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Life science

Name: Juan Daniel Martinez ID #: al02904322

Course: Life Science
Sagrario García Barreda

Module:2 Activity: Evidence 2

Date: 3/5/2020
Bibliografy: (APA Format)
Ecosistemas marinos o oceánicos de agua salada | OVACEN. (2018, 14 abril).
Recuperado 6 marzo, 2020, de
OKDIARIO, O. K. I. D. I. A. R. I. O. (2018, 5 octubre). Conoce los mares y
océanos del mundo. Recuperado 6 marzo, 2020, de
Shweta Sachdeva, S. S. (2015, 16 noviembre). List of Amazing Sea Plants -
World's Exotic Beaches. Recuperado 6 marzo, 2020, de https://worlds-exotic-
Life Cycles. (s.f.). Recuperado 6 marzo, 2020, de
Hiroya Minakuchi, H. (2017, 29 marzo). Ballena azul. Recuperado 6 marzo,
2020, de
Life Cycle. (s.f.). Recuperado 6 marzo, 2020, de
Todd O'Brien, T. B. (s.f.). COPEPOD: What are plankton and why are they
important? Recuperado 6 marzo, 2020, de
Canvas. (s.f.). Recuperado 6 marzo, 2020, de

Life science

The saltwater also known as seawater or oceanic saltwater ecosystem they the
ecosystems where the oceans, the seas, the marshes are included ... etc.
And where in marine ecosystems water is salty and can have different grades
of soluble salts and minerals, unlike freshwater ecosystems.
They are classified within aquatic ecosystems and these means are extremely
stable for the development of life compared to any terrestrial freshwater system.
This type of marine ecosystem has a constant temperature and a water outlet
with an average order of 3.5%. Depending on the depth, the sunlight will not
arrive penetrating approximately a maximum of about 200 meters, from here,
the area considered totally dark is called the aphotic region.

Regions of the world that have a saltwater


1. Pacific Ocean

The one with the largest surface of the planet, since it has 165,700,000 km2 of
area, which corresponds approximately to one third of the earth's surface. It
contains approximately 25,000 islands; most of them are located south of the
Ecuadorian line. It is the most volcanic on the planet and there are many
earthquakes on its coasts.

2. Atlantic Ocean

The second most extensive. Its area is 82,400,000 km2 without the coastal
seas (Caribbean Sea, Mediterranean Sea, Gulf of Mexico, Norwegian Sea,
North Sea, Baltic Sea, Gulf of San Lorenzo, English Channel, Azov Sea and
Gulf of Venezuela). It occupies 20% of the planet's surface.
Life science

3. Arctic Ocean

It is the smallest in size of the oceans of our planet. It has 14,056,000 km2
between America, Europe and Asia. Its average depth is 1,500 meters and the
maximum is 5450 meters, which corresponds to the Litke chasm.

Organisms that live in this ecosystem

1. Plankton (Phytoplankton)
Life science

Many beings traditionally especially seaweed and studied as such (by

botany and especially by fiction) are part of this group. Currently, these
organisms are classified as cyanobacterial bacteria (blue-green algae) or
as protists. One of the most important groups, for its abundance and

a. Habitat to which it belongs

They feature among the plants in the Pacific Ocean along with algae, sea
grass and kelp. It is almost in every part of the oceans and seas like that
microscopic plants.

b. Lifecycle

The phases are: growth (mitotic and asexual), sexuality (meiotic),

quiescence (a sexual or asexual immobile stage with a low metabolic rate
which is popularly named cyst) and senescence (population decline and

c. Types of reproduction

Phytoplankton organisms have a wide variety of reproductive forms, which

vary according to the great diversity of species and groups in this group.
However, in broad strokes the group presents the two types of reproduction;
the asexual and the sexual.

d. Types of feeding
Life science

Phytoplankton nutrition is quite varied. However, photosynthesis is the common

factor among all the groups that make up phytoplankton. In resume, Autotrophs.

2. Blue whale (Balaenoptera musculus)

The blue whale is the largest known animal that has ever populated the Earth.
These majestic marine mammals dominate the oceans with their 30 meters in
length and up to 180 tons in weight. Only his tongue can weigh as much as an
elephant, and the heart, as a car.

a. Habitat to which it belongs

Whales only live in water, and tend to stay where it is hotter, so you will find
them near the coast in the winter months, migrating to other regions to keep
their body temperature high enough.

b. Lifecycle

The life cycle begins when the Blue Whale swims up to the warm surface of
the ocean. Next step the whale sings for a mate to mate with. The calves
are made the same way as humans and then are born in 11-12 months.
Then the baby is fed milk for 7-8 months.

c. Types of reproduction

The Blue Whale reaches sexual maturity at the age of 5 to 10 years. The
female gives birth to a baby every 2 to 3 years and the pregnancy lasts 10 to
12 months. The young are born in the winter months in warm waters of low

d. Types of feeding
Life science

They have a diet composed almost exclusively of an animal similar to a tiny

shrimp, the krill. At certain times of the year, an adult blue whale consumes
about 3.5 tons of krill per day.

1. What is the relationship between the two organisms in the ecosystem?

They live in the same ecosystem and what I could found is that the
whales eat krill and the krill eats Phytoplankton.

2. How important are the selected species in their environment?

The magnificent blue whale is endangered as a result of people's

activities in the past and today. It is on top of the food chain and it is one
of the most ancient and beautiful species in the planet.

The Phytoplankton and microbial plankton generally play the role of

capturing sunlight and recycling materials that are further transferred
throughout the food web.

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