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You've joined the more than Prepared for

200,000 people in over 500 top business schools and VaibhavSaxena
leading corporations worldwide who have used January 23, 2011
This report contains everything CareerLeader has
learned about you from your unique profile of
interests, abilities, and motivations. Inside, you'll find
information about:

• your core interests, and what they mean

for your career success and happiness

• the kind of organizational culture you'll

most likely enjoy and succeed in

• the rewards that tend to motivate you


• your strengths and weaknesses (as you

see them and as others see them)

• characteristics that may limit your

Most important, you'll find the careers that are most
likely to bring you success and satisfaction, along
with suggested actions to take to work toward your
career goals.
Of course each of us is a unique, complex individual,
and CareerLeader doesn't pretend to provide the one
"right" answer to how you should lead your life. No
one can do that. But CareerLeaderis a powerful tool
that you can use now and in the future to guide and
inform your career choices. Thanks for letting us help
you with your career planning.

This section contains the most important issues for you to consider as
you explore different careers. These issues are likely to determine how
happy and successful you are in your career.
You have a notable interest in three core elements of business work:
• Application of Technology
• Counseling and Mentoring
• Theory Development and Conceptual Thinking
You have a strong interest in Application of Technology, one of the
basic activities in business work. You take a systematic, engineering-like
approach to solving problems and understanding systems and processes
-- regardless of whether you've ever studied engineering. You feel
comfortable with technology and like to know how things work, and you
probably enjoy using technology both in your work and outside it. You
may want to express this interest by working in businesses that involve Your interests are
technology, either as a product or as an integral part of the services they the single most
important factor in
However, an interest in Application of Technology is not identical to an
interest in engineering as such. While most professional engineers have
your happiness
an interest in Application of Technology, many people who have never and success.
studied engineering do have this interest.
In the workplace, you would likely enjoy activities such as:
• understanding the information technology side of things (even if
you don't work in IT)
• looking for ways to increase profitability by re-engineering
• looking into how your firm's supply chain system works
• getting the most from new technologies you use personally
(PDAs, laptops, software, etc.)
If you have both a strong interest in Application of Technology and strong
engineering skills, companies that value engineering training may be a
good fit. Some manufacturing and technology-oriented firms view an
engineering degree as a "membership card" necessary for promotion into
high-level management positions. If you don't have engineering
credentials, you should avoid companies that have this kind of
professional-engineer bias.
You are also strongly interested in Counseling and Mentoring, one of
the elemental activities in business work. You enjoy developing
relationships -- and people -- and view this activity as an integral part of
business work. A strong interest in Counseling and Mentoring is expressed
by helping people reach their fullest potential. The emphasis is more on
relationships than achieving concrete goals, and on relationships with
individuals rather than with groups. That said, a strong interest in
Counseling and Mentoring does not imply that you want to be a
psychotherapist or a counselor as such. This interest is clearly to be
expressed in a work setting.
With this core interest, you're likely to be highly attuned to your
company's mission and culture. You may also gravitate toward
organizations that:
• place a high value on developing employees
• reward managers who focus their energy on developing and
retaining people who report to them
• "do good" through their products, services, and mission
You'll probably also prefer work environments in which you feel you're
adding value to the business endeavor specifically through teaching,
mentoring, and coaching fellow workers and others. In addition, you may
feel pulled toward working for not-for-profit organizations at some point
in your career.
Lastly, you also have a notable level of interest in Theory Development
and Conceptual Thinking, one of the fundamental activities in business
work. You enjoy solving business problems by taking a conceptual "big
picture" approach, exploring abstract ideas and the "what ifs" of a
business or industry, and considering broad economic and social trends.
You're likely to enjoy work activities such as:
• creating a model that explains competition in an industry
• analyzing a company's competitive position in a particular
• considering the value proposition of a merger or acquisition
• designing a new process for product development or distribution
• developing economic theory
Of course, having strong interests in Application of Technology and
Counseling and Mentoring and Theory Development and Conceptual
Thinking doesn't necessarily mean you have the skills you need to
succeed in a career in which those activities are a predominant part of the
work. But people often develop abilities where their interests lie. So don't
let a lack of training or prior experience with technology or as a coach,
counselor, or mentor or with theoretical work keep you from gaining the
knowledge or strengthening the skills you'll need to express these
Preference for Structure
Some people function better, and prefer, working in organizations that
are more structured, while others enjoy a looser, less predictable work
environment. Preferring structure doesn't mean wanting work that is
repetitive or unchallenging, and it doesn't imply that a person doesn't
enjoy autonomy in his or her work. "Structure" doesn't mean
micromanagement; it means knowing what the structure is, and being
able to depend on its being more or less the same tomorrow.
Your score on this scale indicates that you are more or less in the middle
on this dimension. This means that you'll probably feel comfortable in
organizations that are fairly highly structured, pretty unstructured, and
anywhere in between. It doesn't mean that you will thrive in an
organization that falls at the extreme high or low end. But with those
exceptions, you have a high degree of flexibility in choosing a position.

