Gene Therapy Comes of Age

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◥ T cells to treat B cell malignancies and AAV

REVIEW SUMMARY vectors for in vivo treatment of congenital
blindness. Promising clinical trial results in
neuromuscular diseases and hemophilia will
likely result in additional approvals in the near
Gene therapy comes of age In recent years, genome editing technolo-
gies have been developed that are based on
engineered or bacterial nucleases. In contrast
Cynthia E. Dunbar,* Katherine A. High, J. Keith Joung, Donald B. Kohn, to viral vectors, which can mediate only gene
Keiya Ozawa, Michel Sadelain* addition, genome editing approaches offer

a precise scalpel for gene
BACKGROUND: Nearly five decades ago, vi- vectors and malignancies caused by vector- ON OUR WEBSITE addition, gene ablation,
sionary scientists hypothesized that genetic mediated insertional activation of proto- Read the full article and gene “correction.” Ge-
modification by exogenous DNA might be an oncogenes. These setbacks fueled more basic at http://dx.doi. nome editing can be per-
effective treatment for inherited human dis- research in virology, immunology, cell biology, org/10.1126/ formed on cells ex vivo or
eases. This “gene therapy” strategy offered the model development, and target disease, which science.aan4672 the editing machinery can
theoretical advantage that a durable and pos- ultimately led to successful clinical translation be delivered in vivo to ef-
sibly curative clinical benefit would be achieved of gene therapies in the 2000s. Lentiviral vec- fect in situ genome editing. Translation of
by a single treatment. Although the journey tors improved efficiency of gene transfer to these technologies to patient care is in its in-

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from concept to clinical application has been nondividing cells. In early-phase clinical trials, fancy in comparison to viral gene addition
long and tortuous, gene therapy is now bring- these safer and more efficient vectors were therapies, but multiple clinical genome edit-
ing new treatment options to multiple fields of used for transduction of autologous hemato- ing trials are expected to open over the next
medicine. We review critical discoveries lead- poietic stem cells, leading to clinical benefit in decade.
ing to the development of successful gene ther- patients with immunodeficiencies, hemoglobi-
apies, focusing on direct in vivo administration nopathies, and metabolic and storage disorders. OUTLOOK: Building on decades of scientific,
of viral vectors, adoptive transfer of genetically T cells engineered to express CD19-specific chi- clinical, and manufacturing advances, gene ther-
engineered T cells or hematopoietic stem cells, meric antigen receptors were shown to have apies have begun to improve the lives of patients
and emerging genome editing technologies. potent antitumor activity in patients with with cancer and a variety of inherited genetic
lymphoid malignancies. In vivo delivery of diseases. Partnerships with biotechnology and
ADVANCES: The development of gene deliv- therapeutic AAV vectors to the retina, liver, pharmaceutical companies with expertise in
ery vectors such as replication-defective retro and nervous system resulted in clinical improve- manufacturing and scale-up will be required
viruses and adeno-associated virus (AAV), cou- ment in patients with congenital blindness, for these therapies to have a broad impact on
pled with encouraging results in preclinical dis- hemophilia B, and spinal muscular atrophy, human disease. Many challenges remain, includ-
ease models, led to the initiation of clinical trials respectively. In the United States, Food and ing understanding and preventing genotoxicity
in the early 1990s. Unfortunately, these early Drug Administration (FDA) approvals of the from integrating vectors or off-target genome
trials exposed serious therapy-related toxic- first gene therapy products occurred in 2017, editing, improving gene transfer or editing effi-
ities, including inflammatory responses to the including chimeric antigen receptor (CAR)– ciency to levels necessary for treatment of many
target diseases, preventing immune responses
that limit in vivo administration of vectors or
genome editing complexes, and overcoming
manufacturing and regulatory hurdles. Impor-
tantly, a societal consensus must be reached on
the ethics of germline genome editing in light
of rapid scientific advances that have made this
a real, rather than hypothetical, issue. Finally,
payers and gene therapy clinicians and com-
panies will need to work together to design and
test new payment models to facilitate delivery
of expensive but potentially curative therapies
to patients in need. The ability of gene therapies
to provide durable benefits to human health,
exemplified by the scientific advances and clin-
ical successes over the past several years, just-
ifies continued optimism and increasing efforts
toward making these therapies part of our stan-
dard treatment armamentarium for human

The list of author affiliations is available in the full article online.
Three essential tools for human gene therapy. AAV and lentiviral vectors are the basis of *Corresponding author. Email: (C.E.D); (M.S.)
several recently approved gene therapies. Gene editing technologies are in their translational Cite this article as C. E. Dunbar et al., Science 359, eaan4672
and clinical infancy but are expected to play an increasing role in the field. (2018). DOI: 10.1126/science.aan4672

Dunbar et al., Science 359, 175 (2018) 12 January 2018 1 of 1


◥ have shown the most clinical promise, and we will

REVIEW limit our discussions to these vectors.

