this name to amend soured friendship For issueless couple. ã¨O`å# „áêÑ≤Î H˘~°‰õΩ
or any personal relationship FO q^è•„`Õ #=∞ó G uƒáÁfiz å™:
q∞„`«∞Å`À ¿ãflǨÏÉèÏ=O ÃÑOK«∞HÀ=_®xH˜, ^ŒOѨ`∞« Å Pregnant ladies to chant for healthy babies.
J<Àº#º`«‰õΩ. P~ÀQƺHõ~°"≥∞ÿ# tâ◊√=ÙÅ H˘~°‰õΩ
Chant one time
Runa Vimochana Nrisimha Stotram
Devataakaarya-siddhyartham Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeraam
sabhaastambha-samudbhavam namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
Prahlaada varadam sreesam
namaami runamuktaye
Lakshmyaalingita-vaamaangam Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
bhaktaanaam varadaayakam namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimham mahaveeram
Krooragrahaih peeditaanaam
namaami runamuktaye
bhaktaanaam abhayapradam
Aanthramaalaadharam Sankha Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
Chakraabja aayudha dha arina m namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
namaami runamuktaye
Brahma Rudraadi vanditam
Smaranaat sarvapaapagnam Sri Nrisimham mahaaveeram
kadrooja visha naasanam namaami runamuktaye
Sri Nrisimha mahaaveeraam
Ya idam patathe nityam runa
namaami runamuktaye
mochana samjnitam
Simhanaadena Mahataa Anrunee jaayate satyo dhanam
Digdhanthi Bhaya Naashanam sheeghram avaapnuyaat

rq`å#O^•xfl JO^Œi`À ѨOK«∞HÀ=@"Õ∞ ¿ã=.


August 2021 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w 26 w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w w VAK

Chilkur Balaji's Grace - 197 zÅ∞‰õÄ~°∞ ÉÏÖÏr J#∞„QÆÇϨ O – 197
I got job Satisfaction.... L^ÀºQÆOÖ’ `«$Ñ≤Î ....
I want to share my experiences as a devotee who
got blessed by Chilkur Balaji.
XHõ Éèí‰õΩÎ_çQÍ <å J#∞Éèí"åxfl ѨOK«∞HÀ^ŒeKå#∞. <Õ#∞
I used to change jobs frequently, as I was not `«~°K«∂ L^ÀºQÍÅ∞ =∂~°∞`«∞O_Õ "å_çx. U L^ÀºQÆOÖ’#∂
satisfied by jobs, in which I was working. I was loosing
my time and money. Whenever I start a new job, II feel
=∞#ã¨∞û Å~ÚOK«Hõ áÈ=_»O`À ã¨=∞Ü«∞O =$^ä•, _»|∞ƒ =$^ä•
that it is not of my level and I start thinking of leaving J=Ù`«∂ LO_çOk. L^ÀºQÆOÖ’ KÕi# H˘`«ÎÖ’ D L^ÀºQÆO <å
that job, without any reason.
One day, my wife Meena, was watching discovery
™ê÷~Úk HÍ^Œ<Õ PÖ’K«# ~å=_»O`À JHÍ~°}OQÍ L^ÀºQÆO #∞O_ç
channel and they were showing the temple near `«Ñ¨CHÀ=_»O [iˆQk. <å ÉèÏ~°º g∞<å _ç㨯=s Kèå#ÖòÖ’ g™êÅ
Hyderabad, named Chilkur Balaji, known for Visa, which
is related to job. Just in her heart she prayed to herself,
H˘~°‰õΩ zÅ∞‰õÄ~°∞ ÉÏÖÏr ^Õ"åÅÜ«∞O QÆ∞iOz K«∂ã¨∂Î<Õ
that if my husband gets a satisfied job, Ishe will come „áêi÷OzOk. `«# Éèí~°Î‰õΩ `«$Ñ≤Î HõeyOKÕ L^ÀºQÆO Åaè¿ãÎ
to the temple. Within an hour I called her saying that
my previous office is calling me to join again with
^Õ"åÅÜ«∂xH˜ =™êÎ#x „"≥ÚH˜¯Ok. XHõ QÆO@Ö’ <å áê`«
increased salary. This was a great miracle in my life, PѶ‘ã¨∞"å~°∞ Ñ≤ez L^ÀºQÆOÖ’ KÕ~°=∞x á¶È<£ KÕâß~°∞. r`«O
I cannot forget and I have joined again my old office. ‰õÄ_® ÃÑOKå~°∞. D J^Œ∞ƒù`« J#∞„QÆǨxfl =∞~°∞=ÖË#∞.
Jai Balaji.... *ˇ· ÉÏÖÏr.... XHõ Éèí‰õΩÎ_»∞.
A Devotee.
Chant 28 times