Organizational Culture
You would enjoy an organizational culture that has a competitive spirit
(internally as well as against industry rivals) and that encourages
healthy conflict. In such companies, departments, and teams,
competition for resources and personal rewards (bonuses, promotions,
etc.) is fostered by management, and people engage in skeptical and
critical examination of ideas as a normal part of assessing business
situations and making decisions. People who thrive in these work
environments tend to feel comfortable with conflict, whether or not
they express conflict openly. Your tendency in this direction is relatively
strong, so pay close attention to this aspect of any organization you
consider working for. For tips on how to examine an organizational culture
in this regard, click here.

You have a number of strengths, including:

• Comfort with Differences: comfortable and effective in

relating to people from many different backgrounds and

• Creative Thinking: able to think creatively, generating new

ideas and approaches to situations.

• Critical Thinking: able to think critically (define a problem and

determine the information needed to solve it; understand Finding the right
unspoken assumptions; form and test hypotheses; and judge organizational
the validity of conclusions).
culture is about
• Delegating: delegates appropriately and effectively. more than being
• Empathy Skills: can see things from other people's points of happy. It can
view. determine whether
• Gaining Trust: inspires other people's trust. you succeed or fail.
• Merit-orientation: judges ideas and people on merit alone,
without bias or favoritism.

• Openness to Criticism: accepts critical feedback without

becoming defensive.

• Persistence: doesn't get discouraged and give up on things


• Quantitative Analysis: skillful in using quantitative analysis to

understand business issues.

• Quick Thinking: picks up new ideas and processes new

information quickly and easily.

• Respect for Others: respectful of other people's points of view,

as well as their time and priorities.

• Sensitivity and Tact: sensitive and tacful: promotes an

atmosphere of good feeling and mutual consideration.

• Teamwork: a team player: cooperative, works well as part of a


• Written Communication: a good writer, expresses ideas and

positions clearly.
You have a large number of strengths. To help you determine which
abilities are your strongest, you may want to solicit feedback from other
You also recognize some weaknesses in your business skill set:

• Multiple-focus: able to juggle many projects and

responsibilities at once.
One or more of these weaknesses might stand in the way of your career
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Get some advice about how to

develop those skills. [ ]
Bottom of Form
Motivators (i.e. Work Reward Values)
You place a very high value on these rewards:

• Positioning (the position offers experience and access to

people and opportunities that will position me well for my next
career move)

• Power and Influence (the position offers the opportunity to

exercise power and influence, to be an influential decision

• Security (the position offers a great deal of security in terms of

predictable salary, benefits, and future employment)
These are your most powerful motivators in work situations. You won't be
happy for long if you find yourself employed in a position where you can't
earn these rewards. Likewise, you'll want to avoid reporting to a manager
who won't provide you with opportunities to earn these rewards.
You're also motivated by:

• Financial Gain (the position provides excellent opportunity for

exceptional financial reward)

• Intellectual Challenge (the position offers consistent

intellectual challenge)

• Prestige (the position is with an organization that is prestigious

in its field)
These are significant motivators for you. However, you may be willing to
trade one or more of them for something else that a particular work
opportunity offers (such as a desirable geographic location).

Things to Be Alert For -- On the Job and In a Job Search

An analysis of several common personal/career dynamics didn't point to
any specific dangers you ought to watch out for. This is great news. But
These are things
we still want to alert you to several pitfalls that present a danger to that can lead to
everyone, and that have derailed more than one career: success at one time
• Walking into a mismatch between you and your (or place) and
organization's overall culture. A cultural mismatch can lead failure at another.
not just to unhappiness, but also to outright career failure.
Read carefully!
• Basing career decisions on what you're good at, even if
you're not all that interested in it. Your interests, not your
abilities, are your long-term competitive advantage -- and
they're the "energy" that powers your career. If you're not really
interested in the work, the people who are will ultimately pass
you by.

