Effective Belly Skin Tightening Tips Post Pregnancy

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Effective belly skin tightening tips post pregnancy

Congratulations on your bundle of joy! Now that you have your little one all happy and soppy in your
arms, the one change you notice physically is the changed shape of your body, especially your belly. And
you wonder how the belly is still protruding even after delivery.

Well the truth is it takes time to get rid of the pregnancy pouch or the sagging belly skin. Your abdomen
stretches during the nine months of pregnancy to accommodate your baby. Therefore, it is natural that
it shall take at least that much or more time, to tighten back to its original shape. How fast your skin gets
tightened usually depends on how active you were during your pregnancy. Also several other factors are
responsible like your genes and bone structure, how much weight you have gained, etc.

Here are some tips that will aid belly skin tightening post delivery.

1. Increase your water intake.

Water is a magical potion for your body. It not only hydrates but even makes your skin more
elastic. Water helps burn calories and keeps the skin healthy and glowing.

2. Breastfeeding is essential.
Breastfeeding is not only essential for your baby but for your well-being too. When you
breastfeed, your calories are transformed into milk, that help you lose the extra fat in your
body. It is observed that a breastfeeding mothers loses weight faster than a non-breastfeeding

3. Exercise is a must.
It is important to get back into action with some exercise once your body is ready to do so post
delivery. Make sure you take a go-ahead from your doctor before indulging into any form of
exercise. Start with daily walks and post-partum yoga. Gradually you can increase the intensity
of the work-outs. Speak to the Fitness expert at CareNine to get a detailed plan.

4. Consume proteins.
Protein consumption is a must as it is a good source for muscle build up. Also it contains
collagen that helps in skin tightening. Get the appropriate amount of protein intake you need on
a daily basis from your doctor.

5. Exfoliate your skin regularly.

Use an exfoliating scrub on the belly area whenever you shower. This would help increase the
blood flow in that area along with creating new, healthy and more elastic skin.

6. Use lotions for massage.

Lotions rich with collagen and essential vitamins like E & C help in skin tightening. Use them
regularly for massage to maintain moisture levels and improve elasticity of the skin. Using oil to
massage also helps a lot to get rid of the sagging belly skin.
7. Do not resort to crash dieting.
With crash dieting you will lose weight immediately, but once you stop, all that weight will come
back. For sagging skin its best to lose weight gradually.

Always Remember:

 Your body has nurtured a little baby inside. Instead of thinking only of the excess flab after
weight loss, feel proud of yourself.

 Don’t get disheartened if it takes longer to tighten your skin. Give yourself some time.

 Enjoy this phase of eating what you please in a healthy way and remember that you can always
get back in shape.

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