Phonetics and Phonology - Mã đề 001- ĐỀ THI - K6TA1

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001 Lớp học phần: DH2_K6TA1

Thời gian: .....60....... phút

Không sử dụng tài liệu

Họ và tên:........................................................ Lớp học phần: DH2_K6TA1

Mã sinh viên:................................................... Phòng thi........... Số báo danh...........

CB chấm thi 1 CB chấm thi 2 CB coi thi 1 CB coi thi 2
Bằng Bằng (Ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (Ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (Ký, ghi rõ họ tên) (Ký, ghi rõ họ tên)
số chữ

I. Identify the phonetic features of the following consonants by giving their voicing,
place of articulation, and manner of articulation: (4 MARKS)

Number Consonants Place Manner Voicing

1 /z/ Alveolar Stop/plosive Voiced

2 /v/ Labiodental Fricative Voiced

3 /l/ Alveolar Lateral Voiced

4 /θ/ Interdental Fricative Voiceless

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5 /g/ Velar Stop/plosive Voiced

6 /dʒ/ Palatal Fricative Voiced

7 /z/ Alveolar Fricative Voiced

8 /b/ Bilabial Stop Voiced

9 /tʃ/ Palatal-alveolar Affricate Voiceless

10 /p/ Bilabial Stop/plosive Voiceless

11 /t/ Alveolar Stop Voiceless

12 /ʒ/ Palatal Fricative Voiced

13 /n/ Alveolar Nasal Voiced

14 /h/ Glottal Fricative Voiceless

15 /r/ Palatal Rhotic Voiced

16 /m/ Bilabial Nasal Voiced

17 /d/ Alveolar Fricative Voiced

18 /f/ Labiodental Fricative Voiceless

19 /ð/ Interdental Fricative Voiced

20 /k/ Velar Stop/plosive Voiceless

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II. Give the phonetic symbol for the vowel sound in each of the following words.
(1.5 MARK)

1. CUTE  ________ uː ____________

2. PROUND  ________ aʊ____________
3. FEUD  ________ uː ____________
4. BROUGHT  ________ ɔː ____________
5. EARN  ________ ɜː ____________
6. FLAX  ________ æ ____________
7. WAR  ________ ɔː ____________
8. TOWN  ________ aʊ ____________
9. THREAT  ________ e ____________
10. WOLF  ________ ʊ ____________

III. Convert the following words in the transcribed form to the normal written
form. (1.5 MARK)
1. /ˈpɪərɪəd/  _______period_____________
2. /kənˈsjuːmə/  _______consumer_____________
3. /kəmˈpəʊnənt/  _______component _____________
4. /haɪˈpɒθɪsɪs/  _______hypothesis_____________
5. /ɪksˈpəʊʒə/  _______exposure _____________
6. /ˈɪsməs /  _______isthmus _____________
7. /ˌɪgnəʊˈmɪnɪəs /  _______ignominious _____________
8. /ˈkiːnwɑː/  _______quinoa_____________
9. /ˈmɪsʧɪvəs/  _______mischievous_____________
10. /saɪˈkɒləʤɪst/  _______psychologist_____________

IV. Write out the following proverbial expressions, which are given in broad
transcription. (1 MARK)

(1) /dəʊntkraɪbɪkɒzɪtsəʊvəsmaɪlbɪkɒzɪthæpənd/

 Don’t cry because it’s over smile because it happened

(2) /ɛvriklaʊdhæzəsɪlvərlaɪnɪŋ/

 Every cloud has a silver lightning.

(3) /tuːlɪvɪzðəreərɪstθɪŋɪnðəwɜːld.məʊstpiːpl ɪgzɪstðætɪzɔːl/

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 To live is the rearest thing in the world. Most people exist that is
(4) /ɑlwɔrkændnoʊpleɪmeɪksdʒækədʌlbɔɪ/

 All word and

(5) /ɪnsænɪtiɪzduːɪŋðəseɪmθɪŋ,əʊvərændəʊvərəgɛn,bʌtɪkspɛktɪŋdɪfrəntrɪzʌlts/

 Insanity is doing the same thing, over and over again, but
expecting different results
(6) /taɪmændtaɪdweɪtfərnoʊmæn/

 time and tide wait for no man

(7) /ɪtdʌznɒtduːtuːdwɛlɒndriːmzændfəgɛttuːlɪv/

 It does not do to dwell on dream and forget to live

(8) /laɪfɪz laɪkraɪdɪŋəbaɪsɪkl.tuːkiːpjɔːbæləns,juːmʌstkiːpmuːvɪŋ/

 life is like riding

(9) /gʊdfrɛndzgʊdbʊksændəsliːpikɒnʃəns:ðɪsɪzðiaɪdɪəllaɪf/

(10) /ɛvrɪθɪŋjuːkænɪmæʤɪnɪzrɪəl/

V. Re-write the following passage from the transcribed form to the written form.
/trænsˈkrɪpʃən ɪz ðə ˈprəʊsɛs baɪ wɪʧ ði ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən ɪn ə strænd ɒv diː-ɛn-eɪ ɪz ˈkɒpid
ˈɪntuː ə njuː ˈmɒlɪkjuːl ɒv ˈmɛsɪnʤər ɑːr-ɛn-eɪ (mRNA). diː-ɛn-eɪ ˈseɪfli ænd ˈstæbli
stɔːz ʤɪˈnɛtɪk məˈtɪərɪəl ɪn ðə ˈnjuːklɪaɪ ɒv sɛlz æz ə ˈrɛfrəns, ɔː ˈtɛmplɪt. ˈmiːnˈwaɪl,
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mRNA ɪz ˈkɒmpərəbl tuː ə ˈkɒpi frɒm ə ˈrɛfrəns bʊk bɪˈkɒz ɪt ˈkæriz ðə seɪm ˌɪnfə
ˈmeɪʃən æz diː-ɛn-eɪ bʌt ɪz nɒt juːzd fɔː ˈlɒŋtɜːm ˈstɔːrɪʤ ænd kæn ˈfriːli ˈɛksɪt ðə
ˈnjuːklɪəs. ɔːlˈðəʊ ðə mRNA kənˈteɪnz ðə seɪm ˌɪnfəˈmeɪʃən, ɪt ɪz nɒt ən aɪˈdɛntɪkəl
ˈkɒpi ɒv ðə diː-ɛn-eɪ ˈsɛgmənt, bɪˈkɒz ɪts ˈsiːkwəns ɪz ˌkɒmplɪˈmɛntəri tuː ðə diː-ɛn-eɪ

 Transcription is the process by which the information in a strand of DNA is copied

into a new molecule of messenger RNA (mRNA). DNA safely and stably stores genetic
material in the new nuclei of cells as reference, or template. Meanwhile, mRNA is
comparable to a copy from a reference book because it caries the same information as
DNA but is not just for longterm storage and can freely exit the nuclei. Although the
mRNA contains the same information, it is not an identical copy of the DNA segment,
because its sequences compimentory to the DNA template.

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