• Failing to develop and maintain a professional network

within and outside the organization you work for. An
internal network is helpful for understanding the unspoken
norms and politics of any organization. Your external network
can be especially valuable if you decide to leave your current
employer. It can also help you compare compensation and learn
how people doing similar work in other companies deal with the
challenges you both face.
After assessing your interests, motivators, and abilities, CareerLeader®
compared your unique pattern of all three factors to algorithms
representing the "perfect match" for each of 33 different business
careers. These algorithms are complex (difficult to "see through" or
"fake"), and highly accurate and valid. Each one comprises the items and
scales, weighted according to their importance, that differentiate
successful, satisfied people in that career from over 200,000 other
business professionals. Below you'll see those careers, and how you
match up with each one. The number you see alongside each career
represents how closely you align with people in that career, relative to
other people's match with the career. The higher the number (99 being
highest, 1 the lowest), the better your match.
It's best to think of these careers as beacons. They signal a good direction
in which to "sail" your career -- rather than as the destination you should
reach tomorrow. It takes most of us many years to reach our ultimate
career destination -- regardless of where we're starting out. Knowing that
this is your ultimate destination, you can chart a course that will land you These are careers
there (or someplace close by) in the future. Remember: your career is a whose demands
path, not a point!
match your
Our Careers Your Scores
Click on "Go..." to learn more about the career. Higher number = abilities, that offer
better match rewards that
Top of Form 92 motivate you, and
univ -- most important
-- where you'll find
strategic_plannin the work
interesting and
Strategic Planning and
Business Development [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 87
9266716967 univ Think of these as
beacons or career
"destinations" --
new _product
not as the very
Management of New Product next job you should
get. Remember: a
Development [ ]
Bottom of Form
career is a path,
Top of Form 86
not a point.
9266716967 univ


Information Systems

Management [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 79
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Supply Chain Management [

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Top of Form 78
9266716967 univ


Project Management [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 77
9266716967 univ


Human Resources Management

[ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 75
9266716967 univ


Law [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 69
9266716967 univ


Marketing and Marketing

Management [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 61
9266716967 univ


Training and Organizational

Development [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 61
9266716967 univ


Management in Science and

Engineering [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 61
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Management Consulting [

Bottom of Form
Top of Form 60
9266716967 univ


Non-Profit Management
(Higher Education, Government and Human

Services) [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 51
9266716967 univ


Research and Development

Management [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 51
9266716967 univ


Accounting [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 46
9266716967 univ


Finance in Corporate Settings [

Bottom of Form
Top of Form 42
9266716967 univ


Advertising Account

Management [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 40
9266716967 univ


Retail Management [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 37
9266716967 univ


Production and Operations

Management [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 34
9266716967 univ


Institutional Securities Sales [

Bottom of Form
Top of Form 33
9266716967 univ


Commercial Banking [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 31
9266716967 univ


Securities Trading [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 31
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Public Relations and

Communications [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 26
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Entrepreneurship [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 20
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Sales Management [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 19
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Sales [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 18
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Venture Capital [ ]
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Top of Form 18
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Real Estate Development [

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Top of Form 18
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Investment Management
(Portfolio Management and Securities Analysis) [

Bottom of Form
Top of Form 18
9266716967 univ


Financial Planning and Stock

Brokerage [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 12
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Private Equity Investment

(Including Leveraged Buy-Out) [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 11
9266716967 univ


General Management [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 7
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Investment Banking [ ]
Bottom of Form
Top of Form 5
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Real Estate Finance [ ]

Bottom of Form

You've learned a lot about yourself and the kind of work you'll find most
satisfying. So how might you begin working toward your career goals?
Think about career exploration as comprising four steps:
• 1. Knowing yourself
• 2. Knowing the career marketplace
• 3. Planning your strategy
• 4. Putting your strategy into action
1. Knowing Yourself
With the help of CareerLeader®, you've already taken this step --
learning about your interests, key strengths and weaknesses, motivators,
and the organizational culture you'll fit best in.
2. Knowing the Career Marketplace
In addition to knowing yourself, you need to understand the function
(finance, marketing, operations, etc.) you're considering working in -- as Knowing yourself
well as the industries and companies that interest you. and the career
CareerLeaderoffers these great places to start:
marketplace will
Top of Form help you set your
9266716967 univ goal. Your strategy
lays out the steps
you'll take to reach
that goal.
• industry sketches [ ]

Bottom of Form
Top of Form

9266716967 univ

• tips on how to choose an industry [ ]

