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Employment of New Cryptography Algorithm by the Use of Spur Gear Dimensional

Formula and NATO Phonetic Alphabet *Sukhwant Kumar1, Sudipa Bhowmik2, Priyanka
Malakar3 and Pushpita Sen 4 *1Student, Department of Mechanical Engineering JIS
College of Engineering, Block–A, Phase–III, Kalyani, Nadia–741235, West Bengal, India
*Corresponding Author Mail- 2,3 Student, Department of
Computer Applications Narula Institute of Technology, Agarpara, Kolkata,7000109 West
Bengal, India 4 Student, Department of Bio Medical Engineering JIS College of
Engineering, Block–A, Phase–III, Kalyani, Nadia–741235, West Bengal, India Abstract
Cryptography is the science of protecting data, keeping information private and secure
from unauthorized users.

In Cryptography the techniques which are used to protect information are obtained
from mathematical concepts and a set of calculations known as algorithms to convert
messages in several ways to encode it. Modern cryptography uses mathematical
equations and secret keys to encrypt and decrypt data. In this paper new approach to
cryptography algorithm is mentioned in which the equation and numerals are adopted.
This new finding is based on the unique amalgamation of mechanical concept and
traces of alphabets used in NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) phonetics

Keywords: Military Alphabets, ASCII Code, Encryption, Decryption, Outer Dimension

formula, Spur Gear, Teeth, Module, NATO, Phonetic Introduction In today’s world the
amount of theft has increased greatly. Cryptography is a method of protecting
information so that only those for whom the information is desired can read and
process it. Cryptography involves creating, writing or generating codes that allow the
information to be kept secret. In the study of cryptography, the terms plain text and
cipher text are used to describe the plain information and the resulting encrypted
message or data that results from the use of a cipher or encryption algorithm.

Encryption is the process of encoding a message or information in such a way that only
authorized person can access it and those who are not authorized they cannot.
Decryption is the process of taking encoded text or other data and converting it back
into text that the computer can understand it. Simply it is the process of converting
cipher text back to plaintext. Encryption is the process of converting plain text to cipher
text. Whereas, decryption is a process to convert cipher text into Plain text Firstly, in the
projected work, plain text converted into ASCII value.

The ASCII values are divided into two parts known as Module and Teeth. The formula of
outer diameter (Od) is - ????= ?? *(??+2) (1) After getting the values of Od, the ASCII
values are subtracted by the values of Od. In the next step we get our next values of S.
we use the condition if, (0<=??>=26) (2) *If this condition satisfies i.e., the range within
of 0 to 26, 0 will padded before the digits. Otherwise, if the S is biggest than 26, it will
consider as individual digits. After applying this condition, we compare it and get the
desired Cipher Text.

Proposed Work The section elucidates exclusively with the Flowchart of the proposed
work, followed by Key Engendering, Encryption Modus Operandi and Decryption Modus
Operandi. Fig. 1. Flow chart of Proposed Work *By Using Example - Pushpita# as plain
text. Key Engendering Step 1: Let us consider Pushpita# is Plain text. The plain text is
converted to ASCII value 1st digit from the left or 1st& 2nd if digits are three are
considered as Key 1 i.e., M. and rest is Key 2 i.e. T. *where M is module of the gear and T
is Number of Teeth of gear. Table.1.

Key Engendering table Plain Text _A (ASCII Value) _M (Module) _T (No. Teeth) _ _P _80 _8
_0 _ _u _117 _11 _7 _ _s _115 _11 _5 _ _h _104 _10 _4 _ _p _112 _11 _2 _ _i _105 _10 _5 _ _t
_116 _11 _6 _ _a _97 _9 _7 _ _# _35 _3 _5 _ _ Step 2: Key 3 i.e., Od will be generated By
Using Formula, Outer Diameter = Module*(No. of Teeth + 2). (3) Table 2.-Contd. Key
Engendering Table M (Module) _T (No. Teeth) _Od (Module*(Teeth+2)) _ _8 _0 _8*(0+2)
= 16 _ _11 _7 _11*(7+2) = 99 _ _11 _5 _11*(5+2) = 77 _ _10 _4 _10*(4+2) = 60 _ _11 _2
_11*(2+2) = 44 _ _10 _5 _10*(5+2) = 70 _ _11 _6 _11*(6+2) = 88 _ _9 _7 _9*(7+2) = 81 _
_3 _5 _3*(5+2) = 21 _ _ Encryption Step 3: Foremost important part of the process of
cryptography is encryption in this part the keys will be used to derive a newly brewed
cipher text by subtracting Qd from ASCII Value or A.