Retroviral vectors
MEDICINE The identification of a genome packaging signal
(11) and the creation of a producer cell line (12)

Gene therapy comes of age paved the way for design and facile production of
vectors capable of undergoing reverse transcrip-
tion and DNA integration but lacking replication
Cynthia E. Dunbar,1* Katherine A. High,2 J. Keith Joung,3 Donald B. Kohn,4 potential (13, 14). The g-retroviral vectors devel-
Keiya Ozawa,5 Michel Sadelain6* oped in the 1980s and early 1990s were the first
to be shown to deliver genes into repopulat-
After almost 30 years of promise tempered by setbacks, gene therapies are rapidly ing HSCs (15–17). C-type retroviruses were also
becoming a critical component of the therapeutic armamentarium for a variety of inherited adapted for efficient gene transfer into primary T
and acquired human diseases. Gene therapies for inherited immune disorders, hemophilia, lymphocytes (18–21). These vectors were used in
eye and neurodegenerative disorders, and lymphoid cancers recently progressed to first-generation clinical trials designed to deliver
approved drug status in the United States and Europe, or are anticipated to receive a normal copy of a specific defective gene into
approval in the near future. In this Review, we discuss milestones in the development of the genome of T cells or HSCs from patients with
gene therapies, focusing on direct in vivo administration of viral vectors and adoptive immunodeficiencies or cancer [reviewed in (22)]
transfer of genetically engineered T cells or hematopoietic stem cells. We also discuss (Fig. 1).
emerging genome editing technologies that should further advance the scope and efficacy Two other genera of the retroviruses were

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of gene therapy approaches. subsequently added to this armamentarium: the
lentiviruses (23) and spumaviruses (24). In con-
trast to g-retroviral vectors, lentiviral vectors

ene therapies are bringing new treatment no clinical benefit or produce unexpected toxicities enabled gene transfer into nondividing cells but
options to multiple fields of medicine. that in some cases led to widely publicized patient still left quiescent G0 cells out of reach (25).
Forty-five years ago, Theodore Friedmann deaths (6). In 1996, a National Institutes of Health Lentiviral vectors can carry larger and more com-
provided a prophetic account of the poten- (NIH) advisory panel concluded that these dis- plex gene cassettes than g-retroviral vectors and
tial and challenges of using gene therapy appointing clinical results were due to insuffi- thus their development provided a critical ad-
to treat inherited monogenic disorders (1). Grow- cient knowledge of the biology of the viral vectors, vance for hemoglobinopathies (26). Lentiviral and
ing interest in gene therapy was inspired by the the target cells and tissues, and the diseases. The spumavirus vectors have another advantage over
recognition that—at least in principle—a single panel recommended that investigators return to g-retroviral vectors in that they preferentially
treatment might achieve durable, potentially cu- the laboratory and focus on the basic science un- integrate into the coding regions of genes. The
rative clinical benefit. Investigators hypothesized derlying gene therapy approaches (7). Develop- g-retroviral vectors, by contrast, can integrate
that in contrast to protein-based drugs that may ment of new vectors and a better understanding into the 5′-untranslated region of genes (27), a
require repeated infusion, gene-based therapies of target cells sparked a second generation of feature that increases the risk of potentially on-
delivered to long-lived cells might afford sus- clinical trials in the late 1990s and early 2000s. cogenic insertional mutagenesis in hematopoietic
tained production of endogenous proteins, such These trials produced evidence of sustained ge- cells (28). Lentiviral vectors are currently the
as clotting factors in hemophilia (2). Long-term netic modification of target tissues and, in some tools of choice for most HSC applications, but
cell replacement afforded by genetically engi- instances, evidence for clinical benefit. However, g-retroviral vectors are still used for certain ap-
neered hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) may dura- progress was slowed by the emergence of serious plications in T cell engineering and HSC gene
bly alleviate a range of conditions, obviating, for toxicities related to high gene transfer efficiency; therapy (Table 1). Removal of endogenous strong
example, the need for lifelong enzyme adminis- for instance: insertional genotoxicity, immune de- enhancer elements from lentiviral and g-retroviral
tration or transfusion therapy (3, 4). Originally struction of genetically modified cells, and im- vectors using a “self-inactivating” SIN design (29)
envisioned as a treatment solely for inherited dis- mune reactions related to administration of certain is another approach that decreases the risk of
orders, gene therapy is now being applied to vectors (6, 8, 9). genotoxicity (30); this design is used in most cur-
acquired conditions, a concept best illustrated by Over the past 10 years, further maturation of rent clinical trials (Table 1). Integrating retroviral
genetic engineering of T cells for cancer immu- the “science” of gene therapy, safety modifications, vectors are reviewed in more detail in (31, 32).
notherapy. Recent clinical studies have found and improvements in gene transfer efficiency and
that single infusions of T cells engineered with delivery have finally resulted in substantial clinical Adeno-associated viral (AAV) vectors
synthetic genes encoding a chimeric antigen re- progress. Several gene and gene-modified cell- AAV vectors are engineered from a nonpatho-
ceptor can produce durable responses in a subset based therapies are already approved drugs, and genic, nonenveloped parvovirus that is naturally
of patients (5). over a dozen others have earned “breakthrough replication-defective. Wild-type AAV requires an-
Translation of gene therapy concepts to pa- therapy” designation by regulators in the United other virus such as an adenovirus or a herpesvirus
tient care began in the early 1990s but was plagued States and around the world. In this Review, we to replicate (33, 34). All viral coding sequences in
by repeated cycles of optimism followed by dis- highlight key developments in the gene therapy AAVs are replaced with a gene expression cassette
appointing clinical trial results. A number of these field that form the foundation for these recent of interest. One limitation of AAV vectors is that
early experimental therapies were found to provide successes and examine recent advances in targeted they cannot package more than ~5.0 kb of DNA
genome editing likely to transform gene therapies (in contrast to g-retroviral or lentiviral vectors, which
in the future. can accommodate up to 8 kb). AAV vectors are
Hematology Branch, National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute,
Bethesda, MD USA. 2Spark Therapeutics, Philadelphia, PA, USA.
predominantly nonintegrating; the transferred
3 Genetic engineering from viral vectors DNA is stabilized as an episome. This feature less-
Massachussetts General Hospital and Harvard Medical School,
Boston, MA, USA. 4David Geffen School of Medicine, University to genome editing ens risks related to integration but also limits
of California, Los Angeles, CA, USA. 5The Institute of Medical Recombinant, replication-defective viral vectors long-term expression from AAV vectors to long-
Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan. 6Memorial
Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, USA.
were the first molecular tool enabling efficient, lived postmitotic cells.
*Corresponding author. Email: (C.E.D); nontoxic gene transfer into human somatic cells In the mid-1990s, two groups demonstrated (M.S.) (10). Retroviruses and adeno-associated virus (AAV) long-term expression of a transgene following