N˛Áo| ƒ yÆÁ| \ Ï | å Áz åÁ™ ∫Á\Á §Á“Ï Ã“œÁƒÁåΩ @ oÀÆ À™∫m™Áfiz m ToÊ å…bÊ Y ¬•Æoz @ @
HÍ~°Îg~åº~°∞˚<À <å=∞ ~å*Ï ÉÏǨï ã¨Ç¨Ï„ã¨"å<£ I `«ã¨º 㨇~°} =∂„`Õ} QÆ`«O #+¨ìO K« ÅÉèíº`Õ II
Karthaveeryarjuno nama Raaja Baahu Sahasravaan |
Thasya Smarana Maathrena Gatham Nashtam cha Labhyathe||
Please chant this sloka to locate lost objects, persons and belongings.
`«Ñ≤ÊáÈ~Ú# =º‰õΩÎÅ∞, =ã¨∞Î=ÙÅ∞ uiy ÅaèOK«∞@‰õΩ D â’¡HÍxfl ÉèíH˜Î`À ѨiîOK«O_ç.
D â’¡HÍxfl 㨇iOK«O_ç. Chant 28 times
N˛Á™z æ Á∫ÁÆ N˛Á™ÁÆ N˛Á™úÁ¬ÁÆ N˛Áu™åz @
å™: N˛Á™uƒ“Á∫ÁÆ N˛Á™øúá∫ÁÆ Y@@ =∂ ÃÑo§ [iy# H˘xfl <≥ÅÖ’¡<Õ PÜ«∞#`À q_®‰õΩÅ∞ fã¨∞HÀ"åÅx
HÍ"Õ∞â◊fi~åÜ«∞ HÍ=∂Ü«∞ HÍ=∞áêÖÏÜ«∞ HÍq∞<Õ I x~°~‚ ÚOz# ã¨=∞Ü«∞OÖ’ ÃÑ· â’¡HÍxfl zÅ∞‰õÄ~°∞Ö’ q#_»O [iyOk.
#=∞ó HÍ=∞qǨ~åÜ«∞ HÍ=∞~°∂Ѩ^~Œè åÜ«∞ K« II ~ÀE 㨇iã¨∂Î<Õ L<åfl#∞. Pâ◊Û~°ºHõ~°"≥∞ÿ# suÖ’ =∂ =∞^茺
Kaameshwaraya Kaamaya Kaamapalaya Kamine J=QÍǨÏ# ÃÑiy KåÖÏ J<Àº#ºOQÍ LO@∞<åfl=Ú.
Namaha Kaamavihaaraya Kaamarupa dharaayacha
Marriages get finalised by Chanting this Sloka. Also XHõ Éèí‰õΩÎ~åÅ∞, =∞OQÆà◊yi
this sloka bestows intimacy, mutual affection and =∂ J=∂‡~ÚH˜ 38 Uà◊√§. Z<Àfl ã¨O|O^è•Å∞ =zÛ<å ÃÑo¡
trust between couples.
‰õΩ^Œ~°ÖË^Œ∞. J~Ú`Õ D â’¡HõO K≥Ñ≤Ê# H˘xfl ~ÀAÅÖ’ =∞Oz
q"åÇ¨Ï „áêÑ≤Î, ÉèÏ~åº Éèí~°ÎÅ #_»∞=∞ „Ñ‘u, SHõ=∞`åºxH˜ =~°∞_ç`À ÃÑo§ ‰õΩkiOk. XHõ Éèí‰õΩÎ~åÅ∞,
NǨÏ#∂=∞K«ÛùO„`«∞O[Ü«∞ =∞O„`«=Ú HANUMATH-SHATRUNJAYA MANTRAM Chant 28 times
=∞O„`«ó : FO#"≥∂ ÉèíQÆ=`Õ =∞Ǩ|ÅѨ~å„Hõ=∂Ü«∞ =∞ǨqѨuÎ x"å~°}ÏÜ«∞ ÉèíHõÎ[# =∞<Àcè+¨ìHõÅÊ<å
HõÅÊ„^Œ∞=∂Ü«∞ ^Œ∞+¨ì[# =∞<À~°^Œäã¨ÎOÉèí<åÜ«∞ „ѨÉèíO[# „áê}„Ñ≤Ü«∂Ü«∞ N"£∞.
D =∞O„`åxfl Ѩi¿î ãÎ ã¨=∞ã¨Î â◊„`«∞=ÙÅ #∞O_ç ~°HO∆˜ K«|_»`å~°∞ =∞iÜ«Ú â◊„`«∞=ÙÅ =∞#ã¨∞ûÖ’ =∂~°∞Ê U~°Ê_ç =∞Oz q∞„`«∞Å=Ù`å~°∞.
H å™Áz ßTƒoz ™“Á§¬ ú∫ÁN¿ ˛ ™ÁÆ ™“Áuƒúu uåƒÁ∫mÁÆ ßO˛\å ™åÁz ß y…bN˛¡úåÁ N˛¡ú¸Ï ™ ÁÆ tÏ … b\å ™åÁz ∫ s
ÀoÊ ß åÁÆ üß±Áå üÁmuüÆÁÆ »y™Ω@@ ∆fiÏEÁı ú∫ uƒ\Æ Nz˛ u¬Æz
Om Namo Bhagavathe Mahaabala Paraakramaaya Mahaa Vipatthi Nivaaranaaya Bhaktha jana
manobhishta Kalpanaakalpa drumaya Dushta Jana Manoratha Sthambhanaya Prabhanjana
PranaPriyaya Sreem. Chant this Mantra freeing ourselves from enemies...