Bottom of Form
Top of Form

9266716967 univ

• career profiles [ ]

Bottom of Form
In addition to what CareerLeader provides, there are loads of electronic
resources that can help you research different industries and companies.
The more you can learn from all of these sources like these, the more
capable, efficient -- and impressive -- you'll be when you conduct
informational interviews.
Once you've researched the market, generate a list of informational
interview leads. Consider your friends, their friends, acquaintances and
friends of your family -- anyone you've ever met who could talk with you
about the work world. Don't forget about faculty and alumni of the college
or graduate school you attended (or are attending).
When you approach people to schedule informational interviews, keep the
conversation brief. Tell them:
• how you got their names and contact information (unless you
already know them personally)
• what you're looking for from them (information about a
particular industry, ideas for getting your foot in the door at a
specific company, etc.)

• and that you need just a few minutes of their time, completely
at their convenience
Consider sending an email before telephoning, so the person can instruct
his or her administrative assistant to schedule time for you on the phone.
(If you have someone's office phone number, you can also try calling at
night and leaving a voice message.)
Remember these are informational interviews. When talking to
someone, make it clear that you are not asking for a job. (If one of your
leads knows of a position and is interested in hiring you, he or she will
certainly mention it.) And try to get at least one new lead from every call
you make.
If you feel somewhat unnerved by the thought of calling up strangers,
prepare a short script ahead of time. As you gain experience, you'll feel
more comfortable with the process.
Also, if you're lucky enough to uncover a "star" contact in the right
department of a company you'd most love to work for,don't call him or
her first! Instead, talk to people farther out from your "career bull's eye."
That way, you'll gain practice with your lower-risk contacts. And by the
time you call your star, you'll be that much more confident and
3. Planning Your Strategy
Based on your knowledge of yourself and the career marketplace, define
your career goal. Then plan a strategy (or more likely, strategies, plural)
for getting there.
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9266716967 univ

Think about how to leverage your assets -- not only your work
experience, personal contacts and relevant abilities, but also your
strongest interests (as assessed by CareerLeader). Communicating a
passion for a particular kind of work isn't enough to get you a job, but it
can certainly help. Also look for ways to minimize your weaknesses. If
your abilities assessment showed any important weaknesses, you'll find

on-line recommendations for strengthening those abilities. [ ]

Bottom of Form
Be patient, and think -- and act -- strategically. If you want to change
what you do functionally (moving from your current role into finance,
marketing, sales, etc.) and change the industry you're working in, you
may not be able to make both changes in one career move. Consider
changing one or the other (so you're in your preferred function, but your
less preferred industry or vice versa), then make the other change a few
years from now.
Remember, there are usually several ways to get from where you are now
to your career goal. Consider all the possible routes to travel, consider
their probabilities of success, consider the costs and benefits of each, look
for still more alternate strategies, then choose one. Get advice from
people who are already where you want to be. Do you really need that
advanced degree? Maybe, but maybe not.
If you're a student, try taking a summer internship in the career area that
you're considering. You might find out that you don't like it as much as
you thought you would -- good to know now! And if you do like it, that
work will send a signal to future employers that you're serious about
going in that direction with your career.
If you are graduating soon, the same rule applies only with a longer time
horizon. If you have an idea of what you'd like to do both functionally
(finance, marketing, sales, etc.) and with a particular industry
(food/beverage, telecommunications, etc.), you may not be able to satisfy
both preferences. So try for one or the other (right function, wrong
industry, or vice versa), then look to get a better match a few years from
4. Putting Your Strategy into Action
Top of Form
9266716967 univ interview 1

When you're ready to put your strategy into action, CareerLeader's on-
line resources will help you assess a company's culture and make your
strongest case during a job interview. See CareerLeader's Interview Tips

(and remember to practice your responses before interviews). [ ]

Bottom of Form
You may also want to choose a resume and cover letter guidebook from
the many good available sources -- then follow the advice in it.

Your 360° Feedback Results

We already have a valid assessment of your business-relevant abilities
and have used that information in matching you with different careers.
You may want add to your own knowledge by soliciting feedback from
Getting others'
other people who are in a position to evaluate your strengths and feedback can keep
weaknesses. you from under-
Top of Form valuing -- or over-
valuing -- your
9266716967 univ assets.

