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02A Career Choices

What three factors do you consider most important in choosing a career and why? Write in 1-2
complete sentences.

1.The fact that you wake up every morning, and you are happy to go to work because you love
what you do. That’s really important to me.

2.The fact that this job is well paid and you can afford what you need to be healthy and in a good
money situation.

3.The fact that my job is not taking me doesn’t take up my whole day, so I can have time to sit
down, take care of myself and my family if I have one, so I can have vacations, etc…

Make a list of three costs related to choosing one career over another.

1. Health related cost, if a career could help me fulfill this criterion more than another, I will
choose this one.

2. Everyday needs, eat, drink, sleep…

3. To be able to treat yourself to small pleasures from time to time without it being misery

Write 2-3 sentences explaining WHY a person would choose a degree that makes less money
over a degree that makes more money.

A person would choose a degree that makes less money over a degree that makes more money
because even if with this degree you would make more money, that doesn’t mean that you would
be happier in your life. I you want to choose this degree because you love it and you know that, in
the future, you will be fulfilled, then go for it! Don’t choose a degree based on how much money
it will make, but on how you know you would be happier.

Budget Reflection

1. Did you have enough money for all of your expenses?

2. What expenses did you have to cut out completely?
3. What did you have to budget for that you did not expect?
4. What did you learn from this activity?

1) If I’m considering that all the expenses are my needs, yes I have enough money for all of
them. Now, there is so many things that I want but I can’t have them because I don’t have
2.02A Career Choices
enough money, but they are not needs, so is doesn’t impact my daily life.

2) I would have liked a new wardrobe, but I know it's not much use because I know I'm going
to leave my parents soon and it would be irresponsible to buy one now.

3) In my budget, I had planned to plan the purchase of a new computer, as I mentioned in

previous assignment, because I know it’s a real cost.

4) From this activity, I’ve learned that money is a precious things that is essential in life, but
money doesn’t buy happiness, so you have to know how to dose and choose the perfect
job that brings together happiness and financial independence.

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