ã¨O`Àëêxfl q∞Oz# ã¨~Àfi`«Î=∞ áœ+≤ìHÍǨ~°O =∞~˘Hõ\˜ ÖË^Œ∞.



Date of Posting 6th & 7th 28 Date of Publication 1st of every month
Registered as a News Paper RNI. No. APMUL/2000/02474
Vol.5 VAK / AUGUST / 2021 Postal Registration No. HSE/738/2020-22 No.8
Peacefulness, sacrificial attitude, treating
∆ÏuYnƒÊ nÆÁuToÁ ∆Á{Æ˙ ÃÁ™ÁãÆÊ ÃÏQtÏ:QÆÁz: @ happiness and sorrow equally, courage,
dedication, affection, truthful speak are the seven
tÁuqlÆØÁÁåÏ∫uO˛≥Á ÃnÆoÁ Y ÃÏ”ËÏmÁ: @@ qualities of a true friend.

â◊√z`«fiO `åºy`å â∫~°ºO ™ê=∂#ºO ã¨∞Y^Œ∞óYÜ≥∂ó I x~°‡Å"≥∞#ÿ =∞#ã¨∞û, `åºQÆ=Ú, ™êǨÏã¨=Ú, ã¨∞Y^Œ∞óY=ÚÅ#∞
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ã¨`«ºÉèÏ+¨}=Ú - D U_»∞ q∞„`«ÅHõ∆}=ÚÅ∞.
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1) C. A/c No.62055583940 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with
State Bank of India, Moinabad Branch (R.R. Dist.) (¿ãì\ò ÉϺOH± PѶπ WO_çÜ«∂, "≥Ú~Ú<åÉÏ^£ âßY, ~°OQÍÔ~_ç¤
lÖÏ¡) from any branch of State Bank of Hyderabad situated in any part of the Country.
2) C. A/c No. 091110011008633 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with Union
Bank of India, Pedda Mangalaram (Moinabad Branch Ü«¸xÜ«∞<£ ÉϺOH± PѶπ WO_çÜ«∂, ÃÑ^ŒÌ=∞OQÆàÏ~°O ("≥Ú~Ú<åÉÏ^£ âßY))
(R.R. Dist.) from any branch of Union Bank of India situated in any part of the World. „ѨѨOK«OÖ’x U „áêO`«OÖ’ #∞O_≥< · å [=∞ KÕÜ∞« =K«∞Û.
3) C. A/c No.3063101000001 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with Canara Bank,
113, Main Road, Himayatnagar, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. ÔH#~å ÉϺOH±, 113, "≥∞~Ú<£ ~À_£, Ç≤Ï=∂Ü«∞`ü#QÆ~ü, "≥Ú~Ú<åÉÏ^£
=∞O_»Ö,ò ~°OQÍÔ~_ç¤ lÖÏ¡, from any branch of Canara Bank situated in any part of India. (=∞#^ÕâO◊ Ö’x U „áêO`«OÖ’ #∞O_≥<· å [=∞ KÕÜ∞« =K«∞Û.)
4) SB A/c No.24730110000007 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with UCO
Bank, Chilukuru Branch, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. Ü«¸HÀ ÉϺOH±, zÅ∞‰õÄ~°∞ „ÉÏOz, "≥Ú~Ú<åÉÏ^£ =∞O_»Ö,ò ~°OQÍÔ~_ç¤ lÖÏ¡,
from any branch of UCO Bank situated in India. (=∞#^ÕâO ◊ Ö’x U „áêO`«OÖ’ #∞O_≥<· å [=∞ KÕÜ∞« =K«∞Û.)
Éè‰í Ωõ ÅÎ ∞ ~°∂.100/- Hõh㨠K≥eO¡ ѨÙQÍ D xkèH˜ [=∞ KÕÜ∞« =K«∞Û.
D âßâ◊fi`« xkèx ã¨=∞‰õÄ~°Û_®xH˜ Éèí‰õΩÎÅO^Œih ã¨Ç¨ÏHõiOK«=Åã≤#kQÍ „áêi÷ã¨∞Î<åfl=Ú. JÖÏ ã¨Ç¨ÏHõiOz Éèí‰õΩÎÅÖ’ ÉèíH˜Î=∂~åæxfl ÃÑOá⁄OkOKÕ