Dunbar et al., Science 359, eaan4672 (2018) 12 January 2018 1 of 10


in vivo muscle administration of AAV vectors to Nonhomologous end-joining (NHEJ)–mediated to cleave specific target DNA sequences, are
mice (35, 36). This seminal work led to the dem- repair results in the efficient creation of variable- now widely used for a myriad of applications in
onstration that AAV vectors could also efficiently length insertion or deletion mutations (indels) at basic research (56–58). A number of clever strat-
transduce a variety of target tissues in animal the site of the DSB, which generally inactivates egies that could eventually be applied clinically
models, including liver, retina, cardiac muscle, gene function. Homology-directed repair (HDR) involve the use of RNA-guided catalytically in-
and central nervous system, with specific tissue can be used to create specific sequence alter- active Cas9 (“dead Cas9” or dCas9) to turn genes
tropisms discovered for several naturally occurring ations in the presence of a homologous donor on and off by blocking transcriptional machinery
AAV serotypes and AAV engineered with opti- DNA template, which following recombination or recruiting epigenetic regulators (59, 60). Cor-
mized capsids (37). Improved manufacturing tech- results in correction of a mutation or insertion rection of mutations at a single-base level via Cas9-
niques [reviewed in (38)] increased both yield and of new sequences in a site-specific manner (44). based targeting of “base editors” has recently been
purity of AAV vector product, allowing proof-of- Early genome editing studies relied on engi- reported (61, 62).
concept studies in large-animal models of disease neering of specific zinc finger nucleases (ZFNs) Genome editing approaches offer a precise
(Fig. 2). Pioneering AAV gene therapy clinical (45) or meganucleases (46) for each individual scalpel for correcting or altering the genome
trials for hemophilia B were initiated in the late DNA target site to induce the required DSBs. and can overcome many of the drawbacks of
1990s, first testing delivery of AAV vectors to These nuclease platforms required specialized strategies that rely on viral vector–mediated
muscle via injection (39) and then moving to in- expertise to customize the DNA binding nucle- semi-random genomic insertion. For instance,
travenous administration, taking advantage of ase effector proteins for each cleavage target, genotoxicity due to ectopic activation of nearby
AAV2 liver tropism (40). These early trials estab- which limited their broader use and application. proto-oncogenes, knockout of tumor suppressor
lished safety but were limited by insufficient The demonstration in 2009 that the DNA binding genes, or perturbation of normal splicing should
dosing, and anti-AAV immune responses, most domain of bacterial proteins called transcription not occur with on-target editing. In addition, the
likely because many people carry neutralizing anti- activator–like effectors (TALEs) can be readily regulation of an introduced or corrected gene

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bodies and memory T cells directed against the altered (47, 48) opened the door to the creation will be controlled by the endogenous promoter,
AAV capsid. The full exploitation of the therapeutic of TALE nucleases (TALENs) (49, 50). These en- resulting in more physiologic and appropriately
potential of AAV vectors, as described below, re- zymes can efficiently cleave essentially any DNA regulated gene expression (63). Targeted intro-
quired rigorous analysis of anti-AAV immune re- sequence of interest (51). However, TALEN ap- duction of clotting factor genes downstream of
sponses (41), including both cellular and humoral proaches still require design of a specific pair of the highly active albumin promoter in hepato-
responses to a range of serotypes (42). nucleases for each new DNA target. cytes has shown promise in animal models (64).
The genome editing landscape changed in 2012 The potential of genome editing strategies to
Genome editing with a seminal discovery by Doudna and Char- bypass pathology in muscular dystrophy by al-
In contrast to viral vectors, which can mediate pentier, who showed that a bacterial defense sys- tering splicing of the mutated dystrophin gene
only one type of gene modification (“gene ad- tem composed of clustered regularly interspaced or by directly correcting the dystrophin muta-
dition”), new genome editing technologies can short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)–CRISPR- tion has been demonstrated in preclinical models
mediate gene addition, gene ablation, “gene associated 9 (Cas9) nucleases can be efficiently (65–67). Finally, disease due to dominant negative
correction,” and other highly targeted genome programmed to cleave DNA at sites of interest, mutations, which cannot be treated by gene ad-
modifications in cells. Genome editing can be simply by designing a specific short guide RNA dition therapy, should be amenable to gene cor-
performed on cells ex vivo or the editing ma- (gRNA) complementary to the target site of in- rection strategies.
chinery can be delivered in vivo to effect in situ terest (52). The CRISPR-Cas9 nuclease technol- There are challenges in delivering all the com-
genome editing. A targeted DNA alteration is ogy was rapidly extended to mammalian cells ponents required for editing into target cells. Ge-
initiated by creation of a nuclease-induced double- (53, 54), thereby simplifying the process of ge- nome mutation by NHEJ is simplest, requiring
stranded break (DSB), which stimulates highly nome editing (55). TALENs and CRISPR-Cas9 just targeted nucleases for meganuclease, ZFN,
efficient recombination in mammalian cells (43). nucleases, which can be easily reprogrammed or TALEN techniques, or a nuclease plus gRNA

Fig. 1. Historical overview of HSC gene therapy. HSCT: hematopoietic nuclease; TALEN: transcription activator–like effector nuclease; CRISPR/
stem cell transplantation; HSC: Hematopoietic stem cell; SCID: severe Cas9: clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR)–
combined immunodeficiency; NHP: nonhuman primate; ZFN: zinc finger CRISPR-associated 9 (Cas9) nucleases.

