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Class 1: Challenge Description

CFD Online Course

© NUMECA Int.– All rights reserved

Class 1: Challenge Description
What to Do Next? 2

Time schedule

Case description


20 Oct. 2020 27 Oct. 2020

Webinar class 1 Webinar class 2

From 21 Oct. 2020 Until 27 Oct. 2020 6pm CET

Availability of: Availability of
• Webinar recording questionnaire challenge 1
• Challenge description
• Challenge questionnaire
(check your mail account)
Class 1: Challenge Description
Case Description 3

Time schedule Follow the steps of the demo in the webinar but use the values below to participate in the challenge as
they differ from those from the demo of the webinar! Using the wrong values will lead to different
Case description results and hence to wrong answers in the questionnaire. Please use OMNIS™ 4.1.
Geometry settings
• Shape anchor point: centre of the pipe
• Pipe length: 0.25 m
• Pipe radius: 0.025 m
• Assign inlet and outlet with flow direction in +z

Mesh settings
• Full Hexa Mesh active
• Cell size in domain: 0.0025 m
• Pipe wall: viscous layers active
(thickness 9.0e-05 m; target number of layers 5)

For any questions please

check out our forum at
Class 1: Challenge Description
Case Description 4

Time schedule Simulation settings

Case description
• Flow solver: Open solver
• Material: AIR (Perfect gas)
• Physics:
• Flow model: Laminar
• Low speed flow active (characteristic
velocity 1.2 m/s)
• Initial Solution: Vz = 1.2 m/s
• Numerics: CFL = 3 (both values)
• Boundary conditions
• Pipe wall: adiabatic
• Inlet: V = 1.2 m/s
• Outlet: static pressure imposed

For any questions please

check out our forum at
Class 1: Challenge Description
Questionary 5

Time schedule Fill out the questionnaire to participate in the weekly challenge and obtain the certificate at the end of
the course. Please use your academic e-mail for the questionnaire! Otherwise we cannot link your
Case description points to your account. Please use OMNIS™ 4.1. The questionnaire for class 1 will be available here until
27th October 2020 6pm CET.

Grid generation
Generate a grid using the values of slide 3 (not the values from the demo of the webinar!).
1. How many cells does the generated grid contain? Please specify the value rounded up to 100s, e.g.
123456 -> 123500

Run the simulation using the values of slide 4.
2. At which iteration (cycle) is the simulation converged based on the mass flow? Please specify an
integer value rounded up to 50s (e.g. for convergence at iteration 457 -> specify iteration "500").
3. What is the maximum z velocity component at the outlet? Please indicate the result in m/s rounded
to 2 decimal places (e.g. indicate 0.363 -> "0.36")

For any questions please

check out our forum at
Thank you for your attention

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