qÖHõ∆}"≥∞ÿ# zÅ∞‰õÄ~°∞ ѨÓ*Ï q^è•<åxfl PK«O„^•~°¯O xeKÕÖÏ `À_»Ê_ç#O^Œ∞‰õΩ P ÉÏÖÏr Hõ$Ѩ‰õΩ áê„`«∞Å=Ù`å~°∞.
The Fund donations can be remitted in the Following Banks with the following Particulars:-
1) C. A/c No.62055583940 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with
State Bank of India, Moinabad Branch (R.R. Dist.) from any branch of State Bank of Hyderabad situated
in any part of the Country. IFSC Code 'SBIN0020637'.
2) SB A/c No.091110011008633 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained
with Union Bank of India, Pedda Mangalaram (Moinabad Branch) (R.R. Dist.) from any branch of Andhra
Bank situated in any part of the World. IFSC Code 'UBIN0809110'.
3) SB A/c No.3063101000001 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with Canara
Bank, 113, Main Road, Himayatnagar, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. from any branch of Canara Bank situated in
India. IFSC Code 'CNRB0003063'.
4) SB A/c No.24730110000007 of Sri Balaji Venkateswara Swamy Temple, Chilkur maintained with
UCO Bank, Chilukuru Branch, Moinabad Mandal, R.R. Dist. from any branch of UCO Bank situated in India.
IFSC Code 'UCBA0002473'.
Devotees can remit their contributions with a minimum of Rs.100/- to this Fund.
The Devotees who contribute to this Fund will have the blessings of the Lord Balaji for participating
in the continuation of this unique way of worship which inculcates Pure Devotion in the Temple system…..
Union Bank of India Ph : 08417-252064, SBH Ph. : 08417-252071, Canara Bank : 08413-235088, UCO Bank Ph.: 08417-200023
All business communications and payments may
be addressed to The Manager VAK, 2-2-647/77/D, D.D. Colony,
Bagh Amberpet, Hyderabad-500 013. Ph : 27425640. To STAMP
Subscriptions can be sent through direct A/c transfer. Bank
A/c details A/c No. 013211011000744 Union Bank of India,
Bagh Amberpet Branch. Ifsc code UBIN0801321. Please
indicate your correct mailing address. Cell : 9246505058.
Owned, Edited, Printed and Published by :
Dr. M.V. Soundara Rajan, Advocate, 2-2-647/77/D,
D.D. Colony, Bagh Amberpet, Hyderabad-500 013;
Mob : 9885700078 (only Whatsapp) Cell : 9246505058
Printed at : M/s. Vakdevi Printers,
# 1-8-732/22/B, Nallakunta,H y d erabad - 50004 4 . (TS)
If undelivered please return to : VAK, 2-2-647/77/D, Hyderabad-500 013.

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