Dunbar et al., Science 359, eaan4672 (2018) 12 January 2018 2 of 10


Table 1. Clinical and product development landmarks for ex vivo gene therapies.

Key publication(s) or Primary institution and/or Breakthrough designation

Cell type Disease Vector/transgene no. company or product approval

T cells Adult ALL* gRV CD19 (CD28) CAR-T (134, 143, 144) Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center FDA 2014
Pediatric ALL LV CD19 (4-1BB) CAR-T (145) University of Pennsylvania/Novartis FDA Oncology Advisory
Committee recommended
approval 2017; EMA 2016
gRV CD19 (CD28) CAR-T (146) National Cancer Institute/Kite
LV CD19 CAR-T, TALEN (74) Cellectis/Servier/Pfizer
knockout of TCR NCT02808442
and CD52
Diffuse large B cell gRV CD19 (CD28) CAR-T (147) National Cancer Institute/Kite FDA 2014
lymphoma NCT00924326
gRV CD19 (CD28) CAR NCT02348216 Multiple academic sites/Kite FDA 2015; EMA 2016
LV CD19 (4-1BB) CAR-T (148) Multiple academic sites/Juno FDA 2016; EMA 2016
LV CD19 (4-1BB) CAR-T NCT02445248 Multiple academic sites/Novartis FDA 2017

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CLL/indolent lymphoma LV CD19 (4-1BB) CAR-T (149) University of Pennsylvania/Novartis
gRV CD19 (CD28) CAR-T (150) National Cancer Institute
Multiple myeloma gRV BCMA (CD28) CAR-T (136) National Cancer Institute/Kite
gRV BCMA (4-1BB) CAR T NCT03070327 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer
LV-BCMA CAR-T NCT03090659 Nanjing Legend
Synovial sarcoma gRV -NY-ESO-TCR (151) National Cancer Institute
LV-NY-ESO-TCR NCT03090659 Multiple academic sites/Adaptimmune FDA 2016; EMA 2016
Human ZFN CCR5 (73) University of Pennsylvania/Sangamo
immunodeficiency electroporation
HSPCs b-Thalassemia LV anti-sickling (120) Hopitaux de Paris/academic centers FDA 2015; EMA 2016
b-hemoglobin NCT01745120 worldwide/Bluebird Bio
LV b-hemoglobin NCT02453477 San Raffaele Telethon Institute of
Gene Therapy/GlaxoSmithKline
LV b-hemoglobin NCT01639690 Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Sickle cell anemia LV anti-sickling (121) Hopitaux de Paris/US academic sites/
b-hemoglobin NCT02151526, Bluebird Bio
LV anti-sickling NCT02247843 UCLA/California Institute of
b-hemoglobin Regenerative Medicine
Wiskott-Aldrich LV WAS (114) San Raffaele Telethon Institute of
syndrome Gene Therapy/GlaxoSmithKline
LV WAS (152) Hopital Necker-Enfants/
University College/Genethon
Adenosine deaminase gRV ADA (116) San Raffaele Telethon Institute of EMA 2016 approved
deficiency Gene Therapy/GlaxoSmithKline “Strimvelis”
LV ADA NCT02999984 University College/UCLA/ FDA 2015
Orchard Therapeutics
IL2Rg-deficient gRV SIN IL2Rg (115) Hopital Necker-Enfants/Great
X-SCID Ormond Street
LV IL2Rg (153) National Institute of Allergy and
Infectious Diseases
Adrenoleukodystrophy LV ABCD1 (118) St. Vincent de Paul, Paris
LV ABCD1 (119) Multiple academic sites/Bluebird Bio
Metachromatic LV ARSA (117, 154) San Raffaele Telethon Institute of EU Orphan Drug 2007
leukodystrophy Gene Therapy/GlaxoSmithKline
Human ZFN CCR5 NCT02500849 City of Hope/Sangamo
Immunodeficiency electroporation

*Abbreviations: FDA, U.S. Food and Drug Administration; EMA, European Medicines Agency; gRV, murine g-retrovirus; LV, lentivirus; ALL, acute lymphoblastic leukemia;
CLL, chronic lymphocytic leukemia; HSPC, hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells; X-SCID, X-linked severe combined immunodeficiency; ZFN, zinc finger nuclease;
BCMA, B cell maturation antigen; ARSA, arylsulfatase A; ABCD1, transporter gene mutated in adrenoleukodystrophy.