Learn how to get feedback from other people about your strengths and

weaknesses. [ ]

Bottom of Form
To Learn More
Top of Form
9266716967 univ corporateculture

• Discover how to look for clues about an organization's

culture. Culture is a critical variable both in how happy you're
likely to be in a position and how successful. Make sure to pay

close attention to this section. [ ]

Bottom of Form
Top of Form

9266716967 univ interview 1

• Review tips on interviewing. Pay special attention to tip

number 13, which describes how to use your CareerLeader
assessment to your advantage during job interviews and

informational interviews. [ ]

Bottom of Form
Top of Form

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• Read brief descriptions of different industries. [ ]

Bottom of Form
Top of Form

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• See how you match up with specific career path profiles. [

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• Learn how you can strengthen your business skills. [ ]

Bottom of Form
Your Interests
The table below shows how interested you are in each of the eight core business activities (compared
with the interest level of a large sample of business professionals). A score of 50 is exactly average
compared to this group.
Personal High = interests that are significantly stronger than your other interests


Test Date: January 23, 2011

Application of 67 Very high Interested in learning about and using new technologies. Enjoy
Technology analyzing and designing (or redesigning) business processes
Personal High such as production and operations systems.

Quantitative 43 Low Prefer solving business issues by "running the numbers." Enjoy
Analysis building computer models, doing financial and market research
Theory 62 Very high Interested in high-level abstract thinking about business
Development and issues, and the theory (as well as the practice) of business
Conceptual strategy. Enjoy doing in-depth research.
Personal High
Creative Production 57 High Enjoy brainstorming novel ideas for products and services.
Prefer early, creative stages of businesses and projects to later
"maintenance" phase.
Counseling and 59 High Enjoy helping develop employees and others to reach their
Mentoring fullest potential. Often prefer work with high social values, and
Personal High organizations with a collaborative culture.

Managing People 43 Low Interested working with and through others on a day-to-day
and Relationships basis to accomplish concrete business goals. Enjoy leading
teams, and prefer line management to staff roles.
Enterprise Control 39 Low Interested in setting business strategy and having the power
to ensure that the strategy is carried out. Ultimately want
general management role.
Influence Through 59 High Enjoy persuading others,whether to buy a product or service
Language and or to support a proposal. Often enjoy making presentations,
Ideas but may prefer writing or one-to-one negotiations.
Personal High

Your Motivators (from the Leadership Motivations Profile)

The table below lists the rewards that may motivate you. Scores in the 10-12 range denote rewards
that are very important to you; those from 7-9 are important (though less so); and scores in the 0-3
range denote rewards that are not very meaningful to you. Because this is a forced-choice
assessment, you can have only one score of 12 (or 0), or two 11s (or 1s), and so forth. Motivations
with scores of 4-6 may, or may not, be important to you.
Yes/No = Is the reward motivating to you (regardless of the numerical score)?


Test Date: January 23, 2011

Affiliation 1 Low The position offers a setting with enjoyable colleagues with
whom I feel a sense of belonging.
Altruism 1 Low The position offers the satisfaction of regularly helping others
with their individual or business concerns.
Autonomy 3 Low The position offers considerable autonomy and
Financial Gain 9 High The position provides excellent opportunity for exceptional
financial reward.
Intellectual 7 High The position offers consistent intellectual challenge.
Lifestyle 6 Mid-range The position allows ample time to pursue other important
aspects of my lifestyle (family, leisure activities, etc.).
Managing People 5 Mid-range The position offers the opportunity to manage and direct
other people.
Positioning 12 Very High The position offers experience and access to people and
opportunities that will position me well for my next career
Power and 10 Very High The position offers the opportunity to exercise power and
Influence influence (to be an influential decision maker).
Prestige 7 High The position is with an organization that is prestigious in its
Yes field.

Recognition 5 Mid-range The position is in an environment where individual

Yes accomplishments are recognized with praise from peers and
Security 10 Very High The position offers a great deal of security in terms of
predictable salary, benefits, and future employment.
Variety 2 Low The position offers a great deal of variety in the nature of the
work performed.