Then Compared to 0= ?? =26 (4) *If number lies in the rage zero will be employed
before the number. *If not the number will be considered as 2 numbers *The cipher text
is obtained by assigning NATO Phonetics /Military Alphabets Table.3 Encryption Table.
Plain Text _A (ASCII Value) _M (Module) _T (No. Teeth) _Od (M*(T+2)) _S (A-Od) _C = (0
= S = 26) If _ _ _Yes _No _ _P _80 _8 _0 _16 _64 _- _64 _ _u _117 _11 _7 _99 _18 _018 _- _
_s _115 _11 _5 _77 _38 _- _38 _ _h _104 _10 _4 _60 _44 _- _44 _ _p _112 _11 _2 _44 _68 _-
_68 _ _i _105 _10 _5 _70 _35 _- _35 _ _t _116 _11 _6 _88 _28 _- _28 _ _a _97 _9 _7 _81 _16
_016 _- _ _# _35 _3 _5 _21 _14 _014 _- _ _ Table 4.

Numbers – Alphabets – NATO Phonetic / Military Alphabets Conversion Chart Numbers

_Alphabet _NATO Phonetic / Military Alphabet _ _0 _--- _Zero _ _1 _A/a _Alfa _ _2 _B/b
_Bravo _ _3 _C/c _Charlie _ _4 _D/d _Delta _ _5 _E/e _Echo _ _6 _F/f _Foxtrot _ _7 _G/g
_Golf _ _8 _H/h _Hotel _ _9 _I/i _India _ _10 _J/j _Juliet _ _11 _K/k _Kilo _ _12 _L/l _Lima _
_13 _M/m _Mike _ _14 _N/n _November _ _15 _O/o _Oscar _ _16 _P/p _Papa _ _17 _Q/q
_Quebec _ _18 _R/r _Romeo _ _19 _S/s _Sierra _ _20 _T/t _Tango _ _21 _U/u _Uniform _
_22 _V/v _Victor _ _23 _W/w _Whiskey _ _24 _X/x _X-ray _ _25 _Y/y _Yankee _ _26 _Z/z
_Zulu _ _ Table.5

Cipher Text C _ 64 _018 _38 _44 _68 _35 _28 _016 _014 _ _Cipher Text _Foxtrot Delta,
Zero Romeo, Charlie Hotel, Delta Delta, Foxtrot Hotel, Charlie Echo, Bravo Hotel, Zero
Papa, Zero November _ _ Decryption Decryption is reverse methodology with exception
i.e. *Cipher text sorting will be done in a cluster of doublets, commencing either from
left or Right. *Zero occurring left of the number after the first step of sorting will be
omitted. Result Analysis In this section, the proposed work is assessed and compared
with existing works on cryptography and values are analyzed in a tabular form and
further displayed with the aid of graph.

Executable text files pertaining to encryption time and decryption time are compared
and exhibited below. Table 6. Encryption and Decryption Time Comparison Chart
_Source File _Source File _Military _AES _TDES _ _Sl. _Name _Size _(In mm. sec) _(In mm.
sec.) _(In mm. sec.) _ _ _ _(In Bytes) _Enc. _Dec. _Enc. _Dec. _Enc. _Dec. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _1
_File1.txt _2,565 _14 _15 _16 _0 _0 _16 _ _2 _File2.txt _8,282 _16 _0 _62 _0 _0 _16 _ _3
_File3.txt _26,585 _30 _14 _328 _0 _16 _0 _ _4 _File4.txt _52,852 _37 _33 _36 _13 _16 _0 _
_5 _File5.txt _82,825 _62 _31 _333 _13 _13 _16 _ _6 _File6.txt _157,848 _30 _30 _31 _32 _31
_31 _ _7 _File7.txt _343,587 _107 _75 _47 _32 _125 _141 _ _8 _File8.txt _737,157 _144 _98
_62 _48 _250 _152 _ _9 _File9.txt _782,732 _151 _159 _89 _63 _159 _215 _ _10 _File10.txt
_1,375,453 _215 _160 _89 _89 _291 _329 _ _11 _File11.txt _1,737,050 _254 _298 _94 _94
_344 _360 _ _12 _File12.txt _2,107,551 _327 _357 _109 _125 _438 _453 _ _13 _File13.txt
_2,770,747 _502 _464 _158 _235 _562 _641 _ _14 _File14.txt _3,284,377 _523 _538 _140
_156 _815 _865 _ _15 _File15.txt _3,785,411 _611 _584 _298 _313 _953 _ 1109 _ _/ Fig. 2.

Encryption and Decryption Time Comparison Graph Conclusion In this paper, a new
formula of cryptography is generated. We presented the algorithm based on ASCII
conversions, mathematical function as well as physics and mechanical engineering.
These different subjects are together form this new formula which gives a new era in
cryptographic science. In this paper the algorithm is use for encryption and decryption
data, through using ASCII value and Military Alphabets, so it is difficult to find out the
plain text. In future we will implement this work for better security for encryption and

Acknowledgment We deeply indebted to our mentor (late) Professor Dr. Rajdeep

Chowdhury for his expert guidance and keen interest throughout this study, His
inimitable exuberant style of inspiration helped me to complete this stupendous task.
Unfortunately, before completion of the present work, he left us forever. His untimely
demise left us in depression and agony which was very difficult to overcome. We pay
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