Dunbar et al., Science 359, eaan4672 (2018) 12 January 2018 3 of 10


for CRISPR-based approaches; these components intravenous infusion. At least nine trials using Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine that brought
can be delivered by nonintegrating viral vectors or CRISPR-Cas nucleases have been approved by together an international group of scientists, cli-
transfected as mRNA or RNA-protein complexes regulatory agencies in China, primarily to knock- nicians, ethicists, patient advocates, and govern-
into target cells such as HSCs ex vivo. However, out PD1 expression in tumor-targeted T cells, and ment officials. This group published a report in
gene correction by HDR requires donor DNA, several have reportedly enrolled patients. 2017 laying out principles of governance and
which is more difficult to deliver, and HDR It is important to stress that in comparison to oversight for human genome editing, and pre-
appears to be particularly inefficient in certain standard gene transfer approaches, genome editing— senting a possible pathway for eventual use of
quiescent cell types such as long-term repopu- particularly that based on CRISPR-Cas nucleases— genome editing technologies to correct germline
lating HSCs (68, 69), although progress is being is in its translational and clinical infancy. A mutations for certain serious diseases (82). In the
made (70). number of potential feasibility and safety hurdles United States, federal government funds pres-
Genome editing as a therapeutic modality is exist that may affect clinical applications; these ently cannot be used for research on germline
rapidly advancing into the clinic (Table 1). En- will require further preclinical studies in appro- editing and clinical trials cannot be considered
gineered ZFNs have been used to disrupt CCR5 priate models and carefully designed clinical trials. for approval by the FDA. Similar restrictions exist
(C-C motif chemokine receptor type 5) expres- For example, the extent of “off-target” mutations, in many other countries. Clearly most countries
sion in human T cells (71) and HSCs (72) to ren- due to nuclease-mediated NHEJ or even HDR at are far from a societal consensus on germline
der these cells resistant to HIV infection. A phase alternative sites, is under intense investigation. editing. The acquisition of more efficacy and safety
I/II (73) study of T cell CCR5 editing has been Related questions under study are how best to data from studies of genome editing in somatic
completed, and a phase I trial of HSC editing is design nucleases or CRISPR gRNAs to avoid off- cells is critical before implementation of human
ongoing (NCT02500849). TALENs have been used target cutting and how to predict, screen for, and germline editing can be considered.
to make “off-the-shelf” third-party anti-CD19 detect on- versus off-target genome alterations
chimeric antigen receptor (CAR) T cells less likely before or during clinical applications (75). Nota- Gene delivery in vivo

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to cause graft-versus-host disease (GVHD). This bly, high-fidelity CRISPR-Cas9 nuclease variants Targeting organs in vivo is very attractive be-
was done by T cell receptor gene deletion. These with no or very few detectable off-target effects cause it avoids the practical and regulatory hurdles
modified cells were administered to two patients have recently been developed (76–78). Questions of ex vivo cell-based gene therapies, which re-
with refractory B cell acute leukemia on a com- remain regarding immunogenicity of nucleases quire cell collection, culture, and manipulation
passionate basis, with evidence for tumor re- for in vivo genome editing (79) and ensuring tar- and transplantion. However, in vivo approaches
sponse (74), and are in phase I clinical trials geted delivery of editing machinery to the desired depend on tissue-specific targeting or local deliv-
(NCT02808442). In addition, early trials have target tissue. ery and/or target cell–specific gene expression.
begun for allogeneic TALEN-edited CAR T cells The rapid technological advances in genome Inadvertent germline modification is of concern,
targeting CD123 in acute myeloid leukemias editing have made heritable germline editing and immune responses to vector components can
and blastic plasmacytoid dendritic cell neoplasms [defined as manipulation of germ cells, gametes, occur. Some of these challenges have been over-
(NCT03190278). The U.S. Food and Drug Admin- zygotes, or embryos with the intent to generate a come, with encouraging clinical outcomes in trials
istration (FDA) has approved the launch of three new human being with the ability to pass on the delivering genes to the liver or the retinal pigment
clinical trials for ZFN-mediated in vivo insertion edited gene(s) to future generations] a realistic epithelium of the eye, paving the way for further
of therapeutic genes into the albumin locus of possibility. In 2015, scientists in China published advances targeting other tissues, including the
hepatocytes, delivering the factor IX gene for results from experiments using CRISPR-Cas9 to brain and muscle.
hemophilia B (NCT02695160), the a-L-iduronidase attempt to modify the hemoglobin gene in “non-
gene for mucopolysaccharidosis I (NCT02702115), viable” preimplantation human embryos, dem- The liver
and the iduronidate-2-sulfatase gene for mucopoly- onstrating low efficiency and reportedly frequent Studies beginning in 1997 showed that AAV vec-
saccharidosis II (MPS II) (NCT03041324). The first off-target mutations (80). This publication promp- tors introduced into skeletal muscle or liver
patient to be treated by in vivo genome editing was ted statements of concern from professional soci- ameliorated disease in animal models of hemo-
recently enrolled in the MPS II trial, with deli- eties around the world (81) and a series of meetings philia B (83, 84) (Fig. 2). In the initial clinical trial
very of editing components to the liver via AAV sponsored by the U.S. National Academies of of hemophilia B (40), factor IX was found to be

Fig. 2. Historical overview of AAV gene therapy for hemophilia. AAV: adeno-associated viral vector; FVIII: factor VIII; FIX: factor IX; Mfg:

Dunbar et al., Science 359, eaan4672 (2018) 12 January 2018 4 of 10


produced at therapeutic levels, but the expres- carry them, but other strategies will be required disorders are much more challenging targets than
sion persisted for only several weeks, in contrast going forward. Mendelian inherited disorders. Parkinson’s dis-
to the stable expression observed in preclinical ease (PD), which is characterized by loss of do-
studies of hemophilic dogs (85). Subsequent stu- The eye paminergic neurons in the substantia nigra and
dies revealed that expression of the factor IX Phase 1/2 clinical trials conducted by multiple a decrease in dopamine in the striatum, has
transgene in humans was of short duration be- groups have demonstrated improvement in visual been an intensely pursued target. Gene therapy–
cause of an immune response to the AAV capsid function following subretinal injection of AAV2 mediated transfer of dopamine-synthesizing en-
(42). In a later clinical trial that incorporated vectors expressing retinal pigment epithelium- zymes into striatal neurons has been found to
short-term immunosuppression (86, 87) (Table 2), specific 65 kDa protein (RPE65) in patients with normalize movement in a nonhuman primate PD
transgene expression persisted for years, resulting inherited blindness caused by mutations in the model (100). Early-phase clinical trials have estab-
in circulating factor IX levels that were 2 to 7% of RPE65 gene (92–94) (Table 2). A cohort of phase lished the safety of AAV vector–mediated gene
normal; this was sufficient to reduce bleeding and III–eligible subjects from one of the phase I/II delivery of aromatic L-amino acid decarboxylase
lessen the need for recombinant factor IX infu- trials continues to demonstrate clinical benefits (AADC), an enzyme that converts L-dopa to do-
sions. A subsequent trial involved the transfer of a lasting a minimum of 3 years after injection, with pamine; glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD), an
transgene encoding factor IX Padua, a naturally observation ongoing (95); however, patients in the enzyme that modulates production of the neu-
variant of factor IX with high specific activity. The other two original trials have experienced regres- rotransmitter GABA (g-aminobutyric acid); and
transgene was carried by a vector containing an sion of visual function over similar follow-up periods neurturin, a neurotrophic factor (101–104). Promising
optimized AAV capsid and a liver-specific expres- (96, 97). At present, there is no clear explanation results were obtained with AADC gene therapy,
sion cassette. Patients showed a mean sustained for the differences in outcome because all used with additional early-phase clinical trials ongoing
factor IX activity level of more than 30%, resulting AAV2-based vectors. Subtle differences in manu- (Table 2). An early-phase trial of AAV2 vector
in complete cessation of factor IX infusions in 8 of facturing process, final formulation, design of ex- injection into the brain has also been conducted

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10 treated patients (88). These levels of factor IX pression cassette, or adjuvant immunomodulatory in patients with AADC deficiency, a monogenic
activity are well above the threshold of 12% asso- regimens could potentially affect long-term efficacy movement disorder characterized by compromised
ciated with a greatly reduced risk of bleeding in (98). In the only randomized controlled phase 3 dopamine and serotonin synthesis, and some im-
natural history studies. Use of this high–specific gene therapy trial completed to date, visually provement was noted (105).
activity factor IX allowed delivery of 4 to 120 times impaired patients who carried RPE65 mutations The treatment of childhood-onset spinal mus-
lower doses of AAV particles to achieve therapeutic were randomized to undergo sequential bilateral cular atrophy (SMA), a rapidly fatal neuromuscular
levels of factor IX, likely accounting for the low rate injection of AAV2-RPE65 or to undergo the same disorder due to loss-of-function mutations in the
and severity of antivector immune responses in series of evaluations without the intervention survival motor neuron 1 (SMN) gene, has been
this trial. Results from the first positive early-phase (99). One year after randomization, patient mo- revolutionized by antisense oligonucleotide drug
clinical trial for hemophilia A were recently re- bility, a measure of functional vision, as well as nusinersen, a triumph of nucleoside-based gene
ported, demonstrating increases in factor VIII certain tests of visual function were significantly therapies, as reviewed in (106). Intrathecal delivery
activity into or even above the normal range in improved in the treatment group. Based on this of nusinersen modulates alternative splicing of
six of seven patients, accompanied by decreased pivotal study, an FDA advisory panel recently un- the intact SMN2 gene in spinal motor neurons,
bleeding (89). animously recommended drug approval. Direct resulting in higher expression of a functional
Additional trials of AAV-mediated gene ther- injection of AAV is now being pursued in clinical form of the gene product able to compensate for
apy for both hemophilia B and the more com- trials for other inherited forms of blindness, includ- SMN1 loss. An alternative type of gene therapy
mon hemophilia A are ongoing (Table 2). Problems ing achromatopsia, choroideremia, Leber’s hered- for SMA is also showing great promise. A sero-
that still need to be addressed include the delayed itary optic neuropathy, X-linked retinoschisis, and type of AAV that efficiently crosses the blood-
CD8+ T cell response to the capsid, which has been X-linked retinitis pigmentosa. brain barrier was engineered to carry the SMN1
well controlled with a short course of steroids with gene, and given as a single intravenous infusion
some AAV vectors but not with others, and the Neuromuscular targets to 15 infants and young children. Compared with
prevalence—particularly in the adult population— The common, clinically devastating degenerative historical control subjects, survival of the trial
of preexisting neutralizing antibodies to AAV neurologic disorders are a focus of gene therapy participants was extended, with all alive to date,
(90, 91). At present, most clinical trials circumvent efforts; however, these multigenic, pathophysio- and motor function improved to the extent that
the antibody problem by excluding subjects who logically complex and incompletely understood some children could sit up and even walk (107)

Fig. 3. Historical overview of CAR-T cell therapy. CAR: chimeric antigen receptor; cGMP: current good manufacturing practices; DLI: donor leukocyte
infusion; LAK: lymphokine-activated killer; Mfg: Manufacturing; NK: natural killer; TIL: tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes.

