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Unit 6- Money matters

In this unit you will ...
 talk about crowdfunding and giving to charity.
 read about how wealthy people have used their money.
 watch a TED Talk about using wealth responsibly.
VOCABULARY Money collocations
A  Complete the collocations with MAKE/ EARN/ DONATE.

_______EARN_____ interest

__ MAKE__________ an investment

____ EARN________ services

______ EARN______ an income

_____DONATE._______ to charity

_____ MAKE_______ a difference

B  Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words from the list.

donate       a living       a contribution       income       interest

1. In 2016, Warren Buffett _____donate_______ nearly $2.9 billion to the Bill & Melinda Gates
Foundation and other charities.
2. It can be difficult to earn __  a living__________ as a musician.
3. Many companies make _____ a contribution_______ to their employees' pension plan.
4. My mother often works overtime to earn extra ___ income_________.
5. My money earns a little _____  interest_______ from the bank.

READING: Giving something back

Whether they’re donating to disaster relief funds, education, or healthcare, these celebrity couples have
made a habit of giving their wealth away, and are inspiring many others to do the same.
She’s a Colombian pop star who has sold over 70 million albums worldwide. He’s a Spanish soccer
star with a World Cup title to his name. They met in 2010 when Piqué appeared in Shakira’s music
video for “Waka Waka (This Time for Africa)”—the official song of the 2010 FIFA World Cup—and
have been together ever since. After three years together, the couple welcomed their first son, Milan,
followed by their second little boy, Sasha, in 2015.
The birth of both children prompted the couple to give back. They set up a World Baby Shower in the
lead-up to each birth, and asked fans to send gifts to other babies around the world who were in need of
help. Both of these Baby Showers were huge successes, raising more than $200,000 for food,
medicines, and blankets. Shakira said she hoped her two boys would appreciate what she’d done and be
inspired themselves. “My hope is that by the time my sons are adults, they can look back and see how
even small efforts can have a big impact when multiplied,” she wrote in her blog.
Shakira is also a Goodwill Ambassador for UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund). In
fact, she has long been involved in promoting children’s rights. When she was only 18, Shakira set up
the Barefoot Foundation. This organization educates and feeds more than 6,000 children in Colombia
and other countries. Her charities have received donations as high as $200 million from Carlos Slim,
Mexico’s richest man, and Howard Buffett, son of American billionaire Warren Buffett.


With a net worth of $81 billion, they’re the wealthiest couple on the planet. And according
to Forbes magazine, they’re the world’s most generous as well. Bill Gates amassed billions of dollars
after Microsoft took off in 1980. Along with his wife Melinda—who was once a Microsoft employee
herself—Bill now works full-time as co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. The foundation
was set up in 1997 and works to improve healthcare, reduce poverty, and increase access to education
and information technology worldwide. One of the foundation’s primary goals is to eradicate [1] polio
worldwide by 2018. The couple practice what they preach,[2] and have traveled to hospitals and remote
villages all over the world to help those in need.
In 2006, Warren Buffett joined the cause when he pledged to give about $30 billion to the Gates
Foundation—the largest donation to charity in history. And on December 9, 2010, Gates, Buffett, and
Mark Zuckerberg—CEO of Facebook—signed the “Gates-Buffett Giving Pledge”: a promise to donate
half of their wealth to charity, and also to try to get other wealthy people to do the same.
[1] eradicate: v. to remove completely
[2] to practice what you preach: v. to do what you advise other people to do


Choose the correct answers.

a. have ties to the Buffett family 


b. have a foundation named after themselves 


c. were inspired to give back after becoming parents 


d. have donated money for education 


e. are the wealthiest couple in the world 


f. use their fame from sports and entertainment to raise awareness of children’s issues SHAKIRA



Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
 pledge
 take off
 celebrities
 poverty
 foundation
 1. Would you ___pledge________________ to give part of your wealth to help poor people?

2. They established a foundation___________________ because they wanted to give away their money.

3. It often benefits charities to have ______celebrities_____________ help spread their message.

4. George Soros's wealth is even more amazing given that he grew up in ___poverty________________.

5. He worked hard for many years before his business really began to _____take off______________ .

BILL AND MELINDA GATES are the world’s wealthiest couple and also two of its most generous
Bill and Melinda Gates’s idea worth spreading is that entrepreneurs who have succeeded in business
can use their wealth and knowledge to help deal with the world’s biggest problems.
Read the paragraph below. Highlight the correct meaning of each bold word. You will hear these words in
the TED Talk.
Many of us dream of becoming wealthy, but the most satisfying thing Bill and Melinda Gates have done is
to give their money away. Their philosophy for raising their children has been to teach them
that philanthropy is more important than money. The Gates family believes that being wealthy is a
great responsibility. Their mission is not only to give their own money away, but to encourage other
wealthy people to do the same to help make the world a more just place.

1. Something that is satisfying gives you feelings of ( calmness / pleasure  ).

2. The philosophy behind something refers to the ( ideas and attitude  / uncertainty ) behind it.

3. Philanthropy refers to the effort you put in to ( distract / help  ) other people.

4. If you have a great responsibility , you have a lot of ( power  / common sense  ).

5. A world that is more just is more ( fair  / unfair ).

A    6.8  Watch Part 1 of the TED Talk. Then answer the question.
Choose the ideas Bill and Melinda Gates would agree with.
a. Giving children a good education is more important than giving them money.
b. Children should be allowed to choose their own direction in life.
c. Wealthy people should give something back to the world.
d. Wealthy parents should limit their children's exposure to the outside world for safety reasons.
e. Wealthy people should only invest money in profitable businesses.

B     6.9  Watch Part 2 of the TED Talk. Choose the correct options.
How much of their wealth have the Gates pledged to give away?

a. $95 billion

b. 95%
2. The Gates and Warren Buffett have been trying to persuade other billionaires to donate ________
of their assets for philanthropy.

a. a quarter

b. more than half

3. How many people have taken the Giving Pledge?

a. fewer than 100 people

b. over 100 people

4. The participants of the Giving Pledge meet every year to talk about ________.

a. different ways of doing good

b. how government policies can be improved

5. According to Bill Gates, one of the best things about philanthropy is its ________.

a. diversity

b. history
6. According to Melinda Gates, what must philanthropists have to inspire change?

a. creativity and drive

b. good speaking skills

C     6.10  Guess the answers to complete the sentences below. Highlight the correct words. Then watch
Part 3 of the TED Talk and check your answers.

1. According to Bill Gates, ( the U.S.  / Canada  ) has the strongest tradition of philanthropy in the world.

2. Bill Gates is ( doubtful  / optimistic  ) that philanthropy can help solve problems governments aren't good at
working on.

3.  The interviewer, Chris Anderson, believes that the world has a terrible ( inequality  / debt  ) problem.

4.  Melinda Gates believes that the best way to address the ( inequality  / debt  ) problem is to change the
( financial  / education  ) system.

D     6.10  Watch Part 3 of the TED Talk again. Complete the sentences below summarizing Bill Gates's
pitch to other billionaires.
1. It's the most fulfilling thing he's ____ever__done______________.

2. You can't _________take _it__________ with you.

3. It's ______not good______________ for your kids.

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