The table below reflects your assessment of your strength (and potential to be stronger), compared to
that of your peers, in each of the abilities listed. Results range from Very High to Low (numeric range:
7 is highest, 1 lowest). As you examine the table, take into account your strength in each specific
Test Date: January 23, 2011

Ability to 6 High Able to compromise when the situation calls for it.
Ability to Teach 6 High Clear and patient when explaining things; a good
Action-orientation 6 High Action-oriented: makes sure that decisions are
Assertiveness 5 Medium Able to defend a point of view and to confront others
appropriately when necessary.
Comfort with 7 Very High Comfortable and effective in relating to people from
Differences many different backgrounds and cultures.
Comfort with Risk 6 High Takes risks when appropriate, isn't afraid to innovate and
Conflict Tolerance 5 Medium Able to be effective in an environment where strong and
opposing views are being expressed.
Creative Thinking 7 Very High Able to think creatively, generating new ideas and
approaches to situations.
Critical Thinking 7 Very High Able to think critically (define a problem and determine
the information needed to solve it; understand unspoken
assumptions; form and test hypotheses; and judge the
validity of conclusions).
Day-to-Day 5 Medium Takes good care of the day-to-day aspect of running
Responsibility things.
Decisiveness 6 High Able to make decisions even in ambiguous situations and
without full information.
Delegating 7 Very High Delegates appropriately and effectively.
Empathy Skills 7 Very High Can see things from other people's points of view.
Flexibility 6 High Adapts easily to changing situations and is able to adopt
new approaches when necessary.
Gaining Trust 7 Very High Inspires other people's trust.
Influence 6 High Can influence and persuade other people, even without
direct authority.
Leadership 6 High Comfortable taking a leadership role.
Listening Skills 6 High Listens to other people in a way that they feel
Merit-orientation 7 Very High Judges ideas and people on merit alone, without bias or
Motivational Ability 6 High Understands how to motivate different kinds of people to
do their best work.
Multiple Focus 3 Low Able to juggle many projects and responsibilities at once.
Openness to Criticism7 Very High Accepts critical feedback without getting defensive.
Oral Communication 6 High A skillful public speaker, good at presenting ideas and
plans in a persuasive manner.
Organizational 6 High Able to make decisions that are in the best interest of the
Priority organization, even though they cause individual people
Persistence 7 Very High Doesn't get discouraged and give up on things easily.
Political Skill 4 Medium Knows how to get things done within the political
framework of an organization.
Power-orientation 5 Medium Comfortable asserting authority and using power.
Projection of 6 High Projects self-confidence, even in uncertain and difficult
Confidence situations.
Quantitative Analysis 7 Very High Skillful using quantitative analysis to understand
business issues.
Quick Thinking 7 Very High Picks up new ideas and processes new information
quickly and easily.
Recognition of 4 Medium Recognizes new opportunities and acts to take advantage
Opportunity of them.
Resilience 5 Medium Handles pressure and stress well.
Respect for Others 7 Very High Respectful of other people's points of view, as well as
their time and priorities.
Self-control 5 Medium Does not act or speak impulsively; does not easily lose
Sensitivity and Tact 7 Very High Sensitive and tactful: promotes an atmosphere of good
feeling and mutual consideration.
Sociability 4 Medium Socially venturesome and self-assured; forms new
relationships easily and works to maintain them.
Strategic Thinking 6 High A strategic thinker: able to grasp the big picture and
think long-term.
Teamwork 7 Very High A team player: cooperative, works well as part of a
Time Management 4 Medium Manages own time well.
Work Ethic 6 High Has a strong work ethic, willing to make sacrifices to
achieve important goals.
Written 7 Very High A good writer, expresses ideas and positions clearly.

Four Leadership Skills Factors

Scores of 60 and higher indicate a very high level of confidence in a skill factor (higher than roughly
85% of people in our database); 55-60, a high level of confidence (higher than about 70% of people);
40-45, less confident than 70%; and less than 40, less than 85% of people in general. Between 45
and 55 is in the average range, and 50 is exactly average.
Keep in mind that these scores reflect your self-confidence concerning these skill areas. Self-
confidence is a powerful predictor of actual performance.
Test Date: January 23, 2011

Interpersonal Effectiveness 65 Good at working with, and through, other people;

understands people and how to motivate them; engenders
others' trust; a skillful negotiator; a good team member
as well as team leader.
Power and Influence 48 A persuasive communicator, able to "tailor" arguments to
different audiences; skilled at motivating others; skillful at
forming relationships and networking; not easily
embarrassed, willing to risk failure if necessary; able to
make difficult leadership decisions.
Analysis and Strategic 62 Skillful at identifying the essential elements involved in a
Decision Making business situation and analyzing them (both logically and
quantitatively) to arrive at a decision; able to be objective
and flexible in generating and evaluating ideas.
Bringing Management 37 Skilled at accomplishing concrete goals at work (whether
Structure on your own or by delegating to others); pragmatic and
practical; able to juggle many tasks and reliably produce

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