Dunbar et al., Science 359, eaan4672 (2018) 12 January 2018 5 of 10


(Table 2). This approach may be preferable to of-function mutations in the genes encoding vector production, ex vivo HSC manipulation, and
repeated intrathecal injections of an oligonucleo- interleukin-2 receptor g or adenosine deaminase pretransplant cytoreductive conditioning (116)
tide drug. (Table 1). Despite relatively low HSC transduc- all contributed to clinical benefit in several more
tion efficiencies with g-retroviral vectors, gene- recent trials. The metabolic disorder adrenoleu-
Ex vivo gene delivery via cell modified T-lineage cells were able to expand and kodystrophy and the lysosomal storage disorder
engineering: Monogenic blood disorders fill the empty T cell compartment, improving metachromatic leukodystrophy result in profound
and cancer immunotherapies immune function despite minimal levels of gene- neurologic degeneration and death in childhood.
Hematopoietic stem cells corrected cells in other lineages (108, 109). How- Lentiviral gene therapy clinical trials in both dis-
The clinical applications of gene therapies target- ever, several years after treatment, patients in the orders have been encouraging, with high-level
ing HSCs derive from the success of allogeneic X-SCID trials, as well as those for chronic gran- production of the missing enzymes from hema-
bone marrow transplantation for many genetic ulomatous disease and Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, topoietic cells, including in the central nervous sys-
immunodeficiencies and blood cell diseases. These developed acute myeloid and lymphoid leukemias tem, and a slowing of neurodegeneration (117–119).
ex vivo approaches entail the transplantation of due to activation of proto-oncogenes adjacent to The clinical trial in adrenoleukodystrophy was
autologous stem cells in which an underlying proviral insertions, linked to strong enhancers the first reported using lentiviral vectors for HSC
genetic defect is alleviated or corrected [e.g., present in g-retroviral vectors and the propensity gene therapy.
adenosine deaminase deficit in severe combined of these vectors to insert near promoters (110–113). The hemoglobin disorders b-thalassemia and
immunodeficiency (SCID)], b-hemoglobin deficit These serious toxicities led to accelerated adop- sickle cell disease, which affect millions of patients
or structural alteration in hemoglobinopathies) tion of enhancer-deleted lentiviral or g-retroviral worldwide, have historically been an intense focus
(Table 1). Autologous transplants have an advan- vectors for HSC clinical gene therapies of immu- of gene therapy research, but require high effi-
tage over allogeneic transplants in that they do nodeficiency disorders. Encouraging clinical results ciency and substantial hemoglobin expression
not require a histocompatible donor, they avoid with these newer vectors have been reported in to correct the underlying pathophysiology (3).

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the immune complications of GVHD, and they Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome (114) and in X-SCID Lentiviral vectors harboring multiple regulatory
eliminate the need for administration of immune (115), demonstrating disease amelioration with- elements to direct high-level, erythroid-specific
suppressants. out leukemia or uncontrolled expansion of indi- hemoglobin expression have been developed
Clinical trials based at academic medical cen- vidual transduced clones. (26) and in case reports have shown promise in
ters have piloted these approaches in successive The high HSC transduction efficiency achieved patients with b-thalassemia or sickle cell dis-
technological eras (Fig. 1). Trials using g-retroviral with lentiviral vectors allowed a broader appli- ease (120, 121), with larger multicenter clinical
vectors in the late 1990s and early 2000s demon- cation of this gene therapy approach to diseases trials ongoing (Table 1). Also likely to move
strated unequivocal improvement in immune where corrected cells do not have a survival ad- forward in the near future are clinical trials of
function in patients with SCID caused by loss- vantage. In addition, optimization of methods for genome editing approaches to treat sickle cell

Table 2. Clinical and product development landmarks for in vivo gene therapies.

FDA breakthrough/EMA*
Key publication(s) Institutional and/or
Cell type Disease Vector/transgene PRIME designation or
or no. industry partners
product approval

CNS Parkinson’s disease AAV2-AADC (101, 102) Jichi Medical University/

Aromatic l-amino acid AAV2-AADC (105) Jichi Medical University/
decarboxylase deficiency National Taiwan University
Spinal muscular atrophy AAV9-SMN (107) Nationwide Children's FDA 2016; EMA 2017
Liver Hemophilia B AAV8-Factor IX (86, 87) Royal Free Hospital/St. Jude FDA 2014; EMA 2017
AAV100-FIX Padua (88) Spark Therapeutics FDA 2016; EMA 2017
AAV5-Factor IX NCT02396342 uniQure FDA 2017; EMA 2017
AAV2/6-Factor IX NCT02695160 Sangamo Therapeutics FDA 2017
and ZFNs
Hemophilia A AAV5-Factor VIII NCT02576795 Multiple academic sites/ EMA 2017
AAV200-Factor VIII NCT03003533 Spark Therapeutics
AAV2/6-B domain-deleted NCT03061201 Sangamo Therapeutics
Factor VIII and ZFNs
Mucopolysaccharidosis type II AAV2/6-IDA and NCT03041324 Sangamo Therapeutics
(Hunter’s syndrome) ZFNs
Muscle Lipoprotein lipase deficiency AAV1-LPL (155) uniQure EMA 2012 approval of
“Glybera”, company
will not renew license
as of 2017
Retina Inherited retinal dystrophy AAV2-RPE65 (93, 95, 99) Children's Hospital of FDA approval 2017
due to utosomal recessive Philadelphia/Spark
mutations in RPE65 AAV2-RPE65 (92, 97) University College London/
AAV2-RPE65 (94, 96) University of Florida

*Abbreviations: CNS, central nervous system; FDA, U.S. Food and Drug Administration; EMA, European Medicines Agency; AAV, adeno-associated virus; AADC, amino
acid decarboxylase; ZFNs, zinc finger nucleases; IDA, iduronate-2-sulfatase.

