Master of Ceremonies' Script: I. Announcement That Ceremony Is About To Begin

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Teacher Rachelle: The 3rd Commencement Exercises is about to begin. We expect this special event to
last approximately 2 hours, let me remind you to please remain seated during the whole program,
please mute your microphone and turn on your camera. During the presentation of graduates, you will
unmute your microphone and deliver your speech with pride and honor.

Our honorable and very supportive school administrators, hardworking and energetic teachers, beloved
parents, young graduates, friends, ladies and gentlemen, good afternoon!

Today is a day of rejoicing for it marks the first step that every child must undertake to open up to
another important stage of their lives. It’s an honor to witness and to celebrate this special event
virtually because today, we will celebrate the accomplishments and academic achievements of our dear

I am Teacher Rachelle and I’ll be your host for the moving up ceremony.

It is so wonderful to have everyone gathered here virtually to share in joy and witness the convocation.
Today is very momentous day for all kindergartens who are graduating this school year 2020-2021.

Ladies and gentlemen, let us all welcome the cream of the crop of Ignite Learning Center, Morning Star
Kiddie Center, and Bright Light Academic Tutorial Centers. Let’s welcome them virtually by giving them a
round of applause.

Through an audio-visual presentation, let us all stand as we sing the NATIONAL ANTHEM.

Please remain standing for the singing of the INVOCATION.

May we all be seated.


To deliver the heartfelt OPENING REMARKS, let us watch the audio-visual presentation of the pupils
from KINDER-HOPE. Let us give them a round of applause.
Now to officially confer our candidates for completion, may I call on SCARLET NIKKI ESTRELLA,
AGNETHA VICTORIA GEONANGA, and CAEDEN VERGEL DE DIOS for the introduction of graduates.

(after of their speech)

Let’s give them a warm, round of applause please.

At this juncture, may we request our dear parents to do the honor of awarding the certificates of
completion to their child. Please wait for the name of your child to be called by their respective adviser.

Let’s now begin the awarding ceremony of the successful pupils from MORNING STAR KIDDIE CENTER

may I request MISS MA. ASUNCION CLARISSA CORTEZ to present the successful pupils from KINDER –

(end of the awarding of certificate)

Congratulations, Kinder-Faith. You are awesome. Let’s give them a round of applause.

Let us watch and enjoy the video presentation of the kindergartens from MSKC.

(end of video presentation)

At this point, BRIGHT LIGHTS ACADEMIC TUTORIAL CENTER will present the candidates for completion.

Let’s begin with KINDER-GENTLENESS, may I request TEACHER LIEZEL CABILES to please present the
successful pupils?

(end of the awarding of certificate)

Good job, Kinder-Gentleness! Congrats! Let’s give them a round of applause.

To present the successful pupils from KINDER-GOODNESS, may I call on TEACHER CARCIELINE TEJANO .

(end of the awarding of certificate)

Congratulations, Kinder-Goodness! You are amazing! Let’s give them a round of applause.

Now, let’s have TEACHER DANIEL ILAO to present successful pupils from KINDER-FAITHFULNESS and

Wow! You’re the best, Kinder Faithfulness and Kinder-Righteousness! Congratulations! Let’s give them a
round of applause.

Let us watch and enjoy the video presentation of the kindergartens from Bright Lights.
(end of video presentation)

Now, at this very moment, let me do the honor to present the successful candidates from IGNITE

My heart is overflowing with pride and joy as I present to you the best pupils of KINDER-HOPE.

(end of the awarding of certificate)

Congratulations, Kinder-Hope! You are truly amazing! Let’s give them a round of applause.

Let us watch and enjoy the video presentation of the kindergartens from Ignite Learning Center.

At this point, may I request the completers of MORNING STAR KIDDIE CENTER to please stand up for
the singing of the completion song entitled “MAKE IT HAPPEN”. I encourage the completers to sing and
dance with pride and honor.

May I call on the completers of BRIGHT LIGHTS ACADEMIC TUTORIAL CENTER to please stand up for the
singing of the completion song entitled “MAKE IT HAPPEN”. I encourage the completers to sing and
dance with pride and honor.

Lastly, may I call on the completers of IGNITE LEARNING CENTER to please stand up for the singing of
the completion song entitled “MAKE IT HAPPEN”. I encourage the completers to sing and dance with
pride and honor.

Alright, ladies and gentlemen, we have come to the end of the convocation, but before that, may I call
on DARYN CLAREL NAVARRO for her congratulatory speech and CLOSING REMARK. Let’s give her a
round of applause.

Thank you everyone. Last but not the least, parents play an important role in every child’s life because
they are their learning models. The attitude of parents towards education can inspire them and can
make them have an idea on how to take charge of their own educational journey. So now, let us give
appreciation to our parents who in one way or another support in every school activity that we had this
school year.

I hope that you have enjoyed yourself. I wish all of your happiness. Here I end my speech by saying
thank you and congratulations to our graduates.


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