Dunbar et al., Science 359, eaan4672 (2018) 12 January 2018 6 of 10


anemia via reactivation of endogenous fetal he- ical data bode well for CAR therapy of multiple inherited lipoprotein lipase deficiency), or are at
moglobin (HbF) expression. NHEJ-mediated dis- myeloma (136). risk of discontinuation of the program by the
ruption of the erythroid-specific enhancer element Current research aims to expand CAR ther- parent pharmaceutical company, as in the case of
responsible for expression of the BCL11A gene apy to myeloid malignancies and solid tumors Strimvelis, a g-retroviral vector HSC gene therapy
results in high-level HbF in animal models and (137, 138). These diseases present challenges be- treatment for adenosine deaminase–deficient SCID
in human sickle cell erythroid cells in vitro (122). cause reliable tumor-specific cell surface antigens (142). The U.S. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid
Similarly, disruption of a genomic locus to mimic have not yet been validated. In addition, there is Services announced a collaboration with the manu-
a genetic variant associated with hereditary per- a need for methodologies that facilitate CAR-T facturer of the first approved CAR therapy to
sistence of the fetal hemoglobin locus also shows cell entry into large tumors or immune-privileged provide the product under an “outcomes-based”
promise as a target for HSC genome editing to sites and that overcome tumor microenviron- approach, with payment collected only if patients
treat sickle cell anemia (123). ment signals that disarm T cells. Universal third- initially respond to the treatment.
party CAR-T cells that can be used “off the shelf” The past year has been marked by a flurry of
CAR therapy would allow more rapid and cheaper treatment scientific advances in genome editing, the publi-
Engineered T cells are emerging as powerful med- compared to autologous patient-specific T cells. cation of mature data from multiple clinical trials
icines for cancer (Fig. 3) (5). Chimeric antigen T cells lacking endogenous T cell receptors and/or demonstrating the efficacy and safety of gene the-
receptors (CARs) are synthetic engineered recep- major histocompatibility complex molecules to rapies for a wide variety of serious human diseases,
tors for antigen, which, in a single molecule, re- decrease the risk of GVHD and rejection are in and regulatory approvals of the first gene therapies
program the specificity, function, and metabolism preclinical or early clinical development as first in the United States. Scientists and clinicians
of T lymphocytes (124, 125). They consist of an steps toward this goal (62, 73). CAR-T cells have engaged in basic, translational, and clinical re-
antigen-binding domain, either from an immu- had a large impact on the treatment of certain search, supported by government and philan-
noglobin molecule or a T cell receptor, fused to cancers (139), and this success provides a founda- thropies, will continue to innovate and provide

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an intracellular signaling domain that mediates tion for future T cell–based therapies for other new or improved technologies. The increasing
activation and costimulation to enhance T cell cancers and other diseases such as autoimmune involvement of the biotechnology and pharma-
function and persistence. Unlike the physiolog- disorders and AIDS (5, 140). ceutical sectors in gene therapy efforts demon-
ical receptor for antigen, CARs can be engineered strates the maturation of the field and is necessary
to recognize proteins and carbohydrate glycolipids, Conclusions to accelerate delivery of these treatments to pa-
as well as HLA-peptide complexes (126, 127). CARs Gene therapies may well be the most complex tients. Many challenges remain, including address-
are transduced into T cells ex vivo, creating ex- “drugs” ever developed. Building on the demon- ing genotoxicity from integrating gene delivery
pandable antigen-specific T cells that bypass the stration of therapeutic efficacy in proof-of-concept vectors or off-target genome editing, improving
barriers and incremental kinetics of active immu- clinical studies conducted in the academic setting, gene transfer or editing efficiency to levels ne-
nization used to prime endogenous T cells. The gene therapies are now undergoing accelerated cessary for effective treatment of many diseases,
generation of CAR-T cells requires stable gene clinical and commercial development. They are addressing immune responses to repeated in vivo
transfer to enable sustained CAR expression in in transition from an academic-based “cottage administration of vectors, and reaching a societal
dividing and persisting T cells. industry” to an industrial drug development path- consensus regarding contentious issues such as
g-retroviral vectors were originally used to way, relying on partnerships with biotechnology the ethics of germline editing and payment for
demonstrate that CARs targeting CD19, a cell and pharmaceutical companies whose expertise expensive curative therapies. The potential for
surface antigen found on most B lineage lym- in manufacturing and scale-up will be required gene therapy to provide durable benefits to hu-
phomas and leukemias, can eradicate systemic for these therapies to have a broader impact on man health, exemplified by the scientific advances
cancer in immunodeficient mice (128). CD19 is human disease. Investigators in academia and and clinical successes over the past several years,
at present the most common CAR target and industry are working with regulators and enti- justifies continued optimism and increasing ef-
serves as a paradigm for CAR therapy (Fig. 3). ties such as the National Institute of Standards forts toward making this therapy part of our
Durable responses have been obtained in patients and Technology (NIST) to develop and standard- standard armamentarium for treatment of seri-
with refractory diffuse large B cell lymphoma ize assays used to characterize potency and safety ous human diseases.
(DLBCL), chronic lymphocytic leukemia, and of vector preparations and criteria for product
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aaf8621; pmid: 27605551 alipogene tiparvovec (AAV1-LPLS447X) gene therapy for
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Chimeric antigen receptor-modified T cells in chronic 20, 361–369 (2013). doi: 10.1038/gt.2012.43; pmid: 22717743 10.1126/science.aan4672

Dunbar et al., Science 359, eaan4672 (2018) 12 January 2018 10 of 10

Gene therapy comes of age
Cynthia E. Dunbar, Katherine A. High, J. Keith Joung, Donald B. Kohn, Keiya Ozawa and Michel Sadelain

Science 359 (6372), eaan4672.

DOI: 10.1126/science.aan4672

Gene therapy: The power of persistence

Nearly 50 years after the concept was first proposed, gene therapy is now considered a promising treatment
option for several human diseases. The path to success has been long and tortuous. Serious adverse effects were
encountered in early clinical studies, but this fueled basic research that led to safer and more efficient gene transfer
vectors. Gene therapy in various forms has produced clinical benefits in patients with blindness, neuromuscular disease,

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hemophilia, immunodeficiencies, and cancer. Dunbar et al. review the pioneering work that led the gene therapy field to
its current state, describe gene-editing technologies that are expected to play a major role in the field's future, and
discuss practical challenges in getting these therapies to patients who need them.
Science, this issue p. eaan4672


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